



中国科学院大学 教授






主要从事人文与经济地理学、农业与乡村地理学理论、技术与应用综合研究,研究方向主要包括城乡发展与土地利用、新型城镇化与乡村振兴、乡村地域系统与人地系统科学等。主持国家重点研发计划项目、国家科技支撑计划重点项目、国家自然科学基金重大项目和重点项目、国家社会科学基金重大项目、土地整治工程重大项目等70余项;出版著作20本、发表论文590余篇,其中《Nature》、《Science》、《Land Use Policy》等SCI/SSCI论文280余篇;2015年以来连获“中国高被引学者”,2018年以来连续入选“全球高被引科学家”,Top1%科学家,全国优秀科技工作者(2012)、全国脱贫攻坚奖创新奖(2018)、第三届全国创新争先奖(2023),以及发展中国家科学院科学奖(2017)、国际地理联合会(IGU)杰出地理实践奖(2022)、Springer Nature"中国新发展奖"(2022),以及中国科学院科技促进发展奖(2018)、国家科技进步二等奖1项(2019)以及省部级科技奖励一等奖10项、二等奖3项。获国家授权发明专利20项。现任国际期刊《Land Use Policy》、《地理科学》、《经济地理》、《农业资源与环境学报》等副主编,《科学通报》、《Science Bulletin》、《Chinese Geographical Science》、《Journal of Geographical Sciences》等期刊编委。


博 士 后:2024-2025年接收博士后研究人员4-6名(方向同上) 
     (联系 E-mail: liuys@igsnrr.ac.cn)  






  2022年4月22日,荣获国际地理联会会(IGU)杰出地理实践奖。该奖是2022年IGU成立100周年首次设立的国际奖项。2022年奖项授予中国(Liu Yansui)、日本(Ono Yugo)、英国(Pain Rachel)、澳大利亚(Thom Bruce )四个国家的4位科学家。


  2018年11月27日,当选发展中国家科学院(The World Academy of Sciences,TWAS)院士。


Liu Yansui. Urban-Rural Transformation Geography. Springer Nature, Singapore, 2021下载PDF).

刘彦随. 中国脱贫攻坚典型经验与模式. 北京:人民出版社, 2021.

刘彦随.中国城镇化与农业农村发展论. 北京: 科学出版社, 2020.

刘彦随等.精准扶贫成效评估技术与方法. 北京: 科学出版社, 2020.

刘彦随,龙花楼,王介勇.中国农业现代化与农民. 北京: 科学出版社, 2014. 
刘彦随. 中国新农村建设地理论. 北京: 科学出版社, 2011.
刘彦随,龙花楼,陈玉福,王介勇.中国乡村发展研究报告. 北京: 科学出版社, 2011.
刘彦随,王业侨,陈玉福,尧德明.土地利用系统评估与整治决策技术研究.北京:中国科学技术出版社, 2011. 
刘彦随,杨子生等. 中国山区土地资源开发利用与人地协调发展研究. 北京:中国科学技术出版社,2010.
刘彦随,郑伟元.中国土地可持续利用论.北京:科学出版社, 2008.
刘彦随等.中国土地可持续利用与新农村建设. 西南师范大学出版社,2008。 
杨子生,刘彦随,赵乔贵等. 基于耕地资源利用的区域粮食安全评估原理、方法及其在云南的实践. 北京:中国科学技术出版社,2008.
刘彦随,胡宝清等.中国土地资源开发与区域协调发展. 北京:气象出版社,2006
刘彦随. 区域土地利用优化配置.北京:学苑出版社,1999.
刘彦随,熊康宁,但文红.中国农村土地整治与城乡协调发展研究. 贵阳:贵州出版集团,2012.
杨子生,刘彦随.中国山区生态友好型土地利用研究. 北京:中国科学技术出版社,2007
杨述河, 刘彦随等.土地资源开发与区域协调发展.北京:中国科学技术出版社,2005.
杨子生,刘彦随,胡珀等. 云南省大中型水电建设移民安置用地规划研究, 北京:中国科学技术出版社,2006.
倪绍祥, 刘彦随,杨子生. 中国土地资源态势与持续利用研究.昆明:云南科技出版社,2004.



国家自然科学基金重大项目:乡村地域系统协同观测与转型机理及模拟(42293270)(Cooperative Observation, Transformation Mechanism and Scenario Simulation of Rural Areal System, No. 42293270)(2023-2027)














     在国内外学术刊物发表论文500余篇。其中,Nature, Science, Land Use Policy等国际SCI/SSCI收录论文210余篇。代表性的学术论文:

Liu Yansui. Introduction to land use and rural sustainability in China. Land Use Policy. 2018, 74(5): 1-4. 

Liu Yansui, Zhang Ziwen, Zhou Yang. Efficiency of construction land allocation in China: An econometric analysis of panel data. Land Use Policy. 2018,74(5): 261-272. 

Liu Yansui, Li Jintao, Yang Yuanyuan. Strategic adjustment of land use policy under the economic transformation[J]. Land Use Policy. 2018, 74(5): 5-14. 

Zhou Yang, Liu Yansui*. China's fight against soil pollution. Science, 2018, 362(6412): 298-298.

Yang Yuanyuan, Liu Yansui, Li Yurui, Du Guoming. Quantifying spatio-temporal patterns of urban expansion in Beijing during 1985–2013 with rural-urban development transformation. Land Use Policy, 2018, 74(5):220-230.

Li Yuheng, Wu Wenhao, Liu Yansui. Land consolidation for rural sustainability in China: Practical reflections and policy implications. Land Use Policy, 2018, 74(5):137-141.

Gao Jinlong, Chen Wen, Liu Yansui. Spatial restructuring and the logic of industrial land redevelopment in urban China: II. A case study of the redevelopment of a local state-owned enterprise in Nanjing. Land Use Policy, 2018,( 72): 372-380.

1.  Liu Yansui, Li Yuheng. Revitalize the world's countryside.Nature,2017, 548(7667):275-277

2.  Liu Yansui, Yang Yuanyuan, Li Yurui, et al. Conversion from rural settlements and arable land under rapid urbanization in Beijing during 1985–2010. Journal of Rural Studies, 2017, 51:141-150

3.  Liu Yansui, Liu Jilai, Zhou Yang. Spatio-temporal patterns of rural poverty in China and targeted poverty alleviation strategies. Journal of Rural Studies, 2017, 52:66-75

4.  Qiao Weifeng, Gao Jinlong, Liu Yansui*, et al. Evaluation of Intensive Urban Land Use Based on an Artificial Neural Network Model: A Case Study of Nanjing City, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 27(5):735-746.

5.  Gao Junbo, Qiao Weifeng, Liu Yansui*, et al. The higher grain production, the more social deprivation? A case study of Henan province in traditional agricultural areas of China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2018, 15(1): 167-180

6. Cao Zhi, Li Yurui, Liu Yansui*, et al. When and where did the Loess Plateau turn “green”? Analysis of the tendency and breakpoints of the normalized difference vegetation index. Land Degradation & Development, 2017,29(1):162-175

7.         Gao Jinlong, Chen Wen, Liu Yansui*. Spatial restructuring and the logic of industrial land redevelopment in urban China: II. A case study of the redevelopment of a local state-owned enterprise in Nanjing. Land Use Policy, 2018,72: 372-380

8.         Gao Jinlong, Chen Wen, Liu Yansui. Spatial restructuring and the logic of industrial land redevelopment in urban China: A case study of the redevelopment of a local state-owned enterprise in Nanjing. Land use policy,2018,70:24-33

9. Liu Yansui, Li Yurui. Engineering philosophy and design scheme of gully land consolidation in Loess Plateau. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2017, 33(10):1-9 (in Chinese)

10.  Chen Zongfeng, Li Yurui, Liu Yansui*. Distribution pattern characteristic and type classification of rural settlements in loess hilly-gully region. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2017,33, (14):266-274 (in Chinese)

11. Li Yurui, Fan Pengcan, Cao Zhi, Chen Yufu, Liu Yansui*, et al. Sand-fixation Effect and Micro-mechanism of Remixing Soil by Pisha Sandstone and Sand in the Mu Us Sandy Land, China. Journal of Desert Research, 2017,37(03):421-430 (in Chinese)

12. Liu Jilai, Liu Yansui*, Li Yurui. Classification evaluation and spatial-temporal analysis of "production-living-ecological" spaces in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(7):1290-1304 (in Chinese)

13. Li Jintao, Liu Yansui, Yang yuanyuan, et al. Spatial-temporal characteristics and driving factors of urban construction land in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region during 1985-2015. Geographical Research, 2018,37(1): 37-52(in Chinese)

14.Liu Yansui, Chen Zongfeng, Li Yurui, et al. The Planting Technology and Industrial Development Prospects of Forage Rape in the Loess Hilly Area—A Case Study of Newly-increased Cultivated Land Through Gully Land Consolidation in Yan’an, Shanxi Province. Journal of Natural Resources, 2017,32(12):2065-2074(in Chinese)

15. Liu Yansui, Cao Zhi. Supply-side Structural Reform and Its Strategy for Targeted Poverty Alleviation in China. CAS Bulletin, 2017,32(10):1066-1073(in Chinese)

16. Li Yurui, Wang Zhiwei, Men Dawei, Cao Zhi, Fan Pengcan, Li Feng, Long Hualou, Liu Yansui*. Consolidation and Using Oriented Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Typical Soils of Hollowed Villages of Plain Agricultural Zones:A Case Study of Yucheng City, Shandong Province, China. Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment, 2017,34(04):328-334(in Chinese)

17. Du Guoming, Sun Xiaobing, Liu Yansui, et al. Temporal and spatial-differentiation characteristics of ecological restoration in Loess Plateau. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 201719(3):355-364(in Chinese)

18. Liu Yansui, Li Jintao. Geographic detection and optimizing decision of the differentiation mechanism of rural poverty in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(01):161-173(in Chinese)

19.  Liu Xiaoqiong, Chen Yunsha, Liu Yansui*, et al. Statistical Characteristics of Climate Change 1974-2012 in Yulin, Shanxi, China. Journal of Desert Research, 2017,37(02):355-360(in Chinese)

20.   Liu Yansui. The urban city and rural village should be integrated with each other to accelerate the construction of a new rural area. Village·Agriculture·Farmer, 2017(11):27-28(in Chinese)

21.  Liu Yansui, Li Yuheng, Chen Cong. Pollution: Build on success in China. Nature, 2015,517(7533):145-145.

22.   Liu Yansui, Li Yuheng. China’s land creation project stands firm. Nature, 2014,511(7510): 410-410. 

23.     Bai Xuemei, Shi Peijun, Liu Yansui. Realizing China’s urban dream. Nature, 2014, 509 (7499): 158-160.

24.     Zhou Yang, Liu Yansui*, Wu Wenxiang. Strengthen China's flood control. Nature, 2016, 536(7617): 396.

25.     Liu Yansui, Zhou Yang, Li Yurui. Ventilating Beijing cannot fix pollution. Nature, 2016, 532(7600): 441.

26.     Yang Yuanyuan, Zhang Shuwen, Liu Yansui, et al. Analyzing historical land use changes using a Historical Land Use Reconstruction Model: a case study in Zhenlai County, northeastern China. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7.

27.     Yang Yuanyuan, Zhang Shuwen, Liu Yansui, et al. Analyzing historical land use changes using a Historical Land Use Reconstruction Model: a case study in Zhenlai County, northeastern China. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:41275

28.     Yang Yuanyuan, Liu Yansui, Xu Di, et al. Use of intensity analysis to measure land use changes from 1932 to 2005 in Zhenlai County, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 27(3):441-455

29.     Li Yurui, Cao Zhi, Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, et al. Dynamic analysis of ecological environment combined with land cover and NDVI changes and implications for sustainable urban–rural development: The case of Mu Us Sandy Land, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 142: 697-715.

