李启寨,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 研究员





电话:010-82541839. 电子邮件:liqz@amss.ac.cn


 副所长,2022.12-至今,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 系统科学研究所

 研究员, 2015.4-至今,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院

 副研究员, 2010.4-2015.3,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院

 助理研究员, 2006.7-2010.3,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 


 国家杰出青年科学基金, 2023

 美国统计学会会士(ASA Fellow), 2020 

 国家优秀青年科学基金, 2017

 国际统计学会推选会员(ISI Elected Member), 2016 

 中国工业与应用数学学会优秀青年学者奖, 2015

 中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖, 2011


 1. 概率论与数理统计 [公共必修课],80学时,4学分; 


 2. 应用数学研讨课(统计学) [专业必修课],60学时,4学分;





1. 李启寨、孟珍 编著《概率论与数理统计》,高等教育出版社,2023年.

2. 《普通高中教科书数学(B版)选择性必修第三册》分册主编,人民教育出版社,2020.

3. 《中华生物医学统计大辞典遗传统计分册》副主编,中国统计出版社,2020.



1. Wu YF, Liao XY, Li Q (2024) A generalized factor rotation framework with customized regularization.

Psychometrika (Accepted)

2. Shi YK, Li N, Li Q, Pan DD,Wang JJ (2024) Two kernel-based feature screening procedures for high-dimensional response data. 

Statistica Sinica (Accepted)

3. Meng Z, Shi YK, Lin JY, Li Q (2024) On p-value combination procedures.

ACTA Mathematica Sinica English Series (Accepted)


4. Zhao MY, Ma L, Jia XH, Shi YK, Jiang JG, Li Q, Yan DM, Huang TJ (2024) A Bayesian approach toward tobust multidimensional Ellipsoid-specific fitting.

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 46 (12) , 10106-10123.

5. Bai QX, Shi YK, Yang Q, Li Q (2024) Conditional kernel covariance and correlation.

数学进展 53(6), 1158-1172.


6. Li ZT, Wang B, Luo W, Xu YY, Wang JJ, Xue ZH, Niu YD, Cheng ZK, Ge S, Zhang W, Zhang JY, Li Q, Chong K (2023) Natural variation of codon repeats in COLD11 endows rice with chilling resilience.

Science Advances 9(1), eabq5506.

7. Wang JJ, Long MY, Li Q (2023) A maximum kernel-based association test to detect the pleiotropic genetic effects on multiple phenotypes.

Bioinformatics 39(5), btad291.

8. Bu DL, Wang X, Li Q (2023) Summary statistics-based association test for identifying the pleiotropic effects with set of genetic variants. 

Bioinformatics 39(4), btad182.

9. Wang JJ, Li N, Meng Z, Li Q (2023) Change point detection for high dimensional data via kernel measure with application to human aging brain data.

Statistics in Medicine 42(25), 4644-4663.

10. Long MY, Li ZB, Zhang W, Li Q (2023) The Cauchy combination test under arbitrary dependence structures.

The American Statistician, 77(2), 134-142.

11. Li JL, Wang PY, Li Q, Zhang K, Liu YF (2023) Nonparametric prediction distribution for regression with heterogeneous data.

Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 41(4), 1157–1172.

12. Xiong WJ, Ding J, Liu A, Zhang W, Li Q (2023) Nested group testing procedure.

Communications in Mathematics and Statistics 11, 663–693.

13. Li JL, Yu G, Li Q, Liu YF (2023) Sample-wise combined missing effect models with penalization.

Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 32(1), 263-274.

14. Shi YK, Zhang W, Liu A, Li Q (2023) Distance-based regression analysis for measuring associations.

Journal of Systems Science & Complexity 36(1), 393-411.

15. Zhang W, Wu CO, Ma X, Tian X, Li Q (2023) Analysis of multivariate longitudinal data using dynamic lasso-regularized copula models with application to large pediatric cardiovascular studies. 

Journal of Applied Statistics 50(3), 631-658.


