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1994/09-1997/06 中国科学院黄土与第四纪地质研究室,古生物与地层学,理学硕士
1997/09-2000/06 中国科学院地球环境研究所,第四纪地质学,理学博士
本人主要从事第四纪地质学与古季风演化的基础研究。以中国北方典型的风成红粘土-黄土-古土壤序列为研究对象,在获取东亚古季风演化和亚洲粉尘物源示踪的新代用指标、构建黄土发育的天文调谐时间标尺、重建东亚季风和亚洲内陆干旱化历史和变率以及追踪黄土高原的粉尘来源等方面取得了重要成果。相应成果分别发表在Nature Geoscience、Nature Communications、Earthand Planetary Science Letters、Quaternary Science Reviews、Chemical Geology、Geophysical Research Letters、Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology、Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems、Atmospheric Environment 等国际刊物上,至今已发表SCI 收录学术论文110余篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者论文41篇,论文被SCI引用6300余次,H-index为42。
Zhang Zeke, Li Gaojun, Cai Yanjun, Cheng Xing, Sun Youbin, Zhao Jiaju, Shu Peixian, Ma Le, An hisheng. Millennial-Scale Monsoon Variability Modulated by Low-Latitude Insolation During the Last Glaciation. Geophysical Research Letters 49(1), e2021GL096773 ,2022.
Ma Long, Sun Youbin, Jin Zhangdong, Bao Zhian, Yuan Honglin, Zhang Pan, Huang KangJun. Magnesium isotopic evidence for staged enhancement of the East Asian Summer Monsoon precipitation since the Miocene. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 324, 140-155, 2022.
Sun Youbin*, McManus Jerry F., Clemens Steven C., Zhang Xu, Vogel Hendrik, Hodell David A., Guo Fei, Wang Ting, Liu Xingxing, An Zhisheng. Persistent orbital influence on millennial climate variability through the Pleistocene. Nature Geoscience 14(11), 812-818, 2021.
Sun Youbin*, Clemens Steven C., Guo Fei, Liu Xingxing, Wang Yang, Yan, Liang Lianji. High-sedimentation-rate loess records: A new window into understanding orbital- and millennial-scale monsoon variability. Earth-Science Reviews 220, 103731, 2021.
Guo Fei, Clemens Steven, Liu Xingxing, Long Yili, Li Dong, Tan Liangcheng, Liu Chengcheng, Yan Hong, Sun Youbin*. Application of XRF Scanning to Different Geological Archives. Earth and Space Science 8(9), e2020EA001589, 2021.
Guo Fei, Clemens Steven C., Wang Ting, Wang Yang, Liu Yuming, Wu Feng, Liu Xingxing, Jin Zhangdong, Sun Youbin*. Monsoon variations inferred from high-resolution geochemical records of the Linxia loess/paleosol sequence, western Chinese Loess Plateau. Catena 198,105019, 2021.
Liu Yuming, Liu Xingxing, Sun Youbin. QGrain: An open-source and easy-to-use software for the comprehensive analysis of grain size distributions. Sedimentary Geology 423, 105980, 2021.
Zhang Xu, Barker Stephen, Knorr Gregor, Lohmann Gerrit, Drysdale Russell, Sun Youbin, Hodell David, Chen Fahu. Direct astronomical influence on abrupt climate variability. Nature Geoscience 14(11), 819-826, 2021.
Lyu A. Q., Yin Q. Z., Crucifix M., Sun Y. B. Diverse Regional Sensitivity of Summer Precipitation in East Asia to Ice Volume, CO2 and Astronomical Forcing. Geophysical Research Letters 48(7), e2020GL092005, 2021.
Xue Gang, Cai Yanjun, Lu Yanbin, Ma Le, Cheng Xing, Liu Chengcheng, Yan Hong, Sun Youbin, Li Dong, Wei Yingying, Huang Shouyi, He Mei, Cheng Hai, Edwards R. Lawrence. Speleothem-Based Hydroclimate Reconstructions During the Penultimate Deglaciation in Northern China. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36(4), e2020PA004072, 2021.
He Tong, Sun Youbin, Gray Jessica, Gu Ying. Provenance of Fe in Chinese Deserts: Evidence from the geochemistry and mineralogy of soil particles. Catena 198, 105053, 2021.
