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[53] Jiang, F., Chen, D.*, He, X., Dai, Y., ,Tang, M., Zhou, Y. and Zhang, M. The influence of large variations in fluid density and viscosity on the resonance characteristics of tuning forks simulated by finite element method, Appl. Sci., 2024, 14(3): 5540 (JCR Q2)
[52] Gao, Y., Li, S., Wang, D., Zhou, G.*, Hu, X., and He, X. Seismoelectric Response to a Point Source during Coal Seam Excavation, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2024, 62: 5917009 (JCR Q1)
[51] Yang, J., He, X., Chen, H.*, Li, J., and Wang, W. Scale-aware edge-preserving full waveform inversion with diffusion filter for crosshole sensor arrays, Sensors, 2024, 24(9): 2881 (JCR Q2)
[50] Yang, J., He, X.*, Wang, S., and Chen, H. Monitoring underground hydrogen storage migration and distribution using time-lapse acoustic waveform inversion, Int. J. Hydro. Eng., 2024, 69(5): 272-281 (JCR Q1)
[49] Shi, Z., He, X.*, Liu, L., and Chen, D. Wavefield simulation and analysis with finite difference method in partially saturated double-porosity media, Acta Phys. Sin., 2024, 73(10):100201 (in Chinese)
[48] Huang, H., Guan, W.*, He, X.* Modal displacement analyses of Lamb waves in micro/nano-plates based on the consistent couple stress theory, Ultrasonics, 2024, 138: 107272 (JCR Q1)
[47] Li, J., He, X.*, Chen, H., Jiang, C. and Wang, W. Inversion of radial shear velocity profile for acoustic logging using CNN-LSTM network, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2024, 62: 5907610 (JCR Q1)
[46] Pan, Y., Wang, X., Qiang, Y., Wang, N., Liu, R., Yang, G., Zhang, Z.,, He, X.*, Yu, Y.*, Zheng, H. and Qiu, W.*, A new method of plane-wave ultrasound imaging based on reverse time migration, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2024, 71(5): 1628-1639 (JCR Q2)
[45] Shi, Z., He, X.*, Chen, D., and Wang, X. Seismic wave dispersion and attenuation resulting from multi-scale wave-induced fluid flow in partially saturated porous media, Geophys. J. Int., 2024, 236(2): 1172–1182 (JCR Q2)
[44] Yang, J., He, X.* and Chen, H. Crosswell frequency-domain reverse time migration imaging with wavefield decomposition, J. Geophys. Eng., 2023, 20(6): 1279–1290.
[43] Zhao, A., Chen, H.*, He, X. Research on communication simulation for logging-while-drilling acoustic telemetry, Chinese J. Geophys., accepted (in Chinese)
[42] Li, J., He, X.*, Zhao, A. and Jiang, C. Joint inversion of formation radial shear-velocity profiles by dipole acoustic logging while drilling, Geophysics, 2023, 88(4): D295-D305 (JCR Q2)
[41] Zhao, A., He, X.*, Chen, H. and Wang, X. Response analyses on the drill-string channel for logging while drilling telemetry. Petrol. Sci., 2023, 20(5): 2796-2808 (JCR Q1)
[40] Shi, Z., He, X.*, Liu, L., Chen, D., and Wang, X. Elastic wave propagation characteristics in unsaturated double-porosity medium under capillary pressure, Acta Phys. Sin., 2023, 72: 069101 (in Chinese)
[39] Li, J., He, X.*, Jiang, C. Joint inversion method of formation shear-wave anisotropy from logging while drilling acoustic data. Appl. Geophys, 2023, available online.
[38] Pan, Y., He, X.*, Wang, X. 3D viscoelastic finite-difference algorithm of the monopole acoustic logs in cylindrical coordinates. J. Theor. Comput. Acoust., 2023, 31: 2250006 (JCR Q2)
[37] Liu, L., Zhang, X.*, Wang, X., He, X., and Chen, H. Component wave calculation and analysis of the acoustic field in a borehole within a three-phase porous medium. Scientific Reports, 2023, 13: 7646 (JCR Q2)
[36] Zhao, A., Chen, H.*, He, X., Wang, X. and Cao, X. Response characteristics of drill-string guided wave in downhole acoustic telemetry. Chinese Phys. B, 2023, 32: 034301.
[35] Pan, Y., He, X.*, Chen, H., Wang, X. Acoustic field simulations of logging while drilling by cylindrical finite difference with variable grids. Appl. Geophys., 2022, 19: 11-28.
