汤超颖 教授 博导 中国科学院大学经济与管理学院
联系电话: 82680677
通信地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南一条3号
邮政编码: 100190
2004.12 --- 至今 中国科学院研究生院管理学院任教
2012—至今 中丹学院任教
2012.1-2012.12 美国加州大学:圣伯纳迪诺大学 访学
2018.12-2019.5 美国马里兰大学 访学
- 2005年中国科学院院长荣誉奖
- 2005年获北京市科技进步奖三等奖
- 2008年中国科学院教学成果二等奖
- 2009年国际技术创新管理会议最佳会议论文奖
- 2015年获《科学学与科学技术管理期刊》2015年年度优秀审稿专家。
- 2021年 Creativity and Innovation Managment,Best Reviewer Award.
1. Yan, T., Venkataramani, V., Tang, C.,* Hirst, G. (2024). Is Inter-team competition a team innovation killer? The qualifying effects of team information brokerage. Journal of Applied Psychology, accepted. (FT50, SSCI).
2. Venkataramani, V., Tang, C*. (2023). When does external knowledge benefit team creativity? The role of internal team network structure and task complexity. Organization Science (online)(UTD24,SSCI)
3. Tang, C., Yi, T., Naumann, S., & Dong, J. (2023). The influence of subjective norms and science identity on academic career intentions. Higher Education, online (SSCI).
4. Tang, C., Liu, L., & Xiao, X. (2023). How do firms' knowledge base and industrial knowledge networks co-affect firm innovation? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(1), 29-39. (SSCI)
5. Tang, C., Mao, S., Naumann, S., & Xing, Z. (2022). Improving student creativity through digital technology products: A literature review. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 44, 1-15. (SSCI)
6. Mao, S., Wang, D., Tang, C.*, & Dong P. (2022). Students' online information searching strategies and their creative question generation, The moderating effect of their need for cognitive closure. Frontiers in Psychology,13,877061.(SSCI)
7. Tang, C.*, Naumann, S. E., & Lu, X. (2021). Outstanding and ordinary scientists’ co-authorship networks in the early career phase. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 26(1), 39-61. (SSCI)
8. Tang, C., Lu, X., & Naumann, S. E. (2021). Intrinsic motivation and knowledge sharing in the mood–creativity relationship. Journal of Management & Organization, (SSCI, in press)
9. Tang, C. & Zhang, G. (2020). The moderating effects of firm's and industrial co-inventive networks on the relationship between R&D employees' mobility and firm creativity. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 99, 1-15.(SSCI)
10. Zhang, G., & Tang*, C. (2020). How the egocentric alliance network impacts firm ambidextrous innovation, a three-way interaction model? European Journal of Innovation Management,25(1),19-38. (SSCI)
11. Tang, C., Ma, H. J., Naumann, S. E., & Xing, Z. W. (2020). Perceived work uncertainty and creativity during the COVID-19 pandemic, The roles of Zhongyong and creative self-efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology. doi, 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.596232 (SSCI)
12. Shi, B., Xing, Z., Yang, M., Tang, C*. (2020). How family’s support of perseverance in creative efforts influences the originality of children’s drawing during the period of COVID-19 pandemic? Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI, On-line).
13. Brøndum, K., Hänninen, L. I., Nunez, P., Byrge, C., Tang, C., Dingli, S. M., & Xerxen, S. P. (2019). Online gamified training for business innovation, Examining an embodied gamified e-learning module on creativity. Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 5,62-75.
14. Hänninen, L. I., Brøndum, K., Nunez, P., Byrge, C., Tang, C., Dingli, S. M., & Xerxen, S. P. (2020). Testing the effects of digital gamified creativity training. Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 6, 5-17.
15. Dingli, S. M., Xerxen, S. P., Byrge, C., Brøndum, K., Hänninen, L. I., & Tang, C. (2018) Learning perspectives on digital embodied creativity training. Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 4, 111-123.