Rousseau Denis-Didier, Antoine Pierre, Sun Youbin. How dusty was the last glacial maximum over Europe? Quaternary Science Reviews 254, 106775, 2021.
Ji Shunchuan, Ma Long, Nie Junsheng, Chen Shengyun, Sun Youbin, Breecker Daniel O. Quantifying soil-respired CO2 on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 562, 110158, 2021.
Sun Youbin*, Yan Yan, Nie Junsheng, Li Gaojun, Shi Zhengguo, Qiang Xiaoke, Chang Hong, An Zhisheng. Source-to-sink fluctuations of Asian aeolian deposits since the late Oligocene. Earth Science Reviews 200,102963, 2020.
Wang Yang, Guo Fei, Ma Long, Yan, Liu Xingxing, Sun Youbin*. Millennial-scale summer monsoon oscillations over the last 260 ka revealed by high-resolution elemental results of the Mangshan loess-palaeosol sequence from the southeastern Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary International 552,164-174, 2020.
Liu Yuming, Liu Xingxing, Ma Long, Kang Shugang, Qiang Xiaoke, Guo Fei, Sun Youbin*. emporal-spatial variations in aeolian flux on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the last 150 ka. Geological Magazine157(5), 757-767, 2020.
Liu Xingxing, Sun Youbin*, Vandenberghe Jef, Cheng Peng, Zhang Xu, Gowan Evan J., Lohmann Gerrit, An Zhisheng. Centennial- to millennial-scale monsoon changes since the last deglaciation linked to solar activities and North Atlantic cooling. Climate of the Past 16(1), 315-324 ,2020.
Wan Shiming, Sun Youbin, Nagashima Kana. Asian dust from land to sea: processes, history and effect from modern observation to geological records. Geological Magazine 2020,157(5), 701-706.
Schleicher Nina J., Dong Shuofei, Packman Hollie, Little Susan H., Ochoa Gonzalez Raquel, Najorka Jens, Sun Youbin, Weiss Dominik J. A Global Assessment of Copper, Zinc, and Lead Isotopes in Mineral Dust Sources and Aerosols. Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 167, 2020.
Isozaki Yuko, Tada Ryuji, Sun Youbin, Zheng Hongbo, Toyoda Shin, Sugiura Naomi, Karasuda Akinori, Hasegawa Hitoshi. Origin of aeolian dust emitted from the Tarim Basin based on the ESR signal intensity and crystallinity index of quartz: the recycling system of fine detrital material within the basin. Geological Magazine157(5), 707-718,2020.
Zhang Qiang, Liu Qingsong, Sun Youbin. Review of recent developments in aeolian dust signals of sediments from the North Pacific Ocean based on magnetic minerals. Geological Magazine157(5), 790-805, 2020.
Zhao Hui, Qiang Xiaoke, Xu Xinwen, Sun Youbin. Iron oxide characteristics of the Chinese loess-red clay sequences and their implications for the evolution of the East Asian summer monsoon since the Late Oligocene. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 543, 109604, 2020.
Han Yongming, An Zhisheng, Marlon Jennifer R., Bradley Raymond S., Zhan Changlin, Arimoto Richard, Sun Youbin, Zhou Weijian, Wu Feng, Wang Qiyuan, Burr George S., Cao Junji. Asian inland wildfires driven by glacial-interglacial climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America117(10), 5184-5189, 2020.
Sun YB,Yin QZ, Crucifix M, Clemens SC, Araya-Melo P, Liu WG, Qiang XK, Liu QS, Zhao H, Liang LJ, Chen HY, Li Y, Zhang L, Dong GC, Li M, Zhou WJ, Berger A, An ZS. Diverse manifestations of the Mid-Pleistocene climate transition. Nature Communications 10, 352, 2019.
Liu HJ,Yan Y,Chang H, Chen HY, Liang LJ, Liu XX, Qiang XK, Sun YB*. Magnetic signatures of natural and anthropogenic sources of urban dust aerosol. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 19, 731-745, 2019.
