王胜  男  博导  中国科学院大连化学物理研究所
电子邮件: wangsheng@dicp.ac.cn
通信地址: 大连市中山路457号,901组
邮政编码: 116023




招生专业: 化学工程、环境工程



2003-08--2006-06   中科院大连化学物理研究所   博士
2000-09--2003-07   太原理工大学   硕士
1996-09--2000-07   太原理工大学   学士
中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 -- 研究生
中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 -- 博士
2013.11 - 2014.11  University of British Columbia 


2003.09-2006.06 大连化学物理研究所 化学工程 博士
2006.06-2009.10 大连化学物理研究所 节能与环境研究部 助理研究员
2009.04-至今 大连化学物理研究所        节能与环境研究部 项目骨干
2009.10-至今 大连化学物理研究所        节能与环境研究部 副研究员
2011.03-至今 大连化学物理研究所        节能与环境研究部 硕士生导师
2013.03-至今 大连化学物理研究所        节能与环境研究部 催化燃烧研究组 组长
2013.07-至今 大连化学物理研究所         节能与环境研究部  研究员

2013-11~2014-11,University of British Columbia, 公派访问
2013-07~现在, 大连化物所, 研究员
2009-10~现在, 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所, 副研究员/项目骨干
2006-06~2009-10,中国科学院大连化学物理研究所, 助理研究员



1.     王树东,王胜,苏宏久,李德意。一种含氧煤层气催化脱氧工艺,ZL200810237968.0.

2.     王树东,袁中山,王胜,张纯希, 倪长军。一种煤层气脱氧催化剂、其制备方法及应用,ZL200910012670.4  

3.     王树东,李世英, 潘立卫,王胜,袁中山。催化燃烧蒸发器,ZL200510130765.8.

4.     王树东,王胜,李世英,袁中山,张朋,张纯希,张骋, 肖永家。一种综合利用煤矿通风瓦斯的装置,ZL200710064889.

5.     王树东,王胜,李德伏。一种焦炉煤气甲烷化工艺,ZL201110394228。

6.     王树东,王胜,李德伏,苏宏久,彭家喜,袁中山。一种合成气制天然气工艺和  装置,ZL201210029444.9。

7.     王树东,王胜,李德伏,林乐。一种煤气化合成气制天然气工艺,ZL201210029443.4。 

8.       Shudong wang,Sheng wang,Zhongshan Yuan,Chunxi Zhang, Changjun Ni, Deyi Li。Process of catalytic deoxygenation of coal mine methane (US、Austrilia),12/737342 and 2010249248.0(授权)。 

9.      王树东,王胜,袁中山,张纯希,倪长军,李德意。一种含氧煤层气催化脱氧技术,PCT/CN2010/000528。 

10.    王树东,高典楠,王胜,张纯希,刘莹。一种低浓度甲烷燃烧催化剂及其制备方法,ZL201210003829.8。 

11.    王胜,王树东,张学彬,高典楠,李涛。一种密闭空间内CO2富集及甲烷化工艺与反应器,ZL201310178713.2。

12.    王树东,李涛,王胜,高典楠,王岩。一种高选择性二氧化碳甲烷化催化剂及其制备、使用方法,ZL201310167547.6。

13.    王胜,王树东,高典楠,汪明哲,王岩。一种高选择性甲烷燃烧催化剂及其制备方法,ZL201310280097.1。

14.    王胜,王树东,李涛,高典楠,汪明哲。一种用于空间站二氧化碳甲烷化的催化剂及其制备方法,ZL201310177439.7。

15.    王树东,袁中山,王胜。具有水汽变换功能的CO甲烷化催化剂及其制备方法和应用,ZL201410720412.2.

