
Xiao-Wen Huang, Professor, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Address: No.99 Linchengxi Road, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang, Guizhou Province

Postcode: 550081

Research Areas

1. Trace element geochemistry of minerals such as magnetite and its application to ore genesis and mineral exploration

2. Re-Os isotope and platinum-group element analytical method and geological application

3. Genesis of magmatic-hydrothermal Fe-Cu deposits (IOCG, IOA, skarn)

Education and Work Experience

2019/9-present: Professor, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2016/8-2019/8: Post-doctoral Fellow, Laval University, Canada

2013/11-2014/1: Research Assistant, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, China

2013/7-2016/7: Assistant Professor, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2008/9-2013/6: PhD in Geochemistry, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences & Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2004/9-2008/7: BSc in Resource Exploration Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China




[39] Damdinova, L.B., Damdinov, B.B., Huang, X.-W., Bryansky, N.V., Khubanov, V.B., Yudin, D.S., 2019. Age, Conditions of Formation, and Fluid Composition of the Pervomaiskoe Molybdenum Deposit (Dzhidinskoe Ore Field, South-Western Transbaikalia, Russia). Minerals 9, 572.

[38] Zhai, D., Williams-Jones, A.E., Liu, J., Selby, D., Li, C., Huang, X.-W., Qi, L., Guo, D., 2019. Evaluating the Use of the Molybdenite Re-Os Chronometer in Dating Gold Mineralization: Evidence from the Haigou Deposit, Northeastern China. Economic Geology 114, 897-915.

[37] Huang, X.-W., Sappin, A.-A., Boutroy, é., Beaudoin, G., Makvandi, S., 2019. Trace element composition of igneous and hydrothermal magnetite from porphyry deposits: Relationship to deposit subtypes and magmatic affinity. Economic Geology 114, 917-952.

[36] Huang, X.-W., Beaudoin, G., 2019. Textures and chemical composition of magnetite from iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) and Kiruna-type iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits and their implications for ore genesis and magnetite classification schemes. Economic Geology 114, 953-979.

[35] Huang, X.-W., Boutroy, é., Makvandi, S., Beaudoin, G., Corriveau, L., De Toni, A.F., 2019. Trace element composition of iron oxides from IOCG and IOA deposits: relationship to hydrothermal alteration and deposit subtypes. Mineralium Deposita 54, 525-552.

[34] Meng, Y.-M., Hu, R.-Z., Huang, X.-W., Gao, J.-F., Sasseville, C., 2019. The origin of Huize carbonate-hosted Zn–Pb–Ag deposit in Yunnan province, SW China: Constraints from trace element and sulfur isotopic compositions of pyrite. Mineralogy and Petrology 113, 369-391.



[33] Huang, X.-W., Zhou, M.-F., Beaudoin, G., Gao, J.-F., Qi, L., Lyu, C., 2018. Origin of the volcanic-hosted Yamansu Fe deposit, Eastern Tianshan, NW China: constraints from pyrite Re-Os isotopes, stable isotopes, and in situ magnetite trace elements. Mineralium Deposita 53, 1039-1060.

[32] Meng, Y.-M., Hu, R.-Z., Huang, X.-W., Gao, J.-F., Qi, L., Lyu, C., 2018. The relationship between volcanic-associated massive sulfide mineralization and porphyry-skarn Mo mineralization in the Laochang deposit, SW China: Constraints from Re-Os isotopes, sulfur isotopes and in situ trace elements of pyrite. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 194, 218-238.

[31] Wang, Y., Gao, J., Huang, X., Qi, L., Lyu, C., 2018. Trace element composition of magnetite from the Xinqiao Fe–S (–Cu–Au) deposit, Tongling, Eastern China: constraints on fluid evolution and ore genesis. Acta Geochimica 37, 639-654.

[30] Yang, S.-H., Su, B.-X., Huang, X.-W., Tang, D.-M., Qin, K.-Z., Bai, Y., Sakyi, P., Alemayehu, M., 2018. Platinum-Group Mineral Occurrences and Platinum-Group Elemental Geochemistry of the Xiadong Alaskan-Type Complex in the Southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Minerals 8, 494.