Zhang Fei, Jin Zhangdong, West A. Joshua, An Zhisheng, Hilton Robert G., Wang Jin, Li Gen, Densmore Alexander L., Yu Jimin, Qiang Xiaoke, Sun Youbin, Li Liangbo, Gou Longfei, Xu Yang, Xu Xinwen, Liu Xingxing, Pan Yanhui, You Chen-Feng. Monsoonal control on a delayed response of sedimentation to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Science Advances 5(6), eaav7110, 2019.
Ma Long, Sun Youbin, Jin Zhangdong, Bao Zhian, Zhang Pan, Meng Zekun, Yuan Honglin, Long Xiaoping, He Maoyong, Huang Kang-Jun. Tracing changes in monsoonal precipitation using Mg isotopes in Chinese loess deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 259, 1-16, 2019.
Li Dong, Tan Liangcheng, Guo Fei, Cai Yanjun, Sun Youbin, Xue Gang, Cheng Xing, Yan Hong, Cheng Hai, Edwards R. Lawrence, Gao Yongli, Kelley Jessica. Application of Avaatech X-ray fluorescence core-scanning in Sr/Ca analysis of speleothems. Science China Earth Sciences 62(6), 964-973, 2019.
Lu Hongxuan, Liu Weiguo, Yang Hong, Wang Huanye, Liu Zhonghui, Leng Qin, Sun Youbin, Zhou Weijian, An Zhisheng. 800-kyr land temperature variations modulated by vegetation changes on Chinese Loess Plateau. Nature Communications 10, 1958, 2019.
Vandenberghe J, Sun Y, Wang X, Abels HA, Liu XX.Grain-size characterization of reworked fine-grained aeolian deposits. Earth-Science Reviews 177, 43-52, 2018.
Zhang Q , Liu QS , Li JH , Sun YB . An integrated study of the eolian dust in pelagic sediments from the north pacific ocean based on environmental magnetism, transmission electron microscopy and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123, 3358-3376, 2018.
Liu X, Sun Y*, Vandenberghe J, Li Y, An ZS. Palaeoenvironmental implication of grain-size compositions of terrace deposits on the western Chinese Loess Plateau. Aeolian Research 32, 202-209, 2018.
Ma L, Li Y, Liu X, Sun Y*. Registration of Precession Signal in the Last Interglacial Paleosol (S1) on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 18:3964-3975, 2017.
Yan Y, Chen H, Liang L, Ma L, Liu HJ, Liu XX, Sun Y. Meteorological constraints on characteristics of daily dustfall in Xi'an. Atmospheric Environment, 158:98-104, 2017.
Yan Y, Ma L, Sun Y. Tectonic and Climatic controls on provenance changes of fine-grained dust on the Chinese Loess Plateau Since the late Oligocene. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 200, 110-122, 2017.
Zhao H, Sun YB, Qiang XK. Characteristics of iron oxides in mid-Miocene Red Clay deposits on the western Chinese Loess Plateau and its paleoclimatic implications. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 468, 162-172, 2017.
Thomas EK, Clemens SC, Sun YB, et al. Mid-latitude land surface temperature impacts the timing and structure of glacial maxima: Land temperature impacts glacial maxima. Geophysical Research Letters 44, 984-992, 2017.
Sun Y.B., Liang L.J., Bloemendal J., Li Y., Wu F., Yao Z.Q., Liu Y.G. High-resolution scanning XRF investigation of Chinese loess and its implications for millennial-scale monsoon variability. Journal of Quaternary Science 31, 191-202, 2016.
Liu X.X., Vandenberghe J., An Z.S., Li Y., Jin Z.D., Dong J.B., Sun Y.B. Grain size of Lake Qinghai sediments: Implications for riverine input and Holocene monsoon variability. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 449, 41-51, 2016.
Thomas E.K., Clemens S.C., Sun Y.B., Prell W.L., Huang Y.S., Gao L., Loomis S., Chen G.S., Liu Z.Y. Heterodynes dominate precipitation isotopes in the East Asian monsoon region, reflecting interaction of multiple climate factors. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 455, 196-206, 2016.
