邵士俊 男 博导 兰州化学物理研究所






-- 研究生
-- 博士


近年来,在国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑计划项目、甘肃省基金、院西部行动计划项目和院西部之光等项目的资助下,主持开展了合成受体分子设计及其分子识别与光化学传感;纳米材料修饰电极及其生物(药物)分子的电化学传感;道地中药材色谱指纹图谱质控技术与质量标准;组分中药新药和功能产品研发等研究工作。2001年入选院“西部之光”人才培养计划,2006年入选院“西部之光”联合学者。在Biosens. Bioelectron.;Electrochem. Commun.;Electrochim. Acta;Org. Lett.; J. Chromatogr. A;Talanta;Org. Biomol. Chem.;Tetrahedron Lett.等学术期刊发表学术论文60多篇(SCI收录40多篇);申报专利10件(已授权5件)。
2004-01--今 中科院兰州化学物理研究所/甘肃省天然药物重点实验室/中科院西北特色植物资源化学重点实验室 研究员/副主任/课题组长
2001-01--2003-12 中科院兰州化学物理研究所天然药物实验室 副研究员
1990-07--2000-12 中科院兰州化学物理研究所有机合成研究室 历任研实员、助研


[1] 一种适用于原子力显微镜光催化的光源支架. 2023-12-22.
[2] 一种白色玉米醇溶蛋白的中试生产工艺及生产线. 2023-04-25.
[3] 一种含氟探针及其制备方法与应用. 2021-09-14.
[4] 玫瑰精油香膏在化妆品种的应用. 2021-06-01.
[5] 一种黄色玉米醇溶蛋白的脱色方法. 2020-04-07.
[6] 一种类胡萝卜素类色素-黏土复合制品的制备方法. 2020-01-21.
[7] 一种可与质谱联用的在线样品前处理装置. 2019-12-27.
[8] 利用凹凸棒石吸附稳定类胡萝卜素类抗氧化活性天然色素的方法. 2019-11-08.
[9] 一种白色玉米醇溶蛋白的中试生产方法. 2019-10-11.
[10] 亚临界萃取与膜分离纯化浓缩相结合制备枸杞类胡萝卜素类天然色素的方法. 2019-07-30.
[11] 董树清, 唐聪, 邵士俊. 一种基于光谱联用技术鉴别特级初榨橄榄油的方法. CN113624706A, 2021-11-09.
[12] 董树清, 邵士俊, 王爱勤, 梁卿. 一种党参多糖@凹凸棒石凝胶抗菌材料的制备及应用. CN113545420A, 2021-10-26.
[13] 邵士俊, 董树清, 唐聪, 邱洪灯. 一种基于3D荧光光谱技术鉴别茶油的方法. CN113049551A, 2021-06-29.
[14] 高旭东, 胡玥, 邵士俊, 火婷, 李云春, 魏小宁. 一种含氟探针及其制备方法与应用. CN: CN112679533A, 2021-04-20.
[15] 董树清, 王爱勤, 康玉茹, 刘红, 邵士俊. 一种低含量甘草霜负载凹凸棒石抗菌饲料的制备方法. CN: CN110800868A, 2020-02-18.
[16] 胡玥, 邵士俊, 火婷, 高旭东. 采用原子荧光光谱仪检测凹凸棒石中As含量的方法. CN: CN110596069A, 2019-12-20.
[17] 刘红, 邵士俊. 玫瑰精油香膏在化妆品中的应用. CN: CN110585074A, 2019-12-20.
[18] 刘红, 邵士俊. 一种玫瑰精油香膏的制备方法、玫瑰精油及其生产方法和应用. CN: CN110724602A, 2020-01-24.
[19] 刘红, 邵士俊. 玫瑰精油香膏在生产玫瑰香型日用品中的应用. CN: CN110643431A, 2020-01-03.
[20] 刘红, 曾凡逵, 邵士俊, 郭晴茹. 一种草莓保鲜剂及其制备方法、一种草莓保鲜方法. CN: CN110419569A, 2019-11-08.
[21] 火婷, 胡玥, 高旭东, 李云春, 魏小宁, 王旭升, 邵士俊. 一种可与质谱联用的在线样品前处理装置. CN: CN209858311U, 2019-12-27.