[29] Huang, X.-W., Su, B.-X., Zhou, M.-F., Gao, J.-F., Qi, L., 2017. Cenozoic basalts in SE China: Chalcophile element geochemistry, sulfide saturation history, and source heterogeneity. Lithos 282–283, 215-227.

[28] Meng, Y.M., Hu, R.Z., Huang, X.W., Gao, J.F., 2017. Germanium in magnetite: A preliminary review. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 91, 711-726. (Corresponding author)



[27] Huang, X.-W., Gao, J.-F., Qi, L., Meng, Y.-M., Wang, Y.-C., Dai, Z.-H., 2016. In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace elements analysis of magnetite: The Fenghuangshan Cu-Fe-Au deposit, Tongling, Eastern China. Ore Geology Reviews 72, 746-759.

[26] Zeng, G., Huang, X.-W., Zhou, M.-F., Chen, L.-H., Xu, X.-S., 2016. Using chalcophile elements to constrain crustal contamination and xenolith-magma interaction in Cenozoic basalts of Eastern China. Lithos 258-259, 163-172.

[25] Zhang, P., Huang, X.-W., Cui, B., Wang, B.-C., Yin, Y.-F., Wang, J.-R., 2016. Re-Os isotopic and trace element compositions of pyrite and origin of the Cretaceous Jinchang porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Heilongjiang Province, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 129, 67-80. (Corresponding author)

[24] 黄小文漆亮高剑峰孟郁苗, 2016. 关于硫化物Re-Os同位素定年的一些思考矿物岩石地球化学通报35, 432-440. (邀稿综述)

[23] 孟郁苗胡瑞忠高剑峰毕献武黄小文, 2016. 锑的地球化学行为以及锑同位素研究进展岩矿测试 35, 339-348.

[22] 孟郁苗黄小文高剑峰戴智慧漆亮, 2016. 无内标-多外标校正激光剥蚀等离子体质谱法测定磁铁矿微量元素组成岩矿测试 35, 585-594. (通讯作者)



[21] Huang, X.-W., Gao, J.-F., Qi, L., Zhou, M.-F., 2015. In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace elemental analyses of magnetite and Re–Os dating of pyrite: The Tianhu hydrothermally remobilized sedimentary Fe deposit, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews 65, 900-916.

[20] Huang, X.-W., Qi, L., Meng, Y.-M., Chen, D., Ling, H.-D., 2015. Origin of siderite mineralization in western Guizhou, SW China: Constrains from REEs, C, O, Sr and S isotopes. Ore Geology Reviews 66, 252-265.

[19] Huang, X.-W., Zhou, M.-F., Qiu, Y.-Z., Qi, L., 2015. In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace elemental analyses of magnetite: The Bayan Obo Fe-REE-Nb deposit, North China. Ore Geology Reviews 65, 884-899.

[18] Gao, J.-F., Zhou, M.-F., Qi, L., Chen, W.T., Huang, X.-W., 2015. Chalcophile elemental compositions and origin of the Tuwu porphyry Cu deposit, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews 66, 403-421.

[17] Liu, P.-P., Zhou, M.-F., Chen, W.T., Gao, J.-F., Huang, X.-W., 2015. In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace elemental analyses of magnetite: Fe–Ti–(V) oxide-bearing mafic–ultramafic layered intrusions of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China. Ore Geology Reviews 65, 853-871.



[16] Huang, X.-W., Qi, L., Meng, Y.-M., 2014. Trace element geochemistry of magnetite from the Fe(-Cu) deposits in the Hami region, Eastern Tianshan Orogenic Belt, NW China. Acta Geologica Sinica 88, 176-195.

[15] Huang, X.-W., Qi, L., Wang, Y.-C., Liu, Y.-Y., 2014. Re-Os dating of magnetite from the Shaquanzi Fe-Cu deposit, eastern Tianshan, NW China. Science China: Earth Sciences 57, 267-277.

