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Hu Jian-lin*, Ci Xiu-qin*, Zhang Xiao-yan, Zhou Run, Xiao Jian-hua, Liu Zhi-fang, Zhang Can-yu, Jin Xuan & Li Jie*, 2024. Assessment of multidimensional diversity and conservation of threatened timber trees in China under climate change. Biological Conservation 300: 110871. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110871);
Sun Wei-bang (Editor), Dao Zhi-ling (Subeditor), Gao Xin-feng(Subeditor), Li Jie (Subeditor) & Yang Xiang-yun (Subeditor), 2024. Plant species with extremely small populations (PSESP) in southwest China (中国西南地区极小种群野生植物图鉴). Yunnan Science & Technology Press, Kunming;
Huang Pei-han, Wang Tian-rui, Li Min, Lu Zi-jia, Su Ren-ping, Fang Ou-yan, Li Lang, Zhou Shi-shun, Tan Yun-hong, Meng Hong-hu*, Song Yi-gang* & Li Jie*, 2024. RAD-seq data for Engelhardia roxburghiana provides insights into the palaeobiogeography of Hainan Island and its relationship to mainland China since the late Eocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 651: 112392. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112392);
Peng Xiao-bin, Liu Zhi-fang, Li Jian-wu, Li Lang & Li Jie*, 2024. Beilschmiedia mengwangensis (Lauraceae), a new species from southwestern China. Systematic Botany 49(2): 283~292. (https://doi.org/10.1600/036364424X17157980510239);
Li Lang*, Zou Dian-yang, Mao Ya-meng & Li Jie*, 2024. Alseodaphnopsis maguanensis is conspecific with A. hokouensis (Lauraceae) based on morphological and molecular evidence. PhytoKeys 242:281~291. (https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.242.115679);
Liu Zhi-Fang, Zhang Shi-Fang, Twyford D. Alex*, Ci Xiu-Qin, Li Lang, Zhang Xiao-Yan, Hu Jian-Lin, Tan Jia-Chuan, Tang Guang-Da, Qin Sheng-Yuan, Hu Ling, Ding Xin, Meng Hong-Hu, Dong Li-Na, Huang Ting, Ma Hui, Xiao Jian-Hua, Cai Chao-Nan, Conran G. John, Wang Qi*, Hollingsworth M. Peter* & Li Jie*, 2024. Dense infraspecific sampling reveals cryptic speciation in the enigmatic hemiparasitic love vine Cassytha filiformis (Lauraceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 62 (6): 1238~1254 (https: //doi.org/10.1111/jse.13069);
Huang Pei-han, Wang Tian-rui, Li Ming, Fang Ou-yan, Su Ren-ping, Meng Hong-hu*, Song Yi-gang* & Li Jie*, 2024.Different reference genomes determine different results: compassion of SNP calling in RAD-seq from different reference genomes. Plant Science 344: 112109 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2024.112109);
Zou Dian-yang, Cao Guan-long, Zhang Jin-guo, Li Lang* & Li Jie*, 2023. Endiandra macrocarpa (Lauraceae), a new species from southwestern China. Phytotaxa 224: 183~192 (https: //doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.224.102752);
Liu Zhi-fang*, Ci Xiu-qin, Zhang Shi-fang, Zhang Xiao-yan, Zhang Xue, Dong Li-na, Conran G. John & Li Jie*, 2023.Diverse host spectrum and the parasitic process in the pantropical hemiparasite Cassytha filiformis L. (Lauraceae) in China. Diveristy 15: 492 (https://doi.org/10.3390/d15040492);
Zhou Run, Ci Xiu-qin*, Hu Jian-lin, Zhang Xiao-yan, Cao Guan-long, Xiao Jian-hua, Liu Zhi-fang, Li Lang, Thornhill H. Andrew, Conran G. John, Li Jie*, 2023. Transitional areas of vegetation as biodiversity hotspots evidenced by multifaceted biodiversity analysis of Chinese Lauraceae. Ecological Indicators147: 110001. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110001);
