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1. E. Vicentini, A. Rosina, M. Nobis, F. Canella, Y. Wang, P. Laporta, G. Galzerano, High-resolution direct-comb spectrometer at 2.4 μm, IL NUOVO CIMENTO 45C, 86 (2022).
2. Y. Wang, F. Fleming, R. A. McCracken, C. Lieberg, S. McDaniel, G. Cook, P. Laporta, A. K. Kar and G. Galzerano, Ultrafast hot-isostatic-pressed Cr:ZnSe laser at 2.4 µm, Optics & Laser Technology 154, 108300 (2022).
3. Y. Wang, T. Fernandez, P. Tang, N. Coluccelli, S. D. Jackson, M. C. Falconi, F. Prudenzano, P. Laporta, G. Galzerano, Mid-IR tunable CW and passively Q-switched laser operation of Dy-doped fluoride fiber, Optical Materials Express 12, 1502 (2022).
4. P. Tang, Y. Wang, E. Vicentini, F. Canella, L. M. Molteni, N. Coluccelli, P. Laporta, and G. Galzerano, Single-frequency Dy:ZBLAN fiber laser tunable in the wavelength range from 2.925 to 3.250 μm, Journal of Lightwave Technology 40, 2489 (2022).
5. V. Pelgrin, Y. Wang, J. Peltier, C. Alonso-Ramos, L. Vivien, Z. Sun, E. Cassan, Boosting the SiN nonlinear photonic platform with 2D transition metal dichalcogenide materials, Optics Letters 47, 734-737 (2022). # Editor's Pick
6. Y. Wang, V. Pelgrin, S. Gyger, G. Md Uddin, X. Bai, C. Lafforgue, L. Vivien, K.D. Jöns, E. Cassan, Z. Sun, Enhancing Si3N4 Waveguide Nonlinearity with Heterogeneous Integration of Few-Layer WS2, ACS Photonics 8, 2713 (2021).
7. Y. Wang, K. D. Jöns, Z. Sun, Integrated photon-pair sources with nonlinear optics, Applied Physics Reviews 8, 011314 (2021). # Featured
8. E. Vicentini, A. Gambetta, N. Coluccelli, Y. Wang, P. Laporta, G. Galzerano, Direct-frequency-comb spectroscopy by a scanning Fabry-Pérot microcavity resonator, Physical Review A 102, 033510 (2020).
9. S. O. Leonov, Y. Wang, V. S. Shiryaev, G. E. Snopatin, B. S. Stepanov, V. G. Plotnichenko, E. Vicentini, A. Gambetta, N. Coluccelli, C. Svelto, P. Laporta, G. Galzerano, Coherent mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in tapered suspended-core As39Se61 fibers pumped by a few-optical-cycle Cr:ZnSe laser, Optics Letters 45, 1346 (2020).
10. E. Vicentini, Y. Wang, D. Gatti, A. Gambetta, P. Laporta, G. Galzerano, K. Curtis, K. McEwan, C. R. Howle, N. Coluccelli, Nonlinear pulse compression to 22 fs at 15.6 µJ by an all-solid-state multipass approach, Optics Express 28, 4541 (2020).
11. Y. Wang, F. Jobin, S. Duval, V. Fortin, P. Laporta, M. Bernier, G. Galzerano and R. Vallée, Ultrafast Dy3+:fluoride fiber laser beyond 3 µm, Optics Letters 44, 395 (2019). # Spotlight on Optics
12. V. Bharadwaj, Y. Wang, T.T. Fernandez, R. Ramponi, S.M. Eaton and G. Galzerano, Femtosecond laser written diamond waveguides-a step towards integrated photonics in the far infrared, Optical Materials 85, 183-185 (2018).
13. E. Vicentini, A. Gambetta, N. Coluccelli, E. Fasci, A. Castrillo, L. Gianfrani, V. Di Sarno, P. Maddaloni, A. Ceausu-Velcescu, P. De Natale, Y. Wang, T.T. Fernandez, P. Laporta, G. Galzerano, Rovibrational fine structure and transition dipole moment of CF3H by frequency-comb-assisted saturated spectroscopy at 8.6 μm, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 217, 373-379 (2018).
14. A. Gambetta, E. Vicentini, N. Coluccelli, Y. Wang, T.T. Fernandez, P. Maddaloni, P. De Natale, A. Castrillo, L. Gianfrani, P. Laporta and G. Galzerano, Versatile Mid-Infrared Frequency-Comb referenced sub-Doppler spectrometer, APL Photonics 3(4), 046103 (2018). # Featured # Scilight
15. Y. Wang, T. T. Fernandez, N. Coluccelli, A. Gambetta, P. Laporta and G. Galzerano, 47-fs Kerr-lens mode-locked Cr2+:ZnSe laser with high spectral purity, Optics Express 25, 25193 (2017).
16. T. T. Fernandez, M. Tarabrin, Y. Wang, V. A. Lazarev, S. O. Leonov, V. E. Karasik, Y. V. Korostelin, M. P. Frolov, Y. P. Podmarkov, Y. K. Skasyrsky, V. I. Kozlovsky, C. Svelto, P. Maddaloni, N. Coluccelli, P. Laporta and G. Galzerano, Thermo-optical and lasing characteristics of Cr-doped CdSe single crystal as tunable coherent source in the mid-infrared, Optical Materials Express 7, 3815 (2017).
17. A. Gambetta, E. Vicentini, Y. Wang, N. Coluccelli, E. Fasci, L. Gianfrani, A. Castrillo, V. Di Sarno, L. Santamaria, P. Maddaloni, P. De Natale, P. Laporta and G. Galzerano, Absolute frequency measurements of CHF₃ Doppler-free ro-vibrational transitions at 8.6 µm, Optics Letters 42, 1911 (2017).
18. N. Coluccelli, C. R. Howle, K. McEwan, Y. Wang, T. T. Fernandez, A. Gambetta, P. Laporta and G. Galzerano, Fiber-format dual-comb coherent Raman spectrometer, Optics Letters, 42, 4683-4686 (2017).
张曦月 博士研究生 085600-材料与化工
徐俊国 硕士研究生 085400-电子信息