
Prof. Liang Wang
Telephone: 010-82610573
Address: National Lab of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 95 Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing, China
Postcode: 100190
Telephone: 010-82610573
Address: National Lab of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 95 Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing, China
Postcode: 100190
Research Areas
Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Data Mining
o 2000.9-2004.3, PhD in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), Beijing, China (Supervisor: Prof. Tieniu Tan)
o 1997.9-2000.6, Master of Engineering in Circuits and Systems, Department of Electronics Engineering and Information Science, Anhui University, Hefei, China (Supervisor: Prof. Jun Ming)
o 1993.9-1997.6, Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics Engineering, Department of Electronics Engineering and Information Science, Anhui University, Hefei, China
o 1997.9-2000.6, Master of Engineering in Circuits and Systems, Department of Electronics Engineering and Information Science, Anhui University, Hefei, China (Supervisor: Prof. Jun Ming)
o 1993.9-1997.6, Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics Engineering, Department of Electronics Engineering and Information Science, Anhui University, Hefei, China
o 2010.5-Present, National Lab of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Professor)
? Research on machine learning, computer vision and pattern recognition.
o 2009.11-2010.7, Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, United Kingdom (Lecturer)
? Research on computer vision, graphics and their applications.
o 2007.1-2009.11, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia (Research Fellow, Supervisor: A/Prof. Christopher Leckie and Prof. Rao Kotagiri)
? Research on machine learning (especially unsupervised clustering) for very large relational data mining, supported by the ARC (Australian Research Council) Discovery Project.
o 2005.10-2007.1, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Australia (Research Assistant, Supervisor: Prof. David Suter)
? Research on video-based human motion and activity recognition, supported by the ARC Research Centre for Perceptive and Intelligent Machines in Complex Environments (PIMCE).
o 2004.7-2005.9, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (Research Assistant, Supervisor: Prof. Guangzhong Yang)
? Research on posture, gait and activity analysis for health monitoring of the elderly, supported by the DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) Project, United Kingdom.
? Research on machine learning, computer vision and pattern recognition.
o 2009.11-2010.7, Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, United Kingdom (Lecturer)
? Research on computer vision, graphics and their applications.
o 2007.1-2009.11, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia (Research Fellow, Supervisor: A/Prof. Christopher Leckie and Prof. Rao Kotagiri)
? Research on machine learning (especially unsupervised clustering) for very large relational data mining, supported by the ARC (Australian Research Council) Discovery Project.
o 2005.10-2007.1, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Australia (Research Assistant, Supervisor: Prof. David Suter)
? Research on video-based human motion and activity recognition, supported by the ARC Research Centre for Perceptive and Intelligent Machines in Complex Environments (PIMCE).
o 2004.7-2005.9, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (Research Assistant, Supervisor: Prof. Guangzhong Yang)
? Research on posture, gait and activity analysis for health monitoring of the elderly, supported by the DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) Project, United Kingdom.
Honors & Distinctions
o Honorary Professor of the University of Melbourne, Australia, 2012.
o Elsevier Scopus Young Researcher Silver Award, 2011
o Hundred Talents Program, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2010.
o The Marquis Who's Who in the World, 2009.
o IEEE Senior Member, 2009.
o The ECR Grant Award, University of Melbourne, 2009.
o Research Commendation from the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Melbourne, 2008.
o National Hundred Excellent Doctoral Thesis Nomination, 2006.
o Outstanding Doctoral Thesis of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2005.
o First-class Award of Science and Technology of Beijing, China, 2004.
o Special Prize of the President Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003.
o Elsevier Scopus Young Researcher Silver Award, 2011
o Hundred Talents Program, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2010.
o The Marquis Who's Who in the World, 2009.
o IEEE Senior Member, 2009.
o The ECR Grant Award, University of Melbourne, 2009.
o Research Commendation from the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Melbourne, 2008.
o National Hundred Excellent Doctoral Thesis Nomination, 2006.
o Outstanding Doctoral Thesis of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2005.
o First-class Award of Science and Technology of Beijing, China, 2004.
o Special Prize of the President Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003.
1. C. L. Liu, C. Zhang, and L. Wang, Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR), CCIS 321, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-33505-1, 683 pages, September 2012.
2. L. Wang, G. Y. Zhao, L. Cheng, and M. Pietiaainen, Machine learning for vision-based motion analysis: theory and techniques, Springer, ISBN: 978-0-85729-056-4, 372 pages, December 2010.
3. D. Schonfeld, C. F. Shan, D. C. Tao, and L. Wang, Video search and mining, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-12899-8, 386 pages, March 2010.
4. L. Wang, L. Cheng and G. Y. Zhao, Machine learning for human motion analysis: theory and practice, IGI Global USA, ISBN: 978-1-60566-900-7, 387 pages, December, 2009.
5. L. Wang and X. Geng, Behavioural biometrics for human identification: intelligent applications, IGI Global USA, ISBN: 978-1-60566-725-6, 488 pages, August 2009.
6. J. Gonzalez, T. Moeslund and L. Wang, Tracking humans for the evaluation of their motion in image sequences, Graficas Rey, S.L. Spain, ISBN 13: 978-84-935251-9-4, 119 pages, September 2008.