16.    王树东,袁中山,王胜。金属壁载式合成气高温甲烷化催化剂及其制备方法和应用,ZL201410719142.3。

17.    王树东,周谨,袁中山,彭家喜,王胜,高典楠 。一种活性组分非均布的低温甲烷化催化剂的制备方法 ,ZL201410720430。

18.    王胜,王树东,陈志萍,高典楠,汪明哲,高秀慧,一种六角片状四氧化三钴制备方法,ZL201510259763.2。

19.    王胜,王树东,一种密闭空间内CO2富集与转化设备及方法,ZL201410532612.5.

20.    王树东,孙天军,张纯希,王胜,袁中山。一种高强度整体挤出式镍基甲烷化催化剂的制备方法,ZL201410723291.7。

21.    王树东,孙天军,王胜 。一种整体催化剂成型方法及其甲烷化反应中的应用 ,ZL201410740027.4。

22.    王胜,王树东,林乐,高典楠,汪明哲。一种飞机机舱脱除臭氧的气体净化系统,ZL201510583452.1。

23.    王胜,高典楠,王树东,高秀慧,汪明哲,一种催化燃烧催化剂制备方法和应用,ZL201510598906.2。

24.    王胜,王树东,高典楠,汪明哲,蛋白型耐卤素可燃气体燃烧催化剂及其制备方法与应用,ZL201510874312.X。

25.    王胜,王树东,林乐,一种甲醇气化和催化燃烧装置及操作方法,ZL201611098900.X.

26.    王树东,孙天军,张纯希,王胜,袁中山。一种高强度整体挤出式镍基甲烷化催化剂的制备方法,ZL201410723291.7。

27.    王胜,王树东,林乐,一种液态甲醇采暖炉,ZL2017111194076。

28.    王树东,韦小丽,孙天军,陈海军,王胜,一种高硅铝比A型分子筛及其合成方法,ZL201610956326.0。

29.    王胜,丁亚,王树东,张磊,汪明哲,一种提高钙钛矿催化剂催化活性的方法,ZL20160971529.7。

30.    王胜,王树东,张磊,袁中山,一种整体催化剂及其制备方法和应用,ZL201811325007.5.

31.    王胜,陈志萍,王树东,汪明哲,一种海胆状四氧化三钴材料及其制备方法,ZL2017107900211。

32.    王胜,陈雅图,王树东,陈志萍,一种尺寸可控的四氧化三钴纳米颗粒及其制备方法,ZL2017107900141。

33.    王胜,王树东,倪长军,林乐,李德意,一种非钒基催化剂及其制备方法和应用,ZL201811325006.0。

34.    王胜,王树东,林乐,一种甲醇气化和催化燃烧装置,ZL201611098900.X。

35.    王胜,张磊,王树东,丁亚,一种催化脱除臭氧的过渡金属氧化物催化剂及制备方法,ZL201611090572.9。

36.    王胜,王树东,张磊,袁中山,一种整体催化剂及其制备方法和应用,ZL201811325007.5。

37.    王胜,王树东,陈志萍,陈雅图,一种微米级球型四氧化三钴材料及其制备方法,ZL2017107899712。

38.    刘为钢,王树东,王胜。一种合成气一步法制乙醇用的铑基催化剂及其制备方法,201510267207.x。

39.    王树东,白晓波,苏宏久,王胜。 一种快速启动的高温原位还原合成气完全甲烷化工艺,201510014927.5.

