李宏佳  男  硕导  中国科学院信息工程研究所
电子邮件: lihongjia@iie.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京海淀区树村路19号2A-206办公室


主持或参与完成国家自然科学基金项目、科技部重点研发计划项目、国家科技重大专项、研究所创新课题、横向课题等10余项,在IEEE trans. Mobile ComputingIEEE trans. Information Forensics and SecurityACM Trans. Embedded Computing SystemsIEEE Communications Letters等高水平学术期刊与AAAIIEEE SECON等顶级学术会议发表学术论文80余篇(其中,CCF推荐A/B期刊或会议20余篇;单篇最高引用次数140+,谷歌学术h-index=15;获最佳论文奖3项,入选中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文”1篇),申请发明专利30余项(其中,以第1发明人申请18项;已授权国内发明专利15项,已授权国际专利2项),获得软件著作权4项(排名1)。


· 移动CDN/边缘计算/算力网络体系架构与安全防护(代表性论著:IEEE trans. Mobile Computing 2021IEEE Communications Letters 2017IEEE SECON 2016

· 边缘智能安全与隐私保护(代表性论著:AAAI 2021、IEEE trans. Information Forensics and Security 2020

· 4G/5G/6G移动网络体系架构与安全防护(代表性论著:ACM Trans. Embedded Computing Systems 2017FuTURE论坛《5G信息安全》白皮书

· 移动智能终端高安全可信体系架构与管控(代表性论著与成果:专著《移动终端安全架构及关键技术》机械工业出版社、北京市千台规模高安全移动终端应用示范

· 上述理论与技术在行业中的应用(代表性论著:IEEE ECCE (能源领域的infocomm)、发表于“中国科学:信息科学”相关论文下载量3000+




[J1] “Reinforcement Learning Based Online Request Scheduling Framework for Workload-Adaptive Edge Deep Learning Inference”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (CCF-A)

[J2] “互联网服务场景下基于机器学习的KPI异常检测综述,” 计算机研究与发展, 2024.  (中文CCF-A)

[J3]  “FedSHE: Privacy Preserving and Efficient Federated Learning with Adaptive Segmented CKKS Homomorphic Encryption,” Cybersecurity 2024. (CCF-C)

[J4]  “Iterative and Mixed-Spaces Image Gradient Inversion Attack in Federated Learning,” Cybersecurity 2024. (CCF-C)

[J5] “A Cooperative Defense Framework Against Application-Level DDoS Attacks on Mobile Edge Computing Services,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023. (CCF-A)

[J6]  “面向软件定义卫星网络的协同接入认证机制”,信息安全学报,2023.  (中文CCF-A)

[J7] “GPU虚拟化技术及其安全问题综述”,信息安全学报,2022.  (中文CCF-A)

[J8] “Comments on "Dropping Activation Outputs with Localized First-Layer Deep Network for Enhancing User Privacy and Data Security",” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2020. (CCF-A)

[J9] “5G 安全:通信与计算融合演进中的需求分析与架构设计”,信息安全学报,2018.  (中文CCF-A)

[J10] "Cooperative RAN Caching Based on Local Altruistic Game for Single and Joint Transmissions," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 853-856, April 2017.  (CCF-B)

[J11] “Transmission Adaptation for Battery-Free Relaying”, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2017.  (CCF-B)

[J12] “Real-world traffic analysis and joint caching and scheduling for in-RAN caching networks”,Science China Information Sciences, 2017 60 (6) :062302. (CCF-A)

[J13] “Cross-layer Transmission and Energy Scheduling under Full-Duplex Energy Harvesting Wireless OFDM Joint Transmission”, Science China Information Sciences, 59(10) 2016. (CCF-A)

[J14] “Clustering Strategy based on Graph Method and Power Control for Frequency Resource Management in Femtocell and Macrocell Overlaid System”, IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks, 13(6), pp. 664-677, 2011. (SCI)

[J15] “Optimal joint transmission and harvested energy scheduling for renewable energy harvesting enabled cellular network under coordinated multi-point transmission”, Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015.  (SCI)

[J16] “Modeling, metrics, and optimal design for solar energy-powered base station system”, Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015. (SCI)

