葛宝珠 研究员/博导/优青
通信地址: 中国北京市朝阳区德胜门外祁家豁子华严里40号
邮政编码: 100029
2022-07-28-今,《Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry》, 副主编
2022-06-09-今,《地球环境学报》, 青年编委
2019-01-01-今,国际模式比较计划MICS-Asia, 空气质量模式组负责人(共四位)
l 核心论文:
1. Zhang, Y., Su, X., Ge, B.*, Xu, X., Tan, Q., Chen, G., Xu, D., Chen, X., Wu, L., Gao, M., Pan, X., Guo, J., Liu, X., Fu, J. S., and Wang, Z.: Enhanced Wet Deposition of Nitrogen Induced by a Landfalling Typhoon over East Asia: Implications for the Marine Eco-Environment, Environ Sci Tech Let, 10.1021/acs.estlett.2c00762, 2022. 【通讯作者】
2. Tan, Q., Ge, B.*, Itahashi, S., Gan, L., Zhang, Y., Xie, S., Liu, Y., Xu, D., Chen, X., Wu, L., Pan, X., Wang, W., Wu, J., Li, J., Wang, J., Xu, X., Fu, J. S., and Wang, Z.: Unexpected high contribution of in-cloud wet scavenging to nitrogen deposition induced by pumping effect of typhoon landfall in China, Environmental Research Communications, 5, 021005, 10.1088/2515-7620/acb90b, 2023.
3. Yao, X., Ge, B.*, Li, A., Chen, G., Fan, F., Xu, D., Wang, Y., Tang, X., Kong, L., and Wang, Z.: Spatio-temporal variation of PM2.5 pollution in Xinjiang and its causes: The growing importance in air pollution situation in China, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1051610, 2023.
4. Tan, Q., Ge, B.*, Xu, X., Gan, L., Yang, W., Chen, X., Pan, X., Wang, W., Li, J., and Wang, Z., 2022: Increasing impacts of the relative contributions of regional transport on air pollution in Beijing: Observational evidence, Environ Pollut, 292, 118407, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118407.
5. Ge, B*., Xu, D., Wild, O., Yao, X., Wang, J., Chen, X., Tan, Q., Pan, X., and Wang, Z.*: Inter-annual variations of wet deposition in Beijing during 2014–2017: implications of below-cloud scavenging of inorganic aerosols, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 9441–9454, 10.5194/acp-21-9441-2021, 2021. 【通讯作者】
6. Ge, B*., Itahashi, S., Sato, K., Xu, D., Wang, J., Fan, F., Tan, Q., Fu, J. S., Wang, X., Yamaji, K., Nagashima, T., Li, J., Kajino, M., Liao, H., Zhang, M., Wang, Z., Li, M., Woo, J. H., Kurokawa, J., Pan, Y., Wu, Q., Liu, X., and Wang, Z.: Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia (MICS-Asia) phase III: multimodel comparison of reactive nitrogen deposition over China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 10587-10610, 10.5194/acp-20-10587-2020, 2020. 【通讯作者】
7. Yao, X., Ge, B.*, Yang, W., Li, J., Xu, D., Wang, W., Zheng, H., and Wang, Z.: Affinity zone identification approach for joint control of PM2.5 pollution over China, Environmental Pollution, 265,115086, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115086, 2020. 【通讯作者】
8. Yang, Y., Ge, B.*, Chen, X., Yang, W., Wang, Z., Chen, H., Xu, D., Wang, J., Tan, Q., and Wang, Z.: Impact of water vapor content on visibility: Fog-haze conversion and its implications to pollution control, Atmos Res, 256, 105565, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105565, 2021.【通讯作者】
9. Ge, B*., Xu, X*., Ma, Z., Pan, X., Wang, Z., Lin, W., Ouyang, B., Xu, D. H., Lee, J., Zheng, M., Ji, D. S., Sun, Y. L., Dong, H. B., Squires, F. A., Fu, P. Q., and Wang, Z.F*., (2019). Role of ammonia on the feedback between AWC and inorganic aerosol formation during heavy pollution in NCP. Earth and Space Science, 6. https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2019EA000799.