40.    王树东,高典楠,王胜,汪明哲,王岩。一种煤层气脱氧用铈基复合金属氧化物催化剂的制备方法和应用,CN201310642591.8。

41.    王胜,王树东,林乐,汪明哲,一种耐水热耐硫燃烧催化剂及制备方法,201610962961.X。

42.    王树东,王胜,潘立卫,高典楠,汪明哲。一种集成式可燃气体净化器及脱除可燃气体的工艺,CN201310042054.X。 

43.    王树东,陈志萍,王胜,高典楠,汪明哲。一种非贵金属氧化物燃烧催化剂及其制备方法与用途,CN201410455174.7。

44.    王胜,王树东,林乐,高典楠,汪明哲,一种Ce-Zr-M整体结构燃烧催化剂及制备方法,201611088281.6。

45.    王树东,高典楠,王胜,汪明哲。一种用于甲烷催化燃烧的碳纳米管载钯催化剂、其制备及应用,CN201310044368.3。

46.    王胜,高典楠,王树东,汪明哲,用于氧化性气氛的碳纳米管负载型催化剂及其制备方法,201611072726.1。

47.    王胜,王树东,林乐,汪明哲,一种酮苯尾气燃烧催化剂及制备方法,2017111197939。

48.    王树东,陈志萍,王胜,高典楠,汪明哲,高秀慧。一种花状四氧化三钴催化剂及其制备方法与用途,201510259125.0。

49.    王树东,刘莹,王胜,孙天军,高典楠,张纯希。一种低浓度甲烷催化燃烧催化剂及其制备方法,201110388703.2。 

50.    王胜,王树东,陈志萍,一种一维四氧化三钴材料及其制备方法,2017107899553。

51.    王胜,王树东,丁亚,林乐,汪明哲,一种提高负载型燃烧催化剂耐硫性的方法,201711222476X。

52.    王胜,吕丽蓉,王树东,林乐,汪明哲,一种耐卤素燃烧催化剂及其制备方法,2017112218716。

53.    王树东,张磊,王胜,一种锰基复合金属氧化物臭氧分解催化剂的制备方法,2017112220487。

54.    王胜,丁亚,王树东,一种负载高活性双金属的燃烧催化剂及其制备方法,2017112218650.

1. 燃料电池氢源技术,辽宁省科技发明二等奖,2011年。

2. 2007年,中国科学院优秀博士学位论文(TOP50)

3. 2007年,中国科学院大连化学物理研究所青年优秀奖;

4. 2010年,获沈阳分院第二届优秀青年科技人才奖;

5. 2011年,大连市十大青年岗位能手;

6. 2011年,入选首届中科院青年创新促进会成员;

7. 2011年,“十一五“国家863计划煤气化甲烷化关键技术开发与煤制天然气示范工程重点项目总体专家组专家

8. 2017年,大连市杰出青年科技人才 

9. 2018年,中国科学院王宽诚率先人才计划“产研人才”

10. 2018年,大连化物所冠名奖“科技创新奖”

11. 2019年,辽宁省百千万人才工程“百层次”

12. 2020年,大连市政府特殊津贴

13. 2020年,辽宁省科技进步一等奖(1)

14. 2021年,首届大连市青年科技工作者创新大赛一等奖

15. 2021年,中国石油和化学工业联合会青年科技突出贡献奖

16. 2022年,国家高层次人才特殊支持计划“WR”科技创新领军人才

17. 2022年,中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明二等奖

18. 2023年,大连市“五一”劳动奖章

19. 2023年,大连市科技人才创新支持实施计划“领军人才团队“负责人


1.含氧煤层气催化脱氧技术(D-O2TE) ,20100150 (第二完成人)。

2. 合成气完全甲烷化技术(DNL-0901-S2M)(第五完成人)。











(1) 整体结构催化剂及其在多相催化反应中的应用, 二等奖, 省级, 2022
(2) 催化燃烧技术及其在挥发性有机气体(VOCs)催化净化领域的应用, 一等奖, 省级, 2020
(3) 燃料电池氢源技术, 二等奖, 省级, 2010



65. Jiaxin Gao, Xupeng Zong*, Xu Yue, Mingzhe Wang, Le Lin, Chengwen Jin, Yihu Dai, Yu Tang, Shudong Wang, Xiaoli Dong*, Sheng Wang*, Exploring the Properties of Silica Nanomaterials on Supporting Bimetallic PtZn Sites for Direct Propane Dehydrogenation, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2024, 7(7): 7018-7027

64. Biao Li, Yaqin Hou*, Jing Gao, Bing Wang, Sheng Wang*, Zhanggen Huang*, Jiancheng Wang, Liping Chang, Kechang Xie, New insight into the intrinsic effect of sulfur dioxide on Hg0 oxidation in the absence/presence of SCR atmosphere, Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 342: 127054.