[J17] “Pseudo-handover based subchannel and power adaptation scheme for interference mitigation in OFDMA two-tier femtocell networks”, Journal of China Universities of Posts and Communications, 18(3), pp. 5-14, 2011. (EI)

[J18] “Analysis of Subchannel Reusable Probability and Capacity for Frequency-reused Femtocell Networks Under Frequency Partitioning Strategy”. Journal of China Universities of Posts and Communications, 19(1), pp. 1-10, 2012. (EI)

[J19] “Inter-femtocell interference coordination in 3D in-building scenario”, Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, 19(2), pp. 36-42, 2012. (EI)

[J20] “Improved Resource Allocation Strategy in SU-CoMP Network”. Journal of China Universities of Posts and Communications, in Vol. 18(4), pp. 7-12, 2011. (EI)

[J21] “能源互联网重要基础支撑: 分布式储能技术的探索与实践”, 中国科学:信息科学, 44(6): 743-761. (中文CCF-A)

[J22] “分布式储能技术的探索与实践,” 国防科技, 2014, 35(3): 6-9.

[J23]面向5G的分布式移动云计算协同架构与管理机制,中兴通讯,2015(02) .

[J24] “基于功率成本的再生中继系统最优功率分配”, 北京邮电大学学报, 33(6), pp. 21-24, 2010. (EI Indexed, 中文核心期刊)

[J25] "面向云计算的绿色指数能耗建模方法研究", 网络新媒体技术, 2(1), pp. 57-61, 2013.



[C2024-1] “Mutual information based Noise Scale optimization for Gradient Leakage Resistant Federated Learning,” In proc. ICASSP 2024.

[C2024-2] "An Enclave-Aided Byzantine-Robust Federated Aggregation Framework," In Proc. IEEE WCNC 2024

[C2024-3] "Runtime Anomaly Detection for MEC Services with Multi-Timescale and Dimensional Feature," In Proc. IEEE WCNC 2024

[C2024-4] "A Secure Blockchain-based Reputation Scheme for Data Offloading in Edge Computing," in proc. IEEE CSCWD 2024

[C2024-5] "Optimizing Privacy in Federated Learning with MPC and Differential Privacy," in proc. CACML 2024

[C2023-1] Li Hongjia*, “Label-wise Distribution Adaptive Federated Learning on Non-IID Data”, IEEE WCNC 2023.

[C2023-2] Li Hongjia, “Satellite Telemetry Data Anomaly Detection using Multiple Factors and Co-Attention based LSTM”, IEEE WCNC 2023.

[C2023-3] Li Hongjia, “NadGPT: Semi-Supervised Network Anomaly Detection via Auto-Regressive Auxiliary Prediction,”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) , 2023

[C2023-4] “Satellite Anomaly Detection based on Improved Transformer Method,” In proc. APNOMS 2023

[C2023-5] "Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning through Dynamic Clustering", in Proc. IEEE Trustcom 2023

[C2022-1] “Joint Model, Task Partitioning and Privacy Preserving Adaptation for Edge DNN Inference," In Proc. IEEE WCNC 2022

[C2021-1] Li Hongjia*, “Empowering Adaptive Early-Exit Inference with Latency Awareness,” AAAI 2021.

[C2020-1] Li Hongjia*, “End-Edge Coordinated Inference for Real-Time BYOD Malware Detection using Deep Learning, ” IEEE WCNC 2020.

[C2020-2] Li Hongjia*, “A New Privacy-Preserving Framework based on Edge-Fog-Cloud Continuum for Load Forecasting,'' IEEE WCNC 2020.

[C2019-1] Li Hongjia‡*, “Moving to Green Edges: A Cooperative MEC Framework to Reduce Energy Demand of Clouds”, IEEE Globecom Workshop 2019.

[C2019-2Li Hongjia*, “Global Orchestration of Cooperative Defense against DDoS Attacks for MEC”,  IEEE WCNC 2019.

[C2018-1Li Hongjia*, “Online Orchestration of Cooperative Defense against DDoS Attacks for 5G MEC”, IEEE WCNC 2018.

[C2018-2] Li Hongjia*, “Exploring the Behaviors and Threats of Pollution Attack in Cooperative MEC Caching”, IEEE WCNC 2018.