Book chapters
7. S. Q. Yu and L. Wang, Gait recognition and analysis, in L. Wang and X. Geng (eds): Behavioural biometrics for human identification: intelligent applications, IGI Global USA, pp. 151-168, August 2009.
Refereed journal articles
8. L. Wang,H. Zhou, D. Suter, and C. Li, Spectrum analysis based model selection for Gaussian process classification, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Part B (TSMCB, under review).
9. R. He, T. N. Tan, and L. Wang, Robust recovery of corrupted low-rank matrix by Implicit Regularizers, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI, under review).
10. H. Y. Zhou, J. G. Zhang, L. Wang, Z. Y. Zhang, and L. M. Brown, Editorial: Pattern recognition special issue: sparse representation for event recognition in video surveillance, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2013, 46: 1748-1749.
11. M. Yu, A. Rhuma, S. Naqvi, L. Wang, and J. Chambers, Posture recognition based fall detection system for monitoring an elderly person in a smart home environment, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedcine (TITB), 2012, 16(6): 1274-1286.
12. U. Nguyen, A. Bhuiyan, L. Park, L. Wang, and R. Kotagiri, A quantitative measure for retinal blood vessel segmentation evaluation, International Journal of Computer Vision and Signal Processing (IJCVSP), 2012, 1(1):1-8.
13. Y. Z. Song, C. Li, L. Wang, P. Hall, and P. Shen, Robust visual tracking using structure hierarchy and graph matching, Neurocomputing, 2012, 89: 12-20.
14. C. Wang, J. Zhang, L. Wang, J. Pu, and X. Yuan, Human identification using temporal information preserving gait templates, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2012, 34(11): 2164-2176.
15. L. Wang and C. Leckie, Improved Gaussian process classification via feature space rotation, Neurocomputing, 2012, 83:89-97.
16. H. X. Yang, L. Shao, F. Zheng, L. Wang, and Z. Song, Recent advances and trends in visual tracking: a review, Neurocomputing, 2012, 74(18): 3823-3831.
17. J. Gonzalez, T. B. Moeslund, and L. Wang, Editorial: Special issue on semantic understanding of human behaviors in image sequences: from video-surveillance to video-hermeneutics, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2012, 116(3): 305-306.
18. L. Wang, L. Cheng and L. Wang, Elastic sequence correlation for human action analysis, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2011, 20(6): 1725-1738.
19. X. Geng, K. Smith-Miles, Z. H. Zhou, and L. Wang, Face image modelling by multilinear subspace analysis with missing values, IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (TSMC-B), 2011, 41(3): 881-892.
20. L. Shao, H. Zhang, L. Wang, and L. J. Wang, Repairing imperfect video enhancement algorithms using classification-based trained filters, The Signal, Image and Video Processing Journal (SIVP), 2011, 5(3): 307-313.
21. Y. Song, X. Bai, P. Hall and L. Wang, In search of perceptually salient groupings, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2011, 20(4): 935-947.
22. B. Tan, J. P. Zhang and L. Wang, Semi-supervised elastic net for pedestrian counting, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2011, 44(10-11):2297-2304. G2
23. L. Wang, C. Leckie, R. Kotagiri, and J. Bezdek, Approximate pairwise clustering for large datasets via sampling plus extension, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2011, 44(2): 222-235.
24. L. Wang, G. Y. Zhao, N. Rajpoot, and M. Nixon, Special issue on new advances in video-based gait analysis and applications: challenges and solutions, IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics – Part B (TSMC-B), 2010, 40(4): 982-985.
25. X. Geng, K. Smith-Miles, L. Wang, M. Li, and Q. Wu, Context-aware multi-biometric fusion with application to human identification in video, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2010, 43 (10): 3660-3673. G2
26. L. Wang, X. Geng, J. Bezdek, C. Leckie, and R. Kotagiri, Enhanced visual analysis for cluster tendency assessment and data partitioning, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2010, 22(10): 1401-1414. G3
27. L. Wang, Q. Wu, M. Li, J. Gonzàlez, and X. Geng, Editorial: Video analysis and understanding for surveillance applications, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), 2009, 23(7): 1-2.
28. L. Wang, Q. Wu, H. Wang, X. Geng, and M. Li, Editorial: Image/video based pattern analysis and HCI applications, Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), 2009, 30(12): 1-1.