30.     Li Quanfeng, Hu Shougeng, Du Guoming, Zhang Chuanrong, Liu Yansui, et al. Cultivated Land Use Benefits Under State and Collective Agrarian Property Regimes in China. Sustainability, 2017, 10(1):7

31.     Shi Peijun, Bai Xuemei, Kong Feng, Fang Jiayi, Gong Daoyi, Zhou Tao, Guo Yan, Liu Yansui, et al. Urbanization and air quality as major drivers of altered spatio temporal patterns of heavy rainfall in China. Landscape Ecology, 2017, 32(8):1723-1738

32.     Habibullah Magsi, Andre Torre, Liu Yansui, et al. Land Use Conflicts in the Developing Countries: Proximate Driving Forces and Preventive Measures. Pakistan Development Review, 2017, 56(1):19-30

33.     Tong Luyi, Hu Shougeng, Amy E. Frazier, Liu Yansui, et al. Multi-order urban development model and sprawl patterns: An analysis in China, 2000–2010. Landscape & Urban Planning, 2017, 167:386-398

34.     Liu Zhengjia, Wu Chaoyang, Liu Yansui, et al. Spring green-up date derived from GIMMS3g and SPOT-VGT NDVI of winter wheat cropland in the North China Plain. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 2017, 130:81-91.

35.     Gong Jianzhou, Hu Zhiren, Chen Wenli, Liu Yansui, et al. Urban expansion dynamics and modes in metropolitan Guangzhou, China. Land Use Policy, 2018, 72:100-109.

36.     Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Chen Yufu, et al. Progress of research on urban-rural transformation and rural development in China in the past decade and future prospects. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(8): 1117-1132.

37.     Liu Yansui, Yan Bin, Zhou Yang. Urbanization, economic growth, and carbon dioxide emissions in China: a panel cointegration and causality analysis. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(2): 131-152.

38.     Wang Yanfei, Liu Yansui*, Li Yuheng. The spatio-temporal patterns of urban–rural development transformation in China since 1990. Habitat International, 2016, 53: 178-187.

39.     Zhou Yang, Liu Yansui*. Does population have a larger impact on carbon dioxide emissions than income? Evidence from a cross-regional panel analysis in China. Applied Energy, 2016, 180: 800-809.

40.     Liu Jilai, Liu Yansui*, Yan Maochao. Spatial and temporal change in urban-rural land use transformation at village scale—A case study of Xuanhua district, North China. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 425-434.

41.     Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. Rural restructuring in China. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 387-391.

42.     Li Yuheng, Liu Yansui, Su Baozhong, et al. Realizing targeted poverty alleviation in China: People’s voices, implementation challenges and policy implications. China Agricultural Economic Review, 2016, 8(3): 443-454.

43.     Qiao Luyin, Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, et al. The spatio-temporal change of China's net floating population at county scale from 2000 to 2010. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 2016, 57(3): 365-378.

44.     Hu Zhichao, Wang Yanglin, Liu Yansui, et al. Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Urban-Rural Development and Transformation in East of the “Hu Huanyong Line”, China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2016, 5(3): 24.

45.     Li Yuheng, Westlund Hans, Zheng Xiaoyu, Liu Yansui*. Bottom-up initiatives and revival in the face of rural decline: Case studies from China and Sweden. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 506-513.

46.     Long Hualou, Tu Shuangshuang, Ge Dazhuan, Li Tingting, Liu Yansui. The allocation and management of critical resources in rural China under restructuring: Problems and prospects. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 392-412.

47.     Liu Yansui, Zhou Yang, Wu Wenxiang. Assessing the impact of population, income and technology on energy consumption and industrial pollutant emissions in China. Applied Energy, 2015, 155: 904-917.

48.     Liu Yansui, Guo Yanjun, Li Yurui, Li Yuheng. GIS-based effect assessment of soil erosion before and after gully land consolidation: A case study of Wangjiagou project region, Loess Plateau. Chinese Geographical Science, 2015, 25(2): 137-146.

49.     Liu Yansui, Chen Cong, Li Yurui. Differentiation regularity of urban-rural equalized development at prefecture-level city in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(9): 1075-1088.

50.     Wang Guogang, Liu Yansui, Li Yurui, et al. Dynamic trends and driving forces of land use intensification of cultivated land in ChinaJournal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(1): 45-57.

51.     Zhou Yang, Liu Yansui*, Wu Wenxiang, Li Yurui. Effects of rural-urban development transformation on energy consumption and CO2 emissions: A regional analysis in China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 52: 863-875.

52.     Li Yuheng, Li Yurui, Hans Westlund, Liu Yansui. Urban-rural transformation in relation to cultivated land conversion in China: Implications for optimizing land use and balanced regional development. Land Use Policy, 2015, 47: 218-224.

53.     Yang Ren, Liu Yansui*, Long Hualou, Qiao Luyin. Spatio-temporal characteristics of rural settlements and land use in the Bohai Rim of China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(5): 559-572.

54.     Li Yurui, Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. Spatio-temporal pattern of China's rural development: A rurality index perspective. Journal of Rural Studies, 2015, 38: 12-26.

55.     Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. A brief background to rural restructuring in China: A forthcoming special issue of Journal of Rural Studies. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(10): 1279-1280.

56.     Li Yuheng, Zhang Zhenghe, Westlund, Hans, Liu Yansui. Rural Household Income in Transitional China: Spatio-Temporal Disparity and Its Interpretation. China-An International Journal, 2015, 13(2): 151-168.

57.     Zhou Yang, Liu Yansui, Wu Wenxiang, Li Ning. Integrated risk assessment of multi-hazards in China. Natural Hazards, 2015, 78(1): 257-280.

58.     Han Jichang, Liu Yansui*, Zhang Yang. Sand stabilization effect of feldspathic sandstone during the fallow period in Mu Us Sandy Land. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(4): 428-436.

59.     Hu Shougeng, Tong Luyi, Frazier Amy E, Liu Yansui. Urban boundary extraction and sprawl analysis using Landsat images: A case study in Wuhan, China. Habitat International, 2015, 47: 183-195.

60.     Li Yuheng, Wang Xun, Westlund Hans, Liu Yansui. Physical Capital, Human Capital, and Social Capital: The Changing Roles in China's Economic Growth. Growth and Change, 2015, 46(1): 133-149.

61.     Liu Yansui, Fangfang, Li Yuheng. Key issues of land use in China and implications for policy making. Land Use Policy, 2014, 40: 6-12.

62.     Liu Yansui, Yang Ren, Long Hualong, Jay Gao. Implications of land-use change in rural China: A case study of Yucheng, Shandong provinceLand Use Policy, 2014, 40: 111-118.

63.     Liu Yansui, Hu Zhichao, Li Yuheng. Process and cause of urban–rural development transformation in the Bohai Rim Region, ChinaJournal of Geographical Sciences, 2014, 24(6): 1147-1160.

64.     Liu Yansui, Lu Shasha, Chen Yufu. Spatio-temporal change of urban-rural equalized development patterns in China and its driving factorsJournal of Rural Studies, 2013, (32): 320-330.

65.     Liu Yansui, Yang Ren, Li Yuheng. Potential of land consolidation of hollowed villages under different urbanization scenarios in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2013, 23(3): 503-512.

66.     Liu Yansui, Wang Guogang, Zhang Fugang. Spatio-temporal dynamic patterns of rural area development in eastern coastal China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2013, 23(2): 173-181.

67.     Liu Yansui, Chen Yangfen, Long Hualou. Regional diversity of peasant household response to new countryside construction based on field survey in eastern coastal China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2011, 21(5): 869-881.

68.     Liu Yansui, Liu Yu, Cheng Yaofeng, Long Hualou. The process and driving forces of rural hollowing in China under rapid urbanization. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2010, 20(6): 876-888.

69.     Liu Yansui, Wang Jieyong, Long Hualou. Analysis of arable land loss and its impact on rural sustainability in Southern Jiangsu Province of China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2010, 91 (3):646–653.

70.     Liu Yansui, Zhang Yanyu, Guo Liying. Towards realistic assessment of cultivated land quality in an ecologically fragile environment: A satellite imagery-based approachApplied Geography, 2010, 30(2): 271-281.

71.     Liu Yansui, Zhang Fugang, Zhang Yingwen Appraisal of typical rural development models during rapid urbanization in the eastern coastal region of ChinaJournal of Geographical Sciences, 2009, 19(5): 557-567.

72.     Liu Yansui, Wang Jieyong, Deng Xiangzheng. Rocky land desertification and its driving forces in the karst areas of rural Guangxi, Southwest China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2008, 5(4): 681-699.

73.     Liu Yansui, Wang Lijuan, Long Hualou. Spatio-temporal analysis of land-use conversion in the eastern coastal China during 1996-2005Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2008, 18(3): 274-282.

74.     Liu Yansui, Wang Jieyong and Guo Liying.GIS-Based assessment of land suitability for optimal allocation in the Qinling Mountains, China. Pedosphere. 2006, 16(5): 579-586.

75.     Liu YansuiWang Dawei, Jay Gao. Land use/cover changes, the environment and water resources in Northeast ChinaEnvironmental Management, 2005, (36): 691-701.

76.     Liu Yansui, Hu Yecui, Peng Liuying. Accurate quantification of grassland cover density in the alpine meadow soil based on remote sensing and GPS. Pedosphere, 2005, 5(6): 778-783.

77.     Liu Yansui, Gan Hong, Jay Gao. The causes and environmental effects of land use conversion during agricultural restructuring in Northeast China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2004, 14 (4): 488-494.

78.     Liu Yansui, Zha Yong, Jay Gao, Ni Shaoxiang. Assessment of grassland degradation near Lake Qinghai, Western China using Landsat TM and ‘in situ’ reflectance spectra data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2004, 25(20): 4177-4189.

79.     Liu Yansui, Zhang Xiaoping, Li Xianwen. Mechanism and regulation of land use change in Yulin District. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2003, 13(2): 139-146.

80.     Liu Yansui, Jay Gao, Yang Yanfeng. A holistic approach towards assessment of severity of land degradation along the great wall in Northern Shaanxi Province, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2003, 82 (2): 187-202.

81.     Liu Yansui, Md Anisul Islam, Jay Gao. Quantification of shallow water quality parameters by means of remote sensing. Progress in Physical Geography, 2003, 27(1):24–43.

82.     Liu Yansui, Zheng Yu. Typical models and approach to sustainable agricultural development in Foreign and Home. Journal of Nanjing Normal University, 2002, 4(1): 57-65.

83.     Liu Yansui, Deng Xiangzheng, Structural patterns of land types and optimal allocation of land use in Qinling Mountains, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2001,11(1):99-109.

84.     Liu Yansui, The challenges and strategies of China’s sustainable agriculture development. Journal of Nanjing Normal University, 2000, 2(2): 108-116.

85.     Liu Yansui, Deng Xiaozheng, Probe into the towns planning of county in the Wenzhou coastal region. Journal of Nanjing Normal University, 1999, 11(1): 137-149.

86.     Liu Yansui, Wu Chuanjun, Sustainable agriculture progress and tasks in recent studies in China. The Journal of Chinese Geography, 1999, 9(3): 228-235.

87.     Liu Yansui, Ni Shaoxiang, A study on the optimal patterns of agricultural resources in relation with environmental features. Resources and environment in the Yangtze Valley, 1997, 6(1): 39-45.

88.     Wang Guogang, Liu Yansui, Li Yurui, et al.Dynamic trends and driving forces of land use intensification of cultivated land in ChinaJournal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(1): 45-57.

89.     Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Community-based rural residential land consolidation and allocationcan can help to revitalize hollowed villages in traditional agriculturalareas of China. Land Use Policy, 2014, 39: 188-198.

90.     Guo Yanjun, Liu Yansui, Wen Qi. The transformation of agricultural development towardsa sustainable future from an evolutionary view on the Chinese Loess Plateau: A case study of Fuxian County. Sustainability, 2014, 6(6): 3644-3668.

91.     Gong Jianzhou, Chen Wenli, Liu Yansui. The intensity change of urban development land: Implications for the city master plan of Guangzhou, China. Land Use Policy, 2014,40: 91-100.

92.     Li Yurui, Wang Jing, Liu YansuiProblem regions and regional problems of socioeconomic development in China: A perspective from the coordinated development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernizationJournal of Geographical Sciences, 2014, 24(6): 1115-1130.

93.     Li Yuheng, Chen Cong, Wang Yanfei, Liu Yansui. Urban-rural transformation and farmland conversion in China: The application of the environmental Kuznets Curve. Journal of Rural Studies, 2014, (33): 311-317.

94.     Wang Jieyong, Liu Yansui. Tourism-led land-Use changes and their environmental effects in the Southern Coastal Region of Hainan Island, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 2013, 29(5): 1118-1125.

