
Sheng-Gong LI, PhD
Synthesis Research Centre for Chinese Ecosystem Research Network, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Key Lab of Network Observation and Modeling of Ecosystems,
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Datun Road A11, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R. China
Tell (office): +86-10-64889039
Fax: +86-10-64889399


Research Areas

• Ecosystem ecology
• Global change biology
• Biometeorology
• Ecohydrology
• Stable isotope eco-physiology


1982-1986: B.S. in Desert Ecology and Forestry Science, Inner Mongolia Agriculture University (formerly Inner Mongolia Forestry College), Hohhot, China.
1986-1989: M.D. in Physical Geography, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) [formerly Institute of Desert Research (IDR) of CAS], Lanzhou, China.
1998-2001: Ph.D. in Biology, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan.


Work Experience

1989-1992: Research Associate at Institute of Desert Research (IDR)/Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
1992-1996: Assistant Research Professor at IDR/CAS.
1996-1997: Associate Research Professor at IDR/CAS.
2001-2002: Postdoctoral researcher in the Institute of Biology of University of Utah
2002-2006: Special research fellow of the Japan Science and Technology Agency
2006-present: Research Professor at Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2013-present: Professor at Sino-Danish College, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2015-present: Professor at Lab of Ecosystem Ecology, College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Teaching Experience

2013-: Lecturer of MSc programme, Water and Environment, Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC) [Global Change], University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)
2008-: Lecturer of MSc programme, Fundamental theories and experimental approaches of ecological research, UCAS
2008-: Lecturer of Ph D programme, Ecology, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Honors & Distinctions

1997-2001: Japanese Government Scholarship (Monbusho)
1997: One of holders of the Award for Science and Technology Achievements, CAS.
1997: Excellent Youth Scientist Award, Lanzhou Branch of CAS.
1996: One of holders of the Achievement Award for Science and Technology Progress, SSTCC and the State Planning Commission of China.
1986: Excellent Undergraduate Award, Inner Mongolia Agriculture University (formerly Inner Mongolia Forestry College).




Pair-reviewed Foreign Journals (* Corresponding Authors)


1) Bai Y, Liu MH, Zhou JX, Guo Q, Wu GN, Li SG. 2024. Diverse responses of surface biogeophysical parameters to accelerated development and senescence of vegetation on the Mongolian Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 943: 173727, (SCI)

2) Bai Y#, Wang WM#, Liu MH, Xiong XY, Li SG*. 2024. Impact of urban greenspace on the urban thermal environment: A case study of Shenzhen, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 112: 105591, (SCI)

3) Zheng JJ, Freschet GT, Tedersoo L, Li SG, Yan H, Jiang L, Wang HM, Ma N, Dai XQ, Fu XL, Kou L*. 2024. A trait-based root acquisition-defence-decomposition framework in angiosperm tree species. Nature Communications, 15: 5311, (SCI)

4) Bai Y, Liu MH, Wang WM*, Xiong XY, Li SG. 2023. Quantification of Urban Greenspace in Shenzhen Based on Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing, 15(20): 4957. (SCI)

5) Guo X, Guo Q*, Hu ZM, Li SG, Min QW, Mu SL, Xu CD, Sun LL. 2023. The effects of precipitation event characteristics and afforestation on the greening in arid grasslands. Remote Sensing, 15(18): 4621. (SCI)

6) Bai Y, Liu MH, Guo Q, Wu GN, Wang WM, Li SG*. 2023. Diverse responses of gross primary production and leaf area index to drought on the Mongolian Plateau. Science of The Total Environment, 902: 166507, (SCI)

7) Bai Y, Li SG*, Zhou JX, Liu MH, Guo Q. 2023. Revisiting vegetation activity of Mongolian Plateau using multiple remote sensing datasets. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 341: 109649, (SCI)

8) Bai Y, Liang SL*, Jia AL, Li SG. 2023. Different satellite products revealing variable trends in global gross primary production. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128(7): e2022JG006918,, (SCI)

9) Yi RJ, Liu QY, Yang FT, Dai XQ, Meng SW, Fu XL, Li SG Kou L*, Wang HM*. 2023. Complementary belowground strategies underlie species coexistence in an early successional forest. New Phytologist, 238(2): 612-623, (SCI)

10)      Jiang L, Wang HM, Li SG, Dai XQ, Meng SW, Fu XL, Yan H, Zheng JJ, Ma N, Kou L*. 2023. A “Get-Save-Return” process continuum runs on phosphorus economy among subtropical tree species. Journal of Ecology, 111(4): 861-874, (SCI)

11)      Jiang L, Li SG, Wang HM, Dai XQ, Meng SW, Fu XL, Zheng JJ, Yan H, Ma N, Xue YF, Kou L*. 2023. Mechanisms underlying aboveground and belowground litter decomposition converges over time under nutrient deposition. Forests, 14(1):130, (SCI)

12)      Zheng JJ, Li, SG*, Wang HM, Dai XQ, Meng SW, Jiang L, Ma N, Yan, H, Fu XL, Kou L*. 2023. Home-field advantage meets priming effect in root decomposition: Implications for belowground carbon dynamics. Functional Ecology, 37(3): 676-689, (SCI)

13)      Ma N, Kou L, Li SG*, Dai XQ, Meng SW, Jiang L, Xue YF, Zheng JJ, Fu XL, Wang HM. 2023. Plant–soil feedback regulates the trade-off between phosphorus acquisition pathways in Pinus elliottii. Tree Physiology, 43(7): 1092–1103, (SCI)

14)      Wu GN, Lu XC, Zhao W, Cao RC, Xie WQ, Wang LY, Wang QH, Song JX, Gao SB, Li SG*, Hu ZM*. 2023. The increasing contribution of greening to the terrestrial evapotranspiration in China. Ecological Modelling, 477, 110273, (SCI)

15)      Wu HL, Chen L, Ouyang S, Zhou WN, Wu MG, Zeng LX, Lei PF, Zeng YL, Deng XW, Li SG, Kou L, Xiao WF, Xiang WH*. 2023. Phosphorus cycling and supply–demand balance across a chronosequence of Chinese fir plantations. Catena, 228, 107117, DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2023.107117. (SCI)

16)      He NP, Yan P, Liu CC, Xu L, Li MX, van Meerbeek K, Zhou GS, Zhou GY, Liu SR, Zhou XH, Li SG, Niu SL, Han XG, Buckley TN, Sack L, Yu GR. 2023. Predicting ecosystem productivity based on plant community traits. Trends in Plant Science, 28(1): 43-53, (SCI)

17)      Guo X, Guo Q, Li Y, Li SG*. 2023. Comparison of the application of different process-based models in the study of spatio-temporal patterns of ecosystem service value. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 14(1): 147-157, DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2023.01.014.【郭旋, 郭群, 李字, 李胜功. 2023. 不同生产力过程模型在生态系统服务价值时空格局研究中的比较.资源与生态学报, 14(1): 147-157, DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2023.01.014.

18)      Zhao W, Yu XB, Xu CD, Li SG, Wu GN, Yuan WP. 2022. Dynamic traceability effects of soil moisture on the precipitation–vegetation association in drylands. Journal of Hydrology, 615: 128645, (SCI)

19)      Wang RM, Li MX, Xu L, Li SG*, He NP*. 2022. Scaling-Up Methods Influence on the Spatial Variation in Plant Community Traits: Evidence Based on Leaf Nitrogen Content. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127(8): e2021JG006653, (SCI)

20)      Yan H, Freschet GT, Wang HM, Hogan JA, Li SG, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Fu XL, Wang RL, Jiang L, Dai XQ, Jiang L, Meng SW, Yang FT, Zhang MM, Kou L. 2022. Mycorrhizal symbiosis pathway and edaphic fertility frame root economics space among tree species. New Phytologist, 234: 1639-1653, doi: 10.1111/nph.1806, (SCI)

21)      Bai Y, Li SG*. 2022. Growth peak of vegetation and its response to drought on the Mongolian Plateau. Ecological Indicators, 141: 109150, (SCI)

22)      Bai Y, Li SG*, Liu MH, Guo Q. 2022. Assessment of vegetation change on the Mongolian Plateau over three decades using different remote sensing products. Journal of Environmental Management, 317: 115509, (SCI)

23)      Liu XJ, Tang XL, Lie ZY, He XH, Zhou GY, Yan JH, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG, Han SJ, Ma YX, Wang GX, Liu JX. 2022. Tree species richness as an important biotic factor regulates the soil phosphorus density in China's mature natural forests. Science of The Total Environment, 845, 157277, (SCI)

24)      Guo X, Guo Q, Li Y, Li SG*. 2022. Spatio-temporal patterns of ecosystem service evaluated by productivity from process-based model in north China. Journal of Resources and Ecology 12(1): 124-135, DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2021.01.012. [郭旋,郭群,李宇,李胜功. 2022. 基于生产力过程模型的中国北方生态系统服务价值时空格局研究. 资源与生态学报, 13(1): 124-135.]

