Lu-Jun Li, Ph. D.
Deputy Director of Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology (IGA), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Professor of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Principal Investigator, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Cycling Lab, IGA, CAS
Technical Editor, Soil Science Society of America Journal
Editor, Catena
Associate Editor, European Journal of Soil Science, Land Degradation & Development
E-mail: lilujun [at] iga.ac.cn
No. 138, Haping Rd., Harbin 150081, PR. China
Research Areas
My research focuses on understanding carbon and nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and its environmental influences. Recently, research is mainly designed to answer the mechanism of human activity effects on carbon mineralization, carbon accumulation, and related processes.
Apr. 2024 - now, Deputy Director of Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Feb. 2022 - Sep. 2024, Director of Research & Planning Division, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Nov. 2017 - Feb. 2022, Deputy Executive Director of National Station of Agroecosystems in Hailun, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Nov. 2017 - Present, Professor, Head of Soil Fertility and Nutrient Cycling Lab, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sep. 2015 - Nov. 2017, Deputy Director of National Station of Agroecosystems in Hailun, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Aug. 2014 - Aug. 2015, Visiting scholar, Department of Land, Air & Water Resources, University of California, Davis
Dec. 2012 - Nov. 2017, Associate professor, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jul. 2010 - Dec. 2012, Assistant professor, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sep. 2007 - Jul. 2010, Ph.D. Ecology, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
My ResearchGate Page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lujun_Li2
53. Xu SQ, Na M, Huang YJ, Zhang J, Zhou JH, Li LJ*. 2025. Changes in microbial carbon cycling functions along rice cultivation chronosequences in saline-alkali soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 202, 109699.
52. Liu M, Zhang Z, He P, Zhang Y, Li LJ*. 2025. Changes in soil microbial community and carbon use efficiency in freeze-thaw period restored after growth season under warming and straw return. Applied Soil Ecology, 205, 105779.
51. He P, Yang X, Zhang Z, Dai SS, You Y, Horwath WR, Zhang P*, Wang W*, Li LJ*. 2025. Shelterbelt influence on soil microbial carbon and phosphorus limitation in farmland: Implications for soil health. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 379, 109368, 167-8809.
50. He P, Li LJ*, Dai SS, Guo XL, Nie M, Yang XC*, Kuzyakov Y. 2024. Straw addition and low soil moisture decreased temperature sensitivity and activation energy of soil organic matter, Geoderma, 442, 116802.
49. Yang XC, Loik ME*, Wu X, Luong JC, Wei X, Li LJ*. 2024. Drought and vegetation restoration lead to shifts in soil microbial diversity and co-occurrence networks in California coastal prairie. Plant and Soil, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-024-06625-7.
48. Liu M, Feng F*, Li LJ*, Du X, Zhang Z, Ji X. 2023. Possibility of exogenous organic carbon input to increase global soil nitrogen supply potential: a meta-analysis. Soil & Tillage Research, 232, 105773.
47. Zhang Z, He P, Hao X, Li LJ*. 2023. Long-term mineral combined with organic fertilizer supports crop production by increasing microbial community complexity. Applied Soil Ecology, 188, 104930.
46. Dai SS, He P, You MY, Li LJ*. 2023. The presence of soybean, but not soybean cropping frequency has influence on SOM priming in crop rotation systems. Plant and Soil, 487:511-520.
45. Yang XC, He P, Zhang ZM, You MY, Wu XF, Li LJ*. 2023. Straw return, rather than warming, alleviates microbial phosphorus limitation in a cultivated Mollisol. Applied Soil Ecology, 186, 104821
44. Zhang L, Zhang M, Huang S, Li LJ,…Ai C. 2022. A highly conserved core bacterial microbiota with nitrogen-fixation capacity inhabits the xylem sap in maize plants. Nature Communications, 13:3361.
43. Li N, Li LJ*, Zhu-Barker X, Cheng Y, Liu JJ, & Chang SX. 2022. Foreword: Degradation and evolution of Mollisols under different management practices and climate change. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 86, 1379– 1382
42. Dai SS, He P, Guo XL, Ge TD, Oliver MA, Li LJ*. 2022. Faster carbon turnover in topsoil with straw addition is less beneficial to carbon sequestration than subsoil and mixed soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal, doil: 10.1002/saj2.20412.
41. Zhang ZM, He P, Hao XX, Liu JJ, Ge TD, Li LJ*. 2022. Rare microbial populations as sensitive indicators of bacterial community dissimilarity under different agricultural management practices. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, doi: 10.1080/03650340.2022.2049254.
40. Hao X, Han X*, Wang S, Li LJ*. 2022. Dynamics and composition of soil organic carbon in response to 15 years of straw return in a Mollisol. Soil and Tillage Research, doi: 10.1016/j.still.2021.105221.