16. Zhang W, Liu A, Zhang Z, Chen G, Li Q (2022) An adaptive direction-assisted test for microbiome compositional data. 

Bioinformatics 38(14), 3493-3500.

17. Zhang JC, Meng Z, Hua J, Chen QL, Li Q, Zhang YJ, Liu L, Wang Q (2022) Plant protein-based meat substitutes: visualizing the whole high-moisture extrusion process in data systematically from raw material to the products.

Journal of Integrative Agriculture 21, 2435-2444.

18. Wang JJ, Zhao YP, Tang LL, Mueller C, Li Q (2021) A resample-replace Lasso procedure for combining high-dimensional markers with limit of detection. 

Journal of Applied Statistics 49, 4278-4293.


19. Long MY, Sun LQ, Li Q (2021) k-resolution sequential randomization procedure for allocating units in a biomedical experiment.

Statistics in Medicine 40, 5534-5546.

20. Li ZB, Qin SN, Li Q (2021) A novel test by combining the maximum and minimum values among a large number of dependent Z-Scores with application to genome wide association study. 

Statistics in Medicine 40, 2422-2434.

21. Tang LL, Meng Z, Li Q (2021) A ROC-based test for evaluating the group difference with an application to neonatal Audiology screening. 

Statistics in Medicine 40, 4597-4608.

22. Meng Z, Yang QL, Li Q, Zhang BX (2021) Directional-sum test for nonparametric Behrens-Fisher problem with applications to the dietary intervention trial.

Statistical Methods in Medical Research 30, 1640-1653.

23. 王子轩,王晋娟,李启寨 (2021) 二次型统计量和柯西统计量.

数理统计与管理 40, 405-416.


24. Zhang W, Tang LL, Li Q, Liu A, Lee MT (2020) Order-restricted inference for clustered ROC data with application to fingerprint matching accuracy.

Biometrics 76, 863-873.

25. Zhang W, Liu A, Li Q, Albert PS (2020) Nonparametric estimation of distributions and diagnostic accuracy based on group tested results with differential misclassification.

Biometrics 76, 1147-1156.

26. Zhang W, Liu A, Li Q, Albert PS (2020) Incorporating retesting outcomes for estimation of disease prevalence. 

Statistics in Medicine 39, 687-697.

27. Bu DL, Yang QL, Meng Z, Zhang SG, Li Q (2020) Truncated tests for combining evidences of summary statistics.

Genetic Epidemiology 44, 687-701.

28. Wang JJ, Li JL, Xiong WJ, Li Q (2020) Group analysis of distance matrices.

Genetic Epidemiology 44, 620-628.

29. Wang L, Zhang W, Li Q (2020) AssocTests: an R package for genetic association studies.

Journal of Statistical Software 94, 1-26.

30. Chen BY, Li Q, Hu H, Meng S, Faisal S, Wang Q, Liu HZ (2020) An optimized industry processing technology of peanut tofu and the novel prediction model for suitable peanut varieties.

Journal of Integrative Agriculture 19, 2340-2351.


31. Zhang W, Liu A, Tang LL, Li Q (2019) A cluster-adjusted rank-based test for a clinical trial concerning multiple endpoints with application to dietary intervention assessment.

Biometrics 75, 821-830.

32. Xiong WJ, Ding J, He YZ, Li Q (2019) Improved matrix pooling. 

Statistical Methods in Medical Research 28, 211-222.

33. Hu JY, Zhang W, Li XM, Pan DD, Li Q (2019) Efficient estimation of disease odds ratios for the follow-up genetic association studies. 

Statistical Methods in Medical Research 28, 1927-1941.

34. Li JL, Zhang W, Zhang SG, Li Q (2019) A theoretic study of distance-based regression model.

Science in China Series A Mathematics 62, 979-998.

35. Wang JJ, Ding J, Huang SY, Li Q, Pan DD (2019)A powerful method to test associations between ordinal traits and genotypes.

G3: Genes,Genomes & Genetics 9, 2573-2579.