16. Zhang, G., & Tang, C*. (2020). The Influences of Characteristics of Three Intrafirm Networks on Firm Exploitative and Exploratory Innovation. International Journal of Technology Management, 83(4),205-227. (SSCI)
17. Zhang, G., Tang, C.*, & Qi, Y. (2020). Alliance network diversity and innovation ambidexterity: The differential roles of industrial diversity, geographical diversity, and functional diversity. Sustainability,12 (1041),1-16. (SSCI)
18. Tang, C. Zhang, Y., & Reiter-Palmon, R. (2020). Network centrality, knowledge searching and creativity, The role of domain. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(1), 72-84. (SSCI)
19. Tang, C., Byrge, C., & Zhou, J. (2018). Creativity perspective on entrepreneurship. In Palgrave Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Entrepreneurship (pp. 81-102). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
20. Tang, C., Li, Q., & Kaufman, J. C. (2018). Problem clarity as a moderator between trait affect and self‐perceived creativity. Journal of Creative Behavior, 51(3), 267-279. (SSCI)
21. Zhang, G., & Tang, C. (2018). How R&D partner diversity influences innovation performance, an empirical study in the nano-biopharmaceutical field. Scientometrics, 116(3), 1487-1512. (SSCI)
22. Tang, C., Zhang, G., & Naumann, S. E. (2017). Do central country authors of international co-authored publication networks obtain a high research impact? Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 22(3), 1-17. (SSCI)
23. Zhang, G., & Tang, C. (2017). How could firm's internal R&D collaboration bring more innovation? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 125, 299-308. (SSCI)
24. Guo, L., & Tang, C. *(2017). Employees' knowledge searching in professional virtual forums and in teams, A complement or substitute?. Computers in Human Behavior, 74, 337-345. (SSCI)
25. Tang, C., & Kaufman, J. C. (2017). Personal characteristics that distinguish creative scientists from less creative scientists. Journal of Creative Behavior.51,3,204-215. (SSCI)
26. Wang, Y., Tang, C., Naumann, S. E., & Wang, Y. (2017). Paternalistic leadership and employee creativity, A mediated moderation model. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-20. (SSCI)
27. Tang, C., Zhang, G., & Naumann, S. E. (2017). When do structural holes in employees' networks improve their radical creativity? A moderated mediation model. R&D Management, 47(5), 755-766. (SSCI)
28. Tang, C., Hu, W., Wang, C., & Byrge, C. (2016). Embodied creativity training practice in East and West countries. Journal of Special & Gifted Education, 3(1),1~13.
29. Tang, C., & Byrge, C. (2016). Ethnic Heterogeneous Teams Outperform Homogeneous Teams on Well-defined but not Ill-defined Creative Task. Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, 2, 20-30.
30. Tang, C., & Naumann, S. E. (2016). The impact of three kinds of identity on research and development employees’ incremental and radical creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 21, 123-131. (SSCI)
31. Tang, C., & Naumann, S. E. (2016). Team diversity, mood, and team creativity, The role of team knowledge sharing in Chinese R & D teams. Journal of Management & Organization, 22(03), 420-434. (SSCI)
32. Zhu, W., Chen, Q., Tang, C., Cao, G., Hou, Y., & Qiu, J. (2016). Brain structure links everyday creativity to creative achievement. Brain and Cognition, 103, 70-76. (SSCI)
33. Tang, C. (2015). Accessed external knowledge, centrality of intra‐team knowledge networks, and R&D employee creativity. R&D Management, 46, 992-1005. (SSCI)
34. Tang, C., & Naumann, S. E. (2015). Paternalistic leadership, subordinate perceived leader–member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Management & Organization, 21(03), 291-306. (SSCI)
35. Tang, C., & Ye, L. (2015). Diversified knowledge, R&D team centrality and radical creativity. Creativity and Innovation Management, 24(1), 123-135. (SSCI)
36. Tang, C., Baer, J., & Kaufman, J. C. (2015). Implicit theories of creativity in computer science in the United States and China. Journal of Creative Behavior, 49(2), 137-156. (SSCI)
37. Byrge, C., & Tang*, C. Y. (2015). Embodied creativity training, Effects on creative self-efficacy and creative production. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 16, 51-61. (SSCI)
38. Tang, C., Shang, J., Naumann, S. E., & Zedtwitz, M. (2014). How team identification and expertise identification affect R&D employees' creativity. Creativity and Innovation Management, 23(3), 276-289. (SSCI)
39. Tang, C., & Ding, X. (2014). Graduate students’ creative professional virtual community behaviors and their creativity. Computers in Human Behavior, 41, 464-470. (SSCI)
40. Tang, C. (2014). The impact of connecting with Professional Virtual Forum, team member and external person on R&D employee creativity. Computers in Human Behavior, 39, 204-212. (SSCI)
41. Tang, C., & Gao, Y. (2012). Intra-department communication and employees' reaction to organizational change, The moderating effect of emotional intelligence. Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management, 3(2), 100-117. (Best Paper of 2013, Emerald)
42. 汤超颖,刘丽*. (2024).技术知识布局对企业技术知识多样性和技术创新关系的调节效应:以生物医药产业为例.管理科学学报,录用. (CSSCI)
43. 刘丽,汤超颖*.(2023)二元联盟伙伴的重叠性和稳定性对企业新产品开发的影响研究.管理工程学报,1-12.https,//doi.org/10.13587/j.cnki.jieem.2024.01.009. (CSSCI)
44. 汤超颖,徐家冰, & 毛适博.(2023). 两类科技人才成长环境差异性的模糊组态分析.科学学研究,1-15, on-line. (CSSCI)
45. 汤超颖,毛适博,代新宇.(2023).出国访学与高等教育经历对科研人员成长的影响:来自匹配样本的分析.科学学与科学技术管理, 44(04),121-138. (CSSCI)
46. 卢晓杨,汤超颖*.(2023).职业流动对科研产出的影响研究,基于时间维度的新证据.管理评论,35(10),145-154. (CSSCI)
47. 汤超颖,李作林,张剑. (2022).动机、能力与情感:科技人才创新活力的要素及其赋能.中国行政管理,12(450),147-149.(CSSCI)
48. 汤超颖, & 高晋宇.(2022).科技人才政策复合系统协同度分析,以粤港澳大湾区为例.科技管理研究, 42(13),115-122. (CSSCI)
49. 汤超颖,张悦强,高嘉欣.(2022).外部异质知识获取与研发团队突破性创造力.科学学研究, 40(9),1621-1629. (CSSCI)
50. 汤超颖, 刘丽,& 李美智. (2020). 企业内外部知识分布与二元学习平衡,基于中国创新型企业的实证研究. 管理评论, 6,82-92. (CSSCI)
51. 汤超颖,& 董品华.研发人员专业异质性与合作稳定性对企业二元创新平衡的影响.科学学与科学技术管理.2020,(3),58-68.