29. H. Zhou, L. Wang and D. Suter, Human action recognition using feature-reduced Gaussian process classification, Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), 2009, 30(12): 1059-1066. G6
30. L. Wang, C. Leckie, R. Kotagiri, and J. Bezdek, Automatically determining the number of clusters in unlabeled data sets, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2009, 21(3): 335-350. G16
31. L. Wang and D. Suter, Visual learning and recognition of sequential data manifolds with applications to human movement analysis, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2008, 110(2): 153-172. G24
32. L. Wang, J. C. Bezdek, C. Leckie, and R. Kotagiri, Selective sampling for approximate clustering of very large data sets, International Journal of Intelligence Systems (IJIS), 2008, 23(3): 313-331. G7
33. L. Wang and D. Suter, Learning and matching of dynamic shape manifolds for human action recognition, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2007, 16(6): 1646-1661. G72
34. J. Coutinho, M. Juvonen, L. Wang, B. Lo, W. Luk, O. Mencer, and G. Yang, Designing a posture analysis system with hardware implementation, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology (VLSI-SPS), 2007, 47(1): 33-45. G2
35. L. Wang, T. N. Tan, H. Z. Ning, and W. M. Hu, Fusion of static and dynamic body biometrics for gait recognition, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2004, 14(2): 149-158. G124
36. W. M. Hu, T. N. Tan, L. Wang, and S. Maybank, A survey of visual surveillance of object motion and behaviors, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part C (TSMC-C), 2004, 34(3): 334-352. G883
37. H. Z. Ning, T. N. Tan, L. Wang, and W. M. Hu, Kinematics-based tracking of human walking in monocular video sequences, Image and Vision Computing (IVC), 2004, 22: 429-441. G45
38. H. Z. Ning, T. N. Tan, L. Wang, and W. M. Hu, People tracking based on motion model and motion constraints with automatic initialization, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2004, 37: 1423-1440. G37
39. L. Wang, T. N. Tan, H. Z. Ning, and W. M. Hu, Silhouette analysis based gait recognition for human identification, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2003, 25(12): 1505-1518. G398
40. L. Wang, T. N. Tan, W. M. Hu, and H. Z. Ning, Automatic gait recognition based on statistical shape analysis, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2003, 12(9): 1120-1131. G144
41. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, Recent developments in human motion analysis, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2003, 36(3): 585-601. G536
42. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, Gait-based human identification, Journal of Computers, 2003, 26(3): 353-360. G151
43. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, A survey of visual analysis of human motion, Journal of Computers (in Chinese), 2002, 25(3): 225-237. G301
44. L. Wang, Y. Y. Liu, C. Y. Liu, and J. Ming, Improvement of test methods for 'G-Y' matrix, Journal of Anhui University (Natural Sciences, in Chinese), 2000, 24(2): 35-38. G2
45. J. Ming, P. Wu and L. Wang, Generation of signals for video primary-colour encoders, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (in English), 1999, 28(5): 464-466.
46. J. Ming, P. Wu and L. Wang, Signal design for video primary-colour encoders, Journal of Image and Graphics (in Chinese), 1999, 4(7): 579-582. G4
Refereed conference papers
47. Z. F. Wu, Y. Z. Huang, L. Wang, and T. N. Tan, Spatial graph for image classification, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2012.
48. Z. F. Wu, Y. Z. Huang, L. Wang, and T. N. Tan, Contextual pooling in image classification, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2012.
49. K. Y. Wang, Z. Zhang and L. Wang, Violence detection in video by slow feature analysis, Proceedings of Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR), pp. 137-144, 2012.
50. Q. Y. Yin, R. Sun, L. Wang, and R. He, Structure sparsity for multi-camera gait recognition, Proceedings of Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR), pp. 259-267, 2012.
51. Z. Zhou, W. Wang and L. Wang, Community detection based on an improved modularity, Proceedings of Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR), pp. 638-645, 2012.
52. Y. Huang, W. Wang, L. Wang, T. N. Tan, An effective regional saliency model based on extended site entropy rate, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 1407-1410, 2012.
53. Y. S. Liu, J. P. Zhang, C. Wang, L. Wang, Multiple HOG templates for gait recognition, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2012.
54. Z. F. Wu, Y. Z. Huang, L. Wang, and T. N. Tan, Group encoding of local features in image classification, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 1505-1508, 2012.
55. D. Wang, W. Wang, Z. Zhang, L. Wang, and T. N. Tan, Baseline results of violence detection in still images, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video- and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS), pp. 54-57, 2012.
56. S. Q. Yu, S. Y. Wu, and L. Wang, SLTP: a fast descriptor for people detection in depth images, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video- and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS), pp. 43-47, 2012.
57. Y. M. Chen, L. Wang, W. Wang, and Z. Zhang, Continuum regression for cross-modal multimedia retrieval, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 1949-1952, 2012.
58. R. He, T. N. Tan, L. Wang, and W. S. Zheng, l21 regularized correntropy for robust feature selection, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, 24% acceptance rate), 2012.
59. C. Wang, J. P. Zhang, J. Pu, X. R. Yuan, and L. Wang, Chrono-gait image: A novel temporal template for gait recognition, Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV, Poster, 27% acceptance rate), pp. 257-270, 2010.
60. L. Wang, C. Leckie and R. Kotagiri, Combining real and virtual graphs to enhance data clustering, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Oral), pp. 790-793, 2010.
61. L. Wang and C. Leckie, Encoding actions via the quantized vocabulary of averaged silhouettes, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), pp. 3657-3660, 2010.
62. H. Qu, L. Wang and C. Leckie, Action recognition using space-time shape differences, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), pp. 3661-3664, 2010.
63. L. Wang, U. Nguyen, C. Leckie, J. Bezdek, and R. Kotagiri, iVAT and aVAT: visual analysis for cluster tendency assessment, Proceedings of 14th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD, Long, 10.2% acceptance rate), LNAI 6118, pp. 16-27, 2010. G10
64. U. Nguyen, L. Park, L. Wang, and R. Kotagiri, A novel path-based clustering algorithm using multi-dimensional scaling, Proceedings of the 22nd Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI), LNAI 5866, pp. 280-290, 2009.