36. Xue Y, Wang JJ, Ding J, Zhang SG, Li Q (2019) A powerful test for ordinal trait genetic association analysis.

Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 18, 20170066.

37. Zhang SH, Zhang SG, Li Q (2019) Group Hotelling’s T2 test for comparing multiple endpoints.

应用概率统计 35, 317-330.


38. Liang F, Li Q, Zhou L (2018) Bayesian neural networks for selection of drug sensitive genes.

Journal of the American Statistical Association 113, 955-972.

39. Liang F, Jia B, Xue J, Li Q, Luo Y (2018) An imputation-consistency algorithm for high-dimensional missing data problems and beyond. 

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 80, 899-926.

40. Zheng G, Xiong J, Li Q, Xu, J, Yuan A, Gastwirth JL. (2018). Evaluating the accuracy of small p-values in genetic association studies using Edgeworth expansions.

Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 45, 1-33.

41. Li P, Zhao J, Kothapalli KSD, Li X, Li H, Han Y, Mi S, Zhao W, Li Q, Zhang H, Song Y, Brenna JT, Gao Y (2018) A regulatory insertion-deletion polymorphism in the FADS gene cluster influences PUFA and lipid profiles among Chinese adults: a population-based study. 

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 10, 867-875.

42. Wu J, Wei Y, Li Q, Yuan F (2018) Economic transition and changing location of manufacturing industry in China: a study of the Yangtze river delta.

Sustainability 10, 2624.

43. Yuan A, Fan RZ, Xu JF, Xue Y, Li Q (2018) Asymptotic relative efficiencies of the score and robust tests in genetic association studies.

Open Statistics and Probability Journal 9, 18-25.


44. Li Q, Liu A, Xiong W (2017) D-optimality of group testing for joint prevalence estimation of correlated rare diseases in the presence of misclassification.

Statistica Sinica 27, 823-838.

45. Wang L, Liu H, Liu L, Wang Q, Li S, Li Q (2017) Prediction of peanut protein solubility based on the evaluation model established by supervised principal component regress.

Food Chemistry 218, 553-560.

46. Zhang W, Yang L, Tang LL, Liu A, Mills JL, Sun YC, Li Q (2017) GATE: an efficient procedure in study of pleiotropic genetic associations.

BMC Genomics 18, 552.

47. Huang T, Li Q, Yin Y, Wang J, Sun S, Yang F, Li L, Wang J, Wang Q, Li Y (2017) Composition of intestinal microflora associated with Yang-deficiency. 

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences 4, 254-260.

48. Zhu JY, Zhang W, Li Q, Li ZB (2017) Testing association between mixed type outcomes and covariates jointly by the use of a latent variable.

Scientific Reports 7, 8006.

49. Hu XN, Duan XG, Pan DD, Zhang SG, Li Q (2017) A model-embedded trend test with incorporating Hary-Weinberg equilibrium information. 

Journal of Systems Science & Complexity 30, 101-110.


50. Hu XN, Zhang W, Zhang SG, Ma SS, Li Q (2016) Group-combined p-values with applications to genetic association studies.

Bioinformatics 32, 2737-2743.

51. Zhang W, Li Q (2016) Incorporating Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law to enhance the association strength for ordinal trait genetic study.

Annals of Human Genetics 80, 102-112.

52. Zang YG, Zhang SG, Zhang QZ, Li Q (2016) Jackknife empirical likelihood test for high-dimensional regression coefficients.

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 94, 302-316.

53. Tang LL, Zhang W, Li Q, Ye X, Chan L. (2016) Parametric and semi-parametric least square regression methods for clustered ROC Data. 

Biometrical Journal 58, 747-765.

54. Zheng G, Zhang W, Xu J, Yuan A, Li Q, Gastwirth JL (2016) Genetic risks and genetic model specification. 

Journal of Theoretic Biology 403, 68-74.

55. Pan DD, Li ZB, Li Q, Fung WK (2015) A novel powerful joint analysis with data fusion in two-stage case-control genome-wide association studies. 

Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 45, 2362-2376.

