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通过上述研究,以期为相关类群和区域生物多样性保护利用提供解决方案。研究成果以第一作者的身份发表在学科领域的主流期刊Science, Molecular Ecology Resources 和New Phytologist等杂志上。其中关于第三极环境危机及其破解之道的文章发表在Science上(Liu et al. 2018),文章提出需要针对第三极开展生物多样性不同层次的研究,进而构建跨境生物多样性保护体系,服务国家青藏高原生态文明建设战略。而喜马拉雅-横断山地区红豆杉属植物遗传格局历史动态及成因的论文发表在New Phytologist上,相关工作通过物种分布区模拟、遗传和气候因子的耦联分析,发现地理隔离伴随的生态因子分化驱动了物种形成;提出“冰期扩张,间冰期收缩”第三极植物响应冰期气候变化的新机制 (Liu et al. 2013),相关结论得到后续大量研究的支持。此外,发表在Molecular Ecology Resources上的工作基于遗传和分布数据的整合分析,绘制了第三极红豆杉属植物精准的遗传和分布格局图(Liu et al. 2011; 2018),制定了“分子和地理身份证”,提出了珍稀濒危植物“护身符”制定的方案。相关研究成果得到中国科学院网、新华网、科技日报等数十家媒体的报道。此外,参与本草中国第八集《本草中国沉浮-红豆杉》的拍摄。纪录片记录了项目组在纵向岭谷区高黎贡山开展喜马拉雅红豆杉野外考察的场景,并对红豆杉的保护进行了科普。
目前已发表研究论文79篇,其中SCI收录67篇,相关论文在google学术中,累计引用3704次,H指数为29;2022年入选中国科学院“西部之光”人才计划;2018年入选入选云南省万人计划“青年拔尖人才”;2015年获云南省自然科学二等奖1项;主持国家自然科学基金6项,中科院从0到1原始创新项目1项;973项目子课题1项,其他课题10项;是Biological Reviews, Journal of Biogeography和Journal of Systematics and Evolution等杂志的审稿人。协助指导博士后3名,博士生1名;指导硕士研究生12名,科创计划17名。
2015.1-至今: 中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 副研究员
2024.9-2025.9: University of Toronto, Canada, 访问学者
2016.9-2017.9: Aberystwyth University, UK, 访问学者
2013.8-2013.12: Queen's University Belfast, UK, Research Fellow
2011.7-2014.12: 中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 助理研究员
2006.9-2011.7: 中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 博士
2002.9-2006.7: 云南大学, 学士
1999.09-2002.7 云南省保山市第一中学
2018年: 入选云南省万人计划“青年拔尖人才”项目
2015年: 获云南省自然科学二等奖(排名第3)
2011年: “中科院生物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室年会研究生报告”二等奖
2011年: 中国科学院研究生院三好学生
2011年: 中国科学院“朱李月华优秀博士生奖”
2008年: “生物多样性和和谐社会青年论坛研究生交流报告”优秀奖
2007年: 中国科学院研究生院三好学生
2005年: 伍达观奖学金
2005年: 云南大学十大团员标兵
2005年: 云南省三好学生
2004年: 2005年:云南大学一等奖学金
2003年: 2004年,2005年:云南大学优秀学生干部
2004年: 云南大学生命科学学院优秀团员
2003年: 云南省政府二等奖学金
2003年: 云南大学二等奖学金
- 发表论文(*通讯作者)
Wu ZY, Chapman MA, Liu J*, ..., MB Luan*, Li DZ*. 2024. Genomic variation, environmental adaptation and feralization in ramie, an ancient fiber crop. Plant Communications 5, 100942.
Luo YH, Ma LL, Cadotte MW, ..., Liu J*, Li DZ*, Gao LM*. 2024. Testing the ectomycorrhizal-dominance hypothesis for ecosystem multifunctionality in a subtropical mountain forest. New Phytologist 243, 2401-2415.
Yan LJ, Fan PZ, Wambulwa MC, ..., Maity D*, Li DZ*, Liu J*. 2024. Human-associated genetic landscape of walnuts in the Himalaya: implications for conservation and utilization. Diversity and Distributions 30, e13809.
