
尚云  女 研究员 博导 CCF杰出会员 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
电子邮件: shangyun@amss.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京中关村东路55号


量子计算和量子信息基础,具体方向包括量子游走, 量子算法,量子机器学习,基于量子逻辑的计算理论,量子点元胞电路的自动设计以及量子程序语言


招生专业:081202 计算机软件与理论



2002-09--2005-06   陕西师范大学   理学博士
1999-09--2002-09   陕西师范大学   理学硕士


2007年-至今  助理研究员,副研究员,研究员 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院

2013-11--2014-04 高级访问学者  柏林自由大学

​2005-07--2007-01  博士后   中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 


  1.  中央和国家机关“四好党员”称号,2024
  2.  CCF自然科学二等奖, 2021年 
  3.  获2021年度英国皇家物理学会IOP高引用作者奖
  4.  王宽诚教育基金会,“优秀女科学家专项奖”,2012年
  5.  陕西省科学技术奖励二等奖,2008年
  6.  陕西省优秀博士论文,2007年
  7.  陕西省优秀博士毕业生,2005年


  •   Lin H.H., Shang Y., Deterministic search on complete bipartite graphs by continuous time quantum walk,Quantum Information and Computation, 2024,24,1-15.

  • Shi X., Shang Y., Density peak clustering using tensor network, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences,  139404 (2024).

  • Li X Y, Shang Y. Improvement of quantum walk-based search algorithms in singlemarked vertex graphs. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2023,56(38): 385304.

  • Li X.Y., Shang Y., Faster quantum sampling of Markov chains in nonregular graphs with fewer qubits. Physical Review A, ,2023,107,0224

  • Shi X., Shang Y., Guo C., Clustering using matrix product states. Physical Review A, 2022,  105, 052424

  •  Li. M., Shang Y., Entangled states generation via quantum walks with multiple coins. NPJ Quantum Information, 2021, 7:70. 

  •  Li. M., Shang Y., Generalized exceptional quantum walk search.  New Journal of Physics. 2020, 22 123030

  • Shang Y.,  Li M., Experimental implementation of state transfer by quantum walks with two coins. Quantum Science and Technology , 2019, 5 015005

  •  Shang Y.,  Wang  Y., Li M.,  Lu R.Q., Quantum communication  protocols by quantum walks with two coins. EPL, 124 (2018) 60009. 

  •  Cheng X.Y. , Shang Y., New bounds of mutually unbiased  maximally entangled bases in c^{d}*c^{kd}. Quantum Information and Computation,(2018),13&14, 1152-1164

  • Wang Y., Shang Y., Xue P. (2017), Generalized teleportation by quantum walks. Quantum Information Processing, 16, 221. 

  • Wang Y., Shang Y. (2018), Pure state ‘really’ informationally complete with rank-1 POVM. Quantum Information Processing, 17, 51. 

  • Cheng X.Y.,Shang Y. (2018),Construction of orthogonal extraordinary supersquares and mutually unbiased bases. Science China:physics,mechanics & astronomy. doi/10.1360/SSPMA2018-00022.

  • Lu X., Shang Y., Lu R.Q., Zhang J., Ma F.F. (2017), Weak QMV algebras and some ring-like structures, Soft Computing, 21, 2537-2547. 

  • Shang Y., Lu X., Lu R. Q.(2015), Computing power of Turing machines in the frame work of unsharp quantum logic. Theoretical Computer Science, 598, 2-14.

  • Cao X., Shang Y.(2014), Fermionic one way quantum computing. Chinese Physics Letters, 31, 110302.

  • Shang Y., Lu X., Lu R. Q. (2012), A theory of computation based on unsharp quantum logic: finite state automata and pushdown automata. Theoretical Computer Science, 434, 53-86. 

  • Lu X., Shang Y., Lu R. Q. (2012), A direct product decomposition of QMV algebras. Science China Mathematics, 55, 841-850.

