汪鹏 男 中国科学院城市环境研究所 研究员
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通信地址: 福建省厦门市集美大道1799号
博士毕业于澳大利亚新南威尔士大学博士(制造工程及管理),主要关注战略资源人为循环过程,从事人工智能与资源地理学交叉研究,以第一/通讯(含共同)在Nature Energy、Nature Geoscience(*2、封面论文)、 Nature Computational Science(封面论文)、Nature Communications(*2)、One Earth(*2)、PNAS nexus等期刊发表论文40余篇,其中所指导的学生/访问学生/研究实习员在Nature子刊、Cell子刊及PNAS子刊等综合类期刊发表论文10余篇。
担任Journal of Cleaner Production副主编、Science of the Total Environment编委,以及Resources Conservation and Recycling“关键资源和可持续发展”特刊编辑,并担任Nature/NCC/NE/NC/Joule/One Earth等期刊审稿人;获得中国稀土学会稀土科技创新一等奖(排名第二),中国国土经济学会2023年度优秀青年科技工作者、华人产业生态学会2020年度学术新人奖、国际产业生态学会会刊Graedel Prize、澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Writing Fellow等奖项;
主持或承担国家自然科学面上基金、青年基金、国际合作基金、地区合作基金及德国大众可持续发展、北方稀土等工业咨询项目等十多项课题;担任世界稀土产业协会(REIA)绿色评估委员委员、国际科学联盟(ISC)塑料专家委员会委员、国际关键金属圆桌论坛(IRTC)研究委员会委员(Scientific Board Member),研究成果为提升资源循环能力、国家资源供应安全及全球可持续发展提供重要科学支撑,并被IPCC旗舰报告、UNEP旗舰报告重点引用和评述;研究成果被纽约时报、华盛顿邮报、德国之声DW、澳洲广播电视台ABC及新华文摘(全文转载)、中国科学报(头版头条)等100余家国内外媒体报道。
2019年01月-至今 中国科学院城市环境研究所 研究员/副研究员/助理研究员
2024年11月 墨尔本大学制造工程学院 访问学者(FIET fellowship)
2018年09月-11月 新南威尔士大学生命周期工程中心 博士后
2017年05月-08月 丹麦理工大学可持续评估中心 访问学者
1) Wang, P., Yang, Y.Y., Heidrich, O., Chen, L.Y., Chen, L.H., Fishman, T. and Chen, W.Q., 2024. Regional rare-earth element supply and demand balanced with circular economy strategies. Nature Geoscience, 17(1), 94-102.
Featured as journal cover and cited by two editorial papers in Nature Geoscience (link1, link2)
2) Wang, P., Zhang, L.Y., Tzachor, A., and Chen, W.Q., 2024. E-waste Challenges of Generative Artificial Intelligence. Nature Computational Science. 4, 818–823.
Reported by Washington Post, DW, Scientific American, ABC, etc. ranked as 2 of 708 of this journal (Altmetric)
3) Liu B, Wang, P.*, Zhou J., Guo Y., Ma S., Chen W.Q., Li J.S. & Chang V. W.-C. Refocusing on effectiveness over expansion in urban waste–energy–carbon development in China. Nature Energy (forthcoming).
4) Wang, P., Ryberg, M., Yang, Y., Feng, K., Kara, S., Hauschild, M. and Chen, W.Q., 2021. Efficiency stagnation in global steel production urges joint supply-and demand-side mitigation efforts. Nature Communications, 12(1), 2066.
5) Wang, H., Wang, P., Zhang, X., Chen, W.Q., Tzachor, A., Fishman, T., Schandl, H., Acuto, M., Yang, Y., Lu, Y. and Böcher, C., 2024. Substantial increase in China’s manufactured sand supply since 2010. Nature Geoscience. 17, 833–836
6) Zhou, H., Yang, Y., Li, W., McKechnie, J., Thiede, S. and Wang, P., EU’s recycled content targets of lithium-ion batteries are likely to compromise critical metal circularity. One Earth, 2024, 7(7), 1288-1300.
