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Zhao, X.*, R. Lu, J. Sun, K. Xu, and C. Li, 2024: Comparisons between short- and long-lived cross-equatorial flow events over the Maritime Continent: Perspective from the intraseasonal oscillation. J. Climate, 37, 2443–2453.
Zhao, X., M. Bi, K. Xu*, J. Sun, and R. Lu, 2024: Impacts of monsoon break events in the western North Pacific on the cross-equatorial flows over the Maritime Continent. Atmos. Oceanic. Sci. Lett., 17, 100443.
Xu, K.*, and R. Lu, 2023: Comparisons between short- and long-Lived break events during the western North Pacific summer monsoon. J. Climate, 36, 2091–2108.
Bi, M., K. Xu*, and R. Lu, 2023: Monsoon break over the South China Sea during summer: statistical features and associated atmospheric anomalies. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 40, 1749–1765.
Lu, R.*, K. Xu, R. Chen, W. Chen, F. Li, and C. Lv, 2023: Heat waves in summer 2022 and increasing concern regarding heat waves in general. Atmos. Oceanic. Sci. Lett., 16(1), 100290.
Xu, K.*, and R. Lu, 2022: Break events of the western North Pacific summer monsoon during 1979–2018. J. Climate, 35, 463–477.
Xu, K.*, R. Lu, Y. Na, B.-J. Kim, J. Mao, J.-Y. Byon, and B. Pang, 2021: Comparison of the circulation anomalies associated with wet and dry extreme heat in South Korea and southern–central Japan. J. Climate, 32, 1649–1665.
Xu, K.*, R. Lu, J. Mao, and R. Chen, 2019: Circulation anomalies in the mid-high latitudes responsible for the extremely hot summer of 2018 over northeast Asia. Atmos. Oceanic. Sci. Lett., 12, 231-237.
Xu, K.*, R. Lu, B.-J. Kim, J.-K. Park, J. Mao, J.-Y. Byon, R. Chen, and E.-B. Kim, 2019: Large-scale circulation anomalies associated with extreme heat in South Korea and southern–central Japan. J. Climate, 32, 2747–2759.
Xu, K.*, R. Lu, B.-J. Kim, J. Mao, and J.-K. Park, 2019: Influence of tropical SSTs on the interannual variation of the summer monsoon break over the western North Pacific. J. Climate, 32, 2807–2821.
Xu, K., and R. Lu*, 2018: Decadal change of the western North Pacific summer monsoon break around 2002/2003. J. Climate, 31, 177–193.
Xu, K., and R. Lu*, 2016: Change in tropical cyclone activity during the break of the western North Pacific summer monsoon in early August. J. Climate, 29, 2457–2469.
Xu, K., and R. Lu*, 2015: Break of the western North Pacific summer monsoon in early August. J. Climate, 28, 3420–3434.