
Dongbin WEI , PhD
Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS
Telephone: 010-62849441
Mobile phone:
Address: 18 Shuangqing Road
Haidian District
Postcode: 100085
Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS
Telephone: 010-62849441
Mobile phone:
Address: 18 Shuangqing Road
Haidian District
Postcode: 100085
Research Areas
Environmental Sciences
He got his Doctorate Degree in School of Environment, Nanjing University in 2001.
Work Experience
He conducted his post-doctoral research respectively in Department of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tsinghua University and Graduate School of Environment and Information Science of Yokohama National University of Japan from 2001 to 2006. He started his new research career as an associate professor in the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences since October, 2006.
1. Wei Dongbin, Tan Zhuowei, Du Yuguo. A biological safety evaluation on reclaimed water reused as scenic water by using a bioassay battery. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2011, 23(in press):.
2. Yuan Fang, Hu Chun, Hu Xuexiang, Wei Dongbin, Chen Yong, Qu Jiuhui. Photodegradation and toxicity changes of antibiotics in UV and UV/H2O2 process. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011, 185: 1256-1263.
3. Zhang Yu, Wei Dongbin, Huang Rongde, Yang Min, Zhang Shujun, Dou,Xiaomin Wang Dongsheng, Vimonses Vipasiri. Binding mechanisms and QSAR modeling of aromatic pollutant biosorption on Penicillium oxalicum biomass. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2011, 166: 624-630.
4. Jin Xinglong, Wang Xiaoyan, Zhang Hongmei, Xia Qing, Wei Dongbin, Yue Junjie. Influence of Solution Conductivity on Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis, Plasma Chem Plasma Process. 2010, 30: 429-436.
5. Wang Zuwei, Zeng Xiangfeng, Yu Xiaoman, Wei Dongbin. Influence of inorganic salts on cadmium adsorption by montmorillonite and illite in alkaline conditions. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences. 2010, 15
6. Zhang Hua, Qu Jiuhui, Liu Huijuan, Wei Dongbin. Characterization of dissolved organic matter fractions and its relationship with the disinfection by-product formation. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2009, 21(1): 54-61.
7. Wei Dongbin, Lin Zhifen, Kameya Takashi, Urano Kohei, Du Yuguo. Application of biological safety index in two Japanese watersheds using a bioassay battery. Chemosphere. 2008, 72(9):1303-1308.
8. Wei Dongbin, Kameya Takashi, Urano Kohei. Environmental management of pesticidal POPs in China: Past, present and future. Environment International. 2007, 33:894-902.
9. Wei Dongbin, Kisuno Akira, Kameya Takashi, Urano Kohei, A new method for evaluating biological safety of environmental water with algae, daphnia and fish toxicity ranks, Science of the Total Environment, 2006, 371(1-3):383-390.
10. Wei Dongbin, Wang Lisha, Wei Jie, Hu Hongying, Toxicity screening and evaluating in chlorination disinfection of wastewater reclamation processes, Water Science and Technology, 2006, 53(9):239-246.
11. Wei Dongbin, Wang Lisha, Wei Jie, Hu Hongying, Effects of Chlorine Disinfection on Toxicity Formation in Reclaimed Water, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2006, 76(2):226-232.
12. Wang Lisha, Wei Dongbin, Wei Jie, Hu Hongying, Screening and Estimating of Toxicity Formation with Photobacterium Bioassay During Chlorine Disinfection of Wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 141:289-294.
13. Wei Dongbin, Zhai Lihua, Dong Chunhong, Hu Hongying, QSARS-based toxicity classification and prediction for single and mixed aromatic compounds, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 2004, 15(3): 207-216.
14. Lin Zhifen, Wei Dongbin, Wang Xiaodong, Yin Kedong, Zhao Di, Chemical-chemical interaction between cyanogenic toxicants and aldehydes: a mechanism-based QSAR approach to assess the toxicological joint effects, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. 2004, 15(2):127-138.
15. Wei Dongbin, Wang Liansheng, Lin Zhifen, Hu Hongying,. QSPR Prediction of Three Partition Properties for Phenylacrylates, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2003, 26(13):2065-2082.