56. Yuan A, Li Q, Xiong M, Tan MT (2016) Adaptive design for staggered-start clinical trial. 

The International Journal of Biostatistics 12, 20150011.

57. Li ZB, Zhang W, Pan DD, Li Q (2016) Power calculation of multi-step combined principal components with applications to genetic association studies.

Scientific Reports 6, 26243.

58. Lei Y, Li J, Wang N, Yang X, Hamada Y, Li Q, Zheng WF, Jiang XY (2016) An on-chip model for investigating the interaction between neurons and cancer cells.

Integrative Biology 8, 359-367.

59. Zhang W, Li HY, Li Z, Li Q (2016) A two-phase procedure for non-normal quantitative trait genetic association study.

BMC Bioinformatics 17(1), 52.

60. 熊文俊,丁娟,李启寨 (2016) 分组检测方法综述.

数理统计与管理 5, 838-855.


61. Zheng G, Zhang W, Li Q, Xu J, Yuan A, Gastwirth JL (2015) Analysis of genetic association studies incorporating prior information of genetic models. 

Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 20, 173-191.

62. Zhang W, Zhang ZH, Li XM, Li Q (2015) Fitting proportional odds model to case-control data with incorporating Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

Scientific Reports 5, 17286.

63. Zhang W, Li Q (2015) Nonparametric risk and nonparametric odds in quantitative genetic association Studies.

Scientific Reports 5:12105.

64. 钞婷, 李启寨, 刘卓军, 孙才, 孙云刚 (2015) 基于广义和校准马氏距离诊断IP地址威胁程度.

中国科学院大学学报32, 18-24.


65. Chen W#, Li Q#, Zheng W, Hu F, Zhang G, Wang Z, Zhang D, Jiang X (2014) Identification of Bacteria in Water by a Fluorescent Array.

Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 53, 13734-13739. (#并列一作)

66. Li Q, Hu J, Ding J, Zheng G (2014) Fisher’s method of combining dependent statistics using generalizations of the gamma distribution: with applications to genetic pleiotropic associations.

Biostatistics 15, 284-295.

67. Zheng G, Li Q, Yuan A (2014) Some statistical properties of robust tests for genetic studies.

Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 41, 762-774.

68. Li Q, Xiong WJ, Chen J, Zheng G, Li Z, Mills JL, Liu A (2014) A robust test for quantitative trait analysis with model uncertainty in genetic association studies.

Statistics and Its Interface 7, 61-68.

69. Li ZB, Liu A, Li Z, Li Q (2014) Rank-based tests for comparison of multiple endpoints among several populations.

Statistics and Its Interface 7, 9-18.

70. Yuan A, Li Q, Qin J, Zheng G (2014) Estimation of genetic effects incorporating prior information. 

Statistics and Its Interface 7, 43-50.

71. Li ZB, Yuan A, Han G, Gao G, Li Q (2014) Rank-based tests for identifying multiple genetic variants associated with quantitative traits. 

Annals of Human Genetics 78, 306-310.

72. Li ZB, Li Q, Han CP, Li B (2014) A hybrid approach for regression analysis with block missing data. 

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 75, 239-247.

73. Wang L, Meng J, Cao W, Li Q, Qiu Y, Sun B, Li LM (2014) Induction of apoptosis through ER stress and TP53 in MCF-7 cells by the nanoparticle [Gd@C82(OH)22]n: A systems biology study.

Methods 67, 394-406.

74. Wang L, Liu H, Liu L, Wang Q, Li Q, Du Y, Zhang J (2014) Protein contents in different peanut varieties and their relationship to gel property.

International Journal of Food Properties 17, 1560-1576.

75. Yuan A, Qin G, He W, Li Q (2014) On coalescence analysis using genealogy rooted trees.

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2014, 194202.

76. 潘东东,李正帮,张维,李启寨 (2014) 全基因组关联分析综述.

应用概率统计30, 84-103.


77. Li Q, Li ZB, Zheng G, Gao G, Yu K (2013) Rank-based robust tests for quantitative-trait genetic association studies.

Genetic Epidemiology 37, 358-365.

