电子邮件: lishan@ucas.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市怀柔区雁栖湖东路1号
李舢,中国科学院大学教授,博导,主持国家级青年人才项目,获侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖。担任中国地质学会构造地质学与地球动力学专业委员会委员(2022-2027),Tectonics(2020-2027)和GSA Bulletin(2020-2025)副主编,Geology编委(2023-2025)。
- 花岗岩岩浆侵位的物理特性变化及其构造意义(花岗岩岩体构造),包括岩浆上升迁移、汇聚定位及岩体(带)形成/构建过程;
- 花岗岩物源与地壳生长及造山过程(岩石地化和年代学),通过花岗岩的成因和物源演化研究,建立造山作用(增生造山和碰撞造山)过程及大陆地壳的生长和演化;
- 花岗岩带发育过程与大陆聚散(岩浆演化与区域构造),通过花岗岩带的时空演化并结合大地构造背景综合研究,探索大陆聚散过程的岩浆响应。
- 李继亮岩石大地构造学实验室(造山带演化研究)
- 地星学院LA-ICP-MS实验测试平台(原位微区分析)
- 东南亚大地构造研究组(一带一路)
★ 国际化的科研视野
★ 优秀实验平台支持
★ 自由开放的学术氛围
★ 多学科交叉培养体系
2014-08~2016-08,台湾大学地质科学系, 客座助理研究员
2013-07~2022-03,中国地质科学院地质研究所, 助理研究员/副研究员/研究员(2020年破格)
2019-12-31-2025-12-31,Tectonics, 副主编
2019-12-31-2025-12-31,GSA Bulletin, 副主编
- 中国科学院-新率先行动****(2023-2025,主持)
- 国科大-中国科学院大学科研启动经费项目(2022-2027,主持)
- 基金委-国际(地区)合作与交流项目(2020-2024,主持)
- 基金委-面上项目(2018-2021,主持)
- 中组部-国家WR计划青年拔尖人才项目(2019-2021,主持)
Guo, D., Li, S.*, Permana, H., Lai, Y.-M., Setiawan, I., 2023. Petrogenesis of two Cretaceous granitoid episodes in the Luk Ulo region, Central Java, Indonesia, and its implication for the tectonic evolution of the easternmost Neo-Tethys. GSA Bulletin 136, 1846-1862.
Wu, D., Li, S.*, Dias, A.N.C., Chew, D.*, 2023. Coupling Between Exhumation and Subduction: A Case Study From the Southern Great Xing'an Range, NE Asia. Geophysical Research Letters 50, e2023GL105321.
Quek, L.X., Li, S.*, Morley, C.K., Ghani, A.A., Zhu, J., Roselee, M.H., Murthadha, S., Rahmat, R., Lai, Y.-M., Lintjewas, L., 2023. Southwest Borneo, an autochthonous Pangea-Eurasia assembly proxy: Insights from detrital zircon record. Geology 51, 785-790.
Li, S., Miller, C.F., Tao, W., Xiao, W., Chew, D., 2022. Role of sediment in generating contemporaneous, diverse “type” granitoid magmas. Geology 50, 427-431.
Zhu, J.*, Li, S.*, Murtadha, S., 2022. Oldest Basement (ca. 462 Ma) in Indonesian Borneo and its Implication for Early Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution of SE Asia. Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition 96, 2093-2104.
Wu, D., Li, S.*, Chew, D., Liu, T., Guo, D., 2021. Permian-Triassic magmatic evolution of granitoids from the southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Implications for accretion leading to collision. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences 64, 788-806.
Li, S., Chung, S.-L., Lai, Y.-M., Ghani, A.A., Lee, H.-Y., Murtadha, S., 2020. Mesozoic juvenile crustal formation in the easternmost Tethys: Zircon Hf isotopic evidence from Sumatran granitoids, Indonesia. Geology 48, 1002-1005.
Li, S., Chung, S.-L., Hou, Z., Chew, D., Wang, T., Wang, B., Wang, Y., 2019. Early Mesozoic Magmatism Within the Tibetan Plateau: Implications for the Paleo-Tethyan Tectonic Evolution and Continental Amalgamation. Tectonics 38, 3505-3543.
Li, S., Chung, S.-L., Wang, T., Wilde, A.S., Chu, M.-F., Pang, C.-J., Guo, Q.-Q., 2018. Water-fluxed crustal melting and petrogenesis of large-scale Early Cretaceous intracontinental granitoids in the southern Great Xing’an Range, North China. GSA Bulletin 130, 580-597.
Li, S., Chung, S.-L., Wilde, S.A., Jahn, B.-M., Xiao, W.-J., Wang, T., Guo, Q.-Q., 2017. Early-Middle Triassic high Sr/Y granitoids in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Implications for ocean closure in accretionary orogens. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122, 2291-2309.
Li, S., Chung, S.-L., Wang, T., Wilde, S.A., Chu, M.-F., Guo, Q.-Q., 2017. Tectonic significance and geodynamic processes of large-scale Early Cretaceous granitoid magmatic events in the southern Great Xing'an Range, North China. Tectonics 36, 615-633.
Li, S., Chung, S.-L., Wilde, S.A., Wang, T., Xiao, W.-J., Guo, Q.-Q., 2016. Linking magmatism with collision in an accretionary orogen. Scientific Reports 6, 25751.
Li, S., Wilde, S.A., Wang, T., Xiao, W.J., Guo, Q.Q., 2016. Latest Early Permian granitic magmatism in southern Inner Mongolia, China: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Gondwana Research 29, 168-180.
Li, S., Wilde, S.A., He, Z., Jiang, X., Liu, R., Zhao, L., 2014. Triassic sedimentation and postaccretionary crustal evolution along the Solonker suture zone in Inner Mongolia, China. Tectonics 33, 960-981.
Li, S., Wang, T., Wilde, S.A., Tong, Y., 2013. Evolution, source and tectonic significance of Early Mesozoic granitoid magmatism in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (central segment). Earth-Science Reviews 126, 206-234.
Li, S., Wilde, S.A., Wang, T., 2013. Early Permian post-collisional high-K granitoids from Liuyuan area in southern Beishan orogen, NW China: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Lithos 179, 99-119.
Li, S., Wilde, S.A., Wang, T., Guo, Q.Q., 2013. Incremental growth and origin of the Cretaceous Renjiayingzi pluton, southern Inner Mongolia, China: Evidence from structure, geochemistry and geochronology. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 75, 226-242.
Li, S., Wang, T., Wilde, S.A., Tong, Y., Hong, D.W., Guo, Q.Q., 2012. Geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Triassic granitoids from Beishan, NW China. Lithos 134–135, 123-145.
- 详细论文参阅:http://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=h0MgwIIAAAAJ