7) Chen, W.Q., Eckelman, M.J., Sprecher, B., Chen, W. and Wang, P., 2024. Interdependence in rare earth element supply between China and the United States helps stabilize global supply chains. One Earth, 7(2), 242-252.
8) Wang, P., Wang, C., Li, J., Hubacek, K., Sun, L., Yang, F., Feng, K. and Chen, W.Q., 2024. Incorporating platinum circular economy into China’s hydrogen pathways toward carbon neutrality. PNAS nexus, 3(5), 172.
9) Wang, H., Feng, K., Wang, P., Yang, Y., Sun, L., Yang, F., Chen, W.Q., Zhang, Y. and Li, J., 2023. China’s electric vehicle and climate ambitions jeopardized by surging critical material prices. Nature Communications, 14(1), 1246.
10) Wang, P., Wang, H., Chen, W.Q. and Pauliuk, S., 2022. Carbon neutrality needs a circular metal-energy nexus. Fundamental Research, 2(3), 392-395.
Other Publications (More in Google scholar)
11) Peng, K., Feng, K., Chen, B., Shan, Y., Zhang, N., Wang, P., Fang, K., Bai, Y., Zou, X., Wei, W. and Geng, X., 2023. The global power sector’s low-carbon transition may enhance sustainable development goal achievement. Nature Communications, 14(1), 3144.
12) Fu, R., Peng, K., Wang, P.*, Zhong, H., Chen, B., Zhang, P., Zhang, Y., Chen, D., Liu, X., Feng, K.* and Li, J.*, 2023. Tracing metal footprints via global renewable power value chains. Nature Communications, 14(1), 3703.
13) Li, J., Peng, K., Wang, P., Zhang, N., Feng, K., Guan, D., Meng, J., Wei, W. and Yang, Q., 2020. Critical rare-earth elements mismatch global wind-power ambitions. One Earth, 3(1), 116-125.
14) Li, S., Wang, P., Zhang, Q., Li, J., Cao, Z., Li, W. and Chen, W.Q., 2025. Monitoring China's solar power plant in-use stocks and material recycling potentials using multi-source geographical data. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 212, 107920.
15) Cui, D., Bi, Z., Wang, Y., Gu, Y., Wang, H., Gao, X., Wang, P., Sun, X. and Chen, W.Q., 2024. Scenario analysis of waste tires from China's vehicles future. Journal of Cleaner Production, 478, 143940.
16) Wang, C., Song, J., Nunes, L.M., Zhao, H., Wang, P., Liang, Z., Arp, H.P.H., Li, G. and Xing, B., 2024. Global microplastic fiber pollution from domestic laundry. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 477, 135290.
17) Yang, J., Duan, L., Peng, S., Heijungs, R., Geng, X., Wang, P., Chen, W.Q. and Yang, Y., 2024. Toward More Realistic Estimates of Product Displacement in Life Cycle Assessment. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(37), 16237-16247.
18) Bai, R., Cai, G., Chen, X., Nie, S., Zhou, Z., Gao, L. and Wang, P., 2024. Enriching wind power utility through offshore wind-hydrogen-chemicals nexus: Feasible routes and their economic performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 476, 143732.
19) Hou, L., Fishman, T., Wang, R., Tzachor, A., Wang, H., Wang, P., Chen, W.Q. and van der Voet, E., 2024. A Comprehensive Accounting of Construction Materials in Belt and Road Initiative Projects. Environmental Science & Technology. 58, 15575-15586.
20) Feng, Y., Wang, P., Li, W., Zhang, Q., Chen, W.Q. and Feng, D., 2024. Environmental impacts of lithium supply chains from Australia to China. Environmental Research Letters, 19(9), 094035.