52. 汤超颖, 李美智, & 张桂阳. (2018). 中国创新型企业内外部研发合作网络对组织二元学习平衡的影响. 科学学与科学技术管理, 39(05),76-88. (CSSCI)
53. 汤超颖,& 高嘉欣. (2018). 员工创造力从何而来? 创造力的影响因素和形成机理. 中国人力资源开发, 6, 1-9.
54. 汤超颖, & 伊丽娜. (2017). 知识基础与合作网络对企业知识创新的交互影响研究.科学学与科学技术管理, 38(04), 85-95. (CSSCI)
55. 刘海燕, & 汤超颖. (2017). MADIS 的昨天, 今天与明天以及对我国交叉领域科研机构的管理启示. 管理评论, 29(5), 246-255. (CSSCI)
56. 袁康, 汤超颖, 李美智, & 詹佳硕. (2016). 导师合著网络对博士生科研产出的影响.管理评论, 28(9), 228-237. (CSSCI)
57. 袁康, 王颖,缪园, & 汤超颖. (2016). 导师科研活跃度和学术地位对博士生科研绩效的影响. 学位与研究生教育, (7), 66-71. (CSSCI)
58. 阿里木, 马木提, 赛力甫, 王艳芬, 汤超颖, & 韩丛英. (2016). “一带一路” 背景下西北五省及中亚五国医疗卫生资源配置效率研究—基于三阶段 DEA 模型的实证研究. 兰州大学学报, 社会科学版, 44(4), 90-94. (CSSCI)
59. 汤超颖, & 黄冬玲. (2016). 知识网络与创造力的国内外研究综述. 科学学与科学技术管理, 37(03), 43-49. (CSSCI)
60. 汤超颖, 黄冬玲, & 邱江. (2015). 组织创造力培训开发的新进展. 中国人力资源开发, 24, 46-57.
61. 谭春萍, 汤超颖, & 施建农. (2015). 新疆科技人才对创新环境的内隐评价模型构建与实证研究. 新疆社会科学, (4), 132-138.
62. 汤超颖, & 丁雪辰. (2015). 创新型企业研发团队知识基础与知识创造的关系研究. 科学学与科学技术管理, 36(009), 81-92. (CSSCI)
63. 汤超颖, 李美智, & 邵焱. (2015). 物质奖励与激励员工创意提案的关系. 浙江大学学报(理学版), 42, 644-651. (CSCD)
64. 汤超颖, 叶琳娜, 王菲, & 周寄中. (2015). 知识获取与知识消化对创新绩效的影响研究. 科学学研究, 33(4), 561-566. (CSSCI)
65. 汤超颖, 刘洋, & 王天辉. (2012). 科研团队魅力型领导, 团队认同和创造性绩效的关系研究. 科学学与科学技术管理, 33(10), 155-162. (CSSCI)
66. 汤超颖, & 商继美. (2012). 变革型领导对科研团队创造力作用的多重中介模型. 中国科技论坛, (7), 120-126. (CSCD)
67. 汤超颖, & 邹会菊. (2012). 基于人际交流的知识网络对研发团队创造力的影响. 管理评论, 24(4), 94-100. (CSSCI)
68. 汤超颖, 艾树, & 龚增良. (2011). 积极情绪的社会功能及其对团队创造力的影响, 隐性知识共享的中介作用. 南开管理评论, 14(4), 129-137. (CSSCI)
69. 艾树, 汤超颖. (2011). 情绪对创造力影响的研究综述. 管理学报, 8,1256-1262. (CSSCI)
70. 汤超颖, 朱月利, & 商继美. (2011). 变革型领导, 团队文化与科研团队创造力的关系. 科学学研究, 29(2), 275-282. (CSSCI)
71. 汤超颖, 周岳, & 赵丽丽. (2010). 服务业员工情绪劳动策略效能的实证研究. 管理评论, 22(3), 93-100. (CSSCI)
72. 高鹏, 李媛, & 汤超颖. (2009). TCI 在我国的有效性验证:研发团队创新氛围的测度. 科学学与科学技术管理, 6, 166-170. (CSSCI)
73. 高鹏, 张凌, 汤超颖, & 李媛. (2008). 信任与建设性争辩对研发团队创造力影响的实证研究.中国管理科学, 16, 561-565. (CSSCI)
74. 汤超颖, 李贵杰, & 徐联仓. (2008). 团队情绪研究述评及展望. 心理科学进展, 16(6), 926-932. (CSSCI)
主持科技部创新方法研究专项:创新方法在国家重大科技项目实施 过程中的应用示范,(2018IM030100),2018.10—2021.10