
韦莉莉  女  中国科学院城市环境研究所
电子邮件: llwei@iue.ac.cn
通信地址: 中国厦门市集美大道1799号
邮政编码: 361021








2004-09--2007-06   厦门大学   博士



卢昌熠  硕士研究生  083001-环境科学  

张婷凤  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

Jonathan Peereman

2014 与比利时自由大学(法语区)联合培养(合作指导导师 Farid Dahdouh-Guebas

Thesis 'Study of the extent and structure of mangrove vegetation and Spartina alterniflora Marshes in the Jiulong estuary (China)'. 

现就职于比利时列日大学(Université de Liège


2014-2017 国科大研究生 



获“国家建设高水平公派研究生”项目资助,并获得芬兰赫尔辛基大学攻读博士学位,师从Heikki Setälä教授。


Bee Ming Yang

2016 -2017 与马来西亚登嘉楼大学联合培养(合作指导导师 Poh Seng Chee





2020-2023 与福州大学联合培养


2021-2024 与河北大学联合培养

Justin Rugema

2021-2025 一带一路留学生(卢旺达

Waseem Akram

2022-2025 一带一路留学生(巴基斯坦




Lili Wei*, Fang Lin, Jing Gao, Justin Rugema, Waseem Akram, You-shao Wang (2025)Complexity of leaf trait covariation for mangrove species. npj Biodiversity

Lili Wei*, Ming Yang Bee, Seng-Chee Poh, Ankit Garg, Fang Lin1, Jing Gao (2023). Soil nutrient distribution and plant nutrient status in a mangrove stand adjacent to an aquaculture farm. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 195(1): 231.

Li, Jian, Zhanrui Leng, Taitiya Kenneth Yuguda, Lili Wei, Jiaojiao Xia, Chongyu Zhuo, Ziying Nie, and Daolin Du (2023) Increasing coastal reclamation by Invasive alien plants and coastal armoring threatens the ecological sustainability of coastal wetlands. Frontiers in Marine Science 10: 281.

Li, Jian, Zhanrui Leng, Hui Jia, Lili Wei, Taitiya Kenneth Yuguda, and Daolin Du. (2023) Effect of seawall embankment reclamation on the distribution of Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn pollution in invasive Spartina alterniflora and native Phragmites australis coastal saltmarshes of East China. Biology, 12(2): 253.

Lili Wei*, Hualong Hong, Ming Yang Bee, Yangyang Wu, Patrick Ndayambaje, Chongling Yan, Shuh-Ji Kao, Poh Seng Chee, and Yuzhe Wang (2022) Different adaptive strategies of three mangrove species to nutrient enrichment. Plant Ecology 223, 1093–1102. 

Ndayambaje Patrick, Tingfeng Zhang, Lili Wei*, et al. (2022) Decomposition and nutrient release into water from litter mixtures of coastal wetland species. Wetlands, 42(5): 45. 

Bo Zhao, Yunlong Jia, Shengjie Wu, Lili Wei, et al. (2022) Preservation of soil organic carbon in coastal wetlands promoted by glomalin–iron–organic carbon ternary system. Limnology and Oceanography, 9999: 1-13.

Tingfeng Zhang, Chaoxiang Liu, Lili Wei, et al. (2022) Performance of tidal and non-tidal mangrove constructed wetlands in treating maricultural wastewater. Water Science and Technology, 85: 2772-2785.

Ndayambaje Patrick, Lili Wei*, Tingfeng Zhang, Yuhong Li, Lin Liu, Xu Huang, and Chaoxiang Liu (2021) Niche separation and weak interactions in the high tidal zone of saltmarsh‐mangrove mixing communities. Ecology and Evolution, 11(9): 3871-3883.

Xin Yu, Lin Liu, Lili Wei, Xu Huang, Chaoxiang Liu (2021) Recycling of rural abandoned constructed wetlands: mariculture wastewater treatment. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 11(2): 279-288.

Lili Wei, Shuh-Ji Kao, Chaoxiang Liu (2020) Mangrove species maintains constant nutrient resorption efficiency under eutrophic conditions. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 36 (1): 36-38.

