刘晓东 男 汉族 博导 地球环境研究所
Telephone: 029-88323262
Address: 西安市沣惠南路10号
Postcode: 710075 

Xiaodong Liu Ph.D., Professor, Lab leader and director of IEECAS (Institute of Earth Environment, CAS). He has been involved in studies of climate and environmental change of the earth’s past, present and future, especially paleoclimate modeling related to the Tibetan Plateau and East Asian monsoon. Prof. Liu has published more than 100 scientific papers, of which more than 40 papers are in the SCI journals and cited by more than 1000 SCI papers. 


1. Liu X.D., L.B. Yan, P. Yang, Z.-Y. Yin, and G.R. North, 2011: Influence of Indian summer monsoon on aerosol loading in East Asia, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 50(3), 523-533.
2. Liu X.D. and Y. Wang, 2011: Contrasting impacts of spring thermal conditions over Tibetan Plateau on late-spring to early-summer precipitation in Southeast China, Atmospheric Science Letters, 12, DOI: 10.1002/asl.343.
3. Liu X.D., X.N. Xie, Z.-Y. Yin, C.H. Liu, A. Gettelman, 2011: A modeling study of the effects of aerosols on clouds and precipitation over East Asia, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 106, DOI: 10.1007/ s00704-011-0436-6.
4. Shi Z.G., X.D. Liu, Z.S. An, B.Q. Yi, P. Yang, N. Mahowald, 2011: Simulated variations of eolian dust from inner Asian deserts at the mid-Pliocene, last glacial maximum, and present day: contributions from the regional tectonic uplift and global climate change, Climate Dynamics,DOI: 10.1007/s00382-011-1078-1.
5. Xie X.N. and X.D. Liu, 2011: Effects of spectral dispersion on clouds and precipitation in mesoscale convective system, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D06202, doi:10.1029/2010JD014598.
6. Wang Y., C.N. Long, J.H. Mather, X.D. Liu, 2011: Convective signals from surface measurements at ARM Tropical Western Pacific site: Manus, Climate Dynamics, 36: 431–449.
7. Chen G.S., Z. Liu, S.C. Clemens, W.L. Prell and X.D. Liu, 2011: Modeling the evolutionary response of Asian Summer Monsoon to obliquity forcing in a coupled GCM: A PHASEMAP sensitivity experiment, Climate Dynamics, 36: 695–710.
8. Liu X.D. and L. Li, 2010: Orbit-scale Variability of the Asian summer monsoon modulated by the Tibetan Plateau uplift identified in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model, J. Earth Environment, 1, 36-42.
9. Xie Xiaoning and Liu Xiaodong, 2010: Spectral dispersion of cloud droplet size distributions and radar threshold reflectivity for drizzle, Chinese Physics B, 19(10), 109201.
10. Miao X.D., D.A. Lindsey, Z.P. Lai and X.D. Liu, 2010: Contingency table analysis of pebble lithology and roundness: a case study of Huangshui River, China and comparison to rivers in the Rocky Mountains, USA, Sedimentary Geology, 224, 49-53.
11. Bai A.J. and X.D. Liu, 2010: Characteristics of rainfall variation over East China for the last 50 years and their relationship with droughts and floods. J. Trop. Meteor., 2010, 16(3), 255-262.
12. Zhang Ran and Liu Xiaodong, 2010: The effects of tectonic uplift on the evolution of Asian summer monsoon climate since Pliocene, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 53(6), 948-960.
13. Wang Y., N.T. Roulet, S. Frolking, L. A. Mysak, X.D. Liu and Z.D. Jin, 2010: The First-Order Effect of Holocene Northern Peatlands on Global Carbon Cycle Dynamics, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., 9, 012004, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/9/1/012004.
14. Liu X.D., Z.G. Cheng, L.B. Yan and Z.Y. Yin, 2009: Elevation dependency of recent and future minimum surface temperature trends in the Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings, Global and Planetary Change, 68, 164-174.
15. Du C.L., X.D. Liu and W.L. Wu, 2009: CLM3-simulated Chinese soil moisture and its possible response to global warming during 1979-2003, Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2009, 1(1): 51-58.
16. Xie X.N. and X.D. Liu, 2009: Analytical three-moment autoconversion parameterization based on generalized gamma distribution, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D21203, doi:10.1029/2009JD012729.
17. Liu X.D., A.J. Bai and C.H. Liu, 2009: Diurnal variations of summertime precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau in relation to orographically-induced regional circulations, Environ. Res. Lett., 4, 045203, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/4/4/045203.