95.     Lu Shasha, Liu Yansui*, Long Hualou. Agricultural Production Structure Optimization: A Case Study of Major Grain Producing Area, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(1): 184-197.

96.     Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Wang Jieyong. Local responses to macro development policies and their effects on rural system in China's mountainous regions: the case of Shuanghe Village in Sichuan Province. Journal of Mountain Science, 2013, 10(4): 588-608.

97.     Wang Jieyong, Liu Yansui, Liu Zhigao. Spatio-temporal pattern of cropland conversion in response to the “Grain for Green Project” in China’s Loess Hilly Region of Yanchuan County. Remote Sensing, 2013, 5(11):5642-5661.

98.     Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. International conference on land use issues and policy in China under rapid rural and urban transformation. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2013, 23(1): 129.

99.     Chen Yangfen, Wang Jieyong, Liu Yansui, Li Xiande. Regional suitability for settling rural migrants in urban China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2013, 23(6): 1136-1152.

100.  Li Yuheng, Zhang Zhenghe, Liu Yansui. Spatial-temporal contrasts in integrated urban-rural development in China, 1990-2010.China: An International Journal, 2013, 11(3): 1-19.

101.  Jay Gao, Liu Yansui*. Deforestation in Heilongjiang Province of China, 1896–2000: Severity, spatiotemporal patterns and causes. Applied Geography, 2012, 35(1-2): 345–352.

102.  Yang Ren, Liu Yansui*, Ren Zhiyuan. Assessment of climate for agricultural suitability and optimal allocation of agriculture production in the Guanzhong region, Shaanxi Province. Agriculture Science & Technology, 2012, 13(11): 2379-2448.

103.  Zhu Lin*, Liu Yansui. Analysis of the impact of off-farm employment of agriculture labor on grain production in Shandong Province and Henan Province. Agricultural Science & Technology, 2012, 13(7):1609-1615.

104.  Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui, Chen Wenli. Land suitability evaluation for development using a matter-element model: A case study in Zengcheng, Guangzhou, China. Land Use Policy, 2012, 29(2):464-472.

105.  Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui*, Chen Wenli. Optimal land use allocation of urban fringe in Guangzhou. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(1): 179-191.

106.  Long Hualou, LiYurui, Liu Yansui, et al. Accelerated restructuring in rural China fueled by ‘increasing vs. decreasing balance’ land-use policy for dealing with hollowed villages. Land Use Policy, 2012, 29(1): 11-22.

107.  Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. A commentary on the international conference on land use issues and policy in China under rapid rural and urban transformation. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2012, 3(4): 384.

108.  Jay Gao, Liu Yansui*. De(re)forestation and climate warming in subarctic China. Applied Geography, 2012, 32(2): 281-290.

109.  Jay Gao, Liu Yansui. Climate warming and land use change in Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China. Applied Geography, 2011, 31(2): 476-482.

110.  Sun Hu, Liu Yansui*, Xu Keshuai. Hollow villages and rural restructuring in major rural regions of China: A case study of Yucheng City, Shandong Province. Chinese Geographical Science, 2011, 21(3): 254-2633.

111.  Jay Gao, Liu Yansui. Determination of land degradation causes in Tongyu County, Northeast China via land cover change detection. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2010, 12(1): 9-16.

112.  Long Hualou, Liu Yansui*, Li Xiubin, Chen Yufu. Building new countryside in China: A geographical perspective. Land Use Policy, 2010, 27(2): 457-470.

113.  Chen Yangfen, Liu Yansui*, Xu Keshuai. Characteristics and mechanism of agricultural transformation in typical rural areas of Eastern China: A case study of Yucheng city, Shandong province. Chinese Geographical Science, 2010, 20(6): 545-553.

114.  Li Yurui, Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. Industrial development and land use/ cover change and their effects on local environment: a case study of Changshu in eastern coastal China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2010, 4(4): 438-448.

115.  Zhai Rongxin, Liu Yansui*. Dynamic evolvement of agricultural system and typical patterns of modern agriculture in Coastal China: A Case of Suzhou. Chinese Geographical Sciences, 2009, 19(3): 249–257.

116.  Chen Yufu, Liu Yansui*, Wang Jing. Land use changes of an aeolian-loessial soil area in Northwest China: Implications for Ecological Restoration. Pedosphere, 2009, 19(3):356-361.

117.  Long Hualou, Zou Jian, Liu Yansui. Differentiation of rural development driven by industrialization and urbanization in eastern coastal China. Habitat International, 2009, 33(4): 454-462.

118.  Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui, Xia Beicheng, Zhao Guanwei. Urban ecological security assessment and forecasting, based on a cellular automata model: A case study of Guangzhou, China. Ecological Modelling, 2009, 220(24): 3612-3620.

119.  Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui, Xia Beicheng. Spatial heterogeneity of urban land-cover landscape in Guangzhou from 1990 to 2005. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2009, 19(2): 213-224.

120.  Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, Wu Xiuqin, Dong Guihua. Spatio-temporal dynamic patterns of farmland and rural settlements in Su-Xi-Chang region: Implications for building a new countryside in coastal China. Land Use Policy, 2009, 26(2): 322-333.

121.  Yang Zisheng, Liu Yansui. Method for evaluating the degrees of land use sustainability of mountainous county and its application in Yunnan province, China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2008, 5(2): 98–112.

122.  Jay Gao, Liu Yansui. Mapping of land degradation from space: a comparative study of Landsat ETM+ and ASTER data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2008, 29(14): 4029–4043.

123.  Zhang Fugang, Liu Yansui*. Quantitative appraisement on ecological carrying capacity in the coastal rapid developing region—a case study of Hainan province. Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment, 2008, 5(2): 1-7.

124.  Zha Yong, Liu Yansui, Deng Xiangzheng. A landscape approach to quantifying land cover changes in Yulin, Northwest China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2008, 138(1-3): 139-147.

125.  Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. China-France international symposium on rural construction and development, Beijing, China, 23-24 September 2007. Chinese Geographical Science, 2007, 17(4): 348.

126.  Jay Gao, Liu Yansui, Yufu Chen. Land cover changes during agrarian restructuring in Northeast China. Applied Geography, 2006, 26(4): 312-322.

127.  Guo Liying, Ren Zhiyuan, Liu Yansui. The causes of land landscape changes in semi-arid area of Northwest China: a case study of Yulin city. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2006, 16(2): 192-198.

128.  Hu Yecui, Liu Yansui, Deng Xusheng. Land Use Change and Its Eco-environmental Effects in Transitional Agro-pastoral Region?—The case study of Yulin district in northern Shaanxi. Proceedings of IGARSS, 2005, 8.

129.  Qi Feng, Liu Yansui, Masao Mikami. Geostatistical analysis of soil moisture variability in grassland. Journal of Arid Environments, 2004, 58(3): 357-372.

130.  Qi Feng, Liu Wei, Liu Yansui, Z. Yanwu, and S. Yonghong. Impact of desertification and global warming on soil carbon in northern China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2004, (109): 21-25.

131.  Zha Yong, Gao Jay, Ni Shaoxiang, Liu Yansui, Jiang Jianjun and Wei Yuchun. A spectral reflectance-based approach to quantification of grassland cover form Landsat TM imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2003, 87(2-3): 371-375.

132.  Fang Chuanglin, Huang Jinchuan, Liu Yansui. Thoughts on constructing the demonstration areas of the ecological rebuilding and economic sustainable development in Hexi Region. Chinese Geographical Science, 2002, 12(1): 14-22.

133.  Yan Junping, Liu Yansui, A study on environmental aridity over the northern and southern to Qinling Mountains under climate warming, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2001,11(2): 193-201.

134.  Jay Gao, Liu Yansui. Applications of remote sensing, GIS and GPS in glaciology: a review. Progress in Physical Geography, 2001, 25(4): 520-540.

135.  Zhang Wenzhong, Liu Yansui. Study on land resource problems and countermeasures in the process of urbanization in China. Regional Views (Japan), 2001, (14):1-8.

136.  Yang Ren, Liu Yansui*, Long Hualou, et al. Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Optimized Reconstructing Analysis of Rural Settlement in China. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(2):170-179.(in Chinese)

137.  Liu Yansui, Yan Bin, Wang Yanfei. Urban-Rural Development Problems and Transformation Countermeasuresin the New Period in China. Economic Geography, 2016 (7): 1-8. (in Chinese)

138.  Gao Junbo, Liu Yansui, Zhang Yongxian. Evolution of Temporal-spatial Pattern of Grain Production and Its Driving Mechanism in Huaihe River Basin During 1990-2012. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2016, 36(3): 179-185. (in Chinese)

139.  Qiao Luyun, Liu Yansui. The Logical Framework of Rural Land Comprehensive Consolidation  During New Period. Human Geography, 2016, 31(3): 67-73. (in Chinese)

140.  Du Guoming, Liu Yansui, Yu Fengrong, et al. Evolution of Concepts of Cultivated Land Quality and Recognition. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2016, 32(14). (in Chinese)

141.  Yang Yuanyuan, Liu Yansui, Zhang Ziwen. Study on Policy Innovation and Suggestions of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Based on Typical Investigation. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2016, 31(3): 337-345. (in Chinese)

142.  Liu Yansui, Li Yuheng. Rural Economy and Village-Town Development Research. Bulletin of the City Planning, 2016, 3: 023. (in Chinese)

143.  Li Yuheng, Wang Yanfei, Liu Yansui. Impact and Mechanism of Social Capital in Poverty Alleviation of China. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2016, 31(3): 302-308. (in Chinese)

144.  Chen Kanglin; Gong Jianzhou; Liu Yansui. The Spatial-temporal Differentiation of Green Space and Its Fragmentation during the Past Thirty-five Years in Guangzhou. Journal of Natural Resources, 2016, 31(7): 1100-1113. (in Chinese)

145.  Liu Yansui, Zhou Yang, Liu Jilai. Regional Differentiation Characteristics of Rural Poverty and Targeted Poverty Alleviation Strategy in China. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2016, 31(3): 269-278. (in Chinese)

146.  Li Yurui, Cao Zhi, Zheng Xiaoyu, Liu Yansui. Regional and Sustainable Approach for Target-Poverty Alleviation and Development of China. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2016, 31(3): 279-288. (in Chinese)

147.  Hu Yingen, Cai Guoli, Liao Chengquan, Liu Yansui. The Driving Forces of Sprawl and Allocation on Urban and Rural Construction Land. Economic Geography, 2016 (6): 161-167. (in Chinese)

148.  Li Yuheng, Cao Zhi, Jia Dameng, Zhang Ziwen, Liu Yansui. Institutional Evolution and Urban-RuralDifferences in China: Analysis Based on 30-years Panel Data. Areal Research and Development, 2016, 35(1). (in Chinese)

149.  Wang Yanfei, Liu Yansui, Li Yuheng. The Spatial Disparity of Rural Transition Development andRegional Characteristics of Its Driving Forces. Economic Geography, 2016 (5): 135-142.]

150.  Du Guoming, Sun Xiaobing, Liu Yansui. Analysis of Ecological Restoration on Ecosystem Services and Its Human Driving Factors in Yan'an City. Research of Soil and Water Conservation, 2016, 23(3): 233-239. (in Chinese)

151.  Gao Junbo, Liu Yansui, Qiao Weifeng, et al. Spatial Pattern and Regional Differentiation of County-Level Social Inequality in Typical Agricultural Areas of China: A Case Study of Henan Province. Geographical Research, 2016, 35(5): 885-897. (in Chinese)

152.  Liu Yansui, Wang Jieyong. 2016. Theoretical Analysis and Technical Methods of “Multiple Planning Integration” in the Rural to Urban Transition Period in China. Progressin Geography, 2016, 35(5): 529-536. (in Chinese)

153.  Hu Zhichao, Pengjian, Du Yueyue, Song Zhiqing, Liu Yansui, et al. Reconstructing hollow villages in the view of structural reformof the supply side. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(12): 2119-2128. (in Chinese)

154.  Gao Junbo, Qiao Weifeng, Liu Yansui, et al. Beyond Predicament: the Provision Patterns Reconstructionof NIMBY Facilities in Transitional China: Reflection of Site Selection ofIncineration Power Plants in Panyu,Guangzhou. China Soft Science, 2016 (1): 98-108.]