[22] 梁卿, 邵士俊. 一种枸杞甘草固体饮料及其制备方法. CN: CN109315668A, 2019-02-12.
[23] 梁卿, 邵士俊. 一种低糖及无糖枸杞全粉制备方法. CN: CN109315724A, 2019-02-12.
[24] 邵士俊, 倪月, 刘红, 徐健. 一种石墨烯负载的钴酸镍纳米棒复合物及其应用. CN: CN108387631A, 2018-08-10.
[25] 刘红, 邵士俊, 曾凡逵. 利用超声亚临界流体萃取技术从咖啡渣中提取咖啡油脂的方法. CN: CN107674758A, 2018-02-09.
[26] 刘红, 邵士俊, 曾凡逵. 利用超声亚临界流体萃取技术制备胡椒油与胡椒油树脂的方法. CN: CN107803049A, 2018-03-16.
[27] 刘红, 邵士俊. 一种枸杞粉末油脂的制备方法. CN: CN107821643A, 2018-03-23.
[28] 刘红, 邵士俊, 王爱勤, 张俊平, 王文波. 利用凹凸棒石吸附稳定类胡萝卜素类抗氧化活性天然色素的方法. CN: CN107488363A, 2017-12-19.
[29] 刘红, 邵士俊, 徐健. 亚临界萃取与膜分离纯化浓缩相结合制备枸杞类胡萝卜素类天然色素的方法. CN: CN107459838A, 2017-12-12.
[30] 刘红, 徐健, 邵士俊, 王爱勤, 王文波, 张俊平. 一种类胡萝卜素类色素‑黏土复合制品的制备方法. CN: CN107523093A, 2017-12-29.
[31] 梁卿, 邵士俊. 一种气流超微粉碎与超声亚临界萃取联合提取枸杞果油的方法. CN: CN106995747A, 2017-08-01.
[32] 邵士俊, 于辉, 徐健, 梁卿. 一种无机‑有机比率荧光探针及其在半胱氨酸和同型半胱氨酸检测中的应用. CN: CN106967414A, 2017-07-21.
[33] 刘红, 邵士俊, 徐健, 梁卿. 一种白色玉米醇溶蛋白的中试生产线. CN: CN206359453U, 2017-07-28.
[34] 刘红, 邵士俊, 徐健, 梁卿. 一种白色玉米醇溶蛋白的中试生产工艺及生产线. CN: CN106366171A, 2017-02-01.
[35] 刘红, 邵士俊, 徐健, 梁卿. 一种黄色玉米醇溶蛋白的脱色方法. CN: CN106565834A, 2017-04-19.
[36] 刘红, 岳莹, 邵士俊, 梁卿, 徐健. 一种白色玉米醇溶蛋白的中试生产方法. CN: CN106432455A, 2017-02-22.
[37] 梁卿, 邵士俊. 枸杞中提取玉米黄质为主的类胡萝卜素类单体色素的方法. CN: CN106543769A, 2017-03-29.
[38] 刘红, 岳莹, 邵士俊, 梁卿, 徐健. 一种从玉米蛋白粉中连续提取玉米黄色素与玉米醇溶蛋白的方法. CN: CN106009766A, 2016-10-12.
[39] 刘红, 岳莹, 邵士俊, 梁卿, 徐健. 利用膜分离技术从玉米蛋白粉中分离提取玉米黄色素与玉米醇溶蛋白的方法. CN: CN105949297A, 2016-09-21.
[40] 徐健, 邵士俊, 梁卿, 刘红. 一种具有线粒体靶向功能的过氧化氢荧光探针及应用. CN: CN105924427A, 2016-09-07.
[41] 姚钟麒, 邵士俊. 二乙酰己二胺诱导分化剂的晶型及其制备方法和应用. CN: CN104693059A, 2015-06-10.
[42] 廖原, 刘刚, 郭勇, 邵士俊. 从马铃薯废渣中提取果胶的方法. CN: CN102757514A, 2012-10-31.
[43] 郭勇, 梁卿, 廖原, 邵士俊. 一种甘珀酸钠的制备方法. CN: CN102464699A, 2012-05-23.
