宋立伟 研究员 博导
中国科学院 上海光学精密机械研究所
电子邮件: slw@siom.ac.cn
通信地址: 上海市嘉定区清河路390号
邮政编码: 201800
K. Wang, Z. Zheng, H. Li, X. Meng, Y. Liu, Y. Tian*, and L. Song*, “Efficient strong-field THz generation from DSTMS crystal pumped by 1030 nm Yb-laser,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 121102 (2024).
X. Yu, Y. Zeng, Y. Bai, L. Song*, and Y. Tian*, “Hollow metal tubes for efficient electron manipulation using terahertz surface waves,” Opt. Express 32, 3076 (2024).
R. Qi, C. Zhou*, Z. Zheng, D. Zhang, X. Yang, J. Gui, L. Song, Y. Tian*, and R. Li, “Gigahertz electromagnetic pulse emission from femtosecond relativistic laser-irradiated solid targets,” Opt. Express 32, 2670 (2024).
X. Yu#, Y. Zeng, # L. Song*, D. Kong, S. Hao, J. Gui, X. Yang, Y. Xu, X. Wu*, Y. Leng, Y. Tian*, and R. Li*, “Megaelectronvolt electron acceleration driven by terahertz surface wave”, Nat. Photon. 17, 957 (2023).
X. Wu#*, D. Kong#, S. Hao#, Y. Zeng#, X. Yu, B. Zhang, M. Dai, S. Liu, J. Wang, Z. Ren, S. Chen, J. Sang, K. Wang, D. Zhang, Z. Liu, J. Gui, X. Yang, Y. Xu, Y. Leng, Y. Li, L. Song*, Y. Tian*, and R. Li*, “Generation of 13.9-mJ Terahertz Radiation from Lithium Niobate Materials”, Adv. Mater. 35, 2208947 (2023).
H. Li, K. Liu, X. Wang, X. Liu, X. Meng, Y. Liu, L. Song*, Y. Leng, and R. Li, “Timing fluctuation correction for the front end of 100-PW laser”, High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 11, e52 (2023).
X. Meng#, K. Wang#, X. Yu, Y. Ding, Y. Zeng, T. Lin, R. Feng, W. Li, Y. Liu, Y. Tian*, and L. Song*, “Generation and characterization of intense terahertz pulses from DSTMS crystal”, Opt. Express 31, 23923 (2023)
C. Yan#, H. Li#, Z. Huang*, X. Wang, D. Liu, X. Liu, J. Pan, Z. Luo, F. Yang, Y. Zheng, R. Yin, H. Yu, Y. Leng, L. Song*, M. Pang, and X. Jiang*, “Highly-stable, flexible delivery of microjoule-level ultrafast pulses in vacuumized anti-resonant hollow-core fibers for active synchronization,” Opt. Lett. 48, 1838 (2023)
K. Liu, J. Li, X. Wang, L. Song, H. Cao, and Y. Fu*, “High-accuracy relative arrival time measurement for coherent beam combination based on double-humped interferometry,” Opt. Commun., 541, 129553 (2023).
Y. Ding, Y. Zeng*, X. Yu, Z. Liu, J. Qian, Y. Li, Y. Peng, L. Song*, Y.Tian*, Y. Leng, and R. Li, “Terahertz-assisted even harmonics generation in silicon,” iScience 25,103750 (2022).
R. Qi, C. Zhou*, D. Zhang, L. Song, X. Yang, J. Gui, Y. Leng, Y. Tian*, and R. Li, “Characterization of Electromagnetic Pulses Generated from Plasma Associated with Laser Filaments-Excited Aluminum Alloy Interaction,” Appl. Sci. 12, 6059 (2022).
D. Zhang, Y. Bai*, Y. Zeng, Y. Ding, Z. Li, C. Zhou, Y. Leng, L. Song*, Y. Tian*, and R. Li, “Towards high-repetition-rate intense terahertz source with metal wire-based plasma,” IEEE Photon. J. 14, 5910605 (2022).