Ye L, Shavvon RS, Qi H, ..., Liu J*. 2024. Population genetic insights into the conservation of common walnut (Juglans regia) in Central Asia. Plant Diversity 46, 600-610.
Ma LL, Seibold S, Cadotte MW, ..., Liu J*, Gao LM*, Luo YH*. 2024. Niche convergence and biogeographic history shape elevational tree community assembly in a subtropical mountain forest. Science of the Total Environment 935, 173343.
Ma S, Chen S, Ding Y, ..., Liu J... et al. 2024. What controls forest litter decomposition? A coordinated distributed teabag experiment across ten mountains. Ecography n/a, e07339.
Jiang Y, Yang J, Folk RA, ..., Liu J... et al. 2024. Species delimitation of tea plants (Camellia sect. Thea) based on super-barcodes. BMC Plant Biology 24, 181.
Khan R, Biffin E, van Dijk K-j, ..., Liu J... et al. 2024. Development of a target enrichment probe set for conifer (REMcon). Biology 13, 361.
罗亚皇, 马梁梁, 高连明, ..., 施晓春*,刘杰*. 2024. 高黎贡山南段海拔梯度森林乔木层时空动态. 广西植物 44, 793-805.
Zou J, Luo Y, Seidl R, ..., Liu J... et al. 2024. No generality in biodiversity-productivity relationships along elevation in temperate and subtropical forest landscapes. Forest Ecosystems 11, 100187.
Qin SY, Yu Zuo Z, Xu SX, ..., Liu J... et al. 2024. Anthropogenic disturbance driving population decline of a dominant tree in East Asia evergreen broadleaved forests over the last 11, 000 years. Conservation Biology 38, e14180.
Liu, J.*#, Magige, E. A.#, Fan, P. Z.#, Wambulwa MC, Luo YH, Qi HL, Gao LM*, Milne RI. 2023. Genetic imprints of grafting in wild iron walnut populations in southwestern China. BMC Plant Biology 23, 423.
Qin HT, Mӧller M, Milne R, Luo YH, Zhu GF, Li DZ*, Liu J*, Gao LM*. 2023. Multiple paternally inherited chloroplast capture events associated with Taxus speciation in the Hengduan Mountains. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 189, 107915.
Luo YH, Ma LL, Seibold S, ..., Li DZ*, Liu J*, Gao LM*. 2023. The diversity of mycorrhiza-associated fungi and trees shapes subtropical mountain forest ecosystem functioning. Journal of Biogeography 50(4):715-29.
Khan R, Hill RS, Liu J, Biffin E. 2023. Diversity, distribution, systematics and conservation status of Podocarpaceae. Plants 12, 1171.
Shahi Shavvon R*#, Qi HL, Mafakheri M, Fan PZ, Wu HY, Bazdid Vahdati F, Al-Shmgani HS, Wang YH, Liu J*. 2023. Unravelling the genetic diversity and population structure of common walnut in the Iranian Plateau. BMC Plant Biology 23, 201.
Xiahou ZY, Wambulwa MC, Xu ZC, Ye LJ, Fan PZ, Magige EA, Luo YH, Liu J*. 2023. A multiplex PCR system of novel microsatellite loci improves genotyping efficiency in walnuts. Plants 12, 4101.
Ye LJ, Möller M, Luo YH, Zou JY, Zheng W, Liu J, Li DZ, Gao LM. 2023. Variation in gene expression along an elevation gradient of Rhododendron sanguineum var. haemaleum assessed in a comparative transcriptomic analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1133065.
齐海玲, 樊鹏振, 王跃华, 刘杰*. 2023. 中国北方六省区胡桃的遗传多样性和群体结构分析. 生物多样性 31, 23120.
Wu ZY, Milne RI, Liu J, Nathan R, Corlett RT, Li DZ. 2023. The establishment of plants following long-distance dispersal. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 175:107555.
Liu J, Milne RI, Zhu GF, et al. 2022. Name and scale matters: Clarifying the geography of Tibetan Plateau and adjacent mountain regions. Global and Planetary Change, 103893.
