
万书勤 女 硕导 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所
电子邮件: wansq@igsnrr.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲11号
邮政编码: 100101
电子邮件: wansq@igsnrr.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲11号
邮政编码: 100101
2003-09--2006-07 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 博士
2000-09--2003-07 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 硕士
1996-09--2000-06 中国农业大学 学士
2000-09--2003-07 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 硕士
1996-09--2000-06 中国农业大学 学士
2000年9月—2003年7月,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室,硕士,自然地理学专业
2003年9月—2006年6月,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室,博士,自然地理学专业
2009-08~现在, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 副研究员
2006-09~2009-07,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 助理研究员
2003-09~2006-07,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 博士
2000-09~2003-07,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 硕士
1996-09~2000-06,中国农业大学, 学士
2006-09~2009-07,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 助理研究员
2003-09~2006-07,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 博士
2000-09~2003-07,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 硕士
1996-09~2000-06,中国农业大学, 学士
( 1 ) 盐碱地咸水滴灌枸杞栽培方法, 发明, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: ZL200910074073.4
( 2 ) 一种苏打盐碱地羊草直播方法, 发明, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: ZL200910074074.9
( 3 ) 一种重度盐碱地滴灌树木栽植方法, 发明, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: ZL200910074072.X
( 4 ) 一种盐碱地负压计使用方法, 发明, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 200910075194.0
( 5 ) 一种滨海盐碱地滴灌绿化造林方法, 发明, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 200910263925.4
( 2 ) 一种苏打盐碱地羊草直播方法, 发明, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: ZL200910074074.9
( 3 ) 一种重度盐碱地滴灌树木栽植方法, 发明, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: ZL200910074072.X
( 4 ) 一种盐碱地负压计使用方法, 发明, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 200910075194.0
( 5 ) 一种滨海盐碱地滴灌绿化造林方法, 发明, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 200910263925.4
(1) Response of a salt-sensitive plant to processes of soil reclamation in two saline-sodic, coastal soils using drip irrigation with saline water, Agricultural Water Management, 2016, 第 3 作者
(2) Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) growth and ion accumulation under irrigation with waters of different salt contents., Agricultural Water Management, 2016, 通讯作者
(3) Response of Symphyotrichum novi-belgii and Dianthus chinensis L. to saline water irrigation in a coastal saline soil, Scientia Horticulturae, 2016, 第 3 作者
(4) Influence of mulches on urban vegetation construction in coastal saline land under drip irrigation in North China, Agriculture Water Management, 2015, 通讯作者
(5) Effects of Water Application Intensity of Microsprinkler irrigation on Water and Salt Environment and Crop Growth in coastal saline soils, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2015, 第 3 作者
(6) Evaluation of methods of nutrient and watermanagement on tea performance and nutrientloss in the Danjiangkou Reservoir area, China., Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2015, 第 3 作者
(7) A vegetation reconstruction method to plant Sedum spectabile Boreau using drip-irrigation with saline water on a coastal saline soil in region around Bohai Gulf, Paddy and Water Environment, 2015, 第 3 作者
(8) First and Second-Year Assessments of a Rapid Reconstruction and Re-vegetation Method for Reclaiming Two Saline-Sodic, Coastal Soils with Drip-Irrigation, Ecological Engineering, 2015, 第 3 作者
(9) A simple method for determining the emitter discharge rate in the reclamation of coastal saline soil using drip irrigation, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 2015, 第 3 作者
(10) Effect of drip-irrigation with saline water on Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) during reclamation of very heavy coastal saline soil in a field trial, Scientia Horticulturae, 2015, 第 3 作者
(11) Reclamation of very heavy coastal saline soil using drip irrigation with saline water on salt sensitive plants, Soil and Tillage Research, 2015, 第 3 作者
(12) Effects of different drip irrigation regimes on saline sodic soil nutrients and cotton yield in an arid region of Northwest China, Agricultural Water Management., 2015, 第 3 作者
(13) Assessment of secondary soil salinity prevention and economic benefit under different drip line placement and irrigation regime in northwest China, Agricultural Water Management, 2014, 第 2 作者
(14) Influence of Microsprinkler Irrigation Amount on Water, Soil, and pH Profiles in a Coastal Saline Soil, The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 第 3 作者
(15) Urease activity and its relationships to soil physiochemical properties in a highly saline-sodic soil, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2014, 第 3 作者