25)      Wang RM, He NP, Xu L, Li SG, Li MX. 2021. Variation and adaptation of leaf water content among species, communities, and biomes. Environmental Research Letters, 16(12): 124038 (SCI)

26)      Wang RM, He NP*, Li SG*, Xu L, Li MX. 2021. Spatial variation and mechanisms of leaf water content in grassland plants at the biome scale: evidence from three comparative transects. Scientific Reports, 11, 9281, (SCI)

27)      Guo Q, Hu ZM*, Li SG*, Hao YP, Liang NS, Bai WM, Zhang S. 2021. Nitrogen-induced changesin carbon fluxes are modulated by water availability in a temperate grassland. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeoscience 126(12), e2021JG006607, (SCI)

28)      Li X, He NP, Xu L, Li SG, Li MX. 2021. Spatial variation in leaf potassium concentrations and its role in plant adaptation strategies. Ecological Indicators, 130, 108063, (SCI)

29)      Liu QC, Liu LT, Liu XJ, Li SG, Liu G. 2021. Building stock dynamics and the impact of construction bubble and bust on employment in China. Journal of Industrial Ecology, (SCI)

30)      Wang J, Wen XF, Lyu SD, Zhang XY, Li SG, Guo QJ. 2021. Vegetation recovery alters soil N status in subtropical karst plateau area: Evidence from natural abundance δ15N and δ18O. Plant and Soil, 460: 609–623, (SCI)

31)      Chen L, Xiang WH*, Ouyang S, Wu HL, Xia Q, Ma JN, Zeng YL, Lei PF, Xiao WF, Li SG, Kuzyakov Y.. 2021. Tight coupling of fungal community composition with soil quality in a Chinese fir plantation chronosequence. Land Degradation & Development. 32: 1164-1178, doi:. 10.1002/ldr.3771. (SCI)  

32)      Zhao W, Yu XB, Liu Y, Xu L, Chen Z, Li SG. 2021. Distinct vegetation response to drying and wetting trends across an aridity threshold. Environmental Research Communications, 3(2): 025002, (SCI)

33)      Cheng KL, Hu ZM*, Li SG*, Guo Q, Hao YB, Yuan WP. 2021. Improvement of predicting ecosystem productivity by modifying carbon-water-nitrogen coupling processes in a temperate grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14(1), 10-21, (SCI)

34)      Jiang L, Wang HM, Li SG, Fu XL, Dai XQ, Yan H, Kou L. 2021. Mycorrhizal and environmental controls over root trait-decomposition linkage of woody trees. New Phytologist, 229(4): 284–295, doi: 10.1111/nph.16844. (SCI)

35)      Xia Q, Chen L, Xiang WH*, Ouyang S, Wu HL, Lei PF, Xiao WF, Li SG, Zeng LX, Kuzyakov Y. 2021. Increase of soil nitrogen availability and recycling with stand age of Chinese-fir plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 480: 118643, (SCI)

36)      Chang ZB, S Hobeichi, Y-P Wang, XL Tang, G Abramowitz, Y Chen, N Cao, MX Yu, HB Huang, GY Zhou, GX Wang, KP Ma, S Du, SG Li, SJ Han, YX Ma, J-P Wigneron, L Fan, S Saatchi, JH Yan. 2021. New forest aboveground biomass maps of China integrating multiple datasets. Remote Sensing, 13(15), 2892; (SCI)

37)      Cheng KL, Hu ZM*, Li SG*, Guo Q, Hao YB, Yuan WP. 2021. Improvement of predicting ecosystem productivity by modifying carbon-water-nitrogen coupling processes in a temperate grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology, rtaa072, (SCI)

38)      Chen L, Xiang WH*, Ouyang S, Wu HL, Xia Q, Ma JN, Zeng YL, Lei PF, Xiao WF, Li SG, Kuzyakov Y. 2021. Tight coupling of fungal community composition with soil quality in a Chinese fir plantation chronosequence. Land Degradation & Development. (SCI)  

39)      Wu GN, Hu ZM*, Keenan TF, Li SG*, Zhao W, Cao RC, Li YZ, Guo Q, Sun XM. 2020. Incorporating spatial variations in parameters for improvements of an evapotranspiration model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, JGRG21716, DOI: 10.1029/2019JG005504. (SCI)

40)      Jiang L, Wang HM, Li SG, Fu XL, Dai XQ, Yan H, Kou L*. 2021. Mycorrhizal and environmental controls over root trait-decomposition linkage of woody trees. New Phytologist, 229(4): 284–295, doi: 10.1111/nph.16844. (SCI)

41)      Ma N, Guo Q, Li Y, Li SG*. 2021. Overview of the measures and techniques used to protect traffic lines against shifting sands in China. Journal of Resources and Ecology 12(1): 124-135, DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2021.01.012. [马宁,郭群,李宇,李胜功. 2021. 我国交通设施沿线固沙措施与技术研究综述. 资源与生态学报, 12(1): 124-135.]

42)      Guo CY, Zhang LM, Li SG, Li QK, Dai GH. 2020. Comparison of soil greenhouse gas fluxes during the spring freeze–thaw period and the growing season in a temperate broadleaved Korean pine forest, Changbai Mountains, China. Forests, 11(11), 1135; (SCI)

43)      Wu GN, Cai XT, Keenan TF, Li SG*, Luo XZ, Fisher JB, Cao RC, Li F, Purdy AJ, Zhao W, Sun XM, Hu ZM*. 2020. Evaluating three evapotranspiration estimates from model of different complexity over China using the ILAMB benchmarking system. Journal of Hydrology, 590: 125553, (SCI)

44)      Xia Q, Chen L, Xiang WH*, Ouyang S, Wu HL, Lei PF, Xiao WF, Li SG, Zeng LX, Kuzyakov Y. 2020. Increase of soil nitrogen availability and recycling with stand age of Chinese-fir plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 480: 118643, (SCI)

45)      Yu Z*, Zhao HR, Lu SR, Zhou GY, Fang JY, Yu GR, Tang XL, Wang WT, Yan JH, Wang GX, Ma KP, Li SG, Du S, Han SJ, Ma YX, Zhang DQ, Liu JX, Liu SZ, Chu GW, Zhang QM, Li YL. 2020. Mapping forest type and age in China's plantations. Science of the Total Environment 744: 140790, (SCI)

46)      Hao GC, Hu ZM*, Di K, Li SG. 2020. Rainfall pulse response of carbon exchange to the timing of natural intra-annual rainfall in a temperate grass ecosystem. Ecological Indicators, 118, 106730, (SCI)

47)      He NP, Li Y, Liu CC, Xu L, Li MX, Zhang JH, He JS, Tang ZY, Han XG, Ye Q, Xiao CW, Yu Q, Liu SR, Sun W, Niu SL, Li SG, Sack L, Yu GR. 2020. Plant trait networks: improved resolution of the dimensionality of adaptation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35(10): 908-918. (SCI)

48)      Kou L**, Jiang L, Hättenschwiler S, Zhang MM, Niu SL, Fu XL, Dai XQ, Yan H, Li SG*, Wang HM*. 2020. Diversity-decomposition relationships in forests worldwide. eLife, 9: e55813, DOI: (SCI)

49)      Han JY, Guo CY, Ye S, Zhang LM*, Li SG*, Wang HM, Yu GR. 2020. Effects of diffuse photosynthetically active radiation on gross primary productivity in a subtropical coniferous plantation vary in different timescales. Ecological Indicators, 115 106403, (SCI)

50)      Wu HL, Xiang WH*, Chen L, Ouyang S, Xiao WF, Li SG, Forrester DI, Lei PF, Zeng YL, Deng XW, Zeng LX, Kuzyakov Y. 2020. Soil phosphorus bioavailability and recycling increased with stand age in Chinese fir plantations. Ecosystems, 23: 973–988, DOI: (SCI)

51)      Wu HL, Xiang WH*, Ouyang S, Xiao WF, Li SG, Chen L, Lei PF, Deng XW, Zeng YL, Zeng LX, Peng CH. 2020. Tree growth rate and soil nutrient status determine the shift in nutrient-use strategy of Chinese fir plantations along a chronosequence. Forest Ecology and Management, 460: 117896, DOI: (SCI)

52)      Hao GC, Hu ZM, Guo Q, Di K, Li SG. 2019. Median to strong rainfall intensity favors carbon sink in a temperate grassland ecosystem in China. Sustainability, 11(22), 6376. (SCI)

53)      Zhao W, Hu ZM*, Guo Q, Wu GN, Chen RR, Li SG. 2019. Contributions of climatic factors to inter-annual variability of vegetation index in northern China grasslands. Journal of Climate, 33: 175-183, (SCI)

54)      Jiang L, Kou L*, Li SG*. 2019. Decomposition of leaf mixtures and absorptive-root mixtures synchronously changes with deposition of nitrogen and phosphorus. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 138: 107602, (SCI)

55)      Han JY, Ye S, Guo CY, Zhang LM*, Li SG, Wang HM. 2019. Cloudy sky conditions promote net ecosystem CO2 exchange in a subtropical coniferous plantation across seasons. Journal of Resources and Ecology 10(2): 137-146, DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2019.02.004

56)      Zhao W, Hu ZM*, Guo Q, Wu GN, Chen RR, Li SG. 2019. Contributions of climatic factors to inter-annual variability of vegetation index in northern China grasslands. Journal of Climate,  (SCI)

57)      Jiang L, Kou L*, Li SG*. 2019. Decomposition of leaf mixtures and absorptive-root mixtures synchronously changes with deposition of nitrogen and phosphorus. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, (SCI)

58)      Zhou GY, Xu S, Ciais P, Manzoni S, Fang JY, Yu GR, Tang XL, Zhou P, Wang WT, Yan JH, Wang GX, Ma KP, Li SG, Du S, Han SJ, Ma YX, Zhang DQ, Liu JX, Liu SZ, Chu GW, Zhang QM, Li YL, Huang WJ, Ren H, Lu XK, Chen XZ. 2019. Climate and litter C/N ratio constrain soil organic carbon accumulation. National Science Review, 6(4): 746–757, (SCI)

59)      Liu JX, Fang X, Tang XL, Wang WT, Zhou GY, Xu S, Huang WJ, Wang GX, Yan JH, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG, Han SJ, Ma YX. 2019. Patterns and controlling factors of plant nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry across China’s forests. Biogeochemistry, 143(2), 191-205. (SCI)

60)      Liu QC, Cao Z, Liu XJ, Liu LT, Dai T, Han J, Duan HB, Wang C, Wang HM, Liu J, Cai GT, Mao RC, Wang GS, Tan J, Li SG, Liu G*. 2019. Product and metal stocks accumulation of China’s megacities: Patterns, drivers, and implications. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(8), 4128-4139, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b00387. (SCI)

61)      Qiao N, Wang J, Xu XL, Shen YX, Long YE, Hu YH, Schaefer D, Li SG, Wang HM, Kuzyakov Y. 2019. Priming alters soil carbon dynamics during forest succession. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 55(4), 339-350, (SCI)

62)      Yan H, Kou L*, Wang HM, Fu XL, Dai XQ, Li SG. 2019. Contrasting root foraging strategies of two subtropical coniferous forests under an increased diversity of understory species. Plant and Soil, 436(1-2): 427-438, (SCI)

63)      Ouyang S, Xiang WH*, Wang XP, Xiao WF, Chen L, Li SG, Sun H, Deng XW, Forrester DI, Zeng LX, Lei PF, Lei XD, Gou MM, Peng CH. 2019. Effects of stand age, richness and density on productivity in subtropical forests in China. Journal of Ecology, 107(5), 2266-2277. (SCI)