[34] Wang, Y., Chen, D.*, Cao, X. and He, X. Theoretical and experimental studies of acoustic reflection of bubbly liquid in multilayer media. Appl. Sci., 2022, 12: 12264 (JCR Q2)
[33] Yang, J., He, X.*, Chen, H. Processing the artificial edge-effects for finite-difference frequency-domain in viscoelastic anisotropic formations. Appl. Sci., 2022, 12: 4719 (JCR Q2)
[32] Pan, Y., He, X.*, Yang, J., Wang, X. Q-compensated viscoelastic reverse time migration in crosswell seismic imaging. J. Geophys. Eng., 2022, 19: 295-315.
[31] Ji, Y., He, X.*, Chen, H., Wang, X., Zhang, H. Acoustic fields for monopole logging while drilling with an eccentric collar. Geophysics, 2021, 86(2): D43-D63 (JCR Q2)
[30] Ji, Y., He, X*, Chen, H., Wang, X. The effects of tool eccentricity on individual P and S waves in monopole acoustic LWD. J. Geophys. Eng., 2021, 18: 74-84.
[29] Li, C., Chen, H., He, X., and Wang, X. * Identifying reflector azimuth from borehole multicomponent cross-dipole acoustic measurement. Geophysics, 2021, 86: D201-D214 (JCR Q2)
[28] Liu, Y., Chen, H.*, Li, C., He, X., Wang, X., Habibi, D., and Chai, D. Radial profiling of near-borehole formation velocities by a stepwise inversion of acoustic well logging data. J. Petro. Sci. Eng., 2021, 196: 107648 (JCR Q1)
[27] Sun, J., Gao, Y.*, Tong, P., He, X., Wang, W., Geng., S. Seismic responses to an earthquake source in stratified transversely isotropic porous media. Geophys. Prospect. 2021, 69: 1336-1357 (JCR Q2)
[26] Pan, Y., He, X.*, Chen, H., Wang, X. Reflection signals and wellbore scattering waves in acoustic logging while drilling. J. Geophys. Eng., 2020, 17: 552-561.
[25] Zhang, M., Chen, D.*, He, X., and Wang, X. A Hydrodynamic Model for Measuring Fluid Density and Viscosity by Using Quartz Tuning Forks. Sensors, 2020, 20: 198 (JCR Q2)
[24] Gao, Y., Gao, Y.*, He, X., Wang, J. and Yao, C. Seismoelectric response to a point source in the media with undulating topography. Chinese J. Geophys., 2020, 63: 2069-2083 (in Chinese)
[23] Yang, P., Chen, D.*, He, X., Ji, Y., and Wang, X. Numerical simulations of sound isolators in monopole acoustic logging while drilling based on phononic crystal structures, J. Geophys. Eng. 2020, 17: 212-221.
[22] Sun, Z.*, Tang, X., He, X., and Liu, X. Numerical simulations of wave fields for acoustic logging while drilling tools in a fluid-filled trough, J. Geophys. Eng. 2020, 17: 602-617.