Magige EA, Fan PZ, Wambulwa MC, ..., ... Gao LM*, Liu J* 2022. Genetic diversity and structure of Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) in Pakistan: Implications for conservation. Plants 11, 1652.
Ding YM, Cao Y, Zhang WP, Chen J, Liu J, Li P, Renner SS, Zhang DY, Bai WN. 2022. Population-genomic analyses reveal bottlenecks and asymmetric introgression from Persian into iron walnut during domestication. Genome Biology 23, 145.
Luo YH, Cadotte MW, Liu J, et al. 2022. Multitrophic diversity and biotic associations influence subalpine forest ecosystem multifunctionality. Ecology, 103, e3745.
Ogoma CA, Liu J, Stull GW, et al. 2022. Deep insights into the plastome evolution and phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Urticeae. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 870949.
Wambulwa MC, Fan PZ, Milne R, ..., Li DZ*,Liu J*. 2022a. Genetic analysis of walnut cultivars from southwest China: Implications for germplasm improvement. Plant Diversity 44, 530-541.
Wambulwa MC, Luo YH, Zhu GF, ..., Li DZ*, Liu J*. 2022b. Determinants of genetic structure in a highly heterogeneous landscape in southwest China. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 779989.
Wu ZY, Milne RI, Liu J, et al. 2022. Phylogenomics and evolutionary history of Oreocnide (Urticaceae) shed light on recent geological and climatic events in SE Asia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 175, 107555.
Seibold S, Rammer W, Hothorn T, ..., Liu J, ... et al. 2021. The contribution of insects to global forest deadwood decomposition. Nature 597, 77-81.
Sun ZY, Liu J, Wambulwa MC, Li ZH, Wu ZY. 2021. The complete chloroplast genome sequences of an endemic species of Urticaceae (Debregeasia hekouensis). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6, 3300-3302.
Wambulwa MC, Milne R, Wu ZY, ..., Li DZ*, Liu J* 2021b. Spatiotemporal maintenance of flora in the Himalaya biodiversity hotspot: Current knowledge and future perspectives. Ecology and Evolution 11, 10794–10812.
Ye LJ, Mӧller M, Luo YH, ... Liu J, ... et al. 2021. Differential expressions of anthocyanin synthesis genes underlie flower color divergence in a sympatric Rhododendron sanguineum complex. BMC Plant Biology 21, 204.
施雨含, 任宗昕, 王维嘉, 徐鑫, 刘杰, 赵延会, 王红. 2021. 中国-喜马拉雅三种黄耆属植物与其传粉熊蜂的空间分布预测. 生物多样性 29, 759-769.
朱光福, 伊廷双, 刘杰*. 2021. 数字植物标本在科学研究中的应用及挑战. 广西植物. DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202102026
Jia Y, Milne RI, Zhu J, Gao LM, Zhu GF, Zhao GF, Liu J*, Li ZH*. 2020. Evolutionary legacy of a forest plantation tree species (Pinus armandii): Implications for widespread afforestation. Evolutionary Applications 13, 2646-2662.
Möller M, Liu J, Li Y, Li JH, Ye LJ, Mill R, Thomas P, Li DZ*, Gao LM*. 2020. Repeated intercontinental migrations and recurring hybridizations characterise the evolutionary history of yew (Taxus L.). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 153, 106952.
Wang RN, Milne RI, Du XY, Liu J*, Wu ZY*. 2020. Characteristics and mutational hotspots of plastomes in Debregeasia (Urticaceae). Frontiers in Genetics 11, 729-729.
Xu ZC, Jin YC, Milne RI, Xiahou ZY, Qin HT, Ye LJ, Gao LM, Liu J*, Li DZ*. 2020. Development of 32 novel microsatellite loci in Juglans sigillata using genomic data. Applications in Plant Sciences 8, e11328.
Fu CN, Wu CS, Ye LJ, Mo ZQ, Liu J, Chang YW, Li DZ, Chaw SM, Gao LM. 2019. Prevalence of isomeric plastomes and effectiveness of plastome super-barcodes in yews (Taxus) worldwide. Scientific Reports 9, 2773.