18. Wang Y., C.N. Long, L.R. Leung, J. Dudhia, S.A. McFarlane, J.H. Mather, S.J. Ghan and X.D. Liu, 2009: Evaluating regional cloud-permitting simulations of the WRF model for the Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE, Darwin 2006), J. Geophys. Res., 114, D21203, doi:10.1029/2009JD012729.
19. Liu X.D. and Z.G. Shi, 2009: Effect of precession on the Asian summer monsoon evolution: A systematic review, Chinese Science Bulletin, 54 (20): 3720-3730.
20. Bai A.J., C.H. Liu and X.D. Liu, 2008: Diurnal variation of summer rainfall over the Tibetan Plateau and its neighboring regions revealed by TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 51(3), 518-529.
21. Yin Z.Y., X.Q. Zhang, X.D. Liu, M. Colella and X.L. Chen, 2008: An Assessment of the Biases of Satellite Rainfall Estimates over the Tibetan Plateau and Correction Methods Based on Topographic Analysis, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9(3), 301-326.
22. Liu X.D., Z.G. Cheng and L.B. Yan, 2008: Elevation dependency of recent and future climatic warming over the Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-02325, 2008, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-02325, EGU General Assembly 2008.
23. Kutzbach J.E., X.D. Liu, Z.Y. Liu and G.S. Chen, 2008: Simulating the evolution response of global monsoons to orbital forcing over the past 280,000 years, Climate Dynamics, 30, 567-579.
24. Liu X.D., Z.Y. Liu, S. Clemens, W. Prell and J. Kutzbach, 2007: A coupled model study of glacial Asian monsoon variability and Indian Ocean Dipole, J. Metero. Soc., Japan, 85, 1-10.
25. Bai A.J., P.M. Zhai and X.D. Liu, 2007: Climatology and trends of wet spells in China, Theor. Appl. Climatol., 88(3-4), 139-148.
26. Wyrwoll K.H., Z.Y. Liu, G.S. Chen, J.E. Kutzbach and X.D. Liu, 2007: Sensitivity of the Australian summer monsoon to tilt and precession forcing, Quaternary Science Reviews, 26, 3043-3057.
27. Xu W.X. and X.D. Liu, 2007: Response of Vegetation in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to Global Warming, Chinese Geographical Science, 17(2), 151-159.
28. Miao X.D., J.A. Mason, J.B. Swinehart, D.B. Loope, P.R. Hanson, R.J. Goble and X.D. Liu, 2007: A 10,000 year record of dune activity, dust storms, and severe drought in the central Great Plains, Geology, 35(2), 119-122.
29. Liu X.D., Z.Y. Liu, J.E. Kutzbach, S.C. Clemens and W.L. Prell, 2006: Hemispheric insolation forcing of the Indian Ocean and Asian monsoon: Local versus remote impacts, Journal of Climate, 19(23), 6195-6208.
30. Liu X.D., Z.Y. Yin, X.M. Shao and N.S. Qin, 2006: Temporal trends and variability of daily maximum and minimum, extreme temperature events, and growing season length over the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau during 1961-2003, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D19109, doi:10.1029/2005JD006915.
31. Li X.Z., Z.G. Ma, X.D. Liu and J.Y. Zhang, 2006: Inter-decadal characteristics of aridification over northern China in association with variations of the atmospheric circulation during the last fifty years, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 30, 401-409.
32. Du C.L., W.L. Wu, X.D. Liu and G. Wei, 2006: Simulation of Soil Moisture and Its Variability in East Asia, Proc. of SPIE, 6298, 62982F, doi: 10.1117/12.690643.
33. Li Y.Q., X.D. Liu and B.D. Chen, 2006: Cloud type climatology over the Tibetan Plateau: A comparison of ISCCP and MODIS/TERRA measurements with surface observations, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L17716, doi: 10.1029/2006GL026890.
34. Chen B.D. and X.D. Liu, 2005: Seasonal Migration of Cirrus Clouds over the Asian Monsoon Regions and the Tibetan Plateau Measured from MODIS/Terra, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L01804, doi:10.1029/ 2004GL020868.
35. Liu X.D., L.B. Yan, P. Yang, Z.-Y. Yin, and G.R. North, 2011: Influence of Indian summer monsoon on aerosol loading in East Asia, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 50(3), 523-533.
36. Liu X.D. and Y. Wang, 2011: Contrasting impacts of spring thermal conditions over Tibetan Plateau on late-spring to early-summer precipitation in Southeast China, Atmospheric Science Letters, 12, DOI: 10.1002/asl.343.
37. Liu X.D., X.N. Xie, Z.-Y. Yin, C.H. Liu, A. Gettelman, 2011: A modeling study of the effects of aerosols on clouds and precipitation over East Asia, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 106, DOI: 10.1007/ s00704-011-0436-6.