65. L. Wang, H. Zhou, S. Low, and C. Leckie, Action recognition via multi-feature fusion and Gaussian process classification, Proceedings of International Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 1-6, 2009. G1
66. X. Geng, K. Smith-Miles, L. Wang, and Z. H. Zhou, Face image modelling by multilinear subspace analysis with missing values, Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), pp. 629-632, 2009. G3
67. L. Wang, C. Leckie, R. Kotagiri, and J. Bezdek, Approximate spectral clustering, Proceedings of 13th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD, Long, 11.5% acceptance rate), LNAI 5476, pp. 134-146, 2009. G3
68. L. Wang, X. Geng, J. Bezdek, C. Leckie, and R. Kotagiri, SpecVAT: enhanced visual cluster analysis, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM, Regular, 9.6% acceptance rate), pp. 638-647, 2008. G4
69. H. Zhou, L. Wang and D. Suter, Human motion recognition using Gaussian processes classification, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Oral, 18% acceptance rate), pp. 1-4, 2008. G2
70. J. Cheng, L. Wang and C. Leckie, Dual clustering for categorization of action sequences, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), pp. 1-4, 2008.
71. L. Wang, X. Geng, C. Leckie, and R. Kotagiri, Moving shape dynamics: a signal processing perspective, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, Poster, 27.9% acceptance rate), pp. 1649-1656, 2008. G10
72. X. Z. Wang, L. Wang and A. Wirth, Pattern discovery in motion time series via structure-based spectral clustering, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, Poster, 27.9% acceptance rate), pp. 341-348, 2008. G1
73. L. Wang, X. Z. Wang, C. Leckie, and R. Kotagiri, Characteristic-based descriptors for motion sequence recognition, Proceedings of the 12th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD, Long, 11.9% acceptance rate), LNCS 5012, pp. 369-380, 2008. G2
74. X. Geng, L. Wang, M. Li, Q. Wu, and K. Smith-Miles, Adaptive fusion of gait and face for human identification in video, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV, Oral), pp. 1-6, 2008. G1
75. X. Z. Wang, A. Wirth and L. Wang, Structure-based statistical features and multivariate time series clustering, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM, Regular, 7.5% acceptance rate), pp. 351-360, 2007. G11
76. L. Wang and D. Suter, Recognizing human activities from silhouettes: motion subspace and factorial discriminative graph model, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, Poster, 23.4% acceptance rate), pp. 2518-2525, 2007. G81
77. L. Wang, C. Leckie, X. Z. Wang, R. Kotagiri, and J. Bezdek, Tensor space learning for analyzing activity patterns from video sequences, Proceedings of the ICDM’07 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining from Multimedia Data and Multimedia Applications (KDM, Oral), pp. 63-68, 2007. G3
78. Q. Wu, L. Wang, X. Geng, M. Li, and X. He, Dynamic biometrics fusion at feature level for video-based human recognition, Proceedings of the 22nd Image and Vision Computing New Zealand Conference (IVCNZ, Oral), pp. 152-157, 2007. G3
79. T. J. Chin, L. Wang, K. Schindler, and D. Suter, Extrapolating learned manifolds for human activity recognition, Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP, Poster), I: 381-384, 2007. G8
80. X. Geng, L. Wang, M. Li, Q. Wang, and K. Smith-Miles, Distance-driven fusion of face and gait for human recognition in video, Proceedings of the 22nd Image and Vision Computing New Zealand Conference (IVCNZ, Oral), pp. 19-24, 2007. G3
81. L. Wang and D. Suter, Analyzing human movements from silhouettes using manifold learning, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video- and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS, Oral), p. 7, 2006. G17
82. L. Wang and D. Suter, Informative shape representations for human action recognition, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, 15% acceptance rate), 2: 1266-1269, 2006. G27
83. L. Wang, Abnormal walking gait analysis using silhouette-masked flow histograms, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), III: 473-476, 2006. G12
84. L. Wang, From blob metrics to posture classification to activity profiling, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), 4: 736-739, 2006. G5
85. L. Wang, B. Lo and G. Z. Yang, Ubiquitous sensing for posture/behaviour analysis, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN, Poster), pp. 112-115, 2005.