C. Zhou, Y. Bai, L. Song, Y. Zeng, Y. Xu, D. Zhang, X. Lu, Y. Leng, J. Liu*, Y. Tian*, R. Li*,and Z. Xu. “Direct mapping of attosecond electron dynamics,” Nat. Photonics 15, 216 (2021).
Y. Ding, L. Song*, J. Qian, Z. Liu, P. Wang, Y. Li, Y. Peng, Y. Tian* and Y. Leng , “A compact platform for efficient generation and single-shot measurement of high-field terahertz wave with a broadband naturally synchronized mid-infrared source,” Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 93, 10501 (2021).
K. Liu, H. Li, X. Wang*, Y. Liu*, L. Song*, and Y. Leng, “Timing Fluctuation Correction of A Femtosecond
Regenerative Amplifier,” Crystals 11, 1242 (2021).Y. Zeng, C. Zhou, L. Song*, X. Lu, Z. Li, Y. Ding, Y. Bai, Y. Xu, Y. Leng, Y. Tian*, J. Liu, R. Li, and Z. Xu, “Guiding and emission of milijoule single-cycle THz pulse from laser-driven wire-like targets,” Opt. Express 28, 15258 (2020).
J. Qian, Y. Ding, L. Song*, Z. Liu, Y. Bai, P. Wang, B. Shao, Y. Li, Y. Peng, Y. Tian*, Y. Leng*, and R. Li, "Near-infrared supercontinuum and ultrashort pulses generated based on phase-mismatched cascaded frequency conversion in DSTMS crystal," IEEE Photonics J. 12, 3200306 (2020).
K. Liu, L. Song*, Y. Liu*, X. Wang, Z. Huang, Y. Tang, X. Wang, Z. Liu, and Y. Leng*, "Simultaneous measurement of the absolute and relative time delay of a tiled-aperture coherent beam combination via the double-humped spectral beam interferometry, " Opt. Express 28, 35498 (2020).
D. Tu, H. Ma, X. Jiang, H. Liu, P. Wu, L. Song*, and M. Wang*, “Femtosecond laser processing stainless steel foil and its Fourier spectrum detection,” Optoelectron. Lett. 16, 1 (2020).
田野*,郭丝霖,曾雨珊,宋立伟*,冷雨欣,李儒新,“强场太赫兹光源及其物质调控研究(特邀综述),”光学学报 11, 3(2020)
A. Calendron, E. Kueny, L. Song, G. Cirmi, L. Bocklage, F. Kärtner, and R Röhlsberger, “Excitation and control of spin waves in FeBO3 by a strong-field THz pulse,” EPJ Web of Conferences 205, 07008 (2019).
P. Zalden#, L. Song#, X. Wu, H. Huang, F. Ahr, O. D. Mücke, J. Reichert, M. Thorwart, P. Kr. Mishra, R. Welsch, R. Santra, F. X. Kärtner and C. Bressler, “Molecular polarizability anisotropy of liquid water revealed by terahertz-induced transient orientation,” Nat. Commun. 9, 2142 (2018).
H. Chang, W. Liu, Q. Cao, L. Song, F. Kärtner, and G. Chang*, “Megawatt peak power tunable femtosecond source based on self-phase modulation enabled spectral selection”, Opt. Express 26, 3684 (2018).
Y. Bai, L. Song, P. Liu*, and R. Li, “Energy Scaling of Terahertz Pulses Produced through Difference Frequency Generation,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 34, 014201 (2017).
R. Xu, Y. Bai, L. Song, N. Li, P. Peng, J. Tang, T. Miao, P. Liu*, Z. Wang and R. Li, “Self-focusing of few-cycle laser pulses at 1800nm in air”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 094015, (2015).
L. Song, C. Li, Y. Bai, R. Xu, P. Liu*, R. Li*, and Z. Xu, “Circularly polarized sub-1.5 cycle laser pulses at 1.8 μm,” Appl. Phys. B, 115, 93 (2014).
L. Song, Y. Bai, R. Xu, C. Li, P. Liu*, R. Li*, and Z. Xu, “Terahertz emission from air plasma produced by few-cycle circularly polarized laser pulses,” Infrared and laser Engineering 43, 2925 (2014).
