郭双喜 男 硕导 中国科学院南海海洋研究所
电子邮件: sxguo@scsio.ac.cn
通信地址: 广州市海珠区新港西路164号
2012-07~现在, 中国科学院南海海洋研究所, 助理研究员、副研究员
2016-05~2017-05, 挪威卑尔根大学, 访问学者
2010-07~2012-07, 广东美的集团, 研究高级工程师
郭双喜,岑显荣,鲁远征,屈玲,黄鹏起,韩广辉,周生启. 自容式海洋温度和湍流热耗散率测量方法及同步测量仪. 发明专利. ZL 202110698357.1.
郭双喜,岑显荣,鲁远征,屈玲,黄鹏起,韩广辉,周生启. 一种基于温度观测数据反演海洋流速的方法及系统. 发明专利. 20211618312.5.
鲁远征,郭双喜,岑显荣,韩广辉,周生启. 半抛弃式海洋坐底三脚架. 实用新型专利. ZL 201822157153.3
岑显荣,郭双喜,鲁远征,韩广辉,周生启. 海洋底层水文观测三脚架. 实用新型专利. ZL 201822158152.0
周生启,郭双喜,韩广辉,岑显荣,鲁远征. 一种海洋流速断面观测方法. 发明专利. ZL 201810631985.6
周生启,郭双喜,韩广辉,岑显荣,鲁远征. 基于移动平台的海洋断面观测链. 实用新型专利. ZL 201820944599.8
韩广辉,尚晓东,周生启,梁元卜,李园园,沈德飞,郭双喜,谢晓辉. 自沉浮式海洋观测平台. 实用新型专利. ZL 201922453103.4.
韩广辉,尚晓东,周生启,梁元卜,李园园,沈德飞,郭双喜,谢晓辉. 基于海底观测网的实时传输潜标系统. 实用新型专利. ZL 201921632003.1.
Guo, S. X., Zhou, S.Q. *, Qu L., Cen X. R., Huang P. Q., Lu Y. Z. *, Han G. H. A tri-point correlation method for ocean current estimation and its applications in near-bottom turbulent mixing on the shelf of the northern South China Sea. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35,126602
Shuiwen Zhu, Yu Fu, Shunxin Wu, Shuangxi Guo*. Numerical simulation of void elimination in the billet during hot shape rolling processes based on Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model. AIP Advances, 2024
Qu Ling, Guo Shuangxi*, Zhou Shengqi*, Lu Yuanzheng, Zhu Mingquan, Cen Xianrong, Li Di, Zhou Wei, Xu Tao, Sun Miao, Zeng Rui. Water properties and diffusive convection in the Canada Basin. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2024
Shuiwen Zhu, Yu Fu, Shunxin Wu, Shuangxi Guo*. Prediction of Particle-Reinforced Composite Material Properties Based on an Improved Halpin-Tsai Model. AIP Advances, 2024
Yuan-Zheng Lu, Shuang-Xi Guo*, Sheng-Qi Zhou, Peng-Qi Huang, Jian Lin, Xian-Rong Cen, Ling Qu. Exploring near-bottom turbulent mixing across the Challenger Deep based on temperature spectral analysis. Deep Sea Research Part I. 2024
Cen, X. R., Guo, S. X.*, Wang, Y., Zhou, S. Q. Similarity of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate distribution in the upper mixed layer of the tropical Indian Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022.
Lu, Y. Z., Guo, S. X.*, Zhou, S. Q.*, Huang, P. Q. Identification of thermohaline sheet and its spatial structure in the Canada Basin. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2022, 52(11):2773-2787.
S-X. Guo, X-R Cen, L Qu, Y-Z Lu, P-Q Huang, S-Q. Zhou*. Quantifying flow speeds by using microstructure shear and temperature spectral analysis. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2021, 38(3): 645-656.
S-X. Guo, X-R. Cen, S-Q. Zhou. New parametrization for heat transport through diffusive convection interface. J. Geophys. Res. -Oceans, 2018, 123(2):1327-1338.
S-X. Guo, S-Q. Zhou, X-R. Cen, Y-Z Lu. Evolution of staircase sturctures in diffusive convection. JOVE -J.Vis. Exp., 2018(139): e58316.
S-X. Guo, S-Q. Zhou, L. Qu, X-R. Cen, Y-Z. Lu. Evolution and statistics of thermal plumes in tilted turbulent convection. Int. J. Heat Mass Tran., 2017, 111:933-942.
S-X. Guo, S-Q. Zhou, L. Qu, Y-Z. Lu. Laboratory experiments on diffusive convection layer thickness and its oceanographic implications. J. Geophys. Res. -Oceans, 2016, 121(10): 7517-7529.
S-X. Guo, S-Q. Zhou, X-R. Cen, L. Qu, Y-Z. Lu, L. Sun, X-D. Shang. The effect of cell tilting on turbulent thermal convection in a rectangular cell. J. Fluid Mech., 2015, 762:273-287.
S-X. Guo, W-P. Li. Inverse energy cascade and self-organization in 2-D turbulent channel flow. J. Mech. Eng.-Strojnicky Casopis, 2010, 61(5-6): 1-11.
S-X. Guo, W-P. Li. The effect of near-wall vortices on wall shear stress in turbulent boundary layers. Eng., 2010, 2: 190-196.
S-X. Guo, W-P. Li, W. Zhao, B. Chen. Sand accumulation on a wall in flows around a near-wall circular cylinder. Acta Mech., 2008, 196: 175-185.
国家重点研发计划课题(2021YFC3101305),易布放式移动平台的海上试验与验证,624万,主持, 2022.03-2025.12.
国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(91952106),南海上混合层湍流结构本征分布研究, ,95万,主持, 2020.01-2022.12.
广州市科技计划项目(201904010312),南海北部中小尺度动力结构及其生态效应, 20万,主持, 2019.04-2022.03.
国家自然科学基金面上项目(41776033),扩散对流台阶结构垂向热盐通量参数化的实验研究, 64万,主持, 2018.01-2021.12.
国家重点实验室(LTO)项目(LTOZZ1801),南海北部中小尺度动力特征及其对生态环境的影响, 60万,主持, 2018.06-2020.05.
广东省自然科学基金(2017A030313242),温盐扩散对流垂向热输运的参数化研究, 10万,主持, 2017.05-2020.05.
国家自然科学基金青年项目(41406035),基于视频序列的海底热液速度场反演方法研究, 26万,主持, 2015.01-2017.12.