
舒乐乐  男  硕导  中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院

水文学博士,中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院副研究员,中国科学院率先行动引才计划(2020-2023)及择优支持(2024-2027)入选者。2017年毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Pennsylvania State University)土木工程系水资源工程专业,副修学位计算科学(Computational Science),2017-2020加州大学戴维斯分校(Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, UC Davis)博士后研究员。EGU模型顶级期刊Geoscientific Model Development主题编辑。

开发了SHUD(Simulator for Hydrologic Unstructured Domains)数值方法水文模型(https://www.shud.xyz)。专注于数值方法的分布式水文模型、“大气-陆面-水文”模型耦合、气候/人类活动对水循环的影响和集成模型耦合研究。

电子邮件: shulele@lzb.ac.cn


通信地址: 兰州市东岗西路320号一号科研楼411
邮政编码: 730000


1. 流域水文模型 (Hydrological Modeling)

2. 数值方法模型 (Numerical Methods)

3. 大气-陆面-水文耦合模型 (Coupling Atmosphere-Landsurface-Hydrology Modeling)

4. 深度学习 (Deep Learning)





  1. 数值方法水文模型

  2. 流域水文模型

  3. 洪水预报

  4. 无观测流域问题

  5. “大气-陆面-水文”耦合模拟

  6. 数据挖掘与深度学习

  7. 黄河流域水文与水质

  8. 寒区水文学,旱区水文学



2012-09--2017-12   宾州州立大学(Pennsylvania State University)   水资源工程,博士
2006-09--2009-12   中科院寒旱所   遥感与地理信息系统,硕士
2001-09--2005-06   兰州大学   地理信息系统,学士


2020.08至今 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院, 副研究员

2017.08-2020.08 加州大学戴维斯分校 (University of California, Davis),博士后研究员

2012.05-2017.08 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 (Pennsylvania State University),研究助理

2011.07-2012.05 奥本大学 (Auburn University),研究助理

2023-06-01-今,EGU Geoscientific Model Development, 主题编辑


[1] 舒乐乐, 陈昊, 常燕, 孟宪红, 李照国. 坡面水热运移观测系统. ZL 2023 2 2393068.8, 2024-04-12.
[2] 舒乐乐, 常燕, 陈昊, 孟宪红, 李照国. 大范围实时水文模拟方法及系统. 202311098141.7, 2023-08-19.
[3] 舒乐乐, 常燕, 陈昊, 孟宪红, 李照国. 一种填洼数据处理方法、装置及电子设备. 202311044381.9, 2023-08-18.
[4] 舒乐乐, 袁银阳, 陈昊, 孟宪红, 李照国. 水文模型输入数据的生成方法、系统及应用. 202310974108.X, 2023-08-14.
[5] 陈昊, 孟宪红, 王少影, 李照国, 赵林, 舒乐乐, 奥银焕, 杨文. 一种置于高寒泥炭湿地压力式水位计的防护装置. CN: CN219462686U, 2023-08-04.
[6] 舒乐乐, 常燕, 陈昊, 孟宪红, 李照国. 获取水文数据及实现模型部署的云服务方法、平台及应用. 202310855591.X, 2023-07-13.
[7] 陈昊, 孟宪红, 李照国, 吕世华, 奥银焕, 赵林, 尚伦宇, 王少影, 文莉娟, 舒乐乐, 王婵, 杨文. 一种观测高寒湖泊地气相互作用过程的布点方法. CN: CN114282392A, 2022-04-05.



  • Shu, L., Ullrich, P. A., and Duffy, C. J. (2020): Simulator for Hydrologic Unstructured Domains (SHUD v1.0): numerical modeling of watershed hydrology with the finite volume method, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 2743–2762, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-2743-2020 

  • Zhang, B., Yuan, Y., Shu, L., Grosholz, E., Guo, Y., Hastings, A., Cuda, J.P., Zhang, J., Zhai, L. and Qiu, J. (2021), Scaling up experimental stress responses of grass invasion to predictions of continental-level range suitability. Ecology. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3417.