78. Yan T, Li Q, Li Y, Li Z, Zheng G (2013) Genetic association with multiple traits in the presence of population stratification. 

Genetic Epidemiology 37, 571-580.

79. Li ZB, Cao F, Zhang J, Li Q (2013) Summation of absolute value test for multiple outcome comparison with moderate effect.

Journal of Systems Science & Complexity 26, 462-469.

80. Han G, Huang Y, Li Q, Chen L, Zhang X (2013) Hybrid Bayesian inference on HIV viral dynamic models.

Journal of Applied Statistics 40, 2516-2532.

81. Yuan A, Li Q (2013) Convolution representation in practice.

Journal of Statistics: Advances in Theory and Application 9, 105-133.

82. Chen W, Chen X, Archer KJ, Liu N, Li Q, Zhao Z, Sun S, Gao G (2013) A rapid association test procedure robust under different genetic models accounting for population stratification.

Human Heredity 75, 23-33.

83. Li J, Liu J, Zhao L, Ma Y, Jia M, Lu T, Ruan Y, Li Q, Yue W, Zhang D, Wang L (2013) Association study between genes in Reelin signaling pathway and autism identifies DAB1 as a susceptibility gene in a Chinese Han population.

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 44C, 226-232.


84. Li Q, Pan D, Yue W, Gao Y, Yu K (2012) Evaluating rare variants under two-stage design.

Journal of Human Genetics 57, 352-357.

85. Wang LL, Li Q, Li Z, Zheng G (2012) Bayes factor based on a maximum statistic for case-control genetic association studies.

Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 17, 568-582.

86. Gao Y, Killian K, Zhang H, Li Q, Weinstein S, Virtamo J, Tucker M, Taylor P, Albanes D, Meltzer P, Caporaso N (2012) Leukocyte DNA methylation and colorectal cancer among male smokers.

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology 4, 193-201.

87. Safaeian M, Hildersheim A, Gonzalez P, Yu K, Porras C, Li Q, Rodriguez AC, Sherman ME, Schiffman M, Wacholder S, Burk R, Herrero R, Burdete L, Chanock S, Wang S (2012) Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the PRDX3 and RPS19 and risk of HPV persistence and cervical precancer/cancer.

PLoS One 7, e33619.

88. Guo G, Kang G, Wang J, Qin H, Jiang B, Li Q, Chen W, Liu N, Allison DB (2012) A sequential Bonferroni procedure using smoothed weights for genome-wide association studies incorporating information on Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium among cases.

Human Heredity 73, 1-13.

89. Meyer TE, Chu LW, Li Q, Yu K, Rosenberg PS, Menashe I, Chokkalingam AP, Quraishi SM, Huang WY, Weiss JM, Kaaks R, Hayes RB, Chanock SJ, Hsing AW (2012) The association between inflammation-related genes and serum androgen levels in men: The prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian study.

Prostate 72, 65-71.


90. Yue WH, Wang HF, Sun LD, Tang FL, Liu ZH, Zhang HX, Li WQ, Zhang YL, Zhang Y,  Ma CC, Du B, Wang LF, Ren YQ, Yang YF, Hu XF, Wang Y, Deng W, Tan LW, Tan YL, Chen Q, Xu GM, Yang GG, Zuo XB, Yan H, Ruan YY, Lu TL, Han X, Ma XH, Wang Y, Cai LW, Jin C, Zhang HY, Yan J, Mi WF, Yin XY, Ma WB, Liu Q, Kang L, Sun W, Pan CY, Shuang M, Yang FD, Wang CY, Yang JL, Li KQ, Ma X, Li LJ, Yu X, Li Q, Huang X, Lv LX, Li T, Zhao GP, Huang W, Zhang XJ, Zhang D (2011) Genome-wide association study identifies a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia in Han Chinese at 11p11.2.

Nature Genetics 43, 1228-1284.

91. Li Q (2011) An MSE-reduced estimator for the response proportion in a two-stage clinical trial.

Pharmaceutical Statistics 10, 277-279.