[44] 邵士俊, 魏薇, 郭勇. 比色检测含巯基氨基酸的分析方法. CN: CN102200514A, 2011-09-28.
[45] 郭 勇, 廖 原, 徐 健, 邵士俊. 原花青素胶囊及其生产工艺. CN: CN101642445A, 2010-02-10.
[46] 郭 勇, 廖 原, 徐 健, 邵士俊. 黄芪多糖硒酸酯胶囊及其制备工艺. CN: CN101618028A, 2010-01-06.
[47] 邵士俊, 胡树振, 郭 勇, 徐 健. 钴离子的比色检测分析方法. CN: CN101196473A, 2008-06-11.
[48] 郭 勇, 徐 健, 梁 卿, 邵士俊. 多糖硒酸酯的制备方法. CN: CN101190951A, 2008-06-04.
[49] 郭 勇, 徐 健, 邵士俊, 蒋生祥. 一种Hg 2+ 离子的比色检测分析方法. 中国: CN100451628, 2009-01-14.
[50] 郭勇, 徐健, 邵士俊, 蒋生祥. 苯氨化合物的比色检测分析方法. CN: CN100541182C, 2009-09-16.
[51] 王爱勤, 邵士俊, 张 琨. 植树造林用输水材料及其制备方法. CN: CN1786061A, 2006-06-14.
[52] 郭 勇, 邵士俊, 蒋生祥, 师彦平, 徐 健. 半胱氨酸的比色检测分析方法. CN: CN1773264A, 2006-05-17.


[1] 唐聪, 温玉洁, 梁卿, 邵士俊, 董树清. 基于光谱法的特级初榨橄榄油快速鉴伪技术. 食品工业科技[J]. 2023, 44(9): 309-316, [2] Tingting Zhao, Shuqing Dong, Shijun Shao, Guodi Lu, Jia Hou, Fude Yang. Injectable hydroethanolic physical gels based on Codonopsis pilosula polysaccharide for sustained anticancer drug delivery. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES[J]. 2023, 230: 123178-, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.123178.
[3] Jianyu Qiao, Yuhuan Wang, Shuqing Dong, Qing Liang, Shijun Shao. Au Nanoparticles-Decorated BiOI Nanosheet Arrays for Cathodic Photoelectrochemical Dopamine Sensors. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS[J]. 2023, 5664-5674, [4] Cong Tang, Jianyu Qiao, Yujie Wen, Zhixing Zeng, Shijun Shao, Shuqing Dong. Quality control of woody edible oil: The application of fluorescence spectroscopy and the influencing factors of fluorescence. FOOD CONTROL[J]. 2022, 142: 109275-109286, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.109275.
[5] Zhixing Zeng, Jianyu Qiao, Cong Tang, Shijun Shao. An electrochemical sensor based on copper nanowires-PDDA modified glassy carbon electrode for amperometric detection of cysteine in alkaline medium. Results in Chemistry[J]. 2022, 4: 100354-, [6] Jianyu Qiao, Yuhuan Wang, Qing Liang, Shuqing Dong, Zhixing Zeng, Shijun Shao. A Photoelectrochemical Sensor Based on TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Decorated with Nickel-Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxides for the Effective and Sensitive Detection of Chromium (VI). ACS Applied Nano Materials[J]. 2022, 5: 5535-5543, [7] yuhuan wang, Dengchao Wang, shuqing dong, Jianyu Qiao, Zhixing Zeng, Shijun Shao. A visible-light-driven photoelectrochemical sensing platform based on the BiVO4/FeOOH photoanode for dopamine detection. Electrochimica Acta. Electrochimica Acta[J]. 2022, 414: 140207-, [8] 唐聪, 乔建雨, 温玉洁, 邵士俊, 董树清. 油茶籽壳生物质的转化研究进展. 中国油脂[J]. 2022, [9] 蒋朝辉, 石振萍, 邵士俊, 杨扶德, 冯金梁. 中药玫瑰花化学成分及质量评价方法研究进展. 甘肃中医药大学学报[J]. 2021, 38(1): 86-91, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7104291737.