16. Wei Dongbin, Wu Chunde, Wang Liansheng, Hu Hongying, QSPR-based prediction of adsorption of halogenated aromatics on yellow-brown soil, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 2003, 14(3): 191 – 198.
17. Wu Chunde, Wei Dongbin, Hu G. P., Wang Liansheng, Estimation of the Sorption of Substituted Aromatic Compounds onto Modified Clay, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2003, 70(3):513 – 519.
18. Wei Dongbin, Hu Hong-Ying, Hiramoto Kosei, Fujie Koichi, Novel Prediction Methods for Electrochemical Reduction Characteristics of Chlorinated Aromatics Based on Their Molecular Structures, Chemistry Letter, 2002, (4):456-457.
19. Wei Dongbin, Tan Yongrui, Liu Xinhui, Wang Liansheng, Hu Hong-Ying, Partition properties of 18 polychlorinated organic compounds (pcocs): correlation with molecular structural descriptors, Journal of Liquid Chromatographic & Related Techniques, 2002, 25(4):627-637.
20. Wu Chunde, Wei Dongbin, Liu Xinhui, Wang Liansheng, Evaluation of three models for predicting newly determined octanol-water partition coefficients and mechanisms for substituted aromatic compounds, Water Environ Res., 2002, 74 (3): 242-247.
21. Lin Zhifen, Yu Hongxia, Wei Dongbin, Wang Gehui, Feng Jianfang, Wang Liansheng, Prediction of mixture toxicity with its total hydrophobicity, Chemosphere, 2002, 46 (2): 305-310.
22. Wei Dongbin, Zhang Aiqian, Wei Zhongbo, Han Shuokui, Wang Liansheng, .A case study of logistic QSAR modeling methods and robustness tests, Ecotoxicological Environmental Safe 2002, 52 (2):143-149.
23. Wei Dongbin, Zhang Aiqian, Han Shuokui, Wang Liansheng, Joint QSAR analysis using the Free-Wilson approach and quantum chemical parameters, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 2001, 12 (5): 471-479.
24. Wei Dongbin, Zhang Aiqian, Wu Chunde, Han Shuokui, Wang Liansheng. Progressive Study and Robustness Test of QSAR Model Based on Quantum Chemical Parameters for Predicting BCF of Selected Polychlorinated Organic Compounds (PCOCs), Chemosphere, 2001, 44(6):1421-1428.
25. Wei Dongbin, Wu Chunde, Zhang Aiqian, Liu Xinhui, Wei Zhongbo, Wang Liansheng, Determination and QSPR Research on Aqueous Solubility and n-Octanol/water Partition Coefficient of Phenylacrylates, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 2001, 67(3):392-398.
26. Wu Chunde, Wei Dongbin, Fan Jjichu, Wang Liansheng, Photosono-chemical degradation of trichloroacetic acid in aqueous solution, Chemosphere, 2001, 44 (5): 1293-1297.
27. Wu Chunde, Wei Dongbin, Liu Xinhui, Wang Liansheng, Estimation of the sorption of substituted aromatic compounds on the sediment of the Yangtse River, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 2001, 66 (6): 777-783.
28. Liu Xinhui, Wei Dongbin, Wu Chunde, Han Shuokui, Wang Liansheng, Correlation of reversed-phase retention factors for alpha-branched phenylsulfonyl acetates with octanol/water partition coefficients and quantum chemical descriptors, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2001, 67 (2):187-194.
29. Wu Chunde, Liu Xinhui, Wei Dongbin, Fan Jinchu, Wang Liansheng, Photosonochemical degradation of phenol in water, Water Research, 2001, 35 (16): 3927-3933.
30. Chen Hui, Wei Dongbin, An Taicheng, Fang Yanjun, The determination of Mn(II) in water by reversed flow injection spectrophotometry, Analytical Letter, 1999, 32 (4): 787-797.
31. He Yufeng, Wei Dongbin, Chen Hui, A new synthesis of meso-tetra[4- (carboxymethylenoxy) phenyl] porphyrin, Synthetic Communication, 1998, 28 (15): 2843-2849.