10. Xu, D., Ge, B*., Chen, X., Sun, Y., Cheng, N., Li, M., Pan, X., Ma, Z., Pan, Y., and Wang, Z. 2019: Multimethod determination of the below-cloud wet scavenging coefficients of aerosols in Beijing, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 15569-15581, 10.5194/acp-19-15569-2019. 【【通讯作者】
11. Ge, B., Wang, Z*., Lin, W., Xu, X., Li, J., Ji, D., Ma, Z., 2018. Air pollution over the North China Plain and its implication of regional transport: A new sight from the observed evidences. Environmental Pollution 234, 29-38, DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2017.10.084.
12. Wang J, Ge B*, Wang Z. Ozone Production Efficiency in Highly Polluted Environments[J]. Current Pollution Reports, 2018(5651):1-10.
13. Xu, D., Ge, B*., Wang, Z., Sun, Y., Chen, Y., Ji, D., Yang, T., Ma, Z., Cheng, N., Hao, J., Yao, X., 2017. Below-cloud wet scavenging of soluble inorganic ions by rain in Beijing during the summer of 2014. Environmental Pollution 230, 963-973.
14. Baozhu Ge, Zifa Wang*, Alex E. Gbaguidi, Qingxin Zhang, 2016. Source Identification of Acid Rain Arising over Northeast China: Observed Evidence and Model Simulation, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.2015.05.0294.
15. Ge, B. Z., Z. F. Wang*, X. B. Xu, J. B. Wu, X. L. Yu, and J. Li (2014), Wet deposition of acidifying substances in different regions of China and the rest of East Asia: Modeling with updated NAQPMS, Environ Pollut, 187(0), 10-21, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2013.12.014.
16. Ge, B., Y. Sun, Y*. Liu, H. Dong, D. Ji, Q. Jiang, J. Li, and Z. Wang., 2013: Nitrogen dioxide measurement by cavity attenuated phase shift spectroscopy (CAPS) and implications in ozone production efficiency and nitrate formation in Beijing, China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50757.
17. B.Z. Ge, X.B. Xu, W.L. Lin, Jie. Li, Z.F. Wang*., 2012: Impact of the regional transport of urban Beijing pollutants on downwind areas in summer: ozone production efficiency analysis, Tellus. B., 64, 17348, 10.3402/tellusb.v64i0.17348.
18. Ge, B. Z., Wang, Z. F*., Xu, X. B., Tang, J., He, Y. J., Uno, I., and Ohara, T., 2011: Impact of the East Asian summer monsoon on long-term variations in the acidity of summer precipitation in Central China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 1671-1684, 10.5194/acp-11-1671-2011.
19. Wang, J., D. Wang, B. Ge*, W. Lin, D. Ji, X. Pan, J. Li, and Z. Wang (2022), Increase in daytime ozone exposure due to nighttime accumulation in a typical city in eastern China during 2014–2020, Atmos Pollut Res, 13(4), 101387, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2022.101387.
20. GE Bao-Zhu, LIU Ying*, CHEN Huan-Sheng, PAN Xiao-Le, and WANG Zi-Fa., 2015.Spatial Source Contributions Identification of Acid Rain over the Yangtze River Delta Using a Variety of Methods. ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS, VOL. 8, NO. 6, 397-402
21. 葛宝珠, 王自发*, 孙业乐, 董华斌, 吉东升, 刘颖, 江琪. 光谱法与传统荧光法测量北京大气NO2浓度及其对臭氧生成效率的影响[J]. 环境化学, 2014, 32(9): 1558-1565
22. 葛宝珠, 徐晓斌*, 林伟立, 王瑛, 2010: 上甸子本底站臭氧生成效率的观测研究, 环境科学.
23. 郝建奇, 葛宝珠*, 王自发, 张祥志,汤莉莉,徐丹卉,2017: 2014年6月南京大气复合污染观测, 环境科学. 2017, 38(9),10.13227/j.hjkx.201702026.
24. 郝建奇, 葛宝珠*, 王自发,等., 2017: 2013年京津冀重污染特征及其气象条件分析[J]. 环境科学学报, 37(8):3032-3043.
25. 徐丹卉, 葛宝珠*, 王自发,等.2017.2014 年北京地区云内云下的降水化学分析[J].环境科学学报,37( 9) : 3289-3296, DOI: 10.13671/j.hjkxxb.2017.0031.
26. 杨颖川, 葛宝珠*, 郝赛宇,等. 基于能见度及AOD数据的北京市PM2.5浓度的反演[J]. 气候与环境研究, 2020(5).
