董慧峪 男 博导 中国科学院生态环境研究中心
电子邮件: hydong@rcees.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区双清路18号
邮政编码: 100085
- 消毒副产物生成与控制
- 水深度处理工艺
- 新型高级氧化工艺
2007-09--2008-01 台湾成功大学 研究访学
2006-09--2008-06 天津大学 环境工程工学学士
2002-09--2006-06 天津大学 环境工程工学学士
2019-02~2023-12,中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 副研究员
2018-09~2019-08,美国南卡罗来纳大学化学系, 访学
2015-07~2015-09,西班牙巴塞罗那大学化学工程系, 访学
2015-03~2015-05,瑞士联邦洛桑理工学院化学系, 访学
2012-07~2019-01,中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 助理研究员
2020-06-01-今,Chemosphere, 专刊编委
2020-05-31-今,《中国给水排水》, 青年编委
Advanced Physical/Chemical Water Treatment (国际学院)
Water Chemistry (国际学院)
[1] Huiyu Dong,* Md. Tareq Aziz, Susan D. Richardson*. Transformation of algal toxins during the oxidation/disinfection processes of drinking water: From structure to toxicity. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023, 57, 12944−12957.
[2] Huiyu Dong, Amy A. Cuthbertson, Michael J. Plewa, Chad R. Weisbrod, Amy M. McKenna, Susan D. Richardson*. Unravelling High-Molecular-Weight DBP Toxicity Drivers in Chlorinated and Chloraminated Drinking Water: Effect-Directed Analysis of Molecular Weight Fractions. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023, 57, 47, 18788–18800.
[3] Huiyu Dong, Ilona D. Nordhorn, Karsten Lamann, Danielle C. Westerman, Hannah K. Liberatore, Alexandria L. B. Forster, Md. Tareq Aziz, Susan D. Richardson. Overlooked Iodo-Disinfection Byproduct Formation When Cooking Pasta with Iodized Table Salt. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023, 57, 9, 3538–3548.
[4] Jiafu Li*, Zengli Zhang, Md. Tareq Aziz, Caroline O. Granger, Zhimin Qiang, Susan D. Richardson, Huiyu Dong*. Simple and Sensitive Method for Synchronous Quantification of Regulated and Unregulated Priority Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water. Analytical Chemistry. 2023, 95, 10975−10983.
[5] Shengnian Wu, Huiyu Dong,* Liping Zhang, Zhimin Qiang*. Formation characteristics and risk assessment of disinfection by-products in drinking water in two of China's largest basins Yangtze River Basin versus Yellow River Basin. ACS ES&T Water. 2023.
[6] Shule Duan, Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang. Removal of particulate matter and dissolved organic matter from sedimentation sludge water during pre-sedimentation process: Performances and mechanisms. Journal of Environmental Sciences-CHINA, 2024.
[7] Fukang Zheng, Yanhui Cheng, Huiyu Dong,* Lei Sun, Fei Pan, Xiangjuan Yuan,* Zhimin Qiang. Insights into the novel oxidation process of ozone/peracetic acid (O3/PAA): Kinetics, mechanism, and toxicity assessment. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 145964.
[8] Yan Wang, Lingfei Li, Huiyu Dong*, Qi Wang, Shuang Liu, Minhui Wu, Jianwei Yu, Zhimin Qiang*. Removal of carbonaceous and nitrogenous disinfection by-product precursors in biological activated carbon process of drinking water: Is service life a pivotal factor? Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 465, 142875.
[9] Shaogang Liu, Zhangyan Li, Hanchun Du, Wenzhen Zhang, Gangyin Huang, Bernard A Goodman Huiyu Dong*, Zhimin Qiang. Oxidation of iodide by PbO2, the major lead pipe corrosion product: Kinetics, mechanism and formation of toxic iodinated disinfection by-products. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 451, 139033.
[10] Yan Wang, Wenyu Sun, Huiyu Dong,* Zhimin Qiang. Accelerated degradation of micro-pollutant by combined UV and chlorine dioxide: Unexpected inhibition of chlorite formation. Environmental Pollution. 2023, 337, 122600.
[11] Shaoqiu Li, Shengnian Wu, Xiaoyu Cheng, Huiyu Dong*, Zhimin Qiang, Dongyao Xu. Adsorption, boiling or membrane filtration for disinfection by-product removal: How to make our drinking water safer? Science of the Total Environment. 2023.
[12] Xiaoyu Cheng, Huiyu Dong*, Zhimin Qiang. Formation and transformation of pre-chlorination-formed disinfection byproducts in drinking water treatment process. Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 904, 166241.
[13] Shijiao Ma, Huiyu Dong*, Ding Li, Wei Fu, Qinkui Miao, Shengnian Wu, Zhimin Qiang*. Priority Screening of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water Sources of Eastern China: Assessing Risks Based on Exposure-Activity Ratios (EARs). Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 893, 164881.