63.Jiancai Hou, Jiangliang Hu*, Xinmin Cu, Shasha Du, Dongxia Wu, Liping Chang, Sheng Wang, Weiren Bao, Jiancheng Wang*, Specific roles of lattice oxygen and asymmetric interface Cu-[Ox]-Ce structure-relating chemisorbed oxygen over CuO/CeO2 on the catalysis of benzene combustion, Fuel, 2024, 368: 131497.

62. Yahui Wang, Qihuang Huo, Huijun Chen, Yu Feng, Jiancheng Wang*, Sheng Wang, Liping Chang, Weiren Bao, High organic sulfur coal derived carbon-based sorbent for Hg0 capture from coal-fired flue gas, Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 287: 119703. 

61. YT Bai, XP Zong*, SD Wang, S Wang*, Synergy of single-atom Fe1 and Ce-Ov sites on mesoporousCeO2-Al2O3for efficient selective catalytic reduction of NO with CO, ACS catalysis, 2024, In press.

60.X Yue, S Wang*, SD Wang, WY Ding*, Effects of mesoporesize on ethyl acetate adsorption-desorption behaviors over hierarchical ZSM-5/MCM-41 molecular sieves, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2024, In press. 

59. LR Lv, ZG Zhang, S Wang, Y Shan, LL Wang, TZ Xu, PR He, Oxidation of ethyl acetate over Y (Y = Cu, Mn, Co)-modified CeO2 derived from Ce-MOF, Catal. Comm., 2024, In Press.

58.  LR Lv*, ZG Zhang, S Wang, Y Shan, YH, T Wei, Catalytic oxidation of toluene over Co3O4-CeO2 bimetal oxides derived from Ce-based MOF,  Mol. Catal., 2023, 551: 113645. 

57. X Yue, S Wang*, SD Wang, WY Ding, Enhancements on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) adsorption and   desorption performance of ZSM-5 by fabricating hierarchical MCM-41, Environ. Sci. Pollut. R., 2023, 30: 100907-100919

56. YH Wang, H Wang, B Wang, HJ Chen, SJ Wu, WR Bao, LP Chang, S Wang, JC Wang*, Cu incorporating into OMS-2 lattice creates an efficient Hg0 removal sorbent in natural gas with ambient-temperature H2S/H2O tolerance, Chem. Eng. J., 2023, 478: 147452.

55. Shasha Du, Jiangliang Hu, Jiancheng Wang, Sheng Wang, Jiancai Hou, Jiayu Li, Yudi Su, Liping Chang, Hongwei Qin, Yaqi Wang, Weiren Bao, Morphology-steered synthesis of Ce-MnO2 catalysts for catalytic oxidation of ethane at low temperature, Fuel, 350: 128762.

54. Huijun Chen, Changhe Shi, Qihuang Hu, Jianqiang Shi, Yahui Wang, Jiancheng Wang, Liping Chang, Sheng Wang, Hg0 removal performance of magnetic raffinate slag-based sorbents: Mechanism study on oxidation modification, Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 281: 119126.

53. Yuting Bai, Sheng Wang*, Xupeng Zong, Shudong Wang, Insights into the effect of Cu and Fe dispersion state over Ce0.1Al on the catalytic performance of NO reduction by CO, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(5): 110460.

52. L. Lv*, S. Wang *, Z. Zhang, L. Wang, P. He, The effect of TiO2 crystal phase on CH3Br catalytic combustion over Ru/TiO2 catalyst, Materials Today Chemistry, 2023, 29: 101413.

51. Yue Xu, Sheng Wang*, Defu Li, Yujun Zhao, Shudong Wang,  Wanyu Ding, Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Adsorption/Desorption Performance of Low Concentration VOCs over H-ZSM-5 with Different SiO2/Al2O3 Ratios, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023.

50. Pengpeng Li, Sheng Wang*, Shudong Wang, Unravelling the synergistic promotion effect of simultaneous doping Fe and Cr into Cu-based spinel oxide on methanol steam reforming, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023.

