Juan Gao, Ph. D.
Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation
Institute of Soil Science, CAS
Email: juangao@issas.ac.cn
Telephone: 86-25-86881318
Address: No. 71 East Beijing Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China
Postcode: 210008
Research Areas
The research of our group focuses on the transport and transformation of emerging organic contaminants in soils and sediments, especially phthalate esters, antibiotics and personal care products. We also study the reactivities of soil constituents in pollutant degradation, including clay minerals, soil organic materials and metal oxides. Now, we are working on soil persistant free radicals on reactive free radical formation and contaminants degradation, developing new instruments to synthesis or analysis persistant free radiacls.
2002/09 - 2007/08 University of Wisconsin-Madsion, Department of Soil Science, Ph.D
1997/09 - 2000/07 Kunming Institute of Boany, CAS, M.S.
1993/09 - 1997/07 Nankai University, B. S.
Work Experience
2012/10 - now, Institute of Soil Science, CAS, Professor
2007/08 - 2012/10 Michigan State University, Department of Plant and Soil Science, PostDoc
Zhu, F.; Zhu, C.; Zhou, D.;Gao, J.*The fate of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and its impact on bacterial communities under aerobic and anaerobic conditions.Chemosphere. 2018. Submitted.
Shuai, W.; Liu, C.; Zhu, F.; Zhou, D.;Gao, J.* (Fe3+)-UVC-(Aliphatic/Phenolic Carboxyl Acids) Systems for Diethyl Phthalate Ester Degradation: A Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Experimental study.Appl. Catal. A. General. 2018. Major revision,.
Shuai, W.; Gu, C.; Fang, G.; Zhou, D.;Gao, J.* Effects of iron (hydr)oxides on the degradations of diethyl phthalate ester in heterogeneous (photo)-Fenton reactions.J. Environ. Sci.2018. Revision submitted.
Chen, N.; Fang, G.; Liu, G.; Zhou, D.;Gao, J.*The effects of Fe-bearing smectite clays on ·OH formation and diethyl phthalate degradation with polyphenols and H2O2.J. Hazard. Mat. 2018, revision submitted.
Zhu, F.; Zhu, C.; Liu, H.; Zhou, D.; Gao, J.* Fate of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in different soils and associated bacterial community changes.Sci. Total Environ. 2018. 637-638, 460-469.
Shuai, W.; Liu, C.; Fang, G.; Zhou, D.; Gao, J.* Nano-α-Fe2O3 enhanced photocatalytic degradation of diethyl phthalate ester by citric acid/UV (300-400 nm): A mechanism study.J. Photochem. Photobiol. A. 2018. 360, 78-85.
Zhu, C.; Zhu, F.; Dionysios, D. D.; Zhou, D.; Fang, G.;* Gao, J.* Contribution of alcohol radicals to contaminant degradation in quenching studies of persulfate activation process.Water Res. 2018, 139, 66-73.
Zhu, F.; Zhu, C.; Chen, N.; Zhou, D.;Gao, J.* Will spent mushroom substrate application affect the dissipation and plant uptake of phthalate esters?J. Soil Sediment.2018, 18, 1579-1589.
Zhu, C.; Zhu, F.;Gao, J.; Fan, G., Zhou, M., Fang, G. Comparison of persulfate activation and Fenton reaction in remediating an organophosphorus pesticides-polluted soil.Pedosphere.2017, 27(3): 465-474.
Chen, N.; Shuai, W.; Hao, X.; Zhang, H.; Zhou, D.;Gao, J.*Contamination of Phthalate esters in vegetable agriculture and human cumulative risk assessment.Pedosphere.2017, 27, (3), 439-451.
Chen, N.; Fang, G.; Zhou, D.;Gao, J*. Effects of clay minerals on diethyl phthalate degradation in Fenton reactions.Chemosphere.2016, 165, 52-58.
Shuai, W.; Chen, N.; Li, B.; Zhou, D.;Gao, J.*Life cycle assessment of common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav) Trin. ex Steud) cellulosic bioethanol in Jiangsu Province, China.Biomass Bioenergy.2016, 92, 40-47.
Fan, T.; Wang, Y.; Li, C.; He, J.;Gao, J.; Zhou, D.; Friedman, S.P.; Sparks, D. L., Effect of organic matter on sorption of Zn on soil: Elucidation by Wien effect measurements and EXAFS spectroscopy.Environ. Sci. Technol.2016, 50, 2931-2937.
Fan, T.; Wang, Y.; Li, C. B.;Gao, J.; Zhou, D. Comparison between ion activity method and suspension Wien effect method in determining binding energy of divalent cations to soil particles.J. Soil Sediment2015, 15, 2276-2284.
吴艳华,周东美,高娟,司友斌.三种邻苯二甲酸酯在不同黏土矿物上的吸附.农业环境科学学报,2015. 34(6):1107-1114.
Gao, J.*; Ti, C.; Chen, N. Environmental comparison of straw applications based on a life cycle assessment model and emergy evaluation.BioResources.2015, 10, 548-565.
Wu, Y.; Si, Y.; Zhou, D.;Gao, J.*Adsorption of diethyl phthalate ester to clay minerals.Chemosphere.2015, 119, 690-696.
Fang, G.; Zhu, C.;Dionysiou, D. D.;Gao, J.*; Zhou, D.Mechanism of hydroxyl radical generation from biochar suspensions: Implications to diethyl phthalate degradation.Biores. Technol.2015, 176, 210-217.