Lili Wei, et al. The role of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi in the decomposition of fresh residue and soil organic carbon: a mini-review (2020).  Soil Science Society of America Journal, 83 (3): 511-517. 

Fan H, Liao J, Abass OK, Liu L, Huang X, Lili Wei et al. (2019) Effects of bulking material types on water consumption and pollutant degradation in composting process with controlled addition of different liquid manures. Bioresource technology, 288: 121517.

Liu L, Li J, Fan H, Huang X, Lili Wei et al. (2019) Fate of antibiotics from swine wastewater in constructed wetlands with different flow configurations. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 140: 119-125.

Liu L, You Q, Fan H, Huang X, Lili Wei et al. (2019) Behavior of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in aerobic granular reactors: Interrelation with biomass concentration. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 139: 18-23.

Huang X, Zheng J, Tian S, Liu C, Liu L, Lili Wei et al. (2019). Higher Temperatures Do Not Always Achieve Better Antibiotic Resistance Gene Removal in Anaerobic Digestion of Swine Manure. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 85(7): e02878-18.

Bordoloi S, Kashyap V Garg, A Sreedeep S, Lili Wei et al. (2018) Measurement of mechanical characteristics of fiber from a novel invasive weed: A comprehensive comparison with fibers from agricultural crops. Measurement, 113: 62-70.

Gadi VK, Garg A, Prakash S, Lili Wei et al. (2018) A non-intrusive image analysis technique for measurement of heterogeneity in grass species around tree vicinity in a green infrastructure. Measurement, 114: 132-143. 

Liu L, Hong Y, Ye X, Lili Wei et al. (2018) Biodiesel production from microbial granules in sequencing batch reactor. Bioresource technology, 249: 908-915.

Liu L, Z Zeng, M Bee, V Gibson, Lili Wei et al. (2018) Characteristics and performance of aerobic algae-bacteria granular consortia in a photo-sequencing batch reactor. Journal of hazardous materials, 349: 135-142.

Fan H, J Liao, OK Abass, L Liu, X Huang, Lili Wei et al. (2018) Effects of compost characteristics on nutrient retention and simultaneous pollutant immobilization and degradation during co-composting process. Bioresource Technology, 275: 61-69.

Lili Wei, Ming Yang Bee, Tongtong Zhou, Changyi Lu, Chaoxiang Liu (2017) Global patterns in nutrient resorption of mangrove plants. Scientific Reviews & Chemical Communications, 7(2): 110.

Lili Wei, Chengrong Chen, Shen Yu (2015) Uptake of organic nitrogen and preference for inorganic nitrogen by two Australian native Araucariaceae species. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 8(2): 259-264.

Lili Wei, David A. Lockington, Shen Yu, Catherine E. Lovelock (2015) Nitrogen sharing and water source partitioning co-occur in estuarine wetlands. Functional Plant Biology, 42(4): 410-417. 

Lili Wei, Chengrong Chen, Zhihong Xu, Torgny Näsholm (2013) Direct uptake and rapid decrease of organic nitrogen by Wollemia nobilis. Biology and fertility of soils, 49: 1247-125. 

Lili Wei, David A. Lockington, Seng-Chee Poh, Massimo Gasparon, Catherine E. Lovelock (2013) Water use patterns of estuarine vegetation in a tidal creek system. Oecologia, 172: 485-494. 

Catherine E. Lovelock, Ilka C. Feller, Maria Fernanda Adame, Ruth Reef, Helen M. Penrose, Lili Wei and Marilyn C. Ball (2011) Intense storms deliver materials that relieve nutrient limitations in mangroves of an arid zone estuary. Functional Plant Biology, 38: 514–522. 

Chengrong Chen, Ian Phillips, Lili Wei, Zhihong Xu (2010) Behaviour and dynamics of di-ammonium phosphate in bauxite processing residue sand in Western Australia – I. NH3 volatilization and residual nitrogen availability. Environmental science and pollution research, 17(5): 1098-1109. 

