
崇加军 男 硕导 中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院
电子邮件: jiajunchong@apm.ac.cn
通信地址: 武汉市徐东大街340号
邮政编码: 430077
电子邮件: jiajunchong@apm.ac.cn
通信地址: 武汉市徐东大街340号
邮政编码: 430077
2010-09--2012-09 加州大学伯克利 联合培养博士2007-09--2013-06 中国科学技术大学 博士2003-09--2007-07 中国科学技术大学 学士
2019-04~现在, 中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院, 副研究员2017-01~2019-04,中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所, 副研究员2014-06~2017-01,中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所, 助理研究员2013-06~2014-06,台湾中央研究院, 博士后
2019-06-19-今,湖北省地震学会, 理事
2019-01-01-今,美国地震学会, 会员
2019-01-01-今,中国科学院青促会, 会员
2008-12-01-今,美国地球物理学会, 会员
2006-10-01-今,中国地球物理学会, 会员
2019-01-01-今,美国地震学会, 会员
2019-01-01-今,中国科学院青促会, 会员
2008-12-01-今,美国地球物理学会, 会员
2006-10-01-今,中国地球物理学会, 会员
(1) 3D S-wave velocity structure of the Ningdu basin in Jiangxi province inferred from ambient noise tomography with dense array, EARTHQUAKE RESEARCH ADVANCES, 2023, 第 5 作者(2) Seismometer Orientation Correction via Teleseismic Receiver Function Measurements in West Africa and Adjacent Islands, Seismological Research Letters, 2023, 通讯作者(3) On magnetic disturbances induced by rotation of coil-type magnetometer driven by seismic waves, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 2021, 第 10 作者(4) Sediment Structures Constrained by Converted Waves From Local Earthquakes Recorded by a Dense Seismic Array in the Tangshan Earthquake Region, PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 2021, 第 5 作者(5) Coseismic electric and magnetic signals observed during 2017 Jiuzhaigou M-w 6.5 earthquake and explained by electrokinetics and magnetometer rotation, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 2020, 第 3 作者(6) Extraction of high-frequency surface waves on the Xishancun landslide from ambient seismic noises, CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION, 2020, 第 4 作者(7) Imaging the Crustal Structure with Multiple Seismic Measurements, Acta Geologica Sinica, 2019, 第 1 作者(8) Insight into large-scale topography on analysis of high-frequency Rayleigh waves, JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 2018, 第 3 作者(9) Receiver function HV ratio: a new measurement for reducing non-uniqueness of receiver function waveform inversion, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 2018, 第 1 作者(10) Influence of the off-great-circle propagation of Rayleigh waves on event-based surface wave tomography in Northeast China, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 2018, 第 4 作者(11) Analysis of H-k stacking of receiver functions beneath crust with complex structure: taking the Anatolia Plate as an example, Chinese Journal of Geophysics- Chinese Edition, 2016, 第 1 作者(12) Joint Inversion of Body-Wave Receiver Function and Rayleigh-Wave Ellipticity, BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 2016, 第 1 作者(13) Joint Inversion of Crustal Structure with the Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Dispersion and the ZH Ratio, PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 2015, 通讯作者(14) 2011年9月10日瑞昌-阳新地震发震构造初探, Preliminary discussion on the seismogenic structure of Ruichang- Yangxin earthquake in 2011, 地震地磁观测与研究, 2014, 第 4 作者(15) 2006年吉林乾安-前郭M5.0级地震深度及其成因探讨, Resolving focal depth of the 31 march 2006 Jilin QianAn-QianGuo earthquake with multiple datasets and its implication for seismogenesis, 地球物理学进展, 2013, 第 4 作者(16) Determination of focal depth by two waveform-based methods:A case study for the 2008 Panzhihua earthquake, EARTHQUAKE SCIENCE, 2011, 通讯作者(17) Near surface wave velocity structure in Chinese