27. 姚雪峰,葛宝珠,王自发,等. 2018. 改进的超级集成预报方法在长江三角洲地区 O3 预报中的应用 [J]. 大气科学, 42 (6): 000–000
28. 葛宝珠*, 陆芊芊, 陈学舜, 等. 2021. 放射性核素大气扩散数值模拟研究综述[J]. 环境科学学报, 41(5): 1599-1609.
29. 谭琦馨, 葛宝珠*, 王大玮, 潘小乐, 王君华, 陈学舜, 杨文夷, 陈焕盛, 杨颖川, 张颖, and 王自发: 2014~2020年东部沿海典型城市甲醛柱浓度年际变化研究, 气候与环境研究, 27, 276, 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2021.21009, 2022.
l 其他合作论文
30. Zhang, Y., Pan, X., Tian, Y., Liu, H., Chen, X., Ge, B., Wang, Z., Tang, X., Lei, S., Yao, W., Ren, Y., Tian, Y., Li, J., Fu, P., Xin, J., Sun, Y., Cao, J., and Wang, Z.: Transport Patterns and Potential Sources of Atmospheric Pollution during the XXIV Olympic Winter Games Period, Adv Atmos Sci, 10.1007/s00376-022-1463-1, 2022.
31. Liu, X., Wang, M., Pan, X., Wang, X., Yue, X., Zhang, D., Ma, Z., Tian, Y., Liu, H., Lei, S., Zhang, Y., Liao, Q., Ge, B., Wang, D., Li, J., Sun, Y., Fu, P., Wang, Z., and He, H.: Chemical formation and source apportionment of PM2.5 at an urban site at the southern foot of the Taihang mountains, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 103, 20-32, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2020.10.004, 2021.
32. Itahashi, S., Ge, B., Sato, K., Wang, Z., Kurokawa, J., Tan, J., Huang, K., Fu, J. S., Wang, X., Yamaji, K., Nagashima, T., Li, J., Kajino, M., Carmichael, G. R., and Wang, Z.: Insights into seasonal variation of wet deposition over southeast Asia via precipitation adjustment from the findings of MICS-Asia III, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 8709-8734, 10.5194/acp-21-8709-2021, 2021.
33. Itahashi, S., Ge, B., Sato, K., Fu, J. S., Wang, X., Yamaji, K., Nagashima, T., Li, J., Kajino, M., Liao, H., Zhang, M., Wang, Z., Li, M., Kurokawa, J., Carmichael, G. R., and Wang, Z.: MICS-Asia III: overview of model intercomparison and evaluation of acid deposition over Asia, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 2667-2693, 10.5194/acp-20-2667-2020, 2020.
34. Kong, L., Tang, X., Zhu, J., Wang, Z., Fu, J. S., Wang, X., Itahashi, S., Yamaji, K., Nagashima, T., Lee, H. J., Kim, C. H., Lin, C. Y., Chen, L., Zhang, M., Tao, Z., Li, J., Kajino, M., Liao, H., Sudo, K., Wang, Y., Pan, Y., Tang, G., Li, M., Wu, Q., Ge, B., and Carmichael, G. R. 2020: Evaluation and uncertainty investigation of the NO2, CO and NH3 modeling over China under the framework of MICS-Asia III, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 181-202, 10.5194/acp-20-181-2020.
35. Gao, M., Han, Z., Tao, Z., Li, J., Kang, J. E., Huang, K., Dong, X., Zhuang, B., Li, S., Ge, B., Wu, Q., Lee, H. J., Kim, C. H., Fu, J. S., Wang, T., Chin, M., Li, M., Woo, J. H., Zhang, Q., Cheng, Y., Wang, Z., and Carmichael, G. R.: Air quality and climate change, Topic 3 of the Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia Phase III (MICS-Asia III) – Part 2: aerosol radiative effects and aerosol feedbacks, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 1147-1161, 10.5194/acp-20-1147-2020, 2020.
36. Tan, J., Fu, J. S., Carmichael, G. R., Itahashi, S., Tao, Z., Huang, K., Dong, X., Yamaji, K., Nagashima, T., Wang, X., Liu, Y., Lee, H. J., Lin, C. Y., Ge, B., Kajino, M., Zhu, J., Zhang, M., Liao, H., and Wang, Z.: Why do models perform differently on particulate matter over East Asia? A multi-model intercomparison study for MICS-Asia III, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 7393-7410, 10.5194/acp-20-7393-2020, 2020.