Khan R, Zain Ul Abidin S, Ahmad M, Zafar M, Liu J, Lubna, Jamshed S, Kiliç Ö. 2019. Taxonomic importance of SEM and LM foliar epidermal micro-morphology: A tool for robust identification of gymnosperms. Flora 255, 42-68.
Luo YH, Cadotte MW, Burgess KS, Liu J, Tan SL, Xu K, Li DZ, Gao LM. 2019a. Forest community assembly is driven by different strata-dependent mechanisms along an elevational gradient. Journal of Biogeography 46, 2174-2187.
Luo YH, Cadotte MW, Burgess KS, Liu J, Tan SL, Zou JY, Xu K, Li DZ, Gao LM. 2019b. Greater than the sum of the parts: How the species composition in different forest strata influence ecosystem function. Ecology Letters 22, 1449-1461.
Maity D, Mandal M, Liu J. 2019. Where does Juglans regia L. (Juglandaceae) grow in Sikkim and Darjeeling Himalaya? Juglans sigillata Dode needs attention! Pleione 13, 393-398.
Wang RN, Liu J, Li ZH, Wu ZY. 2019. Complete chloroplast genome sequences of Debregeasia orientalis (Urticaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 4, 1830-1831.
Khan R, Ul Abidin SZ, Ahmad M, Zafar M, Liu J, Amina H. 2018. Palyno-morphological characteristics of gymnosperm flora of pakistan and its taxonomic implications with LM and SEM methods. Microscopy Research and Technique 81, 74-87.
Liu J, Milne RI, Cadotte MW, Wu ZY, Provan J, Zhu GF, Gao LM, Li DZ. 2018a. Protect Third Pole's fragile ecosystem. Science 362, 1368.
Liu J, Milne RI, Möller M, et al. 2018b. Integrating a comprehensive DNA barcode reference library with a global map of yews (Taxus L.) for forensic identification. Molecular Ecology Resources 18, 1115-1131.
Meegahakumbura MK, Wambulwa MC, Li MM, et al. 2018. Domestication origin and breeding history of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) in China and India based on nuclear microsatellites and cpDNA sequence data. Frontiers in Plant Science 8.
Wu ZY, Du XY, Milne RI, Liu J, Li DZ. 2018a. Complete chloroplast genome sequences of two Boehmeria species (Urticaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 3, 939-940.
Wu ZY, Liu J, Provan J, et al. 2018b. Testing Darwin's transoceanic dispersal hypothesis for the inland nettle family (Urticaceae). Ecology Letters 21, 1515-1529.
Ye LJ, Fu CN, Wang YH, Liu J*, Gao LM*. 2018. Characterization of the complete plastid genome of a Chinese endemic species Carya kweichowensis. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 3, 492-493.
Qin HT, Yang GQ, Provan J, Liu J*, Gao LM*. 2017. Using MiddRAD-seq data to develop polymorphic microsatellite markers for an endangered yew species. Plant Diversity 39, 294-299.
Wambulwa MC, Meegahakumbura MK, Kamunya S, Muchugi A, Möller M, Liu J, Xu JC, Li DZ, Gao LM. 2017. Multiple origins and a narrow genepool characterise the African tea germplasm: Concordant patterns revealed by nuclear and plastid DNA markers. Scientific Reports 7, 4053.
Wu ZY, Du XY, Milne RI, Liu J, Li DZ. 2017. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome sequence of Cecropia pachystachya. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2, 735-737.
刘杰, 罗亚皇, 李德铢, 高连明. 2017. 青藏高原及毗邻区植物多样性演化与维持机制: 进展及展望. 生物多样性 25, 163-174.
Luo YH, Liu J, Tan SL, Cadotte MW, Wang YH, Xu K, Li DZ, Gao LM. 2016a. Trait-based community assembly along an elevational gradient in subalpine forests: Quantifying the roles of environmental factors in inter- and intraspecific variability. PLoS ONE 11, e0155749.
Luo YH, Liu J, Tan SL, Cadotte MW, Xu K, Gao LM, Li DZ. 2016b. Trait variation and functional diversity maintenance of understory herbaceous species coexisting along an elevational gradient in Yulong Mountain, Southwest China. Plant Diversity 38, 303-311.