49. Shuo Wang, Sheng Wang*, Xupeng Zong, Shudong Wang, Xiaoli Dong*,CO oxidation with Pt catalysts supported on different supports: A comparison of their sulfur tolerance properties, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2023, 654: 119083.

48. Defeng Xing, Sheng Wang*, Yun Fan*, Haijun Zhang, Ting Wang, Mingzhe Wang, Shudong Wang, Jiancheng Wang, Dahai Pa, Xueding Song, Formation of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and HCl during catalytic combustion of chlorobenzene over supported transition metal (Cr, V and Cu) oxide catalysts, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(2): 109267.

47. Qijun Fu, Sheng Wang*, Ting Wang, Xu Yue, Yuting Bai, Pengpeng Li, Mingzhe Wang, Shudong Wang, Size-Dependence of Pt-Based Catalysts for Ethane Catalytic Combustion, Chemistryselect, 2022.

46. Salman Qadir, Hongjiu Su, Defu Li, Yiming Gu, Shengsheng Zhao, Sheng Wang, Shudong Wang, Low-cost preferential different amine grafted silica spheres adsorbents for DAC CO2 removal, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2022, 75: 494-503.

45.Ting Wang, Qijun Fu, Sheng Wang*, Defeng Xing, Yuting Bai, Shudong Wang, Enhanced water-resistance of Mn-based catalysts for ambient temperature ozone elimination: Roles of N and Pd modification, Chemosphere, 2022, 303(2):135014。

44. Yu Cui, Qihuang Huo, Huijun Chen, Shuai Chen, Sheng Wang, Jiancheng Wang, Liping Chang, Lina Han, Wei Xie, Biomass Carbon Magnetic Adsorbent Constructed by one-step activation method for the removal of Hg0  in Flue gas, ACS omega, 2022, 7(11): 9244-9253. 

43.Hui Liu, Huijun Chen, Sheng Wang, Jiangliang Hu, Bing Wang, Weiren Bao, Jiancheng Wang, Liping Chang, Synergistic catalytic oxidation of Hg0 and NH3-SCR of NO over MnCeTiOx catalyst in flue gas, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10(3): 107574.

42. Qijun Fu, Sheng Wang*, Ting Wang, Defeng Xing, Xu Yue, Mingzhe Wang, Shudong Wang,  Insights into the promotion mechanism of ceria-zirconia solid solution to ethane combustion over Pt-based catalysts, Journal of Catalysis, 2022.

41. Kun Zhao, Sheng Wang*, Jinglin lu, Changjun Ni, Mingzhe Wang, Shudong Wang, Fabrication and characterization of anodic films onto the FeCrAl stainless steel in glycerol electrolyte, Surface & Coating Technology, 2021.

40. Salman Qadir, Yiming Gu, Sajjad Ali, Defu Li, Shengsheng Zhao, Sheng Wang*, Hu Xu, Shudong Wang*, A thermally stable isoquinoline based ultra-microporous metal-organic framework for CH4 separation from coal mine methane, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021.

39.Salman Qadir, Defu Li, Yiming Gu, Zhongshan Yuan, Yujun Zhao, Sheng Wang*, Shudong Wang*, Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Enhanced Separation Performance of Medical Oxygen Concentrator through Two-Bed Rapid Pressure Swing Adsorption, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021,60,16:5903-5913. 
38. Lei Zhang, Sheng Wang*, Lirong Lv, Ya Ding, Dongxu Tian, Shudong Wang, Insights into the Reactive and Deactivation Mechanisms of Manganese Oxides for Ozone Elimination: The Roles of Surface Oxygen Species,Langmuir, 2021, 37, 4: 1410-1419.

37. SalmanQadir, Defu Li, Yiming Gu, Zhongshan Yuan, Yujun Zhao, Sheng Wang*, Shudong Wang*, Experimental and numerical investigations on the separation performance of [Cu(INA)2] adsorbent for CH4 recovery by VPSA from oxygen-bearing coal mine methane, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 127238.