L. Song, Y. Bai, R. Xu, C. Li, P. Liu*, R. Li*, and Z. Xu, “Polarization control of terahertz waves generated by circularly polarized few-cycle laser pulses,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 261102 (2013).
R. Xu, Y. Bai, L. Song, N. Li, P. Peng, and P. Liu*, “Terahertz emission by balanced nonlinear effects in air plasma,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 11, 123002 (2013).
R. Xu, Y. Bai, L. Song, P. Liu*, R. Li*, and Z. Xu, “Initial carrier-envelope phase of few-cycle pulses determined by terahertz emission from air plasma,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 061111 (2013).
C. Gong, J. Jiang, C. Li, L. Song, Z. Zeng*, Y. Zheng, J. Miao, X. Ge, Y. Deng, R. Li*, and Z. Xu, “Observation of CEP effect via filamentation in transparent solids,” Opt. Express 21, 24120 (2013).
J. Wei Li, P. Liu*, H. Yang, L. Song, S. Zhao, H. Lu, R. Li*, Z. Xu, “High harmonic spectra contributed by HOMO-1 orbital of aligned CO2 molecules,” Opt. Express 21,7599 (2013).
Y. Bai, L. Song, R. Xu, C. Li, P. Liu, Z. Zeng, Z. Zhang, H. Lu, R. Li, and Z. Xu, “Waveform-controlled Terahertz Radiation from the air filament produced by few-cycle laser pulses”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 255004 (2012).
R. Li*, C. Li, L. Song, D. Wang, C. Xu, Y. Leng, P. Liu, Z. Zeng, and Z. Xu, “Intense Few-Cycle Mid-Infrared Laser Pulse Generation and Applications.” In: Yamanouchi K., Katsumi M. (eds) Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 125. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2012).
L. Song, C. Li*, D. Wang, C. Xu, Y. Leng and R. Li, “Carrier-envelope phase stabilized few-cycle infrared laser system,” Acta Physica Sinica 60, 054206 (2011).
L. Song, Y. Leng*, C. Zhang, J. Wang, C. Li, R. Li*, “Carrier-envelope phase offset for pulses from a tunable optical parametric amplifier,” Opt. Commun. 284, 3047 (2011).
Y. Huang, L. Song, D. Wang, Y. Li, C. Li, Y. Xu, Y. Leng*, R. Li*, and Z. Xu, “High-temporal-quality injector generated by optical parametric amplification with hollow-core-fiber compression,” Opt. Lett. 36, 4785 (2011).
C. Li, D. Wang, L. Song, J. Liu, P. Liu, C. Xu, Y. Leng*, R. Li*, and Z. Xu, “Generation of carrier-envelope phase stabilized intense 1.5 cycle pulses at 1.75 μm,” Opt. Express 19, 6783 (2011).
C. Gong, J. Jiang, C. Li, L. Song, Z. Zeng*, J. Miao, X. Ge, Y. Zheng, R. Li*, and Z. Xu, “Phase-matching mechanism for high-photon-energy harmonics of a long trajectory driven by a midinfrared laser,” Phys. Rev. A 85, 033410 (2011).
C. Zhang, J. Wang, L. Song, C. Li, Y. Huang, Y. Leng*, R. Li, and Z. Xu, “High-conversion efficiency and tunable phase-stabilized infrared parametric laser source,” Laser Physics 20, 727 (2010).
C. Zhang, J. Wang, P. Wei, L. Song, C. Li, C. Kim, Y. Leng*, “Tunable phase-stabilized infrared parametric laser source,” Chinese Physics B 18, 1469 (2009).
L. Song, C. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Leng*, and R. Li*, “Accurate measurement of carrier-envelope phase drift for infrafed femtosecond laser pulses,” Opt. Express 16, 21383 (2008).
丁营营 博士研究生 070207-光学
桑建华 博士研究生 070207-光学
张肖雅 硕士研究生 085400-电子信息
李洪阳 博士研究生 070200-物理学
郝嘉静 硕士研究生 080300-光学工程
孟宪泽 博士研究生 080300-光学工程