王方军  男  博导  中国科学院大连化学物理研究所
电子邮件: wangfj@dicp.ac.cn
通信地址: 大连市中山路457号大连化物所18T5组
邮政编码: 116023


解析生物大分子的序列和结构是理解其生物学功能和相关生理、病理分子机制的关键。串联质谱(MS/MS)碎片离子分析是当前生物大分子组学序列鉴定的核心技术。商品化串联质谱主要采用电场加速蛋白质等离子与惰性气体分子碰撞(HCD/CID),将动能转换为内能并引发分子骨架解离产生序列特征碎片离子。由于气体分子碰撞能量转换效率低,需要10 ms以上的活化时间与气体分子多次碰撞,破坏了非共价相互作用和高级结构,通常只能有效解离3 kDa以下的多肽和核苷酸。常规蛋白质组学和基因修饰组学质谱分析都需要首先将蛋白质和核酸大分子酶切为短链多肽和核苷酸,丢失了大分子变体和相互作用等关键功能信息。因此,解离效率低、速率慢、难以探测非共价相互作用是当前串联质谱表征的瓶颈问题。

波长小于200 nm的高能/真空紫外激光可在单脉冲皮秒-纳秒内将30 kDa以上蛋白质直接激发至电子激发态,开启更多骨架解离通道产生前所未有的序列、结构特征碎片离子。由于高能紫外激光对蛋白质的解离速率快于其构象变化(微秒-毫秒),碎片离子保留了原位非共价相互作用和高级结构信息。目前可用于蛋白质紫外激光解离(UVPD)的主要是193 nm ArF准分子激光,相关串联质谱尚无商品化设备。由于高能紫外光源和串联质谱仪器的限制,光子能量更高的150 nm以下极紫外激光(Extreme ultraviolet laser)对生物大分子的解离鲜见报道。UVPD具有能量激发效率高、速率快、可表征大分子非共价相互作用和高级结构等优势,是一种变革性串联质谱技术,但相关仪器和理论都亟待发展。

本课题组致力于生物大分子质谱新仪器、新方法及其在生命健康领域的应用研究,近五年获得的创新成果包括:(1)利用极紫外自由电子激光大科学装置等先进激光光源,搭建了世界首台50-150 nm皮秒脉冲极紫外激光解离装置并开发了蛋白质串联质谱光解离碎片分析软件,与商品化HCD相比解离速率提升7-10个数量级,首次探测到蛋白质非变性电喷雾离子化过程中的瞬态结构变化;(2)提出了通过超快光解离碎片离子产率定量表征蛋白质结构变化的质谱分析新原理,实现了免疫受体CD28-激酶PKCθ等高度动态复合物识别分子机制的单氨基酸位点分辨、高灵敏度分析;(3)发展了193 nm脉冲紫外激光10 ns光化学氧化等蛋白质原位化学标记创新仪器和方法,通过位点标记效率和溶剂可及性实现对低纯度、亚微克蛋白质复合物动态识别和界面精细结构的高灵敏度分析,精确表征了病毒刺突蛋白S1结合ACE2受体或二维纳米材料等动态过程中的界面结构和关键识别位点。

近五年以通讯/共同通讯作者在Nat. Protoc.1),J. Am. Chem. Soc.2),Cell Chem. Biol.1),CCS Chem.1),Chem. Sci.1),Anal. Chem.4),Sci. Bull.1),Sci. China Chem.1),ACS Nano1)等期刊发表SCI论文40余篇。从事科研工作以来共发表SCI论文135篇,包括Nat. Nano 1篇,Nat. Catal. 1篇,Anal. Chem. 22篇(13篇一作/通讯),Chem. Commun. 11篇(6篇通讯),J. Proteome Res. 8篇(4篇一作/通讯)等,SCI他引4000余次;授权中国发明专利10件。应邀在Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol.2023, TRAC-Trend Anal. Chem.2019)等杂志撰写了生物大分子质谱技术促进功能蛋白质复合物发现和结构表征的综述论文。学术兼职包括:Chinese Chem. Lett.编委,中国化学会质谱分析专业委员会、色谱专业委员会委员,中国蛋白质组学专业委员会委员。第十二届全国化学生物学大会“大科学装置与化学生物学应用”分会主席。2019年入选大连市领军人才。中科院“从01”原始创新项目“基于极紫外自由电子激光的生命物质基础分析”(ZDBS-LY-SLH032)负责人,国家重大科学研究计划课题“整体蛋白质多种修饰的分析方法研究”(2013CB911203)负责人。









2010-01--2011-03   加拿大渥太华大学   联合培养
2005-09--2011-07   中国科学院大连化学物理研究所   理学博士
2001-09--2005-07   浙江大学化学系   理学学士




2017-07~现在, 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所, 研究员
2016-10~现在, 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所, 研究组长
2011-10~2017-06,中国科学院大连化学物理研究所, 副研究员
2016-05-23-今,中国蛋白质组学专业委员会, 理事
2014-08-26-今,中国分析测试协会青年学术委员会, 委员


Seminar 1


(1) UCAS-Springer 优秀博士论文, , 院级, 2013
(2) 中国科学院优秀博士学位论文, , 院级, 2012
(3) 中国科学院院长优秀奖, , 院级, 2011
( 1 ) 一种基于光化学的蛋白质标记方法, 发明专利, 2021, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN112876532A

( 2 ) 一种原位产生系列标准金属团簇离子的质谱校正方法, 发明专利, 2020, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN111077210A

( 3 ) 一种基于激光解离的裸金属团簇离子的制备方法, 发明专利, 2020, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN110967393A

( 4 ) 一种基于质谱的金团簇离子反应活性分析方法, 发明专利, 2020, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN110967391A

( 5 ) 筛选药物引起结构和相互作用变化蛋白质的质谱分析方法, 发明专利, 2020, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN110873766A

( 6 ) 一种定量分析小分子和蛋白质激酶相互作用的方法, 发明专利, 2020, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN110658270A

( 7 ) 基于化学标记和质谱的蛋白与材料相互作用结构分析方法, 发明专利, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN110609103A

( 8 ) 一种在纸靶片上进行蛋白质样品酶解检测的方法, 发明专利, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN110376383A

( 9 ) 一种基于纸质靶片的质谱检测方法, 发明专利, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN109932410A

( 10 ) 一种基于疏水性氨基酸特异性蛋白酶的蛋白质分析方法, 发明专利, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN109839469A

( 11 ) 一种基于纳米材料的小分子样品的质谱分析方法, 发明专利, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN109459484A

( 12 ) 一种基于均相反应系统的糖基化蛋白样品预处理方法, 发明专利, 2018, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN108508116A

( 13 ) 一种活性蛋白质与小分子相互作用的质谱检测方法, 发明专利, 2018, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN108508125A

( 14 ) 质谱仪在检测催化反应离子化中间体过程中的应用, 发明专利, 2018, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN105784917B

( 15 ) 一种磁性纳米材料及其制备与应用, 发明专利, 2018, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN105771942B

( 16 ) 一种基于H 3 + 质子转移反应的离子化方法, 发明专利, 2018, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN108155083A

( 17 ) 液相色谱-质谱联用对分析物进行高效分离鉴定的方法, 发明专利, 2018, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN105987964B

( 18 ) 一种耐受消化道酶的活性肽的筛选方法, 发明专利, 2018, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN107557416A

( 19 ) 一种两相整体柱及其制备和应用, 发明专利, 2009, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN101413932