[C2018-3Li Hongjia*, “Designing Pricing Incentive Mechanism for Proactive Demand Response in Smart Grid”, IEEE ICC 2018.

[C2018-4Li Hongjia, “Distributed Energy Management of P2P Energy Sharing in Energy Internet Based on Cloud Energy Storage”, ACM e-Energy 2018.

[C2018-5Li Hongjia*, “A New Digital Power Supply System for Fog and Edge Computing”, in proc. IEEE 14th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) 2018, pp. 1513-1517.

[C2017-1] Li Hongjia*, et al., “A Game Theoretical Framework for Improving the Quality of Service in Cooperative RAN Caching”, In proc. IEEE ICC 2017. (EI Indexed)

[C2017-2Li Hongjia*, et al., “A New Framework for Peer-to-Peer Energy Sharing and Coordination in the Energy Internet    ”, In proc. IEEE ICC 2017. (EI Indexed)

[C2017-3] Li Hongjia*, et al., “Ameliorate Half-duplex Relaying via Cooperative Caching for Content Accessing”, In proc. IEEE WCNC 2017. (EI Indexed)

[C2017-4Li Hongjia*, et al., “A New Framework for M2M Traffic Aggregation in LTE-A and Beyond Networks”, In proc. IEEE WCNC 2017. (EI Indexed)

[C2016-1] Li Hongjia*, et al., “Feasibility Analysis and Self-organizing Algorithm for RAN Cooperative Caching”, In proc. IEEE WCNC 2016. (EI Indexed)

[C2016-2] Li Hongjia, et al. “Mobility Prediction based Seamless RAN-Cache Handover in HetNet”, In proc. IEEE WCNC 2016. (EI Indexed)

[C2016-3] Li Hongjia*, et al., “Performance and Implications of RAN Caching in LTE Mobile Networks: A Real Traffic Analysis”, in Proc. IEEE SECON 2016. (EI Indexed)

[C2015-1] Li Hongjia*, et al., “iCacheOS: In-RAN Caches Orchestration Strategy through Content Joint Wireless and Backhaul Routing in Small-Cell Networks”, In proc. IEEE Globecom 2015, pp. 1200-1207. 2015.

[C2015-2] Li Hongjia*, , et al., “Joint Wireless and Backhaul Load Balancing in Cooperative Caches enabled Small-Cell Networks”, In proc. IEEE PIMRC 2015, pp. 1200-1207. 2015.

[C2015-3] Li Hongjia*, et al., Hu Dan, et al., “High-Resolution Cell Breathing for Improving Energy Efficiency of Ultra-Dense HetNets”, IEEE WCNC 2015, New Orleans, USA, pp. 1470-1475.

[C2014-1] Li Hongjia*, et al., “Optimal Joint Transmission Scheduling for Green Energy Powered Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission System”, in proc. IEEE Globecom 2014, Austin USA, 2014 (EI Indexed)

[C2014-2]   Lin Ni, Ci Song, Li Hongjia, “An Enhanced Circuit-Based Battery Model with Considerations of Temperature Effect”, in proc. IEEE ECCE 2014, Pittsburgh, USA. (EI Indexed)

[C2014-3] Heng Wang, Li Hongjia*, et al., “Stochastic Queue Modeling and Key Design Metrics Analysis for Solar Energy Powered Cellular Networks”, In proc. IEEE ICNC 2014, USA Honolulu, 2014. (EI Indexed)

[C2014-4] Heng Wang, Hongjia Li*, et al., “Liquid Cell Management for Reducing Energy Consumption Expenses in Hybrid Energy Powered Cellular Networks”, In proc. IEEE WCNC 2014, Istanbul, 2014. (EI Indexed)

[C2013-1] Xu Ying, Li Hongjia*, et al., “Energy Sustainability Modeling and Liquid Cell Management in Green Cellular Networks”, in proc. ICC 2013, Budapest, 2013. (EI Indexed)

[C2013-2] Zejue Wang, Li Hongjia*, et al., “Probability Weighted Based Spectral Resources Allocation Algorithm in Hetnet under Cloud-RAN Architecture”, In proc. IEEE ICCC 2013, Xi’an, 2013. (EI Indexed)