Zhang Yu, Duan Meng-Ge, Huang Pei-Han, Li Min, Meng Hong-Hu*, Qiao Hui-jJie*, Li Jie*, 2023. Blinded by the bright: afforestation is affecting widespread sampling deficiency in plant collections. Forest Ecology and Management 530: 120765 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120765);
Zhang Xiao-yan, Ci Xiu-qin*, Hu Jian-lin, Bai Yang, Thornhill H. Andrew, Conran G. John & Li Jie*, 2023. Riparian areas as conservation priority under climate change. Science of the Total Environment 858: 159879 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159879);
- 主持“木姜子属群的系统学研究”,获2003年国家自然科学基金资助;
- 主持“樟科鳄梨属群的系统学研究”,获2004国家自然科学基金和德国科学基金的联合资助;
- 主持“木姜子属群的系统发育重建”,获2005年国家自然科学基金资助;
- 主持“樟科濒危植物思茅木姜子的保护遗传学研究”,获2005年中科院“西部之光”人才培养计划项目资助;
- 主持“亚洲樟科植物木姜子和鳄梨属群的分类修订”,获2005年中科院出国留学基金资助;
- 主持“樟科鳄梨属群植物系统发育研究”,获中科院2006年度植物园与生物分类学研究项目资助;
- 主持“樟科鳄梨属群植物系统发育研究”,获2008年国家自然科学基金资助;
- 主持“西双版纳和哀牢山自然保护区树种DNA条形码数据采集”,获2012年中华人民共和国科学技术基础性工作专项资助(2012FY110400);
- 主持“热带环太平洋间断分布格局的成因探讨-以樟科樟属为例”,获2014年国家自然科学基金资助(31370245);
- 主持“缅甸北部地区樟科植物多样性调查研究”,获2016年中国科学院东南亚多样性研究中心区域国际合作基金项目资助;
- 主持“热带重要木材树种和极危兰科植物的DNA条形码研究”,获2016年中国科学院战略生物资源服务网络计划生物多样性保护策略资助(ZSSD-013);
- 主持课题二“滇西南地区极小种群野生植物调查与种质采集”(2017FY100102),获2017年科技基础资源调查专项“中国西南地区极小种群野生植物调查与种质保存”(2017FY100100)资助;
- 主持“基于DNA条形码从进化维度探讨热带森林群落的系统发育多样性”,获2018年国家自然科学基金资助(31770569);
- 主持“云南植物区系特征成分樟科的多样性空间分布格局与保护空缺研究”,获2022年云南省基础研究计划重点项目资助(202101AS070198)。
慈秀芹 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
李朗 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
汪书丽 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
李志明 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
陈俊秋 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
钟晋顺 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
王志华 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
李朗 博士研究生 071001-植物学
郭莉娟 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
周萍 博士研究生 071001-植物学
李恒 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
常艳芬 博士研究生 071001-植物学
余香琴 博士研究生 071001-植物学
卢孟孟 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
黄小翠 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
肖建华 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
黄建峰 博士研究生 071001-植物学
慈秀芹 博士研究生 071001-植物学
丁鑫 博士研究生 071001-植物学
汪书丽 博士研究生 071001-植物学
莫月清 硕士研究生 085238-生物工程
陈俊秋 博士研究生 071001-植物学
徐武美 博士研究生 071001-植物学
肖建华 博士研究生 071001-植物学
侯勤曦 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
刘志芳 博士研究生 071001-植物学
蔡超男 博士研究生 071001-植物学
张灿瑜 博士研究生 071001-植物学
胡建霖 博士研究生 071001-植物学
曹关龙 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
周润 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
张晓妍 博士研究生 071001-植物学
虎灵 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
张仕芳 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
陈雯妍 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
周丽芳 硕士研究生 071001-植物学
Li Zhi-ming (李志明), 2002 — 2005, MS thesis: “Polyphyly of the genus Actinodaphne (Lauraceae) inferred from the analyses of nrDNA ITS and ETS sequences”;
Li Lang (李朗), 2003 — 2006, MS thesis: “Phylogeny of Neolitsea (Lauraceae) inferred from Bayesian analysis of nrDNA ITS and ETS sequences”;
Ci Xiu-qin (慈秀芹), 2004 — 2007, MS thesis: “AFLP and ISSR analysis reveals high genetic variation and inter-population differentiation in fragmented populations of the endangered Litsea szemaois (Lauraceae) from South-West China”;
