Dr. Wenbin Du, Professor
Email: wenbin@im.ac.cn
Telephone: 010-82994195
Address: 7 Beitucheng Road, Beijing 100029, China
Postcode: 100029
Research Areas
1. Single-cell isolation, cultivation and sorting using high-throughput droplet microfluidic technologies.
2. single cell whole genome amplification of uncultured microorganisms.
3. digial PCR and applications.
4. Bacterial chemotaxis analysis and separation.
5. isolation, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of pathogens in clinical and environmental samples.
Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, BSc in Chemistry, 06/1998
Institute of Microanalytical Systems, Zhejiang University, PhD in Chemistry with Professor Qun Fang and Professor Zhao-Lun Fang, 09/2002 - 07/2007
Professor, Department of Chemistry, Renmin Univeristy, 09/2011 - 11/2013
Professor, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Adademy of Sciences, 11/2013 -
Honors & Distinctions
Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院“****”), 2012
Collegiate Inventors Competition Finalists (with Dr. Feng Shen), Washington DC, USA, 10/2010
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-7276-2010
15. "Automated Chemotactic Sorting and Single-cell Cultivation of Microbes using Droplet Microfluidics", Dong, L.B., Chen, D.W., Liu, S.J., Du, W.B.*, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 24192; doi:10.1038/srep24192. [ PDF ]
14. "Dynamic Interfacial Printing for Monodisperse Droplets and Polymeric Microparticles", Liao, S.L., He, Y.L., Wang, D.G., Dong, L.B., Du, W.B.*, Wang, Y.P.*, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2016, 1, 1600021, doi: 10.1002/admt.201600021. [ PDF ]
13. "Cross-Interface Emulsification for Generating Size-Tuneable Droplets", Xu, P., Zheng, X., Tao, Y., Du, W.B.*, Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88 (6), 3171-3177. [ PDF ]
12. "High throughput Single-cell Cultivation on Microfluidic Streak Plates", Jiang, C.-Y.+, Dong, L.B.+, Zhao, J.-K.+, Hu, X.F., Shen, C.H., Qiao, Y.X., Zhang, X.Y., Wang, Y.P., Ismagilov, R.F., Liu, S.-J.*, Du, W.B.*, Applied Environmental Microbiology, 2016, 82 (7), 2210-2218. (+Equal contribution, Spotlight) [ PDF ]
11. "PslG, a self-produced glycosyl hydrolase, triggers biofilm disassembly by disrupting exopolysaccharide matrix", Yu, S., Su, T.T., Wu, H.J., Liu, S.H., Wang, D., Zhao, T.H., Jin, Z.J., Du, W.B., Zhu, M.J., Chua, S.L., Yang, L., Zhu, D.Y., Gu, L.C.*, Ma, L.Z.*, Cell Research, 2015, 25(12):1352-1367. [ PDF ]
10. "Integrating Ultra-Thermal-Sensitive Fluids into Elastomers for Multifunctional Flexible Sensors", Jia, H.Y.*, He, Y.L., Zhang, X.Y., Du, W.B., Wang, Y.P.*, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2015, 1(3), doi: 10.1002/aelm.201500029.
9. "High-Internal-Phase Emulsion Tailoring Polymer Amphiphilicity towards an Efficient NIR-Sensitive Bacteria Filter", Huang, X.P., Yang, Y.D., Shi, J.Z., Ngo, H.T., Shen, C.H., Du, W.B., Wang, Y.P.*, Small, 2015, 11(37), 4876-4883.
8. "Establishment of a finite element model for extracting chemical reaction kinetics in a micro-flow injection system with high throughput sampling", Wu, Z.-Q., Du, W.-B., Li, J.-Y., Xia, X.-H.*, Fang, Q.*, Talanta, 2015, 140, 176-182.