21) Zhao, S., Wang, P., Wang, L. and Chen, W.Q., 2024. Quantifying provincial in-use stocks of rare earth to identify urban mining potentials in the Chinese mainland. Journal of Cleaner Production, 453, 142251.
22) Zhao, S., Wang, P. and Chen, W.Q., 2024. Refining material criticality for global circular, low-carbon and just transition. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 208, 107708.
23) Yuan, P., Li, D., Feng, K., Wang, H., Wang, P. and Li, J., 2024. Assessing the supply risks of critical metals in China's low-carbon energy transition. Global Environmental Change, 86, 102825.
24) Dai, T., Liu, Y.F., Wang, P., Qiu, Y., Mancheri, N., Chen, W., Liu, J.X., Chen, W.Q., Wang, H. and Wang, A.J., 2023. Unlocking Dysprosium Constraints for China’s 1.5 C Climate Target. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(38), 14113-14126.
25) Yuan, P., Li, D., Feng, K., Wang, H., Wang, P. and Li, J., 2024. Assessing the supply risks of critical metals in China's low-carbon energy transition. Global Environmental Change, 86, 102825.
26) Yuan, P., Li, D., Feng, K., Wang, H., Wang, P. and Li, J., 2024. Assessing the supply risks of critical metals in China's low-carbon energy transition. Global Environmental Change, 86, 102825.
27) Ma, Z., Yang, Y., Chen, W.Q., Wang, P., Wang, C., Zhang, C. and Gan, J., 2021. Material flow patterns of the global waste paper trade and potential impacts of China’s import ban. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(13),8492-8501.
28) Yang, X., Zhang, C., Li, X., Cao, Z., Wang, P., Wang, H., Liu, G., Xia, Z., Zhu, D. and Chen, W.Q., 2024. Multinational dynamic steel cycle analysis reveals sequential decoupling between material use and economic growth. Ecological Economics, 217, 108092.
29) Chen, W., Wang, P., Meng, F., Pehlken, A., Wang, Q.C. and Chen, W.Q., 2024. Reshaping Heavy Rare Earth Supply Chains Amidst China's Stringent Environmental Regulations. Fundamental Research.
30) Ji, G., Zhong, H., Nzudie, H.L.F., Wang, P. and Tian, P., 2024. The structure, dynamics, and vulnerability of the global food trade network. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, 140439.
31) Liu, Y.F., Wang, P., Feng, D.Y., Liu, X., Han, Z., Dai, T., Zhang, S.T. and Chen, W.Q., 2024. Illustrating China's journey to balance, circular, and secure potassium cycles in the last three decades. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 202, 107378.
32) Zhao, S., Wang, P., Chen, W., Wang, L., Wang, Q.C. and Chen, W.Q., 2023. Supply and demand conflicts of critical heavy rare earth element: Lessons from gadolinium. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 199, 107254.
33) Wang, Y., Ma, F., Tzachor, A., Wang, P., Wang, H., Lyu, J., Yue, Q., Du, T., Chen, W.Q. and Liang, S., 2023. Quantifying economic sectoral iron commodity use and related vulnerability in China's supply chains. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 198, 107150.
34) Zhong, Q., Zhang, Z., Wang, H., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Wang, P., Ma, F., Yue, Q., Du, T., Chen, W.Q. and Liang, S., 2023. Incorporating scarcity into footprints reveals diverse supply chain hotspots for global fossil fuel management. Applied Energy, 349, 121692.
35) Wang, Y., Wang, H., Wang, P., Zhang, X., Zhang, Z., Zhong, Q., Ma, F., Yue, Q., Chen, W.Q., Du, T. and Liang, S., 2023. Cascading impacts of global metal mining on climate change and human health caused by COVID-19 pandemic. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 190, 106800.
36) Hu, X., Sun, B., Wang, C., Lim, M.K., Wang, P., Geng, X., Yao, C. and Chen, W.Q., 2023. Impacts of China’s exports decline in rare earth primary materials from a trade network-based perspective. Resources Policy, 81, 103321.