155.  Wang Yanfei, Liu Yansui, Yan Bin, et al. Spatial Patterns and Influencing Factors of Urban-rural Coordinated Development in China. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(1): 20-28. (in Chinese)

156.  Cheng Zhe, Cai Jianming, Cui Li, Liu Yansui. Facilitating Rural Transformation Development by Tourism Industry: A Case Study of Panjin, Liaoning Province. Research of Agricultural Modernization, 2016, 37(1): 143-150. (in Chinese)

157.  Fang Fang, Liang Haoguang, Liu Yansui. The Micro Mechanism of the Effect of Landon - Agriculturalization on Rural Development in Typical Agricultural Plain Region, 2016, 37(1): 57-64. (in Chinese)

158.  Liu Yansui. Integrated land research and land resources engineering. Resources Science, 2015, 37(1): 1-8. (in Chinese)

159.  Liu Yansui, Yang Ren. The spatial pattern measure of urban-rural development transformation in the Bohai Rim region in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(2): 248-256. (in Chinese)

160.  Liu Yansui, Zhou Yang. Challenges and Countermeasures for Beautiful Countryside Construction in China. Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment, 2015, 32(2): 97-105. (in Chinese)

161.  Liu Yansui. Key issues of land resources and its innovation ways under New-typeurbanization in China. Research on land resources and New-type Urbanization Construction in China, 2015. (in Chinese)

162.  Yang Ren, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, et al. Spatial-temporal characteristics of rural residential land use change and spatial directivity identification based on grid in the Bohai Rim in China. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(6): 1077-1087. (in Chinese)

163.  Yang Ren, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. The study on non-agricultural transformation co-evolution characteristics of "population-land-industry": Case study of the Bohai Rim in China. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(3): 475-486. (in Chinese)

164.  Yang Ren, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, et al. Research progress and prospect of rural transformation and reconstruction in China: paradigms and main content. Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(8): 1019-1030. (in Chinese)

165.  Qiao Luyin, Liu Yansui, Yang Ren. Regional types and regulating strategy of changes for rural residential land in China. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2015, 31(7): 1-8. (in Chinese)

166.  Qiao Weifeng, Liu Yansui, Wang Yahua, et al. The relationship of evolution between urban land use types and intensity in Nanjing since the early 21st century. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(11): 1800-1810. (in Chinese)

167.  Qiao Weifeng, Liu Yansui, Wang Yahua, et al. Analysis on the characteristics of three-dimensional urban space expansion in Nanjing since 2000. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(4): 666-676. (in Chinese)

168.  Qiao Weifeng, Liu Yansui, Xiang Lingzhi, et al. Research on Extracting Building Height Rapidly Based on High-resolution Remote Sensing Images Without Parameters. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2015, 17(8): 995-1000. (in Chinese)

169.  Qiao Weifeng, Liu Yansui, Wang Yahua, et al. Three-dimensional Urban Gravity Center Calculation Method and Empirical Research: A Case Study of Nanjing. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2015, 17(3): 268-273. (in Chinese)

170.  Liu Xiaoqiong, Liu Yansui, Li Tongsheng, et al. Evolution Law of the Runoff and Sediment Discharge of the Weihe River Based on Wavelet Multi-Scale Transform. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(2): 211-217. (in Chinese)

171.  Wang Guogang, Liu Yansui, Wang Jieyong. Evolution mechanism and regulation strategies of hollowed villages in China. Research of Agricultural Modernization, 2015, 36(1): 34-40. (in Chinese)

172.  Wang Yanfei, Liu Yansui, Li Yurui. Spatial-temporal patterns of urbanization and rural development and their coordination in Bohai Rim region. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(1): 122-130. (in Chinese)

173.  Du Guoming, Liu Yansui. Analyzing Optimization of Settlement System in the Reclamation Region of Heilongjiang Province: A Case Study of Jiansanjiang Authority. China Land Sciences, 2015, 29(4): 65-71. (in Chinese)

174.  Qiao Luyin, Liu Yansui, Chen Cong. Study on Evaluation and Pattern of Urban and Rural Construction Land Intensive Use of Hainan Province. Areal Research And Development, 2015, 34(3): 118-123. (in Chinese)

175.  Fu Chao, Liu Yansui. The Urban Expansion Effects on Land Use of Xihu Longjing Tea and Its Development. Economic Geography, 2015, 35(6): 138-142. (in Chinese)

176.  Chen Cong, Liu Yansui. The spatio-temporal patterns of urbanization of China’s agricultural area and its influential factors: the case of Henan Province. Economic Geography, 2014, 34(12): 48-54. (in Chinese)

177.  Hu Yingen, Liu Yansui, Zhang Ziqing. Coordination of land, capital and population in urban and rural area under the background of new-type urbanization. Special Zone Economy, 2015, (2): 16-18. (in Chinese)

178.  Chen Zongfeng, Liu Yansui. Spatial Analysis of urbanization Coordination degree of Shandong Province. Research on land resources and New-type Urbanization Construction in China, 2015. (in Chinese)

179.  Liu Jilai, Liu Yansui. Pattern and process of urban—rural land use transformation at village scale: a case of Xuanhua district, Hebei province. Research on land resources and New-type Urbanization Construction in China, 2015. (in Chinese)

180.  Hu Yingen, Ni Nian, Liu Yansui. Study on the Changes of Farmers’ Welfare before and after the Rural Homestead Replacement: The cases study of the four building pilot sites of a new socialist countryside in Hubei Province. Research on land resources and New-type Urbanization Construction in China, 2015. (in Chinese)

181.  Feng Weilun, Liu Yansui. Key Issues of New Countryside Construction and its Countermeasure in Rural Henan province. Research on land resources and New-type Urbanization Construction in China, 2015. (in Chinese)

182.  Liu Yansui, Chen Cong, Li Yuheng. The town-villages construction pattern under New-type urbanization in China. Areal Research and Development, 2014, 33(6): 1-6. (in Chinese)

183.  Liu Yansui. Innovation system and policy of arable land conservation under the New-type Urbanization in China. Economic Geography, 2014, 34(4): 1-6. (in Chinese)

184.  Liu Yansui. New progress in land resources study and academic communication in China. Journal of Natural Resources, 2013, 28(9):1479-1487. (in Chinese)

185.  Liu Yansui. Land use problems need to be solved by the New-type Urbanization. Resources Environment and Development, 2013, (4): 12-13. (in Chinese)

186.  Liu Yansui. New progress of land resources studies and related developmental tendencies in China. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2013, 21(1): 127−133. (in Chinese)

187.  Liu Yansui. “Rural diseases” should be radical cured during the process of New-type Urbanization. Weishi. Modern Management, 2013, (11): 21. (in Chinese)

188.  Liu Yansui. New-type urbanization suits villages more than urbanization. China’s Construction of Old Resolutionary Basic Area, 2013, (3): 18. (in Chinese)

189.  Liang Haoguang, Liu Yansui. Study on spatio-temporal change and simulation of population in Beijing based on census data. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(10): 1487-1495. (in Chinese)

190.  Fang Fang, Liu Yansui, Li Yurui, Liang Haoguang. Impact of land conversion on rural systems in typical agriculture counties of eastern plain area, China. Progress in Geography, 2014, 33(10): 1405-1413. (in Chinese)

191.  Hu Yingen, Liao Chengquan, Liu Yansui. Practice and reflection on Rural In-situ Urbanization under the background of New-type Urbanization. Journal of Huangzhong Agricultural University (Social Sciences Edition), 2014, (1): 104-109. (in Chinese)

192.  Du Guoming, Liu Yansui, Liu Ge. The analysis of changes in grain production and driving factors in Heilongjiang Province recent 30 years. Research of Agricultural Modernization, 2014, 35(5): 519-524. (in Chinese)

193.  Li Yuheng, Chen Cong, Liu Yansui. Assessment and classification of urban-rural development transformation in China: The study of Bohai Rim. Geographical Research, 2014, 33(9): 1595-1602. (in Chinese)

194.  Wen Qi, Liu Yansui. Development track and its effect of rural transformation in energy exploitation area of northern Shaanxi Province. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2014,34(9): 1077-1084. (in Chinese)

195.  Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, Zhang Xiaolin. Recent progress in agriculture geography and rural development research. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(8): 1145-1158. (in Chinese)

196.  Wang Guogang, Liu Yansui, Chen Yangfen. Dynamic trends and driving forces of land-use intensification in the cultivated land of China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(7): 907-915. (in Chinese)

197.  Liu Xiaoqiong, Liu Yansui, Li Tongsheng, Yu Zhengsong. Changes and reduction causes of annual runoff in intensive energy development area: a case study of Kuye River. Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences), 2014, 50(3): 299-304. (in Chinese)

198.  Ding Yue, Cai Jianming, Liu Yansui, Wang Lanying. Study on the rural transformation development pattern in Dulan Pastoral Area of Qinghai Province under the framework of PPP (Publi Private Partnership). Economic Geography, 2014, 34(4): 139-144. (in Chinese)

199.  Li Yuheng, Hu Zhichao, Liu Yansui. Study of allocation efficiency of farmland non-agricultural transformation in coastal China. Areal Research and Development, 2014, 33(2): 130-134. (in Chinese)

200.  Liu Xiaoqiong, Liu Yansui, Li Tongsheng. Research on the human driving forces of climatic change and adaptive strategies in intensive energy-development area: a case study of Yulin City. Areal Research and Development, 2014, 33(2): 159-164. (in Chinese)

201.  Lu Shasha, Liu Yansui, Guan Xingliang. Agricultural region multi-function and its spatio-temporal evolution characteristics: a case study of sampling belt along G106 in China. Chinese Land Sciences, 2014, 28(3): 67-75. (in Chinese)

202.  Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Wang Lijuan. Participatory appraisal of village development system: Methodology and application. Geographical Research, 2014, 33(2): 372-384. (in Chinese)

203.  Li Yurui, Wang Jing, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Spatial pattern and influencing factors of the coordination development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization in ChinaActa Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(2): 199-212. (in Chinese)

204.  Liu Yansui. Analysis of land-use issues and countermeasures during rural-urban transformation in China. Xining: Research on land resource utilization and ecological civilization construction in China, 2013. (in Chinese)

205.  Gong Jianzhou, Chen Jianfei, Liu YansuiQuantitative Study on Factors for Urban Underlying Surface Classification Using Linear Spectral Mixing ModelJournal of Geo-Information Science, 2013, 15(4): 574-580. (in Chinese)

206.  Lu Shasha, Liu Yansui, Guan Xingliang. Comprehensive Zoning of Agricultural Region Under the Rural-urban Development Transformation in China: a case study of sampling belt along G106 in ChinaScientia Geographica Sinica, 2013, 33(8): 909-917. (in Chinese)

207.  Du Guoming, Liu Yansui. The effect of agricultural development on changes in regional ecosystem services value. Xining: Research on land resource utilization and ecological civilization construction in China, 2013. (in Chinese)

208.  Gong Jianzhou, Chen Jianfei, Liu Yansui. Comparison of land use identification and classification using different models for E0-1 Hyperion Images. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 2013, 21(3): 453-462. (in Chinese)

209.  Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Village transformation development, resources and environment effects and their optimal regulation in the metropolitan suburbs: The case of Beicun in Shunyi, BeijingActa Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(6): 825-838. (in Chinese)

210.  Fang Fang, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Li Yurui. Moderate Land Non-agriculturalization of Counties in around Bohai Rim in ChinaJournal of Natural Resources, 2013, 28(6): 889-897. (in Chinese)

211.  Liu Yu, Liu Yansui, Guo Liying. SOFM-Based functional subareas of rural area along the Bohai Rim in China. Human Geography, 2013, (3): 114-120. (in Chinese)

212.  Wang Guogang, Liu Yansui, Fang Fang. Comprehensive evaluation and spatial distinction of land use efficiency around Bohai Rim in ChinaProgress in Geography, 2013, 32(4): 649-656. (in Chinese)

213.  Lu Shasha, Guan Xingliang, Liu Yansui, He Chao. Agricultural region type identification and its spatio-temporal evolution characteristics: a case study of sampling belt along G106 in ChinaProgress in Geography, 2013, 32(4): 637-648. (in Chinese)

214.  Lu Shasha, Liu YansuiRural Land Consolidation Potential of Typical Transect along No.106 State RoadJournal of Natural Resources, 2013, 28(4): 537-549. (in Chinese)

