Dr. Wei Liu was born in October 1983 and joined Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics as associate professor in April 2017. He has been focusing on the energetic and catalytic sciences through distinguished investigations in atomic structure analysis based on high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (HR-S/TEM). Inspiring progresses haven been made in the recent 5 years, including disclosing the surface alloy reconstruction of bimetallic catalyst as driven by reaction via environmental TEM (ETEM), developing a solution for structure analysis of light metals on heavy supports (e.g. Fe-CeO2) via EDS and ABF imaging combined technique, invention of gas supply system of mbar-scale pressure for ETEM reactions of high flexibility and experimental reliability, design of TEM sample transfer holder to enable the atmosphere-controlled sample transfer for the oxygen-sensitive materials. The researches has received total funds of more than 1,3 millions Yuan that evolving NSFC, equipment developing programs. Research fruits are published in 50+ SCI journals of wide readership including Nano Lett., Appl. Phys. Lett., JACS, Nanoscale et al. Multiple prizes have been awarded for the distinguished research works, including 2013 excellent doctoral dissertation of Beihang University, 2018 urgently needed talents of Dalian, 2019 CAS Youth Innovation Promotion Association. Participation in writing English version microscopy textbook for high education entitled with Progress in Nanoscale Characterization and Manipulation. Giving the lecture of TEM Methods in Catalysis Research in the national training lectures for catalysis research.
Contact Info:
E-mail: weiliu@dicp.ac.cn
Address: Bldg. 2 Xishan Lake Park of DICP,
NO 39 EnZe street GanJingZi District Dalian, P. R. China 116082.
Research Areas
1.The TEM analysis on the atomic structure of heterogeneous catalysts, e.g. structure anisotropy, atom-stacking defects, strains at interface as well as the EELS study on the configuration-related electronic status around active sites, so as to establish quantitative structure-function relationship.
2. Design of highly uniform model catalyst base on nanocrystals for the precise characterization of structure evolution during catalytic reactions by using the in situ TEM observations. The real time atomic structure reconstruction including the surface coordination, elemental distribution and migration.
3. The big data analysis of in situ TEM, developing the systematic solution to dealing with data volume at hundreds of GB or even TB scale, for the data distribution, batch processing, microscopy information distinguish and etraction.
4.The development of relevant equipment for electron microscopes, focusing on the needs of energy and environmental electron microscopy, center on the in-situ electron microscopy technology, the development of new electron microscope components, special sample stage and other key components, strengthening innovation in electron diffraction, atmosphere control, performance measurement, etc. Developing new microscopic research methods for catalytic materials.
As PhD candidate in Beihang University majored in condensed matter physics and focusing on Nanomaterial and Microstructure based on transmission electron microscopy. During this period, as exchanging scholar to Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and University of Michigan (USA) for 9 months working on focal series reconstruction TEM imaging and in situ HAADF imaging.
2. 2003.09-2007.07
Study for Bachelor Degree in department of physics in Beihang University majored in Applied Physics
Work Experience
As an Associate Professor in Advanced Electron Microscopy Center of National Lab for clean energy, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, engaged in ennergetic storage and catalysis with techniques of atom-resolved TEM/STEM imaging, in situ electron microscopy methodology as well as combined devolopment and innovation of new devices and instruments around electron microscope.
2. 2013.11-2017.03
As an Associate Professor in school of physical electronics University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Research interests focus on growth and microscopy analysis of heterogenous nanostructures, irradiation sensitive metastable materials for energetic and catalytic applications. (2015.07-2016.08 Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan, conduting researches on atomic structure of nanocatalyst based on electron microscope)
3. 2012.06-2013.10
As a Lecturer in department of physics Sichuan University. Research work involves TEM characterizaiton of functional oxides, semiconductors for photoelectric applications, sensors.
Teaching Experience
Two years teaching exprience for Colleage Courses for undergraduate students, including Colleage Physics, Therotical Physics, and Thermal Dynamics and Stastical Physics.