37) Hu, X., Wang, C., Lim, M.K., Chen, W.Q., Teng, L., Wang, P., Wang, H., Zhang, C., Yao, C. and Ghadimi, P., 2023. Critical systemic risk sources in global lithium-ion battery supply networks: Static and dynamic network perspectives. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 173, 113083.
38) Hao, M., Tang, L., Wang, P., Wang, H., Wang, Q.C., Dai, T. and Chen, W.Q., 2023. Mapping China's copper cycle from 1950–2015: Role of international trade and secondary resources. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 188, 106700.
39) Wang, P., Chen, W.Q., Cui, X., Li, J., Li, W., Wang, C., Cai, W. and Geng, X., 2022. Critical mineral constraints in global renewable scenarios under 1.5 C target. Environmental Research Letters, 17(12), 125004.
40) Tang, L., Wang, P., Ma, Z., Pauliuk, S., Chen, W.Q., Dai, T. and Lin, Z., 2023. Exploring the global trade networks of the tungsten supply chain: Insights into the physical and monetary mismatch among countries. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 27(1), 323-335.
41) Wang, Q.C., Wang, P., Qiu, Y., Dai, T. and Chen, W.Q., 2020. Byproduct surplus: Lighting the depreciative europium in China’s rare earth boom. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(22), 14686-14693.
42) Sun, N., Wang, P., Jian, X., Hao, M., Yan, X. and Chen, W.Q., 2022. Material Flow analysis of plastics from provincial household appliances in China: 1978–2016. Waste Management, 153, 156-166.
43) Chen, W.Q., Wang, H., Li, N. and Wang, P., 2022. Advancing UN Comtrade for physical trade flow analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 186, 106520.
44) Ma, F., Wang, H., Schandl, H., Fishman, T., Tan, X., Li, Y., Shi, L., Wang, P. and Chen, W.Q., 2022. Exploring the relationship between economic complexity and resource efficiency. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 186, 106530.
45) Lin, L., Feng, K., Wang, P., Wan, Z., Kong, X. and Li, J., 2022. Hazardous waste from the global shipbreaking industry: Historical inventory and future pathways. Global Environmental Change, 76, 102581.
46) Wang, Q.C., Chen, W.Q., Wang, P. and Dai, T., 2022. Illustrating the supply chain of dysprosium in China through material flow analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 184, 106417.
47) Zhang, T., Zhang, P., Peng, K., Feng, K., Fang, P., Chen, W., Zhang, N., Wang, P. and Li, J., 2022. Allocating environmental costs of China's rare earth production to global consumption. Science of The Total Environment, 831, 154934.
48) Wang, P., Zhao, S., Dai, T., Peng, K., Zhang, Q., Li, J. and Chen, W.Q., 2022. Regional disparities in steel production and restrictions to progress on global decarbonization: A cross-national analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 161, 112367.
49) Jian, X., Wang, P., Sun, N., Xu, W., Liu, L., Ma, Y. and Chen, W.Q., 2022. Material flow analysis of China’s five commodity plastics urges radical waste infrastructure improvement. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2(2), 025002.
50) Sun, Y., Liu, S., Wang, P., Jian, X., Liao, X. and Chen, W.Q., 2022. China's roadmap to plastic waste management and associated economic costs. Journal of Environmental Management, 309, 114686.
51) Lin, L., Feng, K., Wan, Z., Wang, P., Kong, X., Zhang, N., Hubacek, K. and Li, J., 2022. Unexpected side effects of the EU Ship Recycling Regulation call for global cooperation on greening the shipbreaking industry. Environmental Research Letters, 17(4), 044024.
52) Kong, X., Feng, K., Wang, P., Wan, Z., Lin, L., Zhang, N. and Li, J., 2022. Steel stocks and flows of global merchant fleets as material base of international trade from 1980 to 2050. Global Environmental Change, 73, 102493.