215.  Fu Chao, Liu Yansui. Coordinated development between land use change and population change in urbanizing China. Economic Geography, 2013, 33(3): 47-51. (in Chinese)

216.  Hu Yingen, Zhang Man, Wei Xiyun, Liu Yansui, et al. measuring the compensation for quitting rural residential land: Take rural area of Shangqiu City as a case. China Land Science, 2013, 27(3): 29-35. (in Chinese)

217.  Du Guoming, Liu YansuiEvaluating and Zoning Intensive Utilization of Cultivated Land in Heilongjiang ProvinceResources Science, 2013, 35(3): 554-560. (in Chinese)

218.  Yang Ren, Liu Yansui, Guo Liying, Li Yuheng. Spatial-temporal characteristics for rural hollowing and cultivated land use intensive degree: Taking the Circum-Bohai Sea region in China as an exampleProgress in Geography, 2013, 32(2): 181-190. (in Chinese)

219.  Fang Fang, Liu Yansui. The impact of population non-agriculturalization on cultivated land use type in traditional plain area. Human Geography, 2013, (1): 100-104. (in Chinese)

220.  Li Yuheng, Liu Yansui. Investigation of the resource & environment issues in the urban-rural transition in China. Economic Geography, 2013, 33(1): 61-65. (in Chinese)

221.  Wang Guogang, Liu Yansui, Liu Yu. Regional Model and Mechanism of Rural Labor Transfer Response to Rapid Urbanization in Eastern Coastal ChinaJournal of Natural Resources, 2013, 28(1): 1-9. (in Chinese)

222.  Wang Jieyong, Liu Yansui, Chen Yangfen. Empirical Analysis on Influencing Factors of the Hollowing Village Degree-Based on the Survey Data of Sample Villages in Shandong ProvinceJournal of Natural Resources, 2013, 28(1): 10-18. (in Chinese)

223.  Yang Ren, Liu Yansui, Chen Yufu. The Remote Sensing Inversion for Spatial and Temporal Changes of Multiple Cropping Index and Detection for Influencing Factors around Bohai Rim in ChinaScientia Geographica Sinica, 2013, 33(5): 588-593. (in Chinese)

224.  Wang Jieyong, Liu Yansui, Chen Yufu. Empirical Research on HouseholdWillingness and Its Caused Factors for Land Consolidation of Hollowing Village in Huang-Huai-Hai Traditional Agricultural AreaScientia Geographica Sinica, 2012, 32(12): 1452-1458. (in Chinese)

225.  Liu Yansui, Yang Ren. The spatial characteristics and formation mechanism of the county urbanization in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012, 67(8): 1011-1020. (in Chinese)

226.  Liu Yansui. Rural land consolidation and rural-urban harmonies development in China. Guiyang: research on rural land consolidation and rural-urban harmonies development in China, 2012. (in Chinese)

227.  Liu Yansui. To structure long term mechanism of cultivated land protection. Land & Resources Herald, 2012, (7): 41-43. (in Chinese)

228.  Liu Yansui. Multi-level Innovation of Land Use Mechanism. China Land Use, 2012, (11): 1. (in Chinese)

229.  Liu Yu, Liu Yansui, Guo Liying. Spatio-temporal Differentiation of County Multi-functions along the Bohai Rim in ChinaActa Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2012, 48(6): 998-1008. (in Chinese)

230.  Liu Yu, Liu Yansui. Progress and prospect in the study of rural region multifunctions. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2012, 22(10): 164-169. (in Chinese)

231.  Guo Yanjun, Liu Yansui, Li Yurui. Study on rural endogenous development driven by inner power. Economic Geography, 2012, 32(9): 114-125. (in Chinese)

232.  Yang Ren, Liu Yansui, Chen Yangfen. Comprehensive measure and partition of rural hollowing in ChinaGeographical Research, 2012, 31(9): 1697-1706. (in Chinese)

233.  Song Tao, Cai Jianming, Liu Yansui, Ni Pan. Study on model of agricultural land transferences and mechanism innovation. Rural Economy, 2012, (8): 23-26. (in Chinese)

234.  Chen Yufu, Xie Qingheng, Liu YansuiConstruction Land Area Changes and Their Influencing Factors of ChinaProgress in Geography, 2012, 31(8): 1050-1054. (in Chinese)

235.  Han Jichang, Liu Yansui, Luo Lintao. Research on the core technology of remixing soil by soft rock and sand in the Maowusu Sand Land region. China Land Sciences, 2012, 26(8): 87-94. (in Chinese)

236.  Yang Ren, Liu Yansui. The spatial-temporal characteristics for rural hollowing and cultivated land use intensive degree around Bohai in China. Guiyang: research on rural land consolidation and rural-urban harmonies development in China, 2012. (in Chinese)

237.  Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Rural residential land consolidation and allocation in the Huang-Huai Hai Plain. Guiyang: research on rural land consolidation and rural-urban harmonies development in China, 2012. (in Chinese)

238.  Yang Zisheng, Liu Yansui. Study on spatio-temporal change of drought disaster in China from 1950 to 2010. Guiyang: research on rural land consolidation and rural-urban harmonies development in China, 2012. (in Chinese)

239.  Yang Zisheng, Liu Yansui. Study on flood disaster regionalization in China. Kunming: Research on water governance and sustainable development of China, 2012. (in Chinese)

240.  Yang Zisheng, Liu Yansui. Study on drought disaster regionalization in China. Kunming: Research on water governance and sustainable development of China, 2012. (in Chinese)

241.  Yang Zisheng, Liu Yansui. Study on spatio-temporal change of flood disaster in China from 1950 to 2010. Kunming: Research on water governance and sustainable development of China, 2012. (in Chinese)

242.  Liu Yu, Guo Liying, Liu YansuiSpatial-temporal dynamic change and analysis of grain production in county scale in Bohai Rim from 1980 to 2008Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2012, 28(12): 230-236. (in Chinese)

243.  Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Characteristics and mechanism of village transformation development in typical regions of Huang-Huai-Hai PlainActa Geographica Sinica, 2012, 67(6):771-782. (in Chinese)

244.  Liu Yansui, Zhu Lin, Li Yuheng. The essential theories and models of rural land consolidation in the transitional period of ChinaProgress in Geography, 2012, 31(6): 777-782. (in Chinese)

245.  Wang Lijuan, Liu Yansui, Hu Bao. Globalization and land-use transitions in China. Ecological Economy, 2012, (6): 42-44. (in Chinese)

246.  Zhu Lin, Liu YansuiInfluencing factors behind peasants desire for urban household registration during urbanization: A case study of Dancheng CountyProgress in Geography, 2012, 31(4): 461-467. (in Chinese)

247.  Long Hualou, Zou Jian, Li Tingting, Liu YansuiStudy on the characteristics and territorial types of rural transformation development: The case of "Southern Jiangsu-Northern Shaanxi" transectGeographical Research, 2012, 31(3): 495-506. (in Chinese)

248.  Chen Yangfen, Liu Yansui, Yang Ren. Identification of Chinas suitable regions for rural residential land consolidation based on livelihoods transformationActa Geographica Sinica, 2012, 67(3):420-427. (in Chinese)

249.  Liu Yu, Liu Yansui, Guo Liying. Connotations of rural regional multifunction and its policy implications in China. Human Geography, 2011, (6): 103-106. (in Chinese)

250.  Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Zhang Xiaolin, et al. Research progress and prospect in the disciplines of agricultural geography and rural development in ChinaProgress in Geography, 2011, 30(12): 1498-1505. (in Chinese)

251.  Fan Jie, Liu Weidong, Jin Fengjun, Liu Yansui, et al. The research progress of Human-Economic Geography in Major Plans of Science and TechnologyProgress in Geography, 2011, 30(12): 1548-1554. (in Chinese)

252.  Mu Songlin, Liu Yansui, Liu Chunla. Land supporting capacity evaluation and response approach for valley economic development in mountainous region: Empirical analysis of Miyun County in Beijing. Economic Geography, 2011, 31(11): 1880-1885. (in Chinese)

253.  Cui Weiguo, Li Yurui, Liu YansuiRural hollowing in key agricultural areas of China: characteristics, mechanisms and countermeasuresResources Science, 2011, 33(11): 2014-2021. (in Chinese)

254.  Gong Jianzhou, Chen Jianfei, Liu Yansui. Atmospheric correction and evaluation for E0-1 Hyperion images based on FLAASH model. Journal of Guangzhou University (Natural Science Edition), 2011, 10(5): 69-75. (in Chinese)

255.  Yang Ren, Liu Yansui, Liu Yu. Regional difference and patterns of China's rural development in the new eraProgress in Geography, 2011, 30(10): 1247-1254. (in Chinese)

256.  Liu Yansui, Liu Yu, Chen Yufu. Territorial multi-functionality evaluation and decision-making mechanism at county scale in ChinaActa Geographica Sinica, 2011, 66(10):1379-1389. (in Chinese)

257.  Xu Keshuai, Liu Yansui. Theories and a critical review on central village construction under urban and rural harmonious development. Areal Research and Development, 2011, 30(5): 7-11. (in Chinese)

258.  Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Study on the pattern and types of rural development in the Huang-Huai-Hai regionGeographical Research, 2011, 30(9): 1637-1647. (in Chinese)

259.  Chen Yangfen, Liu Yansui. Discussion and Policy Recommendation for Rural Land Consolidation in China China Land Science, 2011, 25(4): 93-96. (in Chinese)

260.  Liu Yansui. The value and revelation of rural residential land integrated renovation in Shaanxi Province. China Land, 2011, (7): 20-22. (in Chinese)

261.  Liu Yu, Liu Yansui, Guo Liying. Zoning and consolidation strategy for rural residential land in the areas around Bohai gulf in ChinaTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2011, 27(6): 306-312. (in Chinese)

262.  Lu Shasha, Liu YansuiModeling analysis of suitable operating scale of agricultural land in circulation: a case study based on household surveys in Lijin of ShandongProgress in Geography, 2011, 30(5): 600-606. (in Chinese)

263.  Liu Yansui. Scientifically promoting the strategy of reclamation and readjustment of rural land in China. China Land Science, 2011, 25(4): 3-8. (in Chinese)

264.  Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Agricultural Geography and Rural Development in China: Research Progress and ProspectProgress in Geography, 2011, 30(4): 409-416. (in Chinese)

265.  Sun Hu, Liu Yansui. Study on farmers’ income difference and its mechanism in Shandong Province. Areal Research and Development, 2011, 30(2): 69-72. (in Chinese)

266.  Lu Shasha, Liu Yansui, Guan Xingliang. The development trend of rural economy and influence mechanism of policy on it in major grain producing area. Economic Geography, 2011, 31(3): 483-488. (in Chinese)

267.  Wang Lijuan, Liu Yansui, Li Yurui. Study on optimal rural land use of Tianjin under rapid urbanization. Ecological Economy, 2011, (3): 112-116. (in Chinese)

268.  Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Chen Yufu. Progress in mode of new countryside construction and sustainable development in eastern coastal areas of China. Geographical Research, 2011, 30(2): 194. (in Chinese)

269.  Liu Yu, Liu Yansui, Guo Liying. Evolvement of Spatial Pattern of Per Capita Grain Possession at County Level in the Area along Bohai Rim of ChinaScientia Geographica Sinica, 2011, 31(1): 102-109. (in Chinese)

270.  Liu Yansui, Li Yurui. Spatio-temporal coupling relationship between farmland and agricultural labor changes at county level in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010, 65(12): 1607-1617. (in Chinese)

271.  Liu Yansui, Liu Yu. Progress and prospect on the study of rural hollowing in China. Geographical Research, 2010, 29(1):35-42. (in Chinese)

272.  Liu Yansui, Liu Yu, Guo Liying. Impact of climatic change on agricultural production and response strategies in China. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2010, 18(4):905-910. (in Chinese)

273.  Liu Yansui. Rural land renovation should benefit farmers from it. Report of rural work, 2010, (23): 40. (in Chinese)

274.  Du Shanshan, Cai Jianming, Liu Yansui. Growth diversity and evolution pattern analysis of net income growth of farmers in the counties of Henan. Economic Geography, 2010, 30(12): 2091-2096. (in Chinese)

275.  Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui, Zhang Ling. The Optimal Allocation of Land Use and Its Potential Appraisal in Guangzhou CityActa Geographica Sinica, 2010, 65(11): 1391-1400. (in Chinese)

