电子邮件: lei.dai@siat.ac.cn
通信地址: 深圳市南山区西丽深圳大学城学苑大道1068号
实验室利用合成生物学的工具,对微生物组的结构和功能进行理性设计和精准调控,致力于解决人体健康、农业生产等重大问题。研究成果以(共同)通讯作者发表在Cell Host & Microbe、Nature Communications、The ISME Journal、ACS Synthetic Biology、iMeta等学术期刊。
1. Lu Wu#, Xu-Wen Wang#, Zining Tao, Tong Wang, Wenlong Zuo, Yu Zeng, Yang-Yu Liu# , Lei Dai* . Data-driven prediction of colonization outcomes for complex microbial communities.Nature Communications (2024)
2. Shen J, Zhang J, Mo L, Li Y, Li Y, Li C, Kuang X, Tao Z, Qu Z, Wu L, Chen J, Liu S, Zeng L, He Z, Chen Z, Deng Y, Zhang T, Li B, Dai L*, Ma Y*. Large-scale phage cultivation for commensal human gut bacteria. Cell Host Microbe, 2023, 31(4):665-677.
3. Chunhua Zhou, Ying Wang, Cun Li, Zhiyong Xie*, Lei Dai*. Amelioration of colitis by a gut bacterial consortium producing anti-inflammatory secondary bile acids. Microbiology Spectrum . 2023,11(2):e0333022.
4. Zhaohui Cao#, Wenlong Zuo#, Lanxiang Wang, Junyu Chen, Zepeng Qu, Fan Jin, Lei Dai*. Spatial profiling of microbial communities by sequential FISH with error-robust encoding Nature Communications, 2023, 14(1):1477.
5. Lanxiang Wang*, Moxian Chen*, Pui-Ying Lam, Francisco Dini-Andreote, Lei Dai# , Zhong Wei#. Multifaceted roles of flavonoids mediating plant-microbe interactions. Microbiome, 2022,10(1):233.
6. Han Hu#, Yuxiang Tan#, Chenhao Li#, Junyu Chen, Yan Kou, Zhenjiang Zech Xu, Yang-Yu Liu, Yan Tan* , Lei Dai*. StrainPanDA: linked reconstruction of strain composition and gene contents from metagenomic data. iMeta, 2022,1:e41.
7. Hongbin Liu#, Chen Liao#, Lu Wu, Jinhui Tang, Junyu Chen, Chaobi Lei, Linggang Zheng, Chenhong Zhang, Yang-Yu Liu, Joao Xavier, Lei Dai*. Ecological dynamics of the gut microbiome in response to dietary fiber. ISME Journal ,2022, 16(8):2040-2055.
8. Linggang Zheng#, Yang Tan#*, Yucan Hu, Juntao Shen, Zepeng Qu, Xianbo Chen, Chun Loong Ho, Elaine Lai-Han Leung, Wei Zhao, Lei Dai*. CRISPR/Cas-based genome editing for human gut commensal Bacteroides species.ACS Synthetic Biology , 2022, 11(1):464-472.
9. Ying Wang*, Jinhui Tang*, Qingqing Lv, Yuxiang Tan, Xiaoxiao Dong, Hongbin Liu, Nannan Zhao, Zhen He, Yan Kou, Yan Tan, Xin-an Liu, Liping Wang, Yang-Yu Liu, Lei Dai. Establishment and resilience of transplanted gut microbiota in aged mice. iScience, 2022 25(1):103654.
10. Lei Dai#,Yushen Du#, Hangfei Qi, Christian D. Huber,Dongdong Chen, Tian-Hao Zhang, Nicholas C. Wu,Ergang Wang,James O. Lloyd-Smith, Ren Sun*. Quantifying the Evolutionary Constraints and Potential of Hepatitis C Virus NS5A Protein. mSystems, 2021, 6(2):e01111-20.
11. YanKou, XiaominXu, ZhengnongZhu, LeiDai*, YanTan*. Microbe-set enrichment analysis facilitates functional interpretation of microbiome profiling data. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1):21466.
12. Tian-hao Zhang#, Lei Dai#*, John P. Barton, Yushen Du, Yuxiang Tan, Wenwen Pang, Arup K. Chakraborty, James O. Lloyd-Smith, Ren Sun*. Predominance of positive epistasis among drug resistance-associated mutations in HIV-1 protease. PLoS Genetics,2020, 16(10):e1009009.
13. YangTan, JuntaoShen, TongSi, ChunLoongHo, YinqingLi, LeiDai*. Engineered Live Biotherapeutics: Progress and Challenges. Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 15(10):e2000155.