64)      He NP*, Liu CC, Piao SL, Sack L, Xu L, Luo YQ, He JS, Han XG, Zhou GS, Zhou XH, Lin Y, Yu Q, Liu SR, Sun W, Niu SL, Li SG, Zhang JH, Yu GR*. 2019. Ecosystem Traits—Linking Functional Traits to Macroecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 34(3): 200-210, (SCI)

65)      Kou L, Zhang XY, Wang HM, Yang H, Zhao W, Li SG*. 2019. Nitrogen additions inhibit nitrification in acidic soils in a subtropical pine plantation: effects of soil pH and compositional shifts in microbial groups. Journal of Forestry Research, 30: 669-678, (SCI)

66)      Kou L*, Li SG*, Wang HM, Fu XL, Dai XQ. 2019. Unaltered phenology but increased production of ectomycorrhizal roots of Pinus elliottii under four-year nitrogen addition. New Phytologist, 221: 2228–2238, doi: 10.1111/nph.15542. (SCI)

67)      Han JY, Zhang LM*, Li SG*, Wen XF, Li QK, Wang HM. 2019. Effects of sky conditions on net ecosystem productivity of a subtropical coniferous plantation vary from half-hourly to daily timescales. Science of the Total Environment, 651(2): 3002-3014, (SCI)

68)      Kou L*, Li SG*, Wang HM, Fu XL, Dai XQ. 2019. Unaltered phenology but increased production of ectomycorrhizal roots of Pinus elliottii under four-year nitrogen addition. New Phytologist, 221(4): 2228–2238, doi: 10.1111/nph.15542. (SCI)

69)      Jiang L, Kou L*, Li SG*. 2018. Alterations of early-stage decomposition of leaves and absorptive roots by deposition of nitrogen and phosphorus have contrasting mechanisms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 127: 213-222, (SCI)

70)      Hu ZM, Guo Q*, Li SG*, Piao SL, Knapp AK, Ciais P, Li XR, Yu GR. 2018. Shifts in the dynamics of productivity signal ecosystem state transitions at the biome-scale. Ecology Letters, 21(10): 1457-1466, DOI: 10.1111/ele.13126. (SCI)

71)      Wang J, Wen XF*, Zhang XY, Li SG. 2018. Trade-offs between water loss and carbon gain in a subtropical primary forest on Karst soils in China. Biogeosciences, 15: 4193-4203, (SCI)

72)      Tang XL, Zhao X, Bai YF, Tang ZY, Wang WT, Zhao YC, Wan HW, Xie ZQ, Shi XZ, Wu BF, Wang GX, Yan JH, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG, Han SJ, Ma YX, Hu HF, He NP, Yang YH, Han WX, He HL, Yu GR, Fang JY*, Zhou GY*. 2018. Carbon pools in China’s terrestrial ecosystems: new estimates based on an intensive field survey. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,, (SCI)

73)      Wang J, Wen XF, Zhang XY, Li SG, Zhang DY. Co-regulation of photosynthetic capacity by nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium in a subtropical Karst forest in China. Scientific Reports, 8(1), Article number: 7406, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-25839-1. (SCI)

74)      Kou L, Chen WW, Jiang L, Dai XQ, Fu XL, Wang HM, Li SG*. 2018. Simulated nitrogen deposition affects stoichiometry of multiple elements in resource-acquiring organs of plants in a seasonally dry subtropical forest. Science of the Total Environment, 624: 611-620, (SCI)

75)      Xu L, Yu GR, He NP, Wang QF, Gao Y, Wen D, Li SG, Niu SL, Ge JP. 2018. Carbon storage in China’s terrestrial ecosystems: A synthesis. Scientific Reports, 8: Article number: 2806, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-20764-9. (SCI)

76)      Kou L, Jiang L, Fu XL, Dai XQ, Wang HM, Li SG*. 2018. Nitrogen deposition increases root production and turnover but slows root decomposition in Pinus elliottii plantations. New Phytologist, 218(4):1450-1461. (SCI)

77)      Xu S, Zhou GY, Tang XL, Wang WT, Wang GX, Ma KP, Han SJ, Du S, Li SG, Yan JH, Ma YX. 2017. Different spatial patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus resorption efficiencies in China’s forests. Scientific Reports, 7(1): 10584, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-11163-7. (SCI)

78)      Zhang C, Zhang XY, Zou HT, Kou L, Yang Y, Wen XF, Li SG, Wang HM, Sun XM.2017. Contrasting effects of ammonium and nitrate additions on the biomass of soil microbial communities and enzyme activities in subtropical China. Biogeosciences, 14: 4815–4827. (SCI)

79)      Wang J, Wen XF, Li SG. 2017. Differentiated correction on the signal intensity dependence of GasBench Ⅱ-IRMS from blank effect and instrument nonlinear effect. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 422: 80-87. (SCI)

80)      Ichii K, Ueyama M, Kondo M, Saigusa N, Kim J, Alberto MC, Ardö J, Euskirchen ES, Kang M, Hirano T, Joiner J, Kobayashi H, Marchesini LB, Merbold L, Miyata M, Saitoh TM, Takagi K, Varlagin A, Bret-Harte MS, Kitamura K, Kosugi Y, Kotani A, Kumar K, Li SG, Machimura T, Matsuura Y, Mizoguchi Y, Ohta T, Mukherjee S, Yanagi Y, Yasuda Y, Zhang YP, Zhao FH. 2017. New data-driven estimation of terrestrial CO2 fluxes in Asia using a standardized database of eddy covariance measurements, remote sensing data, and support vector regression. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeoscience, 122(4): 767-795. (SCI)

81)      Hu ZM*, Wu GN, Zhang LX, Li SG, Zhu XJ, Zheng H, Zhang LM, Sun XM, Yu GR. 2017. Modeling and partitioning of regional evapotranspiration using a satellite-driven water-carbon coupling model. Remote Sensing, 9(1): 54; doi:10.3390/rs9010054. (SCI)

82)      Zhao W, Hu ZM, Li SG*, Guo Q, Yang H, Zhang TH. 2017. Impact of land use conversion on soil organic carbon stocks in an agro-pastoral ecotone of Inner Mongolia. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 27(8):999-1010. (SCI)

83)      Kou L, McCormack ML, Chen WW, Guo DL, Wang HM, Gao WL, Yang H, Li SG*. 2017. Nitrogen ion form and spatio-temporal variation in root distribution mediate nitrogen effects on lifespan of ectomycorrhizal roots. Plant and Soil, 411(1): 261–273. (SCI)

84)      Kou L, Wang HM, Gao WL, Chen WW, Yang H, Li SG*. 2017. Nitrogen addition regulates tradeoff between root capture and foliar resorption of nitrogen and phosphorus in a subtropical pine plantation. Trees-Structure and Function, 31(1): 77–91. (SCI)

85)      Liu Y, Wang CH, He NP, Wen XF, Gao Y, Li SG, Niu SL, Butterbach-Bahl K, Luo YQ, Yu GR. 2017. A global synthesis of the rate and temperature sensitivity of soil nitrogen mineralization: latitudinal patterns and mechanisms. Global Change Biology, 23(1): 455-464. (SCI)

86)      Yang H*, Yu Q, Sheng WP, Li SG, Tian J. 2017. Determination of leaf carbon isotope discrimination in C4 plants under variable N and water supply. Scientific Reports, 7: 351: doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00498-w. (SCI)

87)      Zhao W, Hu ZM*, Li SG*, Guo Q, Yang H, Zhang TH. 2017. Comparison of surface energy budgets and feedbacks to microclimate among different land use types in an agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China. Science of the Total Environment, 599-600:891-898. (SCI)

88)      Liu XRZhang QWLi SG, Zhang LM, Ren JQ. 2017. Simulated NH4+-N deposition inhibits CH4 uptake and promotes N2O emission in the meadow steppe of Inner Mongolia, China. Pedosphere, 27(2): 306–317. (SCI)

89)      Li SY, Li SG, Huang M*. 2017. Effects of Thinning Intensity on Carbon Stocks and Changes in Larch Forests in China Northeast Forest Region. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 8(5): 538-544.

90)      Gao WL, Yang H*, Li SG*, Kou L. 2017. Responses of soil CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes to N, P, and acid additions in mixed forest in subtropical China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 8(2): 154-164.

91)      Yang H, He NP, Li SG, Yu GR, Gao Y, Wang RM. 2016. Impact of land cover on temperature and moisture sensitivity of soil organic matter mineralization in subtropical southeastern China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 7(2): 85-91.

92)      Gao WL, Kou L, Zhang JB, Müller C, Wang HM, Yang H, Li SG*. 2016. Enhanced deposition of nitrate alters microbial cycling of N in a subtropical forest soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 52(7): 977–986. (SCI)

93)      Gao WL, Kou L, Yang H, Zhang JB, Müller C, Li SG*. 2016. Enhanced N deposition causes a decoupling of ammonium cycling in a boreal forest? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 101(1):114–123. (SCI)

94)      Gao WL, Kou L, Zhang JB, Müller C, Yang H, Li SG*. 2016. Are nitrate production and retention processes in subtropical acidic forest soils responsive to ammonium deposition? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 100(1):102–109. (SCI)

95)      Guo Q, Hu ZM*, Li SG*, Yu GR, Sun XM, Li LH, Liang NS, Bai WM. 2016. Exogenous N addition enhances the responses of gross primary productivity to individual precipitation events in a temperate grassland. Scientific Reports, 6: 26901, doi:10.1038/srep26901. (SCI)

96)      Hu ZM, Li SG, Guo Q, Niu SL, He NP, Li LH, Yu GR. 2016. A synthesis of the effect of grazing exclusion on carbon dynamics in grasslands in China. Global Change Biology, 22(4): 1385–1393, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13133. (SCI)

97)      Guo Q, Li SG, Hu ZM*, Zhao W, Yu GR, Sun XM, Li LH, Liang NS, Bai WM. 2016. Responses of gross primary productivity to different sizes of precipitation events in a temperate grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Land, 8(1): 36-46. (SCI)

98)      Yang H, He NP, He YT, Li SG, Shi PL, Zhang XZ. 2015. Stable water use efficiency of Tibetan alpine meadows in past half century: Evidence from Wool δ13C values. PLoS One, 10(12): e0144752. (SCI)

99)      Liu X-R, Ren J-Q, Li S-G, Zhang Q-W. 2015. Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on soil net nitrogen mineralization in the meadow steppe of Inner Mongolia, China. PLoS One, 10(7): e0134039. (SCI)

100)   Li SG*, Yu GR, Yu XB, He HL, Guo XB. 2015. A brief introduction to Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN). Journal of Resources and Ecology, 6(3): 192-196.