37. Tian, Y., Pan, X., Wang, Z., Wang, D., Ge, B., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Liu, H., Lei, S., Yang, T., Fu, P., Sun, Y., and Wang, Z.: Transport Patterns, Size Distributions, and Depolarization Characteristics of Dust Particles in East Asia in Spring 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD031752, 10.1029/2019JD031752, 2020.
38. Xu, J., Song, S., Harrison, R. M., Song, C., Wei, L., Zhang, Q., Sun, Y., Lei, L., Zhang, C., Yao, X., Chen, D., Li, W., Wu, M., Tian, H., Luo, L., Tong, S., Li, W., Wang, J., Shi, G., Huangfu, Y., Tian, Y., Ge, B., Su, S., Peng, C., Chen, Y., Yang, F., Mihajlidi-Zelić, A., Đorđević, D., Swift, S. J., Andrews, I., Hamilton, J. F., Sun, Y., Kramawijaya, A., Han, J., Saksakulkrai, S., Baldo, C., Hou, S., Zheng, F., Daellenbach, K. R., Yan, C., Liu, Y., Kulmala, M., Fu, P., and Shi, Z.: An interlaboratory comparison of aerosol inorganic ion measurements by ion chromatography: implications for aerosol pH estimate, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 6325-6341, 10.5194/amt-13-6325-2020, 2020.
39. Pan, X., Ge, B., Wang, Z., Tian, Y., Liu, H., Wei, L., Yue, S., Uno, I., Kobayashi, H., Nishizawa, T., Shimizu, A., Fu, P., and Wang, Z.: Synergistic effect of water-soluble species and relative humidity on morphological changes in aerosol particles in the Beijing megacity during severe pollution episodes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 219-232, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-19-219-2019, 2019.
40. Li, J., Nagashima, T., Kong, L., Ge, B., Yamaji, K., Fu, J. S., Wang, X., Fan, Q., Itahashi, S., Lee, H. J., Kim, C. H., Lin, C. Y., Zhang, M., Tao, Z., Kajino, M., Liao, H., Li, M., Woo, J. H., Kurokawa, J., Wang, Z., Wu, Q., Akimoto, H., Carmichael, G. R., and Wang, Z.: Model evaluation and intercomparison of surface-level ozone and relevant species in East Asia in the context of MICS-Asia Phase III – Part 1: Overview, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 12993-13015, 10.5194/acp-19-12993-2019, 2019.
41. Yang, W., Li, J., Wang, W., Li, J., Ge, M., Sun, Y., Chen, X., Ge, B., Tong, S., Wang, Q., and Wang, Z. 2019: Investigating secondary organic aerosol formation pathways in China during 2014, Atmos Environ, 213, 133-147, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.05.057.
42. Yu, D., Yao, B., Lin, W., Vollmer, M. K., Ge, B., Zhang, G., Li, Y., Xu, H., O'Doherty, S., Chen, L., and Reimann, S.: Atmospheric CH3CCl3 observations in China: Historical trends and implications, Atmos Res, 231, 104658, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104658, 2020.
43. Wang, Q., Zhang, Q., Ma, Z., Ge, B., Xie, C., Zhou, W., Zhao, J., Xu, W., Du, W., Fu, P., Lee, J., Nemitz, E., Cowan, N., Mullinger, N., Cheng, X., Zhou, L., Yue, S., Wang, Z., and Sun, Y.: Temporal characteristics and vertical distribution of atmospheric ammonia and ammonium in winter in Beijing, Sci Total Environ, 681, 226-234, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.05.137, 2019.
44. Wei, Y., Chen, X., Chen, H., Li, J., Wang, Z., Yang, W., Ge, B., Du, H., Hao, J., Wang, W., Li, J., Sun, Y., and Huang, H.: IAP-AACM v1.0: a global to regional evaluation of the atmospheric chemistry model in CAS-ESM, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 8269-8296, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-19-8269-2019, 2019.
45. Chen, L., Gao, Y., Zhang, M., Fu, J. S., Zhu, J., Liao, H., Li, J., Huang, K., Ge, B., Wang, X., Lam, Y. F., Lin, C.-Y., Itahashi, S., Nagashima, T., Kajino, M., Yamaji, K., Wang, Z., and Kurokawa, J.: MICS-Asia III: multi-model comparison and evaluation of aerosol over East Asia, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 11911–11937, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-19-11911-2019, 2019.
