
林中达 男 博导 中国科学院大气物理研究所
电子邮件: zdlin@mail.iap.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路81号
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电子邮件: zdlin@mail.iap.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路81号
邮政编码: 100029
2002-07--2007-07 中国科学院大气物理研究所 博士学位1998-07--2002-07 中国科学技术大学 学士学位
-- 研究生
-- 博士
2022-02~现在, 中国科学院大气物理研究所, 研究员2020-02~2022-02,中国科学院大气物理研究所, 项目研究员2010-02~2020-01,中国科学院大气物理研究所, 副研究员2008-07~2010-01,中国科学院大气物理研究所, 助理研究员2007-09~2008-07,中国科学院大气物理研究所, 研究实习员
2020-09-01-今,UCL OPEN: Environment期刊编辑,
2020-09-01-今,UCL OPEN: Environment期刊编辑,
(1) Summer Onset in Northern East Asia: Feature, Mechanism and Variability, ATMOSPHERE, 2023, (2) Fire Aerosols Slow Down the Global Water Cycle, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 2022, (3) Three leading coupled modes of summer rainfall with atmospheric circulations over northern East Asia, International Journal of Climatology, 2022, (4) 中国生态脆弱区高温热浪和干旱历史变化特征分析, Historical Changes of High Temperature, Heat Waves, and Drought in Ecological Fragile Zones in China, 气候与环境研究, 2022, (5) Interannual variability of the East Asian trough in summer, Climate Dynamics, 2022, (6) Influence of atmospheric teleconnections on interannual variability of Arctic-boreal fires, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2022, (7) Formation of the northern East Asian low: role of diabatic heating, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 2021, (8) Simulated Relationship between Wintertime ENSO and East Asian Summer Rainfall: From CMIP3 to CMIP6, Simulated Relationship between Wintertime ENSO and East Asian Summer Rainfall: From CMIP3 to CMIP6, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 2021, (9) Holocene fire history in China: Responses to climate change and human activities, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2021, (10) Simulated Impact of the Tibetan Glacier Expansion on the Eurasian Climate and Glacial Surface Mass Balance during the Last Glacial Maximum, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 2020, (11) The Decadal Reduction of Southeastern Australian Autumn Rainfall since the Early 1990s: A Response to Sea Surface Temperature Warming in the Subtropical South Pacific, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 2020, (12) Improvement of the simulation of the summer East Asian westerly jet from CMIP5 to CMIP6, ATMOSPHERICANDOCEANICSCIENCELETTERS, 2020, (13) The South Atlantic-South Indian Ocean Pattern: a Zonally Oriented Teleconnection along the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Jet in Austral Summer, ATMOSPHERE, 2019, (14) Intermodel Diversity in the Zonal Location of the Climatological East Asian Westerly Jet Core in Summer and Association with Rainfall over East Asia in CMIP5 Models, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 2019, (15) Intermodel Diversity in the Zonal Location of the Climatological East Asian Westerly Jet Core in Summer and Association with Rainfall over East Asia in CMIP5 Models, Intermodel Diversity in the Zonal Location of the Climatological East Asian Westerly Jet Core in Summer and Association with Rainfall over East Asia in CMIP5 Models, 大气科学进展:英文版, 2019, (16) Impact of interannual variations of spring sea ice in the Barents Sea on East Asian rainfall in June, Impact of interannual variations of spring sea ice in the Barents Sea on East Asian rainfall in June, ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 2018, (17) Close relationship between the East Asian westerly jet and Russian far East surface air temperature in summer, Close relationship between the East Asian westerly jet and Russian far East surface air temperature in summer, ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 2018, (18) Perspectives on the non-stationarity of the relationship between Indian and East Asian summer rainfall variations, Perspectives on the non-stationarity of the relationship between Indian and East Asian summer rainfall variations, ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 2018, (19) Projection of the summer northern East Asian low under global warming in CMIP5 models, Projection of the summer northern East Asian low under global warming in CMIP5 models, 大气和海洋科学快报:英文版, 2017, (20) Southern European rainfall reshapes the early-summer circumglobal teleconnection after the late 1970s, CLIMATEDYNAMICS, 2017, (21) Weakened Impact of the Indian Early Summer Monsoon on North China Rainfall around the Late 1970s: Role of Basic-State Change, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 2017, (22) Combined impact of in-phase and out-of-phase variation between the northern East Asian low and western North Pacific subtropical high on East Asian summer rainfall, Combined impact of in-phase and out-of-phase variation between the northern East Asian low and western North Pacific subtropical high on East Asian summer rainfall, ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 2017, (23) Projection of the summer northern East Asian low under global warming in CMIP5 models, Projection of the summer northern East Asian low under global warming in CMIP5 models, ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 