[21] Ji, Y., He, X.*, Chen, H., Wang, X., Zhang, H. Monopole collar wave characteristics for acoustic logging while drilling in fast formations in the frequency and spatial domains. Wave Motion, 2019, 90: 66-81 (JCR Q2)
[20] Wei, J., He, X.*, Li, X., Chen, H., Wang, X. Simulations of acoustic LWD with eccentric source and evaluation of the formation anisotropy. Chinese. J. Geophys., 2019, 62, 1554-1564 (in Chinese)
[19] Yang, Y., Chen, H.*, He, X., and Wang, X. 3D Numerical Simulations of the Acoustic Radiations Excited by an Arcuate Source in a Cased Wellbore. J. Geophys. Eng., 2019, 16: 358-366
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[14] Tao, B., Chen, D.*, He, X., and Wang, X. Rough interfaces and ultrasonic imaging logging behind casing. Appl. Geophys., 2016, 13: 683-688
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[10] Ma, M., Chen, H.*, He, X., and Wang, X. The inversion of shear wave slowness’s radial variations based on the dipole flexural mode dispersion. Chinese J. Geophys., 2013, 56: 2077-2087 (in Chinese)
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[16] 大套管内超声波传播理论研究, 负责人, 中石油委托, 2023-2024
[15] 随钻声波成像方法与声源参数优化研究, 负责人, 中石化委托, 2023
[14] 流固耦合柱面多层导波理论和随钻声波成像方法研究, 负责人, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2022-2025
[13] 多层结构中的超声导波理论及检测技术, 负责人, 航天动力先进技术湖北省重点实验室基金, 2020-2021
[12] 复杂裂缝体三维正演模拟及波场特征研究, 负责人, 中石化委托, 2020-2022
[11] 声波组合测卡方法研究, 负责人, 中石化委托, 2019-2020
[10] 海洋长距离圆柱形声波导结构声学通讯和检测的理论与方法, 负责人, 声学所前沿基础项目, 2019-2022
[9] 随钻声波地层各向异性测量方法研究, 负责人, 中海油委托, 2019-2020
[8] 阵列声波时差提取、远探测成像及校正模型测试, 负责人, 中石化委托, 2018-2019
[7] 多极子阵列声波声场模拟测试, 负责人, 中石化委托, 2018
[6] 各向异性地层井间弹性波层析成像及衰减补偿逆时偏移理论与方法研究, 负责人, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2018-2021
[5] 广义钻铤波理论及随钻测井反演方法研究, 负责人, 声学所创新前瞻项目, 2015-2016
[4] 固井质量仪器适用性评价, 负责人, 中海油委托, 2013-2014
[3] 基于逆时偏移技术的声反射波成像测井理论与实验研究, 负责人, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2014-2017
[2] 超声泄漏弯曲波固井质量检测理论与实验研究, 负责人, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2013--2015
[1] 套管井声场研究, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2012--2015
[17] Numerical simulations of drill-string responses for downhole acoustic telemetry, 第185届美国声学会议, 2023-12-06, Sydney
[16] 随钻声波测井中的地层特征联合反演方法, 2022/2021中国地球科学联合学术年会, 线上会议, 2022-12-06 (特邀报告)
[15] Acoustic fields of logging while drilling in heterogeneous formations: Numerical simulations, 第48届国际定量无损检测年会, Virtual Conference, 2021-07-28 (特邀报告)
[14] Unipole Sonic Logging While Drilling With Eccentric Tools and Anisotropy Evaluations, 第47届国际定量无损检测年会, 2020-08-25, Minneapolis (特邀报告)
[14] 裸眼声波测井仪器研究进展与展望, 全国检测声学和全国储层声学与深部钻测技术前沿联合会议, 2019-10-31, 武汉 (大会报告)
[13] 基于柱面导波的横波各向异性定量评价与应用, 全国声学大会, 2019-09-22, 深圳 (特邀报告)
[12] Simulations of collar waves for acoustic logging while drilling in the frequency and the spatial domains, 第177届美国声学会议, 2019-05-13, Louisville (特邀报告)
[11] 层状介质中的超声泄漏兰姆波与固井质量检测应用, 全国声学大会, 2018-11-10, 北京 (特邀报告)
[10] Wavefield characteristics of unipole sonic LWD with eccentric tools, 第88届SEG年会, 2018-10-16, Anaheim
[9] 随钻声波测井中间接钻铤波的产生与传播, 全国声学大会, 2017-10-24, 哈尔滨 (特邀报告)
[8] Indirect Collar Waves in Sonic Logging While Drilling, 第13届国际理论与计算声学大会, 2017-08-30, Vienna (特邀报告)
[7] Utilization of a combined monopole-dipole measurement mode for improved single-well imaging method, 第86届SEG年会, 2016-10-16, Dallas
[6] Numerical simulations of ultrasonic flexural waves in cased wellbores and evaluations of the cement bond quality, IEEE国际超声研讨会, 2015-10-21, Taipei
[5] Generalized collar waves and their characteristics, 第168届美国声学会议, 2014-10-27, Indianapolis (特邀报告)
[4] Numerical simulations of dipole sonic responses in a liquid-filled trough with arc-shaped section, 第165届美国声学会议, 2013-06-02, Montreal
[3] Radial detection depths of borehole Stoneley modes, 第163届美国声学会议, 2012-05-13, Hongkong
[2] 3D finite-difference modeling of sonic logs in tilted layered porous formations, 第10届国际理论与计算声学大会, 2011-04-24, Taipei
[1] The low-frequency asymptotic velocity of pseudo-Rayleigh, flexural, and screw modes in anisotropic formations, 第79届SEG年会, 2009-10-26, Houston
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