First name: Yan
Last name: Du
Email: duyan@impcas.ac.cn
Research Areas
Plant mutation breeding by heavy-ion beams, mutation mechanism induced by heavy-ion beams radiation, genome resequencing of Arabidopsis thaliana, Lotus japonicus, soybean mutants
Institute of Modern Physics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 09/2011-07/2015
l Ph.D., Biophysics
l Tutor: Professor Wenjian LI
l Research Area: plant mutation breeding by heavy-ion beams, mutation mechanism induced by heavy-ion beams radiation, genome resequencing of Arabidopsis thaliana, Lotus japonicus mutants
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences 09/2007-07/2010
Master, Botany
Tutor: Professor Diqiu YU
Research Area: Plant molecular biology
Sichuan Agriculture University 09/2003-07/2007
Bachelor, Plant Protection
Work Experience
Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
07/2010 - 10/2013 Research assistant Department of Biophysics
11/2013 – 10/2017 Research Associate Department of Biophysics
11/2017 – now Associate scientist Department of Biophysics
10/2019-03/2020 Exchange researcher QST (Japan)
l Tao Cui, Shanwei Luo, Yan Du, Lixia Yu, Jiangyan Yang, Wenjian Li, Xia Chen, Xin Li, Jie Wang and Libin Zhou#, Research of photosynthesis and genomewide resequencing on a yellow-leaf Lotus japonicus mutant induced by carbon ion beam irradiation,Grassland Science, 2019,65(1): 41-48
l 1. Xia Chen, Hui Feng, Yan Du, Shanwei Luo, Wenjian Li, Lixia Yu, Zhuo Feng, Tao Cui & Libin Zhou (2019): Genetic polymorphisms in mutagenesis progeny of Arabidopsis thaliana irradiated by carbon-ion beams and γ-rays irradiations, International Journal of Radiation Biology, DOI: 10.1080/09553002.2020.1688412
l Liangwen Chen , Huangqi Tang , Yan Du, Zhangyu Dai, Ting Wang, Lijun Wu, Libin Zhou#, Po Bian#. Induction of Reproductive Cell Death in Caenorhabditis elegans across Entire Linear-Energy-Transfer Range of Carbon-ion Irradiation. DNA Repair, 2018, 63: 39-46
l Du Y#, Luo S, Li X, Yang J, Cui T, Li W, Yu L, Feng H, Chen Y, Mu J, Chen X, Shu Q, Guo T, Luo W and Zhou L*, (2017) Identification of Substitutions and Small Insertion-Deletions Induced by Carbon-Ion Beam Irradiation in Arabidopsis thaliana [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:1851-1866. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01851
l Wang X , Du Y , Yu D . Trehalose phosphate synthase 5-dependent trehalose metabolism modulates basal defense responses in Arabidopsis thaliana[J]. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2019, 61(04):131-149.
l Yan Du#, Wenjian Li, Lixia Yu#, Gang Chen, Qingfang Liu, Shanwei Luo, Qingyao Shu, Libin Zhou*, Mutagenic effects of carbon-ion irradiation on dry Arabidopsis thaliana seeds [J]. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2014, 759(1): 28-36
l Y. Du, S. Luo, L. Yu, T. Cui, X. Chen, J. Yang, X. Li, W. Li, J. Wang, L. Zhou, Strategies for identification of mutations induced by carbon-ion beam irradiation in Arabidopsis thaliana by whole genome re-sequencing, Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 807 (2018) 21-30
l Lixia Yu#, Wenjian Li#, Yan Du#, Gang Chen, Shanwei Luo, Ruiyuan Liu, Hui Feng, Libin Zhou*, Flower color mutants induced by carbon ion beam irradiation of geranium ( pelargonium × hortorum, bailey) [J]. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2016, 27(5):112-119
l Shanwei Luo#, Libin Zhou#*, Wenjian Li, Yan Du, Lixia Yu, Hui Feng, Jinhu Mu, Yuze Chen, Mutagenic effects of carbon ion beam irradiations on dry Lotus japonicus seeds [J]. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, 2016, 383: 123-128
l Wang Jie, Li Xin, Lu Dong, Du Yan, Ma Liang, Li Wenjian, Chen Jihong, Li Fuli, Fan Yong, Hu Guangrong, Wang Jufang*, Photosynthetic Effect in Selenastrumcapricornutum Progeny after Carbon-Ion Irradiation, Plos One, 2016, 11 (2): e0149381
Research Interests
隆静 硕士研究生 071011-生物物理学