[10] 石振萍, 蒋朝辉, 梁卿, 邵士俊, 杨扶德, 冯金梁. 基于荧光衍生法的不同硫熏时间枸杞子二氧化硫残留量研究. 甘肃中医药大学学报[J]. 2021, 38(3): 34-39, [11] 郭晴茹, 刘红, 石振萍, 杨扶德, 石晓峰, 邵士俊. 基于三维荧光光谱及模式识别技术对当归质量的分析与鉴别. 现代食品科技[J]. 2021, 37(9): 294-304, [12] 石振萍, 蒋朝辉, 梁卿, 邵士俊, 杨扶德, 冯金梁. 溶液荧光法结合判别分析区分不同产地枸杞. 时珍国医国药[J]. 2021, 32(3): 643-646, [13] Wang, Yuhuan, Zeng, Zhixing, Qiao, Jianyu, Dong, Shuqing, Liang, Qing, Shao, Shijun. Ultrasensitive determination of nitrite based on electrochemical platform of AuNPs deposited on PDDA-modified MXene nanosheets. TALANTA[J]. 2021, 221(3): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2020.121605.
[14] 蒋朝辉, 石振萍, 邵士俊, 杨扶德, 冯金梁. 玫瑰花醇提部位荧光特性研究. 食品安全质量检测学报[J]. 2021, 12(4): 1475-1480, [15] 远俊洋, 李端, 侯嘉, 邵士俊, 杨扶德. 响应面分析优化荧光衍生法测定硫熏党参及其饮片二氧化硫残留量的研究. 食品工业科技[J]. 2020, 41(9): 210-218+231, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7101666114.
[16] Yang, Quanzhi, Wang, Shuzhan, Li, Duan, Yuan, Junyang, Xu, Jian, Shao, Shijun. A mitochondria-targeting nitroreductase fluorescent probe with large Stokes shift and long-wavelength emission for imaging hypoxic status in tumor cells. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA[J]. 2020, 1103(3): 202-211, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2019.12.063.
[17] Yang, Quanzhi, Wen, Yujie, Zhong, Aiguo, Xu, Jian, Shao, Shijun. An HBT-based fluorescent probe for nitroreductase determination and its application inEscherichia colicell imaging. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY[J]. 2020, 44(38): 16265-16268, [18] Shijun Shao. An ESIPT-based fluorescent probe for nitroreductase determination and its application in Escherichia coli cell imaging. New Journal of Chemistry. 2020, [19] 李端, 远俊洋, 侯嘉, 邵士俊, 杨扶德. 稳态荧光技术及分子对接模拟研究党参炔苷与牛血清蛋白的相互作用. 中国实验方剂学杂志[J]. 2020, 26(12): 162-169, https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFD&dbname=CJFDLAST2020&filename=ZSFX202012024&v=MjkyOTk4ZVgxTHV4WVM3RGgxVDNxVHJXTTFGckNVUjd1Zlp1Wm1GaXZrVzcvS1B6N05kckc0SE5ITnJZOUhZSVI=.
[20] Dong, Shuqing, Bi, Qing, Qiao, Jianyu, Shao, Shijun, Lu, Xiaoquan. Simultaneous Determination of Three Nitroaniline Isomers by beta-cyclodextrins (beta-CDs) and Graphene Quantum Dots (GQDs) Composite Modified Glassy Carbon Electrodes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE[J]. 2020, 15(9): 8552-8562, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000570963900017.
[21] Yang, Quanzhi, Wen, Yujie, Xu, Jian, Shao, Shijun. An HBT-based fluorescent dye with enhanced quantum yield in water system and its application for constructing NQO1 fluorescent probe. TALANTA[J]. 2020, 216(12): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2020.120982.
[22] Li, Shue, Mu, Bin, Dong, Wenkai, Liang, Oing, Shao, Shijun, Wang, Aiqin. Incorporation of Lutein on Layered Double Hydroxide for Improving the Environmental Stability. MOLECULES[J]. 2020, 25(5): https://doaj.org/article/b8115715a9064ff8b0c157827d0ca68b.