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[10] He, Min, Wang, Wangyin, Liu, Zheyi, Zhang, Wenxiang, Li, Jinan, Tian, Wenming, Zhou, Ye, Jin, Yan, Wang, Fangjun, Li, Can. Characterization and manipulation of the photosystem II-semiconductor interfacial molecular interactions in solar-to-chemical energy conversion. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY[J]. 2022, 70: 437-443, https://www.sciengine.com/doi/10.1016/j.jechem.2022.03.002.
[11] Analytical Chemistrynull. 2022, [12] Sun, Binwen, Lv, Ji, Chen, Jin, Liu, Zheyi, Zhou, Ye, Liu, Lin, Jin, Yan, Wang, Fangjun. Size-Selective VAILase Proteolysis Provides Dynamic Insights into Protein Structures. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2021, 93(30): 10653-10660, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.1c02042.
[13] Liu, Zheyi, Zhang, Wenxiang, Sun, Binwen, Ma, Yaolu, He, Min, Pan, Yuanjiang, Wang, Fangjun. Probing conformational hotspots for the recognition and intervention of protein complexes by lysine reactivity profiling. CHEMICAL SCIENCE[J]. 2021, 12(4): 1451-1457, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d0sc05330a.
[14] Tu, Yunchuan, Tang, Wei, Yu, Liang, Liu, Zheyi, Liu, Yanting, Xia, Huicong, Zhang, Haiwei, Chen, Shiyun, Wu, Jia, Cui, Xiaoju, Zhang, Jianan, Wang, Fangjun, Hu, Yangbo, Deng, Dehui. Inactivating SARS-CoV-2 by electrochemical oxidation. Science Bulletin[J]. 2021, 66(7): 720-726, https://www.sciengine.com/doi/10.1016/j.scib.2020.12.025.
[15] Wang Fangjun. Elucidating the Molecular Mechanism of Dynamic Photodamage of Photosystem II Membrane-protein Complex by Integrated Proteomics Strategy. CCS Chemistry. 2021, [16] Sun, Binwen, Liu, Zheyi, Fang, Xiang, Wang, Xiaolei, Lai, Can, Liu, Lin, Xiao, Chunlei, Jiang, You, Wang, Fangjun. Improving the performance of proteomic analysis via VAILase cleavage and 193-nm ultraviolet photodissociation. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA[J]. 2021, 1155: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2021.338340.
[17] Yu, Lisha, Yu, Bin, Chen, Hao, Shang, Xiaoqiang, He, Min, Lin, Mengchi, Li, Dan, Zhang, Wenzhao, Kang, Zhengzhong, Li, Jiachen, Wang, Fangjun, Xiao, Liping, Wang, Qi, Fan, Jie. Highly efficient artificial blood coagulation shortcut confined on Ca-zeolite surface. NANO RESEARCH[J]. 2021, 14(9): 3309-3318, http://sciencechina.cn/gw.jsp?action=detail.jsp&internal_id=7159107&detailType=1.
[18] Xu, Caiming, Zhang, Jingyu, Liu, Jing, Li, Zhaoxia, Liu, Zheyi, Luo, Yalan, Xu, Qiushi, Wang, Mengfei, Zhang, Guixin, Wang, Fangjun, Chen, Hailong. Proteomic analysis reveals the protective effects of emodin on severe acute pancreatitis induced lung injury by inhibiting neutrophil proteases activity. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS[J]. 2020, 220: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2020.103760.
[19] Liu, Zheyi, Li, Zhimin, Li, Guanna, Wang, Zhipeng, Lai, Can, Wang, Xiaolei, Pidko, Evgeny A, Xiao, Chunlei, Wang, Fanjun, Li, Gao, Yang, Xueming. Single-Atom Pt+ Derived from the Laser Dissociation of a Platinum Cluster: Insights into Nonoxidative Alkane Conversion. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS[J]. 2020, 11(15): 5987-5991, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c01416.
[20] Tian, Xibao, Gao, Jiali, Liu, Meishuo, Lei, Yuqin, Wang, Fangjun, Chen, Jin, Chu, Peng, Gao, Jiujiao, Long, Feida, Liang, Minzhi, Long, Xiangyu, Chu, Huiying, Liu, Cuixia, Li, Xueliang, Sun, Qingxiang, Li, Guohui, Yang, Yongliang. Small-Molecule Antagonist Targeting Exportin-1 via Rational Structure-Based Discovery. JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2020, 63(8): 3881-3895, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000529170200005.
[21] Shi, ChengCheng, Chen, TianRan, Zhang, QiHua, Wei, LingHua, Huang, Chao, Zhu, YaDi, Liu, HaiBin, Bai, YaKun, Wang, FangJun, Guo, WenZhi, Zhang, LiRong, Ge, GuangBo. Inhibition of human thrombin by the constituents of licorice: inhibition kinetics and mechanistic insights through in vitro and in silico studies. RSC ADVANCES[J]. 2020, 10(7): 3626-3635, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c9ra09203j.
[22] Sun, Binwen, Liu, Zheyi, Fang, Zheng, Dong, Wei, Yu, Yang, Ye, Mingliang, Liu, Lin, Wang, Hongda, Wang, Fangjun. Probing the Proteomics Dark Regions by VAILase Cleavage at Aliphatic Amino Acids. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2020, 92(3): 2770-2777, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000511509400056.
[23] Chen, Jin, Wang, Anhui, Liu, Bing, Zhou, Ye, Luo, Pan, Zhang, Zhichao, Li, Guohui, Liu, Quentin, Wang, Fangjun. Quantitative Lysine Reactivity Profiling Reveals Conformational Inhibition Dynamics and Potency of Aurora A Kinase Inhibitors. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2019, 91(20): 13222-13229, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000491219900079.
[24] Chen, TianRan, Wei, LingHua, Guan, XiaoQing, Huang, Chao, Liu, ZheYi, Wang, FangJun, Hou, Jie, Jin, Qiang, Liu, YiFan, Wen, PeiHao, Zhang, ShuiJun, Ge, GuangBo, Guo, WenZhi. Biflavones from Ginkgo biloba as inhibitors of human thrombin. BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY[J]. 2019, 92: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.103199.
[25] Liu, Zheyi, Zhou, Ye, Liu, Jing, Chen, Jin, Heck, Albert J R, Wang, Fangjun. Reductive methylation labeling, from quantitative to structural proteomics. TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYnull. 2019, 118: 771-778, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2019.07.009.
[26] Zhou Ye, Liu Zheyi, Zhang Jinbao, Dou Tongyi, Chen Jin, Ge Guangbo, Zhu Shujia, Wang Fangjun. Prediction of ligand modulation patterns on membrane receptors via lysine reactivity profiling. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND)[J]. 2019, http://www.corc.org.cn/handle/1471x/2162547.
[27] 周烨, 刘哲益, 王方军. 结构蛋白质组学研究进展. 色谱[J]. 2019, 37(8): 788-797, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7002627630.
[28] Liu, Zheyi, Wang, Ruimin, Liu, Jing, Sun, Ruixiang, Wang, Fangjun. Global Quantification of Intact Proteins via Chemical Isotope Labeling and Mass Spectrometry. JOURNALOFPROTEOMERESEARCH[J]. 2019, 18(5): 2185-2194, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/165470.
[29] 楚士颖, 谢洁, 江游, 王方军, 翟睿, 冯璐璐, 龚晓云, 戴新华, 田地, 方向, 邱春玲, 黄泽建. 四极离子阱阱内离子解离技术的研究进展. 质谱学报[J]. 2019, 40(4): 391-400, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7002547048.
[30] Weng, Guofeng, Sun, Binwen, Liu, Zheyi, Wang, Fangjun, Pan, Yuanjiang. Analysis of oligonucleotides by ion-pair reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled with positive mode electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2019, 411(18): 4167-4173, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000474266400021.
[31] Zheyi Liu, Ye Zhou, Jing Liu, Jin Chen, Albert JR Heck, Fangjun Wang. Reductive methylation labeling, from quantitative to structural proteomics. TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2019, 118: 771-778, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2019.07.009.
[32] Zhou, Ye, Liu, Zheyi, Zhang, Jinbao, Dou, Tongyi, Chen, Jin, Ge, Guangbo, Zhu, Shujia, Wang, Fangjun. Prediction of ligand modulation patterns on membrane receptors via lyysine reactivity profiling. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2019, 55(30): 4311-4314, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/171907.
[33] Wu, Yue, Chen, Jin, Liu, Zheyi, Wang, Fangjun. Identification of pyridoxal phosphate-modified proteins using mass spectrometry. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY[J]. 2018, 32(3): 195-200, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/168500.
[34] Cai, Xiaoming, Dong, Jun, Liu, Jing, Zheng, Huizhen, Kaweeteerawat, Chitrada, Wang, Fangjun, Ji, Zhaoxia, Li, Ruibin. Multi-hierarchical profiling the structure-activity relationships of engineered nanomaterials at nano-bio interfaces. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2018, 9(1): https://doaj.org/article/6e6029f21e6544d7be84a96085512496.
[35] 陈津, 王方军. 基于质谱的蛋白质激酶-小分子相互作用研究进展. 世界科学技术:中医药现代化[J]. 2018, 20(8): 1314-1321, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=6100236080.
[36] Zheyi Liu, You Jiang, Chunlei Xiao, Xingchuang Xiong, Tao Wang, Jinan Li, Fangjun Wang, Xiang Fang, Xueming Yang. Elucidating the various multi-phosphorylation statuses of protein functional regions by 19B-nm ultraviolet photodissociation. 中国化学快报:英文版[J]. 2018, 29(5): 694-698, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=675219422.