38. Shi Z.G., X.D. Liu, Z.S. An, B.Q. Yi, P. Yang, N. Mahowald, 2011: Simulated variations of eolian dust from inner Asian deserts at the mid-Pliocene, last glacial maximum, and present day: contributions from the regional tectonic uplift and global climate change, Climate Dynamics,DOI: 10.1007/s00382-011-1078-1.
39. Xie X.N. and X.D. Liu, 2011: Effects of spectral dispersion on clouds and precipitation in mesoscale convective system, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D06202, doi:10.1029/2010JD014598.
40. Wang Y., C.N. Long, J.H. Mather, X.D. Liu, 2011: Convective signals from surface measurements at ARM Tropical Western Pacific site: Manus, Climate Dynamics, 36: 431–449.
41. Chen G.S., Z. Liu, S.C. Clemens, W.L. Prell and X.D. Liu, 2011: Modeling the evolutionary response of Asian Summer Monsoon to obliquity forcing in a coupled GCM: A PHASEMAP sensitivity experiment, Climate Dynamics, 36: 695–710.
42. Liu X.D. and L. Li, 2010: Orbit-scale Variability of the Asian summer monsoon modulated by the Tibetan Plateau uplift identified in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model, J. Earth Environment, 1, 36-42.
43. Xie Xiaoning and Liu Xiaodong, 2010: Spectral dispersion of cloud droplet size distributions and radar threshold reflectivity for drizzle, Chinese Physics B, 19(10), 109201.
44. Miao X.D., D.A. Lindsey, Z.P. Lai and X.D. Liu, 2010: Contingency table analysis of pebble lithology and roundness: a case study of Huangshui River, China and comparison to rivers in the Rocky Mountains, USA, Sedimentary Geology, 224, 49-53.
45. Bai A.J. and X.D. Liu, 2010: Characteristics of rainfall variation over East China for the last 50 years and their relationship with droughts and floods. J. Trop. Meteor., 2010, 16(3), 255-262.
46. Zhang Ran and Liu Xiaodong, 2010: The effects of tectonic uplift on the evolution of Asian summer monsoon climate since Pliocene, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 53(6), 948-960.
47. Wang Y., N.T. Roulet, S. Frolking, L. A. Mysak, X.D. Liu and Z.D. Jin, 2010: The First-Order Effect of Holocene Northern Peatlands on Global Carbon Cycle Dynamics, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., 9, 012004, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/9/1/012004.
48. Liu X.D., Z.G. Cheng, L.B. Yan and Z.Y. Yin, 2009: Elevation dependency of recent and future minimum surface temperature trends in the Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings, Global and Planetary Change, 68, 164-174.
49. Du C.L., X.D. Liu and W.L. Wu, 2009: CLM3-simulated Chinese soil moisture and its possible response to global warming during 1979-2003, Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2009, 1(1): 51-58.
50. Xie X.N. and X.D. Liu, 2009: Analytical three-moment autoconversion parameterization based on generalized gamma distribution, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D21203, doi:10.1029/2009JD012729.
51. Liu X.D., A.J. Bai and C.H. Liu, 2009: Diurnal variations of summertime precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau in relation to orographically-induced regional circulations, Environ. Res. Lett., 4, 045203, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/4/4/045203.
52. Wang Y., C.N. Long, L.R. Leung, J. Dudhia, S.A. McFarlane, J.H. Mather, S.J. Ghan and X.D. Liu, 2009: Evaluating regional cloud-permitting simulations of the WRF model for the Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE, Darwin 2006), J. Geophys. Res., 114, D21203, doi:10.1029/2009JD012729.
53. Liu X.D. and Z.G. Shi, 2009: Effect of precession on the Asian summer monsoon evolution: A systematic review, Chinese Science Bulletin, 54 (20): 3720-3730.
54. Bai A.J., C.H. Liu and X.D. Liu, 2008: Diurnal variation of summer rainfall over the Tibetan Plateau and its neighboring regions revealed by TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 51(3), 518-529.
55. Yin Z.Y., X.Q. Zhang, X.D. Liu, M. Colella and X.L. Chen, 2008: An Assessment of the Biases of Satellite Rainfall Estimates over the Tibetan Plateau and Correction Methods Based on Topographic Analysis, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9(3), 301-326.
