Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jian Sun
He serves as a Group Leader of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. He got his Ph.D degree in Prof. Tsubaki group at University of Toyama, Japan. His research focuses on methane and syngas conversion, biomass utilization, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, CO2 conversion et al. To date, he has published more than 40 SCI-indexed papers, including Nature Communications, ACS Catal., J. Mater. Chem. A and other high-impact journal papers. Many papers are highlighted on Front Cover, Inside Cover, and Hot articles by the journals. He is the principal investigator in many programs, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Hundred-Talent Program of DICP.
Exceptional selection in the Hundred-Talent Program of DICP (2015)
The youth star of the science and technology in Dalian (2015)
Chinese government award for outstanding self-financed students abroad (2014)
Telephone: 0411-84379283
Address: No.457 Zhongshan Road, Dalian City, PR China
Postcode: 116023
Research Areas
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
Syngas Conversion
CO2 to fuels and chemicals
Biomass ultilization
Honors & Distinctions
Exceptional selection in the Hundred-Talent Program of DICP (2015)
The youth star of the science and technology in Dalian (2015)
Chinese government award for outstanding self-financed students abroad (2014)