[37] Zhu, Ying, Dou, Maowei, Piehowski, Paul D, Liang, Yiran, Wang, Fangjun, Chu, Rosalie K, Chrisler, William B, Smith, Jordan N, Schwarz, Kaitlynn C, Shen, Yufeng, Shukla, Anil K, Moore, Ronald J, Smith, Richard D, Qian, WeiJun, Kelly, Ryan T. Spatially Resolved Proteome Mapping of Laser Capture Microdissected Tissue with Automated Sample Transfer to Nanodroplets. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS[J]. 2018, 17(9): 1864-1874, http://dx.doi.org/10.1074/mcp.TIR118.000686.
[38] Wu, Yue, Ali, Moustafa R K, Dong, Bin, Han, Tiegang, Chen, Kuangcai, Chen, Jin, Tang, Yan, Fang, Ning, Wang, Fangjun, ElSayed, Mostafa A. Gold Nanorod Photothermal Therapy Alters Cell Junctions and Actin Network in Inhibiting Cancer Cell Collective Migration. ACS NANO[J]. 2018, 12(9): 9279-9290, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/166990.
[39] Liu, Zheyi, Jiang, You, Xiao, Chunlei, Xiong, Xingchuang, Wang, Tao, Li, Jinan, Wang, Fangjun, Fang, Xiang, Yang, Xueming. Elucidating the various multi-phosphorylation statuses of protein functional regions by 193-nm ultraviolet photodissociation. CHINESECHEMICALLETTERS[J]. 2018, 29(5): 694-698, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2017.10.020.
[40] Yao, Mingdong, Liu, Ying, Fei, Liping, Zhou, Ye, Wang, Fangjun, Chen, Jun. Self-Adaptable Quinone-Quinol Exchange Mechanism of Photosystem II. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B[J]. 2018, 122(46): 10478-10489, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/166576.
[41] Wang, Fangjun, Liu, Zheyi, Weng, Guofeng. Profiling the short-lived cationic species generated during catalytic dehydration of short-chain alcohols. COMMUNICATIONS CHEMISTRY[J]. 2018, 1(1): https://doaj.org/article/80e4863d74064756922f0089e580a12f.
[42] Yu, Yang, Jin, Yan, Wang, Fangjun, Yan, Jiaze, Qi, Yanxia, Ye, Mingliang. Protein digestomic analysis reveals the bioactivity of deer antler velvet in simulated gastrointestinal digestion. FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2017, 96: 182-190, [43] Tian, Lirong, Liu, Zheyi, Wang, Fangjun, Shen, Liangliang, Chen, Jinghua, Chang, Lijing, Zhao, Songhao, Han, Guangye, Wang, Wenda, Kuang, Tingyun, Qin, Xiaochun, Shen, JianRen. Isolation and characterization of PSI-LHCI super-complex and their sub-complexes from a red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH[J]. 2017, 133(1-3): 201-214, http://ir.ibcas.ac.cn/handle/2S10CLM1/15352.
[44] Weng, Guofeng, Liu, Zheyi, Chen, Jin, Wang, Fangjun, Pan, Yuanjiang, Zhang, Yukui. Enhancing the Mass Spectrometry Sensitivity for Oligonucleotide Detection by Organic Vapor Assisted Electrospray. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2017, 89(19): 10256-10263, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/150227.
[45] Xia KaiMin, Weng GuoFeng, Wang ZhiPeng, Wang FangJun, Xiao ChunLei, Pan YuanJiang, Wu Jun. Analysis of Steroid Hormone by Low Temperature Plasma Mass Spectrometry. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2017, 45(12): 1944-1950, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/168484.
[46] Tan, Yuan, Liu, Xiao Yan, Zhang, Leilei, Wang, Aiqin, Li, Lin, Pan, Xiaoli, Miao, Shu, Haruta, Masatake, Wei, Haisheng, Wang, Hua, Wang, Fangjun, Wang, Xiaodong, Zhang, Tao. ZnAl-Hydrotalcite-Supported Au-25 Nanoclusters as Precatalysts for Chemoselective Hydrogenation of 3-Nitrostyrene. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION[J]. 2017, 56(10): 2709-2713, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/169614.
[47] Wu, Yue, Zhou, Ye, Wang, Fangjun. Probing the lysine proximal microenvironments within membrane protein complexes by active dimethyl labeling and mass spectrometry. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYnull. 2017, 253: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000430568501440.
[48] Jin, Qiang, Feng, Lei, Zhang, ShuiJun, Wang, DanDan, Wang, FangJun, Zhang, Yi, Cui, JingNan, Guo, WenZhi, Ge, GuangBo, Yang, Ling. Real-Time Tracking the Synthesis and Degradation of Albumin in Complex Biological Systems with a near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2017, 89(18): 9884-9891, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/150169.
[49] Li, Jinan, Liu, Jing, Liu, Zheyi, Tan, Yuan, Liu, Xiaoyan, Wang, Fangjun. Water-soluble Au nanoclusters for multiplexed mass spectrometry imaging. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2017, 53(94): 12688-12691, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/169256.
[50] Liu, Jing, Xu, Bo, Liu, Zheyi, Dong, Mingming, Mao, Jiawei, Zhou, Ye, Chen, Jin, Wang, Fangjun, Zou, Hanfa. Specific mixing facilitates the comparative quantification of phosphorylation sites with significant dysregulations. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA[J]. 2017, 950: 129-137, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2016.10.044.
[51] Li, Jinan, Liu, Jing, Liu, Zheyi, Tan, Yuan, Liu, Xiaoyan, Wang, Fangjun. Detecting Proteins Glycosylation by a Homogeneous Reaction System with Zwitterionic Gold Nanoclusters. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2017, 89(8): 4339-4343, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/151979.
[52] Qin, Hongqiang, Cheng, Kai, Zhu, Jun, Mao, Jiawei, Wang, Fangjun, Dong, Mingming, Chen, Rui, Guo, Zhimou, Liang, Xinmiao, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Proteomics Analysis of O-GaINAc Glycosylation in Human Serum by an Integrated Strategy. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2017, 89(3): 1469-1476, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/169606.
[53] Xia KaiMin, Weng GuoFeng, Wang ZhiPeng, Wang FangJun, Xiao ChunLei, Pan YuanJiang, Wu Jun. Analysis of Steroid Hormone by Low Temperature Plasma Mass Spectrometry. CHINESEJOURNALOFANALYTICALCHEMISTRY[J]. 2017, 45(12): 1944-1950, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/168484.
[54] Chen, Jin, Wang, Fangjun, Liu, Zheyi, Liu, Jing, Zhu, Yixin, Zhang, Yukui, Zou, Hanfa. Electrospray ionization in concentrated acetonitrile vapor improves the performance of mass spectrometry for proteomic analyses. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A[J]. 2017, 1483: 101-109, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/169684.
[55] Zhou, Ye, Wu, Yue, Yao, Mingdong, Liu, Zheyi, Chen, Jin, Chen, Jun, Tian, Lirong, Han, Guangye, Shen, JianRen, Wang, Fangjun. Probing the Lysine Proximal Microenvironments within Membrane Protein Complexes by Active Dimethyl Labeling and Mass Spectrometry. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2016, 88(24): 12060-12065, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/151819.
[56] Jin, Yan, Yu, Yang, Qi, Yanxia, Wang, Fangjun, Yan, Jiaze, Zou, Hanfa. Peptide profiling and the bioactivity character of yogurt in the simulated gastrointestinal digestion. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS[J]. 2016, 141: 24-46, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2016.04.010.
[57] JianRen Shen, Lirong Tian, Ye Zhou, Fangjun Wang, Jun Chen, Jin Chen, Zheyi Liu, Mingdong Yao, Yue Wu, Guangye Han. Probing the Lysine Proximal Microenvironments within Membrane Protein Complexes by Active Dimethyl Labeling and Mass Spectrometry.. AANALYTICAL CHEMSTRY[J]. 2016, 2016: 12060-12065, http://ir.ibcas.ac.cn/handle/2S10CLM1/15623.
[58] Liu, Zheyi, Wang, Fangjun, Chen, Jin, Zhou, Ye, Zou, Hanfa. Modulating the selectivity of affinity absorbents to multi-phosphopeptides by a competitive substitution strategy. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A[J]. 2016, 1461: 35-41, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/170300.
[59] Li, Ruibin, Wang, Fangjun, Liu, Hongwei, Wu, Renan, Zou, Hanfa. Nano LC-MS Based Proteomic Analysis as a Predicting Approach to Study Cellular Responses of Carbon Nanotubes. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY[J]. 2016, 16(3): 2350-2359, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/148377.
[60] Ago, Hideo, Adachi, Hideyuki, Umena, Yasufumi, Tashiro, Takayoshi, Kawakami, Keisuke, Kamiya, Nobuo, Tian, Lirong, Han, Guangye, Kuang, Tingyun, Liu, Zheyi, Wang, Fangjun, Zou, Hanfa, Enami, Isao, Miyano, Masashi, Shen, JianRen. Novel Features of Eukaryotic Photosystem II Revealed by Its Crystal Structure Analysis from a Red Alga. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2016, 291(11): 5676-5687, http://dx.doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M115.711689.
[61] 周烨, 刘哲益, 王方军, 邹汉法. IDENTIFICATION OF INTACT PROTEINS EXTRACTED WITH A MILD DETERGENT OF N-DODECYL β-D-MALTOSIDE. 31st International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparationnull. 2015, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/143487.
[62] 王方军, 邹汉法. HIGHLY SENSITIVE GLYCOPROTEOME ANALYSIS BY USING GLYCOPROTEOMIC REACTOR. 43rd international symposium on high performance liquid phase separations and related techniquesnull. 2015, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/143430.