McGee D., Winckler G., Borunda A., Serno S., Anderson R.F., Recasens C., Bory A., Gaiero D., Jaccard S.L., Kaplan M., McManus J.F., Revel M., Sun Y.B. Tracking eolian dust with helium and thorium: Impacts of grain size and provenance. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 175, 47-67, 2016.
Sun, Y.B., Ma L., Blomendal J., Clemens S., Qiang X.K., An Z.S., Miocene climate change on the Chinese Loess Plateau: Possible links to the growth of the northern Tibetan Plateau and global cooling. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 16, doi:10.1002/2015GC005750, 2015.
Sun, Y.B., Kutzbach J., An Z.S., Clemens S, Liu Z.Y., Liu W.G., Liu X.D., Shi Z.G., Zheng, W.P., Liang L.J., Yan, Y., Li, Y., Astronomical and glacial forcing of East Asian summer monsoon variability. Quaternary Science Reviews, 115, 132-142, 2015.
Yan, Y.*, Sun, Y.B. *, Ma, L., Long, X.. A multidisciplinary approach to trace Asian dust storms from source to sink. Atmospheric Environment, 105, 43–52, 2015. (*Corresponding author)
Yan, Y.*, Sun, Y.B.*, Weiss, D., Liang, L.J., Chen, H.Y. Polluted dust derived from long-range transport as a major end member of urban aerosols and its implication of non-point pollution in northern China. Science of the Total Environment, 506–507, 538–545, 2015. (*Corresponding author)
Ma, L., Sun, Y.B.*, Tada, R., Yan, Y., Chen, H.Y., Lin, M., Nagashima, K. Provenance fluctuations of aeolian deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau since the Miocene. Aeolian Research, 18, 1–9, 2015.
Zhao, W.C., Sun, Y.B., Balsam, W., Zeng, L., Lu, H.Y., Otgonbayar, K., Ji, J.F. Clay-sized Hf-Nd-Sr isotopic composition of Mongolian dust as a fingerprint for regional to hemispherical transport. Geophysical Research Letters,DOI: 10.1002/2015GL064357, 2015.
Liu, Q.S., Sun, Y.B., Qiang, X.K., Tada,R., Hu, P.X., Duan, Z.Q., Jiang, Z.X., Liu, J.X., Su, K., Characterizing magnetic mineral assemblages of surface sediments from major Asian dust sources and implications for the Chinese loess magnetism. Earth Planets and Space, 67, 61, 2015.
An, Z., Wu, G., Li, J., Sun, Y., Liu, Y., Zhou, W., Cai, Y., Duan, A., Li, L., Mao, J., Cheng, H., Shi, Z., Tan, L., Yan, H., Ao, H., Chang, H., Feng, J. Global Monsoon Dynamics and Climate Change. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science, 42(1), 2015.
Sun, B.Y., Liu, W.G., Sun, Y.B., An, Z.S..The precipitation "threshold value" on C4/C3 abundance of the Loess Plateau, China. Science Bulletin, 60(7), 718–725, 2015.
2014 年
Blazina, T., Sun, Y., Voegelin, A., Lenz, M., Berg, M., Winkel, L. Terrestrial selenium distribution in China is potentially linked to monsoonal climate. Nat. Commun. 5:4717 doi:10.1038/ncomms5717, 2014.
Chen, T., Qiang, X., Zhao, H., Sun, Y.. An investigation of the magnetic carriers and demagnetization characteristics of the Gulang loess section, northwestern Chinese Loess Plateau. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 15, 1600-1616, 2014.
Yan, Y. *, Sun, Y.*, Chen, H., Ma, L. Oxygen isotope signatures of quartz from major Asian dust sources: Implications for changes in the provenance of Chinese loess. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 139, 399-410, 2014. (*Corresponding author)
Zhao, H., Qiang, X., Sun, Y.* Apparent timing and duration of the Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic reversal in Chinese loess. Geochem. Geophy. Geosys. 15, 4468-4480, 2014. (*Corresponding author)
Zhao, W., Sun, Y., Balsam, W., Lu, H., Liu, L., Chen, J., Ji, J. Hf-Nd isotopic variability in mineral dust from Chinese and Mongolian deserts: implications for sources and dispersal. Sci. Rep. 4, 5837; DOI:10.1038/srep05837, 2014.
