Professor Shutao Wang,
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: stwang@iccas.ac.cn
Telephone: 010-82621396
Mobile phone:
Address: NO.2,Zhongguancun North first Street Beijng
Postcode: 100190
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: stwang@iccas.ac.cn
Telephone: 010-82621396
Mobile phone:
Address: NO.2,Zhongguancun North first Street Beijng
Postcode: 100190
Research Areas
Multi-scaled functional materials, interfacial self-assembly, nano-biointerface, nanomedicine, and point-of-care diagnostics
Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2007
M.S. Inorganic Chemistry, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, 2003
B.S., Chemistry, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, 2000
M.S. Inorganic Chemistry, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, 2003
B.S., Chemistry, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, 2000
Work Experience
07/2010-now Professor of Chemistry
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
07/2007-06/2010 Postdoctoral fellow, Supervisor: Prof. Hsian-Rong Tseng
University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
07/2007-06/2010 Postdoctoral fellow, Supervisor: Prof. Hsian-Rong Tseng
University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
Editorial and Advisor Board
Associate Editor of NGP Asia Materials
Editorial Board Membership of Current Chemical Biology
Editorial Board Membership of Current Chemical Biology
Honors & Distinctions
Nominations of the World Technology Awards (2010)
Nominations of Top 100 Chinese Excellent Doctoral Dissertation (2009)
Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2008)
Prize of the President Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2007)
Nominations of Top 100 Chinese Excellent Doctoral Dissertation (2009)
Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2008)
Prize of the President Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2007)
1. Shutao Wang, Kan Liu, Jian Liu, Zeta T.- F. Yu, Eun Kyung Lee, Xiaowen Xu, Jean Reiss, Leland W. K. Chung, Jiaoti Huang, Matthew Rettig, David Silegson, Kumaran N. Duraiswamy*, Clifton K.-F. Shen*, and Hsian-Rong Tseng*, Highly Efficient Capture of Circulating Tumor Cells Using Nanostructured Silicon Substrates with Integrated Chaotic Micromixers
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 3084-3088. (Journal Cover)
2. Shutao Wang,*, Kuan-Ju Chen, Ting-Hsiang Wu, Hao Wang, Pei-Yu Chiou*, Hsian-Rong Tseng*, Photothermal Effects of Supramolecularly Assembled Gold Colloids for Targeted Treatment of Cancer Cells.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 3777-3781. (*The corresponding author)
3. Shutao Wang,* Hao Wang, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Kuan-Ju Chen, Jing Sun, David J. Sherman, Gwen E. Owens, Christian P. Behrenbruch, Hsian-Rong Tseng* Three-dimensional nanostructured substrates toward efficient capture of circulating tumor cells.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 8970-8973. (*The corresponding author)
4. Hao Wang,‡ Shutao Wang,‡ Helen Su,‡ Kuan-Ju Chen, Amanda Lee Armijo, Wei-Yu Lin, Yanju Wang, Jing Sun, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Johannes Czernin,* Caius G. Radu,* Hsian-Rong Tseng,* A Supramolecular Approach for Preparation of Size-Controlled Nanoparticles.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 4344-4348. (‡ The authors have the equal contribution)
5. Shuang Hou,‡ Shutao Wang,‡ Zeta T. F. Yu, Nicole Q. M. Zhu, Kan Liu, Jing Sun, Wei-Yu Lin, Clifton K.-F. Shen, Xiaohong Fang,* Hsian-Rong Tseng,*A hydrodynamically focused stream as a dynamic template for site-specific electrochemical micropatterning of conducting polymers.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 1072–1075. (‡ The authors have the equal contribution.)
6. Shutao Wang, Lei Jiang,* Definition of superhydrophobic states.
Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 3423-3424.
7. Shutao Wang, Huajie Liu, Dongsheng Liu,* Xinyong Ma, Xiaohong Fang, Lei Jiang,* Enthalpy-driven 3-state switching of a superhydrophilic/superhydrophobic surface.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 3989-3991.
