
Prof.Jiangpei Dou  NIAOT, CAS
Telephone: 025-85482257
Address:188 Bancang Street, Nanjing, Jiangsu 
Postcode: 210042

Other Weblinks:

Research Areas

Exoplanets , high contrast imaging , diffraction-limited imaging, extreme adaptive optics , stellar coronagraph , space mission , Earth-like planets , wave-front control


2004.09-2009.07, GUCAS,NIAOT, Astrophysics, Ph.D.​

Work Experience

2016.4-Present,Professor, NIAOT,CAS, Exoplanet Detection & High-resolusion Imaging Laboratory.

2015.8-2016.9, Visiting Scholar, California State University, Northridge, Physics & Astronomy Department

2016.7 Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory (USA), Observation with Ex-AO in visible wavelength on McMP Telescope.

2016.5-6 Visiting Astronomer, National Solar Observatory/Sunspot& APO (USA), High resolution and IFU observation of the Sun; High-contrast imaging observation of exoplanets.

2011.9-2016.3, Associate Professor, NIAOT,CAS, Exoplanet Detection & High-resolusion Imaging Laboratory.

2015.1 Visiting Astronomer, Apache Point Obsevatory (USA), High-contrast Imaging Observation with Ex-AO Visiting Instruments on 3.5-meter ARC Telescope.

2014.7.12-23th, Visiting Astronomer, La Silla Observatory (Chile),Engineering Observation with the Ex-AO Prototype on ESO’s NTT.

2014.1-Present, Initiator of the Exoplanets Research of a Long-term Run Space Astronomy Program, "Strategic Priority Research Program" of the Chinese Academy of Scinces.

2013.11.5th, Panelist of the Concluding Evaluation of a Normal Program of Jiangsu Province (Terristrial Planets Formation & Evolution, as well as Inner Structure).

2012.12-2013.4, Visiting Scholar of California State University, Northridge, Department of Astronomy & Physics.

2012/9/9-13,Visiting Astronomer, Mauna Kea Observatory,Direct Imaging exoplanets with CFHT (Supported by Telescope Access Program)

2012/9-Present,IAU member.

2012-2016, Member of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association.

2009/7-2011.9, Assistant Professor of  NIAOT,CAS.

Honors & Distinctions

Nov., 2016, Excellent member of Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS

Oct., 2014, the “Interdisciplinary and InnovationAwards” of the Annual Academic Conference of YIPA, CAS.

Mar., 2014, Awards of Chinese Government Scholarship to sponsor the study abroad

Jan., 2014, The Annual Youth Talents of NAOC/NIAOTin the Year of 2013

Dec., 2012, member of Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS

2011, The CAS 100 excellent PhD thesis prize, New Techniques for Direct Imaging of Extra-solar Planets 

Mar., 2010, Awarded of Top 10 of the Science andTechnology in the Chinese Astronomy in the Year of 2009

Sep., 2009, Awards of the Outstanding Graduates of NAOC/ NIAOT

Jul., 2008, Awards of the Best Science and Technology Issue in the New Optics Test Theory and Technology Conference

2005& 2007, Awards the  Merit Students of CAS and scholarship for excellent students of NAOC/ NIOAT

2006, Awards the  Pivot of Merit Student of ChineseAcademy of Sciences


032、Portable Adaptive Optics for exoplanet imaging Yongtian Zhu, Jiangpei Dou*, Xi Zhang, Gang ZhaoJing Guo, & Leopoldo Infante Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 2020 Accepted

031、Design and experimental test of an optical vortex coronagraphChengchao Liu, Deqing Ren, Yongtian Zhu,Jiangpei Dou. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 2017

030、Phase Quantization Study of Spatial Light Modulator for Extreme High-Contrast Imaging

Jiangpei Dou& Deqing Ren. The Astrophysical Journal: 2016, 823, 84, 11pp 

029、Pupil-transformation multiconjugate adaptive optics for solar high-resolution imaging

Deqing Ren , Xi Zhang ,Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu , Robert Broadfoot , Julius Chapman. Optical Engineering: 2016,55(9) ,094103-1-6

028、Design and calibration of a high-sensitivity and high-accuracy polarimeter based on liquid crystal variable retarders

Jing Guo, Deqing Ren, Chengchao Liu, Yongtian Zhu,Jiangpei Dou, Xi Zhang, C. Beck. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 2016 ,Accepted 