276.  Zhang Ji, Zhu Xiaohua, Liu Yansui, Li Yayun. A survey of village land use potentiality based on 0.25m resolution images: Exemplified by 12 villages in Juye County, Shandong Province. Economic Geography, 2010, 30(10): 1717-1721. (in Chinese)

277.  Gong Jianzhou, Xia Beicheng, Liu YansuiStudy on spatial-temporal heterogeneities of urban ecological security of Guangzhou based on spatial statisticsActa Ecologica Sinica, 2010, 30(20): 5626-5634. (in Chinese)

278.  Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Spatio-temporal Analysis of Population and Residential Land Change in Rural ChinaJournal of Natural Resources, 2010, 25(10): 1629-1638. (in Chinese)

279.  Wang Jieyong, Liu Yansui, Chen Yufu. Spatial expansion pattern and its dynamic mechanism of typical rural settlements in Huang-Huai-Hai PlainGeographical Research, 2010, 29(10): 1833-1840. (in Chinese)

280.  Liu Yu, Liu Yansui, Chen Yufu, Guo Liying. Urban-rural agriculture development strategy of urban circle around Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2010, 31(4): 1-6. (in Chinese)

281.  Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui, Xia Beicheng. Response of Fusion Images to Wavelet Decomposition Levels of Integration of Wavelet Transform and IHS with Multiple Sources Remotely Sensed DataJournal of Image and Graphics, 2010, 15(8): 1269-1277. (in Chinese)

282.  Liu Yu, Liu Yansui, Guo Liying. Comprehensive Evaluation and Optimization Strategy of the Territorial Function for Grain Production: A Case of the Area along Bohai Rim in ChinaProgress in Geography, 2010, 29(8): 920-926. (in Chinese)

283.  Liu Yansui. Land resources exploitation and man-land harmonious development in mountain areas. Kunming: Research on development and utilization of land in the mountain area and harmonious development of human-environment relationship, 2010. (in Chinese)

284.  Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui, Xia Beicheng. Land-use optimal and its potential in Guangzhou based on comprehensive analysis of economy and ecology. Kunming: Research on development and utilization of land in the mountain area and harmonious development of human-environment relationship, 2010. (in Chinese)

285.  Chen Yufu, Zhang Yingwen, Liu YansuiRegional differences of agricultural development in a typical transect in Jiangsu ProvinceGeographical Research, 2010, 29(7): 1317-1323. (in Chinese)

286.  Liu Yu, Liu Yansui, Guo Liying. Spatial difference analysis of the rural residents’ net-income along the Bohai Rim in China. Economic Geography, 2010, 30(6): 992-997. (in Chinese)

287.  Liu Xiaoqiong, Liu Yansui, Ren Rizhao. Eco-environmental Problems of Energy-chemistry Base in Yulin City of Shaanxi Province and the Control MeasuresJournal of Catastrophology, 2010, 25(2): 129-133. (in Chinese)

288.  Zhu Xiaohua, Chen Yangfen, Liu Yansui. Technique and Method of Rural Land Consolidation Potential Investigation and Assessment: A Case Study of Yucheng City, Shandong Province. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010, 65(6): 736-744. (in Chinese)

289.  Chen Yufu, Sun Hu, Liu Yansui. Reconstruction Models of Hollowed Villages in Key Agricultural Regions of China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010, 65(6): 727-735. (in Chinese)

290.  Zhu Xiaohua, Zheng Jingjing, Liu Yansui, et al. Construction and application of land use classification system on village scale: A case study of Paizi Village, Lun zhen, Yucheng City, Shandong ProvinceGeographical Research, 2010, 29(5): 883-890. (in Chinese)

291.  Liu Xiaoqiong, Liu Yansui, Xue Liang. Energy exploitation and county regional economy development in vulnerable eco-logical region under climate change --A case study of Yulin CityJournal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2010, 24(4): 20-25. (in Chinese)

292.  Chen Yangfen, Liu Yansui, Li Yurui. Calculation on Economic Compensation Standard for Farmland Proteotion from the Perspective of Peasant Households' Production DecisionChina Land Science, 2010, 24(4): 4-8. (in Chinese)

293.  Wen Qi, Liu Yansui, Wang Jianxing. Land use changes and its response to ecology in vulnerable ecological area: A case study in Yulin City. Areal Research and Development, 2010, 29(2): 104-109. (in Chinese)

294.  Chen Yangfen, Liu Yansui, Wang Jieyong. Study on the Impact of Off-farm Employment on Peasant's Agricultural Land Lease Behavior in Eastern Coastal ChinaJournal of Natural Resources, 2010, 25(3): 368-375. (in Chinese)

295.  Gong Jianzhou, Liu Yansui, Xia Beicheng, et al. Effect of Wavelet Basis and Decomposition Levels on Performance of Fusion Images from Remotely Sensed DataGeography and Geo-information Science, 2010, 26(2): 6-10. (in Chinese)

296.  Zhang Yanyu, Liu YansuiResearch on Land Use Strategies of Rural-Urban Integration in Metropolitan Fringe Areas: A Case Study of Dongli District, Tianjin CityChina Land Science, 2010, 24(2): 3-8. (in Chinese)

297.  Zhang Fugang, Liu Yansui, Zhang Yingwen. Analysis of Rural Development State and Driving Force in Eastern Costal ChinaJournal of Natural Resources, 2010, 25(2): 177-184. (in Chinese)

298.  Liu Xiaoqiong, Liu YansuiChange of vulnerable degree of eco - environment before and after large -scale energy exploitationJournal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2010, 24(1): 46-51. (in Chinese)

299.  Liu Yu, Liu Yansui, Wang Jieyong. Zoning and evaluation of rural residential land consolidation: A case of Hebei ProvinceGeographical Research, 2010, 29(1): 145-153. (in Chinese)

300.  Chen Yufu, Liu Yansui, LONG Hualou, Wang Jieyong. Rural Development Process and Driving Mechanism of South Jiangsu, Eastern China: A Case Study of Suzhou CityProgress in Geography, 2010, 29(1): 123-128. (in Chinese)

301.  Liu Yansui, Wang Jieyong, Guo Liying. The Spatial-Temporal Changes of Grain Production and Arable Land in China. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2009, 42 (12): 4269-4274. (in Chinese)

302.  Liu Yansui, Liu Yu, Zhai Rongxin. Geographical Research and Optimizing Practice of Rural Hollowing in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009, 64(10): 1193-1202. (in Chinese)

303.  Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. A review of urban-rural land use allocation and new countryside construction. Journal of Natural Resources, 2009, 24(11): 177. (in Chinese)

304.  Liu YansuiInnovation of Land Use Strategies and Its Model System in ChinaChina Land Science, 2009, 23(2): 4-10. (in Chinese)

305.  Liu Yansui, Zhai Rongxin. Spatial-temporal pattern changes and optimal strategy of grain production in China since 1990s. Areal Research and Development, 2009, 28(1): 1-5. (in Chinese)

306.  Liu Yansui, Peng Liuying. Strategic analysis of the agricultural development in central region of China. Economic Geography, 2008, 28(4): 646-649. (in Chinese)

307.  Liu Yansui. Innovative research on modern agricultural geography and land use. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(4): 353-358. (in Chinese)

308.  Liu Yansui. Progress of researches on conception and model of new countryside construction in China. Geographical Research, 2008, 27(1): 479-480. (in Chinese)

309.  Liu YansuiThe Contributions of Academician Wu Chuanjun to Modern Agricultural Geography in ChinaScientia Geographica Sinica, 2008, 28(1): 1-6. (in Chinese)

310.  Liu Yansui, Yang Zisheng. New Progress and Its Prospects of Land Resources Sciences Research in ChinaJournal of Natural Resources, 2008, 23(2): 353-360. (in Chinese)

311.  Liu Yansui. Land use conversion and new countryside construction in Eastern Coastal Developed Rigion of China. Chongqing: Researches on sustainable utilization of land resources and new countryside construction in China, 2008. (in Chinese)

312.  Zhang Yanyu, Liu Yansui, Wang Yeqiao. Optimal Models and Approaches for Village Renovation Based on Urban-rural Harmonious Development: A Case Study of Sanya CityProgress in Geography, 2009, 28(6): 977-983. (in Chinese)

313.  Long Hualou, Li Yurui, Liu Yansui. Analysis of Evolutive Characteristics and Their Driving Mechanism of Hollowing Villages in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009, 64(10): 1203-1213. (in Chinese)

314.  Zhang Fugang, Liu Yansui, Zhang Yingwen, et al. Analysis of Agriculture Development State and Measures of the Developed Regions in Eastern Costal ChinaResources Science, 2009, 31(8): 1335-1340. (in Chinese)

315.  Wang Jieyong, Liu YansuiLand Use and Land Cover Change and Its Driving Forces in SanyaJournal of Natural Resources, 2009, 24(8): 1458-1466. (in Chinese)

316.  Zhang Fugang, Liu Yansui. New thinking of property right reform in rural land-use renovation. China Land, 2009, (7): 61. (in Chinese)

317.  Chen Yangfen, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Regional disparities and cause of rural economic development on county scale in eastern coastal area of China. Economic Geography, 2009, 29(7): 1154-1159. (in Chinese)

318.  Chen Yangfen, Liu Yansui, Zhai Rongxin. Households' Willingness and Its Determinants on the Scale Operation of Farmland in the Coastal Areas of East China based on Household SurveyResources Science, 2009, 31(7): 1102-1108. (in Chinese)

319.  Wang Jieyong, Liu YansuiThe Changes of Grain Output Center of Gravity and Its Driving Forces in China since 1990Resources Science, 2009, 31(7): 1188-1194. (in Chinese)

320.  Sun Hu, Liu Yansui. A typical model to harmonize urban-rural land use and industrial development. Economic Geography, 2009, 29(6): 972-976. (in Chinese)

321.  Dan Wenhong, Liu Yansui, Huang Juan, Zhang Cong. Study on Eco-museum localization and new rural construction in ethnic areas: Example of Eco-museum construction in Guizhou. Guizhou Ethnic Studies, 2009, 29(3): 47-52. (in Chinese)

322.  Liu Xiaoqiong, Liu YansuiResearch on the sustainable development of vulnerable ecological region based on AHP A case study of Yulin CityJournal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2009, 23(5): 19-23. (in Chinese)

323.  Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, Zou Jian. Assessment of Rural Development Types and Their Rurality in Eastern Coastal China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009, 64(4): 426-434. (in Chinese)

324.  Liu Yu, Liu Yansui, Xue Jian, et al. Calculation of the Integrated Productive Capacity and Subarea Utilization of Cultivated Land in Alluvial Plain Area of Haihe RiverResources Science, 2009, 31(4): 598-603. (in Chinese)

325.  Zhai Rongxin, Liu Yansui, Liang Haoguang. Characteristics of agricultural structure changes and regional differences in eastern coastal areas of China. Human Geography, 2009, (1): 72-75. (in Chinese)

326.  Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Influencing Mechanism of Spatio-Temporal Variation of Grain Production in Jiangsu ProvinceProgress in Geography, 2009, 28(1): 125-131. (in Chinese)

327.  Zhang Fugang, Liu Yansui, Zhang Yingwen. Research on Functions and Factors Optimization of Rural Development in Eastern Coastal Areas of ChinaResearch of Agricultural Modernization, 2009, 30(1): 1-5. (in Chinese)

328.  Zhai Rongxin, Liu Yansui. Changes in regional pattern for grain production in China since the 90s of 20century. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2008, 32(6): 49-54. (in Chinese)

329.  Hu Yecui, Fang Yudong, Liu YansuiPoverty Synthesis Evaluation and Its Spatial Distribute Character in Guangxi Karst Mountainous AreaChina Population·Resources and Environment, 2008, 18(6): 192-197. (in Chinese)

330.  Zhang Fugang, Liu YansuiQuantitative Appraisement of the Carrying Capacity of an Urban-rural System in a Rapidly Developing Coastal Region A Case Study of Hainan Province, ChinaJournal of Chongqing Jianzhu University, 2008, 30(5): 4-9. (in Chinese)

331.  Zhai Rongxin, Liu YansuiObstruction Factors Diagnose and Sustainable Development of Agricultural SystemsSystem Sciences and Comprehensive Studies in Agriculture, 2008, 24(3): 275-279. (in Chinese)