Thomas, E. K., Clemens, S. C., Prell, W. L., Herbert, T. D., Huang, Y. S., Liu, Z. Y., Sinninghe Damsté, J. S., Sun, Y. B., Wen, X. Y. Temperature and leaf wax δ2H records demonstrate seasonal and regional controls on Asian monsoon proxies. Geology 42, 1075-1078, 2014.
Tsai, P. S., You, C. F., Huang, K. F., Chung, C. H., Sun, Y. B. Lithium distribution and isotopic fractionation during chemical weathering and soil formation in a loess profile. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 87, 1-10, 2014.
Sun, Y.B., Qiang, X.K., Liu, Q.S., Bloemendal, J., Wang, X.L. Timing and lock-in effect of the Laschamp geomagnetic excursion in Chinese Loess. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 14, 4952-4961, 2013.
Sun, Y., Chen, H., Tada, R., Weiss, D., Lin, M., Toyoda, S., Yan, Y., Isozaki, Y. ESR signal intensity and crystallinity. of quartz from Gobi and sandy deserts in East Asia and implication for tracing Asian dust provenance. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 14, 2615-2627. doi:10.1002/ggge.20162, 2013.
Dong, S.F., Weiss, D.J., Strekopytov, S., Kreissig K., Sun, Y.B., Baker, A.Formenti, P. Stable isotope ratio measurements of Cu and Zn in mineral dust (bulk and size fractions) from the Taklimakan Desert and the Sahel and in aerosols from the eastern tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Talanta 114, 103–109, 2013.
Liang, L.J.*, Sun Y.B.*, Beets C.J., Prins, M.A., Wu, F., Vandenbergh, J. Impacts of grain size sorting and chemical weathering on the geochemistry of Jingyuan loess in the northwestern Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 69 177–184, 2013. (*Corresponding author)
Sun, Y.B., Clemens, S.C., Morrill, C., Lin, X.P., Wang, X.L., An, Z.S. Influence of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation on the East Asian winter monsoon. Nature Geoscience, 5, 46-49, 2012.
An, ZS, Colman, SM, Zhou, WJ, Li, XQ, Brown, ET, Jull, AJT, Cai, YJ, Huang, YS, Lu, XF, Chang, H, Song, YG, Sun, YB, Xu, H, Liu, WG, Jin, ZD, Liu, XD, Cheng, P, Liu, Y, Ai, L, Li, XZ, Liu, XJ, Yan, LB, Shi, ZG, Wang, XL, Wu, F, Qiang, XK, Dong, JB, Lu, FY, Xu, XW. Interplay between the Westerlies and Asian monsoon recorded in Lake Qinghai sediments since 32 ka. Scientific Reports, 2, 619. 2012.
Liang, L.J., Sun, Y.B.*, Yao, Z.Q., Liu, Y.G., Wu, F. Evaluation of high-resolution elemental analyses of Chinese loess deposits measured by X-ray fluorescence core scanner. Catena, 92, 75-78, 2012. (Corresponding author)
Ferrat, M, Weiss, DJ, Dong, SF, Large, DJ, Spiro, B, Sun, YB. Gallagher, K.Lead atmospheric deposition rates and isotopic trends in Asian dust during the last 9.5 kyr recorded in an ombrotrophic peat bog on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Geochimica et Cosmochimica, 8, 4-22, 2012.
2011 年
Sun, Y.B., He, L., Liang, L.J., An, Z.S., Changing color of Chinese loess: Geochemical constraint and paleoclimatic significance. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 40, 1131-1138, 2011.
An, Z.S., Clemens, S.C., Shen, J., Qiang, X.K., Jin, Z.D., Sun, Y.B., et al, Glacial-interglacial Indian summer monsoon dynamics. Science, 333, 719-723, 2011.
Shi, Z.G., Liu, X.D., Sun, Y.B., An, Z.S., Liu, Z.Y., Kutzbach J., Distinct responses of East Asian summer and winter monsoons to orbital forcing. Climate of the past, 7, 1363-1370, 2011.
Bailey, I., Liu, Q.S., Swann, G., Jiang, Z.X, Sun, Y.B., Zhao, X., Roberts, A.P., Iron fertilisation and biogeochemical cycles in the sub-Arctic northwest Pacific during the late Pliocene intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 307, 253-265, 2011.