32. Chen Hui, Wei Dongbin, Wang Shuyan, Zhu Mingyang, Liu Zhaochang, Removal of benzene homologous compounds with chlorine dioxide, Journal of Environmental Science, 1996,8(3):321-327.
2. Yuan Fang, Hu Chun, Hu Xuexiang, Wei Dongbin, Chen Yong, Qu Jiuhui. Photodegradation and toxicity changes of antibiotics in UV and UV/H2O2 process. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011, 185: 1256-1263.
3. Zhang Yu, Wei Dongbin, Huang Rongde, Yang Min, Zhang Shujun, Dou,Xiaomin Wang Dongsheng, Vimonses Vipasiri. Binding mechanisms and QSAR modeling of aromatic pollutant biosorption on Penicillium oxalicum biomass. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2011, 166: 624-630.
4. Jin Xinglong, Wang Xiaoyan, Zhang Hongmei, Xia Qing, Wei Dongbin, Yue Junjie. Influence of Solution Conductivity on Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis, Plasma Chem Plasma Process. 2010, 30: 429-436.
5. Wang Zuwei, Zeng Xiangfeng, Yu Xiaoman, Wei Dongbin. Influence of inorganic salts on cadmium adsorption by montmorillonite and illite in alkaline conditions. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences. 2010, 15
6. Zhang Hua, Qu Jiuhui, Liu Huijuan, Wei Dongbin. Characterization of dissolved organic matter fractions and its relationship with the disinfection by-product formation. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2009, 21(1): 54-61.
7. Wei Dongbin, Lin Zhifen, Kameya Takashi, Urano Kohei, Du Yuguo. Application of biological safety index in two Japanese watersheds using a bioassay battery. Chemosphere. 2008, 72(9):1303-1308.
8. Wei Dongbin, Kameya Takashi, Urano Kohei. Environmental management of pesticidal POPs in China: Past, present and future. Environment International. 2007, 33:894-902.
9. Wei Dongbin, Kisuno Akira, Kameya Takashi, Urano Kohei, A new method for evaluating biological safety of environmental water with algae, daphnia and fish toxicity ranks, Science of the Total Environment, 2006, 371(1-3):383-390.
10. Wei Dongbin, Wang Lisha, Wei Jie, Hu Hongying, Toxicity screening and evaluating in chlorination disinfection of wastewater reclamation processes, Water Science and Technology, 2006, 53(9):239-246.
11. Wei Dongbin, Wang Lisha, Wei Jie, Hu Hongying, Effects of Chlorine Disinfection on Toxicity Formation in Reclaimed Water, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2006, 76(2):226-232.
12. Wang Lisha, Wei Dongbin, Wei Jie, Hu Hongying, Screening and Estimating of Toxicity Formation with Photobacterium Bioassay During Chlorine Disinfection of Wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 141:289-294.
13. Wei Dongbin, Zhai Lihua, Dong Chunhong, Hu Hongying, QSARS-based toxicity classification and prediction for single and mixed aromatic compounds, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 2004, 15(3): 207-216.
14. Lin Zhifen, Wei Dongbin, Wang Xiaodong, Yin Kedong, Zhao Di, Chemical-chemical interaction between cyanogenic toxicants and aldehydes: a mechanism-based QSAR approach to assess the toxicological joint effects, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. 2004, 15(2):127-138.
15. Wei Dongbin, Wang Liansheng, Lin Zhifen, Hu Hongying,. QSPR Prediction of Three Partition Properties for Phenylacrylates, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2003, 26(13):2065-2082.
16. Wei Dongbin, Wu Chunde, Wang Liansheng, Hu Hongying, QSPR-based prediction of adsorption of halogenated aromatics on yellow-brown soil, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 2003, 14(3): 191 – 198.
17. Wu Chunde, Wei Dongbin, Hu G. P., Wang Liansheng, Estimation of the Sorption of Substituted Aromatic Compounds onto Modified Clay, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2003, 70(3):513 – 519.
18. Wei Dongbin, Hu Hong-Ying, Hiramoto Kosei, Fujie Koichi, Novel Prediction Methods for Electrochemical Reduction Characteristics of Chlorinated Aromatics Based on Their Molecular Structures, Chemistry Letter, 2002, (4):456-457.