92. Li Q, Zheng G, Tiwari R (2011) Analysis of ordered categorical data with score averaging: with applications to case-control genetic associations.

Journal of Applied Statistics 38, 1833-1843.

93. Wang LL, Li Q, Li Z, Zheng G (2011) Bayes factors in the presence of population stratification.

Statistics & Probability Letters 81, 836-841.

94. Pan DD, Li Q, Jiang N, Liu A, Yu K (2011) Robust joint analysis allowing for model uncertainty in two-stage genetic association studies.

BMC Bioinformatics 12, 9.


95. Liu A, Li Q, Liu CL, Yu K, Yu KF (2010) A rank-based test for comparison of multidimensional outcomes. 

Journal of the American Statistical Association 105, 578-587.

96. Yu K, Wheeler W, Li Q, Bergen AW, Caporaso N, Chatterjee N, Chen JB (2010) A partially linear tree-based regression model for multivariate outcomes.

Biometrics 66, 89-96.

97. Li Q, Zheng G, Liu AY, Li Z, Yu K (2010) Approximating probabilities of correlated events.

Science in China Series A-Mathematics 53, 2937-2948.

98. Li Q, Li G, Xiong S (2010) Assessment of cell number for a multinomial distribution with application to genomic data. 

Metrika 71, 151-164.

99. Li Q, Zheng G, Liu AY, Xiong SF, Li Z, Yu K (2010) The limiting bound of Efron's W-formula for hypothesis testing when a nuisance parameter is present only under the alternative.

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 140, 1610-1617.

100. Li Q, Zhang H, Yu K (2010) Approaches for evaluating rare polymorphisms in genetic association studies.

Human Heredity 69, 219-228.

101. Liu A, Liu CL, Li Q, Yu KF, Yuan VW (2010) A threshold sample-enrichment approach in a clinical trial with heterogeneous subpopulations.

Clinical Trials 7, 537-545.

102. Koutros S, Freeman LEB, Berndt SI,Andreotti G, Lubin JH, Sandler DP, Hoppin JA, Yu K, Li Q, Burdette LA , Yuenger J, Yeager M, Alavanja MCR (2010) Pesticide use modifies the association between genetic variants on chromosome 8q24 and prostate cancer. 

Cancer Research 70, 9224-9233.

103. Ahn J, Yu K, Stolzenberg-Solomon R,Simon KC, McCullough ML, Gallicchio L, Jacobs EJ, Ascherio A, Helzlsouer K, Jacobs KB, Li Q, Weinstein SJ, Purdue M, Virtamo J, Horst R, Wheeler W, Chanock S, Hunter DJ, Hayes RB, Kraft P, Albanes D (2010) Genome-wide association study of circulating vitamin D levels. 

Human Molecular Genetics 19, 2739-2745.

104. Yang HP, Bosquet JG, Li Q, Platz EA, Brinton LA, Sherman ME, Lacey JV, Gaudet MM, Burdette LA, Figueroa JD, Ciampa JG, Lissowska J, Peplonska B, Chanock SJ, Garcia-Closas M (2010) Common genetic variation in the sex hormone metabolic pathway and endometrial cancer risk: pathway-based evaluation of candidate genes.

Carcinogenesis 31, 827-833.

105. Shebl FM , Andreotti G, Rashid A, Gao YT, Yu K, Shen MC, Wang BS,Li Q, Han TQ, Zhang BH, Fraumeni Jr JF, Hsing AW (2010) Diabetes in relation to biliary tract cancer and stones: a population-based study in Shanghai, China.

British Journal of Cancer 10, 115-119.

106. Chu LW, Meyer TE, Li Q, Menashe I, Yu K, Rosenberg PS, Huang WY, Quraishi SM, Kaaks R, Weiss JM, Hayes RB, Chanock SJ, Hsing AW (2010) Association between genetic variants in the 8q24 cancer risk regions and circulating levels of androgens and sex hormone-binding globulin. 

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 19, 1848-1854.