Ferrat, M., Weiss, D.J., Strekopytov, S., Dong, S.F., Chen, H.Y., Najorka, J., Sun, Y.B., Gupta, S., Tada, R., Sinha, R., Improved provenance tracing of Asian dust sources using rare earth elements and selected trace elements for palaeomonsoon studies on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 6374-6399, 2011.
Liu, W.G., Yang, H., Sun, Y.B., Wang, X.L., δ13C values of loess carbonate: a sensitive proxy of Asian summer monsoon for arid northwest Loess Plateau, China. Chemical Geology, 284, 317–322, 2011.
Nagashima, K., Tada, R., Tani, A., Sun, Y.B., Isozaki, Y., Toyoda, S., Hasegawa, H., Millennial-scale oscillations of the westerly jet path during the last glacial period. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 40, 1214-1220, 2011.
Qiang, X.K., An, Z.S., Song, Y.G., Chang, H., Sun, Y.B., et al, New eolian red clay sequence on the western Chinese Loess Plateau linked to onset of Asian desertification about 25 Ma ago. Science China-Earth Sciences, 54, 136-144, 2011.
Sun, Y.B., An, Z.S., Clemens, S.C., Bloemendal, J., Vandenberghe, J., Seven million years of wind and precipitation variability on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 297, 525-535, 2010.
Sun, Y.B., Wang, X.L, Liu, Q.S., Clemens, S.C., Impacts of post-depositional processes on rapid monsoon signals recorded by the last glacial loess deposits of northern China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289, 171-179, 2010.
Sun, Y.B., An, Z.S., Clemens, S.C., Non-stationary response of Plio-Pleistocene East Asian winter monsoon variation to ice volume forcing. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, SP342, 79-86, 2010.
Clemens, S.C., Prell, W.L., Sun, Y.B., Orbital-scale timing and mechanisms driving Late Pleistocene Indo‐Asian summer monsoons: Reinterpreting cave speleothem d18O. Paleoceanography, 25, PA4207, doi:10.1029/2010PA001926, 2010.
Tada, R., Zheng, H.B., Sugiura, N., Isozaki, Y., Hasegawa, H., Sun, Y.B., Yang, W.G., Wang, K., Toyoda, S. Desertification and dust emission history of the Tarim Basin and its relation to the uplift of northern Tibet. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, SP342, 45-65, 2010.
Ao, H., Deng, C.L., Dekkers, M.J., Sun, Y.B., Liu, Q.S., Zhu, R.X., Pleistocene environmental evolution in the Nihewan Basin and implication for early human colonization of North China. Quaternary International, 223, 472-478, 2010.
Sun, Y.B., F. Wu, S.C. Clemens, and D.W. Oppo. Processes controlling the geochemical composition of the South China Sea sediments during the last climatic cycle. Chemical Geology, 257, 243-249, 2008.
Sun, Y.B., R. Tada, J. Chen, Q.S. Liu, S. Toyoda, A. Tani, Y. Isozaki, and J.F. Ji, Tracing the provenance of fine-grained dust deposited on the central Chinese Loess Plateau, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L01804, 2008.
Clemens, S.C., W. L. Prell, Y. Sun, Z. Liu, and G. Chen, Southern Hemisphere forcing of Pliocene d18O and the evolution of Indo-Asian monsoons, Paleoceanography, 23, PA4201, 2008.
Liu, Q.S., A. P. Roberts, E. J. Rohling, R. X. Zhu, Y. B. Sun. Post-depositional remanent magnetization lock-in and the location of the Matuyama–Brunhes geomagnetic reversal boundary in marine and Chinese loess sequences, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 275, 102-110, 2008.
Bloemendal J., X. M. Liu, Y.B. Sun, and N.N. Li, An assessment of magnetic and geochemical indicators of weathering and pedogenesis at two contrasting sites on the Chinese Loess plateau, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 257, 152-168, 2008.