[63] Li, Jinan, Wang, Fangjun, Liu, Jing, Xiong, Zhichao, Huang, Guang, Wan, Hao, Liu, Zheyi, Cheng, Kai, Zou, Hanfa. Functionalizing with glycopeptide dendrimers significantly enhances the hydrophilicity of the magnetic nanoparticles. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2015, 51(19): 4093-4096, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/146050.
[64] Zhao, Baofeng, Xu, Bo, Hu, Wenquan, Song, Chunxia, Wang, Fangjun, Liu, Zhong, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa, Miao, Qing R. Comprehensive proteome quantification reveals NgBR as a new regulator for epithelial-mesenchymal transition of breast tumor cells. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS[J]. 2015, 112: 38-52, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2014.08.007.
[65] Wang Fangjun. High-sensitivity N-glycoproteomic analysis of mouse brain tissue by protein extraction with a mild detergent of N-dodecyl β-D-maltoside. Anal. Chem.. 2015, [66] 刘静, 王方军, 毛家维, 张章, 刘哲益, 黄光, 程凯, 邹汉法. High-Sensitivity N‑ Glycoproteomic Analysis of Mouse Brain Tissue by Protein Extraction with a Mild Detergent of N‑ Dodecyl β‑ D-Maltoside. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2015, 87(1): 2054-, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/143795.
[67] 程凯, 王方军, 边阳阳, 叶明亮, 邹汉法. 一种位点注释的蛋白质数据库用于磷酸化肽段的鉴定. 色谱[J]. 2015, 33(1): 17-21, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=663344467.
[68] Wang, Keyun, Zhou, Yongjin J, Liu, Hongwei, Cheng, Kai, Mao, Jiawei, Wang, Fangjun, Liu, Wujun, Ye, Mingliang, Zhao, Zongbao K, Zou, Hanfa. Proteomic analysis of protein methylation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS[J]. 2015, 114(1): 226-233, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2014.07.032.
[69] Chen, Jin, Liu, Zheyi, Wang, Fangjun, Mao, Jiawei, Zhou, Ye, Liu, Jing, Zou, Hanfa, Zhang, Yukui. Enhancing the performance of LC-MS for intact protein analysis by counteracting the signal suppression effects of trifluoroacetic acid during electrospray. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2015, 51(79): 14758-14760,
[70] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 王方军. COMPREHENSIVE CHARACTERIZATION OF POST-TRANSLATIONAL MODIFICATIONS OF PROTEINS BY NEW PROTEOMICS APPROACHES. 43rd international symposium on high performance liquid phase separations and related techniquesnull. 2015, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/143432.
[71] Liu, Jing, Wang, Fangjun, Mao, Jiawei, Zhang, Zhang, Liu, Zheyi, Huang, Guang, Cheng, Kai, Zou, Hanfa. High-Sensitivity N-Glycoproteomic Analysis of Mouse Brain Tissue by Protein Extraction with a Mild Detergent of N-Dodecyl beta-D-Maltoside. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2015, 87(4): 2054-2057, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/145932.
[72] Li, Jinan, Wang, Fangjun, Wan, Hao, Liu, Jing, Liu, Zheyi, Cheng, Kai, Zou, Hanfa. Magnetic nanoparticles coated with maltose-functionalized polyethyleneimine for highly efficient enrichment of N-glycopeptides. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A[J]. 2015, 1425: 213-220, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2015.11.044.
[73] 吴越, 王方军, 邹汉法. Global protein phosphorylation dynamics during IGF-1 stimulation using five-plex isotope dimethyl labeling strategy. the 5th asia oceania mass spectrometry conference & the 33rd chinese mass spectrometry society annual conference null. 2014, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/143595.
[74] 孙珍, 孙德光, 王方军, 程凯, 张章, 徐博, 叶明亮, 王立明, 邹汉法. Differential analysis of N-glycoproteome between hepatocellular carcinoma and normal human liver tissues by combination of multiple protease digestion and solid phase based labeling. BMC CLINICAL PROTEOMICS[J]. 2014, 11(26): 1-, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/144538.
[75] Bian, Yangyang, Song, Chunxia, Cheng, Kai, Dong, Mingming, Wang, Fangjun, Huang, Junfeng, Sun, Deguang, Wang, Liming, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. An enzyme assisted RP-RPLC approach for in-depth analysis of human liver phosphoproteome. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS[J]. 2014, 96: 253-262, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2013.11.014.
[76] 王方军, 邹汉法. High efficiently N-glycoproteomic analysis by using integrated microreactors. the 5th asia oceania mass spectrometry conference & the 33rd chinese mass spectrometry society annual conference null. 2014, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/143597.
[77] Huang, Junfeng, Qin, Hongqiang, Dong, Jing, Song, Chunxia, Bian, Yangyang, Dong, Mingming, Cheng, Kai, Wang, Fangjun, Sun, Deguang, Wang, Liming, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. In Situ Sample Processing Approach (iSPA) for Comprehensive Quantitative Phosphoproteome Analysis. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH[J]. 2014, 13(9): 3896-3904, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/144524.
[78] Zhu, Jun, Sun, Zhen, Cheng, Kai, Chen, Rui, Ye, Mingliang, Xu, Bo, Sun, Deguang, Wang, Liming, Liu, Jing, Wang, Fangjun, Zou, Hanfa. Comprehensive Mapping of Protein N-Glycosylation in Human Liver by Combining Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography and Hydrazide Chemistry. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH[J]. 2014, 13(3): 1713-1721, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/pr401200h.
[79] 秦洪强, 黄俊峰, 孙珍, 王方军, 叶明亮, 邹汉法. 原位富集-选择性标记技术用于蛋白质翻译后修饰的定量分析. The 5th Asia Oceania Mass Spectrometry Conference & The 33rd Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society Annual Conferencenull. 2014, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/143594.
[80] Tan, Yexiong, Wang, Fangjun, Zhou, Hanfa, Wang, Hongyang. In-depth proteome quantification of hepatocellular carcinoma tissues reveals significant liver dysfunction. CANCER RESEARCH[J]. 2014, 74(19): http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/146213.
[81] Sun, Zhen, Sun, Deguang, Wang, Fangjun, Cheng, Kai, Zhang, Zhang, Xu, Bo, Ye, Mingliang, Wang, Liming, Zou, Hanfa. Differential analysis of N-glycoproteome between hepatocellular carcinoma and normal human liver tissues by combination of multiple protease digestion and solid phase based labeling. CLINICAL PROTEOMICS[J]. 2014, 11(1): 26-26, http://oa.las.ac.cn/oainone/service/browseall/read1?ptype=JA&workid=JA201706309369319ZK.
[82] Liu, Jing, Wang, Fangjun, Zhu, Jun, Mao, Jiawei, Liu, Zheyi, Cheng, Kai, Qin, Hongqiang, Zou, Hanfa. Highly efficient N-glycoproteomic sample preparation by combining C-18 and graphitized carbon adsorbents. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2014, 406(13): 3103-3109, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/145575.
[83] Song, Chunxia, Wang, Fangjun, Cheng, Kai, Wei, Xiaoluan, Bian, Yangyang, Wang, Keyun, Tan, Yexiong, Wang, Hongyang, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Large-Scale Quantification of Single Amino-Acid Variations by a Variation-Associated Database Search Strategy. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH[J]. 2014, 13(1): 241-248, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/858823.
[84] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 王方军. New proteomics approaches for comprehensive characterization of PTM. the 5th asia oceania mass spectrometry conference & the 33rd chinese mass spectrometry society annual conferencenull. 2014, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/143598.
[85] Wu, Yue, Wang, Fangjun, Liu, Zheyi, Qin, Hongqiang, Song, Chunxia, Huang, Junfeng, Bian, Yangyang, Wei, Xiaoluan, Dong, Jing, Zou, Hanfa. Five-plex isotope dimethyl labeling for quantitative proteomics. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2014, 50(14): 1708-1710, http://cas-ir.dicp.ac.cn/handle/321008/143851.
[86] Huang, Junfeng, Wang, Fangjun, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Enrichment and separation techniques for large-scale proteomics analysis of the protein post-translational modifications. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A[J]. 2014, 1372(1): 1-17, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2014.10.107.
[87] Xu, Bo, Wang, Fangjun, Song, Chunxia, Sun, Zhen, Cheng, Kai, Tan, Yexiong, Wang, Hongyang, Zou, Hanfa. Large-Scale Proteome Quantification of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tissues by a Three-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Strategy Integrated with Sample Preparation. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH[J]. 2014, 13(8): 3645-3654, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/858834.
[88] 程凯, 王方军, 卫晓鸾, 邹汉法. A Six-Plex Proteome Quantification Strategy Reveals the Dynamics of Protein Turnover. the 12th human proteome organisation world congressnull. 2013, 242-,