Chengrong Chen, Ian Phillips, Lili Wei, Zhihong Xu (2010) Behaviour and dynamics of di-ammonium phosphate in bauxite processing residue sand in Western Australia – II. Phosphorus fractions and availability. Environmental science and pollution research, 17(5): 1110-1118. 

Lili Wei, Chengrong Chen, Zhihong Xu (2010) Citric acid enhances organic phosphorus mobilization in subtropical and tropical forest soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 46: 765-769. 

Lili Wei, Chongling Yan, Xiaoyin Guo (2010) Underwater photosynthesis and indirect use of HCO3- by completely submerged leaves of mangrove species Aegiceras corniculatum. In: Mangroves: Ecology, Biology and Taxonomy. 2010. James N. Metras Editor. Nova Science Publishers Inc., Hauppauge, New York

Lili Wei, Chengrong Chen, Zhihong Xu (2009) The effect of low-molecular-weight organic acids and inorganic phosphorus concentration on the determination of soil phosphorus by the molybdenum blue reaction. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 45:775-779. 

Lili Wei, Chongling Yan, Xiaoyin Guo, Binbin Ye (2008) Variation in the δ13C of two mangrove plants is correlated with stomatal response to salinity. Journal of plant growth regulation 27 (3): 263-269.

Lili Wei, Chonglin Yan, Guirong Wu, Xiaoying Guo, Binbin Ye (2008) Variation of δ13C in Aegiceras corniculatum seedling induced by cadmium application. Ecotoxicology 17(6): 480

Lili Wei, Chongling Yan, Binbin Ye, Xiaoying Guo (2008) Effects of salinity on leaf δ13C in three dominant mangrove species along salinity gradients in an estuarine wetland, Southeast China. Journal of Coastal Research, 267-272

Lili Wei, Changyi Lu, Jing Ding, Shen Yu (2016) Functional relationships between arbuscular mycorrhizal symbionts and nutrient dynamics in plant-soil-microbe system.Acta Ecologica Sinica, 36 (14): 4233-4243.

Lili Wei, Chongling Yan, Binbin Ye, Xiaoyin Guo (2008) Relationship between salinity and stable carbon isotope composition in C3 plants. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 28: 1-9.

Lili Wei, Xiaoquan Zhang, Zhenhong Hou, Deying Xu, Xuebiao Yu (2005) Effects of water stress on photosynthesis and carbon allocation in Cunninghamia Lanceolata Seedlings. Journal of Plant Ecology, 29(3): 394-402.

Lili Wei, Xiaoquan Zhang, Zhenhong Hou, Deying Xu (2005) Applications of stable carbon isotope analysis in the research on global climate change. World Forestry Research, 18(2):16-19.

Guangqiu Qin, Chongling Yan, Lili Wei (2006) Effects of cadmium stress on the contents of tannin, soluble, sugar and proline in Kandelia candel seedlings. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 26: 3366-3371.


  1. 林光辉,刘忠芳,郭婕敏,韦莉莉. 同位素景观图谱:通过同位素制图认知地球物质移动、格局及其过程. 科学出版社. 2018年3月. West, J.B., Bowen, G.J., Dawson, T.E., Tu, K.P. Isoscapes--Understanding movement, pattern, and process on Earth through isotope mapping. 2010. Academic Press.

  2. 俞慎,吝涛,吴胜春,韦莉莉. 生物地球化学--全球变化分析.科学出版社. 2016年9月.  W.H. Schlesinger & Emily Bernhardt. Biogeochemistry-An Analysis of Global Change (3rd Edition). 2013. Academic Press

  3. Lili Wei, Chongling Yan, Xiaoyin Guo. Underwater photosynthesis and indirect use of HCO3- by completely submerged leaves of mangrove species Aegiceras corniculatum. In: Mangroves: Ecology, Biology and Taxonomy. 2010. James N. Metras Editor. Nova Science Publishers Inc., Hauppauge, New York.


Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech

University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland

Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China

Macquarie University, Australia

The University of Melbourne Burnley Campus, Australia

Shantou University, China

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Brasil

The University of Queensland, Australia

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia

Libre de Bruxelles - ULB Bruxelles, Belgium

State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, China