86. D. Agathangelou, B. Lo, L. Wang, and G. Z. Yang, Self-configuring video-sensor networks, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive, Poster), pp. 29-32, 2005. G13
87. B. Lo, L. Wang and G. Z. Yang, From imaging networks to behaviour profiling: ubiquitous sensing for managed homecare of the elderly, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive, Demo), pp. 101-104, 2005. G27
88. M. P. Juvonen, J. G. Coutinho, L. Wang, B. L. Lo, W. Luk, O. Mencer, and G. Z. Yang, Custom hardware architectures for posture analysis, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT, Oral), pp. 77-84, 2005. G5
89. G. Z. Yang, B. Lo, L. Wang, M. Rans, S. Thiemjarus, J. Ng, P. Garner, S. Brown, B. Majeed, and I. Neid, From sensor networks to behaviour profiling: a homecare perspective of intelligent building, Proceedings of the IEEE Seminar on Sensor Systems for Intelligent Buildings (Invited Talk), p. 3, 2004. G19
90. S. Yu, L. Wang, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Gait analysis for human identification in frequency domain, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG, Poster), pp. 282-285, 2004. G29
91. L. Wang, H. Z. Ning, T. N. Tan, and W. M. Hu, Fusion of static and dynamic body biometrics for gait recognition, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV, Poster, 16.1% acceptance rate), 2: 1449-1454, 2003. G36
92. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, Face tracking using motion-guided dynamic template matching, Proceedings of the 5th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV, Oral), II: 448-453, 2002. G15
93. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, A new attempt to gait-based human identification, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), I: 115-118, 2002. G39
94. L. Wang, H. Z. Ning, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Gait recognition based on Procrustes shape analysis, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP, Poster), III: 433-436, 2002. G39
95. H. Z. Ning, L. Wang, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Model-based tracking of human walking in monocular image sequences, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Region 10 Technical Conference on Computers, Communication, Control and Power Engineering (TENCON, Oral), pp. 537-540, 2002. G11
96. L. Wang, H. Z. Ning, T. N. Tan, and W. M. Hu, Gait recognition by combining static and dynamic body biometrics, Proceedings of the 4th Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CBR, Oral), pp. 241-249, 2003.
97. H. Z. Ning, L. Wang, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Articulated model based people tracking using motion models, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI, Oral), pp. 383-388, 2002. G20
98. L. Wang, H. Z. Ning, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Automatic gait recognition based on statistical shape analysis, Proceedings of the 3rd Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CBR, Oral), pp. 261-266, 2002.
99. H. Z. Ning, L. Wang, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Tracking people based on human body model and kinematics, Proceedings of the 1st Chinese Conference on Intelligent Visual Surveillance (IVS, Oral), 2002.
100. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, PCA-based automatic gait recognition for personal identification, Proceedings of the 2nd Chinese Workshop on Biometrics (Sinobiometrics, Oral), 2001.
1. C. L. Liu, C. Zhang, and L. Wang, Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR), CCIS 321, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-33505-1, 683 pages, September 2012.
2. L. Wang, G. Y. Zhao, L. Cheng, and M. Pietiaainen, Machine learning for vision-based motion analysis: theory and techniques, Springer, ISBN: 978-0-85729-056-4, 372 pages, December 2010.
3. D. Schonfeld, C. F. Shan, D. C. Tao, and L. Wang, Video search and mining, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-12899-8, 386 pages, March 2010.
4. L. Wang, L. Cheng and G. Y. Zhao, Machine learning for human motion analysis: theory and practice, IGI Global USA, ISBN: 978-1-60566-900-7, 387 pages, December, 2009.
5. L. Wang and X. Geng, Behavioural biometrics for human identification: intelligent applications, IGI Global USA, ISBN: 978-1-60566-725-6, 488 pages, August 2009.
6. J. Gonzalez, T. Moeslund and L. Wang, Tracking humans for the evaluation of their motion in image sequences, Graficas Rey, S.L. Spain, ISBN 13: 978-84-935251-9-4, 119 pages, September 2008.
Book chapters
7. S. Q. Yu and L. Wang, Gait recognition and analysis, in L. Wang and X. Geng (eds): Behavioural biometrics for human identification: intelligent applications, IGI Global USA, pp. 151-168, August 2009.
Refereed journal articles
8. L. Wang,H. Zhou, D. Suter, and C. Li, Spectrum analysis based model selection for Gaussian process classification, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Part B (TSMCB, under review).
9. R. He, T. N. Tan, and L. Wang, Robust recovery of corrupted low-rank matrix by Implicit Regularizers, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI, under review).
10. H. Y. Zhou, J. G. Zhang, L. Wang, Z. Y. Zhang, and L. M. Brown, Editorial: Pattern recognition special issue: sparse representation for event recognition in video surveillance, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2013, 46: 1748-1749.
11. M. Yu, A. Rhuma, S. Naqvi, L. Wang, and J. Chambers, Posture recognition based fall detection system for monitoring an elderly person in a smart home environment, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedcine (TITB), 2012, 16(6): 1274-1286.
12. U. Nguyen, A. Bhuiyan, L. Park, L. Wang, and R. Kotagiri, A quantitative measure for retinal blood vessel segmentation evaluation, International Journal of Computer Vision and Signal Processing (IJCVSP), 2012, 1(1):1-8.
13. Y. Z. Song, C. Li, L. Wang, P. Hall, and P. Shen, Robust visual tracking using structure hierarchy and graph matching, Neurocomputing, 2012, 89: 12-20.
14. C. Wang, J. Zhang, L. Wang, J. Pu, and X. Yuan, Human identification using temporal information preserving gait templates, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2012, 34(11): 2164-2176.
15. L. Wang and C. Leckie, Improved Gaussian process classification via feature space rotation, Neurocomputing, 2012, 83:89-97.
16. H. X. Yang, L. Shao, F. Zheng, L. Wang, and Z. Song, Recent advances and trends in visual tracking: a review, Neurocomputing, 2012, 74(18): 3823-3831.