[89] Liu, Jing, Wang, Fangjun, Lin, Hui, Zhu, Jun, Bian, Yangyang, Cheng, Kai, Zou, Hanfa. Monolithic Capillary Column Based Glycoproteomic Reactor for High-Sensitive Analysis of N-Glycoproteome. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2013, 85(5): 2847-2852,
[90] 吴越, 刘静, 张轶, 刘哲益, 王方军, 邹汉法. Variations in proteolytic digestion compromise the accuracy of large-scale proteome quantification. the 5th international symposium on microchemistry and microsystemsnull. 2013, 23-,
[91] 刘静, 王方军, 张振宾, 邹汉法. 基于反相有机整体柱的新型蛋白质酶反应器. 分析化学[J]. 2013, 41(1): 10-14, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=44559857.
[92] Zhu, Jun, Wang, Fangjun, Cheng, Kai, Song, Chunxia, Qin, Hongqiang, Hu, Lianghai, Figeys, Daniel, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Analysis of human serum phosphopeptidome by a focused database searching strategy. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS[J]. 2013, 78: 389-397, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2012.10.006.
[93] Wang, Fangjun, Blanchard, Alexandre P, Elisma, Fred, Granger, Matthew, Xu, Hongbin, Bennett, Steffany A L, Figeys, Daniel, Zou, Hanfa. Phosphoproteome analysis of an early onset mouse model (TgCRND8) of Alzheimer's disease reveals temporal changes in neuronal and glia signaling pathways. PROTEOMICS[J]. 2013, 13(8): 1292-1305, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721047.
[94] 边阳阳, 宋春侠, 程凯, 董铭铭, 王方军, 黄俊峰, 孙德光, 王立明, 叶明亮, 邹汉法. An Enzyme Assisted RP-RPLC Approach for In-Depth Human Liver Phosphoproteome Analysis. 40th international symposium on high performance liquid phase separations and related techniquesnull. 2013, 78-,
[95] 邹汉法, 秦洪强, 王方军, 吴仁安. Highly efficient extraction of biological samples with mesoporous adsorbents for protein and peptides analysis. the 5th international symposium on microchemistry and microsystemsnull. 2013, 10-,
[96] 徐博, 周丽萍, 王方军, 秦洪强, 朱俊, 邹汉法. Selective capture of phosphopeptides by the hierarchical Ti-aluminophosphate-5 molecular sieves. the 5th international symposium on microchemistry and microsystemsnull. 2013, 18-,
[97] Zhang, Zhenbin, Wang, Fangjun, Ou, Junjie, Lin, Hui, Dong, Jing, Zou, Hanfa. Preparation of a butyl-silica hybrid monolithic column with a "one-pot" process for bioseparation by capillary liquid chromatography. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2013, 405(7): 2265-2271,
[98] Zhu, Jun, Wang, Fangjun, Cheng, Kai, Dong, Jing, Sun, Deguang, Chen, Rui, Wang, Liming, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. A simple integrated system for rapid analysis of sialic-acid-containing N-glycopeptides from human serum. PROTEOMICS[J]. 2013, 13(8): 1306-1313, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721044.
[99] 邹汉法, 程凯, 陈锐, 王方军, 叶明亮, Daniel Figeys. N-Glycoproteome Analysis from Identification of Glycosylation Sites to Intact Glycopeptides. the 12th human proteome organisation world congressnull. 2013, 21-,
[100] Zhang, Zhenbin, Wang, Fangjun, Dong, Jing, Lin, Hui, Ou, Junjie, Zou, Hanfa. A "one step" approach for preparation of an octadecyl-silica hybrid monolithic column via a non-hydrolytic sol-gel (NHSG) method. RSC ADVANCES[J]. 2013, 3(44): 22160-22167,
[101] Wang, Fangjun, Cheng, Kai, Wei, Xiaoluan, Qin, Hongqiang, Chen, Rui, Liu, Jing, Zou, Hanfa. A six-plex proteome quantification strategy reveals the dynamics of protein turnover. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS[J]. 2013, 3: http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721015.
[102] Pan, Yanbo, Ye, Mingliang, Zhao, Liang, Cheng, Kai, Dong, Mingming, Song, Chunxia, Qin, Hongqiang, Wang, Fangjun, Zou, Hanfa. N-Terminal Labeling of Peptides by Trypsin-Catalyzed Ligation for Quantitative Proteomics. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION[J]. 2013, 52(35): 9205-9209, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/720966.
[103] Liu Jing, Wang FangJun, Zhang ZhenBin, Zou HanFa. Reversed Phase Monolithic Column Based Enzyme Reactor for Protein Analysis. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2013, 41(1): 10-14, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1872-2040(13)60619-2.
[104] 邹汉法, 王方军, 叶明亮, 朱俊, 孙珍, 秦洪强, 黄俊峰. Solid-phase based technologies and methods for glycoproteome and phsophoproteome analysis. 39TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID PHASE SEPARATIONSnull. 2013, 34-,
[105] Qin, Hongqiang, Hu, Zhengyan, Wang, Fangjun, Zhang, Yi, Zhao, Liang, Xu, Guiju, Wu, Renan, Zou, Hanfa. Facile preparation of ordered mesoporous silica-carbon composite nanoparticles for glycan enrichment. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2013, 49(45): 5162-5164, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721074.
[106] Xu, Bo, Chen, Chen, Wang, Fangjun, Bian, Yangyang, Cheng, Kai, Qin, Hongqiang, Song, Chunxia, Zhu, Jun, Liu, Jing, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. High specific phosphopeptides enrichment by titanium silicalite with post-treatment of desilication. ANALYTICAL METHODS[J]. 2013, 5(12): 2939-2946, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721029.
[107] Liu, Zheyi, Ou, Junjie, Liu, Zhongshan, Liu, Jing, Lin, Hui, Wang, Fangjun, Zou, Hanfa. Separation of intact proteins by using polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane based hybrid monolithic capillary columns. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A[J]. 2013, 1317: 138-147, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2013.09.004.
[108] 朱俊, 王方军, 程凯, 叶明亮, 邹汉法. Proteomic Analysis of N- and O-linked Glycosylation based on Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography. 39TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID PHASE SEPARATIONSnull. 2013, 126-,
[109] Qin, Hongqiang, Wang, Fangjun, Wang, Peiyuan, Zhao, Liang, Zhu, Jun, Yang, Qihua, Wu, Renan, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Phosphoric acid functionalized mesoporous organo-silica (EPO) as the adsorbent for in situ enrichment and isotope labeling of endogenous phosphopeptides. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2012, 48(7): 961-963, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721703.
[110] 秦洪强, 王方军, 张轶, 胡争艳, 宋春侠, 吴仁安, 叶明亮, 邹汉法. Isobaric Cross-Sequence Labeling of Peptides by Using Site-Selective Dimethylation Reaction. 38TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID PHASE SEPARATIONS AND RELATED TECHNIQUESnull. 2012, 120-,
[111] Chen, Rui, Wang, Fangjun, Tan, Yexiong, Sun, Zhen, Song, Chunxia, Ye, Mingliang, Wang, Hongyang, Zou, Hanfa. Development of a combined chemical and enzymatic approach for the mass spectrometric identification and quantification of aberrant N-glycosylation. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS[J]. 2012, 75(5): 1666-1674, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2011.12.015.
[112] Bian, Yangyang, Ye, Mingliang, Song, Chunxia, Cheng, Kai, Wang, Chunli, Wei, Xiaoluan, Zhu, Jun, Chen, Rui, Wang, Fangjun, Zou, Hanfa. Improve the Coverage for the Analysis of Phosphoproteome of HeLa Cells by a Tandem Digestion Approach. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH[J]. 2012, 11(5): 2828-2837, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721664.
[113] Zhu, Jun, Wang, Fangjun, Chen, Rui, Cheng, Kai, Xu, Bo, Guo, Zhimou, Liang, Xinmiao, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Centrifugation Assisted Microreactor Enables Facile Integration of Trypsin Digestion, Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography Enrichment, and On-Column Deglycosylation for Rapid and Sensitive N-Glycoproteome Analysis. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2012, 84(11): 5146-5153, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721134.
[114] Wang, Fangjun, Zhu, Jun, Hu, Lianghai, Qin, Hongqiang, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Comprehensive analysis of the N and C terminus of endogenous serum peptides reveals a highly conserved cleavage site pattern derived from proteolytic enzymes. PROTEIN & CELL[J]. 2012, 3(9): 669-674, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721441.
[115] 宋春侠, 王方军, 程凯, 边阳阳, 叶明亮, 邹汉法. 基于两相预柱的在线二维分离系统用于人肝组织中磷酸肽的规模化鉴定. 分析测试学报[J]. 2012, 31(9): 1070-1074, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=43423781.
[116] Xu, Bo, Zhou, Lipeng, Wang, Fangjun, Qin, Hongqiang, Zhu, Jun, Zou, Hanfa. Selective capture of phosphopeptides by hierarchical Ti-aluminophosphate-5 molecular sieves. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2012, 48(12): 1802-1804, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721440.
[117] Knight, James D R, Tian, Ruijun, Lee, Robin E C, Wang, Fangjun, Beauvais, Ariane, Zou, Hanfa, Megeney, Lynn A, Gingras, AnneClaude, Pawson, Tony, Figeys, Daniel, Kothary, Rashmi. A novel whole-cell lysate kinase assay identifies substrates of the p38 MAPK in differentiating myoblasts. SKELETAL MUSCLE[J]. 2012, 2(1): 5-5, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721784.