101)   Kou L, Chen WW, Gao WL, Yang H, Wang HM, Li SG*. 2015. Effects of mixture of branch order-based roots and nitrogen addition on root decay in a subtropical pine plantation. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 51(8): 947-957. (SCI)

102)   Guo Q, Hu ZM*, Li SG*, Yu GR, Sun XM, Mu SL, Zhu XJ, Wang YF, Li YN, Zhao W. 2015. Contrasting responses of gross primary productivity to precipitation events in a water-limited and a temperature-limited grassland ecosystem. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 214-215: 169-177. (SCI)

103)   Zhu XJ, Yu GR, Wang QF, Hu ZM, Zheng H, Li SG, Sun XM, Zhang YP, Yan JH, Wang HM, Zhao FH, Zhang JH, Shi PL, Li YN, Zhao L, Zhang FW, Hao YB. 2015. Spatial variability of water use efficiency in China's terrestrial ecosystems. Global and Planetary Change, 129: 37–44. (SCI)

104)   Kou L, Chen WW, Zhang XY, Gao WL, Yang H, Li DL, Li SG*. 2015. Differential responses of needle and branch order-based root decay to nitrogen addition: dominant effects of acid-unhydrolyzable residue and microbial enzymes. Plant and Soil, 394(1): 315-327. (SCI)

105)   Kou L, Guo DL, Yang H, Gao WL, Li SG*. 2015. Growth, morphological traits and mycorrhizal colonization of fine roots respond differently to nitrogen addition in a slash pine plantation in subtropical China. Plant and Soil, 391(1-2):207–218. (SCI)

106)   Gao YN, Yu GR, Li SG, Yan HM, Zhu XJ, Wang QF, Shi PL, Zhao L, Li YN, Zhang FW, Wang YF, Zhang JH. 2015. A remote sensing model to estimate ecosystem respiration in Northern China and the Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Modeling, 304:34–43. (SCI)

107)   Gao WL, Yang H, Kou L, Li SG*. 2015. Erratum to: Effects of nitrogen deposition and fertilization on N transformations in forest soils: a review. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15(5):1233–1234. (SCI)

108)   Gao WL, Yang H, Kou L, Li SG*. 2015. Effects of nitrogen deposition and fertilization on N transformations in forest soils: a review. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15:863–879.(SCI)

109)   Liu XR, LM Zhang, CH Zhang, JQ Ren, SG Li*. 2015. Effects of simulated NH4+ deposition on CO2 fluxes in the Hulun Buir meadow steppe of Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 6(3): 129-138.

110)   Takagi K, Hirata R, Ide R, Ueyama M, Ichii K, Saigusa N, Hirano T, Asanuma J, Li SG, Machimura T, Nakai Y, Ohta T, Takahashi Y. 2015. Spatial and seasonal variations of CO2 flux, and photosynthetic and respiratory parameters of larch forests in East Asia. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 61: 61–75. (SCI)

111)   Zhu XJ, Yu GR, He HL, Wang QF, Chen Z, Gao YN, Zhang YP, Zhang JH, Yan JH, Wang HM, Zhou GS, Jia BR, Xiang WH, Li YN, Zhao L, Wang YF, Shi PL, Chen SP, Xin XP, Zhao FH, Wang YY, Tong CL, Fu YL, Wen XF, Liu YC, Zhang LM, Zhang L, Su W, Li SG, Sun XM. 2014. Geographical statistical assessments of carbon fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems of China: Results from upscaling network observations. Global and Planetary Change, 118:52–61. (SCI)

112)   Xia JZ, SL Liang, JQ Chen, WP Yuan, SG Liu, LH Li, WW Cai, L Zhang, Y Fu, TB Zhao, JM Feng, ZG Ma, MG Ma, SM Liu, GS Zhou, J Asanuma, SP Chen, MY Du, G Davaa, T Kato, Q Liu, SH Liu, SG Li, CL Shao, YH Tang, X Zhao. 2014. Satellite-Based analysis of evapotranspiration and water balance of dryland East Asia. PLoS One, 9(5): e97295. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097295. (SCI)

113)   Gao YN, Yu GR, Yan HM, Zhu XJ, Li SG, Wang QF, Zhang JH, Wang YF, Li YN, Zhao L, Shi PL. 2014. A MODIS-based Photosynthetic Capacity Model to estimate gross primary production in Northern China and the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing of Environment, 148(1):108–118. (SCI)

114)   Hu ZM, Wen XF, Sun XM, Li LH, Yu GR, Lee XH, Li SG*. Partitioning of evapotranspiration through oxygen isotopic measurements of water pools and fluxes in a temperate grassland. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 119(3): 358–371. (SCI)

115)   Ma ZQ, Hartman H, Wang HM, Li QK, Wang YD, Li SG. 2014. Carbon dynamics and stability between native Masson pine and exotic slash pine plantations in subtropical China. European Journal of Forest Research, 133(2): 307–321. (SCI)

116)   Zhang CH, SG Li*, LM Zhang, XP Xin, XR Liu. 2014. Litter mixing significantly affects decomposition in the Hulun Buir meadow steppe of Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 7(1): 59–67. (SCI)

117)   Li XL, SL Liang, WP Yuan, GR Yu, X Cheng, Y Chen, TB Zhao, JM Feng, ZG Ma, MG Ma, SM Liu, JQ Chen, CL Shao, SG Li, XD Zhang, ZQ Zhang, G Sun, SP Chen, T Ohta, A Varlagin, A Miyata, K Takagi, N Saiqusa, T Kato. 2014. Estimation of evapotranspiration over the terrestrial ecosystems in China. Ecohydrology, 7(1): 139–149. (SCI)

118)   Li SY, Huang M, Li SG. 2014. REDD-plus and China's contribution. IOP (Institute of Physics) Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 17 012021

119)   Li SY, Huang M, Li SG. 2014. Forest carbon research in Inner Mongolia: current knowledge, opportunity and challenge. IOP (Institute of Physics) Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 17 012011

120)   Wei YF, Fang J, Liu S, Zhao XY, Li SG*. 2013. Stable isotopic observation of water use sources of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in Horqin Sandy Land, China. Trees-Structure and Function, 27(5): 1249–1260. (SCI)

121)   Hu ZM, Li SG*, Yu GR, Sun XM, Zhang LM, Han SJ, Li YN. 2013. Modeling evapotranspiration by combing a two-source model, a leaf stomatal model, and a light-use efficiency model. Journal of Hydrology, 501(1): 186–192. (SCI)

122)   Yu LF, Wang H, Wang GS, Song WM, Huang Y, Li SG, Liang NS, Tang YH, He JS. 2013. A comparison of methane emission measurements using eddy covariance and manual and automated chamber-based techniques in Tibetan Plateau alpine wetland. Environmental Pollution, 181: 81–90 (SCI)

123)   Li XL, SL Liang, GR Yu, WP Yuan, X Cheng, JZ Xia, TB Zhao, JM Feng, ZG Ma, MG Ma, SM Liu, JQ Chen, CL Shao, SG Li, XD Zhang, ZQ Zhang, SP Chen, T Ohta, A Varlagin, A Miyata, K Takagi, N Saiqusa, T Kato. 2013. Estimation of gross primary production over the terrestrial ecosystems in China. Ecological Modelling, 261–262(1): 80–92. (SCI)

124)   Zhang CH, SG Li*, LM Zhang, XR Liu, XP Xin. 2013. Effects of species and low dose nitrogen addition on litter decomposition of three dominant grasses in Hulum Buir meadow steppe. Journal of Resources and Ecology 4(1): 20–26.

125)   Kim J, Hirano T, Yu GR, Li SG, Tamai K. 2013. Preface: Special Feature: Lessons learned from ‘CarboEastAsia’: Carbon and water cycles in East Asian terrestrial ecosystems. Journal of Forest Research, 18(1): 1–3. (SCI)

126)   Ichii K, M Kondo, YH Lee, SQ Wang, J Kim, M Ueyama, HJ Lim, H Shi, T Suzuki, A Ito, HJ Kwon, WM Ju, M Huang, T Sasai, J Asanuma, SJ Han, T Hirano, R Hirata, T Kato, SG Li, YN Li, T Maeda, A Miyata, Y Matsuura, S Murayama, Y Nakai, T Ohta, TM Saitoh, N Saigusa, K Takagi, YH Tang, HM Wang, GR Yu, YP Zhang, FH Zhao. 2013. Site-level model–data synthesis of terrestrial carbon fluxes in the CarboEastAsia eddy-covariance observation network: toward future modeling efforts. Journal of Forest Research, 18(1):13–20. (SCI)

127)   Saigusa N, SG Li, H Kwon, K Takagi, LM Zhang, R Ide, M Ueyama, J Asanuma, YJ Choi, JH Chun, SJ Han, T Hirano, R Hirata, M Kang, T Kato, J Kim, YN Li, T Maeda, A Miyata, Y Mizoguchi, S Murayama, Y Nakai, T Ohta, TM Saitoh, HM Wang, GR Yu, YP Zhang, FH Zhao. 2013. Dataset of CarboEastAsia and the uncertainties in CO2 budget evaluation caused by different data-processing. Journal of Forest Research, 18(1): 41–48. (SCI)

128)   Yu GR, Zhu XJ, Fu YL, He HL, Wang QF, Wen XF, Li XR, Zhang LM, Zhang L, Su W, Li SG, Sun XM, Zhang YP, Zhang JH, Yan JH, Wang HM, Zhou GS, Jia BR, Xiang WH, Li YN, Zhao L, Wang YF, Shi PL, Chen SP, Xin XP, Zhao FH, Wang YY, Tong CL. 2013. Spatial patterns and climate drivers of carbon fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems of China. Global Change Biology, 19(3): 798–810. (SCI)

129)   Li B, Su HB, Chen F, Li SG, Tian J, Qin YC, Zhang RH, Chen SH, Yang YM, Rong Y. 2013. The changing pattern of droughts in the Lancang River Basin during 1960–2005. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 111(3-4): 401–415. (SCI)

130)   Chen QQ, Xu WQ, Li SG, Fu SL, Yan JH. 2013. Aboveground biomass and corresponding carbon sequestration ability of four major forest types in south China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(13): 1551–1557. (SCI)

131)   Wei YF, Fang J, Liu S, Zhao XY, Yi M, Zhang RJ, Li SG*. 2012. Isotopic model estimate of relative contribution of potential water pools to water uptake of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in Horqin Sandy Land. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 3(4): 308–315.