7. "A Robust Microfluidic Device for Synthesis and Crystal Growth of Organometallic Polymers with Highly Organized Structures", Liu, X., Yi, Q.L., Han, Y.Z., Liang, Z.N., Shen, C.H., Zhou, Z.Y., Sun J.L., Li, Y.Z., Du, W.B.*, Cao, R.*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015, 54, 1846-1850. [ PDF ]
6. "An Integrated Microfluidic Device Utilizing Dielectrophoresis and Multiplex Array PCR for Point-of-Care Detection of Pathogens", Cai, D.Y., Xiao, M., Xu, P., Xu, Y.C.*, Du, W.B.*, Lab On a Chip, 2014, 14, 3917-3924. (HOT Article, Front Cover) [ PDF ]
5. "Bacterial Chemotaxis on SlipChip", Shen, C.H., Xu, P., Huang, Z., Liu, S.J.*, Du, W.B.*, Lab On a Chip, 2014, 14, 3074-3080. [ PDF ]
4. "Interface Solution Isoelectric Focusing with in situ MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry", Wang, S.J., Chen, S.M., Wang, J.N., Xu, P., Luo, Y.M., Nie, Z.X.*, Du, W.B.*, Electrophoresis, 2014, 35, 2528-2533. [ PDF ]
3. "液滴微流控芯片系统中微液滴特性表征及氨基酸检测应用", 袁会领, 董立兵, 涂然*, 杜文斌, 贾士儒, 王钦宏*, 生物工程学报, 2014, 30, 139-146. [ PDF ]
2. "Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes on Polymer Particles: Towards Rapid Shape Change by Near-Infrared Light", Huang, X.P., Qian, Q.P., Zhang, X.Y., Du, W.B., Xu, H.P., Wang, Y.P.*, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2013, 30(3), 235-240.
1. "Forced Assembly of Water-Dispersible Carbon Nanotubes Trapped in Paper for Cheap Gas Sensors", Wang, J., Zhang, X.Y., Huang, X.P., Wang, S.J., Qian, Q.P., Du, W.B., Wang, Y.P.*, Small, 2013, 9(22), 3759-3764.
1. "Multiplexed Quantification of Nucleic Acids with Large Dynamic Range Using Multivolume Digital RT-PCR on a Rotational SlipChip Tested with HIV and Hepatitis C Viral Load", Shen, F., Sun, B., Kreutz, J.E., Davydova, E.K., Du, W.B., Reddy, P.L., Joseph, L.J., Ismagilov, R.F.*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 17705-17712.
2. "Microfluidics Using Spatially Defined Arrays of Droplets in One, Two, and Three Dimensions", Pompano, R.R., Liu, W.S., Du, W.B., Ismagilov, R.F.*, Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 4, 59-81.
3. "Complex Function by Design Using Spatially Pre-structured Synthetic Microbial Communities: Degradation of Pentachlorophenol in the Presence of Hg(II)", Kim, H.J., Du, W.B., Ismagilov, R.F.*, Integrative Biology, 2011, 3, 126-133.
4. "Automated Microfluidic Screening Assay Platform Based on Drop Lab", Du, W.B.+, Sun, M.+, Gu, S.Q.+, Zhu, Y., Fang, Q.*, Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82, 9941-9947 (+Equal contribution).
5. "Multiparameter Screening on SlipChip Used for Nanoliter Protein Crystallization Combining Free Interface Diffusion and Microbatch Methods", Li, L., Du, W.B.*, Ismagilov, R.F.*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 112-119.
6. "User-Loaded SlipChip for Equipment-Free Multiplexed Nanoliter-Scale Experiments", Li, L., Du, W.B., Ismagilov, R.F.*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 106-111.
7. "Evolution of Catalysts Directed by Genetic Algorithms in a Plug-Based Microfluidic Device Tested with Oxidation of Methane by Oxygen", Kreutz, J.E., Shukhaev, A., Du, W.B., Druskin, S., Daugulis, O., Ismagilov, R.F.*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 3128-3132.
8. "Nanoliter Multiplex PCR Arrays on a SlipChip", Shen, F., Du, W.B., Davydova, E.K., Karymov, M.A., Pandey, J., Ismagilov, R.F.*, Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82, 4606-4612.
9. "Digital PCR on a SlipChip", Shen, F., Du, W.B., Kreutz, J.E., Fok, A., Ismagilov, R.F.*, Lab on a Chip, 2010, 10, 2666-2672.
10. "SlipChip", Du, W.B., Li, L., Nichols, K.P., Ismagilov, R.F.*, Lab on a Chip, 2009, 9, 2286-2292.
11. "Isolation, Incubation, and Parallel Functional Testing and Identification by FISH of Rare Microbial Single-copy Cells from Multi-species Mixtures Using the Combination of Chemistrode and Stochastic Confinement", Liu, W.S., Kim, H.J., Lucchetta, E.M., Du, W.B., Ismagilov, R.F.*, Lab on a Chip, 2009, 9, 2153-2162.
12. "Using TIRF Microscopy to Quantify and Confirm Efficient Mass Transfer at the Substrate Surface of the Chemistrode", Chen, D.L., Du, W.B., Ismagilov, R.F.*, New Journal of Physics, 2009, 11, 75017.
13. "The chemistrode: A Droplet-based Microfluidic Device for Stimulation and Recording with High Temporal, Spatial, and Chemical Resolution", Chen, D.L.+, Du, W.B.+, Liu, Y.+, Liu, W.S.+, Kuznetsov, A., Mendez, F.E., Philipson, L.H., Ismagilov, R.F.*, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008, 105, 16843-16848 (+Equal contribution).