2017, (24) Revisiting the Second EOF Mode of Interannual Variation in Summer Rainfall over East China, Revisiting the Second EOF Mode of Interannual Variation in Summer Rainfall over East China, 大气科学进展:英文版, 2016, (25) Northern East Asian low and its impact on the interannual variation of East Asian summer rainfall, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 2016, (26) 1990年代初夏季东北亚低压的年代际转变, Inter-decadal Change in the Summertime Northeast Asia Low-Pressure System in the Early 1990s, 大气科学, 2016, (27) Impact of summer rainfall over southern-central Europe on circumglobal teleconnection, ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 2016, (28) Revisiting the Second EOF Mode of Interannual Variation in Summer Rainfall over East China, Revisiting the Second EOF Mode of Interannual Variation in Summer Rainfall over East China, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 2016, (29) Improving Multi-model Ensemble Probabilistic Prediction of Yangtze River Valley Summer Rainfall, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 2015, (30) Predictability of the Summer East Asian Upper-Tropospheric Westerly Jet in ENSEMBLES Multi-Model Forecasts, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 2015, (31) Intercomparison of the Impacts of Four Summer Teleconnections over Eurasia on East Asian Rainfall, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 2014, (32) Impacts of Two Types of Northward Jumps of the East Asian Upper-tropospheric Jet Stream in Midsummer on Rainfall in Eastern China, Impacts of Two Types of Northward Jumps of the East Asian Upper-tropospheric Jet Stream in Midsummer on Rainfall in Eastern China, 大气科学进展:英文版, 2013, (33) Characteristics, processes, and causes of the spatio-temporal variabilities of the East Asian monsoon system (vol 29, pg 910, 2012), ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 2013, (34) 夏季东亚高空急流的变化及其对东亚季风的影响, Variability of the East Asian Upper-Tropospheric Jet in Summer and Its Impacts on the East Asian Monsoon, 大气科学, 2013, (35) Impacts of two types of northward jumps of the East Asian upper-tropospheric jet stream in midsummer on rainfall in eastern China, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 2013, (36) Remote Influence of the Tropical Atlantic on the Variability and Trend in North West Australia Summer Rainfall, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 2012, (37) Characteristics,Processes,and Causes of the Spatio-temporal Variabilities of the East Asian Monsoon System, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 2012, (38) Circulation anomalies associated with interannual variation of early-and late-summer precipitation in Northeast China, SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2011, (39) 盛夏两类东亚高空西风急流北跳的动力过程, Dynamical Processes of Two Categories of Northward Jumps of the East Asian Upper-Tropospheric Jet Stream in Mid Summer, 大气科学, 2011, (40) 影响东北初夏和盛夏降水年际变化的环流特征分析, 中国科学:地球科学, 2011, (41) Relationship between Meridional Displacement of the Monthly East Asian Jet Stream in the Summer and Sea Surface Temperature in the Tropical Central and Eastern Pacific, Relationship between Meridional Displacement of the Monthly East Asian Jet Stream in the Summer and Sea Surface Temperature in the Tropical Central and Eastern Pacific, ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 2010, (42) Change in early-summer meridional teleconnection over the western North Pacific and East Asia around the late 1970s, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 2010, (43) The ENSO's Effect on Eastern China Rainfall in the Following Early Summer, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 2009, (44) Role of Subtropical Precipitation Anomalies in Maintaining the Summertime Meridional Teleconnection over the Western North Pacific and East Asia, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 2009, (45) The ENSOs effect on the eastern China rainfall in the following early summer, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2009, (46) Abrupt Northward Jump of the East Asian Upper-Tropospheric Jet Stream in Mid-Summer, JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 2008, (47) 基于经验正交函数和奇异值分解对东亚季风区跨季度夏季降水距平的订正方法, The Methods for Correcting the Summer Precipitation Anomaly Predicted Extraseasonally over East Asian Monsoon Region Based on EOF and SVD, 气候与环境研究, 2005,
( 1 ) 东亚高空西风急流盛夏北跳对我国夏季降水的影响, 负责人, 国家任务, 2010-01--2012-12( 2 ) 全球变暖背景下东亚不同典型下垫面能量和水分循环变异及其对我国极端气候的影响研究, 参与, 国家任务, 2009-01--2013-12( 3 ) 东亚和西北太平洋气候变异及其模拟, 参与, 国家任务, 2009-01--2011-12( 4 ) 亚洲区域海陆气相互作用机理及其在全球变化中的作用, 参与, 国家任务, 2010-01--2013-12( 5 ) 高空急流月-季尺度变异关键信号及其在短期气候预测中的应用研究, 参与, 国家任务, 2010-01--2013-12( 6 ) 夏季东北亚低压的年际变化特征及机理, 负责人, 国家任务, 2014-01--2017-12( 7 ) 东亚夏季降水异常季度预测及其关联物理过程研究, 参与, 国家任务, 2014-01--2018-12( 8 ) 夏季东北亚低压的形成机理, 负责人, 国家任务, 2018-01--2021-12( 9 ) 中国科学院青年创新促进会人才项目, 负责人, 其他国际合作项目, 2017-01--2020-12( 10 ) 蒙古高原地形动力、热力作用对东亚夏季降水的影响, 负责人, 国家任务, 2022-01--2025-12( 11 ) 东北冷涡致灾机理及预报关键技术, 参与, 国家任务, 2024-01--2026-12
(1)Remote influence of tropical Atlantic on variability and trend of North West Australia summer rainfall Lin ZhongDa, Li Yun 2011-07-04
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