李震 副教授 硕导
中国科学院大学 环境材料与污染控制技术研究中心
电子邮件: lizhen20@ucas.ac.cn
通信地址: 中国科学院大学雁栖湖校区
电话:010-69672984 邮政编码:101408
1. 面向碳交易的碳监测核算技术
2. 基于呼气分析的健康预警技术
3. 光质谱技术研发及应用
2020-05~至今, 中国科学院大学, 副教授
2019-12~2020-04,中国科学院北京综合研究中心, 副研究员
2017-07~2019-12,中国科学院北京综合研究中心, 助理研究员
( 1 ) 基于在线高灵敏质谱的呼气检测及健康预警技术,第1作者,专利号:202411336888.6
( 2 ) 模拟大气臭氧暴露环境下的小鼠呼出气VOCs在线检测装置,第1作者,专利号:202210029872.5
( 3 ) 用于高通量测量小鼠呼气中挥发性有机物的质谱在线监测装置,第1作者,专利号:202111066909.3
( 4 ) 零排放处理含汞飞灰的装置及方法, 发明, 2019, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 201811569289.3
( 5 ) 飞灰脱汞装置及脱汞方法, 发明, 2018, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 201810014151.0
( 6 ) 基质辅助激光解吸-气相极化诱导质子转移质谱, 发明, 2018, 第 3 作者, 专利号: 201610856717.5
( 7 ) 质子化增强基质辅助激光解吸电离离子源, 发明, 2017, 第 3 作者, 专利号: 201610967193.7
( 8 ) 激发态二氯甲烷质子化剂, 发明, 2018, 第 5 作者, 专利号: 201610856690.X
Unveiling the Systemic Impact of Airborne Microplastics: Integrating Breathomics and Machine Learning with Dual-Tissue Transcriptomics, J Hazard Mater, 2025,490:137781.
Ultra-sensitive Analysis of Exhaled Biomarkers in Ozone-exposed Mice via PAI-TOFMS Assisted with Machine Learning Algorithms, J Hazard Mater, 2024,470:134151.
Glycosyltransferase Slr1064 regulates carbon metabolism by modulating the levels of UDp-GleNAc in Synechocystis sp. PCc 6803. New Phytologist, 2024,243(3):936-950.
Chromosome‐level genome assembly of Pedicularis kansuensis illuminates genome evolution of facultative parasitic plant." Molecular Ecology Resources (2024): e13966
Rapid detecting of potential natural food preservatives and identification of Artemisia species via high-sensitivity photoionization mass spectrometry, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71, 15, 6197–6209.
Novel MCP-Windowed EUV Light Source and Its Mass Spectrometric Application for Detecting Chlorinated Methanes. Anal Chem, 2023, 95, 45, 16531–16538.
A simple high-flux switchable vuv lamp based on an electrodeless fluorescent lamp for SPI/PAI mass spectrometry. Anal Chem, 2023, 95, 32, 11859–11867.
Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the response regulator gene family in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) reveals their multifarious roles in stress response. Front. Plant Sci, 2023, 14:1149880.
Exploring Breath Biomarkers in BLM-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis Mice with Associative Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, Talanta, 2022, 239:123120
An ultrasensitive SPI/PAI ion source based on a high-flux VUV lamp and its applications for the online mass spectrometric detection of sub-pptv sulfur ethers, Talanta, 2022, 247:123558.
Photoinduced Associative Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for the Sensitive Determination of Monoterpenes, Analytical Letters, 2022.
Ultrasensitive Detection of Trace Chemical Warfare Agent-Related Compounds by Thermal Desorption Associative Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, Talanta, 2021, 235: 122788.
Emerging non‑invasive detection methodologies for lung cancer, Oncology Letters, 2020.
Industrial application of Non-thermal plasma (NTP) for mercury and dioxin removal in flue gas, Materials Science and Engineering, 2019.
Kinetic Understanding of the Ultrahigh Ionization Efficiencies (up to 28%) of Excited-State CH2Cl2-Induced Associative Ionization: A Case Study with Nitro Compounds, Analytical Chemistry, 2019.
Ultrasensitive detection of volatile aldehydes with chemi-ionization-coupled time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Talanta, 2019.
大气汞监测技术进展, 环境科学研究, 2018.
Vacuum-Ultraviolet-Excited and CH2Cl2/H2O-Amplified Ionization-Coupled Mass Spectrometry for Oxygenated Organics Analysis, Analytical Chemistry, 2018.
Detection of sub-pptv benzene, toluene, and ethylbenzene via low-pressure photoionization mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017.
Doping-assisted low-pressure photoionization mass spectrometry for the real-time detection of lung cancer-related volatile organic compounds, Talanta, 2017.
- 基于缔合电离质谱技术的胃癌诊断方法及生物学机制研究,主持,北京市自然科学基金海淀原始创新基金重点项目,2023-2026
- 面向碳交易的碳排放在线监测系统研发和应用示范,主持,魏桥国科碳中和创新项目,2023--2026
- 低成本高精度碳监测技术研发与空地一体应用,主持,中科院优秀教师项目,2023-2025
- 某市典型甲烷源的浓度特征及排放量评估,主持,教育部产学研项目,2022--2024
- 臭氧暴露下机体的呼气组学研究, 主持, 中科院优秀教师项目, 2021--2023
- 肺癌呼气标志物及其产生机制研究, 主持, 国家自然基金, 2019--2021
- 外周血 DNA 5-甲基胞嘧啶和 5-羟甲基胞嘧啶修饰的测定: 高效液相色谱串联质谱法,参与,中国疾控中心标准化前期研究项目,2024--2025
- 废旧风电叶片碳排放核算体系及碳足迹评估方法战略性调查研究,参与,企业横向,2024-2025
- 二氯甲烷诱导的高效质子化机理研究及其在大气含氧VOCs检测中的应用, 参与, 国家自然基金, 2018--2021
- 农药行业场地异味清除材料与控制技术子任务, 参与, 国家重点研发计划, 2020--2022
- 基于超高灵敏质谱-人工嗅觉的有机臭气快速检测和溯源研究, 参与, 国家自然基金, 2021--2024
- 基于离子化方法的高灵敏VOC质谱仪研制, 参与, 北京市科委项目, 2018--2021
- 基于chemi-ionization技术的挥发性有机物超灵敏在线质谱仪, 参与, 中科院仪器研发项目, 2019--2020
吴晓雪 生态环境部环境发展中心工作
杨 腾 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院读博