36. Author links open overlay panelLirong Lv,ShengWang*,Ya Ding, Lei Zhang,Yang Gao,ShudongWang, Mechanistic insights into the contribution of Lewis acidity to brominated VOCs combustion over titanium oxide supported Ru catalyst, Chemosphere, 2021,128112.

35. Xiaoli Wei, Sheng Wang*, Changjun Ni, Mingzhe Wang, Shudong Wang, Trade-off between redox ability and reactive behaviors for acrylonitrile selective catalytic combustion over the Cu-Ce-based UZM-9 catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2020,119760.

34. Lei Zhang, Sheng Wang*, et al, Ozone elimination over oxygen-deficient MnOx based catalysts: effect of different transition metal dopants, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020.

33. Ya Ding; Sheng Wang*; lei zhang; lirong Lv; Dekang Xu; Wei liu; shudong wang;Investigation of supported palladium catalysts for combustion of methane: The activation effect caused by SO2, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 382.

32. Lirong Lv; Sheng Wang*; Ya Ding; Yang Gao; Shudong Wang; Reaction mechanism dominated by HSAB theory for the oxidation of CH2Cl2 and CH3Br over titanium oxide supported Ru catalyst, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020.

31. Xiaoli Wei; Sheng Wang*; Dekang Xu; Shudong Wang*; Mechanistic insights on the reaction behaviors of the acrylonitrile selective catalytic combustion over Cu-based UZM-9, Journal of Hazardous Materials,, 2020, 392.

30. Yang Gao, Sheng Wang*, Lirong Lv, Deyi Li, Xu Yue, Shudong Wang, Insights into the behaviors of the catalytic combustion of propane over spine catalysts, Catalysis Letters, Catalysis Letters,  2020.

29. LirongLv, ShengWang*,Ya Ding, Lei Zhang, Yang Gao, Shudong Wang, Deactivation mechanism and anti-deactivation modification of Ru/TiO2 catalysts for CH3Br oxidation, Chemosphere, 2020, 127249.

28. Ya Ding, Sheng Wang*, Lei Zhang, Lirong Lv, Yang Gao, Shudong Wang, Effects of niobium on the acidity and activities of Pd/xNb/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 catalysts for CH4 combustion, Catalysis Communications, 2020.

27. Daing Ya, Sheng Wang*,Zhang, Lei; Lv, Lirong; Gao, Yang; Wang, Shudong; Deactivation of PdO-Alumina Catalysts Caused by SO2: The Effect of Support Calcination, Catalysis Letters, 2019, (150): 1471-1478.

26. Liu, Qianfeng; Chen, Zhiping; Yan, Zhao; Wang, Yao; Wang, Erdong*; Wang, Sheng*; Wang, Shudong*; Sun, Gongquan*; Crystal-Plane-Dependent Activity of Spinel Co3O4 Towards Water Splitting and the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, ChemElectroChem, 2018, 5(7): 1080-1086.  

25.Chen, Yatu; Wang, Sheng*; Chen, Zhiping; Ding, Ya; Zhang, Lei; Lv, Lirong; Wang, Yao; Xu, Dekang; Wang, Shudong; Synthesis of Co3O4 nanoparticles with controllable size and their catalytic properity, Solid State Sciences, 2018, 82: 78-83. 

24. Akri, Mohcin; Achak, Ouafae; Granger, Pascal; Wang, Sheng; Batiot-Dupeyrat, Catherine; Chafik, Tarik*; Autothermal reforming of model purified biogas using an extruded honeycomb monolith: A new catalyst based on nickel incorporated illite clay promoted with MgO, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 171: 377-389. 

23. Zhang, Lei; Wang, Sheng*; Ding, Ya; Lv, Li-Rong; Chen, Ya-Tu; Xu, De-Kang; Wang, Shu-Dong*; Facile Synthesis of gamma-MnOOH Nanorods via a Redox Precipitation Route Using Oxygen and Their Thermal Conversion, ChemistrySelect, 2018, 3(42): 11908-11913. 