132)   Guo Q, Hu ZM*, Li SG*, Li XR, Sun XM, Yu GR. 2012. Spatial variations in aboveground net primary productivity along a climate gradient in Eurasian temperate grassland: effects of mean annual precipitation and its seasonal distribution. Global Change Biology, 18(12): 3624–3631. (SCI)

133)   Piao SL, Ito A, Li SG, Huang Y, Ciais P, Wang XH, Peng SS, Nan HJ, Zhao C, Andres R J, Ahlström A, Chevallier F, Fang JY, Hartmann J, Huntingford C, Jeong S, Levis S, Levy PE, Li JS, Lomas MR, Mao JF, Mayorga E, Mohammat A, Muraoka H, Peng C H, Peylin P, Poulter B, Shen ZH, Shi X, Sitch S, Tao S, Tian HQ, Wu XP, Xu M, Yu GR, Viovy N, Zaehle S, Zeng N, Zhu B. 2012. The carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia over the last two decades. Biogeosciences, 9(9): 3571–3586. (SCI)

134)   Welp LR, Lee XH, Griffis TJ, Wen XF, Xiao W, Li SG, Sun XM, Hu ZM, Val Martin M, Huang JP. 2012. A meta-analysis of water vapor deuterium-excess in the midlatitude atmospheric surface layer. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26(3): GB3021, doi:10.1029/2011GB004246. (SCI)

135)   Yan JH, Wang YP, Zhou GY, Li SG, Yu GR, Wang SJ. 2012. Reply to comment by Bourges et al. on “Carbon uptake by karsts in the Houzhai Basin, southwest China”. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 117(7), G03007, doi:10.1029/2012JG002060. (SCI)

136)   Wen XF, Lee XH, Sun XM, Wang JL, Tang YK, Li SG, Yu GR,. 2012. Inter-comparison of four commercial analyzers for water vapor isotope measurement. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29(2): 235–247. (SCI)

137)   Hu ZM, Li SG*, Dong J, Fan J. 2012. Assessment of changes in the state of the rangelands of Inner Mongolia, China between 1998 and 2007 using remotely sensed data. The Rangeland Journal, 34(1): 103–109. (SCI)

138)   Wen XF, Lee XH, Sun XM, Wang JL, Hu ZM, Li SG, Yu GR. 2012. Dew water isotopic ratios and their relationships to ecosystem water pools and fluxes in a cropland and a grassland in China. Oecologia, 168(2): 549–561. (SCI)

139)   Piao S, Ito A, Li S, Huang Y, Ciais P, Wang X, Peng S, Andres RJ, Fang J, Jeong S, Mao J, Mohammat A, Muraoka H, Nan H, Peng C, Peylin P, Shi X, Sitch S, Tao S, Tian H, Xu M, Yu G, Zeng N, Zhu B. 2012. The carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia over the last two decades. Biogeosciences Discussion, 9(3): 4025–4066, doi:10.5194/bgd-9-4025-2012.

140)   Yan JH, Wang YP, Zhou GY, Li SG, Yu GR, Li K. 2011. Carbon uptake by karsts in the Houzhai Basin, Southwest China. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 116(10): G04012, doi:10.1029/2011JG001686. (SCI)

141)   Yu GR, Li XR, Wang QF, Li SG. 2010. Carbon storage and its spatial pattern of terrestrial ecosystem in China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 1(2): 97–109.

142)   Zheng ZM, GR Yu, XM Sun, SG Li, YS Wang, YH Wang, YL Fu, QF Wang. 2010. Spatio-temporal variability of soil respiration of forest ecosystems in China: influencing factors and evaluation model. Environmental Management, 46(4), 633–642. (SCI).

143)   Hu ZM, Yu GR, Fan JW, Zhong HP, Wang SQ, Li SG*. 2010. Precipitation-use efficiency along a 4500-km grassland transect. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 19(6): 842–851. (SCI).

144)   Fu BJ, Li SG, Yu XB, Yang P, Yu GR, Feng RG, Zhuang XL. 2010. Chinese ecosystem research network: Progress and perspectives: Progress and perspectives. Ecological Complexity, 7(2): 225–233. (SCI).

145)   Liu XR, YS Dong, YC Qi, SG Li*. 2010. Drivers of soil net nitrogen mineralization in the temperate grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 87(1): 59–69. (SCI).

146)   Liu XR, YS Dong, YC Qi, SG Li. 2010. N2O fluxes from the native and grazed semi-arid steppes and their driving factors in Inner Mongolia, China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 86(2):231–240. (SCI).

147)   Liu S, SG Li*, GR Yu, J Asanuma, M Sugita, LM Zhang, ZM Hu, YF Wei. 2010. Seasonal and interannual variations in water vapor exchange and surface water balance over a grazed steppe in central Mongolia. Agricultural Water Management, 97(6): 857–864. (SCI)

148)   Saigusa N, K Ichii, H Murakami, R Hirata, J Asanuma, H Den, SJ Han, R Ide, SG Li, T Ohta, T Sasai, SQ Wang, GR Yu. 2010. Impact of meteorological anomalies in the 2003 summer on gross primary productivity in East Asia. Biogeosciences, 7(2): 641–655.(SCI).

149)   Gilmanov TG, L Aires, Z Barcza, VS Baron, L Belelli, J Beringer, D Billesbach, D Bonal, J Bradford, E Ceschia, D Cook, C Corradi, A Frank, D Gianelle, C Gimeno, T Gruenwald, HQ Guo, N Hanan, L Haszpra, J Heilman, A Jacobs, MB Jones, DA Johnson, G Kiely, SG Li, V Magliulo, E Moors, Z Nagy, M Nasyrov, C Owensby, K Pinter, C Pio, M Reichstein, MJ Sanz, R Scott, JF Soussana, PC Stoy, T Svejcar, Z Tuba, GS Zhou. 2010. Productivity, respiration, and light-response parameters of world grassland and agro-ecosystems derived from flux-tower measurements. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 63(1):16–39. (SCI)

150)   Fang HJ, GR Yu, SL Cheng, SG Li, YS Wang, JH Yan, M Wang, M Cao, M Zhou. 2009. Effects of multiple environmental factors on CO2 emission and CH4 uptake from old-growth forest soils. Biogeosciences Discussion, 6(4), 7821–7852.

151)   Saigusa N, K Ichii, H Murakami, R Hirata, J Asanuma, H Den, SJ Han, R Ide, SG Li, T Ohta, T Sasai, SQ Wang, GR Yu. 2009. Impact of meteorological anomalies in the 2003 summer on gross primary productivity in East Asia. Biogeosciences Discussion, 6: 8883–8921.

152)   Liu S, SG Li*, GR Yu, XM Sun, LM Zhang, YN Li, XZ Zhang. 2009. Surface energy exchanges above two grassland ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Biogeosciences Discussion, 6(5): 9161–9192.

153)   Hu ZM, Yu GR, Zhou YL, Sun XM, Li YN, Shi PL, Wang YF, Song X, Zheng ZM, Zhang L, Li SG. 2009. Partitioning of evapotranspiration and its controls in four grassland ecosystems: Application of a two-source model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149(9): 1410–1420. (SCI)

154)   Fang HJ, Yu GR, Cheng SL, Mo JM, Yan JH, SG Li. 2009. 13C abundance, water-soluble and microbial biomass carbon as potential indicators of soil organic carbon dynamics in subtropical forests at different successional stages and subject to different nitrogen loads. Plant and Soil, 320(1-2):243–254. (SCI)

155)   Yu GR, LM Zhang, XM Sun, YL Fu, XF Wen, QF Wang, SG Li, CY Ren, X Song, YF Liu, SJ Han, JH Yan. 2008. Environmental controls over carbon exchange of three forest ecosystems in eastern China. Global Change Biology, 14(11): 2555–2571. (SCI)

156)   Hirata R, Saigusa N, S Yamamoto, Y Ohtani, R Ide, J Asanuma, M Gamo, T Hirano, H Kondo, Y Kosugi, SG Li, Y Nakai, K Takagi, M Tani, HM Wang. 2008. Spatial distribution of carbon balance in forest ecosystems across East Asia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(5): 761–775. (SCI)

157)   Saigusa N, S Yamamoto, R Hirata, Y Ohtani, R Ide, J Asanuma, M Gamo, T Hirano, H Kondo, Y Kosugi, SG Li, Y Nakai, K Takagi, M Tani, HM Wang. 2008. Temporal and spatial variations in the seasonal patterns of CO2 flux in boreal, temperate, and tropical forests in East Asia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(5): 700–713. (SCI)

158)   Li SG*, W Eugster, J Asanuma, A Kotani, G Davaa, D Oyunbaatar, M Sugita. 2008. Response of gross ecosystem productivity, light use efficiency and water use efficiency of Mongolian steppe to seasonal variations in soil moisture. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 113, G01019, doi:10.1029/2006JG000349. (SCI)

159)   Zhao FH, GR Yu, SG Li, CY Ren, XM Sun, N Mi, J Li, Z Ouyang. 2007. Canopy water use efficiency of winter wheat in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 93(3). 99–108. (SCI)

160)   Li SG*, Tsujimura M, Sugimoto A, Davaa G, Oyunbaatar D, Sugita M. 2007b. Temporal variation of δ13C of larch leaves from a montane boreal forest in Mongolia. Trees-Structure and Function, 21(4), 479–490. (SCI)

161)   Li SG*, Asanuma J, Kotani A, Davaa G, Oyunbaatar D. 2007c. Evapotranspiration from a Mongolian steppe under grazing and its environmental constraints. Journal of Hydrology, 333(1-2): 133–143. (SCI)