capital region based on borehole seismic records, Acta Seismologica Sinica, 2011, 第 1 作者(18) Determination of focal depth by two waveform- based methods: A case study for the 2008 Panzhihua earthquake, Determination of focal depth by two waveform- based methods: A case study for the 2008 Panzhihua earthquake, 地震学报:英文版, 2011, 第 2 作者(19) 基于井下摆天然地震数据测量首都圈近地表波速结构, Near surface wave velocity structure in Chinese capital region based on borehole seismic records, 地震学报, 2011, 第 2 作者(20) 利用H-Kappa方法反演宁夏地区的地壳厚度, Inversing the Crustal Thickness in Ningxia Area by H-Kappa Method, 地震研究, 2010, 第 2 作者(21) 利用远震接收函数研究江西省地震台站下方莫霍面深度及泊松比分布, Study on Moho Depth and Poisson's Ratio Distribution Beneath Seismic Stations in Jiangxi Province by Teleseismic Receiver Function, 华南地震, 2010, 第 2 作者(22) sPL,一个近距离确定震源深度的震相, sPL, an effective seismic phase for determining focal depth at near distance, 地球物理学报, 2010, 第 1 作者(23) 利用远震接收函数研究辽宁地区的地壳厚度及泊松比, CRUSTAL THICKNESS AND POISSON RATIO OF LIAONING PROVINCE FROM RECEIVER FUNCTION STUDY, 地震地质, 2010, 第 2 作者(24) SPL, an effective seismic phase for determining focal depth at near distance, CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION, 2010, 通讯作者(25) Earthquake auspice or other factor ?-Discuss with authors of the paper "The short-term anomalies detected by broadband seismographs before the May 12 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China", CHINESEJOURNALOFGEOPHYSICSCHINESEEDITION, 2009, 第 3 作者(26) The 16 August 2003 Chifeng earthquake: Is it a lower crust earthquake?, CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION, 2009, (27) 地震前兆还是其他因素?——与“汶川大地震宽带地震仪短临异常及成因初探”作者商榷, Earthquake auspice or other factor --Discuss with authors of the paper "The short-term anomalies detected by broadband seismographs before the May 12 Wenchuan earthquake,Sichuan, China", 地球物理学报, 2009, 第 3 作者(28) Near surface velocity and Qs structure of the Quaternary sediment in Bohai basin, China, Near surface velocity and Qs structure of the Quaternary sediment in Bohai basin, China, 地震学报:英文版, 2009, (29) 利用远震接收函数反演陕西地震台站下方的地壳厚度, STUDY ON THE CRUSTAL THICKNESS BENEATH STATIONS OF SEISMIC NETWORK IN SHAANXI PROVINCE BY TELESEISMIC RECEIVER FUNCTION, 地震地质, 2009, 第 2 作者(30) 2003年8月16日赤峰地震:一个可能发生在下地壳的地震?, The 16 August 2003 Chifeng earthquake:Is it a lower crust earthquake?, 地球物理学报, 2009, (31) 首都圈地区莫霍面起伏及沉积层厚度, Moho depth and sedimentary thickness in Capital region, 地球物理学报, 2008, (32) Moho depth and sedimentary thickness in Capital region, CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION, 2008, 第 2 作者(33) 利用H-Kappa方法反演中国地区台站下地壳厚度, Inversing the crustal thickness under the stations of China via H-Kappa method, 中国科学技术大学学报, 2008, 第 2 作者(34) Inversing the crustal thickness under the stations of China via H-Kappa method, Journal of Univ. of Sci. and Tech. CHN., 2008, 第 1 作者
基于多观测量联合反演的地壳三维速度结构成像方法研究 国家自然科学基金课题(面上项目) 2019-01-01至2022-12-31 (主持)
中科院青年创新促进会人才支撑项目 中国科学院 2019-01-01至2022-12-31 (主持)
盆地三维结构成像及其在强地面震动模拟中的应用 重点实验室开发基金 2018-01-01至2018-12-31 (主持)
Rayleigh 面波ZH比反演地壳方位各向异性的可靠性分析 国家自然科学基金课题(青年科学基金项目) 2016-01-01至2018-12-31 (主持)
云南及邻区中强地震破裂方向性与发震断层关系研究-子课题 国家自然科学基金课题(国际(地区)合作研究与交流项目) 2015-01-01至2017-12-31 (子课题负责人)
其他:中科院先导项目 -项目骨干
( 1 ) 基于多观测量联合反演的地壳三维速度结构成像方法研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2019-01--2022-12( 2 ) Rayleigh 面波ZH比反演地壳方位各向异性的可靠性分析, 负责人, 国家任务, 2016-01--2018-12( 3 ) 云南及邻区中强地震破裂方向性与发震断层关系研究, 参与, 国家任务, 2015-01--2017-12( 4 ) 盆地三维结构成像及其在强地面震动模拟中的应用, 负责人, 研究所自选, 2018-01--2018-12( 5 ) 中科院青年创新促进会, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2019-01--2022-12