[118] 秦洪强, 王方军, 张轶, 胡争艳, 宋春侠, 吴仁安, 叶明亮, 邹汉法. Isobaric Cross-Sequence Labeling of Peptides for Quantification of Proteins by MS/MS. ASIA OCEANIA HUMAN PROTEOME ORGANIZATION 6TH CONGRESS null. 2012, 232-,
[119] 邹汉法, 张振宾, 林辉, 欧俊杰, 王方军, 叶明亮. Preparation of Hybrid Monolithic Capillary Columns for Efficient Separation of Biological Samples. 38TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID PHASE SEPARATIONS AND RELATED TECHNIQUESnull. 2012, 32-,
[120] 徐博, ZhouLipeng, 王方军, 秦洪强, 朱俊, 邹汉法. Selective Capture of Phosphopeptides by the Hierarchical Tialuminophosphate-. ASIA OCEANIA HUMAN PROTEOME ORGANIZATION 6TH CONGRESS null. 2012, 295-,
[121] Sun, Zhen, Qin, Hongqiang, Wang, Fangjun, Cheng, Kai, Dong, Mingming, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Capture and Dimethyl Labeling of Glycopeptides on Hydrazide Beads for Quantitative Glycoproteomics Analysis. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2012, 84(20): 8452-8456, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721429.
[122] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 王方军. Method Development for Qualitative and Quantitative Phosphoproteome Analysis. ASIAOCEANIAHUMANPROTEOMEORGANIZATION6THCONGRESSnull. 2012, 59-,
[123] 邹汉法, 秦洪强, 王方军, 吴仁安. Size-selective Extraction of Biological Samples with Mesoporous Adsorbents for Protein and Peptides Analysis. 19TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM EXHIBIT & WORKSHOPS ON ELECTRO- AND LIQUID PHASE-SEPARATION TECHNIQUESnull. 2012, 6-,
[124] 王方军, 卫晓鸾, HuZhou, 朱俊, 徐博, 叶明亮, DanielFigeys, 邹汉法. Effect of Online Enzyme Digestion on Quantitative Proteome Analysis with Stable Isotope Labeling Approach. ASIA OCEANIA HUMAN PROTEOME ORGANIZATION 6TH CONGRESS null. 2012, 287-,
[125] 边阳阳, 叶明亮, 宋春侠, 程凯, 王春丽, 卫晓鸾, 朱俊, 陈锐, 王方军, 邹汉法. In Depth Mapping of Phosphorylation Sites by a Tandem Digestion Approach. ASIAOCEANIAHUMANPROTEOMEORGANIZATION6THCONGRESSnull. 2012, 163-,
[126] Qin, Hongqiang, Wang, Fangjun, Zhang, Yi, Hu, Zhengyan, Song, Chunxia, Wu, Renan, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Isobaric cross-sequence labeling of peptides by using site-selective N-terminus dimethylation. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2012, 48(50): 6265-6267, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721369.
[127] Zhang, Zhenbin, Wang, Fangjun, Xu, Bo, Qin, Hongqiang, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Preparation of capillary hybrid monolithic column with sulfonate strong cation exchanger for proteome analysis. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A[J]. 2012, 1256: 136-143, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2012.07.071.
[128] Xiong, Zhichao, Zhao, Liang, Wang, Fangjun, Zhu, Jun, Qin, Hongqiang, Wu, Renan, Zhang, Weibing, Zou, Hanfa. Synthesis of branched PEG brushes hybrid hydrophilic magnetic nanoparticles for the selective enrichment of N-linked glycopeptides. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2012, 48(65): 8138-8140, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721275.
[129] Wang, Fangjun, Wei, Xiaoluan, Zhou, Hu, Liu, Jing, Figeys, Daniel, Zou, Hanfa. Combination of online enzyme digestion with stable isotope labeling for high-throughput quantitative proteome analysis. PROTEOMICS[J]. 2012, 12(21): 3129-3137, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/721871.
[130] Jiang, Yongkang, Liu, Hongwei, Li, Hong, Wang, Fangjun, Cheng, Kai, Zhou, Guangdong, Zhang, Wenjie, Ye, Mingliang, Cao, Yinlin, Liu, Wei, Zou, Hanfa. A proteomic analysis of engineered tendon formation under dynamic mechanical loading in vitro. BIOMATERIALS[J]. 2011, 32(17): 4085-4095, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.02.033.
[131] Liu, Hongwei, Zhao, Xin, Wang, Fangjun, Jiang, Xinning, Zhang, Sufang, Ye, Mingliang, Zhao, Zongbao K, Zou, Hanfa. The proteome analysis of oleaginous yeast Lipomyces starkeyi. FEMS YEAST RESEARCH[J]. 2011, 11(1): 42-51, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/456541.
[132] Chen, Rui, Tan, Yexiong, Wang, Min, Wang, Fangjun, Yao, Zhenzhen, Dong, Liwei, Ye, Mingliang, Wang, Hongyang, Zou, Hanfa. Development of Glycoprotein Capture-Based Label-Free Method for the High-throughput Screening of Differential Glycoproteins in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS[J]. 2011, 10(7): http://dx.doi.org/10.1074/mcp.M110.006445.
[133] Ning, Zhibin, Zhou, Hu, Wang, Fangjun, AbuFarha, Mohamed, Figeys, Daniel. Analytical Aspects of Proteomics: 2009-2010. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2011, 83(12): 4407-4426,
[134] 张振宾, 欧俊杰, 董靖, 王方军, 吴明火, 林辉, 邹汉法. “一锅法”制备C18-硅胶杂化毛细管整体柱及其应用. 色谱[J]. 2011, 29(9): 830-836, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=39380532.
[135] Wang, Fangjun, Song, Chunxia, Cheng, Kai, Jiang, Xinning, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Perspectives of Comprehensive Phosphoproteome Analysis Using Shotgun Strategy. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2011, 83(21): 8078-8085, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/456663.
[136] Wang, Chunli, Ye, Mingliang, Han, Guanghui, Chen, Rui, Zhang, Manyu, Jiang, Xinning, Cheng, Kai, Wang, Fangjun, Zou, Hanfa. Enrichment of peptides containing consensus sequence by an enzymatic approach for targeted analysis of proteins. PROTEOMICS[J]. 2011, 11(17): 3578-3581, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/456625.
[137] Qin, Hongqiang, Gao, Peng, Wang, Fangjun, Zhao, Liang, Zhu, Jun, Wang, Aiqin, Zhang, Tao, Wu, Renan, Zou, Hanfa. Highly Efficient Extraction of Serum Peptides by Ordered Mesoporous Carbon. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION[J]. 2011, 50(51): 12218-12221, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/457107.
[138] Zhou, Hu, Wang, Fangjun, Wang, Yuwei, Ning, Zhibin, Hou, Weimin, Wright, Theodore G, Sundaram, Meenakshi, Zhong, Shumei, Yao, Zemin, Figeys, Daniel. Improved Recovery and Identification of Membrane Proteins from Rat Hepatic Cells using a Centrifugal Proteomic Reactor. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS[J]. 2011, 10(10): http://dx.doi.org/10.1074/mcp.O111.008425.
[139] 王方军, 徐博, 秦洪强, 邹汉法. Solid-phase isotope labeling and multidimensional separation for proteome and phosphoproteome quantification. 37TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIQUID PHASE SEPARATIONS AND RELATED TECHNIQUESnull. 2011, 138-,
[140] Zhou, Hu, Ning, Zhibin, Wang, Fangjun, Seebun, Deeptee, Figeys, Daniel. Proteomic reactors and their applications in biology. FEBS JOURNAL[J]. 2011, 278(20): 3796-3806,
[141] 邹汉法, 张振宾, 林辉, 欧俊杰, 王方军, 叶明亮. Prepration of hybrid monolithic capillary columns for separation of biological samples. 37TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIQUID PHASE SEPARATIONS AND RELATED TECHNIQUESnull. 2011, 50-,
[142] Song, Chunxia, Wang, Fangjun, Ye, Mingliang, Cheng, Kai, Chen, Rui, Zhu, Jun, Tan, Yexiong, Wang, Hongyang, Figeys, Daniel, Zou, Hanfa. Improvement of the Quantification Accuracy and Throughput for Phosphoproteome Analysis by a Pseudo Triplex Stable Isotope Dimethyl Labeling Approach. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2011, 83(20): 7755-7762, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/456646.
[143] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 江新宁, 韩广辉, 王方军. Development of Technology and Methods for Phosphoproteome Analysis. the first china-canada symposium on systems biologynull. 2010, 47/2-,
[144] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 王方军, 吴明火, 吴仁安. 用于蛋白质分析的毛细管整体住的制备. 17th international symposium on electro- and liquid phase-separation techniquesnull. 2010, 36/2-,
[145] Song, Chunxia, Ye, Mingliang, Han, Guanghui, Jiang, Xinning, Wang, Fangjun, Yu, Zhiyuan, Chen, Rui, Zou, Hanfa. Reversed-Phase-Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Approach with High Orthogonality for Multidimensional Separation of Phosphopeptides. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2010, 82(1): 53-56,
[146] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 王方军, 吴明火, 吴仁安. Preparation of Monolithic Capillary Columns for Proteome Analysis. 17th international symposium on electro- and liquid phase-separation techniquesnull. 2010, 36/2-,
[147] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 江新宁, 韩广辉, 王方军. 大尺度磷酸化蛋白质组分析新方法和新技术. 2010 international chemical congress of pacific basin societiesnull. 2010, 59/2-,
[148] Zhu Jun, Wang FangJun, Dong XiaoLi, Ye MingLiang, Zou HanFa. A strategy with label-free quantification of the targeted peptides for quantitative peptidome analysis of human serum. SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY[J]. 2010, 53(4): 759-767,