027、The Direct Imaging Search of Exoplanets from Ground and Space

Jiangpei Dou, Deqing Ren & Yongtian Zhu. IAU General Assembly, Meeting #29, #2255996: 2015/08 

026、A High-contrast Imaging Algorithm: Optimized Image Rotation and Subtraction

Dou, J. P., Ren, D. Q., Zhao, G., et al.. The Astrophysical Journal: 2015 ,802/12 ,6

025、Speckle Noise Subtraction and Suppression with Adaptive Optics Coronagraphy Imaging

Ren, D. Q.,Dou, J. P.*, Zhang, X., & Zhu, Y. T.. The Astrophysical Journal: 2012,753,1-10

024、A high-contrast imaging polarimeter with the stepped-transmission filters based coronagraph

Chengchao Liu, Deqing Ren, Yongtian Zhu,Jiangpei Dou, Jing Guo. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics:2016,16 (5),73-1-6 

023、Multiple-Aperture-Based Solar Seeing Profiler

Deqing Ren, Gang Zhao, Xi Zhang,Jiangpei Dou, et al.. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific:2105.08.12 ,127/955 ,870-879

022、Solar Ground-Layer Adaptive Optics

Deqing Ren, Laurent Jolissaint, Xi Zhang,Jianpei Dou, Rui Chen, Gang Zhao, and Yongtian Zhu. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific: 2015.05 ,127(951) ,469-478

021、Current research status of exoplanets

DOU Jiang-pei,ZHU Yong-tian,REN De-qing. Chinese Journal of Nature: 2014.04 ,36/2 ,124-128  

020、A high-contrast coronagraph for earth-like exoplanets direct imaging: design and test

Liu, C. C., Ren, D. Q.,Dou, J. P., et al.. RAA: 2015 ,15/04

019、Solar Tomography Adaptive Optics

Ren, D. Q., Zhu, Y. T., Zhang, X.,Dou, J. P., & Zhao, G.. APPLIED OPTICS: 2014.03.10 ,53/ 8 ,1683-1696

018、A Transmission-Filter Coronagraph: Design and Test

Deqing Ren,Jiangpei Dou& Yongtian Zhu. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC: 2010 ,122 ,590-594

017、An iterative wavefront sensing algorithm for high-contrast imaging systems

Jiangpei Dou, Deqing Ren & Yongtian Zhu. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 2011 ,11 ,198-204

016、High-contrast coronagraph for ground-based imaging of Jupiter-like planets

Jiangpei Dou, Deqing Ren & Yongtian Zhu. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 2010 ,10 ,189-198

015、Focal plane wave-front sensing algorithm for high-contrast imaging

Jiangpei Dou, Deqing Ren & Yongtian Zhu. Science in China Series G: 2009 ,52/8 ,1284-1288

014、The First Portable Solar and Stellar Adaptive Optics,

Deqing Ren, Xi Zhang,Jiangpei Douet al.. Proc. of SPIE: Adaptive Optics Systems IV: 2014 , 91482W ,7

013、An active coronagraph using a liquid crystal array for exoplanet imaging: principle and testing

Xi Zhang, Deqing Ren, Yongtian Zhu &Jiangpei Dou. Reaserch in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 2012 ,12/5 ,591-600

012、A coronagraph based on two spatial light modulators for active amplitude apodizing and phase corrections,

JiangpeiDou, Deqing Ren et al.. Proc. of SPIE: 2014 , 91478O ,11

011、A dark-hole correction test for the step-transmission filter based coronagraph system

Jiangpei Dou, Deqing Ren, Yongtian Zhu, Xi Zhang & Rong Li. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation: 2012 ,Proc. SPIE 8442 ,84420D-1-7(Oral presentation)

010、A demonstration test of the dual-beam polarimetry differential imaging system for the high-contrast observation

Jiangpei Dou, Deqing Ren, Yongtian Zhu, Xi Zhang & Rong Li. Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV: 2012 ,Proc. SPIE 8446 ,84461X-1-9,(Oral presentation)

009、Laboratory test of a polarimetry imaging subtraction system for the high-contrast imaging

Jiangpei Dou, Deiqng Ren, Yongtian Zhu, Xi Zhang & Rong Li. Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV: 2012 ,Proc. SPIE 8446 ,84468D-1-8 Abstract 

008、Recent Progresses on the Portable Solar Adaptive Optics

Deqing Ren, Xi Zhang,Penn M., Haimin Wang,Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu & Rong Li. Adaptive Optics Systems III: 2012 ,Proc. SPIE 8447 ,84473K-1-8 Abstract 

007、Design and test of a high-contrast imaging coronagraph based on two 50-step transmission filters

Jiangpei Dou, Deqing Ren, Yongtian Zhu, Xi Zhang & Xue Wang. International Conference on Optical Instrument & Technology: 2011 ,Proc. SPIE 8197 (Oral presentation)

006、Testing of a high-contrast imaging coronagraph based on an active liquid crystal array

Xi Zhang, Deqing Ren, Yongtian Zhu,Jiangpei Dou&Xue Wang. SPIE International Conference on Optical Instrument & Technology: 2011 ,Proc SPIE 81970 ,81970M-1-10 (Oral Presentation)

005、A dual-channel imaging polarimetry system

Xue Wang, Deqing Ren,Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu & Xi Zhang. SPIE International Conference on Optical Instrument & Technology: 2011 ,Proc. SPIE 8197 ,81971I, 8

004、Testing of a transmission-filter coronagraph for ground-based imaging of exoplanets

Jiangpei Dou, deqing Ren, Yongtian Zhu, Xi Zhang & Xue Wang. Proc. of SPIE, Conference on Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III: 2010, 77358E, 9

003、Laboratory Experiment of a High-contrast Imaging Coronagraph with New Step-transmission Filters

Jiangpei Dou, Deqing Ren,Yongtian Zhu & Xi Zhang. Proc. of SPIE, Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IV: 2009, 744019, 8

002、Wave-front Sensing and correction for 4-meter LAMOST

Xi Zang, Deqing Ren, Yongtian Zhu &Jiangpei Dou. Proc. of SPIE, Astronomical and Space Optical Systems: 2009, 73490V, 12

001、Laboratory experiment of a coronagraph based on step-transmission filters

Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, Deiqng Ren & Xi Zhang. Proc. of SPIE, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter: 2008, 70104J, 10


Recent talks:

Recent Presntations:

[1] 4th Chile-China Astronomy Sceince Workshop: (Programme)

[2] Annual Meeting of Chinese Astronomical Society (2014.10.27-29)

Solar & Planets Symposium

Astronomical Instrumentation & Time-frequency

[3] Colloqium in Nanjing University (SASS)


Previous Talks:

一、International conferences:

[17] Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, Xi Zhang, Gang Zhao & Rui Chen, The 4th Chile-China Astronomy Science Workshop, Direct Imaging Research of Exoplanets from Ground and Space, oral presentation,Guangzhou, China, 8th Nov., 2014

[16] JiangpeiDou, Yongtian Zhu, Xi Zhang, & Gang Zhao, A coronagraph bsed on tw ospatial light modulators for active amplitude apodizing and phase correction, Poster presentation, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 25th Jun. 2014; Deqing Ren, Rong Li, Xi Zhang, Jiangpei Dou, et al. The first solar and stellar adaptive optics, Poster presentation, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 22th Jun. 2014;

[15] Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, Xi Zhang, Gang Zhao & Rui Chen, The 3rd Chile-China Astronomy Science Workshop, “DirDirect Imaging of Exoplanets: Techniques and Observations”, Oral Presentation, Vina del Mar, Chile, 9th Sep., 2013.

[14] Jiangpei Dou et al., Prof. Lenpoldo Infante at PUC de Chile visited NAOC, "Potential collaboration by using small-middle size astronomical telescopes in Chile", Oral Presentation, 9th Jun., 2013.

[13] Gang Zhao, Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, TAP 3rd workshops, "Direct imaging of multiple planetary system of HR8799 by using CFHT", Oral Presentation, NAOC/Beijing, China, 30-31th Jan., 2013.

[12] Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, et al., The 6th Aunual EAPSNET Workshop, “High-contrast coronagraph for the direct imaging of exoplanets: techniques and observations”,

Oral Presentation, Beijing, China, 1st Sep., 2012.

[11] Jiangpei Dou et al., IAU 28 GA, High-Contrast Coronagraph for the Direct Imaging of Exoplanets: Techniques and Observations, Poster Presentation, CNCC/Beijing, 20-27th Aug., 2012.

[10] Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, Xi Zhang& Rong Li, SpaceTelescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave“High-contrast Coronagraph for the Direct Imaging of Exoplanets: Techniques and Observations” Oral Presentation;Ground-basedand Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV “Demonstration test of the dual-beam polarimetry differentialimaging system for the high-contrast observation”, Oral Presentation, Amsterdam/ Netherlans, 30th Jun.-6th Jul., 2012.

[9] Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, Xi Zhang& Rong Li, The 2nd Telescope Access Program Workshop,“High-contrast Imaging Observation Program by using CHFT”, Oral Presentation, supported by TAP, NAOC/Beijing, China, 15-16th, Mar. 2012.

[8] Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu & Xi Zhang et al. SPIE conference,“Research on the Technique for the Direct Imaging of Exoplanets”&“Testing of a high-contrast imaging coronagraph based on an active liquid crystal array”,Oral Presentation, Beijing, China, Nov., 2011.

[7] Dou et al., Prof. Webster Cash at University of Colorado visited Exoplanets Detection group/NAOC, “Recent Progress on the Development of Coronagraph for the Direct Imaging of Exoplanets ”,Oral Presentation, Nanjing/Jiangsu, China, 20th Oct., 2011.

[6] Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, et al., The 6th Aunual EAPSNET Workshop,“Recent Progress on the Development of Coronagraphfor the Direct Imaging of Exoplanets”,Oral Presentation, Soeul/ South Korea, 25-30th Sep., 2011.[5] Jiangpei Dou et al., Profs. Michael Shao & Xiaopei Pan of NASA/JPL visit NAOC/NIAOT, “High-contrast Imaging Exoplanets Technique Developed in NIAOT”,Oral Presentation, Nanjing/Jiangsu, China, 25th Jul., 2011.

[4] Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, TMTscience and instrument workshop,“Exoplanets Direct Imaging Coronagraph for TMT (EDICT)”,Oral Presentation, Victoria/Canada, 28-30th Mar., 2011.

[3] Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, et al., The 5th Aunual EAPSNET Workshop, “A Polarimetry Coronagraph for High-contrast Imaging of Exoplanets from the Ground”,

Oral Presentation, Weihai/Shandong, China, 24th Aug., 2010.

[2] Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, et al., Prof. Shri Kulkarni of Palomar Director visit NAOC, “A Polarimetry Coronagraph for High-contrast Imaging of Exoplanets from the Ground”, Oral Presentation, NAOC/Beijing, China, 23th Aug., 2010.

[1] Jiangpei Dou, Yongtian Zhu, The 4th Aunual EAPSNET Workshop, “High-contrast Coronagraph Development in China for Direct Imaging of Extra-solar Planets”, Oral Presentation, Sapporo/Japan, 9th Oct., 2009.

二、National workshops:

【29】Jiangpei Dou, et al., PKU/KIAA colloquia at Thursday, Direct Imaging Research of Exoplanet with Current Middle-sized Telescopes and Fututre Projects, KIAA-PKU Auditorium, 2015年5月28日

【28】窦江培, 朱永田,张熙,赵刚等,中国天文学会第四届青年天文论坛,Direct Imaging Research of Exoplanets from Ground & in Future Space Missions;赵刚,窦江培等《多孔径日间视宁度测量技术》,江苏 南京, 2015年5月20日

【27】 窦江培,朱永田等,中科院行星科学重点实验室学术交流,《系外行星地基成像探测及未来观测计划》, 江苏南京, 2015年4月27日


【25】窦江培等,中国天文学会2014年学术年会,“天文仪器与时频”“High-contrast ImagingTechnique in Optical and Infrared Astronomy”;赵刚等,《便携式多层大气视宁度测量仪研究》;“太阳、行星”会场作了题为“Direct Imaging Research of Exoplanets from Ground and Space,口头 报告,陕西临潼,2014年10月28日。

【24】中国科学技术大学本科物理前沿讲座,Direct Imaging Research of Exoplanets & Solar Scientific Observations,理化大楼19层,安徽省合肥市,2014年10月24日。





【19】Jiangpei Dou, Deqing Ren & Yongtian Zhu, TMT Planetary Science Definition Workshop, Direct Imaging Reserch of Exoplanets: Techniques and Observation,NAOC/Beijing, 13th Jan., 2014



《太阳系外行星探测技术的发展与挑战》;窦江培,朱永田,太阳、行星分会场, 《igh-contrastImaging of Exoplanets: Techniques and Observation》;张熙等《极端自适应光学系统研究》,江苏苏州,2013年10月28-29日。


【15】 窦江培,朱永田等,4米望远镜科学目标研讨会,《基于4米望远镜开展太阳系外行星天文成像观测和研究》,北京/国家天文台,2013年10月17-18日。

【14】窦江培,朱永田,张熙等,第四届海峡两岸天文望远镜与观测前沿技术研讨会,Direct Imaging Research of Exoplanets: echniques & Observatin,云南西双版纳,2013年9月3-6日。




【10】任德清,朱永田等,南京天文光学技术研究所学术交流会,A coronagraph using a liquid crystal array and a deformable mirror for active pupil apodizing and phase correction,NIAOT/南京,2012年6月。

【9】窦江培,朱永田等,第四届海峡两岸天文望远镜与观测前沿技术研讨会,作了题为“Researchon the Technique and High-contrast Coronagraph for the Direct Imaging of Exoplanets”学术报告,台湾,日月潭,2011年11月。

【8】窦江培,朱永田等,中国天文学会2011年学术年会,在太阳、行星分会场“Research onthe Technique for the Direct Imaging of Exoplanets”;张熙,任德清,窦江培等,“超级自适应光学用于高分率成像观测研究”,口头报告,江西南昌,2011年11月26日。

【7】窦江培,朱永田等,南京天文光学技术研究所学术交流会,A coronagraph using a liquid crystal array and a deformable mirror for active pupil apodizing and phase correction,NIAOT/南京,2011年7月1日。

【6】窦江培,朱永田等,4米光学红外高分辨率望远镜科学目标讨论会,“Exoplanets Direct Imaging Coronagraph forthe 4-m Telescope (EDICT)”的学术报告,山西太原,2011年3月1-2日。

【5】窦江培,朱永田,王雪等,中国天文学会2010年学术年会,在太阳、行星分会场作了题为“Latestprogress on the coronagraph development for the direct imaging of exoplanets”和“偏振图像相减高对比度处理系统”的学术报告,广西南宁,2010年11月2日。




【1】窦江培等,参加“光学测试新理论、新技术会议”2008年全国博士生学术会议,作了题为“Apodized pupil techniques of High-contrast Coronagraph for Direct Extra-solar planetsImaging”口头报告,并荣获“最佳科学、技术问题”奖,长春,长春理工大学,2008年7月。



沈宇樑  硕士研究生  080300-光学工程  

王子跃  博士研究生  080300-光学工程  

孔希阳  博士研究生  0704Z1-天文技术与方法  


董桓宇  硕士研究生  085400-电子信息  

彭锦辉  硕士研究生  085400-电子信息  

Project Expereince

22、PI of NSFC's Major projects supported by the joint fund for Astronomy, U2031210、Research on critical technique of exoplanets high-contrast imaging with large segmented-mirror telescope、2021/1-2024/12、in progress

21PI of NSFC's International Cooperation and Exchange Program, 11661161011
Research on the directimaging observation of giant exoplanets and study of the planet formation andevolution model2017/1-2019/12in progress

20、PI of the of International Partenership Program of CAS,  Grant No. of114A32KYSB20160018Research on the Critical Technique and Direct Imaging Observation of exoplanets from ground2016/1-2018/12、in progress