Wang Shu-li (汪书丽), 2004 — 2007, MS thesis with co-supervisor Dr. Li Qiao-ming: “Population genetic diversity of Bombax malabaricum (Bombacaceae) in China”;
Zhong Jin-shun (钟晋顺), 2005 — 2008, MS thesis: “Phylogeny of Isodon (Schrad. ex Benth.) Spach (Lamiaceae) and related genera inferred from nuclear ribosomal ITS, trnL-trnF region and rps16 intron sequences and morphology”;
Chen Jun-qiu (陈俊秋), 2005 — 2008, MS thesis: “Bayesian inference of nrDNA ITS sequences from Machilus(Lauraceae) and its systematic significance”;
Wang Zhi-hua (王志华), 2006 — 2010, MS thesis: “Phylogeny of the south-east Asian endemic genus NeocinnamomumLiou (Lauraceae)”;
Xu Lei (徐蕾), 2006 — 2009, Ph.D. thesis with co-supervisor Prof. Yang Da-rong (杨大荣): “The phylogenetic study of the fig and their pollinating wasps of subgenera Urostigma and Sycomorus”;
Li Lang (李朗), 2007 — 2010, Ph.D. thesis with co-supervisor Dr. Jens Rohwer: “A phylogenetic study on the Persea group (Lauraceae)”;
Guo Li-juan (郭莉娟), 2007 — 2010, MS thesis: “Micro-morphological characteristics of leaf epidermis under light microscopy and its taxonomic significance in Persea group (Lauraceae)”;
Zhou Ping (周萍), 2008 — 2012, Ph.D. thesis with co-supervisor Dr. Michael Möller: “A morphological and phylogenetic study on Corallodiscus batalin (Gesnericaceae)”;
Li Heng (李恒), 2009 — 2012, MS thesis: “Diterpenoids chemodiversity of the genus Isodon (Schrad. ex Benth.) Spach from Lamiaceae”;
Chang Yan-feng (常艳芬), 2009 — 2012, Ph.D. thesis with co-supervisors Prof. Lu Shu-gang (陆树刚) and Dr. Harald Schneiderand: “Reticulate evolution and cryptic speciation of Asplenium normale (Aspleniaceae) complex”;
Lu Meng-meng (卢孟孟), 2010 — 2013, MS thesis: “Community phylogenetic study on subtropical forests along elevational gradients in Ailao Mountains”;
Yu Xiang-qin (余香琴), 2010 — 2013, Ph.D. thesis: “Biogeography of the genus Isodon (Lamiaceae) with Asia-Africa disjunction and phylogeography of the invasive species Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae)”;
Huang Xiao-cui (黄小翠, 四川农大), 2011 — 2014, MS thesis: “植物DNA条形码技术在亚洲热带地区的应用—以西双版纳自然保护区样地为例”; “Applying plant DNA barcodes in Asian tropical trees– a case study in nature reserve of Xishuangbanna from China”;
Huang Jian-fen (黄建峰, 石河子大学), 2012 — 2016, Ph.D. thesis:“樟属植物的系统发育和生物地理学研究”; “A phylogenetic and biogeographical study of Cinnamomum Schaeff. (Lauraceae)—with reference to ITS sequence polymorphism and LEAFY duplication”;
Ci Xiu-Qin (慈秀芹), 2012 — 25May2018, Ph.D. thesis: “西双版纳热带森林树种DNA条形码鉴定与群落系统发育研究”;“ DNA barcoding tropical trees and community phylogeny in Xishuangbannain rainforest”;
Xiao Jian-hua (肖建华, 南昌大学), 2012 — 2015, MS thesis: “基于RAD-seq技术对珍贵木材树种楠木(Phoebe zhennan)遗传多样性的研究”; “Genetic diversity of valuable timber tree Phoebe zhennan using RAD tags”;
Xiao Jian-hua (肖建华, 南昌大学), 2016 — 24May 2021, Ph.D. thesis: “基于简化基因组对楠木复合群的谱系地理学研究”; “Phylogeography of the Phoebe zhennan complex by using SNPs developed from RAD-seq”;
Ding Xin (丁鑫, 厦门大学), 2013 — 25May 2018, Ph.D. thesis: “珍贵用材树种闽楠和桢楠的界定及种群结构与动态研究”; “Species delimitation, population structure and dynamic of Valuable Timber Tree Species Phoebe bournei and Phoebe zhennan”;