[14] Shengnian Wu, Tingting Yuan, Wei Fu, Huiyu Dong*, Ying Zhang, Man Zhang,* Caifang Jiang, Qian Xu, Liping Zhang,*, Zhimin Qiang. Perfluorinated compound correlation between human serum and drinking water in Beijing City: Is drinking water a significant contributor? Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 873, 162471.
[15] Wenyu Sun, Huiyu Dong,* Yan Wang, Shule Duan, Wenxiang Ji, Huiting Huang, Junnong Gu, Zhimin Qiang.* Ultraviolet (UV)-based Advanced Oxidation Processes for Micropollutant Abatement in Water Treatment: Gains and Problems. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2023, 110425.
[16] Lusen Li, Huiyu Dong,* Haiquan Li, Lei Sun, Fei Pan, Xiangjuan Yuan*. Unraveling the catalytic ozonation mechanisms with ZnO decorated Rgo composite: Structural properties and reactive oxygen species evolution. Separation and Purification Technology. 2023, 324, 124590.
[17] Zhengdi Wu, Fei Lou, Yubin Tang, Huiyu Dong*, Zhimin Qiang. Accelerated transformation of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate surfactant in the UV/chlorine process: Kinetics and formation of chlorinated disinfection by-products. Chemosphere, 2023, 136820.
[18] Shule Duan, Huiyu Dong*, Shengnian Wu, Bochao Zhang, Zhimin Qiang*. Simultaneous oxidation of trace organic contaminant and Mn(II) by Mn(VII): Accelerating role of dissolved oxygen. Chemosphere. 2022, 308, 136321.
[19] Lingfei Li, Yuanxiang Mao, Huiyu Dong*, Yan Wang, Lei Xu, Shaogang Liu, Qian Xu, Zhimin Qiang*, Fangying Ji. Ultrafiltration process enhanced the removal of antibiotics in full-scale advanced treatment of drinking water. Engineering. 2022.
[20] Shule Duan, Huiyu Dong*, Pin Hou, Zhimin Qiang*. Is Mn(III) a principal oxidant for trace organic contaminant abatement in permanganate/bisulfate process? Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022, 433, 134548.
[21] Yan Wang1, Huiyu Dong1, Wenlei Qin, Jin Li⁎, Zhimin Qiang⁎. Activation of organic chloramine by UV photolysis: A non-negligible oxidant for micro-pollutant abatement and disinfection by-product formation. Water Research. 2021, 117795.
[22] Zebang Zhu, Yulong Zhang, Jin Li⁎, Huiyu Dong. Insight into quorum sensing and microbial community of an anammox consortium in response to salt stress: From “Candaditus Brocadia” to “Candaditus Scalindua”. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 796, 148979.
[23] Lingfei Li, Ting Liu, Huiyu Dong*, Yan Wang, Haiyan Yang, Zhimin Qiang*. Tracking spatio-temporal dynamics of fluorescence characteristics of Huangpu River, China by parallel factor analysis: Correlation with disinfection by-product precursor and pesticide level variations. Chemosphere, 2021, 283, 131198.
[24] Yan Wang, Lingfei Li, Zhe Sun, Huiyu Dong*, Jianwei Yu, Zhimin Qiang. Removal of disinfection by-product precursors in drinking water treatment processes: Is fluorescence parallel factor analysis a promising indicator? Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 418, 126298.
[25] Zhengdi Wu, Yubin Tang*, Weiwei Li, Zhimin Qiang, Huiyu Dong*. Formation control of bromate and trihalomethanes during ozonation of bromide-containing water with chemical addition: Hydrogen peroxide or ammonia? Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021, 110, 111-118.
[26] Huiyu Dong, Haifeng Zhang, Yan Wang, Zhimin Qiang*, Min Yang*. Disinfection by-product (DBP) research in China: Are we on the track? Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021, 110, 99–110.
[27] Yongbo Dan, Lei Xu, Zhimin Qiang, Huiyu Dong*, Honglan Shi*. Preparation of green biosorbent using rice hull to preconcentrate, remove and recover heavy metal and other metal elements from water. Chemosphere. 2021, 262, 127940.
[28] Huiyu Dong, Lei Xu, Yuanxiang Mao, Yan Wang, Shule Duan, Junfeng Lian, Jin Li, Jianwei Yu, Zhimin Qiang*. Effective abatement of 29 pesticides in full-scale advanced treatment processes of drinking water: From concentration to human exposure risk. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 403, 123986.
[29] Shule Duan, Pin Hou*, Xiangjuan Yuan, Zhimin Qiang, Huiyu Dong*. Homogeneous activation of bisulfite by transition metals for micro-pollutant degradation: Mn(VII) versus Cr(VI). Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 394, 124814.
