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2021-11至今 中国科学院大气物理研究所 副研究员
2018-07--2021-11 中国科学院大气物理研究所 博士后
1、 Piao J, Chen W, Wei K, Cai Q, Zhu X, and Du Z. 2023. Increased sandstorm frequency in North China in 2023: Climate change reflection on the Mongolian plateau. Innovation (Cambridge (Mass.)) 4:100497-100497.
2、 Piao J, Chen W, Kim J-S, Zhou W, Chen S, Hu P, and Lan X. 2023. Future changes in rainy season characteristics over East China under continuous warming. Climatic Change 176.
3、 Piao J, Chen W, Chen S, Gong H, Wang Z, and Lan X. 2023. How well do CMIP6 models simulate the climatological northern boundary of the East Asian summer monsoon? Global and Planetary Change 221.
4、 Piao J, Chen W, Chen S, and Gong H. 2022. Role of the internal atmospheric variability on the warming trends over Northeast Asia during 1970-2005. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 149:1317-1328.
5、 Piao J, Chen W, Wang L, and Chen S. 2022. Future projections of precipitation, surface temperatures and drought events over the monsoon transitional zone in China from bias-corrected CMIP6 models. International Journal of Climatology 42:1203-1219.
6、 Piao J, Chen W, Chen S, Gong H, and Wang L. 2021. Mean states and future projections of precipitation over the monsoon transitional zone in China in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models. Climatic Change 169.
7、 Piao J, Chen W, and Chen S. 2021. Sources of the internal variability-generated uncertainties in the projection of Northeast Asian summer precipitation. Climate Dynamics 56:1783-1797.
8、 Piao J, Chen W, and Chen S. 2021. Water vapour transport changes associated with the interdecadal decrease in the summer rainfall over Northeast Asia around the late-1990s. International Journal of Climatology 41:E1469-E1482.
9、 Piao J, Chen W, Chen S, Gong H, and Zhang Q. 2020. Summer Water Vapor Sources in Northeast Asia and East Siberia Revealed by a Moisture-Tracing Atmospheric Model. Journal of Climate 33:3883-3899.
10、Piao J, Chen W, Wang L, Pausata FSR, and Zhang Q. 2020. Northward extension of the East Asian summer monsoon during the mid-Holocene. Global and Planetary Change 184.
11、Piao J, Chen W, Chen S, Gong H, Chen X, and Liu B. 2020. The intensified impact of El Nino on late-summer precipitation over East Asia since the early 1990s. Climate Dynamics 54:4793-4809.
12、Piao J, Chen W, Chen S, and Wei K. 2018. Intensified impact of North Atlantic Oscillation in May on subsequent July Asian inland plateau precipitation since the late 1970s. International Journal of Climatology 38:2605-2612.
13、Piao J, Chen W, Zhang Q, and Hu P. 2018. Comparison of Moisture Transport between Siberia and Northeast Asia on Annual and Interannual Time Scales. Journal of Climate 31:7645-7660.
14、Piao J, Chen W, Wei K, Liu Y, Graf H-F, Ahn J-B, and Pogoreltsev A. 2017. An abrupt rainfall decrease over the Asian inland plateau region around 1999 and the possible underlying mechanism. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 34:456-468.
15、Chen W, Zhang R, Wu R, Wen Z, Zhou L, Wang L, Hu P, Ma T, Piao J, Song L, Wang Z, Li J, Gong H, Huangfu J, Liu Y. 2023. Recent Advances in Understanding Multi-scale Climate Variability of the Asian Monsoon. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences: 40:1429-1456.
16、Li Y, Gong H, Chen W, Wang L, Wu R, Dong Z, Piao J, Ma K. 2023. Summer precipitation variability in the Mongolian Plateau and its possible causes. Global and Planetary Change 228.
17、Wang Q, Huang G, Wang L, Piao J, Ma T, Hu P, Chotamonsak C, Limsakul A. 2023. Mechanism of the summer rainfall variation in Transitional Climate Zone in East Asia from the perspective of moisture supply during 1979–2010 based on the Lagrangian method. Climate Dynamics 60:1225-1238.
18、Zhao W, Chen S, Zhang H, Wang J, Chen W, Wu R, Xing W, Wang Z, Hu P, Piao J, Ma, T. 2022. Distinct Impacts of ENSO on Haze Pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region between Early and Late Winters. Journal of Climate 35:687-704.
19、Wang Q, Wang L, Huang G, Piao J, and Chotamonsak C. 2021. Temporal and spatial variation of the transitional climate zone in summer during 1961–2018. International Journal of Climatology 41:1633-1648.