
胡森 男 汉族 地质与地球物理研究所
Telephone: 010-82998086
Address: 北京市朝阳区北土城西路19号
Postcode: 100029
Telephone: 010-82998086
Address: 北京市朝阳区北土城西路19号
Postcode: 100029
Research Areas
- Space weathering and spectra interpretation
- Evolution histories of the Moon and Mars
- Analytical techniques of nanoSIMS 50L
- 2000-2004: B.Sc., Geophysics, China University of Petroleum;
- 2004-2010: Ph.D., Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS;
- 2010-2014: Postdoctoral Research, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS;
- 2015.1-now: Associate Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS;
- Hu, S., FENG, L., LIN, Y. (2011) Petrography, mineral chemistry and shock metamorphism of Yamato 984028 lherzolitic shergottite. Chinese Science Bulletin 56, 1579-1587.
- Hu, S., Lin, Y. (2012) Space weathering simulation and spectrum decoding. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 31, 128-135.
- Hu, S., Lin, Y., Zhang, J., Hao, J., Feng, L., Xu, L., Yang, W., Yang, J. (2014b) NanoSIMS analyses of apatite and melt inclusions in the GRV 020090 Martian meteorite: Hydrogen isotope evidence for recent past underground hydrothermal activity on Mars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 140, 321-333.
- Lin, Y., El Goresy, A., Hu, S., Zhang, J., Gillet, P., Xu, Y., Hao, J., Miyahara, M., Ouyang, Z., Ohtani, E., Xu, L., Yang, W., Feng, L., Zhao, X., Yang, J., Ozawa, S. (2014) NanoSIMS analysis of organic carbon from the Tissint Martian meteorite: Evidence for the past existence of subsurface organic-bearing fluids on Mars. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 1-18.
- Zhang, J., Lin, Y., Yang, W., Shen, W., Hao, J., Hu, S., Cao, M. (2014) Improved precision and spatial resolution of sulfur isotope analysis using NanoSIMS. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 29, 1934-1943.
- Lin, Y.T., Feng, L., Hao, J.T., Liu, Y., Hu, S., Zhang, J.C., Yang, W. (2014b) Sintering nano-crystalline calcite: a new method of synthesizing homogeneous reference materials for SIMS analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 29, 1686-1691.
- Lin, Y., Hu, S., Miao, B., Xu, L., Liu, Y., Xie, L., Feng, L., Yang, J. (2013) Grove Mountains 020090 enriched lherzolitic shergottite: A two‐stage formation model. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 48, 1572-1589.
- Yang, W., Lin, Y.T., Zhang, J.C., Hao, J.L., Shen, W.J., Hu, S. (2012) Precise micrometre-sized Pb-Pb and U-Pb dating with NanoSIMS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 27, 479-487.
- Feng, L., Lin, Y., Hu, S., Xu, L., Miao, B. (2011) Estimating compositions of natural ringwoodite in the heavily shocked Grove Mountains 052049 meteorite from Raman spectra. American Mineralogist 96, 1480-1489.