Professor of Philosophy and Sociology of Science
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shang Zhicong has written a number of books and many articles on topics in the philosophy, sociology and social history of science. He works primarily on the topics of interaction of science and society, especially Jesuits and Chinese science in 16-18th centuries, modern Chinese community. He also does work on public policy and science.
19A Yuquan Road, Beijing, China 100049
Research Areas
MS, Inner Mongolia Normal University, 1993
BA, Jilin University, 1988
Associate Professor, Inner Mongolia University, 1995-1999
Assistant Professor, Inner Mongolia Medical College, 1988-1994
Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, 2008
Visiting Scholar, Graduate Center of City University of New York, 2007
Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2005
Honors & Distinctions
Executive chief editor, Studies in Dialectics of Nature;
Member of Council, Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Policy
Selected/Recent Publications
The Gewuqionglizhixue in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties: The Pre-modern Phase of Chinese Science (monograph), Chengdu: Sichuan Education Press, Nov. of 2003.
The Large-scale Scientific Facility and the National Goal: A Case Study on BEPC, Engineering Studies, No.2 of 2009.
A Survey on the Non-government Awards of Science and Technology in China, Journal of Dialectics of Nature, No.5 of 2009.
A Comparative Study on the Scientific & Technological Awards of CAST and AAAS, Studies on Dialectics of Nature, No.5 of 2009.
The Age Characteristics of the Middle-aged and Young Scientific Talents in CAS, Studies of Science of Science, No.2 of 2007.
Planned and Free Development of Science: Arguments and the Effect, Studies of Natural Dialectics, No.4 of 2007.
India’s 2008 Strategy for the Development of Software Personnel and Its Inspiration to China, Studies of Science of Science, Sup. of 2004.
Current projects
Basic Science and the National Interest: a Case Study on BEPC, funded by National Social Sciences Foundation of China, 07/2007-07/2010.
The Structure of Scientific Award, funded by China Association for Science and Technology, 07/2007-06/2008.
Studies on the Large-Scale Scientific Facilities in China, funded by the President foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 07/2005-06/2007.
The Working Mechanism of the Advisory Committees of National Foundation of Sciences of China, funded by National Foundation of Sciences of China, 07/2006-12/2007
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张璇 硕士研究生 125200-公共管理
赵静 硕士研究生 125200-公共管理
闫晓旭 硕士研究生 125200-公共管理
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