22. Ding, Ya; Wang, Sheng*; Zhang, Lei; Chen, Zhiping; Wang, Mingzhe; Wang, Shudong*; A facile method to promote LaMnO3 perovskite catalyst for combustion of methane, Catalysis Communications, 2017, 97: 88-92.

21. Zhiping chen; Sheng Wang*; weigang LIU; Xiuhui gao; diannan Gao; mingze Wang; shudong Wang*; Morphology-dependent performance of Co3O4 via facile and controllable synthesis for methane combustion, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016, 525: 94-102. 

20. Zhiping Chen, Sheng Wang*, Ya Ding et.al. Pd catalysts supported on Co3O4 with the specified morphologies in CO and CH4 oxidation, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017,532: 95-104.

19. Liu, Weigang, Sheng Wang*, Wang Shudong, Effect of impregnation sequence of Ce promoter on the microstructure and performance of Ce-promoted Rh-Fe/SiO2 for the ethanol synthesis,Applied Catalysis A-General,2016, 510:227~232.

18. Sheng Wang* , Xiaotao Bi, Shudong Wang*.Boiling heat transfer in small rectangular channels at low Reynolds number and mass, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2016, 77: 234-245.

17. Xiuhui Gao, Sheng Wang*, Diannan Gao, et.al. Palladium supported on carbon Nanotubes for methane catalytic oxidation, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2016,39(5): 960-968.

16. Sheng Wang* , Xiaotao Bi. Thermodynamic analysis of biomass gasification for biomethane production, Energy, 2015. 

15. Weigang Liu, Sheng Wang* ,et al. The Promoting Effect of Fe Doping on Rh/CeO2 for the Ethanol Synthesis, Catalysis Letters, 2015. 

14. Sheng Wang*, Diannan Gao, Shudong Wang*. Steady and Transient characteristics of catalytic flow reverse reactor integrated with central heat exchanger, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014, 53: 12644-12654.

13. Xiaobo Bai, Sheng Wang*, tianjun sun, shudong wang. Influence of operating conditions on carbon deposition over a Ni catalyst for the  production of synthesis natural gas (SNG) from coal, Catalysis Letters, 2014, 144:2157-2166.

12. Tao Li ,Sheng Wang*, Shudong wang. Effect of support calcination temperature on the catalytic properties of Ru/Ce0.2Zr0.8O2 for methanation of carbon dioxide, Journal of Chemistry and Technology, 2014, 42(12):1440-1446.

11.Qiushi Pan, Jiaxi Peng, Tianjun Sun, Sheng Wang and Shudong Wang. Insight into the reaction route of CO2 methanation: Promotion effect of medium basic sites. Catalysis Communication 45 (2014) 74-78.7. Fuel Processing Technology, 2014;

10. Qiushi Pan, Jiaxi Peng, Sheng Wang,  Shudong Wang. In situ FTIR spectroscopic study of the CO2 methanation mechanism on Ni/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2. Catalysis Science & Technology. 4 (2014) 502-509.

9. Xiaobo Bai, Sheng Wang, Tianjun Sun, Shudong Wang. The sintering of Ni/Al2O3 methanation catalyst for substitute natural gas production,Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 2014,112:437-452;

8. Qiushi Pan, Jiaxi Peng, Sheng Wang, Diannan Gao, Tianjun Sun and Shudong Wang. CO2 methanation on Ni/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 catalysts for the production of synthetic natural gas, Processing Technology, 2014,123: 166;171.

7.Guoquan Zhang, Tianjun Sun, Jiaxi Peng, Sheng Wang, Shudong Wang. A comparison of Ni/SiC and Ni/Al2O3 catalyzed total methanation for production of synthetic natural gas. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013, 462-463:75-81;

6. Ying Liu, Sheng Wang, Diannan Gao, Tianjun Sun, Chunxi Zhang, Shudong Wang. Influence of metal oxides on the performance of Pd/Al2O3 catalysts for methane combustion under lean-fuel conditions, Fuel Processing Technology, 2013,111: 55-61.