162)   Li SG*, Romero-Saltos HG, Tsujimura M, Sugimoto A, Sasaki L, Davaa G, Oyunbaatar D. 2007d. Plant water sources in the cold semiarid ecosystem of the upper Kherlen River catchment in Mongolia: A stable isotope approach. Journal of Hydrology, 333(1-2): 109–117. (SCI)

163)   Tsujimura M, Sasaki L, Yamanaka T, Sugimoto A, Li SG, Matsushima D, Kotani A, Saandar M. 2007. Vertical distribution of stable isotopic composition in atmospheric water vapor and subsurface water in grassland and forest sites, eastern Mongolia. Journal of Hydrology, 333(1-2): 35–46. (SCI)

164)   Li SG*, Eugster W, Asanuma J, Kotani A, Davaa G, Oyunbaatar D, Sugita M. 2006. Energy partitioning and its biophysical controls above a grazing steppe in central Mongolia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 137(1-2): 89–106. (SCI)

165)   Li SG*, Tsujimura M, Sugimoto A, Davaa G, Oyunbaatar D, Sugita M. 2006. Natural recovery of steppe vegetation on vehicle tracks in central Mongolia. Journal of Biosciences, 31(1): 85–93. (SCI)

166)   Li SG*, Tsujimura M, Sugimoto A, Sasaki L, Yamanaka T, Davaa G, Oyunbaatar D, Sugita M. 2006. Seasonal variations in oxygen isotope composition of waters for a montane larch forest in Mongolia. Trees-Structure and Function, 20(1): 122–130. (SCI)

167)   Li SG*, Asanuma J, Eugster W, Kotani A, Liu JJ, Urano T, Oikawa T, Davaa G, Oyunbaatar D, Sugita M. 2005. Net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange over grazed steppe in central Mongolia. Global Change Biology, 11(11): 1941–1955. (SCI)

168)   Li SG*, Asanuma J, Kotani A, Eugster W, Davaa G, Oyunbaatar D, Sugita M. 2005. Year-round measurements of net ecosystem CO2 flux over a montane larch forest in Mongolia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 110: D09303, doi:10.1029/2004JD005453. (SCI)

169)   Li SG*, Asanuma J, Kotani A, Davaa G, Oyunbaatar D, Sugita M. 2005. Water balance for a Mongolian steppe and its environmental constraints. Bulletin of the Terrestrial Environmental Research Center, University of Tsukuba, 5: 92–94.

170)   Tsujimura M, Sasaki L, Yamanaka T, Sugimoto A, Li SG. 2005. Hydrological processes in Kherlen River basin revealed by isotope tracer approaches. Bulletin of the Terrestrial Environmental Research Center, University of Tsukuba, 5: 70–71.

171)   Li SG*, Lai CT, Lee G, Shimoda S, Yokoyama T, Higuchi A, Oikawa T. 2005. Evapotranspiration from a wet temperate grassland and its sensitivity to microenvironmental variables. Hydrological Processes, 19(2): 517–532. (SCI)

172)   Zhang TH, Zhao HL, Li SG, Zhou RL. 2004. Grassland changes under grazing stress in Horqin sandy grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47: 307–312. (SCI)

173)   Zhao HL, Li SG, Zhang TH, Ohkuro T, Zhou RL. 2004. Sheep gain and species diversity: in sandy grassland, Inner Mongolia. Journal of Range Management, 57: 187–190. (SCI)

174)   Zhou HY, Li SG, Zhao AF, Zhao HL, Wang G. 2004. Ecophysiological evidences for the competition strategy of two psammophytes (Artemisia halodendron and Artemisia frigida) in Horqin sandy land, Nei Mongol. Acta Botanica Sinica, 46: 284–293. (SCI)

175)   Zhang TH, Zhao HL, Li SG, Li FR, Shirato Y, Ohkuro T, Taniyama I 2004. A comparison of different measures for stabilizing moving sand dunes in the Horqin Sandy Land of Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Environments, 58: 202–213. (SCI)

176)   Li SG*, Lai CT, Yokoyama T, Oikawa T. 2003. Seasonal variation in energy budget and net ecosystem CO2 exchange over a wet C3/C4 co-occurring grassland: effects of development of the canopy. Ecological Research, 18: 661–675. (SCI)

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187)   Li J, Liu ZM, Li SG, Zhao WZ. 1992. The model of artificial vegetation establishment in the Horqin Sandy Land. Journal of Arid Land Research, 5(4): 317–323. Allerton Press, New York, USA. 

Pair-reviewed Chinese Journals (* Corresponding Authors)


1)       Chen RR, Hu ZM, Li SG, Guo Q. 2020. Assessment of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index from Different Data Sources in Grassland of Northern China. Journal of Geo-information Science, 22(9): 1910-1919, doi: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.190237.

2)       Liu Q C, Liu LT, Liu J, et al. 2018. In-use Iron and Steel Stock Growth and Driving Force Analysis for Chongqing, China during 1985-2014. Resources Science40(12): 2341-2350

3)       Chen WW, Kou L, Jiang L, Gao WL, Yang H, Wang HM, Li SG*. 2017. Short-term responses of foliar multi-element stoichiometry and resorption of slash pine to N additions in subtropical China. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 26(10): 2991-2999.

4)       Wu GN, Hu ZM, Li SG, Zheng H, Zhu XJ, Sun XM, Yu GR, Li JB. 2016. Evaluation and uncertainty analysis of a two-source evapotranspiration model. Acta Geographica Sinica, 71(11): 1886-1897.

5)       Cao PY, Zhang LM, Li SG, Zhang JH. 2016. Review on vegetation phenology observation and phenological index extraction. Advances in Earth Science, 31(4): 365-376.

6)       Zhang C, Zou HT, Zhang XY*, Kou L, Yang Y, Sun XM, Li SG, Wang HM. 2016. Effects of nitrogen additions on soil hydrolase and oxidase activities in Pinus elliottii plantations. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 27(11): 3427-3434.

7)       You CM, Hu ZM, Guo Q, Gan YM, Li LH, Bai WM, Li SG. 2016. Effects of nitrogen addition on carbon exchange in a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 36(8): 2142-2150.

8)       Huang XQ, Xin CL, Hu ZM, Li GT, Zhang TH, Zhao W, Yang H, Zhang LM, Guo Q, Yue YJ, Gao RH, Wu ZY, Yan ZG, Liu XP, Li YQ, Li SG. 2016. Carbon storage of the forests and its spatial pattern in Nei Mongol, China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 40(4): 327-340.

9)       Zhao W, Hu ZM, Yang H*, Zhang LM, Guo Q, Wu ZY, Liu DY, Li SG. 2016. Carbon density characteristics of sparse Ulmus pumila forest and Populus simonii plantation in Onqin Daga Sandy Land and their relationships with stand age. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 40(4): 318-326.

10)     Gao WL, Zhao W, Yang H, Yang HJ, Chen GQ, Luo YC, Fang HJ, Li SG*. 2015. Effects of nitrogen addition on soil inorganic N content and soil N mineralization of a cold-temperate coniferous forest in Great Xing’an Mountains. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 35(5): 130-136.

11)     Han JY, Li SG, Zhang LM*, Wen XF, Li QK, Wang HM. 2015. Simulation and validation of diffuse radiation in Qianyanzhou area, Jiangxi, China. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 26(10): 2991-2999.

12)     Han JY, Li SG, Zhang LM*, Wen XF, Li QK, Wang HM. 2015. Comparative observation of diffuse radiation in Qianyanzhou during the spring of 2012. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 26(3): 697–703.

13)     He LY, Hu ZM, Guo Q, Li SG, Bai WM, Li LH. 2015. Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on the aboveground biomass in Inner Mongolia temperate steppe, China. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 26(8): 2291-2297.

14)     Guo Q, Li SG, Hu ZM, Zhao W, Wang M. 1999. Response of Gross Primary Productivity to Water Availability at Different Temporal Scales in a Typical Steppe in Inner Mongolia Temperate Steppe. Journal of Desert Research, 35(3): 616–623.

15)     Tan ZH, Yu GR, Zhou GY, Han SJ, Hsia YJ, Maeda T, Kosugi Y, Yamanoi K, Li SG, Ohta T, Hirata R, Yasuda Y, Nakano T, Kominami Y, Kitamura K, Mizoguchi Y, Liao ZY, Zhao JF, Yang LY. 2015. Microclimate of forests across East Asia biomes: 1. Radiation and energy balance. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 39(6): 541-553.

16)     Luo YC, Lü YL, Yang H, He NP, Li SG, Gao WL. 2014. Soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization in a Larix gmelinii forest during freeze-thaw cycles. Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 23(11): 1769–1775.

17)     Yang H, Hu ZM*, Zhang LM, Li SG. 2014. Characteristics of carbon storage of Inner Mongolia forests: A review. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 25(11): 3366–3372.

18)     Chen GQ, Fu WL, Luo YC, Gao WL, Li SG, Yang H. 2014. Effects of nitrogen addition on available nitrogen content and acidification in cold-temperate coniferous forest soil in the growing season. Environmental Science, 35(12): 4686–4694.

19)     Guo Q, Hu ZM, Li XR, Li SG*. 2012. Effects of precipitation timing on aboveground net primary productivity in Inner Mongolia temperate grassland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 33(15): 4808–4817.

20)     Chen QQ, Xu WQ, Li SG, Fu SL, Yan JH. 2012. Aboveground biomass and corresponding carbon sequestration ability of four major forest types in south China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57, doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-5100-8.

21)     Zhang CH, LM Zhang, XR Liu, XP Xin, SG Li*. 2012. Decomposition and its affecting factors of Stipa baicalensis stems and leaves collected at different growth stages. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 31 (5): 1088–1096.

22)     Wei YF, Fang J, XY Zhao, SG Li*. 2011. Eco-physiological traits of different age needles of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation in Horqin sandy land. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica (Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology), 35 (12): 1271–1280, doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2011.01271.

23)     Zhang CH, LM Zhang, XR Liu, XP Xin, SG Li*. 2011. Root tissue and shoot litter decomposition of dominant species Stipa baicalensis in Hulun Buir meadow steppe of Inner Mongolia, China. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica (Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology), 35 (11): 1156–1166, doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2011.01156.