332.  Wen Qi, Liu YansuiThe Response of Water, Land and Food Security towards the Aridification and the Adaptive MeasuresCase Study of Northern Shaanxi ProvinceJournal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2008, 22(7): 7-11. (in Chinese)

333.  Yang Zisheng, Liu Yansui, He Yimei, et al. The Principles and Methods of Eco-friendliness Evaluation of Land Use in Mountainous Areas at County Level and Its Case StudyJournal of Natural Resources, 2008, 23(4): 600-611. (in Chinese)

334.  Zhai Rongxin, Liu Yansui. System and pathway of regional modern agriculture: A case study of Suzhou. Chongqing: Researches on sustainable utilization of land resources and new countryside construction in China, 2008. (in Chinese)

335.  Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, Sun Lijuan. Land-use change in the countryside of Su-Xi-Chang region. Chongqing: Researches on sustainable utilization of land resources and new countryside construction in China, 2008. (in Chinese)

336.  Wen Qi, Liu Yansui. Recent progress of research in rural transformation development and its trends in China. Chongqing: Researches on sustainable utilization of land resources and new countryside construction in China, 2008. (in Chinese)

337.  Zhang Fugang, Liu Yansui, Zhang Yingwen. Research on the functions and factors optimization models of agriculture and rural development in the eastern coastal areas of China. Chongqing: Researches on sustainable utilization of land resources and new countryside construction in China, 2008. (in Chinese)

338.  Hu Yecui, Liu Yansui, Wu Peilin, Zou Xiuping. Rocky desertification in Guangxi karst mountainous area: its tendency, formation causes and rehabilitationTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2008, 24(6): 96-101. (in Chinese)

339.  Zhang Fugang, Liu Yansui. Dynamic Mechanism and Models of Regional Rural Development in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(2): 115-122. (in Chinese)

340.  Wen Qi, Liu Yansui, Ding Jinmei, Chen Feng. Water Resources Pressure and Ecosystem Health in Yinchuan CityResources Science, 2008, 30(2): 247-253. (in Chinese)

341.  Liu Xiaoqiong, Liu Yansui, Yan Junping, Xu Xiaoling. Analysis on Climatic Changes under Global Climatic Change--A Case Study of Yulin CityJournal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2008, 22(1): 54-59. (in Chinese)

342.  Liu Yansui, Wang Yanglin, Fu Bojie. Introduction of geographical ideology and academic contribution of Liu Yinhan. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2007, 62(7): 776-781. (in Chinese)

343.  Liu Yansui, Lu Yanxia. Optimal Land Use Strategies to Guarantee Urban-Rural Harmonious Development in Eastern Coastal Region of ChinaJournal of Chongqing Jianzhu University, 2007, 29(3): 4-7. (in Chinese)

344.  Liu Yansui. Rural Transformation Development and New Countryside Construction in Eastern Coastal Area of China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2007, 62 (6): 563-570. (in Chinese)

345.  Wang Lijuan, Liu Yansui, Zhai Rongxin. Analysis of the Situation and Mechanism of Rural Employment Structure Conversion in Central Jiangsu ProvinceChina Population·Resources and Environment, 2007, 17(6): 135-138. (in Chinese)

346.  Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, Tang Guoping, Chen Yufu. Land-Use Change in Kunshan Implications for Building New Socialist CountrysideActa Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2007, 43(6): 790-796. (in Chinese)

347.  Yang Zisheng, Liu Yansui, He Yimei. Developing an Eco-Friendly Land Use Strategy in ChinaResources Science, 2007, 29(6): 120-127. (in Chinese)

348.  Wen Qi, Liu Yansui, Yan Junping. Analysis on Index System for Estimation of Ecological Water-saving CityJournal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2007, 21(10): 34-38. (in Chinese)

349.  Zheng Yu, Liu Yansui. Study on driving forces on land use type conversion in the process of industrialization and urbanization: A case study of Wuxi. Economic Geography, 2007, 27(5): 805-810. (in Chinese)

350.  Cai Yumei, Zhang Wenxin, Liu YansuiForecasting and Analyzing the Cultivated Land Demand based on Multi-Objectives in ChinaResources Science, 2007, 29(4): 134-138. (in Chinese)

351.  Wang Jieyong, Liu Yansui, Zhang Fugang. GIS-based Ecological Suitability Evaluation of Industrial Land UseA Case Study of Hainan IslandJournal of Mountain Science, 2007, 25(3): 290-294. (in Chinese)

352.  Yang Zisheng, Yang Longfei, Liu Yansui, He Yimei. The security of land resources demand for relocated land-losing farmers in Western China's hydroelectric development: a case study in Yunnan provinceJournal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2007, 26(2): 9-13. (in Chinese)

353.  Zhang Fugang, Liu Yansui, WANG Jieyong. Analysis of Regional System Couple State in Rapid Developing Coastal Region: A Case Study of Hainan ProvinceResources Science, 2007, 29(1): 16-20. (in Chinese)

354.  Liu Yansui, Jin Xiaoyan, Hu Yecui. Study on the pattern of rural distinctive eco-economy based on land resources: a case study of Suide County in Loess hilly areas. Journal of Natural Resources, 2006, 21(5): 7438-7450. (in Chinese)

355.  Liu Yansui. Strategies to guarantee land resources safety in China. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2006, 21(5): 379-384. (in Chinese)

356.  Liu Yansui, Gan Hong, Zhang Fugang. Analysis of the matching patterns of land and water resources in Northeast China. Acta Geographical Sinica, 2006, 61(8): 847-854. (in Chinese)

357.  Liu Yansui, deng Xusheng, Hu Yecui. Rocky Land Degradation and Poverty Alleviation Strategy in Guangxi Karst Mountainous AreaJournal of Mountain Science, 2006, 24(2): 228-233. (in Chinese)

358.  Liu Yansui. Economic and social development trend and land use optimal strategy in China. Nanning: Researches on strategies of land resources and coordinated regional development in China, 2006. (in Chinese)

359.  Chen Yufu, Liu Yansui, Yang Chunyue. Research on optimizing strategy for urban and rural land uses of Hainan Province. Nanning: Researches on strategies of land resources and coordinated regional development in China, 2006. (in Chinese)

360.  Liu Xiaoqiong, Liu YansuiCountermeasures on Adjustment of Regional Industry Structures under Climatic Drying ChangeA Case Study of Yulin CityProgress in Geography, 2006, 25(5): 86-93. (in Chinese)

361.  Yang Zisheng, Liu Yansui, He Yimei. The principles and methods of land use planning for settling migrants arose from building hydroelectric stations at the procincial level. Nanning: Researches on strategies of land resources and coordinated regional development in China, 2006. (in Chinese)

362.  Yang Zisheng, Liu Yansui. The principles land use planning for setting migrants arose from building hydropower station at the provincial level and its practice in Yunnan Province. Journal of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, 2006. 22(3): 107-114. (in Chinese)

363.  Wang Yeqiao, Liu Yansui. The mode of agro-stockbreeding development in New Zealand and its revelation. Economic Survey, 2006. (3): 25-27. (in Chinese)

364.  Cheng Yeqing, Zhang Pingyu, Liu Yansui, Gan Hong. Functional localization and safeguard mechanism of modern agriculture development in the Northeast China. Agricultural Development, 2006, (1): 12-13. (in Chinese)

365.  Liu Yansui, Peng Liuying, Chen Yufu. Conversion of land use types and ecological effect in Northeast China. Transactions of the CSAE, 2005, 21(11): 60-66. (in Chinese)

366.  Liu Yansui, Deng Xusheng, Gan Hong. The state and optimization counter measures of urban land-use in China. Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu University, 2005, 27(3): 1-4. (in Chinese)

367.  Liu Yansui, Peng Liuying, Wang Dawei. Analysis of the situation and mechanism of land use conversion in the southeast coastal area. Journal of Natural Resources, 2005,20(3): 333-339. (in Chinese)

368.  Liu Yansui, Gan Hong, Wang Dawei. Analysis of the agricultural modernization level and comparative advantage in northeast China. System Sciences and Comprehensive Studies in Agriculture, 2005, 21(2): 149-153. (in Chinese)

369.  Liu Yansui. Research field and frontier problems on agricultural and rural development in new period. Resources Science, 2005, 27(2): 176. (in Chinese)

370.  Yang Zisheng, Liu Yansui, Lu Yanxia. Sustainable use of land resources and soil erosion control in mountainous areas. Resources Science, 2005, 27(6): 146-150. (in Chinese)

371.  Gan Hong, Liu Yansui. Analysis of the guarantee degree of irrigation water resources and its spatial difference in Northeast China. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2005, 21(10): 10-16. (in Chinese)

372.  Chen Yufu, Liu Yansui, Yan Jianping. Livestock Agriculture and Rural Development of the Grassland Pasturing Area of ChinaProgress in Geography, 2005, 24(3): 17-24. (in Chinese)

373.  Wang Dawei, Liu Yansui, Lu Yanxia. Agricultural structure adjustment and its effect on China's food safety: case study of the main food supply regions. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2005, 15(2): 51-57. (in Chinese)

374.  Yang Zisheng, Liu Yansui. Liang Luohui, He Yimei. A change of soil erosion from 1960 to 2000 in the lower reaches of Jinsha River: A case study in Yiliang County, Yunnan Province. Journal of Mountain Science, 2005, 23(2): 144-152. (in Chinese)

375.  Guo Liying, Liu Yansui, Ren Zhiyuan. Analysis of the Land Landscape Changes and Its Driving Mechanism in Vulnerable Ecological Area: A Case Study of Yulin City. Resources Science, 2005, 27(2): 128-133. (in Chinese)

376.  Zheng Yu, Hu Yecui, Liu Yansui, Zhao Gengxing. Spatial analysis and optimal allocation of land resources based on land suitability evaluation in Shandong Province. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2005, 21(2): 60-65. (in Chinese)

377.  Liu Yansui, Wang Dawei, Peng Liuying. Recent progress in agricultural geography and its trends in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004, 59(5): 175-182. (in Chinese)

378.  Liu Yansui, Hu Yecui, Zheng Yu. Modeling optimal allocation of arable land in relatively developed areas: a case study in Wuxi city, Jiangsu province. Progress in Geography, 2004, 23(5): 25-32. (in Chinese)

379.  Liu Yansui. Trends of cultivated land resources and its optimal regional allocation in the course of urbanization in China. Kunming: Researches on situation of land resources and sustainable utilization in China, 2004. (in Chinese)

380.  Gan Hong, Liu Yansui, Wang Jing. Systematic evaluation of techno-economic level of coal-mining enterprises in china. Mining and Metallurgy, 2004, 13(3): 13-15. (in Chinese)

381.  Gan Hong, Liu Yansui, Wang Jing., Wu Peilin. Analysis of driving factors of land-use conversion in interlocked agro-pasturing area of north China. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2004, 18(4): 113-116. (in Chinese)

382.  Cai Yumei, Liu Yansui, Yu Zhenrong, Peter H Verburg. Progress in Spatial Simulation of Land Use Change CLUE-S model and its application. Progress in Geography, 2004, 23(4): 63-71. (in Chinese)

383.  Hu Yecui, Liu Yansui, Deng Xusheng. Relativity analysis on land use and land cover change and optimal allocation of land resources. Progress in Geography, 2004, 23(2): 51-57. (in Chinese)

384.  Wang Yuhua, Liu Yansui, Zhou Yinghua. Analysis of human driving forces underlying land use conversion in coastal developed regions: A case study of Wenzhou city. Progress in Geography, 2004, 23(2): 43-50. (in Chinese)

385.  Gan Hong, Liu Yansui, Wang Dawei. Simulation and Analysis of the Human Driving Factors of Land Use Type Conversion. Resources Science, 2004, 26(2): 88-93. (in Chinese)

386.  Liu Yansui, Wu Chuanjun, Zhang Jianping. The framework of land science and technology innovation system in China. Geographical Research, 2003, 22(4): 416-422. (in Chinese)

387.  Liu Yansui, Lu Dadao. The Basic Trend and Regional Effect of Agricultural Structure Adjustment in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003, 58(3): 381-389. (in Chinese)

388.  Zheng Yu, Liu Yansui, Wang Yuhua. Recent progress in land use study indevelped coastal area of China. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2003, 12(6): 509-514. (in Chinese)