46. Shi, Z., Vu, T., Kotthaus, S., Harrison, R. M., Grimmond, S., Yue, S., Zhu, T., Lee, J., Han, Y., Demuzere, M., Dunmore, R. E., Ren, L., Liu, D., Wang, Y., Wild, O., Allan, J., Acton, W. J., Barlow, J., Barratt, B., Beddows, D., Bloss, W. J., Calzolai, G., Carruthers, D., Carslaw, D. C., Chan, Q., Chatzidiakou, L., Chen, Y., Crilley, L., Coe, H., Dai, T., Doherty, R., Duan, F., Fu, P., Ge, B., Ge, M., Guan, D., Hamilton, J. F., He, K., Heal, M., Heard, D., Hewitt, C. N., Hollaway, M., Hu, M., Ji, D., Jiang, X., Jones, R., Kalberer, M., Kelly, F. J., Kramer, L., Langford, B., Lin, C., Lewis, A. C., Li, J., Li, W., Liu, H., Liu, J., Loh, M., Lu, K., Lucarelli, F., Mann, G., McFiggans, G., Miller, M. R., Mills, G., Monk, P., Nemitz, E., O'Connor, F., Ouyang, B., Palmer, P. I., Percival, C., Popoola, O., Reeves, C., Rickard, A. R., Shao, L., Shi, G., Spracklen, D., Stevenson, D., Sun, Y., Sun, Z., Tao, S., Tong, S., Wang, Q., Wang, W., Wang, X., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Wei, L., Whalley, L., Wu, X., Wu, Z., Xie, P., Yang, F., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., and Zheng, M.: Introduction to the special issue “In-depth study of air pollution sources and processes within Beijing and its surrounding region (APHH-Beijing)”, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 7519-7546, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-19-7519-2019, 2019.
47. 张宇静, 赵天良, 殷翀之, 王自发, 葛宝珠, 刘端阳, 杜欣欣. 2019: 徐州市大气PM2.5与O3作用关系的季节变化. 中国环境科学, 06, 2267-2272
48. 范凡, 陆尔, 葛宝珠, 王自发. 2019: 降水对江浙沪PM2.5的清除效率研究. 气象科学, 02, 178-186
49. 姚雪峰, 葛宝珠, 郑海涛, 等. 2018. 基于多元数据分析的我国 PM2.5 浓度及其主控因子的时空分布特征研究 [J]. 气候与环境研究,23 (5): 596−606.
50. Chen X , Wang Z , Li J, Yang w, Chen H, Wang Z, Hao J, Ge B, Wang D, Huang H, et al. Simulation on different response characteristics of aerosol particle number concentration and mass concentration to emission changes over mainland China[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 643:692–703.
51. Gao, M., Han, Z., Liu, Z., Li, M., Xin, J., Tao, Z., Li, J., Kang, J.-E., Huang, K., Dong, X., Zhuang, B., Li, S., Ge, B., Wu, Q., Cheng, Y., Wang, Y., Lee, H.-J., Kim, C.-H., Fu, J. S., Wang, T., Chin, M., Woo, J.-H., Zhang, Q., Wang, Z., and Carmichael, G. R.: Air quality and climate change, Topic 3 of the Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia Phase III (MICS-Asia III) – Part 1: Overview and model evaluation, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 4859-4884, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-18-4859-2018, 2018.
52. Zhaoyang Meng, Xiaobin Xu, Weili Lin, Baozhu Ge, Yulin Xie, Bo Song, Shihui Jia1, Rui Zhang, Wei Peng, Ying Wang, Hongbin Cheng, Wen Yang, Huarong Zhao., et al., 2018, Role of ambient ammonia in particulate ammonium formation at a rural site in the North China Plain, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 164-184, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-18-167-2018.
53. Chen, X., Wang, Z., Li, J., Chen, H., Hu, M., Yang, W., Wang, Z., Ge, B., Wang, D., 2017. Explaining the spatiotemporal variation of fine particle number concentrations over Beijing and surrounding areas in an air quality model with aerosol microphysics. Environmental Pollution 231, 1302-1313.
54. Chen, X., Wang, Z., Yu, F., Pan, X., Li, J., Ge, B., Wang, Z., Hu, M., Yang, W., Chen, H., 2017. Estimation of atmospheric aging time of black carbon particles in the polluted atmosphere over central-eastern China using microphysical process analysis in regional chemical transport model. Atmos Environ 163, 44-56.