Meegahakumbura MK, Wambulwa MC, Thapa KK, et al. 2016. Indications for three independent domestication events for the tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) and new insights into the origin of tea germplasm in China and India revealed by nuclear microsatellites. PLoS ONE 11, e0155369.
Wambulwa MC, Meegahakumbura MK, Chalo R, Kamunya S, Muchugi A, Xu JC, Liu J, Li DZ, Gao LM. 2016a. Nuclear microsatellites reveal the genetic architecture and breeding history of tea germplasm of East Africa. Tree Genetics & Genomes 12, 1-10.
Wambulwa MC, Meegahakumbura MK, Kamunya S, et al. 2016b. Insights into the genetic relationships and breeding patterns of the African tea germplasm based on nSSR markers and cpDNA sequences. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 1244.
Li ZH, Yang C, Mao KS, Ma YZ, Liu J, Liu ZL, Deng TT, Zhao GF. 2015. Molecular identification and allopatric divergence of the white pine species in China based on the cytoplasmic DNA variation. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 61, 161-168.
Wu ZY, Milne RI, Chen CJ, Liu J, Wang H, Li DZ. 2015. Ancestral state reconstruction reveals rampant homoplasy of diagnostic morphological characters in Urticaceae, conflicting with current classification schemes. PLoS ONE 10, e0141821.
Yan LJ, Liu J, Möller M, Zhang L, Zhang XM, Li DZ, Gao LM. 2015. DNA barcoding of Rhododendron (Ericaceae), the largest Chinese plant genus in biodiversity hotspots of the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains. Molecular Ecology Resources 15, 932-944.
李苗苗, 严丽君, 刘杰, 高连明. 2015. 核基因组微卫星标记揭示大理茶参与了普洱茶的驯化过程. 植物分类与资源学报 37, 29-37.
Poudel RC, Möller M, Liu J, Gao LM, Baral SR, Li DZ. 2014. Low genetic diversity and high inbreeding of the endangered yews in Central Himalaya: Implications for conservation of their highly fragmented populations. Diversity and Distributions 20, 1270-1284.
Liu J, Möller M, Provan J, Gao LM, Poudel RC, Li DZ. 2013. Geological and ecological factors drive cryptic speciation of yews in a biodiversity hotspot. New Phytologist 199, 1093-1108.
Möller M, Gao LM, Mill RR, Liu J, Zhang DQ, Poudel RC, Li DZ. 2013. A multidisciplinary approach reveals hidden taxonomic diversity in the morphologically challenging Taxus wallichiana complex. Taxon 62, 1161-1177.
Poudel RC, Gao LM, Möller M, Baral SR, Uprety Y, Liu J, Li DZ. 2013. Yews (Taxus) along the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region: Exploring the ethnopharmacological relevance among communities of Mongol and Caucasian origins. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147, 190-203.
Wu ZY, Monro AK, Milne RI, Wang H, Yi TS, Liu J, Li DZ. 2013. Molecular phylogeny of the nettle family (Urticaceae) inferred from multiple loci of three genomes and extensive generic sampling. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69, 814-827.
罗亚皇, 刘杰, 高连明, 李德铢. 2013. DNA 条形码在生态学研究中的应用与展望. 植物分类与资源学报 35, 761-768.
Liu J, Provan J, Gao LM, Li DZ. 2012. Sampling strategy and potential utility of indels for DNA barcoding of closely related plant species: A case study in Taxus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13, 8740-8751.
Poudel RC, Möller M, Gao LM, Ahrends A, Baral SR, Liu J, Thomas P, Li DZ. 2012. Using morphological, molecular and climatic data to delimitate yews along the Hindu Kush-Himalaya and adjacent regions. PLoS ONE 7, e46873.
高连明, 刘杰, 蔡杰, 杨俊波, 张挺. 2012. 关于植物 DNA 条形码研究技术规范. 植物分类与资源学报 34, 592-606.
Li DZ, Gao LM, Li HT, et al. 2011. Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that internal transcribed spacer (ITS) should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, 19641-19646.
Liu J, Gao LM, Li DZ, Zhang DQ, Möller M. 2011a. Cross-species amplification and development of new microsatellite loci for Taxus wallichiana (Taxaceae). American Journal of Botany 98, e70-73.