[23] 火婷, 胡玥, 高旭东, 李云春, 魏小宁, 邵士俊. 保健食品中非法添加物检测的前处理及分析方法研究进展. 分析测试技术与仪器[J]. 2020, 26(1): 049-055, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7101350918.
[24] 戴迪, 靳贵林, 崔治家, 杨扶德, 邵士俊. 枸杞子水提部位荧光特性研究. 中国中医药信息杂志[J]. 2019, 79-83, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=88888989504849574855484956.
[25] 侯嘉, 郭鸿儒, 杨扶德, 邵士俊. 多指标成分结合化学计量学综合评价甘肃产甘草的质量. 中草药[J]. 2019, 50(16): 3923-3929, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7002768792.
[26] 胡玥, 火婷, 高旭东, 魏小宁, 邵士俊. 高分辨连续光源原子吸收光谱仪的改造及功能拓展. 分析测试技术与仪器[J]. 2019, 25(2): 93-97, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7002219851.
[27] Hou, Jia, Guo, Hongru, Du, Tao, Shao, Shijun, Zhang, Yanhong. Effect of seedling grade standard on improving the quality of licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis F.): changes in the seven bioactive components and root biomass during two-year growth. FOOD SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY[J]. 2018, 27(4): 939-945, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000441231000002.
[28] Ni, Yue, Liu, Hong, Dai, Di, Mu, Xiqiong, Xu, Jian, Shao, Shijun. Chromogenic, Fluorescent, and Redox Sensors for Multichannel Imaging and Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide in Living Cell Systems. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2018, 90(17): 10152-10158,
[29] Ni, Yue, Xu, Jian, Liu, Hong, Shao, Shijun. Fabrication of RGO-NiCo2O4 nanorods composite from deep eutectic solvents for nonenzymatic amperometric sensing of glucose. TALANTA[J]. 2018, 185: 335-343, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2018.03.097.
[30] Ni, Yue, Liu, Hong, Xu, Jian, Yue, Ying, Shao, Shijun. Construction of a selective electrochemical sensing solid-liquid interface for the selective detection of fluoride ion in water with bis(indolyl)methane-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY[J]. 2017, 41(23): 14246-14252, http://ir.licp.ac.cn/handle/362003/22829.
[31] Ni, Yue, Xu, Jian, Liang, Qing, Shao, Shijun. Enzyme-free glucose sensor based on heteroatom-enriched activated carbon (HAC) decorated with hedgehog-like NiO nanostructures. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL[J]. 2017, 250: 491-498, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2017.05.004.
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[41] Ni, Yue, Liao, Yuan, Zheng, Mingbo, Shao, Shijun. In-situ growth of Co3O4 nanoparticles on mesoporous carbon nanofibers: a new nanocomposite for nonenzymatic amperometric sensing of H2O2. MICROCHIMICA ACTA[J]. 2017, 184(10): 3689-3695, http://ir.licp.ac.cn/handle/362003/22483.
[42] Shijun Shao. Preparation a novel nitro-substituted tris(indolyl)methane modified graphene oxide/silica as solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbent for organic acids extraction. Journal of Separation Science. 2016, [43] Xu, Jian, Zhang, Yan, Yu, Hui, Gao, Xudong, Shao, Shijun. Mitochondria-Targeted Fluorescent Probe for Imaging Hydrogen Peroxide in Living Cells. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2016, 88(2): 1455-1461, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1059746.
[44] Wang, Na, Wang, Jiamin, Liao, Yuan, Shao, Shijun. Preparation of a nitro-substituted tris(indolyl)methane modified silica in deep eutectic solvents for solid-phase extraction of organic acids. TALANTA[J]. 2016, 151: 1-7, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2016.01.011.
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[46] Wang, Jiamin, Ni, Yue, Shao, Shijun. A reversible fluorescence probe for detection of ClO-/AA redox cycle in aqueous solution and in living cells. TALANTA[J]. 2016, 147: 468-472, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2015.10.026.
[47] Wang, Jiamin, Liao, Yuan, Shao, Shijun. An NBD-based Fluorescent Probe with High Selectivity to Cysteine over Homocysteine under Neutral Physiological Conditions. CHEMISTRY LETTERS[J]. 2015, 44(10): 1437-1439, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1003414.
