顾盛宏 男 汉族 硕导 云南天文台
联系电话: 0871-3920132
手机号码: 13529001298


Stellar magnetic activity:
1. Doppler imaging of starspot pattern
Using Doppler imaging technique, we are performing the study on starspot activities of cool stars in different evolution stages, including the pre-main-sequence, main-sequence, subgiant, and giant stars. The goals are deriving the diversity of starspot activities, and providing some clues for understanding stellar magnetic activity and its evolution.
2. Chromospheric activity of cool stars
By means of the large wavelength region of modern high-resolution echelle spectrograph, we also monitor several chromospheric activity indicators, Balmer series of H lines, CaII HK, CaII IRT, HeI D3, Mg Ib, NaI D1D2 which are formed in different atmospheric heights, besides above starspot activity study of cool stars. To do so, we can get the information on stellar plages, flares, and rotation modulation of chromospheric activity.
3. Stellar prominence activity
Using above spectral data, we also hope to hunt the stellar prominence events in these targets by using dynamic spectrum trace method.

Extrasolar planet system:
1. The Rossiter–McLaughlin (R-M) effect
For a group of transiting exoplanet systems, we are studying its orbital alignment by observing their R-M effects so that some clues of their dynamic evolution and formation can be found.
2. The star-planet interaction (SPI)
We are planning to observe several host stars of exoplanet systems so as to find some evidences on their SPI by using high-resolution spectroscopy. Such kind of information can help us to understand the role of magnetic field in the formation and evolution of exoplanets. Furthermore, this is the only way to know some of the properties for planet magnetic field.


I want to have one or two students to work with me in the topics of chromospheric activity of cool stars and SPI of exoplanet systems.
Stellar magnetic activity
Exoplanet systems


1997-09--2003-07   云南天文台   理学博士
1984-09--1988-07   北京师范大学   理学学士
-- 研究生
-- 博士
St. Andrews University
Nordic Optical Telescope


1988.8--now Yunnan Observatory
1988-08~现在, 云南天文台, 研究员


[1] ApJ. 2024, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[2] ApJ. 2024, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[3] A&A. 2024, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[4] ApJ. 2024, 第 6 作者
[5] AJ. 2024, 第 3 作者
[6] 王建华, 顾盛宏, 王晓彬. Revised physical parameters and study on magnetic activities for the eclipsing binary USNO-B1.0 1387-0467554. MNRAS[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  521: 6295-6304, 
[7] Cao, Dongtao, Gu, Shenghong, Wolter, U, Mittag, M, Schmitt, J H M M, Gao, Dongyang, Hu, Shaoming. Prominence detection and chromosphere feature on the prototype RS CVn of active binary systems. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  523(3): 4146-4157, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad1700.
[8] Sun, L, 顾盛宏, 王晓彬, Bai, L, Schmitt, J H M M, Perdelwitz, V, Ioannidis, P. The study on transiting systems HAT-P-13, HAT-P-16, and WASP-32 through combining ground-based and TESS photometry. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者520(2): 1642-1658, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad204.
[9] Xiang, Yue, 顾盛宏. Magnetic topologies of two weak-line T Tauri stars TAP 4 and TAP 40. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  520(3): 3964-3973, 
[10] AJ. 2022, 第 2 作者
[11] MNRAS. 2022, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[12] MNRAS. 2022, 第 3 作者
[13] MNRAS. 2022, 第 2 作者
[14] MNRAS. 2022, 第 2 作者
[15] MNRAS. 2022, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[16] AN. 2022, 第 1 作者
[17] AJ. 2022, 第 2 作者
[18] AJ. 2022, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[19] MNRAS. 2022, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[20] A&A. 2021, 第 3 作者
[21] MNRAS. 2021, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[22] AJ. 2020, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[23] ApJ. 2020, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[24] MNRAS. 2020, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[25] MNRAS. 2019, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[26] A&A. 2019, 第 3 作者


( 1 ) 恒星对流与磁场, 参与, 国家级, 2014-01--2018-12
( 2 ) 系外行星凌食巡天观测数据的处理与分析, 主持, 国家级, 2016-01--2018-12
( 3 ) 中德合作研究小组, 主持, 国家级, 2018-01--2020-12


Andrew Collier Cameron, UK
Kang Min Kim, Korea
James Neff, USA
John Telting, NOT, Spain



房祥松  硕士研究生  070401-天体物理  

张立云  博士研究生  070401-天体物理  

曹东涛  硕士研究生  070401-天体物理  

孙磊磊  硕士研究生  070401-天体物理  

项越  博士研究生  070401-天体物理  

潘旭  硕士研究生  070401-天体物理  

王夷博  博士研究生  070401-天体物理  

曹东涛  博士研究生  070401-天体物理  

孙磊磊  博士研究生  070401-天体物理  

王翱  博士研究生  070401-天体物理  


白璐  博士研究生  070401-天体物理  

王建华  硕士研究生  070401-天体物理  

罗翔  博士研究生  070401-天体物理