[1] Liu, S. H.,# Xu, H.,# Liu, D. D., Yu, H., Zhang, F., Zhang, P., Zhang, R. L., Liu, W.* Identify the Activity Origin of Pt Single-Atom Catalyst via Atom-by-Atom Counting. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, 15243-15249 (2021).
[2] Liu, S., Xu, C., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Q., Yao, L., Liu, W.* Precisely identify the geometry of catalyst particles from S/TEM images via a boundary attention deep learning network. Material Today Communications 28 102728 (2021).
[3] Zhang, X.#, Han, S.#, Zhu, B. #, Zhang, G. #, Li, X., Gao, Y.*, Wu, Z., Yang, B.*, Liu, Y., Baaziz, W., Ersen, O., Gu, M.*, Miller, J. T.& Liu, W.* Reversible loss of core–shell structure for Ni–Au bimetallic nanoparticles during CO2 hydrogenation. Nature Catalysis 3, 411-417 (2020).
[4] Piao, Y.,# Jiang, Q.,# Li, H., Matsumoto, H., Liang, J., Liu, W.,* Pham-Huu, C., Liu, Y.,* Wang, F.,* ACS Catalysis 10, 7894-7906 (2020) (Cover artwork)
[5] Liu, W.#, Wang, N. #, Wang, R. M.*, Kumar, S., Duesberg, S. G., Zhang, H. Z.*& Sun, K. Atom-Resolved Evidence of Anisotropic Growth in ZnS Nanotetrapods. Nano Letters 11, 2983-2989 (2011).
1.一种用于硼烷氨制氢的NiAu纳米催化剂的制备方法, 发明, 2016, 第 1 作者, 专利号: 201610934855.0
2.苏党生,张晓奔,吴兆萱,杨冰,刘伟。Ni@Au 核壳型纳米催化剂及其合成与应用,中国发明专利,申请号:201810840687.8
Research Interests
Electron microscopy has served as unique methodology in directly observing materials at nano- or even atomic scale. Particularly, a modern transmission electron microscope has evolved into a delicate integration platform facilitating materials researches from structural characterization to final property measurement. Deeply rooted in nanotechnology, demands from catalysis study have been driving the emergence of diverse cutting edge technologies of electron microscopy, e.g. aberration correction TEM, environmental TEM of gas and liquid phases. Practical EM techniques of TEM and STEM, especially on those adapted for catalysis researches are in scope of what we are interested in, for example, STEM imaging of metal-oxide hybrid structrues, expecially for those light metal atoms supported by heavy oxides that chanllenges the projection imaging system, localized electronic structure diversity around catalytically active metal and the interface between metal and oxide supports, dynamic tracing the evolution of surface active phase when a reaction takes place, together with the effcient data analysis of Big data yielded from in situ TEM techniques, design and fabrication of new functional device or instument around the electron microscope et al., whole content of which could be denoted as the in situ methodology.
Focusing on catalysis research based on advance electron microscopy techniques, close collaborations are established with top-level experts distinguished in aspects of X-ray absorbtion specstroscopy, in situ electron microsocpy, therotical simulation of surface chemical reactions, nanostructure fabrication and electrochemistry et al. including Prof. Jeff T. Miller from Purdue University, Prof. Guanghui Zhang from Dalian University of Technology, Prof. Yi Gao from Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Prof. Bin Liu from Nayyang Technological University.
张殿宇 硕士研究生 085204-材料工程
张晓奔 博士研究生 070304-物理化学
赵峭 博士研究生 080501-材料物理与化学
韩荣荣 博士研究生 080501-材料物理与化学
张帆 博士研究生 070304-物理化学
Honors & Distinctions
Awards for 2013 excellent doctoral dissertation of Beihang University, 2018 urgently needed talents of Dalian, 2018 urgently needed talents of Dalian, 2019 CAS Youth Innovation Promotion Association