(16) Growth and yield of oleic sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under drip irrigation in very strongly saline soils, Irrigation Science, 2013, 第 1 作者
(17) Drip irrigation for waxy corn (Zea mays L. var. ceratina Kulesh) production in very strongly saline conditions, Agricultural Water Management, 2012, 第 1 作者
(18) Effect of saline water on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) yield and water use under drip irrigation in North China, Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 第 1 作者
(19) 华北半湿润地区微咸水灌溉对番茄生长和产量的影响, 农业工程学报, 2008, 第 1 作者
(20) 华北半湿润地区微咸水滴灌番茄耗水量和土壤盐分变化, 农业工程学报, 2008, 第 1 作者
(21) Effect of drip irrigation with saline water on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) yield and water use in semi-humid area, Agricultural Water Management, 2007, 第 1 作者
(2) Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) growth and ion accumulation under irrigation with waters of different salt contents., Agricultural Water Management, 2016, 通讯作者
(3) Response of Symphyotrichum novi-belgii and Dianthus chinensis L. to saline water irrigation in a coastal saline soil, Scientia Horticulturae, 2016, 第 3 作者
(4) Influence of mulches on urban vegetation construction in coastal saline land under drip irrigation in North China, Agriculture Water Management, 2015, 通讯作者
(5) Effects of Water Application Intensity of Microsprinkler irrigation on Water and Salt Environment and Crop Growth in coastal saline soils, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2015, 第 3 作者
(6) Evaluation of methods of nutrient and watermanagement on tea performance and nutrientloss in the Danjiangkou Reservoir area, China., Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2015, 第 3 作者
(7) A vegetation reconstruction method to plant Sedum spectabile Boreau using drip-irrigation with saline water on a coastal saline soil in region around Bohai Gulf, Paddy and Water Environment, 2015, 第 3 作者
(8) First and Second-Year Assessments of a Rapid Reconstruction and Re-vegetation Method for Reclaiming Two Saline-Sodic, Coastal Soils with Drip-Irrigation, Ecological Engineering, 2015, 第 3 作者
(9) A simple method for determining the emitter discharge rate in the reclamation of coastal saline soil using drip irrigation, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 2015, 第 3 作者
(10) Effect of drip-irrigation with saline water on Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) during reclamation of very heavy coastal saline soil in a field trial, Scientia Horticulturae, 2015, 第 3 作者
(11) Reclamation of very heavy coastal saline soil using drip irrigation with saline water on salt sensitive plants, Soil and Tillage Research, 2015, 第 3 作者
(12) Effects of different drip irrigation regimes on saline sodic soil nutrients and cotton yield in an arid region of Northwest China, Agricultural Water Management., 2015, 第 3 作者
(13) Assessment of secondary soil salinity prevention and economic benefit under different drip line placement and irrigation regime in northwest China, Agricultural Water Management, 2014, 第 2 作者
(14) Influence of Microsprinkler Irrigation Amount on Water, Soil, and pH Profiles in a Coastal Saline Soil, The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 第 3 作者
(15) Urease activity and its relationships to soil physiochemical properties in a highly saline-sodic soil, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2014, 第 3 作者
(16) Growth and yield of oleic sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under drip irrigation in very strongly saline soils, Irrigation Science, 2013, 第 1 作者
(17) Drip irrigation for waxy corn (Zea mays L. var. ceratina Kulesh) production in very strongly saline conditions, Agricultural Water Management, 2012, 第 1 作者
(18) Effect of saline water on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) yield and water use under drip irrigation in North China, Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 第 1 作者
(19) 华北半湿润地区微咸水灌溉对番茄生长和产量的影响, 农业工程学报, 2008, 第 1 作者
(20) 华北半湿润地区微咸水滴灌番茄耗水量和土壤盐分变化, 农业工程学报, 2008, 第 1 作者
(21) Effect of drip irrigation with saline water on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) yield and water use in semi-humid area, Agricultural Water Management, 2007, 第 1 作者
( 1 ) 马铃薯喷、滴灌水肥耦合和精确施肥灌溉技术集成研究, 主持, 国家级, 2012-01--2016-12
( 2 ) 滨海盐碱地常规绿化植被筛选与原土构建技术, 主持, 国家级, 2013-01--2016-12
( 3 ) 小麦玉米微灌节水技术, 主持, 国家级, 2013-01--2017-12
( 4 ) 龟裂碱土型盐碱地生态高效农业技术集成与示范, 主持, 部委级, 2012-01--2015-12
( 5 ) 玉米大型喷灌水肥一体化施控技术与装备, 主持, 国家级, 2014-01--2018-12
( 6 ) 西北盐碱地生态恢复关键技术研究与示范, 主持, 国家级, 2014-01--2018-12
( 2 ) 滨海盐碱地常规绿化植被筛选与原土构建技术, 主持, 国家级, 2013-01--2016-12
( 3 ) 小麦玉米微灌节水技术, 主持, 国家级, 2013-01--2017-12
( 4 ) 龟裂碱土型盐碱地生态高效农业技术集成与示范, 主持, 部委级, 2012-01--2015-12
( 5 ) 玉米大型喷灌水肥一体化施控技术与装备, 主持, 国家级, 2014-01--2018-12
( 6 ) 西北盐碱地生态恢复关键技术研究与示范, 主持, 国家级, 2014-01--2018-12
白珊珊 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
汪然 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
董世德 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
韩晓宇 硕士研究生 095110-农村与区域发展