56. Liu X.D., Z.G. Cheng and L.B. Yan, 2008: Elevation dependency of recent and future climatic warming over the Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-02325, 2008, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-02325, EGU General Assembly 2008.
57. Kutzbach J.E., X.D. Liu, Z.Y. Liu and G.S. Chen, 2008: Simulating the evolution response of global monsoons to orbital forcing over the past 280,000 years, Climate Dynamics, 30, 567-579.
58. Liu X.D., Z.Y. Liu, S. Clemens, W. Prell and J. Kutzbach, 2007: A coupled model study of glacial Asian monsoon variability and Indian Ocean Dipole, J. Metero. Soc., Japan, 85, 1-10.
59. Bai A.J., P.M. Zhai and X.D. Liu, 2007: Climatology and trends of wet spells in China, Theor. Appl. Climatol., 88(3-4), 139-148.
60. Wyrwoll K.H., Z.Y. Liu, G.S. Chen, J.E. Kutzbach and X.D. Liu, 2007: Sensitivity of the Australian summer monsoon to tilt and precession forcing, Quaternary Science Reviews, 26, 3043-3057.
61. Xu W.X. and X.D. Liu, 2007: Response of Vegetation in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to Global Warming, Chinese Geographical Science, 17(2), 151-159.
62. Miao X.D., J.A. Mason, J.B. Swinehart, D.B. Loope, P.R. Hanson, R.J. Goble and X.D. Liu, 2007: A 10,000 year record of dune activity, dust storms, and severe drought in the central Great Plains, Geology, 35(2), 119-122.
63. Liu X.D., Z.Y. Liu, J.E. Kutzbach, S.C. Clemens and W.L. Prell, 2006: Hemispheric insolation forcing of the Indian Ocean and Asian monsoon: Local versus remote impacts, Journal of Climate, 19(23), 6195-6208.
64. Liu X.D., Z.Y. Yin, X.M. Shao and N.S. Qin, 2006: Temporal trends and variability of daily maximum and minimum, extreme temperature events, and growing season length over the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau during 1961-2003, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D19109, doi:10.1029/2005JD006915.
65. Li X.Z., Z.G. Ma, X.D. Liu and J.Y. Zhang, 2006: Inter-decadal characteristics of aridification over northern China in association with variations of the atmospheric circulation during the last fifty years, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 30, 401-409.
66. Du C.L., W.L. Wu, X.D. Liu and G. Wei, 2006: Simulation of Soil Moisture and Its Variability in East Asia, Proc. of SPIE, 6298, 62982F, doi: 10.1117/12.690643.
67. Li Y.Q., X.D. Liu and B.D. Chen, 2006: Cloud type climatology over the Tibetan Plateau: A comparison of ISCCP and MODIS/TERRA measurements with surface observations, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L17716, doi: 10.1029/2006GL026890.
68. Chen B.D. and X.D. Liu, 2005: Seasonal Migration of Cirrus Clouds over the Asian Monsoon Regions and the Tibetan Plateau Measured from MODIS/Terra, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L01804, doi:10.1029/ 2004GL020868.
69. Wu L.X., Z. Liu, Y. Liu, Q. Liu and X.D. Liu, 2005, Potential global climatic impacts of the North Pacific Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L24710, doi:10.1029/2005GL024812.
70. Liu X.D., Z.Y. Yin, X.Y. Zhang and X.C. Yang, 2004: Analyses of the spring dust storm frequency of northern China in relation to antecedent and concurrent wind, precipitation, vegetation, and soil moisture conditions, J Geophys. Res., 109 (D16), D16210, doi:10.1029/2004JD004615.
71. Yin Z.Y., X.D. Liu, X.Q. Zhang and C.F. Chung, 2004: Using terrain and location variables to improve SSM/I precipitation estimates over Tibetan Plateau, J Geophys. Res., 109 (D3), D03110, doi:10.1029/2003JD003749.
72. Hung C.W., X.D. Liu and M. Yanai, 2004: Symmetry and asymmetry of the Asian and Australian summer monsoons, Journal of Climate, 17(12), 2413-2426.
73. Lu H.Y. , F.Q. Zhang, X.D. Liu and R.A. Duce, 2004: Periodicities of palaeoclimatic variations recorded by loess-paleosol sequences in China, Quaternary Science Reviews, 23, 1891-1900.
74. Liu X.D., Z.S. An, L. Ai, G.S. Chen, and N.S. Qin, 2003: Possible variations of precipitation over the Yellow River Valley under the global-warming conditions, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 27(3), 228-236.
75. Liu X.D., J.E. Kutzbach, Z. Liu, Z.S. An and L. Li, 2003: The Tibetan Plateau as amplifier of orbital-scale variability of the East Asian monsoon, Geophysical Research Letters, 30(16), 1839, doi:10.1029/2003GL017510.
76. Chen B.D., W.C. Chao and X.D. Liu, 2003: Enhanced climatic warming in the Tibetan Plateau due to double CO2: A model study, Climate Dynamics, 20, 401-413.
