Research Areas
Environmental Microbiology
Microbial Carbon cycling
Mineral-carbon- microbe interactions
Soil Health
Ph.D. fellow (2014-2017) Center for Geomicrobiology, Aarhus University, Denmark
Master of Sciences (2011 -2014) Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Bachelor of Engineering (2007-2011) School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, China
Work Experience
Professor (2023.04-) Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Research fellow (2018-2023) Earth Surface Science Institute, University of Leeds, UK
Xiao, K. Q. *; Moore, O. W.; Babakhani, P.; Curti, L.; Peacock, C. L., Mineralogical control on methylotrophic methanogenesis and implications for cryptic methane cycling in marine surface sediment. Nature Communications 2022, 13, (1), 2722.
Xiao, K. Q *.; Zhao, Y.; Liang, C.; Zhao, M. Y.; Moore, O. W.; Otero-Fariña, A.; Zhu, Y. G *.; Johnson, K.; Peacock, C. L Introducing the soil mineral carbon pump. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2023,4:135-136.
Zhao, Y.; Otero-Fariña, A.; Xiao, K.-Q. *; Moore, O.W.; Banwart, S.A.; Ma, F.-J. et al. The mobility and fate of Cr during aging of ferrihydrite and ferrihydrite organominerals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2023, 347: 58–71.
Xiao, K. Q.; Ge, T. D.; Wu, X. H.; Peacock, C. L.; Zhu, Z. K.; Peng, J.; Bao, P.; Wu, J. S.; Zhu, Y. G., Metagenomic and 14C tracing evidence for autotrophic microbial CO2 fixation in paddy soils. Environmental Microbiology 2021, 23, (2), 924-933.
Xiao, K. Q. *; Beulig, F.; Røy, H.; Jørgensen, B. B.; Risgaard‐Petersen, N., Methylotrophic methanogenesis fuels cryptic methane cycling in marine surface sediment. Limnology and Oceanography 2018, 63, (4), 1519-1527.
李心男 硕士研究生 085700-资源与环境
Honors & Distinctions
Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad