江左其杲  男    中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所
电子邮件: jiangzuo@ivpp.ac.cn
通信地址: 13520610577






2015-09--2020-06   中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所   博士
2011-09--2015-06   中国地质大学(北京)   学士


2022-07~2023-09,北京大学, 特聘副研究员
2020-07~2022-06,北京大学, 博士后


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Wang Y, Madurell-Malapeira J, et al.,2024. Massive early Middle Pleistocene cheetah from eastern Asia shed light onto the evolution of Acinonyx in Eurasia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 332: 108661.

Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Huang Z, Yu C, et al. 2024. Dental shape evolution of the giant panda (Ailuropoda, Ursidae) during the Quaternary. Historical Biology: 1-7.

Jiangzuo, Q.G, Rabe, C., Abella, J., Govender, R., Valenciano, A. *, Langebaanweg's sabertooth guild reveals an African Pliocene evolutionary hotspot for sabertooths (Carnivora; Felidae). iScience, 107212.


Tong, H. *, Zhang, B., Chen, X., Jiangzuo, Q.G., Liu, J. and Wang, X., 2023. New carnivoran remains from the Early Pleistocene Shanshenmiaozui site in Nihewan Basin, northern China. Quaternary International, 658, pp.60-79.

Farjand, A., Fu, L.Y., Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Liu, Z.H., Wang, J., Zhou, X.Y., Bi, S.D. and Wang, L.H., 2023. A new species of Eirictis (Mammalia, Carnivora, Mustelidae) from Lower Pleistocene of Yuanmou Basin, Yunnan, China. Palaeoworld.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Wang, S. and Deng, T., 2023. Chronological framework and palaeoecology of Carnivora from the Linxia Basin, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 615, p.111463.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Wang, S.P., Hou, S. and Deng, T.P., 2023. New fossil giant panda relatives (Ailuropodinae, Ursidae): a basal lineage of gigantic Mio-Pliocene cursorial carnivores. American Museum Novitates, no. 3996. 1-71.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Werdelin, L., Sanisidro, O., Yang, R., Fu, J., Li, S., Wang, S. and Deng, T. *, 2023. Origin of adaptations to open environments and social behaviour in sabretoothed cats from the northeastern border of the Tibetan Plateau. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(1997), p.20230019.



江左其杲, 姜皓, 王世骐. 2023. 中国晚新生代食肉目演替及其古生态意义[J]. 第四纪研究, 2023, 43(3): 673-691. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2023.03.02

Zhang, K., Shen, X. L., Liu, K. Z., Jiang H., Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, 2023, The Modern Classification of Felidae --Combining Molecular Phylogeny Framework and Fossil Evidence. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 58(1), 1-29.

张凯, 沈雪丽, 刘凯怊, 姜皓, & 江左其杲, 2023. 猫科动物的分类——分子系统学框架和化石证据. 动物学杂志, 58(1), 1-29.

Hu, H. *, Tong, H., Shao, Q., Wei, G., Yu, H., Shi, J., Wang, X., Xiong, C., Lin, Y., Li, N., Wei, Z., Wang, P., and Jiangzuo, Q.G. *. 2023. New remains of Ailuropoda melanoleuca baconi from Yanjinggou, China: Throwing light on the evolution of giant pandas during the Pleistocene. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 30(1), pp.137-154.

Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Li, S., Deng, T. *, 2022. Parallelism and lineage replacement of the Late Miocene scimitar toothed cats from the Old and New World. iScience, 105637.


Wang, Shi-Qi*, Jimin Sun, Chunxiao Li, Shi-Jie Li, Jiao Fu, Qigao Jiangzuo, Luda Xing, Rong Yang. 2022. Discovery of a fossil dwarf antelope outside of Africa and its implications for the late Miocene ecosystem in the northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Gondwana Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2022.10.012 SCI

Jiangzuo, Q.G. * and Wang, S.Q., 2023. Northeastern Asia humidification at the end of the Miocene drives the boost of mammalian dispersals from the Old to New World. Journal of Palaeogeography, 12(1), 50-68.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Niu, K., Li, S., Fu, J. and Wang, S., 2022. A Diverse Metailurine Guild from the Latest Miocene Xingjiawan Fauna, Yongdeng, Northwestern China, and Generic Differentiation of Metailurine Felids. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, pp.1-18.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, and Nikolai Spassov. A late Turolian giant panda from Bulgaria and the early evolution and dispersal of the panda lineage. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (2022): e2054718.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Hailong Zhao, and Xi Chen. 2022. The first complete cranium of Homotherium (Machairodontinae, Felidae) from the Nihewan Basin (northern China). The Anatomical Record (2022).


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Li, L., Madurell-Malapeira, J., Wang, S., Li, S., Fu, J., Chen, S., 2022. The diversification of the lynx lineage during the Plio-Pleistocene—evidence from a new small Lynx from Longdan, Gansu Province, China. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 1-16.

Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Li, S., Fu, J., Wang, S., Ji, X., Duan, M., Che, D., 2022. Fossil Felidae (Carnivora: Mammalia) from the Yuanmou hominid site, southern China (Late Miocene) and its significance in the living environment of the fossil ape. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Werdelin, L., Sun, Y., 2022. A dwarf sabertooth cat (Felidae: Machairodontinae) from Shanxi, China, and the phylogeny of the sabertooth tribe Machairodontini. Quaternary Science Reviews 284, 1-19.

Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Liu, J., Jiang, H., Wang, Y., 2022. A huge Pachycrocuta from the Middle Pleistocene loess in Luoning County, central China, and the evolution of mandible within Pliocrocuta-Pachycrocuta lineage. Historical Biology, 1-7.

Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Wang, Y., Ge, J., Liu, S., Song, Y., Jin, C., Jiang, H., Liu, J. *, 2022. Discovery of jaguar from northeastern China middle Pleistocene reveals an intercontinental dispersal event. Historical Biology, 1-10.

Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Wang, Y., Song, Y., Liu, S., Jin, C., Liu, J. *, 2022. Middle Pleistocene Xenocyon lycaonoides Kretzoi, 1938 in northeastern China and the evolution of Xenocyon-Lycaon lineage. Historical Biology, 1-13.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. * & Hulbert, R.C. 2021. Coexistence of Indarctos and Amphimachairodus (Carnivora) in the Late Early Hemphillian of Florida, North America. Journal of Mammalian Evolution.


Sun, Z., Han, A., Li, Y., Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Wang, S., Li, S., 2021. New material of Amphicyon zhanxiangi from Laogou, Linxia Basin suggests a possible southern dispersal with increasing omnivory. Historical Biology, 1-8   https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08912963.2021.1949009?journalCode=ghbi20

Wang, D., Gao, Z., Bottazzi, J., Shao, Q., Li, Y., Wu, K., Zhou, W., Jiao, F., Li, S., Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, 2021. Significance of the preservation of ‘pseudo-thumb’ in fossil skeletons of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Shuanghe Cave, Guizhou Province, southern China. Historical Biology, 1-7.

Jiangzuo, Q.G. * 2021. Geographical and chronological distribution of Chinese Pleistocene large canid: current status and prospects. Chinese Science Bulletin   https://engine.scichina.com/publisher/scp/journal/CSB/doi/10.1360/TB-2020-0690?slug=fulltext

Zhu, M., Jiangzuo, Q.G.*, Qin, D., Jin, C., Sun, C., Wang, Y., Yan, Y., Liu, J., 2020. First discovery of Megantereon skull from southern China. Historical Biology, 1-10.


Jiangzuo, Q.G., Gimranov, D., Liu, J., Liu, S., Jin, C., Liu, J. *, 2020. A new fossil marten from Jinyuan Cave, northeastern China reveals the origin of the Holarctic marten group. Quaternary International.   https://www.sciencedirect.com/sdfe/arp/cite?pii=S1040618220307102&format=application%2Fx-research-info-systems&withabstract=true

Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, and John J. Flynn, 2020. The earliest ursine bear demonstrates the origin of plant-dominated omnivory in Carnivora. iScience 101235.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, and Liu, J., 2020. First record of the Eurasian jaguar in southern Asia and a review of dental differences between pantherine cats. Journal of Quaternary Science.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Sun, D., Flynn, J.J., 2020. Paleobiogeographic implications of additional Felidae (Carnivora, Mammalia) specimens from the Siwaliks. Historical Biology, 1-14.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Liu, J., Chen, J., 2019. Morphological homology, evolution and proposed nomenclature for bear dentition, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 64 (4).


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Wang, S., Li, C., Sun, D., Zhang, X., 2019. New materials of Gobicyon (Carnivora, Amphicyonidae, Haplocyoninae) from northern China and a review of Aktaucyonini evolution, Papers in Palaeontology, 7, 307–327.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Flynn J. J., 2019. A New Species of Agriotherium from North America, and Implications for Understanding Transformations in the Metaconid-Entoconid Complex of Bears, Journal of Mammalian Evolution.


Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Yu C.Y., Flynn J. J., 2019. Indarctos and other Caniformia fossils of G.E. Lewis’ YPM collection from the Siwaliks, Historical Biology, online. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08912963.2019.1648449?journalCode=ghbi20

Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Li, C.X., Wang, S.Q., Sun D.H., 2019. Amphicyon zhanxiangi sp. nov. (Mammalia, Carnivora, Amphicyonidae), a new amphicyonid from North China, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 38 (6).


Valenciano, A. *, Jiangzuo, Q.G., Wang, S. Q., Li, C. X.., Zhang, X.X., & Ye, J., 2019. First Record of Hoplictis (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in East Asia from the Miocene of the Ulungur River Area, Xinjiang, Northwest China. Acta Geologica Sinica‐English Edition, 93(2), 251-264.


Wang, S.Q., Li, C.X., Zhang, X.X. , Jiangzuo, Q.G., Ye, Jie, Li, L., Li, F.C.,2019. A record of the early Protanancus and Stephanocemas from the north of the Junggar Basin, and its implication for the Chinese Shanwangian. Vertebrata Palasiatica.

Jiangzuo, Q.G., Liu, J., Jin, C., Song, Y., Liu, S., Lü, S., Wang, Y., Liu, J. *, 2019. Discovery of Enhydrictis (Mustelidae, Carnivora, Mammalia) cranium in Puwan, Dalian, Northeast China demonstrates repeated intracontinental migration during the Pleistocene. Quaternary International, 513 (20).


Jiangzuo, Q.G. Zhang B. *, Deng L., Chen X., Wen J., Tong, H.W., 2018. Fossil Carnivora (Mammalia) from Yangjiawan Cave 2, Pingxiang, Jiangxi, with remarks about the tooth identification of quaternary carnivores. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Dong W., ed. Beijing: China Ocean Press, 2018. 119-146.

Jiangzuo Q.G., Wagner J, Chen J, Dong C.P., Wei J.H., Ning J, Liu, J.Y.*, 2018. Presence of the Middle Pleistocene cave bears in China confirmed–Evidence from Zhoukoudian area. Quaternary Science Reviews, 199 (1), 1-17. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277379118303354

Jiangzuo, Q.G. *, Li, C.X., Zhang, X.X., Wang, S.Q., Ye, J., & Li, Y., 2018. Diversity of Amphicyonidae (Carnivora, Mammalia) in the Middle Miocene Halamagai formation in Ulungur River area, Xinjiang, Northwestern China. Historical Biology, 32 (2), 1-16.


Jiangzuo, Q.G., Liu, J.Y. *, Wagner J., Dong, W., Chen, J., 2018. Taxonomical revision of fossil Canis in Middle Pleistocene sites of Zhoukoudian, Beijing, China and a review of fossil records of Canis mosbachensis variabilis in China. Quaternary International, 482: 93-108. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618218300181

Jiangzuo, Q.G., Liu, J.Y. *, Wagner, J., & Chen, J., 2018. Taxonomical revision of “Arctonyx” fossil remains from the Liucheng Gigantopithecus Cave (South China) by means of morphotype and morphometrics, and a review of Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene Meles fossil records in China. Palaeoworld, 27(2), 282-300. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871174X17301129

Jiangzuo, Q.G., Liu, J.Y., Wang, Y., Jin, C.Z., Liu, S.Z., Liu, J.Y.*, Chen, J., 2017. New materials of Ursus etruscus from Jinyuan cave of Luotuo hill, Dalian and a brief review of Ursus cf. etruscus in China. Quaternary Sciences 37, 828-837. http://www.dsjyj.com.cn/CN/abstract/abstract11361.shtml

江左其杲, 刘金毅*, 王元,. 大连骆驼山金远洞埃楚斯堪熊(Ursus etruscus)新材料及中国Ursus cf. etruscus材料的简要回顾. 第四纪研究, 2017,37(4):828-837.


Jiangzuo, Q.G., Cong, H.L., Ma, R., Feng, H., Liu, J.Y. *, 2014. Middle and Late Pleistocene Sun Bears (Ursidae, Carnivora) from Southern China, in: Wei, D. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. China Ocean Press, Beijing, pp. 119-134.

江左其杲, 丛浩亮, 马睿, 冯贺, 刘金毅*, 2014. 中国南方中-晚更新世的马来熊化石, : 董为编, 第十四届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集. 海洋出版社, 北京, pp. 119-134.

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( 1 ) 中国北方第四纪豹属(Panthera)的分类,演化与迁徙, 负责人, 国家任务, 2022-01--2024-12
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