Sun, Y.B., R. Tada, J. Chen, H.Z. Chen, S. Toyoda, A. Tani, Y. Isozaki, K. Nagashima, H. Hasegawa, and J.F. Ji, Distinguishing the sources of Asian dust based on Electron Spin Resonance signal intensity and crystallinity of quartz, Atmospheric Environment, 41, 8537-8548.
Zhu R.X., R. Zhang, C.L. Deng, Y.X. Pan, Q.S. Liu, and Y.B. Sun, Are Chinese loess deposits essentially continuous? Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L17306, 2007.
Chen J., G.J. Li, J.D. Yang, W.B. Rao, H.Y. Lu, W. Balsam, Y.B. Sun, J.F. Ji, Nd and Sr isotopic characteristics of Chinese deserts: Implications for the provenances of Asian dust, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3904–3914, 2007.
Zhou B., C.D. Shen, W.D. Sun, H.B. Zheng, Y. Yang, Y.B. Sun, and Z.S. An, Elemental carbon record of paleofire history on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the last 420 ka and its response to environmental and climate changes, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 252, 617-625, 2007.
Nagashima, K., Tada, R., Tani, A, Toyoda, S., Sun, Y.B., Isozaki, Y., Contribution of aeolian dust in Japan Sea sediments estimated from ESR signal intensity and crystallinity of quartz. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 8, Q12Q04, 2007.
Xiang, R., Sun, Y.B., Li, T.G., Oppo, D.W., Chen, M.H., Zheng, F., Paleoenvironmental change in the middle Okinawa Trough since the last deglaciation: Evidence from the sedimentation rate and planktonic foraminiferal record. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 243 (3-4), 378-393, 2007.
Sun, Y.B., Chen, J., Clemens, S.C., Liu, Q.S., Ji, J.F., Tada, R., East Asian monsoon variability over the last seven glacial cycles recorded by a loess sequence from the northwestern Chinese Loess Plateau. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 7, Q12Q02, 2006.
Sun, Y.B., Lu, H.Y., An, Z.S., Grain size of loess, palaeosol and Red Clay deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau: Significance for understanding pedogenic alteration and palaeomonsoon evolution. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 241(1), 129-138, 2006.
Sun, Y.B., Clemens, S.C., An, Z.S., Yu, Z.W., Astronomical timescale and palaeoclimatic implication of stacked 3.6-Myr monsoon records from the Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(1-2), 33-48, 2006.
Chen, J., Chen, Y., Liu, L.W., Ji, J.F., Balsam, W., Sun, Y.B., Lu, H.Y., Zr/Rb ratio in the Chinese loess sequences and its implication for changes in the East Asian winter monsoon strength. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, 1471-1482, 2006.
Sun, Y.B., An, Z.S., Late Pliocene-Pleistocene changes in mass accumulation rates of eolian deposits on the central Chinese Loess Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 110, D23101, 2005.
Sun, Y.B., Oppo, D.W., Xiang, R., Liu, W.G., Gao, S., Last deglaciation in the Okinawa Trough: Subtropical northwest Pacific link to Northern Hemisphere and tropical climate, Paleoceanography, 20(4), PA4005, doi:10.1029/2004PA001061, 2005.
Oppo, D.W., Sun., Y.B., Amplitude and timing of sea-surface temperature change in the northern South China Sea: dynamic link to the East Asian monsoon, Geology, 33 (10), 785-788, 2005.
Sun, Y.B., An, Z.S., An improved comparison of Chinese loess with 18O record over the interval 1.6-2.6 Ma,?deep-sea Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L13210, 2004.
Miao, X.D., Sun, Y.B., Lu, H.Y., Mason, J.A., Spatial pattern of grain size in the Late Pliocene ‘Red Clay’ deposits (North China) indicates transport by low-level northerly winds, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 206, 149-155, 2004.
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2003-2004 南京大学地球科学系,博士后
2003-2004 美国Woods Hole 海洋研究所,START-NSF 博士后
2004-2006 日本东京大学地球与行星科学系,JSPS 海外特别研究员
2006-今 中国科学院地球环境研究所研究员,“****”,博士生导师
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马龙 博士研究生 070905-第四纪地质学
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王婷 博士研究生 070905-第四纪地质学
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李昊 硕士研究生 070902-地球化学
龙宜澧 博士研究生 070902-地球化学
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