[149] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 江新宁, 韩广辉, 王方军. Development of technology and methods for phosphopreteome analysis. The 2nd international conference on cellular dynamics & chemical biologynull. 2010, 40/2-,
[150] 朱俊, 王方军, 董小莉, 叶明亮, 邹汉法. 人血清内源性多肽无标记定量分析新策略. 中国科学:化学[J]. 2010, 546-555, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=33882705.
[151] Wang, Fangjun, Han, Guanghui, Yu, Zhiyuan, Jiang, Xinning, Sun, Shutao, Chen, Rui, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Fractionation of phosphopeptides on strong anion-exchange capillary trap column for large-scale phosphoproteome analysis of microgram samples. JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE[J]. 2010, 33(13): 1879-1887,
[152] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 江新宁, 韩广辉, 王方军. Development of Technology and Methods for Large-scale Phosphoproteome Analysis. 2010 international chemical congress of pacific basin societiesnull. 2010, 59/2-,
[153] Dong, Mingming, Wu, Minghuo, Wang, Fangjun, Qin, Hongqiang, Han, Guanghui, Gong, Jing, Wu, Renan, Ye, Mingliang, Liu, Zhen, Zou, Hanfa. Coupling Strong Anion-Exchange Monolithic Capillary with MALDI-TOF MS for Sensitive Detection of Phosphopeptides in Protein Digest. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2010, 82(7): 2907-2915, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac902907w.
[154] Wang, Fangjun, Chen, Rui, Zhu, Jun, Sun, Deguang, Song, Chunxia, Wu, Yifeng, Ye, Mingliang, Wang, Liming, Zou, Hanfa. A Fully Automated System with Online Sample Loading, Isotope Dimethyl Labeling and Multidimensional Separation for High-Throughput Quantitative Proteome Analysis. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2010, 82(7): 3007-3015,
[155] 宋春侠, 韩广辉, 江新宁, 于志远, 王方军, 陈锐, 叶明亮, 邹汉法. A New RP-RPLC Approach for Large-scale Phosphorylation Analysis of Human Liver.. 17th international symposium on electro- and liquid phase-separation techniquesnull. 2010, 68/2-,
[156] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 江新宁, 韩广辉, 王方军. 磷酸化蛋白质组分析新技术和新方法. the 2nd international conference on cellular dynamics & chemical biologynull. 2010, 40/2-,
[157] 谢沙洁, 王方军, 晏丹, 周广东, 叶明亮, 邹汉法. 毛细管整体柱在线二维分离系统应用于人体软骨的蛋白质组分析. 色谱[J]. 2010, 28(2): 140-145, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=33012696.
[158] Wang, Fangjun, Dong, Jing, Ye, Mingliang, Wu, Renan, Zou, Hanfa. Integration of monolithic frit into the particulate capillary (IMFPC) column in shotgun proteome analysis. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA[J]. 2009, 652(1-2): 324-330, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2009.06.066.
[159] 邹汉法, 吴明火, 王方军, 吴仁安, 叶明亮. 整体柱制备技术的新进展及其在蛋白质组学中的应用. 色谱[J]. 2009, 27(5): 526-536, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=31890179.
[160] 邹汉法, 王方军, 叶明亮, 韩广辉, 江新宁. Multi-dimensional capillary liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for phosphoproteome analysis. the 23th international symposium on micro-scale bioseparationnull. 2009, 251/1-,
[161] Wu, Minghuo, Wu, Renan, Wang, Fangjun, Ren, Lianbing, Dong, Jing, Liu, Zhen, Zou, Hanfa. "One-Pot" Process for Fabrication of Organic-Silica Hybrid Monolithic Capillary Columns Using Organic Monomer and Alkoxysilane. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2009, 81(9): 3529-3536,
[162] 王方军, 叶明亮, 吴仁安, 邹汉法. Applications of New Monolithic Column Technologies in Proteome Analysis. the 24th international symposium on micro-scale bioseparation,null. 2009, 83/1-,
[163] Wang, Fangjun, Dong, Jing, Ye, Mingliang, Wu, Renan, Zou, Hanfa. Improvement of proteome coverage using hydrophobic monolithic columns in shotgun proteome analysis. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A[J]. 2009, 1216(18): 3887-3894, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2009.02.082.
[164] 邹汉法, 韩广辉, 陈锐, 江新宁, 王方军, 叶明亮. Analysis of Post-Translational Modifications of Proteins by Capillary Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Multiple Enzyme Digestion. 33rd international symposium on capillary chromatography & electrophoresisnull. 2009, 123/1-,
[165] Yu, Zhiyuan, Han, Guanghui, Sun, Shutao, Jiang, Xinning, Chen, Rui, Wang, Fangjun, Wu, Renan, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Preparation of monodisperse immobilized Ti4+ affinity chromatography microspheres for specific enrichment of phosphopeptides. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA[J]. 2009, 636(1): 34-41, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2009.01.033.
[166] 邹汉法, 王方军, 吴仁安, 叶明亮. Preparation of monolithic capillary columns for efficient separation of biological samples. the 13th beijing conference and exhibition on instrumental analysisnull. 2009, 121/1-,
[167] 刘宏伟, 赵鑫, 王方军, 叶明亮, 赵宗保, 邹汉法. The Preliminary Proteome Analysis of Oleaginous Yeast. the 24th international symposium on micro-scale bioseparation,null. 2009, 262/1-,
[168] Chen, Rui, Jiang, Xinning, Sun, Deguang, Han, Guanghui, Wang, Fangjun, Ye, Mingliang, Wang, Liming, Zou, Hanfa. Glycoproteomics Analysis of Human Liver Tissue by Combination of Multiple Enzyme Digestion and Hydrazide Chemistry. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH[J]. 2009, 8(2): 651-661,
[169] 董铭铭, 吴明火, 王方军, 秦洪强, 韩广辉, 董靖, 吴仁安, 叶明亮, 刘震, 邹汉法. Enrichment of Phosphopeptides by a Novel SAX Capillary Monolithic Column for Sensitive MALDI-TOF MS Analysis. the 24th international symposium on micro-scale bioseparation,null. 2009, 259/1-,
[170] 邹汉法, 王方军, 吴仁安, 叶明亮. Monolithic capillary columns for efficient separation of biological samples. the twelfth international symposium on electroanalytical chemistry (12th isec)null. 2009, 35/1-,
[171] 李瑞宾, 吴仁安, 王方军, 刘宏伟, 邹汉法, yangling. Comprehensive Study on The Bio-safety of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes. the 24th international symposium on micro-scale bioseparation,null. 2009, 182/1-,
[172] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 江新宁, 韩广辉, 王方军. Development of Technology and Method for Phosphoproteome and Glycoproteome Analysis. the 1st china-usa symposium on separation sciencesnull. 2009, 18/2-,
[173] Han, Guanghui, Ye, Mingliang, Jiang, Xinning, Chen, Rui, Ren, Jian, Xue, Yu, Wang, Fangjun, Song, Chunxia, Yao, Xuebiao, Zou, Hanfa. Comprehensive and Reliable Phosphorylation Site Mapping of Individual Phosphoproteins by Combination of Multiple Stage Mass Spectrometric Analysis with a Target-Decoy Database Search. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2009, 81(14): 5794-5805,
[174] Liu, Hongwei, Zhao, Xin, Wang, Fangjun, Li, Yonghong, Jiang, Xining, Ye, Mingliang, Zhao, Zongbao K, Zou, Hanfa. Comparative proteomic analysis of Rhodosporidium toruloides during lipid accumulation. YEAST[J]. 2009, 26(10): 553-566,
[175] 邹汉法, 王方军, 董靖, 吴仁安, 叶明亮. Capillary Column Technology with Monolithic Stationary Phases for High Efficient Proteome Analysis. 32nd international symposiyum on high performance liquid phase separations and related techniquesnull. 2008, 18/1-,
[176] Wang, Fangjun, Ye, Mingliang, Dong, Jing, Tian, Ruijun, Hu, Lianghai, Han, Guanghui, Jiang, Xinning, Wu, Renan, Zou, Hanfa. Improvement of performance in label-free quantitative proteome analysis with monolithic electrospray ionization emitter. JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE[J]. 2008, 31(14): 2589-2597,
[177] Wang, Fangjun, Dong, Jing, Ye, Mingliang, Jiang, Xiaogang, Wu, Renan, Zou, Hanfa. Online multidimensional separation with biphasic monolithic capillary column for shotgun proteome analysis. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH[J]. 2008, 7(1): 306-310,
[178] Jiang, Xiaogang, Dong, Jing, Wang, Fangjun, Feng, Shun, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Automation of nanoflow liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for proteome and peptide profiling analysis by using a monolithic analytical capillary column. ELECTROPHORESIS[J]. 2008, 29(8): 1612-1618,
[179] 王方军, 叶明亮, 吴仁安, 邹汉法. Applications of Monolithic Column Technology in Label-Free Quantitative Proteome Analysis. the 33rd international symposium on high performance liquid phase separations and related techniquesnull. 2008, 150/1-,
[180] Wu, Renan, Hu, Lianghai, Wang, Fangjun, Ye, Mingliang, Zou, Hanfa. Recent development of monolithic stationary phases with emphasis on microscale chromatographic separation. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A[J]. 2008, 1184(1-2): 369-392, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2007.09.022.
[181] 邹汉法, 叶明亮, 江新宁, 韩广辉, 王方军. Sample Preparation and Data Processes for Phosphoproteome Analysis. the 33rd international symposium on high performance liquid phase separations and related techniquesnull. 2008, 106/1-,
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(1) 整体柱和二甲基化同位素标记技术在蛋白质组学中的应用, Applications of Monolithic Column and Isotope Dimethylation Labeling in Shotgun Proteome Analysis, Springer, 2014-01, 第 1 作者