[48] Wei, Wei, Lv, Yong Jun, Shao, Shi Jun, Guo, Yong. ANION-BINDING AND SENSING PROPERTIES OF NOVEL RECEPTORS BASED ON N-(INDOL-3-YLGLYOXYLYL)BENZYLAMINE. QUIMICA NOVA[J]. 2015, 38(10): 1293-1296, http://dx.doi.org/10.5935/0100-4042.20150157.
[49] Xu, Jian, Sun, Shaobo, Li, Qian, Yue, Ying, Li, Yingdong, Shao, Shijun. A rapid response "Turn-On" fluorescent probe for nitroreductase detection and its application in hypoxic tumor cell imaging. ANALYST[J]. 2015, 140(2): 574-581, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1003420.
[50] Liao, Yuan, Li, Qian, Wang, Na, Shao, Shijun. Development of a new electrochemical sensor for determination of Hg(II) based on Bis(indolyl)methane/Mesoporous carbon nanofiber/Nafion/glassy carbon electrode. SENSORSANDACTUATORSBCHEMICAL[J]. 2015, 215: 592-597, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2015.04.006.
[51] Wei, Wei, Shao Shijun, Guo Yong. Anion recognition properties of receptor based on 2-linked trisindolymethene. INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY.SECTION A.INORGANIC, PHYSICAL, THEORETICAL && ANALYTICAL[J]. 2015, 54(8): 1039-1043, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1003404.
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[53] Shijun Shao. Electrochemical sensor based on Nbim/CNT composite for selective determination of luteolin in the fonoids. JURNALOFELECTROANALYTICALCHEMISTRY. 2015, [54] Wang, Na, Liang, Xiaojing, Li, Qian, Liao, Yuan, Shao, Shijun. Nitro-substituted 3,3 '-bis(indolyl)methane-modified silica gel as a sorbent for solid-phase extraction of flavonoids. RSC ADVANCES[J]. 2015, 5(20): 15500-15506, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1030182.
[55] Jia Chen, Hongdeng Qiu, Mingliang Zhang, Tongnian Gu, Shijun Shao, Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao. Hairpin assembly-triggered cyclic activation of a DNA machine for label-free and ultrasensitive chemiluminescence detection of DNA. BIOSENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS[J]. 2015, 68: 550-555, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2015.01.054.
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[57] Hou, Jia, Wang, Zhenzhong, Yue, Ying, Li, Qian, Shao, Shijun. Spectroscopic analysis on structure-affinity relationship in the interactions of different oleanane-type triterpenoids with bovine serum albumin. LUMINESCENCE[J]. 2015, 30(6): 780-789, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/bio.2820.
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[59] Shijun Shao. A fluoride-sensing receptor based on 2,20-bis(indolyl)methane by dual-function of colorimetry and fluorescence. Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2015, [60] 侯嘉, 闫立本, 赵贵亮, 杜弢, 邵士俊. 甘草种苗等级与植株生物量积累及药材产量和质量的关系. 中药材[J]. 2015, 38(2): 221-226, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1045771.
[61] Wang, Jiamin, Yu, Hui, Li, Qian, Shao, Shijun. A BODIPY-based turn-on fluorescent probe for the selective detection of hydrogen sulfide in solution and in cells. TALANTA[J]. 2015, 144: 763-768, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2015.07.026.
[62] Wang, Na, Liao, Yuan, Wang, Jiamin, Tang, Sheng, Shao, Shijun. Solid-phase extraction using bis(indolyl) methane-modified silica reinforced with multiwalled carbon nanotubes for the simultaneous determination of flavonoids and aromatic organic acid preservatives. JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE[J]. 2015, 38(23): 4111-4118, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1034768.
[63] Yuan Liao, Qian Li, Na Wang, Shijun Shao. Development of a new electrochemical sensor for determination of Hg(II) based on Bis(indolyl)methane/Mesoporous carbon nanofiber/Nafion/glassy carbon electrode. SENSORS & ACTUATORS: B. CHEMICAL. 2015, 215: 592-597, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2015.04.006.