  • Yu, X., Xu, Z., Moraetis D., Nikolaidis N., Schwartz F., Zhang Y., Shu L., Duffy C., Liu B., Capturing hotspots of fresh submarine groundwater discharge using a coupled surface–subsurface model. Journal of Hydrology. 598, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126356

  • Ladwig, R., Hanson P., Dugan H., Carey C., Zhang Y., Shu, L., Duffy C., Cobourn, K.(2020). Disentangling the drivers of inter-annual variability in summer hypolimnetic anoxia in a eutrophic lake. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-2020-349

  • Duan, S., Ullrich, P., Shu, L.(2020). Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Streamflow Projection in California. Frontiers in Water. https://10.3389/frwa.2020.00028 

  • Garijo, D., Khider, D., Ratnakar, V., Gil, Y., Deelman, E., da Silva, R. F., Shu, L., … et al. (2019). An Intelligent Interface for Integrating Climate, Hydrology, Agriculture, and Socioeconomic Models. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces: Companion (pp. 111–112). New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3308557.3308711

  • Yu, X., Lamačová, A., Shu, L., Duffy, C., Krám, P., Hruška, J., … Lin, K. (2019). Data rescue in manuscripts: a hydrological modelling study example. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2019.1614593 

  • Ward, N. K., Fitchett, L., Hart, J. A., Shu, L., Stachelek, J., Weng, W., … Weathers, K. C. (2019). Integrating fast and slow processes is essential for simulating human–freshwater interactions. Ambio, 48(10), 1169–1182. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-018-1136-6

  • Cobourn, K. M., Carey, C. C., Boyle, K. J., Duffy, C.,…, Shu, L., … Zhang, Y. (2018). From concept to practice to policy: modeling coupled natural and human systems in lake catchments. Ecosphere, 9(5), e02209. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2209

  • 舒乐乐, 南卓铜, 基于类Twitter服务的低成本近实时野外监测数据获取系统, 冰川冻土, 2010, 32(5): 976-981

  • 南卓铜,舒乐乐,赵彦博,李新, 丁永建. 集成建模环境研究及其在黑河流域的初步应用. 中国科学E. 2011, 41(8): 1043—1054..


  • Shu, L., & Xu, Z. (2020). China’s different shades of greening. Nature, 577(7788), 29–29. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-019-03940-3. 

  • Shu, L. Careless virus names stoke sinophobia. Nature 578, 363 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-00458-x.