[C2013-3] Xu Ying, Feng Zhiyong, Li Hongjia*, et al. “Cross-layer Design Based Sustainability and Energy-efficiency Optimization in Femtocell Networks with Sustainable Energy”, in proc. IEEE WCNC 2013, Shanghai, 2013. (EI Indexed)

[C2012-1]  Li Hongjia*, et al., “Prediction Handover Trigger Scheme for Reducing Handover Latency in Two-tier Femtocell Networks”, in proc. IEEE Globecom 2012, pp. 5352-5357, Anaheim USA, 2012 (EI 检索,10.1109/GLOCOM.2012.6503934)

[C2012-2] Chen Xin, Xu Xiaodong, Li Hongjia, et al., “Achievable energy efficiency in cooperative transmission system with frequency-selective power allocation”, In proc. IEEE Globecom 2012 (EI Indexed)

[C2011-1] Li Hongjia*, et al., “Pseudo-Handover Based Power and Subchannel Adaptation Scheme for OFDMA Two-tier Femtocell Networks”, In proc. IEEE WCNC 2011, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 1797-1802. (EI 检索,DOI:10.1109/WCNC.2011.5779269)

[C2011-2]  Qu Xiqiang, Xu Xiaodong, Li Hongjia, et al., “Optimal power allocation based on power cost in regenerative relaying system”. In proc. ICIME, 2010, pp. 90-93, Beijing, 2011. (EI Indexed)

[C2010-1] Li Hongjia*, et al., “A Novel Analysis of Capacity, Optimal Power and Sub-channel Adaptation for Femtocell Networks”, In proc. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Broadband Network & Multimedia Technology (IC-BNMT 2010), 2010, pp. 258-262. (EI检索)

[C2010-2] Li Hongjia*, et al., “Graph Method based Clustering Strategy for Femtocell Interference Management and Spectrum Efficiency Improvement”, IEEE 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2010), pp. 1-5. (EI Indexed)

[C2010-3] Qu Xiqiang, Xu Xiaodong, Li Hongjia, Tao Xiaofeng, Tian Hui, “Analysis of Outage Capacity for DF Dual-Hop Relay and Optimal Power Allocation”, In proc. IET-WSN, 2010, pp. 194-197, Beijing, 2011. (EI Indexed)  


[1]      李宏佳,等,一种基于S1接口协议的移动通信网络通信方法及装置,201610102413.X

[2]      李宏佳,等,基于移动网络的边缘服务通信方法及系统,2016100878496

[3]      混能供电移动通信网络能耗开销优化处理方法与系统,申请号:201410345767.8

[4]      功率预测方法和系统,申请号:201410148961.7

[5]      太阳能基站能量供给的处理方法,申请号:201410047321.7

[6]      蜂窝网络中的功率分配方法和系统,申请号:201410055284.4

[7]      风光互补设计方法,申请号:201310680616.3

[8]      采用环境能量供电的无线发射端发送装置及发送方法,申请号:201410282855.8

[9]      一种电池网络管理方法,申请号:201410602289.4

[10]   一种基带处理资源分配方法及其装置,申请号:201310385000.3

[11]   一种电子设备能耗测量方法与系统,申请号:201310290606.9

[12]   一种基带集中处理架构下的双层网络动态频谱分配方法与系统,申请号:2012105598101

[13]   一种室内蜂窝网络网中的切换触发与判决方法及系统,申请号:2011104280402

[14]   分布式电池供电装置及方法,发明专利,公开号:CN102842936A

[15]   分布式电池供电装置及方法,实用新型,专利号:2012204843830

[16]   宏小区与毫微微小区的混合组网中的干扰抑制方法,发明专利,公开号:CN102006599A

[17]   一种无线资源配置方法和系统,发明专利,公开号:CN101742539A

[18]   干扰抑制方法,发明专利,公开号:CN102202406A

[19]   协作多点通信中的协作小区集合建立方法, 发明专利,公开号:CN101998420A

[20]   多跳频方式与小区间信息交互结合的干扰协调方法,发明专利,公开号:CN102307353A

[21]   李宏佳、阳赞锋,一种缓存内容的方法和基站,发明专利,申请号:CN201610514005.5



  •       IEEE IWCMC 2018最佳论文奖 2018
  • 入选领跑者5000——中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文 2018
  • IEEE ICNC 2014最佳论文奖(录用率23.6%,3篇最佳论文中评分排名第1)             2014
  • 中国科学院声学研究所建所50周年暨第五届学术交流会,最佳论文奖                2014