8. Shutao Wang, Xinjian Feng, Jiannian Yao, Lei Jiang,* Controlling wettability and photochromism in a dual-responsive tungsten oxide film.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 1264-1267.
9. Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang,* Photoresponsive surfaces with controllable wettability.
J. Photochem. & Photobio. C: Photochem. Rev. 2007, 8, 18-29.
10. Shutao Wang, Lin Feng, Lei Jiang,* One-step solution-immersion process for the fabrication of stable bionic superhydrophobic surfaces.
Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 767-770.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 3084-3088. (Journal Cover)
2. Shutao Wang,*, Kuan-Ju Chen, Ting-Hsiang Wu, Hao Wang, Pei-Yu Chiou*, Hsian-Rong Tseng*, Photothermal Effects of Supramolecularly Assembled Gold Colloids for Targeted Treatment of Cancer Cells.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 3777-3781. (*The corresponding author)
3. Shutao Wang,* Hao Wang, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Kuan-Ju Chen, Jing Sun, David J. Sherman, Gwen E. Owens, Christian P. Behrenbruch, Hsian-Rong Tseng* Three-dimensional nanostructured substrates toward efficient capture of circulating tumor cells.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 8970-8973. (*The corresponding author)
4. Hao Wang,‡ Shutao Wang,‡ Helen Su,‡ Kuan-Ju Chen, Amanda Lee Armijo, Wei-Yu Lin, Yanju Wang, Jing Sun, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Johannes Czernin,* Caius G. Radu,* Hsian-Rong Tseng,* A Supramolecular Approach for Preparation of Size-Controlled Nanoparticles.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 4344-4348. (‡ The authors have the equal contribution)
5. Shuang Hou,‡ Shutao Wang,‡ Zeta T. F. Yu, Nicole Q. M. Zhu, Kan Liu, Jing Sun, Wei-Yu Lin, Clifton K.-F. Shen, Xiaohong Fang,* Hsian-Rong Tseng,*A hydrodynamically focused stream as a dynamic template for site-specific electrochemical micropatterning of conducting polymers.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 1072–1075. (‡ The authors have the equal contribution.)
6. Shutao Wang, Lei Jiang,* Definition of superhydrophobic states.
Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 3423-3424.
7. Shutao Wang, Huajie Liu, Dongsheng Liu,* Xinyong Ma, Xiaohong Fang, Lei Jiang,* Enthalpy-driven 3-state switching of a superhydrophilic/superhydrophobic surface.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 3989-3991.
8. Shutao Wang, Xinjian Feng, Jiannian Yao, Lei Jiang,* Controlling wettability and photochromism in a dual-responsive tungsten oxide film.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 1264-1267.
9. Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang,* Photoresponsive surfaces with controllable wettability.
J. Photochem. & Photobio. C: Photochem. Rev. 2007, 8, 18-29.
10. Shutao Wang, Lin Feng, Lei Jiang,* One-step solution-immersion process for the fabrication of stable bionic superhydrophobic surfaces.
Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 767-770.
Research Interests
2012-1-6 Prof. Shutao Wang was interviewed by Nature Chemistry(自然化学编辑专访).
2011-12-20 Li Chen, Gao Yang_Air-grid surface patterning_ Small, accepted. smll.201102345.
2011-12-1Bin Su, Shutao Wang,_Elaborately positioning nanowire arrays contributed by high-adhesively superhydrophobic pillar-structured substrates, Advanced Materials. 2012,23, 559-564. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201104019.
2011-11-26 Bin Su, Shutao Wang_ A heatable and evaporation-free miniature reactor upon superhydrophobic pedestals, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 631-635. DOI: 10.1039/c2sm06356e
2011-9-15 Xueli Liu, Li Chen_Emerging Nanotechnology for Efficient Capture of Circulating Tumor Cells, Nanomedicine in Diagnostics, chapter 8, 172-190. (Science Publisher, UK )
2011-9-2 Bin Su_.“Clinging-Microdroplet” Patterning Upon High-Adhesion, Pillar-Structured Silicon Substrates, Advanced Functional Materials, 2011, 21, 3297–3307. (选为封底报道)
2011-8-22 Li Chen_Efficient Capture and Release of T Lymphocytes
Aptamer-Mediated Efficient Capture and Release of T Lymphocytes on Nanostructured Surfaces, Li Chen, et al. Advanced Materials, 2011, online, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201102435
2011-8-17 Zhongxin Xue_Using special wettability to design novel materials for oil water separation
A Novel Superhydrophilic and Underwater Superoleophobic Hydrogel-Coated Mesh for Oil/Water Separation
Zhongxin Xue, et al., Advanced Materials, 2011, online, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201102616
Reported by Materials Views, Materials Views China, and nanowerk.
