尚云 女 研究员 博导 CCF杰出会员 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
电子邮件: shangyun@amss.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京中关村东路55号
量子计算和量子信息基础,具体方向包括量子游走, 量子算法,量子机器学习,基于量子逻辑的计算理论,量子点元胞电路的自动设计以及量子程序语言
招生专业:081202 计算机软件与理论
2007年-至今 助理研究员,副研究员,研究员 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
2013-11--2014-04 高级访问学者 柏林自由大学
2005-07--2007-01 博士后 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
- 中央和国家机关“四好党员”称号,2024
- CCF自然科学二等奖, 2021年
- 获2021年度英国皇家物理学会IOP高引用作者奖
- 王宽诚教育基金会,“优秀女科学家专项奖”,2012年
- 陕西省科学技术奖励二等奖,2008年
- 陕西省优秀博士论文,2007年
- 陕西省优秀博士毕业生,2005年
Lin H.H., Shang Y., Deterministic search on complete bipartite graphs by continuous time quantum walk,Quantum Information and Computation, 2024,24,1-15.
Shi X., Shang Y., Density peak clustering using tensor network, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 139404 (2024).
Li X Y, Shang Y. Improvement of quantum walk-based search algorithms in singlemarked vertex graphs. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2023,56(38): 385304.
Li X.Y., Shang Y., Faster quantum sampling of Markov chains in nonregular graphs with fewer qubits. Physical Review A, ,2023,107,0224
- Shi X., Shang Y., Guo C., Clustering using matrix product states. Physical Review A, 2022, 105, 052424
Li. M., Shang Y., Entangled states generation via quantum walks with multiple coins. NPJ Quantum Information, 2021, 7:70.
Li. M., Shang Y., Generalized exceptional quantum walk search. New Journal of Physics. 2020, 22 123030
Shang Y., Li M., Experimental implementation of state transfer by quantum walks with two coins. Quantum Science and Technology , 2019, 5 015005
Shang Y., Wang Y., Li M., Lu R.Q., Quantum communication protocols by quantum walks with two coins. EPL, 124 (2018) 60009.
Cheng X.Y. , Shang Y., New bounds of mutually unbiased maximally entangled bases in c^{d}*c^{kd}. Quantum Information and Computation,(2018),13&14, 1152-1164
Wang Y., Shang Y., Xue P. (2017), Generalized teleportation by quantum walks. Quantum Information Processing, 16, 221.
Wang Y., Shang Y. (2018), Pure state ‘really’ informationally complete with rank-1 POVM. Quantum Information Processing, 17, 51.
Cheng X.Y.,Shang Y. (2018),Construction of orthogonal extraordinary supersquares and mutually unbiased bases. Science China:physics,mechanics & astronomy. doi/10.1360/SSPMA2018-00022.
Lu X., Shang Y., Lu R.Q., Zhang J., Ma F.F. (2017), Weak QMV algebras and some ring-like structures, Soft Computing, 21, 2537-2547.
Shang Y., Lu X., Lu R. Q.(2015), Computing power of Turing machines in the frame work of unsharp quantum logic. Theoretical Computer Science, 598, 2-14.
Cao X., Shang Y.(2014), Fermionic one way quantum computing. Chinese Physics Letters, 31, 110302.
Shang Y., Lu X., Lu R. Q. (2012), A theory of computation based on unsharp quantum logic: finite state automata and pushdown automata. Theoretical Computer Science, 434, 53-86.
Lu X., Shang Y., Lu R. Q. (2012), A direct product decomposition of QMV algebras. Science China Mathematics, 55, 841-850.
Kong K., Shang Y., Lu R. Q. (2011), Counter designs in Quantum-Dot cellular automata, Nanotechnology (IEEE Nano), 1130-1134.
Kong K., Shang Y., Lu R. Q. (2010), An optimized majority logic synthesis methodology for Quantum-dot cellular automata. IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology, 19, 170-183.
Shang Y., Lu X, Lu R.Q. (2009), Automata theory based on unsharp quantum logic. Mathematical Structures in Computer Sciences, 19, 737-756.
Shang Y., Chen, M. Y., Kurths J.(2009), Generalized synchronization of complex networks. Physical Review E, 80, 027201.
Shang Y. (2009), Ring-like structures corresponding to pseudo MV algebras. Soft Computing. 13, 71-76.
Chen M. Y., Shang Y., Zhou, C. S., Wu Y., Kurths J.(2009), Enhanced synchronizability in scale-free networks. Chaos, 19, 013105.
Chen M. Y., Shang Y., Zou Y., Kurths J. (2008), Synchronization in the Kuramoto model: a dynamical gradient network approach. Physical Review E, 77, 027101.
Wu Y., Shang Y., Chen M. Y., Zhou C. S., Kurths J. (2008), Synchronization in small-world networks. Chaos, 18, 037111.
Shang Y., Lu R. Q. (2007), Semirings and pseudo MV algebras. Soft Computing, 11, 847-853.
Shang Y., Li Y. M. (2007), Generalized ideals and supports in pseudo effect algebras. Soft Computing, 11, 641-645.
Shang Y., Li Y. M., Chen M. Y. (2004), Constructions of some quantum structures and fuzzy effect space. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 43, 1219-1229.
Shang Y., Li Y. M., Chen M. Y. (2004), Pseudo difference posets and pseudo Boolean D-posets. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 43, 2447-2460.
Shang Y., Li Y. M., Chen M. Y. (2004), Anti-BZ-structures in effect algebras. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 43, 359-368.
Shang Y., Li Y. M. (2003), Generalized ideals in orthoalgebras. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 42, 2823-2829.
Shang Y. and Zhao B. (2003), Some characterization theorems on maximal point spaces. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 46,1233-1238. (In Chinese)
Shang, Y. and Zhao, B. (2004), Z-connected set system and its category character. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 47,1141-1148. (In Chinese)
量子随机优化的模型、算法与理论,主持,国家级, 2024-01--2028-12
基于马尔可夫链的量子采样算法的研究, 主持,国家级,2024-01--2027-12
基于量子随机游走的量子程序设计, 主持, 国家级, 2019-01--2022-12
基于量子马尔可夫链的模型检测理论的研究, 主持, 国家级, 2015-01--2018-12
量子信息系统的动态逻辑研究, 主持, 国家级, 2011-01--2013-12
量子软件理论, 参与, 国家级, 2008-01--2011-12
基于unsharp 量子逻辑的自动机理论, 主持, 国家级, 2007-01--2009-12
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