24)     Liu YC, Wang QF, Yu GR, Zhu XJ, Zhan XY, Guo Q, Yang H, Li SG, Hu ZM. 2011. Ecosystems carbon storage and carbon sequestration potential of two main tree species for the Grain for Green Project on China’s hilly Loess Plateau. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 31(15):4277–4286.

25)     Sun J, M Liu, SG Li*, ZM Hu, XM Sun, XF Wen, LM Zhang. 2011. Survival strategy of Stipa krylovii and Agropyron cristatum in typical steppe of Inner Mongolia. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 31(8): 2148–2158.

26)     Fang J, YF Wei, S Liu, XY Zhao, SG Li*. 2011. Stable isotopic analysis on water utilization sources of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantations in inter-dune lowland in Horqin Sandy Land. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 30 (9): 1894–1900.

27)     Liu S, SG Li*, GR Yu, XM Sun, LM Zhang, M Sugita, YN Li, XZ Zhang, YF Wang. 2010. Surface energy exchanges in grassland ecosystems along a precipitation gradient. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 30(3): 0557–0567.

28)     Liu S, GR Yu, LM Zhang, M Sugita, FH Zhao, ZM Hu, SG Li*. 2009. The thawing-freezing processes and soil moisture distribution of the steppe in central Mongolian Plateau. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 46(1): 46–51.

29)     Kang BW, JJ Liu, L Hou, SG Li. 2006. Effects of Grazing-blockade by fencing on the biomass in Stipa krylovii steppe of Mongolia. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 26(12): 2540–2546.

30)     Kang XY, ZM Liu, SG Li. 2004. Potential ecological risks of transgenic trees. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 15(7): 1281–1284.

31)     Zhou HY, SG Li, XR Li, AF Zhao, HL Zhao, HW Fan, G Wang. 2004. Ecophysiological evidence for the competition strategy of two psammophytes Artemisia halodendron and A. frigida in Horqin Sandy Land, Nei Mongol. 46(3): 284–293.

32)     Chang XL, AF Zhao, SG Li. 2000. Responses of species diversity to precipitation change on ficed-dunes of the Naiman Banner region. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 24(2): 147–151.

33)     Chang XL, AF Zhao, SG Li. 1999. Spatial-temporal scale and hierarchy of vulnerable ecotone. Journal of Desert Research, 19(2): 115–119.

34)     Li SG, HL Zhao, ZY He, XL Chang, Y Harazono, T Ohkuro, M Nemoto. 1999. Micrometeorological changes and grassland desertification due to overgrazing in Naiman, Inner Mongolia, China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 19(5):697–704.

35)     Chang XL, AF Zhao,, SG Li. 1998. Effects of landscape in the desertification research. Journal of Desert Research, 18(3): 210–214.

36)     Zhao HL, Li SG, Zhang TH. 1998. Evaluation of the effect of fencing on restoration of vegetation in the degraded grassland in the Horqin sandy land. Journal of Desert Research, 18 (suppl.): 47–50.

37)     Zhao HL, Li SG, Zhang TH. 1998. Spatio-temporal variations and their causes for desertified land in 1980s in the Horqin sandy land. Journal of Desert Research, 18 (suppl.): 1–9.

38)     Zhao HL, Liu XM, Li SG. 1998. Frangibility and its driving forces for sandy environment in the Horqin sandy land. Journal of Desert Research, 18 (suppl.): 10–17.

39)     Chang XL, Li SG. 1998. Diversity and its dynamics of plants in fixed sand dunes in the Horqin sandy land. Journal of Desert Research, 18 (suppl.): 33–37.

40)     Li SG, AF Zhao, XL Chang. 1997. Succession of plant communities in the Horqin sandy land. Journal of Desert Research, 17(Suppl ): 25–33.

41)     Li SG. 1997. Growth characteristics of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica. Journal of Desert Research, 17(Suppl ): 70–73.

42)     Li SG, HL Zhao, ZY He, XL Chang, Y Harazono. 1997. Micrometeorological changes over dunes following establishment of artificial artemisia vegetation at Naiman, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Desert Research, 17: 133–137.

43)     Li SG, HL Zhao, ZY He, XL Chang, Y Harazono. 1997. Heat budgets for irrigated and non-irrigated soybean fields at Naiman, Inner Mongolia. Journal of Lanzhou University, 33: 98–104.

44)     Zhao HL, M Nemoto, T Ohkuro, Li SG. 1997. Study on desertification mechanism of grazing grassland in Horqin Sandy Land in Inner Mongolia China. Grassland of China, 19(3): 15–23.

45)     Zhao HL, SG Li, TH Zhang, M Nemoto, T Ohkuro. 1997. Evaluation of productivity and rational utilization of sandy grassland in Horqin steppe under different gradient intensities. Journal of Desert Research, 17(suppl): 109–114.

46)     Chang XL, SG Li, XY Zhao. 1997. The effect of grazing pressure on Caragana Microphylla. Journal of Desert Research, 17(suppl): 96–102.

47)     Chang XL, SG Li, XY Zhao, TB Han. 1997. The effect of cutting on regeneration of Salix gordejevii. Journal of Desert Research, 17(suppl): 54–59.

48)     He ZY, Y Harazono, SG Li, JY Shen. 1997. The characteristics of turbulent transfer over artificial vegetation and a sand dune in the desertified area in Naiman, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Desert Research, 17(suppl): 1–6.

49)     Chang XL, XY Zhao, SG Li, TB Han. 1996. Role of Artemisia halodendron sanddune pasture vegetation in Horqin. Journal of Desert Research, 16(1): 27–31.

50)     Li SG, Y Harazono, ZY He, JY Shen. 1995. Micrometeorological characteristics of croplands at Naiman, Inner Mongolia. Meteorological Monthly, 21(6): 29–32.

51)     Li SG, Y Harazono, ZY He, JY Shen. 1995. Seasonal changes of micrometeorology over wheat field at Naiman, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Desert Research, 15: 216–221.

52)     Li SG, Y Harazono, ZY He, JY Shen. 1995. A study of the influence of desertification on micrometeorological characteristics of grassland at Naiman, Inner Mongolia, China. Scientia Atmosphere Sinica, 18(6): 758–763.

53)     Li SG, ZY He, JY Shen, Y Harazono. 1994. Heat budget of Naiman grassland in Inner Mongolia. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 5(4): 214–216.

54)     Li SG. 1994. Adaptation of Mongolia Scotch pine to sandy land at Naiman, Inner Mongolia. Journal of Desert Research, 14: 60–67.

55)     Li SG. 1994. Vegetation and desertification control in the Shiquanhe Valley. Journal of Research on Arid Area, 11(2): 46–52.

56)     Li J, ZM Liu, SG Li, WZ Zhao. 1994. Establishment of artificial vegetation model for the Horqin Sandy Land. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 5(1):46–51.

57)     Chang XL, SG Li. 1994. Influences of grazing on shrub of Caragana microphylla. Journal of Pratacultrual Sciences, 11(6): 48–51.

58)     Li SG, Y Harazono, ZY He, JY Shen. 1993. Micrometeorological characteristics of wheat field and sand dune at Naiman, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Plateau Meteorology, 12(4):400–408.

59)     Shen JY, ZY He, SG Li, TL Wang, Y Harazono. 1993. Study on microclimate of desertified land in Naiman Area. Journal of Desert Research, 13(2): 44–51.

60)     Li SG, XL Chang, XY Zhao. 1992. Agriophyllum squarrosum, a pioneering plant on shifting sand. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 6(4):63–70.

61)     Chang XL, Li SG, XY Zhao. 1992. Energy flux benefits in the agroecosystem of the desertified area in Naiman Banner, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 6(3):85–91.

62)     Li SG. 1991. Fuzzy cluster analysis of climatic ecotopes suitable for Mongolia Scotch Pine. Journal of Desert Research, 11(3): 61–66.

63)     Li SG. 1991. Discussion on some problems of establishment of artificial vegetation of Mongolian Scotch pine. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology of Gansu, 13(1):10–17. 



Chapters in Books


1)      Tang YH, An LZ, Li SG, Shen MG, Cao RY, Gao WL, Wu CY. 2017. Plant Ecophysiology. Pp. 128-148 in Yu ZL, Ge JP, Yu GR, Zhang DY, Fang JY, Kang L, Fu BJ, Jiao NZ (eds). Ecology: Current Knoledge and Future Challenges. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 785pp.

2)      Yu GR, He NP, Liang B, Xu ZW, Li SG, Guo XB, Yue TX, Liu MC. 2015. Ecosystem Positioning Research and Models. Pp 419-436 in Li WH (ed.) Contemporary Ecology Research in China. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-662-48374-9, ISBN-10: 3662483742, November 27th, 2015, 680pp.

3)      Liao H, Yu GR(leading authors), Fang JY, Xu YF, Huang Y, Zhang XY, Zhang H, Piao SL, Niu SL, Li SG (Contribution authors)]. 2015. Chapter III, Climatic effects of greenhouse gases and aresols. Pages 51-92 in: Editorial Committee for “The Third China’ National Assessment Report on Climate Change”, The Third China’ National Assessment Report on Climate Change. Beijing: Science Press, 903pp. (In Chinese)Li S.-G. & Guo X.-B. 2013. Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN) of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Pages 53-70 in: Li W.-H. (ed.), Ecology Study in Contemporary China: Global Change Ecology. Beijing: Science Press, 330pp.

4)      Li S.-G., Zhang L.-M., Hu Z.-M., Liu X.-R. & Fang J. 2010. Analyses of carbon sink strength of China’s terrestrial ecosystems. Pages 175-188 in: Liu W.-D., Lu D.-D., Zhang L., Wang L.-M., Zhao J.-A., Li S.-G., Ma L. & Tang Z.-P. (eds.), Development Frames and Scientific Fundamentals for Low Economy in China. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 188pp.

5)      Li S.-G. 2009. Application of stable isotope techniques in biogeochemical cyclings of terrestrial ecosystems. Pages 55-103 in: Yu G.-R., Yu Q., Wang K.-C. et al. (eds.), Scientific Frontier on Human Activities and Ecosystem Changes. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 543pp.