19. Wei Dongbin, Tan Yongrui, Liu Xinhui, Wang Liansheng, Hu Hong-Ying, Partition properties of 18 polychlorinated organic compounds (pcocs): correlation with molecular structural descriptors, Journal of Liquid Chromatographic & Related Techniques, 2002, 25(4):627-637.
20. Wu Chunde, Wei Dongbin, Liu Xinhui, Wang Liansheng, Evaluation of three models for predicting newly determined octanol-water partition coefficients and mechanisms for substituted aromatic compounds, Water Environ Res., 2002, 74 (3): 242-247.
21. Lin Zhifen, Yu Hongxia, Wei Dongbin, Wang Gehui, Feng Jianfang, Wang Liansheng, Prediction of mixture toxicity with its total hydrophobicity, Chemosphere, 2002, 46 (2): 305-310.
22. Wei Dongbin, Zhang Aiqian, Wei Zhongbo, Han Shuokui, Wang Liansheng, .A case study of logistic QSAR modeling methods and robustness tests, Ecotoxicological Environmental Safe 2002, 52 (2):143-149.
23. Wei Dongbin, Zhang Aiqian, Han Shuokui, Wang Liansheng, Joint QSAR analysis using the Free-Wilson approach and quantum chemical parameters, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 2001, 12 (5): 471-479.
24. Wei Dongbin, Zhang Aiqian, Wu Chunde, Han Shuokui, Wang Liansheng. Progressive Study and Robustness Test of QSAR Model Based on Quantum Chemical Parameters for Predicting BCF of Selected Polychlorinated Organic Compounds (PCOCs), Chemosphere, 2001, 44(6):1421-1428.
25. Wei Dongbin, Wu Chunde, Zhang Aiqian, Liu Xinhui, Wei Zhongbo, Wang Liansheng, Determination and QSPR Research on Aqueous Solubility and n-Octanol/water Partition Coefficient of Phenylacrylates, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 2001, 67(3):392-398.
26. Wu Chunde, Wei Dongbin, Fan Jjichu, Wang Liansheng, Photosono-chemical degradation of trichloroacetic acid in aqueous solution, Chemosphere, 2001, 44 (5): 1293-1297.
27. Wu Chunde, Wei Dongbin, Liu Xinhui, Wang Liansheng, Estimation of the sorption of substituted aromatic compounds on the sediment of the Yangtse River, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 2001, 66 (6): 777-783.
28. Liu Xinhui, Wei Dongbin, Wu Chunde, Han Shuokui, Wang Liansheng, Correlation of reversed-phase retention factors for alpha-branched phenylsulfonyl acetates with octanol/water partition coefficients and quantum chemical descriptors, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2001, 67 (2):187-194.
29. Wu Chunde, Liu Xinhui, Wei Dongbin, Fan Jinchu, Wang Liansheng, Photosonochemical degradation of phenol in water, Water Research, 2001, 35 (16): 3927-3933.
30. Chen Hui, Wei Dongbin, An Taicheng, Fang Yanjun, The determination of Mn(II) in water by reversed flow injection spectrophotometry, Analytical Letter, 1999, 32 (4): 787-797.
31. He Yufeng, Wei Dongbin, Chen Hui, A new synthesis of meso-tetra[4- (carboxymethylenoxy) phenyl] porphyrin, Synthetic Communication, 1998, 28 (15): 2843-2849.
32. Chen Hui, Wei Dongbin, Wang Shuyan, Zhu Mingyang, Liu Zhaochang, Removal of benzene homologous compounds with chlorine dioxide, Journal of Environmental Science, 1996,8(3):321-327.
Research Interests
Mechanisms of Environmental Processes and Toxicological Assessment on Emerging Organic Pollutants
Which includes:
(1) Environmental behaviors and transformation mechanisms of emerging organic pollutants
(2) Toxicity and toxicology assessment of emerging organic pollutants
(3) Risk assessment on reclamation and reuse of wastewater
Which includes:
(1) Environmental behaviors and transformation mechanisms of emerging organic pollutants
(2) Toxicity and toxicology assessment of emerging organic pollutants
(3) Risk assessment on reclamation and reuse of wastewater
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