2011-7-21 Tong Zhang_A anisotropic stamp inspired from nature(top ten accessed articles from the online version of Soft Matter)
Bio-inspired anisotropic micro/nano-surface from a natural stamp: grasshopper wings, Tong Zhang, et al., Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 7973-7975.
2011-6-27 Tong Zhang_Droplets dancing on hot plats (back cover, and selected as VIP)
High-Temperature Wetting Transition on Micro- and Nanostructured Surfaces, Tong Zhang, et al., Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2011, 50, 5311-5314.
2011-6-6 Qunfeng Cheng_Lotus Leave-Natural Janus interface materials (Inside front cover, and selected as "Top Ten most-read Soft Matter articles in April” ).
Janus interface materials: superhydrophobic air/solid interface and superoleophobic water/solid interface inspired by a lotus leaf, Qunfeng Cheng, Mingzhu Li, Yongmei Zheng, Bin Su, Shutao Wang* and Lei Jiang, Soft Matter, 2011, Advance Article,DOI: 10.1039/C1SM05452J
2011-4-19 Li Chen_The amazing technicolor dreamcoating.
Fatty-Acid–Metal-Ion Complexes as Multicolor Superhydrophobic Coating Materials, Li Chen, Haifeng Meng, Lei Jiang, Shutao Wang,* Chem. Asian J. 2011, DOI: 10.1002/asia.201100010.
2011-4-7 Bin Su_"Underwater oil-high-adhesive surface"
Utilizing superhydrophilic materials to manipulate oil droplets arbitrarily in water, Bin Su, Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song Lei Jiang*, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 5144-5149.
2011-3-21 Shutao Wang_Nano‘Velcro’ surface for capture circulating tumor cell (Journal cover and highlighted by Nature Medicine).
Highly Efficient Capture of Circulating Tumor Cells Using Nanostructured Silicon Substrates with Integrated Chaotic Micromixers, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 3084-3088.
2011-3-14 Jinxia Wang_Photonoic Crystal VS. Wettability.
Bio-inspired Colloidal Photonic Crystals with Controllable Wettability, Jingxia Wang, Youzhuan Zhang, Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Acc. Chem. Res. 2011, ASAP.
2011-2-23 Bin Su_Superhydrophobic pedestal
A miniature droplet reactor built on nanoparticle-derived superhydrophobic pedestals, Bin Su, Shutao Wang, Yanling Song, Lei Jiang, Nano Res. 2011, 4, 266–273.
2011-12-20 Li Chen, Gao Yang_Air-grid surface patterning_ Small, accepted. smll.201102345.
2011-12-1Bin Su, Shutao Wang,_Elaborately positioning nanowire arrays contributed by high-adhesively superhydrophobic pillar-structured substrates, Advanced Materials. 2012,23, 559-564. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201104019.
2011-11-26 Bin Su, Shutao Wang_ A heatable and evaporation-free miniature reactor upon superhydrophobic pedestals, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 631-635. DOI: 10.1039/c2sm06356e
2011-9-15 Xueli Liu, Li Chen_Emerging Nanotechnology for Efficient Capture of Circulating Tumor Cells, Nanomedicine in Diagnostics, chapter 8, 172-190. (Science Publisher, UK )
2011-9-2 Bin Su_.“Clinging-Microdroplet” Patterning Upon High-Adhesion, Pillar-Structured Silicon Substrates, Advanced Functional Materials, 2011, 21, 3297–3307. (选为封底报道)
2011-8-22 Li Chen_Efficient Capture and Release of T Lymphocytes
Aptamer-Mediated Efficient Capture and Release of T Lymphocytes on Nanostructured Surfaces, Li Chen, et al. Advanced Materials, 2011, online, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201102435
2011-8-17 Zhongxin Xue_Using special wettability to design novel materials for oil water separation
A Novel Superhydrophilic and Underwater Superoleophobic Hydrogel-Coated Mesh for Oil/Water Separation
Zhongxin Xue, et al., Advanced Materials, 2011, online, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201102616
Reported by Materials Views, Materials Views China, and nanowerk.