( 1 ) 微量蛋白质样品高效提取及分离方法研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2014-01--2016-12
( 2 ) 修饰蛋白质规模化分离鉴定新技术新方法, 负责人, 国家任务, 2013-01--2017-08
( 3 ) 整体蛋白质多种修饰的分析方法研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2013-01--2017-08
( 4 ) 微量样品蛋白质组糖基化高灵敏度分析新技术新方法, 负责人, 国家任务, 2017-01--2020-12
( 5 ) 基于紫外激光解离-质谱的蛋白质多位点修饰分析新方法, 负责人, 国家任务, 2019-01--2021-12
( 6 ) 基于极紫外自由电子激光的生命物质基础分析, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2019-09--2024-08
( 7 ) 蛋白质组学新技术新方法研究, 负责人, 地方任务, 2019-10--2022-09



周烨  博士研究生  070302-分析化学  

罗盼  博士研究生  070302-分析化学  

孙彬文  博士研究生  070302-分析化学  

贺敏  博士研究生  070302-分析化学  


赖灿  博士研究生  070302-分析化学  

张婷婷  博士研究生  070302-分析化学  

马垚璐  博士研究生  070302-分析化学  

薛洁滢  硕士研究生  070302-分析化学  

杨诗蕊  博士研究生  070302-分析化学