17. J. Gonzalez, T. B. Moeslund, and L. Wang, Editorial: Special issue on semantic understanding of human behaviors in image sequences: from video-surveillance to video-hermeneutics, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2012, 116(3): 305-306.
18. L. Wang, L. Cheng and L. Wang, Elastic sequence correlation for human action analysis, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2011, 20(6): 1725-1738.
19. X. Geng, K. Smith-Miles, Z. H. Zhou, and L. Wang, Face image modelling by multilinear subspace analysis with missing values, IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (TSMC-B), 2011, 41(3): 881-892.
20. L. Shao, H. Zhang, L. Wang, and L. J. Wang, Repairing imperfect video enhancement algorithms using classification-based trained filters, The Signal, Image and Video Processing Journal (SIVP), 2011, 5(3): 307-313.
21. Y. Song, X. Bai, P. Hall and L. Wang, In search of perceptually salient groupings, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2011, 20(4): 935-947.
22. B. Tan, J. P. Zhang and L. Wang, Semi-supervised elastic net for pedestrian counting, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2011, 44(10-11):2297-2304. G2
23. L. Wang, C. Leckie, R. Kotagiri, and J. Bezdek, Approximate pairwise clustering for large datasets via sampling plus extension, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2011, 44(2): 222-235.
24. L. Wang, G. Y. Zhao, N. Rajpoot, and M. Nixon, Special issue on new advances in video-based gait analysis and applications: challenges and solutions, IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics – Part B (TSMC-B), 2010, 40(4): 982-985.
25. X. Geng, K. Smith-Miles, L. Wang, M. Li, and Q. Wu, Context-aware multi-biometric fusion with application to human identification in video, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2010, 43 (10): 3660-3673. G2
26. L. Wang, X. Geng, J. Bezdek, C. Leckie, and R. Kotagiri, Enhanced visual analysis for cluster tendency assessment and data partitioning, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2010, 22(10): 1401-1414. G3
27. L. Wang, Q. Wu, M. Li, J. Gonzàlez, and X. Geng, Editorial: Video analysis and understanding for surveillance applications, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), 2009, 23(7): 1-2.
28. L. Wang, Q. Wu, H. Wang, X. Geng, and M. Li, Editorial: Image/video based pattern analysis and HCI applications, Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), 2009, 30(12): 1-1.
29. H. Zhou, L. Wang and D. Suter, Human action recognition using feature-reduced Gaussian process classification, Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), 2009, 30(12): 1059-1066. G6
30. L. Wang, C. Leckie, R. Kotagiri, and J. Bezdek, Automatically determining the number of clusters in unlabeled data sets, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2009, 21(3): 335-350. G16
31. L. Wang and D. Suter, Visual learning and recognition of sequential data manifolds with applications to human movement analysis, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2008, 110(2): 153-172. G24
32. L. Wang, J. C. Bezdek, C. Leckie, and R. Kotagiri, Selective sampling for approximate clustering of very large data sets, International Journal of Intelligence Systems (IJIS), 2008, 23(3): 313-331. G7
33. L. Wang and D. Suter, Learning and matching of dynamic shape manifolds for human action recognition, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2007, 16(6): 1646-1661. G72
34. J. Coutinho, M. Juvonen, L. Wang, B. Lo, W. Luk, O. Mencer, and G. Yang, Designing a posture analysis system with hardware implementation, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology (VLSI-SPS), 2007, 47(1): 33-45. G2
35. L. Wang, T. N. Tan, H. Z. Ning, and W. M. Hu, Fusion of static and dynamic body biometrics for gait recognition, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2004, 14(2): 149-158. G124
36. W. M. Hu, T. N. Tan, L. Wang, and S. Maybank, A survey of visual surveillance of object motion and behaviors, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part C (TSMC-C), 2004, 34(3): 334-352. G883
37. H. Z. Ning, T. N. Tan, L. Wang, and W. M. Hu, Kinematics-based tracking of human walking in monocular video sequences, Image and Vision Computing (IVC), 2004, 22: 429-441. G45
38. H. Z. Ning, T. N. Tan, L. Wang, and W. M. Hu, People tracking based on motion model and motion constraints with automatic initialization, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2004, 37: 1423-1440. G37
39. L. Wang, T. N. Tan, H. Z. Ning, and W. M. Hu, Silhouette analysis based gait recognition for human identification, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2003, 25(12): 1505-1518. G398
40. L. Wang, T. N. Tan, W. M. Hu, and H. Z. Ning, Automatic gait recognition based on statistical shape analysis, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2003, 12(9): 1120-1131. G144
41. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, Recent developments in human motion analysis, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2003, 36(3): 585-601. G536
42. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, Gait-based human identification, Journal of Computers, 2003, 26(3): 353-360. G151
43. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, A survey of visual analysis of human motion, Journal of Computers (in Chinese), 2002, 25(3): 225-237. G301
44. L. Wang, Y. Y. Liu, C. Y. Liu, and J. Ming, Improvement of test methods for 'G-Y' matrix, Journal of Anhui University (Natural Sciences, in Chinese), 2000, 24(2): 35-38. G2
45. J. Ming, P. Wu and L. Wang, Generation of signals for video primary-colour encoders, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (in English), 1999, 28(5): 464-466.