19、PI of the Special Fund of Astronomy of CAS,  Research on the New Technique for the direct Imaging of cool planet system、2015/1-2016/12、in progress
18、PI of a Major Program of NSFC, Grant No. 11433007、Research of the crictical technique for the direc imaging of Earth-like Exoplanets from 
Space、2015/1-2019/12、in progress
17、PI of "Strategic Priority Research Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (3rd Run),
Grant No. XDA04075200、Direct Imaging Research of exoplanets: conceptual
design and critical technique developments、2014/1-2015/12、in progress
16、PI of Visiting Instrumentation Observation III,TAP Key project (1-year pilot study)Direct imaging research of young giant exoplanets at 3.5-meter ARC telescopes in Apache Point Observatory、2014/9-2015/6、in progress
15、PI of Visiting Instrumentation Observation II, High contrast imaging observation at
3.5-meter ARC telescopes in Apache Point Observatory、2015/1、finished
14、PI of Visiting Instrumentation Observation I, 093.C-0326(A), High contrast imaging
observation at 3.58-meter NTT telescopes in La Silla Observatory、2014/7、finished
13、PI of CASSACA、Near Infrared camera for the exoplanet high-contrast imaging observation with a visiting instrument on NTT、2014/1-2016/12、in progress 
12、PI of a Normal Program of NSFC, Grant No.11373005、Research on new technique
for the diffraction-limited imaging with large segmented-mirror telescopes、2014/1-2017/12、in progress
11、PI of special funding for Young Researcher of Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology、Active Apozied Pupil and Data Reduction technique for the Imaging Research of Exoplanets、2012/12-2015/12、in progress
10、PI "Strategic Priority Research Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2nd Run),
Grant No. XDA04070600、Pilot Research of the Critical Technique for High-contrast Coronagraph、2011/10/1-2013/9/30、finished
09、CoI of “Beyond the Horizon”, supported by the NAOC and John Templeton
Foundation, Development of a High contrast Coronagraph for the Direct Imaging of
Earth-like and GiantJ upiter-like Exoplanets、2012/7/15-2014/7/15、finished
08、PI of a Young Scholars Program of NSFC, Grant No. 11003031、High-contrast Iamging Laboratory System for the Direct Detection of Exoplanets from Ground、2011/1-2013/12、finished
07、PI of the Special Fund of Astronomy of CAS, Research on the Direct Imaging Technique for the Exoplanets Search with Ground-based Telescopes、2009/7-2012/12、finished
06、Member of a major International (Regional) Joint Research Project, Grant No.11220101001、Research on the critical techniques for the high contrast imagingand the scientific
observation of the exoplanets
05、Member of Hong Kong and Macao Young Scholars of China, Grant No.11328302、Research and Development of the high-contrast Technique for the Direct Imaging of Exoplanets、2014/1-2015/12、in progress
04、Member of the Special Fund of Astronomy of CAS, Grant No. KT2013-022、Direct Imaging Research of Brown Dwarfs in the NIR Wavelength
03、Member of Young Scholars of NSFC,Grant No.11303064、A Direct Iamging Survey of Exoplanets and Data Reduction Technique
02、Member of a normal program of NSFC,Grant No. 10873024、Direct Imaging Research of Exoplanets、2009/1-2011/12、finished

Group Members

  • Yongtian Zhu, Professor/Director, NAOC/NIAO

    Personal webpage:

  • Zhao Gang, Associate Professor, NIAOT, Exoplanets observation and data reduction

  • Zhang Xi, Associate Professor, NIAOT, Extreme AO & high-resolusion Imaging Observation

  • Mingming Xu, Associate Professor, NIAOT, Mechanical Engieering

  • Guo Jing , Associate Professor NIAOT, Optics Engineering, Polarimetry instrument and test

  • Yanyan Liu, Associate Professor NIAOT, Q.M.

  • Yongjun Qi, Associate Professor, NIAOT, E.E.

  • Jiang Shu, Tem contgrolling, NIAOT, Mechanical Engieering

  • Kong Lingyi, NIAOT, Mechanical Engieering

  • Guo Wei, NIAOT, Mechanical Engieering

  • Mingda Jiang, Engineer, NIAOT, Project Scheduling

  • Weimiao Li, Engineer, NIAOT, Finance Assistant

  • Han Zijian, PhD Candidate, NIAOT, Polarimetry Optics

  • Wang Ziyue, PhD Candidate, NIAOT, Solar seeing measurement

  • Gang Wang, PhD Candidate, NIAOT, EE

  • Chen Yili, PhD Candidate, NIAOT, Data Reduction

  • Tianyu Zhang, PhD Candidate, NIAOT, Numerical Simulation

  • Xiyang Kong, PhD Candidate, NIAOT, Numerical Simulation

  • Kai Yan, Master degree, Numerical Simulation

  • Yuliang Shen, Master degree, (Graduated)

  • Xie He-feng, PhD Candidate, Visiting NIAOT, with Taiwan NTHU, exoplanets characterization

Open Job position




1. 光学设计(5名)




2. 机械结构及热控设计(5名)




3. 电子学(15名)




4. 软件开发(6名)




5. 天文数据处理和观测编排(2名)




6. 质量管理(2名)




7. 项目管理(2名)












联系人及联系方式:周老师 025-85482258

中国科学院南京天文光学技术研究所 人事教育处