107. Meyer TE, O'Brien TG, Andreotti G, Yu K, Li Q, Gao YT, Rashid A, Shen MC, Wang BS, Han TQ, Zhang BH, Niwa S, Fraumeni JF , Hsing AW (2010) Androgen receptor CAG repeat length and risk of biliary tract cancer and stones.

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 19, 787-793.

108. Wang SS, Gonzalez P, Yu K, Porras C, Li Q, Safaeian M, Rodriguez AC, Sherman ME, Bratti C, Schiffman M, Wacholder S, Burk RD, Herrero R, Chanock SJ, Hildesheim A (2010) Common genetic variants and risk for HPV persistence and progression to cervical cancer. 

PLoS One 5, e8667.


109. Li Q, Wacholder S, Hunter DJ, Hoover RN, Chanock S, Thomas G, Yu K (2009) Genetic background comparison using distance-based regression, with applications in population stratification evaluation and adjustment.

Genetic Epidemiology 33, 432-441.

110. Li Q, Zheng G, Liang XY, Yu K (2009) Robust tests for single-marker analysis in case-control genetic association studies.

Annals of Human Genetics 73, 245-252.

111. Li Q, Yu K (2009) Inference of non-centrality parameter of a truncated non-central chi-squared distribution.

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139, 2431-2444.

112. Li Q, Liu AY, Yu K, Yu KF (2009) A weighted rank-sum procedure for comparing samples with multiple endpoints. 

Statistics and Its Interface 2, 197-201.

113. Li Q, Zhang JJ, Dai S (2009) On estimating the non-centrality parameter of a chi-squared distribution.

Statistics & Probabilities Letters 79, 98-104.

114. Mendelsohn JB, Li Q, Ji BT, Shu XO, Yang G, Li HL, Lee KM, Yu K, Rothman N, Gao YT, Zheng W, Chow WH (2009) Personal use prospective cohort of Chinese women. 

Cancer Science 100, 1088-1091.

115. Yu K, Li Q, Bergen AW, Pfeiffer RM, Rosenberg PS, Caporaso N, Kraft P, Chatterjee N (2009) Pathway analysis by adaptive combination of p-values.

Genetic Epidemiology 33, 700-709.

116. Landi MT, Chatterjee N, Yu K, Goldin LR, Goldstein AM, Rotunno M, Mirabello L, Jacobs K, Wheeler W, Yeager M, Bergen AW, Li Q, Consonni D, Pesatori AC, Wacholder S, Thun M, Diver R, Oken M, Virtamo J, Albanes D, Wang ZM, Burdette L, Doheny KF, Pugh EW, Laurie C, Brennan P, Hung R, Gaborieau V, McKay JD, Lathrop M, McLaughlin J, Wang Y, Tsao MS, Spitz MR, Wang YF, Krokan H, Vatten L, Skorpen F, Arnesen E, Benhamou S, Bouchard C, Metsapalu A, Vooder T, Nelis M, Valk K, Field JK, Chen C, Goodman G, Sulem P, Thorleifsson G, Rafnar T, Eisen T, Sauter W, Rosenberger A, Bickeboller H, Risch A, Chang-Claude J, Wichmann HE, Stefansson K, Houlston R, Amos CI, Fraumeni JF, Savage SA, Bertazzi PA, Tucker MA, Chanock S, Caporaso NE (2009) A genome-wide association study of lung cancer identifies a region of chromosome 5p15 associated with risk for adenocarcinoma.

American Journal of Human Genetics 85, 679-691.

117. Liang X, Gao Y, Lam TK, Li Q, Falk C, Yang XR, Goldstein AM, Goldin LR (2009) Identifying rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility genes using high-dimensional methods.

BMC proceedings 3 Suppl 7, S79.

118. 戴帅, 李启寨, 陈艳艳 (2009) 基于单元重要度的公交网络优化.

北京工业大学学报 35, 350-353. 


119. Li Q, Yu K (2008) Improved correction for population stratification in genome-wide association studies by identifying hidden population structures.

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