39. You MY, Liu XJA, Li LJ*, 2021. Editorial: Climate change and anthropogenic impacts on soil organic matter. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 811735.
38. You MY, Zhu-Barker X, Hao XX, Li LJ*. 2021. Profile distribution of soil organic carbon and its isotopic value following long term land-use changes. Catena, doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105623.
37. You MY, He P, He P, Dai SS, Burger M, Li LJ*. 2021. Priming effect of stable C pool in soil and its temperature sensitivity. Geoderma, doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115216.
36. Li M, He P, Guo X, Zhang X*, Li LJ*. 2021. Fifteen-year no tillage of a Mollisol with residue retention indirectly affects topsoil bacterial community by altering soil properties. Soil and Tillage Research, doi: 10.1016/j.still.2020.104804.
35. You M, Li LJ*, Tian Q*, He P, He G, Hao XX, Horwath WR. 2020. Residue decomposition and priming of soil organic carbon following different NPK fertilizer histories. Soil Science Society of America Journal, doi: 10.1002/saj2.20142.
34. Hu X, Liu J, Yu Z, Yao Q, Zhang W, Mi G, Liang A, Li LJ, Chen X, Jin J, Liu X, Wang G. 2020. Continuous cropping of soybean induced a more fluctuating fungal network and intensive pathogenic fungal interactions in a Mollisol of Northeast China. Soil Science Society of America Journal, doi: 10.1002/saj2.20069.
33. Zhang Z, Gao Q, Yang J, Li LJ, Li Y, Liu J, Wang Y, Su H, Wang Y, Wang S, Feng G. 2020. Effect of soil organic matter on adsorption of nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin in black soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, doi: 10.1080/00103624.2020.1744636.
32. You M, Han X, Hu N, Du S, Doane TA, Li LJ*. 2020. Profile storage and vertical distribution (0–150 cm) of soil inorganic carbon in croplands in northeast China. Catena, Doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2019.104302.
31. Zhang J, Chi F, Wei D*, Zhou B, Cai S, Li Y, Kuang E, Sun L, Li LJ*. 2019. Impacts of long-term fertilization on the molecular structure of humic acid and organic carbon content in soil aggregates in black soil. Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48406-8.
30. Li M, Han XZ, Du SL,Li LJ*. 2019. Profile stock of soil organic carbon and distribution in croplands of Northeast China. Catena, 174: 285-292.
29. Li LJ, Ye R, Zhu-Barker X, Horwath WR. 2019. Soil microbial biomass size and nitrogen availability regulate the incorporation of residue carbon into dissolved organic pool and microbial biomass. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 83: 1083-1092.
28. Li LJ, Zhu-Barker X, Ye R, Doane TA, Horwath WR. 2018. Soil microbial biomass size and soil carbon influence the priming effect from carbon inputs depending on nitrogen availability. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 119: 41-49.
27. Zhang YL#, Li LJ#, Yao SH, Mao JD, Schmidt-Rohr K, Olk DC, Cao XY, Cui JF, B Zhang. 2018. Distinct changes in composition of soil organic matter with length of cropping time in subsoils of a Phaeozem and Chernozem. European Journal of Soil Science, 69: 868-878.
26. Dai SS, Li LJ*, Ye RZ*, Zhu-Barker X, Horwath WR. 2017. The temperature sensitivity of organic carbon mineralization is affected by exogenous carbon inputs and soil organic carbon content. European Journal of Soil Biology, 81: 69-75.
25. Li LJ, Han XZ. 2016. Changes of soil properties and carbon fractions after long-term application of organic amendments in Mollisols. Catena, 143:140-144.
24. Li LJ, Burger M, Du SL, Zou WX, You MY, Hao XX, Lu XC, Zheng L, Han XZ. 2016. Change in soil organic carbon between 1981 and 2011 in croplands of Heilongjiang Province, northeast China, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96: 1275-1283.
23. You MY, Burger M, Li LJ, Zou W, Li N, Qiao YF, Han XZ. 2014. Changes in soil organic carbon and carbon fractions under different land use and management practices after development from parent material of Mollisols. Soil Science, 179: 205–210.
22. Ding XL, Yuan YR, Liang Y, Li LJ, Han XZ. 2014. Impact of long-term application of manure, crop residue, and mineral fertilizer on organic carbon pools and crop yields in a Mollisol. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14: 854-859.
21. You MY, Yuan YR, Li LJ*, Xu YL, Han XZ. 2014. Soil CO2emissions as affected by 20-year continuous cropping in Mollisols. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 13(2): 615–623.
20. Yang D, Zhao Q, Mao R,Li LJ, Zeng DH. 2014. Accumulative characteristics of some plant species to magnesium around a magnesite mine area in Northeast China. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 23(5): 497-503.
19. Li LJ, Han XZ, You MY, Horwath WR. 2013. Nitrous oxide emissions from Mollisols as affected by long-term applications of organic amendments and chemical fertilizers. Science of the Total Environment, 452-453: 302-308.