46. J. Ming, P. Wu and L. Wang, Signal design for video primary-colour encoders, Journal of Image and Graphics (in Chinese), 1999, 4(7): 579-582. G4
Refereed conference papers
47. Z. F. Wu, Y. Z. Huang, L. Wang, and T. N. Tan, Spatial graph for image classification, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2012.
48. Z. F. Wu, Y. Z. Huang, L. Wang, and T. N. Tan, Contextual pooling in image classification, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2012.
49. K. Y. Wang, Z. Zhang and L. Wang, Violence detection in video by slow feature analysis, Proceedings of Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR), pp. 137-144, 2012.
50. Q. Y. Yin, R. Sun, L. Wang, and R. He, Structure sparsity for multi-camera gait recognition, Proceedings of Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR), pp. 259-267, 2012.
51. Z. Zhou, W. Wang and L. Wang, Community detection based on an improved modularity, Proceedings of Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR), pp. 638-645, 2012.
52. Y. Huang, W. Wang, L. Wang, T. N. Tan, An effective regional saliency model based on extended site entropy rate, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 1407-1410, 2012.
53. Y. S. Liu, J. P. Zhang, C. Wang, L. Wang, Multiple HOG templates for gait recognition, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2012.
54. Z. F. Wu, Y. Z. Huang, L. Wang, and T. N. Tan, Group encoding of local features in image classification, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 1505-1508, 2012.
55. D. Wang, W. Wang, Z. Zhang, L. Wang, and T. N. Tan, Baseline results of violence detection in still images, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video- and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS), pp. 54-57, 2012.
56. S. Q. Yu, S. Y. Wu, and L. Wang, SLTP: a fast descriptor for people detection in depth images, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video- and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS), pp. 43-47, 2012.
57. Y. M. Chen, L. Wang, W. Wang, and Z. Zhang, Continuum regression for cross-modal multimedia retrieval, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 1949-1952, 2012.
58. R. He, T. N. Tan, L. Wang, and W. S. Zheng, l21 regularized correntropy for robust feature selection, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, 24% acceptance rate), 2012.
59. C. Wang, J. P. Zhang, J. Pu, X. R. Yuan, and L. Wang, Chrono-gait image: A novel temporal template for gait recognition, Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV, Poster, 27% acceptance rate), pp. 257-270, 2010.
60. L. Wang, C. Leckie and R. Kotagiri, Combining real and virtual graphs to enhance data clustering, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Oral), pp. 790-793, 2010.
61. L. Wang and C. Leckie, Encoding actions via the quantized vocabulary of averaged silhouettes, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), pp. 3657-3660, 2010.
62. H. Qu, L. Wang and C. Leckie, Action recognition using space-time shape differences, Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), pp. 3661-3664, 2010.
63. L. Wang, U. Nguyen, C. Leckie, J. Bezdek, and R. Kotagiri, iVAT and aVAT: visual analysis for cluster tendency assessment, Proceedings of 14th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD, Long, 10.2% acceptance rate), LNAI 6118, pp. 16-27, 2010. G10
64. U. Nguyen, L. Park, L. Wang, and R. Kotagiri, A novel path-based clustering algorithm using multi-dimensional scaling, Proceedings of the 22nd Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI), LNAI 5866, pp. 280-290, 2009.
65. L. Wang, H. Zhou, S. Low, and C. Leckie, Action recognition via multi-feature fusion and Gaussian process classification, Proceedings of International Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 1-6, 2009. G1
66. X. Geng, K. Smith-Miles, L. Wang, and Z. H. Zhou, Face image modelling by multilinear subspace analysis with missing values, Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), pp. 629-632, 2009. G3
67. L. Wang, C. Leckie, R. Kotagiri, and J. Bezdek, Approximate spectral clustering, Proceedings of 13th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD, Long, 11.5% acceptance rate), LNAI 5476, pp. 134-146, 2009. G3
68. L. Wang, X. Geng, J. Bezdek, C. Leckie, and R. Kotagiri, SpecVAT: enhanced visual cluster analysis, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM, Regular, 9.6% acceptance rate), pp. 638-647, 2008. G4
69. H. Zhou, L. Wang and D. Suter, Human motion recognition using Gaussian processes classification, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Oral, 18% acceptance rate), pp. 1-4, 2008. G2
70. J. Cheng, L. Wang and C. Leckie, Dual clustering for categorization of action sequences, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), pp. 1-4, 2008.