[14] Liu, Y., Qi, L., Zhao, Z., Huang, X., Wang, Y., 2014. Efficiency of a re-usable Carius tube for determination of platinum group elements in ultramafic rocks. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 33, 45-52.

[13] 黄小文漆亮王怡昌刘莹莹, 2014. 东天山沙泉子铜铁矿床磁铁矿Re-Os定年初探中国科学:地球科学 44, 605-616.



[12] Huang, X.-W., Qi, L., Gao, J.-F., Zhou, M.-F., 2013a. First reliable Re-Os ages of pyrite and stable isotope compositions of Fe(-Cu) deposits in the Hami region, Eastern Tianshan Orogenic Belt, NW China. Resource Geology 63, 166-187.

[11] Huang, X.-W., Zhao, X.-F., Qi, L., Zhou, M.-F., 2013b. Re-Os and S isotopic constraints on the origins of two mineralization events at the Tangdan sedimentary rock-hosted stratiform Cu deposit, SW China. Chemical Geology 347, 9-19.

[10] Huang, X.-W., Zhou, M.-F., Qi, L., Gao, J.-F., Wang, Y.-W., 2013c. Re-Os isotopic ages of pyrite and chemical composition of magnetite from the Cihai magmatic-hydrothermal Fe deposit, NW China. Mineralium Deposita 48, 925-946.

[9] Huang, X.-W., Zhou, M.-F., Wang, C.Y., Robinson, P.T., Zhao, J.-H., Qi, L., 2013d. Chalcophile element constraints on magma differentiation of Quaternary volcanoes in Tengchong, SW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 76, 1-11.

[8] 漆亮黄小文, 2013. 地质样品铂族元素及Re-Os同位素分析进展矿物岩石地球化学通报 32, 171-189. (邀稿综述)

[7] 黄小文漆亮孟郁苗, 2013. 东天山黑峰山、双峰山及沙泉子(铜)铁矿床的矿物微量和稀土元素地球化学特征矿床地质 32, 1188-1210.


2013 and Before

[6] 黄小文漆亮高剑峰刘莹莹王怡昌, 2012. 东天山觉罗塔格地区底坎儿组火山岩地球化学特征及构造环境探讨岩石矿物学杂志 31, 799-817.

[5] 黄小文漆亮高剑峰赵正, 2012. 东天山沙泉子地区石炭纪火山岩的铂族元素地球化学特征矿物岩石地球化学通报 31, 575-589.

[4] 黄小文漆亮刘莹莹王怡昌, 2012. 黄铁矿Re-Os同位素定年化学前处理若干条件初探地球化学 41, 380-386.

[3] 黄小文漆亮高剑峰, 2011. -锇同位素分析样品预处理研究进展岩矿测试 30, 90-103.

[2] 赵正漆亮黄小文刘莹莹王怡昌, 2011. 中国部分城市铂族元素环境地球化学特征研究地球与环境 39, 9-18.

[1] Qi, L., Gao, J., Huang, X., Hu, J., Zhou, M.-F., Zhong, H., 2011. An improved digestion technique for determination of platinum group elements in geological samples. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 26, 1900-1904.

Research Interests

Trace element geochemistry of minerals such as magnetite and its application to ore genesis and mineral exploration

Re-Os isotope and platinum-group element analytical method and geological application

Genesis of magmatic-hydrothermal Fe-Cu deposits (IOCG, IOA, skarn)



谢欢  硕士研究生  070902-地球化学  

谭侯铭睿  博士研究生  070902-地球化学  

谭茂  博士研究生  070902-地球化学  

杨志爽  硕士研究生  070902-地球化学  

Honors & Distinctions

Merit Student of Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2008-2009)

Outstanding Presentation Award from the 11th National Deposit Conference (2012)

Outstanding Graduate of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing (2013)

Outstanding Party Member of the Kunming Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2013)

Dean Excellence Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2013)

Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2014)

Outstanding Party Member of Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2016)