[64] Shijun Shao. An efficient Turn-On fluorescent probe for nitroreductase detection and its application in hypoxic tumor cell imaging. Analyst. 2015, [65] Liao Yuan, Li Qian, Yue Ying, Shao Shijun. Selective electrochemical deter- mination of trace level copper using salicylaldehyde azine/MWCNTs/Nafion modified pyrolytic graphite electrode by anodic stripping voltammetric method. RSC ADVANCES[J]. 2015, 5(5): 3232-3238, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1045770.
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[70] Wang, Zhenzhong, Shao, Shijun. EVALUATION OF THE QUALITY OF ANGELICA SINENSIS BY HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY. ANALYTICAL LETTERS[J]. 2014, 47(18): 2857-2870, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1003368.
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[96] Qian Li, Yong Guo, Jian Xu, Shijun Shao. Novel indole based colorimetric and "turn on" fluorescent sensors for biologically important fluoride anion sensing. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY & PHOTOBIOLOGY, B: BIOLOGY. 2011, 103(2): 140-144, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2011.02.021.
[97] Lv YongJun, Xu Jian, Guo Yong, Shao ShiJun. A colorimetric and fluorometric fluoride sensor based on a BODIPY-phenol conjugate. SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY[J]. 2011, 54(5): 797-801, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/522709.
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[100] Li, Qian, Guo, Yong, Xu, Jian, Shao, Shijun. Salicylaldehyde based colorimetric and "turn on" fluorescent sensors for fluoride anion sensing employing hydrogen bonding. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL[J]. 2011, 158(1): 427-431, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2011.06.007.
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[104] Shijun Shao. Simple indole-based colorimetric receptors with electron-withdrawing chromophores: tuning selectivity in anion sensing. JOURNALOFFLUORINECHEMISTRY. 2011, [105] Wang, Litao, Wei, Wei, Guo, Yong, Xu, Jian, Shao, Shijun. Nitro-substituted 3,3 '-bis(indolyl)methane derivatives as anion receptors: Electron-withdrawing effect and tunability of anion binding properties. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY[J]. 2011, 78(2): 726-731, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2010.12.004.
[106] Lv, Yongjun, Xu, Jian, Guo, Yong, Shao, Shijun. A sandwich anion receptor by a BODIPY dye bearing two calix4 pyrrole units. CHEMICAL PAPERS[J]. 2011, 65(4): 553-558, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/522706.
[107] 王利涛, 何晓明, 郭勇, 徐健, 邵士俊. Tris(indolyl)methene molecule as an anion receptor and colorimetric chemosensor: tunable selectivity and sensitivity for anions. ORG. BIOMOL. CHEM.[J]. 2011, 9: 752-757, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/522708.
[108] Lv, Yongjun, Guo, Yong, Xu, Jian, Shao, Shijun. Simple indole-based colorimetric sensors with electron-withdrawing chromophores: Tuning selectivity in anion sensing. JOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY[J]. 2011, 132(11): 973-977, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfluchem.2011.08.001.
[109] Wang, Litao, He, Xiaoming, Guo, Yong, Xu, Jian, Shao, Shijun. pH-Responsive chromogenic-sensing molecule based on bis(indolyl)methene for the highly selective recognition of aspartate and glutamate. BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY[J]. 2011, 7(1): 218-221, https://doaj.org/article/60ab43f383d749669e2b6752d05ee615.
[110] 王利涛, 何晓明, 郭勇, 徐健, 邵士俊. 双吲哚烯类受体对氨基酸的比色识别作用. 高等学校化学学报[J]. 2011, 32(9): 2109-2113, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=39264690.
[111] 李欠, 吕永军, 郭勇, 邵士俊. 腙类化合物比色和荧光识别氟离子. 中国化学会全国第十五届大环化学暨第七届超分子化学学术讨论会论文摘要集null. 2010, 591-592, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/521192.
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[114] Hu, Guangzhi, Chen, Long, Guo, Yong, Wang, Xiaolai, Shao, Shijun. Selective determination of L-dopa in the presence of uric acid and ascorbic acid at a gold nanoparticle self-assembled carbon nanotube-modified pyrolytic graphite electrode. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA[J]. 2010, 55(16): 4711-4716, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2010.03.069.