  • Kong K., Shang Y., Lu R. Q. (2011), Counter designs in Quantum-Dot cellular automata, Nanotechnology (IEEE Nano), 1130-1134.

  • Kong K., Shang Y., Lu R. Q. (2010), An optimized majority logic synthesis methodology for Quantum-dot cellular automata. IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology, 19, 170-183.

  • Shang Y., Lu X, Lu R.Q. (2009), Automata theory based on unsharp quantum logic. Mathematical Structures in Computer Sciences, 19, 737-756.

  • Shang Y., Chen, M. Y., Kurths J.(2009), Generalized synchronization of complex networks. Physical Review E, 80, 027201.

  • Shang Y. (2009), Ring-like structures corresponding to pseudo MV algebras. Soft Computing. 13, 71-76.

  • Chen M. Y., Shang Y., Zhou, C. S., Wu Y., Kurths J.(2009), Enhanced synchronizability in scale-free networks. Chaos, 19, 013105.

  • Chen M. Y., Shang Y., Zou Y., Kurths J. (2008), Synchronization in the Kuramoto model: a dynamical gradient network approach. Physical Review E, 77, 027101.

  • Wu Y., Shang Y., Chen M. Y., Zhou C. S., Kurths J. (2008), Synchronization in small-world networks. Chaos, 18, 037111.

  • Shang Y., Lu R. Q. (2007), Semirings and pseudo MV algebras. Soft Computing, 11, 847-853.

  • Shang Y., Li Y. M. (2007), Generalized ideals and supports in pseudo effect algebras. Soft Computing, 11, 641-645.

  • Shang Y., Li Y. M., Chen M. Y. (2004), Constructions of some quantum structures and fuzzy effect space. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 43, 1219-1229.

  • Shang Y., Li Y. M., Chen M. Y. (2004), Pseudo difference posets and pseudo Boolean D-posets. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 43, 2447-2460. 

  • Shang Y., Li Y. M., Chen M. Y. (2004), Anti-BZ-structures in effect algebras. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 43, 359-368. 

  • Shang Y., Li Y. M. (2003), Generalized ideals in orthoalgebras. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 42, 2823-2829. 

  • Shang Y. and Zhao B. (2003), Some characterization theorems on maximal point spaces. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 46,1233-1238. (In Chinese)

  • Shang, Y. and Zhao, B. (2004), Z-connected set system and its category character. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 47,1141-1148. (In Chinese)



  1.  量子随机优化的模型、算法与理论,主持,国家级, 2024-01--2028-12

  2.  基于马尔可夫链的量子采样算法的研究, 主持,国家级,2024-01--2027-12

  3.  基于量子随机游走的量子程序设计, 主持, 国家级, 2019-01--2022-12

  4.  基于量子马尔可夫链的模型检测理论的研究, 主持, 国家级, 2015-01--2018-12

  5.  量子信息系统的动态逻辑研究, 主持, 国家级, 2011-01--2013-12

  6.  量子软件理论, 参与, 国家级, 2008-01--2011-12

  7.  基于unsharp 量子逻辑的自动机理论, 主持, 国家级, 2007-01--2009-12



曹信  硕士研究生  081202-计算机软件与理论  

程晓雅  硕士研究生  081202-计算机软件与理论  

李萌  博士研究生  081202-计算机软件与理论  

王宇  博士研究生  081202-计算机软件与理论  

李昕莹  硕士研究生  081202-计算机软件与理论  

石骁  博士研究生  081202-计算机软件与理论  

林鸿鸿  硕士研究生  070104-应用数学  


陈天恩  博士研究生  081202-计算机软件与理论  

白旭峻  硕士研究生  081202-计算机软件与理论  

王明珠  博士研究生  081202-计算机软件与理论  

王涛  硕士研究生  070104-应用数学  

李蕊  硕士研究生  081202-计算机软件与理论  

林鸿鸿  博士研究生  081202-计算机软件与理论  



