Dr. Yange Feng, Associate Professor
Email: fengyange@licp.cas.cn
Work Experience
2020.8---till now Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor
2018.07---2020.7 Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience
2013.09--2018.06 Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Ph.D.
2009.09--2013.06 Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Bachelor of Science
(1) Influence of interface liquid lubrication on triboelectrification of point contact friction pair, TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 2022,
(2) Surface engineering and on-site charge neutralization for the regulation of contact electrification, NANO ENERGY, 2022
(3) Concealed Wireless Warning Sensor Based on Triboelectrification and Human-Plant Interactive Induction, RESEARCH, 2021
(4) New Hydrogen Bonding Enhanced Polyvinyl Alcohol Based Self-Charged Medical Mask with Superior Charge Retention and Moisture Resistance Performances, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 2021
(5) New starch capsules with antistatic, anti-wear and superlubricity properties, FRONTIERS OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2021
(6) Manipulating Electrical Properties of Silica-Based Materials via Atomic Oxygen Irradiation, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 2021
(7) Controlling the tribological behavior at the friction interface by regulating the triboelectrification, NANO ENERGY, 2021
(8) Green plant‐based triboelectricity system for green energy harvesting and contact warning, EcoMat, 2021
(9) Reversible Temperature-Sensitive Liquid-Solid Triboelectrification with Polycaprolactone Material for Wetting Monitoring and Temperature Sensing, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 2021
(10) Gas-solid two-phase flow-driven triboelectric nanogenerator for wind-sand energy harvesting and self-powered monitoring sensor, NANO ENERGY, 2021
(11) Biofilm material based triboelectric nanogenerator with high output performance in 95% humidity environment, NANO ENERGY, 2020
(12) Sandwich-like sound-driven triboelectric nanogenerator for energy harvesting and electrochromic based on Cu foam, NANO ENERGY, 2020
(13) New Hydrophobic Organic Coating Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Efficient and Stable Hydropower Harvesting, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 2020
(14) New inorganic coating-based triboelectric nanogenerators with anti-wear and self-healing properties for efficient wave energy harvesting, APPLIED MATERIALS TODAY, 2020
(15) New Self-Healing Triboelectric Nanogenerator Based on Simultaneous Repair Friction Layer and Conductive Layer, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 2020
(16) Regulation and influence factors of triboelectricity at the solid-liquid interface, NANO ENERGY, 2020
(17)Leaves based triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) and TENG tree for wind energy harvesting, Nano Energy, 2019
(18) Leaves based triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) and TENG tree for wind energy harvesting, NANO ENERGY, 2019
(19) Synthesis of Hollow Mesoporous TiO2 Microspheres with Single and Double Au Nanoparticle Layers for Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalysis, CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL, 2018
(20) 固-固界面摩擦起电的影响因素、机理及应用研究, Investigation of influence factors, theory and applications of the triboelectric behaviors between solid and solid interfaces, 2018
(21) Tuning the Hydration and Lubrication of the Embedded Load Bearing Hydrogel Fibers, LANGMUIR, 2017
(22) A New Protocol Toward High Output TENG with Polyimide as Charge Storage Layer, NANO ENERGY, 2017
(23) Preparation of Gold Shells on Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanospheres and Application to Photothermal-Chemotherapy, CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2017
(24) Paper-based triboelectric nanogenerators and their application in self-powered anticorrosion and antifouling, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2016
(25) A nanotubular coating with both high transparency and healable superhydrophobic self-cleaning properties, RSC ADVANCES
(26) Photothermally actuated interfacial hydration for fast friction switch on hydrophilic polymer brush modified PDMS sheet incorporated with Fe3O4 nanoparticles, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2016
(27) High output polypropylene nanowire array triboelectric nanogenerator through surface structural control and chemical modification, NANO ENERGY, 2016