14. "Microfluidic Sequential Injection Analysis in a Short Capillary", Du, W.B., Fang, Q.*, Fang, Z.L., Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 78, 6404-6410.
15. "Microfluidic Liquid-liquid Extraction System based on Stopped-flow Technique and Liquid Core Waveguide Capillary", Sun, M., Du, W.B., Fang, Q.* Talanta 2006, 70, 392-396.
16. "High-throughput Nanoliter Sample Introduction Microfluidic Chip-based Flow Injection Analysis System with Gravity-driven Flows", Du, W.B., Fang, Q.*, He, Q.H., Fang, Z.L., Analytical Chemistry, 2005, 77, 1330-1337.
17. 缺口型试样管阵列进样系统与紫外检测毛细管电泳联用技术, 刘军, 方群*, 杜文斌, 分析化学, 2005, 33, 1799-1802.
18. 微流控芯片高通量试样引入系统的研究, 方群*, 杜文斌, 何巧红, 方肇伦, 高等学校化学学报, 2004, 25, 1442-1446.
19. 基于液芯波导原理的微流控芯片长光程光度检测系统, 杜文斌, 方群*, 方肇伦, 高等学校化学学报, 2004, 25, 610-613.
15. 用于细胞固着培养的装置及固着培养方法, 杜文斌, 靳増军, 中国专利, 申请号: 201510729170.8, 2015-10-30.
14. 微量液体分配/混合装置、系统及方法, 杜文斌,徐鹏,贠娟莉, PCT专利申请: PCT/CN2015/077630, 2015-04.
13. 微液滴生成装置、系统、方法及单细胞/单分子分析装置, 杜文斌, 徐鹏, 董立兵, PCT专利申请: PCT/CN2015/077621, 2015-04.
12. 一种分选装置及趋性目的物分选方法, 杜文斌, 董立兵, 陈栋炜, 中国专利, 申请号: 201510113034.6, 2015-03.
11. 写入式二维微流控液滴阵列化装置、用途及其使用方法, 杜文斌, 董立兵, 乔雨歆, 沈超华, 中国专利, 申请号:201510113161.6, 2015-03.
10. 基于微管道的液滴的生成方法, 杜文斌, 徐鹏, 董立兵, 中国专利, 授权号: ZL20140655191.5, 2014-11.
9. 基于微液滴的数字核酸扩增定量分析方法及系统, 杜文斌, 李昂, 徐鹏, 盛广济, 中国专利, 申请号: 20140655309.4, 2014-11.
8. “Multivolume Devices, Kits and Related Methods for quantification of Nucleic Acids and Other Analytes”, Ismagilov, R.F., Shen, F., Kreutz, J.E., Du, W.B., Sun, B., US patent, Appl. No. 20120329038, 12/27/2012.
7. "Analysis Devices, Kits, and Related Methods for Digital Quantification of Nucleic Acids and Other Analytes", Ismagilov, R.F., Shen, F., Kreutz, J.E., Sun, B., Du, W.B., US patent, Appl. No. 20120264132, 10/18/2012.
6. "Slip Chip device and methods", Ismagilov, R.F., Du, W.B., Li, L., Shen, F., Nichols, K.P.F., Chen, D.L., Kreutz, J.E., US Patent, Appl. No. 20120028342, 02/02/2012.
5. "Chemistrode, a plug-based microfluidic device and method for stimulation and sampling with high temporal, spatial, and chemical resolution", Ismagilov, R.F., Chen, D.L., Liu, W.S., Du, W.B., US Patent 8622987, 06/04/2009.
4. R. F. Ismagilov, D. L. Chen, L. Li, W. B. Du, Spacers for microfluidic channels. US Patent, Application No. 20100078077; WIPO Patent, Appl. No. WO/2008/079274A1, 12/19/2007.
3. 一种用于毛细管电泳的微体积试样引入装置及其使用方法, 方群, 张婷, 杜文斌, 刘军, 中国专利, 授权号: ZL 200610052734.X, 2006-10.
2. 微分析芯片的高通量连续换样装置及其使用方法, 方群, 杜文斌, 何巧红, 中国专利, 授权号: ZL 200410016224.8, 2004-02.
1. 吸收光度检测的微分析芯片及其使用方法. 方群, 杜文斌, 方肇伦, 中国专利, 授权号: ZL 03114734.8, 2003-01.
Research Interests
microfluidics, droplets, single-cell analysis, cell-cell interaction, microbial diversity, antibiotic resistance, point-of-care testing (POCT), high throughput screening (HTS).
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