房勇 男 博导 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
电子邮件: yfang@amss.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京海淀区中关村东路55号中科院数学与系统科学研究院
邮政编码: 100190
2016-10-16-今,中国系统工程学会, 理事
2015-10-18-今,中国系统工程学会金融系统工程分会, 秘书长
2014-10-19-今,中国统筹法、优选法与经济数学研究会, 理事
2013-10-20-今,中国系统工程学会青年工作委员会, 副主任
2013-08-01-今,中国运筹学会决策分会, 副理事长兼秘书长
2012-10-21-今,中国运筹学会, 理事
2010-10-23-今,中国统筹法、优选法与经济数学研究会 青年工作委员会, 常务委员
2005-12-18-今,北京运筹学会, 理事、常务理事
[1] Zhao, Daping, Bai, Lin, Fang, Yong, Wang, Shouyang. Multi-period portfolio selection with investor views based on scenario tree. Applied Mathematics and Computation[J]. 2022, 418(1): 126813.
[2] Daping Zhao, Yong Fang, Chaoliang Zhang, Zongrun Wang, Portfolio selection based on Bayesian theory, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2019, Article ID 4246903, 11 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/4246903
[3] Hongquan Li, Zhihong Yi, Yong Fang, Portfolio selection under uncertainty by the ordered modular average operator, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 18:1-14, 2019.
[4] X. Chen, Z.R. Wang, S.H. Deng, Y. Fang, Risk measure optimization: perceived risk and overconfidence of structured product investors, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 15(3): 1473-1492, 2019.
[5] Yong Fang,Lin Bo,Daping Zhao,Shouyang Wang, Fuzzy Views on Black-Litterman portfolio selection model,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 31:975-987, 2018.
[6] Daping Zhao and Yong Fang,Representation Bias, Return forecast, and portfolio selection in the stock market of China,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Volume 2014, Article ID 686201, 8 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/686201.
[7] Jifa Gu, Shanying Xu, Yong Fang, et al., Three aspects on solving queuing service system in Shanghai World Expo, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 22(3), pp 340-361, 2013.
[8] Daping Zhao and Yong Fang, Can representation bias help the returns forecast and portfolio selection, Procedia Computer Science, Vol.17, pp 603-610, 2013.
[9] Jianhua Ma and Yong Fang, Absolute stability decision models of supplier selection problem under uncertain demand, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol.23, pp.685-693, 2012.
[10] Yong Fang, Lihua Chen, Masao Fukushima, A mixed R&D projects and securities portfolio selection model, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 185, pp.700-715, 2008.
[11] Fang, Y., Lai, K.K. and Wang, S.Y., Portfolio rebalancing models with transaction costs based on the fuzzy decision theory, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 175, Issue 2, pp.879-893, 2006.
[12] Fang, Y., Lai, K.K. and Wang, S.Y., Portfolio rebalancing with transaction costs and a minimal purchase unit, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B (Algorithm and Applications), Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 499-515, 2005.
[13] Lai, K.K., Wang, S.Y., Xu, J.P., Zhu, S.S. and Fang Y., A class of linear interval programming problems and its application to portfolio selection, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 698-704, 2002.
[14] 赵大萍、房勇、汪寿阳,基于随机规划的多阶段投资组合选择,科学出版社,ISBN:9787030481955,2016年6月.(学术专著)
[15] 肖琳、赵大萍、房勇,中国融资融券业务处置效应的实证分析,《中国管理科学》,26(9):41-52, 2018. (获奖论文)