2011-7-21 Tong Zhang_A anisotropic stamp inspired from nature(top ten accessed articles from the online version of Soft Matter)
Bio-inspired anisotropic micro/nano-surface from a natural stamp: grasshopper wings, Tong Zhang, et al., Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 7973-7975.
2011-6-27 Tong Zhang_Droplets dancing on hot plats (back cover, and selected as VIP)
High-Temperature Wetting Transition on Micro- and Nanostructured Surfaces, Tong Zhang, et al., Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2011, 50, 5311-5314.
2011-6-6 Qunfeng Cheng_Lotus Leave-Natural Janus interface materials (Inside front cover, and selected as "Top Ten most-read Soft Matter articles in April” ).
Janus interface materials: superhydrophobic air/solid interface and superoleophobic water/solid interface inspired by a lotus leaf, Qunfeng Cheng, Mingzhu Li, Yongmei Zheng, Bin Su, Shutao Wang* and Lei Jiang, Soft Matter, 2011, Advance Article,DOI: 10.1039/C1SM05452J
2011-4-19 Li Chen_The amazing technicolor dreamcoating.
Fatty-Acid–Metal-Ion Complexes as Multicolor Superhydrophobic Coating Materials, Li Chen, Haifeng Meng, Lei Jiang, Shutao Wang,* Chem. Asian J. 2011, DOI: 10.1002/asia.201100010.
2011-4-7 Bin Su_"Underwater oil-high-adhesive surface"
Utilizing superhydrophilic materials to manipulate oil droplets arbitrarily in water, Bin Su, Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song Lei Jiang*, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 5144-5149.
2011-3-21 Shutao Wang_Nano‘Velcro’ surface for capture circulating tumor cell (Journal cover and highlighted by Nature Medicine).
Highly Efficient Capture of Circulating Tumor Cells Using Nanostructured Silicon Substrates with Integrated Chaotic Micromixers, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 3084-3088.
2011-3-14 Jinxia Wang_Photonoic Crystal VS. Wettability.
Bio-inspired Colloidal Photonic Crystals with Controllable Wettability, Jingxia Wang, Youzhuan Zhang, Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Acc. Chem. Res. 2011, ASAP.
2011-2-23 Bin Su_Superhydrophobic pedestal
A miniature droplet reactor built on nanoparticle-derived superhydrophobic pedestals, Bin Su, Shutao Wang, Yanling Song, Lei Jiang, Nano Res. 2011, 4, 266–273.
杨高 博士研究生 070304-物理化学
Open position
We always welcome passionate researchers with strong research background in fields such as chemistry and chemical engineering, materials science, nanoscience & nanotechnology, medical science, biology & biotechnology, to apply and join our research team.
The open postions include 1 assistant professors, 1-2 postdoctoral fellows, 2-3 graduate students, and several undergraduate students.
If you are interested in joining our research, please contact us with the following documents in a single pdf file: a) a brief statement of your reason for applying and career plan, b) a CV with publications and research experience, and c)any relevant information about yourself. Please email these document to Prof. Shutao Wang (stwang@iccas.ac.cn).
The open postions include 1 assistant professors, 1-2 postdoctoral fellows, 2-3 graduate students, and several undergraduate students.
If you are interested in joining our research, please contact us with the following documents in a single pdf file: a) a brief statement of your reason for applying and career plan, b) a CV with publications and research experience, and c)any relevant information about yourself. Please email these document to Prof. Shutao Wang (stwang@iccas.ac.cn).