Liu Zhi-fang (刘志芳, 鲁东大学) (硕博连读), 2013 — 30Nov 2020, MS & Ph.D. theses: “中国樟科植物DNA条形码分类及系统发育研究”;“Phylogenetic classification of Lauraceae from China by means of DNA Barcoding”;
Mo Yue-qing (莫月清, 广西大学), 2014 — 2017, MS thesis: “中国油丹属植物疑难类群的分类鉴定”, “Identification of knotty taxa from the genus Alseodaphne Nees (Lauraceae) of China)”;
Wang Shu-li (汪书丽, 西藏大学), 2014 — 31Aug2020, Ph.D. thesis: “藏药材喜马拉雅紫茉莉的保护遗传学研究”, “Conservation genetics of Tibetan medicine Mirabilis himalaica”;
Hou Qing-xi (侯勤曦, 四川农业大学 推免), 2015 — 25May2018, MS thesis: “西双版纳国家级自然保护区对樟科植物进化历史保护现状的研究”, “Assessment of the evolutionary history of Lauraceae in Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve”;
Zhang can-yu (张灿瑜, 云南大学 推免), 2015 — 24May2021, MS thesis: “寄生植物无根藤与不同寄主植物之间水平基因转移初探”; 2017年11月转博,Ph.D. thesis (与孟宏虎博士共同指导): “黄杞属的物种界定——兼论黄杞与少叶黄杞的生物地理学”, “Species delimitation of Engelhardia Leschenault ex Blume; and Biogegraphy of Engelhardia roxburghiana Wall. and Engelhardia fenzlii Merr.”;
Xu Wu-mei (徐武美, 怀化学院) (硕博连读), 2015 — 2017, Ph.D. thesis with co-supervisor Dr. Li Qiao-ming (李巧明): “西双版纳热带季节雨林不同维度生物多样性的关联研究”, “Connections between different dimensions of biodiversity in the Xishuangbanna tropical seasonal rainforest”;
Ito Yu (伊藤优) (博士后), 2015 — 2017, Postdoc thesis: “Taxonomy, systematics and evolution of aquatic and wetland plants in Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot: implications for conservation”;
Cai Chao-nan (蔡超男, 淮北师范大学), 2016 — 30Nov2020, Ph.D. thesis: “中国风吹楠属植物系统发育和保护遗传学研究”, “Phylogenetics and conservation genetics of the genus Horsfieldia from China”
Hu Jian-lin (胡建霖, 云南大学), 2016 — 15May2022, MS thesis: “DNA条形码技术在热带重要木材树种鉴定的应用”, “Application of DNA barcoding in the identification of valuable tropical tree species”, 并于2018年12月10日申请转博成功;Ph.D. thesis: “中国木材资源树种DNA条形码与多样性保护研究”, “DNA barcoding and diversity patterns of Chinese timber trees”;
Zhang Xiao-yan (张晓妍, 福建农林 推免), 2017 — 25May2023, MS thesis:“基于系统发育空间分布格局评估西双版纳地区热带森林的保护现状”, 并于2019年11月6日申请转博成功;Ph.D. thesis: “西双版纳地区热带森林的多样性格局与保护研究”, “Spatial patterns of biodiversity and conservation of the tropical forests in Xishuangbanna region”;
Cao Guan-long (曹关龙, 云南大学, 与李朗博士共同指导), 2018 — 24May 2021, MS thesis: “中国樟科厚壳桂属植物系统发育与物种多样性研究”, “A study on phylogeny and species diversity of the genus Cryptocarya R. Br. (Lauraceae) in China”;
Zhou Run (周润, 中南林业大学, 与慈秀芹博士共同指导), 2018 — 24May 2021, MS thesis: “中国亚热带常绿阔叶林重要类群樟科植物的多样性评估与保护研究”, “Spatial distribution pattern of diversity and conservation in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest of China: the case study of Lauraceae”;
Hu Ling (虎灵, 青海师范大学 推免, 与孟宏虎博士共同指导), 2020 — 25May2023, MS thesis: “热带亚洲三棱栎属植物的保护生物地理学研究”, “Conservation biogeography of Trigonobalanus in tropical Asia”;
Zhang Shi-fang (张仕芳, 云南大学 推免), 2020 — 23Nov2023, MS thesis: “中国樟科无根藤属植物隐存种及无根藤广布原因的初探”,”A preliminary study on the cryptic species of the genus Cassytha and the widespread causes of C. filiformis from the Lauraceae Family in China”;
Chen Wen-yan (陈雯妍, 江西农大 推免, 与慈秀芹博士共同指导), 2022 — , MS thesis: “云南樟科植物的多样性空间分布格局与保护研究”;
Zhou Li-fang (周丽芳, 昆明医科大, 与慈秀芹博士共同指导), 2023 — , MS thesis: “基于种源地气候预测西双版纳热带植物园引种植物的生存”;
Su Ren-ping (苏仁平, 贵州大学 直博生, 与孟宏虎博士共同指导), 2024 — , PhD thesis: “???”;
Chen Jun-ling (陈筠灵, 福建农林 推免生, 与慈秀芹博士共同指导), 2024 — , MS thesis: “???”;
Huang Pei-han (黄佩涵, 江西农业大学 转博生, 与孟宏虎博士共同指导), 2025 (春季,以植物学组第一名通过转博答辩-24Nov2024) — , PhD thesis: “???”;