53) Li, F.Q., Wang, P., Chen, W., Chen, W.Q., Wen, B.J. and Dai, T., 2022. Exploring recycling potential of rare, scarce, and scattered metals: Present status and future directions. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30, 988-1000.
54) Wang, C., Feng, K., Liu, X., Wang, P., Chen, W.Q. and Li, J., 2022. Looming challenge of photovoltaic waste under China’s solar ambition: A spatial–temporal assessment. Applied Energy, 307, 118186.
55) Shen, J., Zhang, Q., Xu, L., Tian, S. and Wang, P., 2021. Future CO2 emission trends and radical decarbonization path of iron and steel industry in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 326, 129354.
56) Ding, Y., Geng, X., Wang, P. and Chen, W.Q., 2021. How material stocks sustain economic growth: evidence from provincial steel use in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 171, 105635.
57) Ren, K., Tang, X., Wang, P., Willerström, J. and Höök, M., 2021. Bridging energy and metal sustainability: insights from China’s wind power development up to 2050. Energy, 227, 120524.
58) Ma, Z., Yang, Y., Chen, W.Q., Wang, P., Wang, C., Zhang, C. and Gan, J., 2021. Material flow patterns of the global waste paper trade and potential impacts of China’s import ban. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(13), 8492-8501.
59) Ma, Z., Ryberg, M.W., Wang, P., Tang, L. and Chen, W.Q., 2020. China’s import of waste PET bottles benefited global plastic circularity and environmental performance. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8(45), 16861-16868.
60) Wang, L., Wang, P., Chen, W.Q., Wang, Q.Q. and Lu, H.S., 2020. Environmental impacts of scandium oxide production from rare earths tailings of Bayan Obo Mine. Journal of cleaner production, 270, 122464.
61) Song, L., Wang, P., Xiang, K. and Chen, W.Q., 2020. Regional disparities in decoupling economic growth and steel stocks: Forty years of provincial evidence in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 271, 111035.
62) Huang, C.L., Xu, M., Cui, S., Li, Z., Fang, H. and Wang, P., 2020. Copper-induced ripple effects by the expanding electric vehicle fleet: A crisis or an opportunity. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 161, p.104861.
63) Wang, Q.C., Wang, P., Qiu, Y., Dai, T. and Chen, W.Q., 2020. Byproduct surplus: Lighting the depreciative europium in China’s rare earth boom. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(22), 14686-14693.
64) Liu, L., Yin, Z., Wang, P., Gan, Y. and Liao, X., 2020. Water-carbon trade-off for inter-provincial electricity transmissions in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 268, 110719.
65) Song, L., Wang, P., Hao, M., Dai, M., Xiang, K., Li, N. and Chen, W.Q., 2020. Mapping provincial steel stocks and flows in China: 1978–2050. Journal of Cleaner Production, 262, 121393.
66) Tang, L., Wang, P., Graedel, T.E., Pauliuk, S., Xiang, K., Ren, Y. and Chen, W.Q., 2020. Refining the understanding of China's tungsten dominance with dynamic material cycle analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 158, 104829.
67) Wang, P., Chen, L.Y., Ge, J.P., Cai, W. and Chen, W.Q., 2019. Incorporating critical material cycles into metal-energy nexus of China’s 2050 renewable transition. Applied Energy, 253, 113612.
68) Wang, P., Li, W. and Kara, S., 2017. Cradle-to-cradle modeling of the future steel flow in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 117, pp.45-57.
69) Wang, P., Kara, S. and Hauschild, M.Z., 2018. Role of manufacturing towards achieving circular economy: the steel case. CIRP Annals, 67(1), 21-24.
70) Wang, P., Jiang, Z., Geng, X., Hao, S. and Zhang, X., 2014. Quantification of Chinese steel cycle flow: Historical status and future options. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 87, 191-199.
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