电子邮件: liuyanjie@iga.ac.cn
通信地址: 吉林省长春市高新北区盛北大街4888号
邮政编码: 130102
2009-09--2013-06 中国科学院大学 硕士
2005-09--2009-06 烟台大学 学士
2019- 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 研究员
2017-2019 德国康斯坦茨大学 博士后
(#共同第一作者 *通讯作者)
1. Liu Y, Oduor A, Dai Z, Gao F, Li J, Zhang X, Yu F* (2021) Suppression of a plant hormone gibberellin reduces growth of invasive plants more than native plants, Oikos, 130: 781-789.
2. Speisser B#, Liu Y#*, van Kleunen M (2021) Biomass responses of widely and less-widely naturalized alien plants to artificial light at night, Journal of Ecology, 109: 1819-1827.
3. Zhang Z, Liu Y*, Yuan L, Ewald W, van Kleunen M (2020) Effect of allelopathy on plant performance: a meta‐analysis, Ecology Letters, 24: 348-362.
4. Zhang Z, Liu Y*, Brunel C, van Kleunen M (2020) Evidence for Elton's diversity‐invasibility hypothesis from belowground, Ecology, 101: e03187.
5. Zhang Z, Liu Y*, Brunel C, van Kleunen M (2020) Soil-microorganism-mediated invasional meltdown in plants, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4: 1612-1621.
6. Liu M, Li H, Song J, Song M, Qiao N, Tian Y, Liu Y, Niu H (2020) Interactions between intercropped Avena sativa and Agropyron cristatum for nitrogen uptake. Plant and Soil, 447: 611-621.
7. Qi S, Liu Y, Dai Z, Wan L, Du D, Ju R, Wan J, Bonser S (2020) Allelopathy confers higher resistance in an invasive Wedelia to generalist herbivore and pathogen enemies compared to its native congener. Oecologia, 192: 415-423.
8. Zhang X#, Dai Z#, Gao F, Du D, Liu Y* (2019) The role of long-distance dispersal and mycorrhizas on plant colonisation within mainland Germany. Flora, 258: 151443.
9. Liu Y*, van Kleunen M (2019) Nitrogen acquisition of Central European herbaceous plants that differ in their global naturalization success. Functional Ecology, 33: 566-575.
10. Liu Y#*, Zhang X#, van Kleunen M* (2018) Increases and fluctuations in nutrient availability do not promote dominance of alien plants in synthetic communities of common natives. Functional Ecology, 32: 2594-2604.
11. Liu Y#*, Liu M#, Xu X*, Tian Y, Zhang Z & van Kleunen M (2018) The effects of changes in water and nitrogen availability on alien plant invasion into a stand of a native grassland species. Oecologia, 188: 441-450.
12. Zhang Z*, Deng L, Wang L, Liu J, Li D, Liu Y* (2018) Effects of Phragmites australis extracts on the growth of invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Allelopathy Journal,45: 55-64.
13. Liu Y*, van Kleunen M. (2017) Responses of common and rare aliens and natives to nutrient availability and fluctuations. Journal of Ecology, 105: 1111-1122.
14. Liu YZ, Miao R, Chen A, Miao Y, Liu YJ, Wu X. (2017) Effects of nitrogen addition and mowing on reproductive phenology of three early-flowering forb species in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Ecological Engineering, 99: 119-125.
15. Liu Y#, Oduor O#, Zhang Z#, Manea A, Tooth I, Leishman M, Xu X*, van Kleunen M. (2017) Do invasive alien plants benefit more from global environmental change than native plants? Global Change Biology, 23: 3363-3370.
16. Jia J, Dai Z, Li F, Liu Y*. (2016) How will global environmental changes affect the growth of alien plants? Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1623.
17. Liu Y*, Dawson W, Prati D, Haeuser E, Feng Y, van Kleunen M. (2016) Does greater specific-leaf-area plasticity help plants to maintain a high performance when shaded? Annals of Botany, 118: 1329-1336.
18. Liu Y, Zhang L, Xu X, Niu H*. (2016) Understanding the wide geographic range of a clonal perennial grass: plasticity versus local adaptation. AoB Plants, 8: plv141.
19. Liu Y, Xu N, Niu H*. (2016) Response patterns of foliar δ13C and δ15N to environmental factors for the dominant plants in Inner Mongolia steppe, China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 36: 235-243. (In Chinese) [刘艳杰, 许宁, 牛海山. (2016) 内蒙古草原常见植物叶片 δ13C 和 δ15N 对环境因子的响应. 生态学报, 30: 334-338.]
20. Liu Y, Li Y, Zhang L, Xu X, Niu H*. (2015) Effects of sampling method on foliar δ13C of Leymus chinensis at different scales. Ecology and Evolution, 5, 1068-1075.
21. Liu Y, Zhang L, Niu H*, Sun Y, Xu X. (2014) Habitat-specific differences in plasticity of foliar δ13C in temperate steppe grasses. Ecology and Evolution, 4: 648-655.
22. Liu Y, Zhang L, Niu H*, Zhong Y, Xu X, Zhang C. (2013) Effects of precipitations on water use efficiency of Stipa grandis. Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 30: 334-338. (In Chinese) [刘艳杰, 张立荣, 牛海山, 仲延凯, 徐兴良, 张翠芳. (2013) 降雨量对大针茅水分利用效率的影响.中国科学院大学学报, 36: 235-243.]
23. Liu Y, Niu H*, Xu X. (2013) Foliar δ13C response patterns along a moisture gradient arising from genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity in grassland species of Inner Mongolia. Ecology and Evolution, 3: 262-267.
24. Qi W*, Niu H, Wang S, Liu Y, Zhang L. (2012) Simulation of effects of warming on carbon budget in alpine meadow ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 32: 1713-1722. (In Chinese) [亓伟伟*; 牛海山; 汪诗平; 刘艳杰; 张立荣; 增温对青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统固碳通量影响的模拟研究, 生态学报, 2012, 32(6): 1713-1722. ]
国家自然科学基金青年基金: 灌木柴桦在我国高纬度地区湿地生态系统迅速扩张生境的机制,2020-2022,主持
Journal of Applied Ecology - Associate Editor
Oecologia - Handling Editor
Oikos - Subject Editor