389.  Deng Xiangzheng, Liu Yansui. Study on the land-use change and its spatial distribution: A case study in ankang district. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2003, 12(6): 522-528. (in Chinese)

390.  Gan Hong, Liu Yansui, Li Xianwen. Analysis of the correlativity between regional land use change and water resources optimal use. Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Engineering and Technology Edition). 2003, 26(3): 82-88. (in Chinese)

391.  Liu Yansui, Chen Baiming. The study framework of land use/cover change based on sustainable development in China. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(3): 324-330. (in Chinese)

392.  Liu Yansui, Wu Chuanjun, Lu Qi. Orientation and Tactics for 21st Century Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in China. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2002, 22(4): 385-389. (in Chinese)

393.  Liu Yansui, Wu Chuanjun. Situation of land-water resources and analysis of sustainable food security in China. Journal of Natural Resources, 2002, 17(3): 270-275. (in Chinese)

394.  Liu Yansui, Jay Gao. Trend Analysis of Land Degradation in the Zone along the Great Wall in Northern Shaanxi. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2002, 57(4): 443-450. (in Chinese)

395.  Zhang Wenzhong, Liu Yansui. Industrial structure reconstruction of mining city in western China: the case of Tongchuan, Shangxi. Resources Science, 2002, 24(3): 36-41. (in Chinese)

396.  Liu Yansui, Fan Jie. Study on territorial resources decision making oriented land use change of China. China Land Science, 2001, (4): 12-17. (in Chinese)

397.  Liu Yansui. Structural analysis and optimal use of land types in mountainous regions—taking Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province as an example. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2001, 56(4): 426-436. (in Chinese)

398.  Liu Yansui, Fang Chuanglin. A study on regional forced land use convertion and optimal allocation: Taking the Three Gorges Reservoir Area as an example. Journal of Natural Resources, 2001, 16(4): 334-340. (in Chinese)

399.  Liu Yansui, Wu Chuanjun. Typical models and approach of sustainable agricultural development in foreign and home. Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2001, 24(2): 119-124. (in Chinese)

400.  Liu Yansui, Feng Dexian. Sustainable potential and models of land use in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Geographical Research, 2001, 19(2): 139-145. (in Chinese)

401.  Liu Yansui. A study on agro-resources sustainable use based on mountainous eco-pattern. Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology, 2001, 20(1): 39-46. (in Chinese)

402.  Liu Yansui, Feng Dexian. Evaluation of sustainable agriculture and rural development of Suide County in Northern Shaanxi province. Journal of Shaanxi Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2001, 29(1): 85-89. (in Chinese)

403.  Liu Yansui, Zhang Wenzhong. A study on the strategy of sustainable development of mineral type city in weastern China: taking Tongchuan city as an example. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2001, 31(1): 83-88. (in Chinese)


[1] 刘彦随.“回得去的故乡”需要新思路(人民时评).人民日报,2014-03-11
[2] 刘彦随.新型城镇化待解土地难题(国是).光明日报,2013-10-17
[3] 刘彦随.新型城镇化应治“乡村病”(新论).人民日报,2013-09-10
[4] 刘彦随.农村治污没有退路(新论).人民日报,2013-02-26
[5] 刘彦随.节约集约用地促进城乡协调发展.人民日报,2012-09-25.
[6] 刘彦随.耕地保护要杜绝“监守自盗”.人民日报,2011-11-21
[7] 刘彦随.让农民在土地增值中受益.人民日报,2011-07-21.
[8] 刘彦随.稳定粮食生产关键让农民得益.人民日报,2011-03-28.
[9] 刘彦随. 稳定粮食生产关键让农民得益. 人民日报. 2011-03-28.
[10] 刘彦随. 农村土地整治要让农民受益. 人民日报. 2010-11-12.
[11] 刘彦随. 给失地农民坚实可靠的未来. 人民日报, 2010-9-29.
[12] 刘彦随. 新农村建设是最大的内需. 人民日报, 2010-4-12.
[13] 刘彦随. 新农村建设与城镇化应是一体的. 人民日报, 2010-4-8.
[14] 刘彦随.“对挤占生态空间说不”.经济日报,2014-01-04.
[15] 刘彦随.推进节约集约用地意义重大.经济日报,2012-09-24.
[16] 刘彦随.权能制度与收益制度同步改革.中国国土资源报,2012-03-07.
[17] 刘彦随. 纠偏城乡土地“失衡”. 瞭望, 2010-11-23.
[18] 刘彦随. 影响我国粮食安全的深层问题日益凸显. 科学时报, 2010-10-19.
[19] 刘彦随. 科学推进农村土地整治. 陕西日报, 2010-09-15.
[20] 刘彦随.“增减挂钩”惹的祸?中国经营报,2010-12-10。
[21] 刘彦随. 耕地资源潜力重在空心村整治. 科学时报, 2009-12-9.
[22] 刘彦随. 新农村建设土地大有文章可做. 廊坊日报,2010-08-19.
[23] 刘彦随. 农村科学建房激活内需保增长. 经济日报, 2009-8-11.
[24] 刘彦随. 建立阶段性农村土地整治模式. 中国国土资源报, 2009-6-26.
[25] 刘彦随. 不应一味把农民推向城市. 科学时报, 2009-2-12.
[26] 刘彦随. 土地整理助推城乡统筹. 中国国土资源报,2008-10-28.
[27] 刘彦随. 如何应对新农村建设中出现的问题,科学时报,2008-02-25.
[28] 刘彦随. 各地都种粮不如依靠基地产粮,科学时报,2008-09-23.
[29] 刘彦随. 适应沿海转型发展特点,率先推进新农村建设,科学时报,2007-03-25.
[30] 刘彦随. 重振农业地理,服务新农村建设,科学时报,2007-10-29.

个人简介(English CV)

Yansui LIU

Profession: Land Use and Geography Specialist

Current Appointment: Professor, TWAS Fellow (https://twas.org/article/twas-elects-46-new-fellows); GSC Fellow

Prof. Yansui Liu, born in Suide County, Shaanxi Province, is professor and PhD supervisor, and director general, Center for Assessment and Research on Targeted Poverty Alleviation, Chinese Academy of SciencesCAS; director of the Centre for Regional Agriculture and Rural Development (CRARD, rard.igsnrr.ac.cn); Director of the Research Centre for Land Use Planning (CLUP) at the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), CAS; Vice-director general of Degraded and Unuse Land Consolidation Key Laboratory of Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR)(2011-). Yangtze River Scholar Distinguished Professor (2012-).

Society Appointments:

    He currently serves as serves as a Chair, IGU Commission on Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering; Director-general, China Urban-Rural Development Think Tank Alliance (CURTA, www.curta.org.cn), Vice-director general, the Agricultural Resource and Zoning Society of China, the chair of the Sub-commission on Land Resources Research, Chinese Society for Natural Resources (CSNR), the chair of the Sub-commission on Agricultural Geography and Rural Development, Geographical Society of China (GSC), and an adjunct professor in the Land Use Key Laboratory of Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR), Graduate School of CAS, and Shaanxi Normal University. He is one of the associate chief editors of the journal Areal Research and Development, and a member of the editorial board of Land Use Policy, Journal of Geographical Sciences, Chinese Geographical Sciences, Journal of Mountain Sciences, Journal of Natural Resources, Resources Science, Economic Geography, and Human Geography.


     Prof. Yansui Liu graduated from the Geography Department of Shaanxi Normal University with a BSc in 1989, an MSc in 1995, and received his PhD degree from the Nanjing Normal University in 1998. He completed his postdoctoral research at IGSNRR, CAS in 2000. He also carried out research at University of Auckland as a visiting scholar in 2003, respectively.

Areas of Specialization:

 Prof. Yansui Liu is a specialist of human geography and land science, Top 1% Scientists based on Thomson Reuters, Global Highly Cited Researchers since 2018. His major areas of research are land use management and policy, land consolidation engineering, urbanization, regional agriculture, poverty alleviation and rural development, human-earth system science.. So far he as the principal investigator has undertaken 70 research projects sponsored by NSFC, CAS, and MOST etc

Academic Awards

 He has received the TWAS Prize in Social Sciences for 2018, Advanced Individual Awards for 2016, The State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development: Principal priorities for third-party evaluation of the effectiveness of national targeted poverty alleviation,

Outstanding Scientist Award in Land Use and Rural Development, International Geographical Union and the Geographical Society of China in 2017, and eight awards, including five first prize of Sciences and Technology Advancement Award of Hainan Province in 2009, Shaanxi Province in 2006, 2011, 2014, Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) in 2012, 2013, 2019,2020 and three second prize of MLR in 2015,Yunnan Province in 2009, Shaanxi Province in 2004. He was a recipient of the countrywide outstanding scientists and technologists in 2012, first prize on academy-local government cooperative award, CAS in 2011, outstanding science and technology achievement Award, CAS in 2009, the young agronomic technology award of CAASS in 2004, the young science and technology researcher award of CSNR in 2003, the young geographical sciences technology award of GSC, the best PhD dissertation award of Jiangsu Province in 1999.

Major Research Projects:

1.Project of National Key Research and Development: Ecological security guarantee technology and demonstration of gully and slope consolidation in loess hilly region (2017YFC0504700)

2.  Major projects of the National Social Science Foundation: The Influence of Urbanization on the Agriculture and Rural Development and its Countermeasures in China15ZDA021

3. General Office of the CPC Central Committee: The Key Research Project on the Land Use System Reform of Rural China [2014]

4. General Office of the State Council: Third-part Assessment Project of State Council “Implementation of Taking the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policy”[2015,2016,2017,2018]

5. The Key Project of Nation al Natural Science Foundation of China: The Impact of Rural-Urban Development Transformation on Resources and its Optimal Controlling: Case Study of the Bohai Rim Region in China (No.41130748) [2012-2016]

6. The Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Urbanization Models and Policies in Agricultural Region of China [2012-2014]

7. The Twelfth Five Year National Science and Technology Support Project: Key Technology Research and Demonstration of Hollowed Village Comprehensive Consolidation (2014BAL01B00)

8. The Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Key Issues of Rural Hollowing in the Process of Rapid Urbanization (KZCX2-EW-304) [2010-2013]

9.The Key Engineering Projects of Land Consolidation in Yan’an Shaanxi Supported by Central Government[2012-2013]

10. The Key Engineering Projects of High-Standard Farmland Construction in Weihe Basin of Shaanxi Supported by Central Government[2011-2012]

11. The Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on the New Countryside Construction Patterns and Approach to Sustainable Development in Eastern Coastal Areas in China (No.40635029) [2007-2010]

12. The Key Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academic of Sciences: The Rural Land-Use Potential and Its Optimal Allocation Planning in Shandong Province (No. KSCX-YW-09) [2008-2010]

13. The Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: The Impact Mechanism of Resources Great Exploitation on Land Degradation and Optimal Control Ways in Agro-pasture Transitional Zone(No.40871257) [2009-2011]

14. The National Basic Research Program of China: The Acidifications in Northern China and its Impacting on Water, Land and Food Security (No.2006CB400505) [2006-2009]

15. The key Project of Ministry of Land and Resources: Land Use Strategy in China [2006-2008]

16. The Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academic of Sciences: A Study of Land-Water Resources Utilization and Agro-Rural Development in Middle Region of China (No. KZCX3-SW-353-02) [2006-2007]

17. The Key Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academic of Sciences: Agricultural Land-Water Resources Optimal Allocation in Northeastern China (No. KZCX1-SW-19-01) [2002-2006]

18. The key Project of Ministry of Land and Resources: The Mechanism of Land Use Changes and Its Scenario Analysis in China (No.20010102) [2002-2005]

19. The Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Studies on the Types Conversion and Optimal Allocation of Land Resources in the Southeast Coastal Developed Regions (No.40171007) [2002-2004]

20. The Specialized Research of Planning Updating of Ministry of Land and Resources: A Study on the Land Use Strategies of China. [2006-2007]

21. People's Government of Hainan Province: Land Use General Planning of Hainan Province (2006-2020) [2005-2008]


     Prof. Yansui Liu has published 590 scientific papers, 280 of which have appeared in SCI, SSCI journals like Nature, Science, Land Use Policy, Journal of Rural Studies, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Environmental Management, Journal of Environmental Management, Applied Geography and Applied Energy. His other publications include 20 books.