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[116] 胡广志, 周正斌, 郭勇, 候豪情, 邵士俊. Electrospun rhodium nanoparticle- loaded electrospun carbon nanofibers for highly selective amperometric sensing of hydrazine. ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2010, 12: 422-426, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/516056.
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[120] Guangzhi Hu, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao. Ultrasensitive electrochemical sensing of the anticancer drug tirapazamine using an ordered mesoporous carbon modified pyrolytic graphite electrode. BIOSENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS[J]. 2009, 24(11): 3391-3394, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2009.04.028.
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[122] 马永根, 胡广志, 邵士俊, 郭勇. 芦丁在有序介孔碳修饰电极上的电化学行为及其测定. 安徽农业科学[J]. 2009, 37(30): 14578-14580, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=31759994.
[123] Hu, Guangzhi, Ma, Yonggen, Guo, Yong, Shao, Shijun. Selective electrochemical sensing of calcium dobesilate based on an ordered mesoporous carbon-modified pyrolytic graphite electrode. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2009, 633(1): 264-267, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jelechem.2009.06.007.
[124] Hu, Shuzhen, Guo, Yong, Xu, Jian, Shao, Shijun. Tunability of anion binding strength based on acyl-thiourea receptors containing isatin group. SPECTROCHIMICAACTAPARTAMOLECULARANDBIOMOLECULARSPECTROSCOPY[J]. 2009, 72(5): 1043-1046, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2008.12.042.
[125] Hu, Guangzhi, Chen, Long, Guo, Yong, Shao, Shijun, Wang, Xiaolai. Selective electrochemical sensing of calcium dobesilate based on the nano-Pd/CNTs modified pyrolytic graphite electrode. TALANTA[J]. 2009, 78(3): 1211-1214, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2008.12.071.
[126] 马华侨, 罗米娜, 邵士俊, 刘霞, 蒋生祥. 非水毛细管电泳分离中性化合物杯4吡咯. 应用化学[J]. 2009, 26(3): 249-252, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=29634968.
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[136] Hu, Shuzhen, Guo, Yong, Xu, Jian, Shao, Shijun. A selective chromogenic molecular sensor for acetate anions in a mixed acetonitrile-water medium. ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY[J]. 2008, 6(12): 2071-2075, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/516103.
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[141] Liu, Kai, He, Lijun, He, Xiaoming, Guo, Yong, Shao, Shijun, Jiang, Shengxiang. Calix4pyrrole-TCBQ assembly: a signal magnifier of TCBQ for colorimetric determining amino acids and amines. TETRAHEDRON LETTERS[J]. 2007, 48(24): 4275-4279, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2007.04.042.
[142] Shijun Shao. A Selective Colorimetric Chemosensor for Detecting SO32- in Neutral Aqueous Solution. Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 2007, [143] Wang, Shuai, Ma, HuaQiao, Sun, YaJie, Qiao, ChengDong, Shao, ShiJun, Jiang, ShengXiang. Fingerprint quality control of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with discriminant analysis. TALANTA[J]. 2007, 72(2): 434-436, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2006.11.006.
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[146] 何晓明, 胡树振, 刘凯, 郭勇, 徐健, 邵士俊. Oxidized Bis(indolyl)methane: A Simple and Efficient Chromogenic-Sensing Molecule Based on the Proton Transfer Signaling Mode. ORG. LETT.[J]. 2006, 8(2): 333-336, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/522737.
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[150] Zhou, Changzheng, Liu, Kai, Qiu, Hongdeng, Shao, Shijun, Jiang, Shengxiang. Synthesis of monosubstituted calix4pyrroles in beta position. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH[J]. 2006, 398-401, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000239756600021.
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何晓明    硕士研究生 070302-分析化学

胡树振    博士研究生  070302-分析化学  

魏   薇    博士研究生  070302-分析化学 

胡广志    博士研究生  070302-分析化学  

王利涛    博士研究生  070302-分析化学  


王振忠    博士研究生  070302-分析化学  

吕永军    博士研究生  070302-分析化学  

岳   莹    博士研究生  070302-分析化学  

李   欠    博士研究生  070302-分析化学