55. Wu, J.-B., Wang, Z., Wang, Q., Li, J., Xu, J., Chen, H., Ge, B., Zhou, G., Chang, L., 2017. Development of an on-line source-tagged model for sulfate, nitrate and ammonium: A modeling study for highly polluted periods in Shanghai, China. Environ Pollut 221, 168-179.
56. Zhang, J., Chen, Z., Lu, Y., Gui, H., Liu, J., Liu, W., Wang, J., Yu, T., Cheng, Y., Chen, Y., Ge, B., Fan, Y., Luo, X., 2017. Characteristics of aerosol size distribution and vertical backscattering coefficient profile during 2014 APEC in Beijing. Atmos Environ 148, 30-41.
57. Dou, T. F., Xiao, C. D., Du, Z. H., Schauer, J. J., Ren, H., Ge, B. Z., Xie, A. H., Tan, J. H., Fu, P. Q., and Zhang, Y. X.: Sources, evolution and impacts of EC and OC in snow on sea ice: a measurement study in Barrow, Alaska, Sci Bull, 62, 1547-1554, 2017.
58. Ji, D.S., Gao, W.K., Zhang, J.K., Morino, Y., Zhou, L.X., Yu, P.F., Li, Y., Sun, J.R., Ge, B.Z., Tang, G.Q., Sun, Y.L., Wang, Y.S., 2016. Investigating the evolution of summertime secondary atmospheric pollutants in urban Beijing. Sci Total Environ 572, 289-300
59. 王威, 王喜全, 王自发, 葛宝珠, 晏平仲, & 杨婷. 2016: 中国能见度长期变化及区域特征分析. 大气与环境光学学报, 04, 249-257.
60. H. S. Chen, Z. F. Wang, J. Li, X. Tang, B. Z. Ge, X. L. Wu, O. Wild, and G. R. Carmichael., 2015.GNAQPMS-Hg v1.0, a global nested atmospheric mercury transport model: model description, evaluation and application to trans-boundary transport of Chinese anthropogenic emissions. Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2857–2876
61. Huansheng Chen, Jie Li, Baozhu Ge, Wenyi Yang, Zifa Wang, Si Huang, Yuanlin Wang, Pingzhong Yan, Jianjun Li, Lili Zhu., 2015. Modeling study of source contributions and emergency controleffects during a severe haze episode over theBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei area. SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, 58(9): 1403-1415.
62. 黄蕊珠,陈焕盛,葛宝珠,姚石泉,王哲,杨文夷,陈学舜,朱莉莉,黄思,王自发., 2015. 京津冀重霾期间PM2.5来源数值模拟研究. 环境科学学报, 35(9): 2670-2680
63. Wang, Z F., Li, J., Wang, Z., Yang, W Y., Tang, X., Ge, B Z., Yan, P Z., Zhu, L L., Chen, X S., Chen, H S., Wang, W., Li, J J., Liu, B., Wang, X Y., Wang, W., Zhao, Y L., Lu, N., Su, D B., 2013: Modeling study of regional severe hazes over mid-eastern China in January 2013 and its implications on pollution prevention and control. Science China: Earth Sciences, 56, doi: 10.1007 /s11430-013-4793-0.
64. Lin, W., Xu, X., Ge, B. and Liu, X., 2011: Gaseous pollutants in Beijing urban area during the heating period 2007–2008: variability, sources, meteorological, and chemical impacts. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11, 8157-8170.
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66. 徐晓斌, 葛宝珠, 林伟立, 2009: 臭氧生成效率(OPE)相关研究进展, 地球科学进展, 24, 845-853.
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刘诺航 博士研究生 077600-环境科学与工程
何喆辰 硕士研究生 077600-环境科学与工程
董令凯 硕士研究生 077600-环境科学与工程
黄蕊珠 硕士研究生 2013-2016 现就职于上海环境监测中心
郝建奇 硕士研究生 2014-2017 美国读博
徐丹卉 硕博研究生 2014-2020 现就职于生态环境部国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心
范 凡 硕士研究生 2015-2018 南信大客座研究生 现就职于中科三清
姚雪峰 博士研究生 2015-2018 现就职于某单位
王君华 硕博研究生 2017-2023 现就职于生态环境部国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心
谭琦馨 硕博研究生 2018-2023 现就职于重庆市气象局