[1] Lele Shu, Paul Ullrich, Meng, Xianhong, Christopher Duffy, Hao Chen, Zhaoguo Li. rSHUD v2.0: advancing the Simulator for Hydrologic Unstructured Domains and unstructured hydrological modeling in the R environment. Geoscientific Model Development[J]. 2024, 第 1 作者17: 497-527, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-497-2024.
[2] 舒乐乐, 陈昊, 孟宪红, 常燕, 胡立堂, 王文科, 束龙仓, 俞烜, Christopher Duffy, 姚莹莹, 郑东海. 地表-地下过程耦合的数值水文模型综述. 中国科学: 地球科学[J]. 2024, 第 1 作者54(5): 1484-1505, https://doi.org/10.1360/SSTe-2022-0420.
[3] Lele Shu, Xiaodong Li, Yan Chang, Meng, Xianhong, Hao Chen, Yuan Qi, Hongwei Wang, Zhaoguo Li, Shihua Lyu. Advancing understanding of lake–watershed hydrology: a fully coupled numerical model illustrated by Qinghai Lake. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES[J]. 2024, 第 1 作者28: 1477-1491, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-28-1477-2024.
[4] Lele Shu, Hao Chen, Xianhong Meng, Yan Chang, Litang Hu, Wenke Wang, Longcang Shu, Xuan Yu, Christopher Duffy, Yingying Yao, Donghai Zheng. A review of integrated surface-subsurface numerical hydrological models. Science China Earth Sciences[J]. 2024, 第 1 作者54(5): 1459-1479, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-022-1312-7.
[5] Jingyu Lin, Brett A. Bryan, Xudong Zhou, Peirong Lin, Hong Xuan Do, Lei Gao, Xinchen Gu, Zhifeng Liu, Luwen Wan, Shanlin Tong, Jiacong Huang, Qian Wang, Yuan Zhang, Hongkai Gao, Jiabo Yin, Zilong Chen, Weili Duan, Zheyu Xie, Tong Cui, Junzhi Liu, Mingqian Li, Xiaodong Li, Zhenwu Xu, Fei Guo, Lele Shu, Bin Li, Jingwen Zhang, Pingping Zhang, Bo Fan, Yanwen Wang, Yifan Zhang, Jinliang Huang, Xin Li, Yanpeng Cai, Zhifeng Yang. Making China's water data accessible, usable and shareable. Nature Water[J]. 2023, 第 25 作者1(4): 328-335, https://doi.org/10.1038/s44221-023-00039-y.
[6] Zheng, Jingyuan, Wen, Lijuan, Wang, Mengxiao, Long, Xiao, Shu, Lele, Yang, Liuyiyi. Study on Characteristics of Water Level Variations and Water Balance of the Largest Lake in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. WATER[J]. 2023, 第 5 作者15(20): http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w15203614.
[7] 舒乐乐, 常燕, 王建, 陈昊, 李照国, 赵林, 孟宪红. SHUD数值方法分布式水文模型介绍. 地球科学进展[J]. 2022, 第 1 作者37(7): 680-691, https://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/periodical/dqkxjz202207002.
[8] Zhang, Bo, Yuan, Yingdan, Shu, Lele, Grosholz, Edwin, Guo, Yuxi, Hastings, Alan, Cuda, James P, Zhang, Jinchi, Zhai, Lu, Qiu, Jiangxiao. Scaling up experimental stress responses of grass invasion to predictions of continental-level range suitability. ECOLOGY[J]. 2021, 第 3 作者102(8): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3417.
[9] Ladwig, Robert, Hanson, Paul C, Dugan, Hilary A, Carey, Cayelan C, Zhang, Yu, Shu, Lele, Duffy, Christopher J, Cobourn, Kelly M. Lake thermal structure drives interannual variability in summer anoxia dynamics in a eutrophic lake over 37 years. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES[J]. 2021, 第 6 作者25(2): 1009-1032, https://doaj.org/article/2245004bf9194cc38f4e779136c3384d.
[10] Shu, Lele, Ullrich, Paul A, Duffy, Christopher J. Simulator for Hydrologic Unstructured Domains (SHUD v1.0): numerical modeling of watershed hydrology with the finite volume method. GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT[J]. 2020, 第 1 作者  通讯作者  13(6): 2743-2762, https://doaj.org/article/48cc0077f0934f74979b77be1d517869.
[11] Shu, Lele, Xu, Zexuan. China's shades of greening. NATURE. 2020, 第 1 作者  通讯作者  577(7788): 29-29, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/d41586-019-03940-3.
[12] Yu, Xuan, Lamacova, Anna, Shu, Lele, Duffy, Christopher, Kram, Pavel, Hruska, Jakub, White, Tim, Lin, Kairong. Data rescue in manuscripts: a hydrological modelling study example. HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL[J]. 2020, 第 3 作者65(5): 763-769, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2019.1614593.
[13] Ward, Nicole K, Fitchett, Leah, Hart, Julia A, Shu, Lele, Stachelek, Joeseph, Weng, Weizhe, Zhang, Yu, Dugan, Hilary, Hetherington, Amy, Boyle, Kevin, Carey, Cayelan C, Cobourn, Kelly M, Hanson, Paul C, Kemanian, Armen R, Sorice, Michael G, Weathers, Kathleen C. Integrating fast and slow processes is essential for simulating human-freshwater interactions. AMBIO[J]. 2019, 第 4 作者48(10): 1169-1182, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13280-018-1136-6.
[14] Cobourn, Kelly M, Carey, Cayelan C, Boyle, Kevin J, Duffy, Christopher, Dugan, Hilary A, Farrell, Kaitlin J, Fitchett, Leah, Hanson, Paul C, Hart, Julia A, Henson, Virginia Reilly, Hetherington, Amy L, Kemanian, Armen R, Rudstam, Lars G, Shu, Lele, Soranno, Patricia A, Sorice, Michael G, Stachelek, Jemma, Ward, Nicole K, Weathers, Kathleen C, Weng, Weizhe, Zhang, Yu. From concept to practice to policy: modeling coupled natural and human systems in lake catchments. ECOSPHERE[J]. 2018, 第 14 作者9(5): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2209.


( 1 ) 中国科学院“率先行动引才计划”青年项目, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2020-09--2023-08
( 2 ) 中国科学院“率先行动引才计划”择优支持, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2024-01--2027-12