77. Liu X.D. and Z.Y. Yin, 2002: Sensitivity of East Asian monsoon climate to the Tibetan Plateau uplift, Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol , 22(9), 1075-1089.
78. Chen B.D., W. Chao and X.D. Liu, 2002: Enhanced climatic warming over the Tibetan plateau due to doubling CO2: A model study, 13th Symposium on Global Change and Climate Variations, 13-17 January 2002, Orlando, Florida, AMS, 48-49.
79. Liu X.D. and M. Yanai, 2002: Influence of Eurasian spring snow cover on Asian summer precipitation,International Journal of Climatology,183, 223-245.
80. Yanai M., X.D. Liu and C.W. Hung, 2002: Symmetry and asymmetry of the Asian and Australian summer monsoons, 25 th AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 29 April-3 May , San Diego, California, AMS, 230-231.
81. Lu H.Y., F.Q. Zhang and X.D. Liu, 2002: Patterns and frequencies of the East Asian winter monsoon variations during the past million years revealed by wavelet and spectral analyses, Global and Planetary Change, 35, 67-74.
82. Liu X.D. and M. Yanai, 2001: Relationship between the Indian monsoon precipitation and the tropospheric temperature over the Eurasian continent, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 127,909-937.
83. Liu X.D. and Z.Y. Yin, 2001: Spatial and temporal variation of the summer precipitation over the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Northern Atlantic Oscillation, Journal of Climate, 14, 2896-2909.
84. Shi Y.F., G. Yu, X.D. Liu, B.Y. Li and T.D. Yao, 2001: Reconstruction of the 30-40 ka enhanced Indian monsoon climate based on geological records from the Tibetan Plateau, Palaeogeogr.Palaeoclim.Palaeoecol,169, 69-83.
85. Zhou W.J., M.J. Head, Z.S. An, P. D. Deckker, Z. Liu, X.D. Liu, X.F. Lu, D. Donahue, A.J.T. Jull and J.W. Beck, 2001: Terrestrial evidence for a spatial structure of tropical-polar interconnections during the Younger Dryas episode, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,191, 231-239.
86. An Z.S., S.C. Porter, J.E. Kutzbach, X.H. Wu, S.M. Wang, X.D. Liu, X.Q. Li and W.J. Zhou, 2000: Asynchronous Holocene optimum of the East Asian monsoon, Quaternary Science Review,19,743- 762.
87. Yao T.D., X.D. Liu, N.L. Wang and Y.F. Shi, 2000: Amplitude of climatic changes in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, ChineseScience Bulletin, 44(13), 1236-1243.
88. Liu X.D. and B.D. Chen, 2000: Climatic warming in the Tibetan Plateau during recent decades, International Journal of Climatology, 20(14), 1729-1742.
89. Liu X.D. and M. Yanai, 2000: Relationship between Indian monsoon precipitation and air temperature overtheTibetan Plateau. In: 24th AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 29 May-2 June , 398-399.
90. Yanai M. and X.D. Liu, 2000: Annual cycle and interannual variability of the Asian-Australian monsoonsystem. In: 24th AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 29 May-2 June, J36-J37.
91. Lu H.Y., K.V. Huissteden, J. Zhou, J. Vandenberghe, X.D. Liu and Z.S. An, 2000: Variability of East Asian winter monsoon in Quaternary climatic extremes in North China, Quaternary Research, 54, 321-327.



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陈广善  博士研究生  070905-第四纪地质学  

徐维新  硕士研究生  083001-环境科学  

张加云  硕士研究生  083001-环境科学  

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毛晓亮  硕士研究生  083001-环境科学  

李新周  博士研究生  070905-第四纪地质学  

马贤芳  硕士研究生  083001-环境科学  

程志刚  博士研究生  070905-第四纪地质学  

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杜萌萌  硕士研究生  077501-环境科学  

石正国  博士研究生  070905-第四纪地质学  

晏利斌  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  

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孙辉  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  

李雪  硕士研究生  077501-环境科学  

郭庆春  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  

李燕赟  硕士研究生  085229-环境工程  

王昭生  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  

彭艳  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  

李笑予  硕士研究生  077601-环境科学  

刘恒  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  

谢小训  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  

沈姣姣  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  

刘睿  硕士研究生  077601-环境科学  

尚可  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  


王安琪  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  

李柔珂  博士研究生  083001-环境科学  

薛景彦  硕士研究生  070905-第四纪地质学  

李媛媛  硕士研究生  077601-环境科学  

王晓瑜  博士研究生  083001-环境科学