[30] Yan Wang, Huiyu Dong*, Zhengdi Wu, Zhimin Qiang*. Organic amines enhance the formation of iodinated trihalomethanes during chlorination of iodide-containing waters. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54, 4651–4657.
[31] Lei Xu, Caroline Granger, Huiyu Dong*, Yuanxiang Mao, Shule Duan, Jin Li, Zhimin Qiang*. Occurrences of 29 pesticides in the Huangpu River, China: Highest ecological risk identified in Shanghai metropolitan area. Chemosphere. 2020, 251, 126411.
[32] Yuanxiang Mao, Huiyu Dong*, Shaogang Liu, Liping Zhang, Zhimin Qiang*. Accelerated oxidation of iopamidol by ozone/peroxymonosulfate (O3/PMS) process: Kinetics, mechanism, and simultaneous reduction of iodinated disinfection by-product formation potential. Water Research. 2020, 173, 115615.
[33] Huiyu Dong, Amy A. Cuthbertson, Susan D. Richardson*. Effect-directed analysis (EDA): A promising tool for non-target identification of unknown disinfection by-products in drinking water. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54, 3, 1290-1292.
[34] Yan Wang, Huiyu Dong*, Zhendi Wu, Mengkai Li, Jin Li, Zhimin Qiang*. UV activated monochloramine promotes metribuzin degradation and disinfection by-products formation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 385, 123846.
[35] Huiyu Dong, Shule Duan, Chao Liu, Xiangjuan Yuan, Zhimin Qiang*. Why does dissolved oxygen govern Mn(III) formation and micro-pollutant abatement in the permanganate/bisulfite process? Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 391, 123556.
[36] Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang, Susan D. Richardson*. Formation of iodinated disinfection byproducts (I-DBPs) in drinking water: Emerging concerns and current issues. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2019, 52, 896−905.
[37] Lei Xu, Huiyu Dong*, Ke Xu, Jin Li, Zhimin Qiang*. Accelerated degradation of pesticide by permanganate oxidation: A comparison of organic and inorganic activations. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 369, 1119–1128.
[38] Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang*, Shaogang Liu, Jin Li, Jianwei Yu, Jiuhui Qu. Oxidation of iopamidol with ferrate (Fe(VI)): Kinetics and formation of toxic iodinated disinfection by-products. Water Research, 2018, 130, 200–207.
[39] Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang*, Junfeng Lian, Jin Li, Jianwei Yu, Jiuhui Qu. Deiodination of iopamidol in iron distribution pipe enhances formation of iodinated disinfection by-products during chloramination. Water Research, 2018, 129, 319–326.
[40] Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang*, Xiangjuan Yuan, Anjie Luo. Effects of bromide and iodide on the chlorination of diclofenac: Accelerated chlorination and enhanced formation of disinfection by-products. Separation and Purification Technology, 2018, 193, 415–420.
[41] Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang*, Jun Hu, Jiuhui Qu. Degradation of chloramphenicol by UV/chlorine treatment: Kinetics, mechanism and enhanced formation of halonitromethanes. Water Research, 2017, 121, 178–185.
[42] Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang*, Junfeng Lian, Jiuhui Qu. Degradation of nitro-based pharmaceuticals by UV photolysis: Kinetics and simultaneous reduction on halonitromethanes formation potential. Water Research, 2017, 119, 83–90.
[43] Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang*, Junfeng Lian, Jiuhui Qu. Promoted oxidation of diclofenac with ferrate (Fe(VI)): Role of ABTS as the electron shuttle. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 336, 65–70.
[44] Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang*, Jun Hu, Carme Sans. Accelerated oxidation of iopamidol in iron activated persulfate system: Roles of complexing agents. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 316, 288–295.
[45] Huiyu Dong, Xiangjuan Yuan, Weidong Wang, Zhimin Qiang*. Occurrence and removal of antibiotics in ecological and conventional wastewater treatment processes: A field study. Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 178, 11–19.
[46] Huiyu Dong, Carme Sans*, Wentao Li, Zhimin Qiang*. Promoted discoloration of methyl orange in H2O2/Fe(III) Fenton system: Effects of gallic acid on iron cycling. Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 171, 144–150.
[47] Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang*, Weidong Wang, Hui Jin. Evaluation of rural wastewater treatment processes in a county of eastern China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2012, 14, 1906–1913.
[48] Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang*, Tinggang Li, Hui Jin, Weidong Chen. Effect of artificial aeration on the performance of vertical-flow constructed wetland treating heavily polluted river water. Journal of Environmental Sciences-CHINA, 2012, 24, 596–601.
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( 6 ) 细胞毒性导向的饮用水中未知卤代消毒副产物的非靶向识别与控制策略, 负责人, 国家任务, 2021-01--2024-12
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