71. L. Wang, X. Geng, C. Leckie, and R. Kotagiri, Moving shape dynamics: a signal processing perspective, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, Poster, 27.9% acceptance rate), pp. 1649-1656, 2008. G10
72. X. Z. Wang, L. Wang and A. Wirth, Pattern discovery in motion time series via structure-based spectral clustering, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, Poster, 27.9% acceptance rate), pp. 341-348, 2008. G1
73. L. Wang, X. Z. Wang, C. Leckie, and R. Kotagiri, Characteristic-based descriptors for motion sequence recognition, Proceedings of the 12th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD, Long, 11.9% acceptance rate), LNCS 5012, pp. 369-380, 2008. G2
74. X. Geng, L. Wang, M. Li, Q. Wu, and K. Smith-Miles, Adaptive fusion of gait and face for human identification in video, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV, Oral), pp. 1-6, 2008. G1
75. X. Z. Wang, A. Wirth and L. Wang, Structure-based statistical features and multivariate time series clustering, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM, Regular, 7.5% acceptance rate), pp. 351-360, 2007. G11
76. L. Wang and D. Suter, Recognizing human activities from silhouettes: motion subspace and factorial discriminative graph model, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, Poster, 23.4% acceptance rate), pp. 2518-2525, 2007. G81
77. L. Wang, C. Leckie, X. Z. Wang, R. Kotagiri, and J. Bezdek, Tensor space learning for analyzing activity patterns from video sequences, Proceedings of the ICDM’07 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining from Multimedia Data and Multimedia Applications (KDM, Oral), pp. 63-68, 2007. G3
78. Q. Wu, L. Wang, X. Geng, M. Li, and X. He, Dynamic biometrics fusion at feature level for video-based human recognition, Proceedings of the 22nd Image and Vision Computing New Zealand Conference (IVCNZ, Oral), pp. 152-157, 2007. G3
79. T. J. Chin, L. Wang, K. Schindler, and D. Suter, Extrapolating learned manifolds for human activity recognition, Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP, Poster), I: 381-384, 2007. G8
80. X. Geng, L. Wang, M. Li, Q. Wang, and K. Smith-Miles, Distance-driven fusion of face and gait for human recognition in video, Proceedings of the 22nd Image and Vision Computing New Zealand Conference (IVCNZ, Oral), pp. 19-24, 2007. G3
81. L. Wang and D. Suter, Analyzing human movements from silhouettes using manifold learning, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video- and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS, Oral), p. 7, 2006. G17
82. L. Wang and D. Suter, Informative shape representations for human action recognition, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, 15% acceptance rate), 2: 1266-1269, 2006. G27
83. L. Wang, Abnormal walking gait analysis using silhouette-masked flow histograms, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), III: 473-476, 2006. G12
84. L. Wang, From blob metrics to posture classification to activity profiling, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), 4: 736-739, 2006. G5
85. L. Wang, B. Lo and G. Z. Yang, Ubiquitous sensing for posture/behaviour analysis, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN, Poster), pp. 112-115, 2005.
86. D. Agathangelou, B. Lo, L. Wang, and G. Z. Yang, Self-configuring video-sensor networks, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive, Poster), pp. 29-32, 2005. G13
87. B. Lo, L. Wang and G. Z. Yang, From imaging networks to behaviour profiling: ubiquitous sensing for managed homecare of the elderly, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive, Demo), pp. 101-104, 2005. G27
88. M. P. Juvonen, J. G. Coutinho, L. Wang, B. L. Lo, W. Luk, O. Mencer, and G. Z. Yang, Custom hardware architectures for posture analysis, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT, Oral), pp. 77-84, 2005. G5
89. G. Z. Yang, B. Lo, L. Wang, M. Rans, S. Thiemjarus, J. Ng, P. Garner, S. Brown, B. Majeed, and I. Neid, From sensor networks to behaviour profiling: a homecare perspective of intelligent building, Proceedings of the IEEE Seminar on Sensor Systems for Intelligent Buildings (Invited Talk), p. 3, 2004. G19
90. S. Yu, L. Wang, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Gait analysis for human identification in frequency domain, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG, Poster), pp. 282-285, 2004. G29
91. L. Wang, H. Z. Ning, T. N. Tan, and W. M. Hu, Fusion of static and dynamic body biometrics for gait recognition, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV, Poster, 16.1% acceptance rate), 2: 1449-1454, 2003. G36
92. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, Face tracking using motion-guided dynamic template matching, Proceedings of the 5th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV, Oral), II: 448-453, 2002. G15
93. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, A new attempt to gait-based human identification, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Poster), I: 115-118, 2002. G39
94. L. Wang, H. Z. Ning, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Gait recognition based on Procrustes shape analysis, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP, Poster), III: 433-436, 2002. G39
95. H. Z. Ning, L. Wang, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Model-based tracking of human walking in monocular image sequences, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Region 10 Technical Conference on Computers, Communication, Control and Power Engineering (TENCON, Oral), pp. 537-540, 2002. G11
96. L. Wang, H. Z. Ning, T. N. Tan, and W. M. Hu, Gait recognition by combining static and dynamic body biometrics, Proceedings of the 4th Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CBR, Oral), pp. 241-249, 2003.
97. H. Z. Ning, L. Wang, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Articulated model based people tracking using motion models, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI, Oral), pp. 383-388, 2002. G20
98. L. Wang, H. Z. Ning, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Automatic gait recognition based on statistical shape analysis, Proceedings of the 3rd Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CBR, Oral), pp. 261-266, 2002.
99. H. Z. Ning, L. Wang, W. M. Hu, and T. N. Tan, Tracking people based on human body model and kinematics, Proceedings of the 1st Chinese Conference on Intelligent Visual Surveillance (IVS, Oral), 2002.
100. L. Wang, W. M. Hu and T. N. Tan, PCA-based automatic gait recognition for personal identification, Proceedings of the 2nd Chinese Workshop on Biometrics (Sinobiometrics, Oral), 2001.
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