6)      Yu G.-R., Li S.-G., Fu Y.-L. & Li X.-R. 2009. Carbon cycle of China’s terrestrial ecosystems. Pages 225-254 in: Sun H.-L. (ed.), Twenty Years of Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN): Synthetic Study of Ecosystems. Beijing: Science Press, 388pp.

7)      Tang Y.-H. & Li S.-G. 2007.Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of light environment and its effects on photosynthesis. Pages 2-30 in: Wu J.-G., Ge J.-P., Han X.-G., Yu Z.-L. & Zhang D.-Y. (eds.), Lectures in Modern Ecology: Advances and Key Topics. Higher Education Press, 383pp.

8)      Harazono, Y., S.-G. Li, J.-Y. Shen, Z.-Y. He, X.-M. Liu, H.-L. Zhao, K. Takagi & M. Komine. (eds). 1999. Micrometeorology of dune and vegetation at the semi-arid area at Naiman in Inner Mongolia, China. The Bulletin of the National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences 24:1-286.

9)      Li S.-G. 1996. Influences of environmental factors on dune vegetation. Pages 56-70 in Liu X.-M., Zhao H.-L. & Zhao A.-F. (eds.), Wind-sandy environment and vegetation in the Horqin sandy land, China. Beijing: Science Press, 294pp. (In Chinese.)

10)   Li S.-G. 1996. Floristic composition in the Horqin sandy land. Pages 108-114 in Liu X.-M., Zhao H.-L. & Zhao A.-F. (eds.), Wind-sandy environment and vegetation in the Horqin sandy land, China. Beijing: Science Press, 294pp. (In Chinese.)

11)   Li S.-G. 1996. Life forms and ecological groups. Pages 114-119 in Liu X.-M., Zhao H.-L. & Zhao A.-F. (eds.), Wind-sandy environment and vegetation in the Horqin sandy land, China. Beijing: Science Press, 294pp. (In Chinese)

12)   Li S.-G. 1996. Succession of plant communities of the sandy land. Pages 261-271 in Liu X.-M., Zhao H.-L. & Zhao A.-F. (eds.), Wind-sandy environment and vegetation in the Horqin sandy land, China. Beijing: Science Press, 294pp. (In Chinese)

13)   Li S.-G. 1996. Flora of the Horqin sandy land. Pages 274-294 in Liu X.-M., Zhao H.-L. & Zhao A.-F. (eds.), Wind-sandy environment and vegetation in the Horqin sandy land, China. Beijing: Science Press, 294pp. (In Chinese)

14)   Chang X.-L., S.-G. Li & X.-Y. Zhao. 1994. Biomass and growth characteristics of Salix gordejevii. Pages 201-208 in Liu X.-M. & Zhao H.-L. (eds.), Comprehensive Management of Fragile Ecological Environment of Horqin Sandy Land. Lanzhou, China: Gansu Sci. & Technol. Pub. House. 302 pp. (In Chinese)

15)   He Z.-Y., Shen, J.-Y. & S.-G. Li. 1994. The soil thermal regime of sand dune in Naiman Banner. Pages 141-148 in Liu X.-M. & Zhao H.-L. (eds.), Comprehensive Management of Fragile Ecological Environment of Horqin Sandy Land. Lanzhou, China: Gansu Sci. & Technol. Pub. House. 302 pp. (In Chinese)

16)   Li S.-G., Y. Harazono, Z.Y. He and J.Y. Shen. 1994. Micrometeorological characteristics and heat budget in wheat field at Naiman, Inner Mongolia, China. Pages 149-156 in Liu X.-M. & Zhao H.-L. (eds.), Comprehensive Management of Fragile Ecological Environment of Horqin Sandy Land. Lanzhou, China: Gansu Sci. & Technol. Pub. House. 302 pp. (In Chinese)

17)   Li S.-G., J.-Y. Shen & Z.-Y. He. 1994. Measurements and data analysis of sandy land micro-climate using an automatic measurement system. Pages 294-302 in Liu X.-M. & Zhao H.-L. (eds.), Comprehensive Management of Fragile Ecological Environment of Horqin Sandy Land. Lanzhou, China: Gansu Sci. & Technol. Pub. House. 302 pp. (In Chinese.)

18)   Shen J.-Y., S.-G. Li & Z.-Y. He. 1994. Study on desertification process and microclimate change in Naiman area. Pages 126-134 in Liu X.-M. & Zhao H.-L. (eds.), Comprehensive Management of Fragile Ecological Environment of Horqin Sandy Land. Lanzhou, China: Gansu Sci. & Technol. Pub. House. 302 pp. (In Chinese)

19)   Shen J.-Y., Z.-Y. He & S.-G. Li. 1994. Microclimate of desertified land in Naiman. Pages 135-140 in Liu X.-M. & Zhao H.-L. (eds.), Comprehensive Management of Fragile Ecological Environment of Horqin Sandy Land. Lanzhou, China: Gansu Sci. & Technol. Pub. House. 302 pp. (In Chinese)

20)   Chang X.-L., W.-Z. Zhao & S.-G. Li. 1993. Study on the relationship between seasonal dynamics of above ground biomass of several sand-fixing plants and environmental factors. Pages 34-140 in Zhao G.-J., Y.-H. Liu, M.-C. Zhao & Y.-O. Shen (eds.), Study on Comprehensive Management and Recovery Techniques of Fragile Ecological Environment. Beijing, China: Beijing Sci. & Technol. Pub. House. 242 pp. (In Chinese)



1)      Li S.-G. 1994. Patterns and processes of desert communities (荒漠群落的格局与过程) (II). Journal of World Desert Research (世界沙漠研究), (2):19-23. [Translated and excerpted from Polis G. A. 1991. Desert communities: an overview of patterns and processes. In: Polis G.A. (Ed.) The Ecology of Desert Communities, pp. 1–26. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson. 460pp.]

2)      Li S.-G. 1994. Patterns and processes of desert communities (荒漠群落的格局与过程) (I). Journal of World Desert Research (世界沙漠研究), (1):21-23. [Translated and excerpted from Polis G. A. 1991. Desert communities: an overview of patterns and processes. In: Polis G.A. (Ed.) The Ecology of Desert Communities, pp. 1–26. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson. 460pp.]

3)      Li S.-G. 1990: Reclamation along the coast of Eastern Mediterranean of Sinai Peninsular in Egypt (埃及西奈半岛东地中海沿岸的垦荒). Journal of World Desert Research (世界沙漠研究), (3):25-28. [Translated and excerpted from J. Applied Geography and Development, 1988, 32:95-109.]


1) 温学发,孙晓敏,王建林,于贵瑞,李胜功. 2012. 水汽氢氧稳定同位素通量的模拟装置与用途. 发明专利. 专利号: ZL201110004555.X, 授权日期: 2012-10-17.
2) 温学发,孙晓敏,王建林,张心昱,于贵瑞,李胜功,李旭辉. 2012. 恒定氢氧稳定同位素比值的水汽发生器及用途. 发明专利. 专利号: ZL201010223551.6, 授权日期: 2012-09-05.
3) 黄学文, 刘新民, 严哲珠, 赵哈林, 何宗颖, 赵学勇, 张铜会, 李胜功. 1996. 沙地薄膜水稻栽培方法. 发明专利. 专利号: CN1122183, 授权日期: 1996-05-15.

Research Interests

• Interaction (carbon and water vapor exchange) between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems (monitoring the fluxes across space and time);
• Feedbacks between global change and ecosystem processes (carbon sequestration and ecosystem resilience or stability);
• Soil carbon and nitrogen cycling and underlying mechanisms in forest and grassland ecosystems;
• Linking above and belowground water, carbon and nitrogen cycling processes by means of stable isotope tracing and eco-stoichemistry.



方杰  硕士研究生  071012-生态学  

魏雅芬  博士研究生  071012-生态学  

李树勇  博士研究生  071012-生态学  

张彩虹  博士研究生  071012-生态学  

郭群  博士研究生  071012-生态学  

赵玮  博士研究生  071012-生态学  

寇亮  博士研究生  071012-生态学  

高文龙  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

马泽清  博士研究生  071012-生态学  

韩佳音  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

陈微微  硕士研究生  071300-生态学  

郭初莹  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

王静  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

陈如如  硕士研究生  071300-生态学  

刘仟策  硕士研究生  077601-环境科学  

蒋蕾  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

程凯利  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

郭旋  硕士研究生  077601-环境科学  

王若梦  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

吴戈男  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

郑甲佳  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

郝亚鹏  硕士研究生  071300-生态学  

杨静  硕士研究生  077601-环境科学  

白燏  博士研究生  071300-生态学  


薛亚芳  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

马宁  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

张万一  硕士研究生  077601-环境科学  

段晓清  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

Professional Contributions

• Conference organizer, Asiaflux Annual Meeting. 

• Members of Journals (杂志编委): 
《Journal of Resources and Ecology》(2010-),
《Journal of Forest Research》(2014-),
《Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions》(2008-2014),

• Reviewer (审稿情况): 

《环境科学研究》,《科学通报》, 《林业科学研究》,《气象学报(英文版)》, 《生态学报》,《同位素》,《应用生态学报》, 《植物生态学报》, 《植物学报》, 《中国草地学报》, 《中国科学》, 《中国科学院大学学报》, 《中国农业气象》,《中国沙漠》, Acta Ecologica Sinica,Journal of Resources and Ecology, Acta Ecologica Sinica, Journal of Resources and Ecology, Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions (SCAR), 

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,

Annals of Botany

Atmospheric Environment

Australian Journal of Crop Science,

Australian Journal of Soil Research,



Ecology and Evolution

Ecological Engineering,

Ecological Research,

Environmental and Experimental Botany,

Environmental Geology,

Environmental Management,

Environmental Pollution

Global Change Biology,

Global Ecology and Biogeography,

Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology,

Journal of Arid Environments,

Journal of Arid Land,

Journal of Environmental Management,

Journal of Geophysical Research (Biogeoscience,and Atmosphere),

Journal of Hydrology,

Journal of Plant Ecology,

Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science,

Land Degradation & Development,

Plant and Soil,

PLoS One,

Polar Science,

Remote Sensing of Environment,

Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences,

Scientific Reports

The Rangeland Journal,

The Science of the Total Environment,

Tree Physiology