(1)End-Edge Coordinated Inference for Real-Time BYOD Malware Detection using Deep Learning   2020-05-25
(2)A New Privacy-Preserving Framework based on Edge-Fog-Cloud Continuum for Load Forecasting   2020-05-25
(3)Online Orchestration of Cooperative Defense against DDoS Attacks for 5G MEC   李宏佳   2018-04-15
(4)Performance and Implications of RAN Caching in LTE Mobile Networks: a Real Traffic Analysis   IEEE SECON 2016   2016-06-29
(5)Feasibility Analysis and Self-organizing Algorithm for RAN Cooperative Caching   IEEE WCNC 2016   2016-04-03
(6)Mobility Prediction based Seamless RAN-Cache Handover in HetNet   IEEE WCNC 2016   2016-04-03
(7)iCacheOS: In-RAN Caches Orchestration Strategy through Content Joint Wireless and Backhaul Routing in Small-Cell Networks   IEEE Globecom 2015   李宏佳,等   2015-12-04
(8)Joint Wireless and Backhaul Load Balancing in Cooperative Caches enabled Small-Cell Networks   IEEE PIMRC 2015   2015-08-31
(9)High-Resolution Cell Breathing for Improving Energy Efficiency of Ultra-Dense HetNets   IEEE WCNC 2015   2015-04-04
(10)Optimal Joint Transmission Scheduling for Green Energy Powered Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission System   IEEE Globecom 2014   2014-12-04
(11)An Enhanced Circuit-Based Battery Model with Considerations of Temperature Effect   IEEE ECCE 2014   2014-08-15
(12)Liquid Cell Management for Reducing Energy Consumption Expenses in Hybrid Energy Powered Cellular Networks   IEEE WCNC 2014   2014-04-06
(13)Stochastic Queue Modeling and Key Design Metrics Analysis for Solar Energy Powered Cellular Networks   IEEE ICNC 2014   2014-02-05
(14)Energy Sustainability Modeling and Liquid Cell Management in Green Cellular Networks   IEEE ICC 2013   2013-06-13
(15)Cross-layer Design Based Sustainability and Energy-efficiency Optimization in Femtocell Networks with Sustainable Energy   IEEE WCNC 2013   2013-04-04
(16)Prediction Handover Trigger Scheme for Reducing Handover Latency in Two-tier Femtocell Networks   IEEE Globecom 2012    李宏佳,等   2012-12-02
(17)Pseudo-Handover Based Power and Subchannel Adaptation Scheme for OFDMA Two-tier Femtocell Networks   IEEE WCNC 2011   李宏佳,等   2011-04-02

(1)    面向开源软件的数据加密安全检测工具研制项目,主持,企业委托   2023-05--2025-12

(2)    工控网络的无线接入安全防护技术与应用,企业委托2022-12--2023-12

(3)    能量状态不确定环境下IMT-A异构蜂窝网络能量建模与柔性组网机制研究, 主持国家级, 2014-01--2018-12

(4)    移动内容分发网络CDN技术研究与试验国家级, 2015-01--2016-12

(5)    面向下一代移动通信网络的内容缓存协同关键技术研究国家级, 2016-01--2018-12

(6)    高安全等级移动终端关键技术国家级, 2017-06--2020-12

(7)    移动通信系统国家级, 2017-01--2017-12

(8)    自主化网络系统防御技术攻关平台研发省级, 2018-01--2019-12办公系统国家级, 2020-06--2023-03

(9)    面向IMT-2020的移动边缘内容服务网络协同组网与广义资源管理研究, 主持,科学院,2017.1-2019.12

(10)  支持基带集中处理RAN架构研究, 子课题主持,国家级, 2012.1-2015.1

(11)  风光互补供电与动态负载匹配设计及仿真平台, 主持,研究院,2013.8-2015.2