Liu J, Möller M, Gao LM, Zhang DQ, Li DZ. 2011b. DNA barcoding for the discrimination of Eurasian yews (Taxus L., Taxaceae) and the discovery of cryptic species. Molecular Ecology Resources 11, 89-100.
刘杰, 高连明. 2011. 红豆杉属植物三种不同总DNA提取方法的分析比较. 广西植物 31, 244-249.
Yang JB, Li HT, Li DZ, Liu J, Gao LM. 2009. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the endangered species Taxus wallichiana using the FIASCO method. Hortscience 44, 2043-2045.
Gao LM, Möller M, Zhang XM, Hollingsworth ML, Liu J, Mill RR, Gibby M, Li DZ. 2007. High variation and strong phylogeographic pattern among cpDNA haplotypes in Taxus wallichiana (Taxaceae) in China and North Vietnam. Molecular Ecology 16, 4684-4698.
- 承担科研项目情况:(序号;项目名称;项目类型;项目编号;起止时间;合同经费(万元);担任角色;项目级别)
喜马拉雅地区重要特有植物的生态和遗传评估 国家基金国际合作交流项目/国家基金委 国家基金面上项目/国家基金委 刘杰 2023.1.1-2024.12.31 15 项目负责人 国家级
苍山植物种质资源采集与遗传多样性分析 云南省科技厅/林草局 2022.1.1-2024.12.31 110 项目负责人 省级
2022年度“西部青年学者” 西部之光/中国科学院 2022.1.1-2024.12.31 50 项目负责人 部级
云南核桃的驯化起源及资源格局 云南省自然科学基金面上项目/省科技厅 2022.1.1-2024.12.31 10 项目负责人 省级
重要木本经济植物胡桃的起源驯化和扩散历史 国家基金面上项目/国家基金委 32170398 2022.1.1-2025.12.31 69.6 项目负责人 国家级
气候变化对第三极植物遗传多样性的影响机制及跨境保护 “从0到1”原始创新项目/中国科学院 ZDBS-LY-7001 2019.9.30-2024.9.29 100 项目负责人 部级
第三极植物遗传格局的时空动态及其保护 国家基金面上项目/国家基金委 41971071 2020.1.1-2023.12.31 72.4 项目负责人 国家级
云南省万人计划“青年拔尖人才”项目:云南核桃遗传资源发掘及栽培起源机制 云南省政府人才项目 "YNWRQNBJ-2018-146" 2019.1.1-2023.12.31 50 项目负责人 省级
西南山地及毗邻区特有经济树种泡核桃种质资源格局动因及栽培起源 国家基金面上项目/国家基金委 31770367 2018.1.1-2021.12.31 72 项目负责人 国家级
云南省泡核桃遗传资源评价及分子鉴定 云南省自然科学基金面上项目/省科技厅 2017FB027 2017.6-2020.5 10 项目负责人 省级
红豆杉属植物中紫杉醇及其衍生物多样性演化及制约因素 学科交叉引导性项目 KIB2017003 2017.01-2018.12 70 项目负责人 所级
中国西南纵向岭谷区植物遗传格局成因及其维持机制 国家基金面上项目/国家基金委 41571059 2016.1.1-2019.12.31 83.6 项目负责人 国家级
核桃DNA条形码及SSR分子鉴定技术构建 云南省林业厅 Y638111261 2016.06-2017.12 30 项目负责人 省级
云南核桃品种DNA鉴定技术研究 全国科学院联盟生物多样性分会 Y62C0111Q1 2016.9-2018.7 40 项目负责人 其他
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合作者 研究机构 合作方向
Dr. Michael Möller Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK; Speciation and taxonomy
Prof. Richard Milne The University of Edinburgh, UK; Biogeography
Prof. Marc Cadotte University of Toronto, CAN; Ecology
Prof. Alistair Jump University of Stirling, UK; Population genetics
吴红宇 硕士研究生 086000-生物与医药
朱光福 硕士研究生 085238-生物工程
孔星 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
孙向前 硕士研究生 086000-生物与医药
王凤英 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
刘楚眉 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
崔涵 硕士研究生 086000-生物与医药