Qing Wang, Professor
Telephone:86-10- 62661818
Address: Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4# South Fourth Street, Zhong Guan Cun, Beijing
Postcode: 100190

Research Areas

Dr. Qing Wang has intensive research and industry experience in the area of software process, including software process technologies and quality assurance, software estimation and requirement engineering.


Dr. Qing Wang received a B.A.from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 1985, a Master degree from Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1988, and a PhD degree from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003.         


Work Experience

Dr. Qing Wang worked as a software engineer at Beijing System Engineering Institute during 1988-1996. She is reasearch Professor of Internet Software Technologies of the Institure of Software at the Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1996. She is the Director of the Lab for Internet Software Technologies and a supervisor of Ph.D students.She has intensive research and industry experience in the area of software process, including software process technologies and quality assurance, software estimation and requirement engineering. She is a member of Chinese Institute of Electronics – Cloud Computing Experts Association and a Lead Appraiser of CMMI SCAMPI.

She has led and is leading many key projects of state, as well as many important domestic and international cooperative projects. She has won various kinds of awards such as the National Award for Science and Technology Progress, Ministerial and Commission Award for Science and Technology Progress. She has published over seventy papers in journals and conferences both at home and abroad. In addition, she has co-authored seven books. Her major research fields are software process technologies and quality assurance, software estimation and requirement engineering. She has over 100 publications in various journals and conferences. She also is PC member of some academy conferences and program co-chair of SPW/ProSim 2006, ICSP 2007, ICSP 2008 and ICSP 2009. She will serve as general co-chairs of IEEE symposium ESEM 2015. In addition, she has served as an editorial board member of Information and Software Technology ( and served as reviewer for for international journals.

Honors & Distinctions

She was awarded the second prize of Year 2005 National Science and Technology Progress for her contribution to “Software Process Service Technologies and Integrated Management System “, and second prize of Year 2011 Beijing Science and Technology Progress for her contribution to “Software Requirements Evolution Modeling Method and Management System”.


(1) BAHA: A Novel Approach to Automatic Bug Report Assignment with Topic Modeling and Heterogeneous Network Analysis,Chinese Journal of Electronics,2015,
(2) Perspectives on Refactoring Planning and Practice: An Empirical Study,Empirical Software Engineering: an international journal ,2015,
(3) DynaDiffuse: A Dynamic Diffusion Model for the Continuous Time Constrained Influence Maximization,AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence,2015,
(4) Improving the Performance of Defect Prediction based on Evolution Data: a Case Study(in chinese),Jornal of Software,2015,
(5) Using Bayesian regression and EM algorithm with missing handling for software effort prediction,Information and Software Technology,2015,
(6) Extensions and Evolution Analysis Method for Software Feature Models(in chinese) ,Journal of Software,2015,
(7) FixerCache: unsupervised caching active developers for bug triage,Empirical ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement ,2014,
(8) Refactoring planning and practice in agile software development: an empirical study,International Conference on Software and Systems Process,2014,
(9) Creating Process-Agents Incrementally by Mining Process Asset Library,Information Sciences,2013,
(10) Heterogeneous Network Analysis of Developer Contribution in Bug Repositories,International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing,2013,
(11) HIPRank: Ranking Nodes by Influence Propagation based on authority and hub,IJCAI 2013 International Workshop on Smart Simulation and Modeling in Complex Systems,2013,
(12) Analysis of the Key Factors for Software Quality in Crowdsourcing Development: An Empirical Study on,IEEE 37th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference,2013,
(13) DevNet: Exploring Developer Collaboration in Heterogeneous Networks of Bug Repositories,ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement,2013,
(14) Can Requirements Dependency Network Be Used as Early Indicator of Software Integration Bugs,International Conference on Requirements Engineering,2013,
(15) Learning From Evolution History to Predict Future Requirements Changes,International Conference on Requirements Engineering,2013,
(16) Search Based Risk Mitigation Planning in Project Portfolio Management,International Conference on Software and System Process,2013,
(17) Value-based Portfolio Scoping: an Industrial Case Study,International Workshop on Product Line Approaches in Software Engineering ,2012,
(18) An Empirical Study on Identifying Core Developers Using Network Analysis,EAST2012,2012,
(19) A Value-Based Review Process for Prioritizing Artifacts,ICSSP2011,2011,
(20) Improving the ROI of Software Quality Assurance Activities: An Empirical Study,ICSP 2010,2010,
(21) Time series analysis for bug number prediction,SDEM 2010,2010,
(22) Disruption-Driven Resource Rescheduling in Software Development Processes,International Conference on Software Process, 2010,2010,
(23) Measurement and Analysis of Process Audit: A Case Study,ICSP 2010,2010,
(24) Dynamic Resource Scheduling in Disruption-Prone Software Development Environments,Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2010,2010.
(25) Absent Features or Missing Values,SEKE 2010,2010,
(26) Mining API Mapping for Language Migration,ICSE 2010,2010,
(27) Quantitative Analysis of Requirements Evolution across Multiple Versions of an Industrial Software Product,APSEC 2010,2010,
(28) Data unpredictability in defect-fixing effort prediction,QSIC2010,2010,
(29) EXPRE: a repository for managing software data and experience,ESEM 2010,2010,
(30) A Fuzzy-Based Method for Evaluating the Trustworthiness of Software Processes,ICSP 2010,2010,
(31) Understanding the Influential Factors to Development Effort in Chinese Software Industry,PROFES 2010,2010,
(32) Research on A Software trustworthiness Measure Model,In Proceedings of Second International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Software 2010,2010,
(33) A Case Study on Usage of a Software Process Management Tool in China,APSEC 2010,2010,



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