18. Li LJ, You MY, Shi HA, Ding XL, Qiao YF, Han XZ. 2013. Soil CO2emissions from a cultivated Mollisol: effects of organic amendments, soil temperature, and moisture. European Journal of Soil Biology, 55: 83-90.
17. Li LJ, You MY, Shi HA, Zou WX, Han XZ. 2013. Tillage effects on SOC and CO2emissions of Mollisols. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 11: 340-345.
16. Li LJ, Han XZ, You MY, Yuan YR, Ding XL, Qiao YF. 2013. Carbon and nitrogen mineralization patterns of two contrasting crop residues in a Mollisol: effects of residue type and placement in soils. European Journal of Soil Biology, 54: 1-6.
15. Ding F, Hu YL,Li LJ, Li A, Shi S, Lian PY, Zeng DH. 2013. Changes in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks after conversion of meadow to cropland in Northeast China. Plant and Soil, 373: 659-672.
14. Li LJ, You MY, Shi HA, Han XZ. 2012. Short-term tillage influences microbial properties of a Mollisol in Northeast China. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10: 1433-1436.
13. Li LJ, Zeng DH, Mao R, Yu ZY. 2012. Nitrogen and phosphorus resorption ofArtemisia scoparia,Chenopodium acuminatum,Cannabis sativa, andPhragmites communisunder N and P additions in a semiarid grassland, China. Plant, Soil and Environment, 58: 446-451.
12. Yuan Y, Han X, Li LJ, Li N. 2012. Land use effects on soil aggregation and total organic carbon and polysaccharides in aggregates of a Chinese Mollisol. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10: 1386-1391.
11. Ding X, Han X, Liang Y, Qiao Y, Li LJ, Li N. 2012. Changes in soil organic carbon pools after 10 years of continuous manuring combined with chemical fertilizer in a Mollisol in China. Soil & Tillage Research, 122: 36–41.
10. Mao R, Zeng DH, Li LJ. 2011. Fresh root decomposition pattern of two contrasting tree species from temperate agroforestry systems: effects of root diameter and nitrogen enrichment of soil. Plant and Soil, 347: 115-123.
9. Yang D, Zeng DH, Li LJ, Mao R. 2011. Chemical and microbial properties in contaminated soils around a magnesite mine in Northeast China. Land Degradation & Development, 23: 256-262.
8. Mao R, Zeng DH, Li LJ, Hu YL. 2011. Changes in labile soil organic matter fractions following land use change from monocropping to poplar-based agroforestry systems in a semiarid region of Northeast China, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184: 6845-6853.
7.Li LJ, Zeng DH, Yu ZY, Fan ZP, Yang D, Liu YX. 2011. Impact of litter quality and soil nutrient availability on leaf decomposition rate in a semi-arid grassland of Northeast China. Journal of Arid Environments, 75: 787-792.
6.Li LJ, Zeng DH, Yu ZY, Fan ZP, Mao R, Peri PL. 2011. Foliar N/P ratio and nutrient limitation to vegetation growth on Keerqin sandy grassland of North-east China. Grass and Forage Science, 66: 237-242.
5.Li LJ, Zeng DH, Yu ZY, Fan ZP, Mao R. 2010. Soil microbial properties under N and P additions in a semi-arid, sandy grassland. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 46: 653-658.
4. Zeng DH, Li LJ, Fahey TJ, Yu ZY, Fan ZP, Chen FS. 2010. Effects of nitrogen addition on vegetation and ecosystem carbon in a semi-arid grassland. Biogeochemistry, 98: 185-193.
3. Mao R, Zeng DH, Hu YL, Li LJ, Yang D. 2010. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks in an age-sequence of poplar stands planted on marginal agricultural land in Northeast China. Plant and Soil, 332: 277-287.
2. Zeng DH, Mao R, Chang SX, Li LJ, Yang D. 2010. Carbon mineralization of tree leaf litter and crop residues from poplar-based agroforestry systems in Northeast China: A laboratory study. Applied Soil Ecology, 44: 133-137.
1. Mao R, Zeng DH, Ai GY, Yang D, Li LJ. 2010. Soil microbiological and chemical effects of a nitrogen-fixing shrub in poplar plantations in semi-arid region of Northeast China. European Journal of Soil Biology, 46: 325-329.
Reviewed for more than 20 journals. Verified by Publons.
Research grants
2. Co-Pricipal Investigator: Strategic Priority Research Program-Climate Change: Carbon Budget and Related Issues of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Soil carbon sequestration potential and sequestration rates of farmlands in Heilongjiang Province. 01/11-12/15.
3. Pricipal Investigator: Foundation for Young Talents of the Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2013.
4. Pricipal Investigator: Foundation of Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2014.