5. Ying Liu, Sheng Wang, Tianjun Sun, Diannan Gao, Chunxi Zhang, Shudong Wang. Enhanced hydrothermal stability of high performance lean fuel combustion alumina-supported palladium catalyst modified by nickel, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012, (119–120): 321-328.

4. Sheng Wang, Shudong Wang. Exergy analysis and optimization of metha3nol generating hydrogen system for PEMFC. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2006. 33(12): 1747-1755.

3. Sheng Wang, Shudong Wang. Distribution optimization for plate-fin catalytic combustion heat exchanger, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2007, 131(1-3):171-179.

2. Sheng Wang, Wangshudong. Thermodynamic analysis of methanol autothermal reforming based on Fluent software, Journal of Power Sources. 2008, 185(1): 451-458. 

1.Changjun Ni, Zhongshan Yuan, Sheng Wang, Deyi Li, Shudong Wang,  Study  on an integrated natural gas fuel processor for 2-kW solid oxide fuel cell,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015,40(457): 15491-15502.


1. 刘卫华,王胜,薛勇,《飞机燃油箱防爆系统设计与适航》,科学出版社,2022。

2. 王胜,《挥发性有机物催化净化原理及工程应用》,科学出版社,在出版。



20. 2023年大连市科技人才创新支持政策实施计划项目-领军人才团队,团队负责人,2023.11-2025.10.

19. 2022年国家高层次人才计划项目,负责人,2023.1-2025.12.

18. 中国科学院洁净能源创新研究院-榆林学院联合基金项目,项目负责人,2022.11-2024.10.

17. 科技部重点研发项目,工业源复杂排放工况VOCs高效净化关键稀土催化材料,课题负责人,2022.11-2025.10.


15. 自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人,2023.1-2026.12.31.

14. 自然科学基金区域创新基金重点项目,项目负责人,2021.1-2024.12.

13. 辽宁省百千万人才工程“百层次”A类项目,项目负责人,2021.1-2023.12.

12. 中国科学院王宽诚率先人才计划“产研人才扶持项目”,项目负责人,2019.1.1-2021.12.31.

11. 大连市重点研发项目,典型大气污染物催化治理技术开发,项目负责人,2019.1.1-2020.12.31.

10. 大连市杰出青年项目,挥发性有机气体催化净化技术开发(2017RJ05),项目负责人,2018.1.1-2019.12.31.

9. 自然科学基金面上项目, 纳米金属氧化物可控合成与催化剂组装及其催化性能研究, (2167267),项目负责人, 2017.1-2020.12。

8. STS项目,全周期可控节能减排与污染防控成套技术示范; 项目负责人,2017.1-2018.12.

7. 国家重点研发项目,大气污染成因与控制技术研究子课题(2016YFC0204302和2016YFC0204305),具体负责和子任务负责人,2016.7-2020.12.

6. 国家高技术研究与发展计划863项目,合成气完全甲烷化催化剂开发及工业示范生产;(2009AA050901), 项目负责人。

5. 面上基金;合成气完全甲烷化催化剂失活机理分析及反应器动态反应行为预测; (21276250),项目负责人。

4. 催化基础国家重点实验室自主研究课题,合成气完全甲烷化催化剂失活研究;(R201209),项目负责人。

3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目;煤矿通风瓦斯流向变化催化转化动态反应行为研究;(项目编号:20806079),项目负责人。 

2. 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目,排放气无焰燃烧、热利用关键技术;,第二负责人。

1. 中国科学院优秀博士学位论文专项资金项目,富氧气氛下高效低浓甲烷燃烧催化剂开发,项目负责人。

(1)Optimization of Methanol Auto-Thermal Reforming Fuel Processor    wang sheng   2006-10-13






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岳   旭 博士研究生 

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